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Global Opportunities
Every year over 900 Queen’s students take the opportunity to go outside Northern Ireland to study or gain workrelated experience. Nothing is more rewarding. Whilst overseas you’ll load up on confidence and independence. You’ll experience the colour of life elsewhere. You’ll enrich your own journey.

Queen’s encourages students to take advantage of a period of study at an overseas university or an international work placement as part of their degree. Some degrees (especially those with a language element) include a compulsory year abroad. These are generally four-year courses, during which you will spend a year either studying at a partner university or on work placement with an employer. Many other degrees offer the option of participating in a study exchange scheme for one or two semesters, usually in your second year. The ‘semester abroad’ option will allow you to graduate within the usual three years. There are also lots of summer programmes available, when a longer period abroad is not possible. @meggyboos
There are many options and we’ll help you research them – from studying in Europe or Canada to interning in Asia or South America. Our annual Go Global Week gives students the chance to chat to organisations that can offer them an experience of a lifetime to study, work or volunteer abroad, and to hear from other students who have already taken part.
Advanced language skills are not always necessary in order to study abroad – many of the University’s European partners teach in English, as well as the University’s partners in North America and Australasia. If you already have some knowledge of a foreign language, then studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to improve your fluency. All students – not just those studying Modern Languages – are strongly encouraged to enhance their language skills and many choose to attend the University’s Language Centre, located within the McClay Library, before they go abroad. Please visit: go.qub.ac.uk/langcent
Ruth Bleakley
Rebecca Stoops

Luci McQuiston “Taking part in Study USA was one of the most fulfilling years of my life. I started the year feeling unsure and nervous about what I was going to experience and I finished the year with memories of people I met, lessons I had learnt and places I had visited, which have helped me to grow in confidence. It has been a truly life-changing experience.”
Niall O’Hagan, Accounting
If your semester or year studying abroad is a recognised part of your degree, whether compulsory or optional, you should still be entitled to your student loan whilst overseas. Government or University travel bursaries are also available for a range of international programmes, to help with the additional costs of your overseas travel. Evie Domingue
Students who undertake an international study placement are eligible to apply for the placement to be considered towards the Queen’s Degree Plus Award. The Award provides official recognition of the non-academic benefits of an international study placement, such as improved employability skills, global and cultural awareness and increased self-confidence and motivation.
For more information about global opportunities:
w: go.qub.ac.uk/goglobal e: goglobal@qub.ac.uk