QUChronicle.com April 9, 2014 Volume 83 Issue 25 Proud recipient of the New England Society of Newspaper Editors' award for 2012 & 2013 College Newspaper of the Year
SPORTS Little league, big Batten, page 20
OPINION Betta fish, best pet, page 8
ARTS & LIFE Behind the ink, page 10
Stepping up
York Hill expansion envisioned
Elhaggar ready to become next student body president Associate News Editor
Mostafa Elhaggar walked into Quinnipiac with little experience under his belt and half the confidence and knowledge he now holds. He knew he wanted to be involved somehow at Quinnipiac, and decided his freshman year that the Student Government Association would be the perfect place to start. That’s why Elhaggar ran against nine others for the freshman class president position in the fall of 2011. He knew being class president would mean he was not only involved, but in a position in which he could help his class and community. After door-to-door campaigning and a long day of waiting for the votes to come in, he won the election that year and the following three years to come. But Elhaggar says he would never have guessed he would be the student body president his senior year. “I can say that I have grown in these three years through SGA more than I have probably in the 18 years before,” Elhaggar said.
Associate News Editor
“I am really confident that I kind of know how the school works, the administration and what the students really want. I am always open to learn and to be modest and to accept being wrong or defeat.” Elhaggar and his cabinet brought the grocery and convenience store products to both the Mount Carmel and York Hill dining halls over the past three years. In addition, his team worked to renovate the basketball courts in Village and ran QU Idol for the past two years. Elhaggar admits he experienced failures over the past three years, but used them as a learning experience. “I think it’s not the outcome that is important; it is the outcome that is learned in doing these things and our cabinet and myself have learned a lot,” Elhaggar said. “Myself especially has learned a lot, and so I am looking to bring all these experiences that I have had and to carry them out my senior See PRESIDENT Page 3
Junior Mostafa Elhaggar will become the next student body president after running unopposed in last week’s election.
award-winning website since 2009
Do you like Mostafa Elhaggar’s plans for the university?
While Quinnipiac saw some housing changes this academic year, including sophomores living on the York Hill campus, Residential Life Director Jennifer Crane says not much will change in the upcoming fall semester. Residential Life projects sophomores will not live on York Hill next academic year, Crane said. Transfers, juniors and seniors will be housed on York Hill and surrounding university properties, she said. Current sophomores can also pick university houses on New Road for next semester. “These are available on a limited basis,” Crane said. “With the sense of independence coupled with the
see what’s happening on
Alpha Delta Pi sisters compete in Friday night’s lip sync event at TD Bank Sports Center during Greek Week.
Full story, more photos page 7
Facilities is considering themed housing in new residential buildings on the York Hill campus. Facilities will work with student affairs to program a housing plan that supports students’ desires, Vice President of Facilities and Capital Planning Sal Filardi said. In themed-style housing, students from the same organization or who have a similar “lifestyle” live under one apartment complex, Filardi said. The new buildings on York Hill could have 300 beds for themed housing and 300 beds for “regular” apartments, he said. “In the next six to 12 months, we probably will have a better idea of what it is we would like to build,” Filardi said. “And then once we identify what it is we want to build, then we would figure out the funding and what it actually is that will be constructed.” Filardi met with focus groups involving the Greek community earlier this year to discuss the possibility of Greek housing. The presidents of each chapter in Greek life, as well as recent members and a few others, were present at separate focus groups. Greek housing is not the only thought on Filardi’s mind See HOUSING Page 5
Sophomores to stay on Mount Carmel campus
Alpha Delta Pi wins Greek Week
Check out our website redesign.
luxury of Quinnipiac services, these houses will go fast.” The number of students who will live on campus as juniors next year increased, Crane said. “We are happy to report that more current sophomores paid a deposit for next fall than in the recent past,” she said. This year’s freshman class was the largest freshman class ever at Quinnipiac and one of the reasons why housing changes were made for this fall. As a result, sophomores were moved to the suite-style residence halls and freshmen were assigned in Mountainview. About 25 sophomores and all transfer students lived on York Hill, a campus traditionally meant for juniors and seniors.
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
Sophomore Jeffrey Sarin said the university made the right choice to keep sophomores on the Mount Carmel campus next semester. “I don’t think sophomores should be up there [on York Hill],” Sarin said. “I know that transfer students have to live up there, so that’s not fair also, but I think the group should stay together, freshmen stay together, sophomores stay together.” Crane said the growing number of students on campus is a good thing. “We have spaces on York Hill to accommodate larger class sizes as they persist through their time at Quinnipiac,” she said. “We will be able to accommodate everyone who See RESIDENTIAL LIFE Page 6
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Three executive board members ran unopposed in last week’s Student Government Association executive board elections. The Chronicle asked students about what they thought about the elections. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Katherine Rojas
Chris Aiello |Freshman
“There are only so many students here but yet there are only a few people running for each position. If I was going to run I would feel bad for the people who had it last year and I wouldn’t want to take their position.”
Andrew Badillo| Freshman “I just think that nobody else wanted to run and there was no other side to hear from. There was only one candidate and that was it. I mean it’s always good to have different sides.”
Jeremy Robideau | Junior
“It’s kind of weird. I don’t see why nobody else wants to run. Does nobody care that much? But hey, it’s democracy, if nobody wants to be in charge, whoever is in charge is going to stay in charge.”
Hillary Nixon|Junior “If nobody wanted to do it and he wanted to I think it’s fair. He may not be the best person but nobody else wanted to do it.”
THE QUINNIPIAC CHRONICLE is the proud recipient of the New England Society of Newspaper Editors’ award for College Newspaper of the Year in New England for 2011-12 and 2012-13. MAILING ADDRESS Quinnipiac University 275 Mount Carmel Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 THE CHRONICLE is distributed around all three university campuses every Wednesday when school is in session except during exam periods. Single copies are free. Newspaper theft is a crime. Those who violate the single copy rule may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution and/or subject to university discipline. Please report suspicious activity to university security (203-582-6200) and Lila Carney at adviser@quchronicle.com. For additional copies, contact the student media office for rates. ADVERTISING inquiries can be sent to advertise@quchronicle.com. Inquiries must be made a week prior to publication. SEND TIPS, including news tips, corrections or suggestions to Katherine Rojas at editor@quchronicle.com LETTERS TO THE EDITOR should be between 250 and 400 words and must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief before going to print. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit all material, including advertising, based on content, grammar and space requirements. Send letters to editor@quchronicle. com. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Chronicle.
Beyond the Bobcats New details emerge on Malaysian flight 370
Weeks passed since Malaysian Flight 370 went missing, but on Monday the chief of the Australian agency coordinating the flight search said researches have their “most promising lead” thus far, according to NBC. A Chinese ship reached signals from deep below sea level in the Indian Ocean on Saturday. An Australian navy ship also picked up signals in the Indian Ocean on Sunday. The signals were similar to those sent by a flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder, according to CNN. It could take days before the origin of the signals is finalized. The U.S. Navy supervisor said he is cautious and has measurable optimism about the findings, according to CNN.
By Amanda Hoskins A rundown on news outside the Quinnipiac campus
Supreme Court case shut down
Trinity college student assaulted
The Supreme Court shut down an appeal from a photographer on Monday who refused to cover a same-sex marriage ceremony, according to NBC. In September 2006, Vanessa Willock asked Elane Photography in Albuquerque, N.M., to photograph a marriage ceremony between two women. The agency refused and Willock sued. The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled the photography company violated the state’s public accommodation law. The court ruled photography companies can take photos of what they please on their own time, but if they are asked to produce a photograph for business purposes they must do so.
Police are searching for a group of men who allegedly assaulted a Trinity college student Saturday afternoon, according to the New Haven Register. A man on a bicycle carrying a camera, along with three men in a pickup truck, approached a girl and another female student asking if they wanted to be filmed. One man allegedly groped one of the students, grabbing her arm. The student was able to get away. No arrests have been made yet, according to the New Haven Register.
April 9, 2014
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
Elhaggar’s goals include pub on York hill, new coffee shop
After serving as class president his freshman, sophomore and junior years, Mostafa Elhaggar will be the school’s next student body president. His main goal is to give students more of a voice on campus. PRESIDENT from cover year and to do the best I can.” As student body president, Elhaggar hopes to strengthen the relationship between the students and administration. He also plans on working to bring a coffee shop to the Mount Carmel campus, bring back a revamped university recognized May Weekend
as well as put a pub on the York Hill campus. His cabinet also worked on bringing larger vending machines with a greater selection to campus. This is something students can expect to see when coming to campus in the fall, Elhaggar said. “The basis of the initiative is to have more student influence on what is going on with the school,” Elhaggar said. “I think it is really
important and it is going to do big things.” Elhaggar said he understands he may not be able to accomplish all of this in the next year, but it is important he starts these initiatives and the presidents that follow can continue them. Besides these additions to campus, Elhaggar wants to give every student a voice. “I want to showcase the power we have
that is undervalued,” he said. “I want to make sure that every student knows the amount of influence that they could possess on campus.” Elhaggar’s cabinet members say they have confidence in him and the job he will do next year. “There is a reason he ran unopposed and that is because every single person in the organization knew he was the person to be the face of the organization,” said current sophomore class president Jonathan Atkin, who was elected vice president of SGA. “The first thing he always does is question and he always brings in every possible perspective and weighs every option. He is a very analytical thinker when it comes down to it.” Current Vice President of SGA Evangelos Milas feels confident Elhaggar is ready to accept the responsibilities of student body president. “In the past few years he has been someone in the organization that everyone kind of looked toward,” Milas said. “He is challenging the status quo and things that have been in place. He is always able to take a step back and look at the kind of overview of things, which I think is really important for a president.” Heading into the past few months, Elhaggar knew he may be the one for the position and he said he feels the past three years prepared him for this point. “Knowing that I could possibly be in that position, filling in the shoes of these amazing leaders is something that was a little nerve-racking,” he said. “However, to me the student body president is nothing more than just an avenue to advocate on behalf of the students.”
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The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Students (top left, bottom left) volunteered at Hopkins School in New Haven, the Bethany Historical Society (top right) and the Farmington Canal Trail (bottom right) for Saturday’s Big Event.
Sites where most students volunteered
Growth of the Big Event 2010
About 1,700 volunteers from the Quinnipiac community traveled to approximately 120 sites in Hamden and the surrounding towns for a day of service on Saturday. The Big Event is a national day when college students across the country give back to their community. When the university started the Big Event in 2010, 700 students volunteered.
700 1,100 1,469
2014 Approximate number of volunteers
•Children's Center of Hamden •Camp Cedarcrest •Edgewood Park •Boys and Girls Club of Milford •Edgerton Park •Girl Scouts of CT- Camp Katoya •Girl Scouts of CT- Camp Anseox •Girl Scouts of CT- Camp Murray •Hamden / North Haven YMCA •Sleeping Giant State Park •Farmington Canal Trail
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Facilities hopes for themed-style housing HOUSING from cover for housing on the York Hill campus. For example, students in the honors program or students who are interested in wellness housing could live in themed-buildings, Filardi said. The Greek community was simply the first group he spoke with. “It’s not our intention to build housing that’s just Greeks are going to live in,” Filardi said. “It is for all students and what we’re trying to do is make some of it theme housing and some of it just traditional residence hall.” Junior and Kappa Delta President Cristina Attard attended the focus groups. She said she was happy to know Filardi was interested in what the students had to say. “It was great because students don’t always get their voice heard,” Attard said. “For Sal Filardi to be there and kind of gage us as to what we want so they are not just building buildings that we can’t use or are not really appreciative of was great. It was great that they included us in those discussions.” Senior Theo Siggelakis is a member of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity who attended the focus groups. “I think it’s great,” Siggelakis said. “I would love to do that option for at least one year. To live with 35 of my brothers, you get to spend more quality together and have more bonding and you get to achieve a greater sense of brotherhood, while still preserving the non-house Greek life environment that we have now.” The Greek community at Quinnipiac is growing, and junior Kappa Alpha Theta President Kathryn Dunford said having themed-style housing, like Greek housing,
will give Greek life here at the university more recognition. “We have a really strong Greek life for how small we are and how new it is to this campus,” Dunford said. “I think this would help push us ahead in terms of how nationally Greek life at Quinnipiac is viewed.” Filardi said he is taking the opinions and suggestions for what he saw at the Greek
“It’s not our intention to build housing that’s just Greeks are going to live in. It is for all students and what we’re trying to do is make some of it theme housing and some of it just traditional residence hall.” – SAL FILARDI life focus groups into consideration, but no construction ideas are yet designed. “The students expressed their desires very clearly,” Filardi said. “Some of those are things that we could easily incorporate. Some are just wishful stuff that we have no intention of building.” Students expressed mixed opinions about the plans for expansion and themed housing. “I think it’s extremely segregating,” senior Wells Griffin, a member of Alpha Delta Pi, said. “I think you won’t be able to merse the student population with everyone else. All the Greeks will be with the Greeks, all the wellness will be with wellness. I’m only in Greek life because I met people who were going to do it, so if they were segregated I would never joined.”
The university may build themed housing for Greek life, wellness students, members of the honors program and other organizations on the York Hill campus. Freshman Jennie Levine said she wanted to join a sorority on campus because the university did not have Greek housing. “That’s one of the things that I really liked about [Greek life at Quinnipiac],” she said. “That I still could be part of the bigger community and the smaller community and join other clubs and other things and I think that [Greek housing] takes away from a lot of what we’re grooming toward.” In addition to themed-style living arrangements, Filardi said he is aiming for all of the rooms built to be singles.
“We are trying to look at a diversity of housing spots to appeal to everybody,” Filardi said. “Some people are thrilled with living in doubles but I’ve also heard students say ‘when I become a senior I think it’s my right to have a single.’” The York Hill campus was designed to house roughly 2,000 beds, however, due to cost issues at the time, only 1,500 beds were built on York Hill. As the numbers of students in the incoming classes grow, more housing and more attractive housing is in the works.
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The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
More rising juniors to live on campus
Have you heard any news that you think Quinnipiac students would care about? Please, tell us: tips@quchronicle.com
University to host second ‘Walk & Roll’ Quinnipiac will host the second annual ‘Walk & Roll’ fundraiser on Saturday, April 26. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the North Haven campus. ‘Walk & Roll’ is a fundraiser to benefit the National Spinal Cord Injury Association’s Connecticut Chapter. Check in for the event will begin at 9 a.m. with Quinnipiac’s Physical Therapy Special Interest Groups. Admission for pre-registered groups is $15 and the price for walk-ins is $20.
Theater for the Community presents Shakespeare
Theater for the Community will perform “Much Ado About Nothing” this weekend in Buckman Theater. The show will open on Thursday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. The other performances are scheduled for April 11 at 7:30 p.m., April 12 at 4 p.m. and April 13 at 2 p.m. “Much Ado About Nothing” is based on Shakespeare’s romantic comedy. The Department of Visual and Performing Arts sponsors Theater for the Community.
Wake the Giant concert approaches The Student Programming Board will host its annual Wake the Giant spring concert May 2 from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. The performance will host the Campus Consciousness Tour featuring Capital Cities and Scavenger Hunt. Doors will open at 7 p.m. with Scavenger Hunt opening on stage at 8 p.m. Students can purchase tickets at www. glitnirticketing.com/qbticket.
Student presents interactive media capstone Interactive Media second-year graduate student Alicia Chouinard will present a collection of her photography on April 12 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Rocky Top Student Center room 303. Chouinard’s art will count as her capstone project and is titled “Beauty Beyond Borders.” The work emphasizes the beauty of developing countries by allowing children to create and share their own photographs.
The York Hill campus will house juniors, seniors and transfers only next semester. This academic year was the first time a select number of sophomores lived on York Hill. RESIDENTIAL LIFE from cover has paid a [housing] deposit.” Freshman Danielle Salmon said the housing process is “terrible” because she has not found roommates yet. “For people like me, I don’t have a room,” she said. “So I’m just trying to find anyone that has an open spot, so it’s hard.” One new feature of the housing process is the online roommate selection, where students can search
for additional roommates. “Previously, students could put their information in a book in Residential Life and could also preview the information other students wrote in,” Crane said. “This year, you will be able to locate individuals online. We will continue to have the book in Residential Life for students looking for a group or who are interested in being picked up by a group.” Crane said she suggests students make “a plan and a backup plan” before selecting housing. “Although we would like for ev-
eryone to get their first choice, it is impossible for everyone to get their first choice,” she said. “Being prepared with a second and third plan will help ease transition if you have to pick something other than your first choice.” It is also important for students to select housing during their designated time, she said. “That time is designated just for you,” Crane said. “If you do not pick at that time, you will still be able to pick your housing but other students will be able to pick
at that time as well.” It is not too late for students to pay their housing deposit if they want to live on campus, she said. “Often students will study abroad or decide to not return to housing for some reason,” Crane said. “This will create spaces for students who are waiting to get on campus. We want to accommodate everyone who wants to live on campus.” Current sophomores selected housing Monday and current freshmen will go through the housing process next week.
Journalism curriculum set to change in fall By CATHERINE WEHRLE Staff Writer
Journalism majors will no longer be split into print and broadcast concentrations as of next semester. For the past two years, the School of Communications and the journalism department have revamped the journalism curriculum to prepare incoming students for the changing journalism field, Associate Professor of Journalism Ben Bogardus said. “To focus a career on being a print journalist or being a broadcast journalist doesn’t make any sense anymore,” Dean of the School of Communications Lee Kamlet said. “Anybody who’s a journalist these days has to be able to do both.” The journalism department and School of Communications decided to update the journalism curriculum after looking at the field’s current trends. “We thought that just having print and just having broadcast and not having the ability to take courses back and forth was doing a disservice to the students,” Bogardus said. This change will only affect incoming freshmen, not current students. The incoming class of 2018 is aware of this change and the journalism department will reiterate the information to them at orientation in the summer, Bogardus said.
Sophomore Tiffany Mut said it is a “bad idea” for journalism majors to not choose a print or broadcast concentration. “They are completely different,” Mut said. “Broadcasting is very hands-on and personal and print is not. I think it’s a bad idea to take the ability to concentrate away.” The journalism department redesigned its curriculum before the change could be put into effect, Bogardus said. Then the journalism department, the School of Communications, the Faculty Senate Committee and the Faculty Senate voted to approve the new curriculum, he said. There are various classes in the 100, 200 and 300 levels being added to the course load of journalism majors, Bogardus said. Such classes include changes in the core classes and electives that a student can chose to take.
“To focus a career on being a print journalist or being a broadcast journalist doesn’t make any sense anymore.” – LEE KAMLET They consist of, electronic news gathering (JRN 106), reporting for TV (JRN 291), and broadcast performance (JRN 395). This
The journalism department will eliminate print and broadcast concentrations for incoming freshmen. way journalism students will have the ability to experience both print and broadcast classes. The journalism department and the School of Communications also hired two new faculty members that have the experience and tools to prepare students for the world of journalism, Bogardus said. The university hired Kevin Convey, former editor-in-chief of the New York Daily News, and Amy Walker, a multimedia journalist at the New York Times, Kamlet said.
Junior Victoria Ramsawak said she likes how journalism majors are currently split into broadcast and print concentrations. “As a print journalism major, we get basic training on how to use equipment as well as how to write for broadcast,” Ramsawak said. “I think that's good enough especially if you're on the fence. Those classes can help you decide on which path to go. Having incoming students take both isn't going to be beneficial."
April 9, 2014
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
Clockwise from top left: Kelsey Lewia celebrates after Alpha Delta Pi comes in second place at lip sync; Darren Pipitone jumps over Lauren Beardsley in Delta Tau Delta and Kappa Alpha Theta’s lip sync routine; Alpha Delta Pi’s Tammy Nguyen performs her routine during Thursday night’s Greek God and Goddess event; Alpha Chi Omega and Pi Kappa Phi perform their lip sync finale. By JULIA PERKINS News Editor
Alpha Delta Pi won Greek Week Friday night after coming in second place in the lip sync competition and social media challenge. Beta Theta Pi took second place and Alpha Chi Omega earned third place in Greek Week, a three-day competition between the fraternities and sororities on campus. The Greek organizations raised more than $1,400 and collected cans for the Connecticut Food Bank. Sigma Phi Epsilon and Chi Omega won the can collection competition. President of Alpha Delta Pi Alea Capello said she was “ecstatic” to win Greek Week. “We’re just so proud,” Capello said. “Our chapter needed this so badly. We’ve been working so hard and we’re so excited.” Pi Kappa Phi and Alpha Chi Omega won the lip sync competi-
tion, while Kappa Alpha Theta and Delta Tau Delta took third place. In Pi Kappa Phi and Alpha Chi Omega’s lip sync routine, the students incorporated the Disney theme of this year’s Greek Week by bringing in several Disney characters, including Tinker Bell and Aladdin. Sophomore Tyler Droste acted as Tinker Bell. He said he felt “pure joy and excitement” after the fraternity and sorority won. “I just started hugging everyone around me,” Droste said. “We’re very fortunate to have the Alpha Chi Omega girls as well to help us out along the way.” Sophomore Seth Pachman said his favorite part of the routine was the end, where the two Greek organizations held paper flags with the Greek letters and danced to K’Naan’s “Wavin’ Flag.” “It’s a great show of innerGreek spirit,” Pachman said.
This was the first year the Greek organizations paired up for the lip sync competition. In the past, each fraternity and sorority performed its own routine. “At first it was really different,” senior Alpha Chi Omega member Teresa Santos said. “But then it actually made it a lot better because you had boys and girls and so many different people.” Pachman said his “dream came true” when Pi Kappa Phi and Alpha Chi Omega took first place in lip sync. “We’re going to take this victory and translate it to our philanthropy,” Pachman said. “And translate it to our brotherhood as just another indication of us becoming the best chapter we can possibly be.” On Thursday night, the judges crowned Beta Theta Pi’s Matt Kaplan and Kappa Alpha Theta’s Catrina Grieco Greek God and God-
dess, respectively. At the God and Goddess event, one member from each fraternity and sorority dressed up as a Disney character, wore a toga representing Greek unity, performed a talent and answered a randomly picked question. Kaplan dressed as Woody for the costume round and danced to the song “#Selfie” by The Chainsmokers with six of his brothers for the talent portion. Kaplan, a dancer for a DJ company, said he thought he would not like the talent round, but it ended up being his favorite part. “We pretty much had two days to put this together,” Kaplan said. “I honestly couldn’t have done it without any of my brothers. I needed every single one of them there.” Grieco applied stage makeup to several of her sorority sisters’ faces to make them look like zombies for her talent. Then, the women danced
to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” “I’ve never won anything ever, so this is really exciting for me, especially because I’ve been so nervous the past couple weeks,” Grieco said. “I’m just so thankful that everybody’s dealt with me and was so cooperative and really helped me out just being there, letting me do makeup on them.” Grieco said she started putting makeup on the women at 1 p.m. because it takes about an hour to apply the makeup on each person. Beta Theta Pi is the newest fraternity on campus, so Kaplan said winning God and Goddess was “one of the biggest things possible” for the organization. “We didn’t think we were going to win, but honestly this is huge for all of us,” he said. “Greek Week is really what we’re hoping is going to put us on the map, help us get more rushes and hopefully become one of the best chapters on campus.”
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Part-time work ethic matters TWEETS OF THE WEEK you drive a shuttle for Quinnipiac, not for NASCAR take off the driving gloves #hardo @JamesCarchietta Carch I can’t decide if I like being the “token Quinnipiac friend” that gets my Yale friends scavenger hunt points or not... @Elisabeth_noZ Elisabeth Emery I posted a Big Event Instagram and got 13 likes. Quinnipiac reposted my photo and got 213 likes.....and counting #OneBigRepost #ItsOkIGuess @_mjm94 Matt Morris Dearest QU population, it is 57 degrees out. Time to shed the Uggs and North Face. #quinnipiacproblems @ProbLikeMaria Maria DiSalvo
INSTAGRAM OF THE WEEK @ossama_awan Quinnipiac student center #quinnipiac #dope
We know you all love to pretend you’re artsy.
We’ll find your best instagrams if you tag them with
I have worked various part-time jobs worked at both of my part-time jobs for years. while juggling school and extracurricular Something I was asked during my activities since my freshman year internship interviews was to tell a of high school. Over the years I success story for each of my jobs. noticed more and more of my These stories did not exactly relate coworkers constantly texting to things I would be doing as a throughout their shifts or just not public relations intern, but they showing up. still demonstrated hard work–and Why is it that people blow that is useful no matter where you off their part-time jobs? aspire to work someday. Sure, I do not aspire to Before these interviews, work two minimum wage I was proud of my retail jobs for the rest of accomplishments at both my life. Getting paid $8 of my jobs, but never an hour isn’t ideal, but the thought they would matter fact that I am getting paid to someone in my future to fold clothes is enough career field. inspiration for me to work Maintaining a partNICOLE HANSON Associate News Editor hard. time job as a student shows @nicole_hanson11 Some of the most popular jobs employers strong work ethic and for students are those in retail and customer time management skills, according to Indiana service, according to Daily Finance. The University’s website. thought of working with people 24/7 may Working diligently at a part-time job for seem scary and irrelevant to your future 15 hours a week will not only impress current career path, but these skills can be much and future employers, but will also equip you more useful than you think. with many skills you may not have gained I interviewed for a few public relations otherwise. internships this semester and I expected the Working a part-time job while keeping up interviewers would mainly focus on what I with schoolwork allows students to prepare could bring to the table as an intern. Instead, themselves for busy full-time jobs, according many commented on the fact that I have to Saddleback College’s website.
Last semester, I chose to transfer job locations to the Westfield Connecticut Post Mall so I could continue to make money while at school. Since I worked two or three shifts per week at Abercrombie & Fitch, I had to lay out every detail of my schedule to get my homework done on time. Even though I was stressed when I first transferred stores, I found that I got my work done much more efficiently. My academic schedule is much busier this semester, so I did not transfer back to the local mall. I thought this would allow me more time to commit to my schoolwork, but it has really just encouraged me to procrastinate more since I don’t have to work around my shifts. That being said, it may be difficult for many students to juggle part-time jobs. Some students may not have cars or may value their sleep more than I do. Working part-time during the academic year is not for everyone. However, if you have a summer job, don’t just stand around texting during your five hour shift. Folding clothes and scooping ice cream are not the most thrilling of jobs, but they are tools to build strong work ethic and responsibility. Even if you think there’s no use in maintaining a part-time job, someone will recognize your hard work when it matters most.
The best type of roommate Betta fish make great dorm room pets
It’s the time of year where students begin the housing selection process, which may cause stress on organizing a suite, having a great lottery number and figuring out who’s bringing the futon. But instead of worrying about who’s bringing a flat screen TV and who has to take the bunk bed, why not worry about who’s bringing a Betta fish? Betta fish make the best pets, mostly because they are affordable and easy to take care of, not to mention aesthetically appealing. I first bought my Betta fish a month into school when I realized I missed my pets from home. I wanted something to fill this void, but not too expensive and easy to take care of. I found out at Petco, a simple Betta fish costs between $2 to $7 and comes in a small plastic container for easy transport via shuttle. The standard Betta kit Petco offers is $14.99 and contains the tank, a small plastic plant, gravel, water purifier and fish food. A Betta kit is relatively cheap and comes with everything you need. Many of my friends complain they do not have time to take care of a Betta fish because they always have more important things to do than take care of a fish.
In reality, the only responsibilities as a colors. When I am at my desk and I cannot Betta fish owner are to clean the tank think of the next sentence for an essay I biweekly and make sure to feed your generally stare at my fish and watch him Betta fish once a day. for a few minutes. When I clean my Betta’s Even though Betta fish are not the tank I generally put him in a most exciting pet to have, they do small carry out container with make the best roommate. a quarter of the water from When your actual roommate the tank and wash the tank in is away, you will always have the bathroom sink with warm the company of another living water. breathing being in your room. I am normally busy Your Betta fish can listen with school work but to you rant for hours on even just stopping to take end about all of your life care of my fish is a nice problems and not criticize relief to do something you for any bad decisions other than reading a you make. SARAH DOIRON Staff Writer textbook or writing an essay. Betta fish also do not @SarahMarie31 Another great reason to make noise or have quirks invest in a Betta fish is because they will make that can drive someone insane while living your residence hall feel less bland, because with a roommate. who isn’t going to walk into your room and No matter what your reason may be, notice you have a fish? having a Betta fish is a beneficial experience. Every time people walk into my room, one Having a pet fish may not be the same as a pet of the first things they notice is my Betta fish. cat or dog, but regardless they can be just as It also is an interesting conversation starter fun to own and take care of. when you run out of things to talk about. Quinnipiac allows fish as pets on campus, Betta fish are generally pretty and so why not take them up on the opportunity? interesting to look at because of their vibrant
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The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Interpersonal skills more important than ever I sent out seven internship applications to preciated and unattained by many students. seven separate companies this past sumInstead, people choose a text message, mer. Every one of the applications were an email, a Facebook message or a via email, and I never once actually tweet among many other technotalked to someone via phone or in logical advancements as a way to person in five of the seven cases. communicate with others. When I was finally able to use Americans ages 18 to 29 send my voice to talk to someone, however, and receive an average of nearly 88 I was able to make a real differtext messages per day, accordence, securing an internship ing to TIME’s Mobility Poll at NESN for this summer. conducted in 2012. And It was first a phone 84 percent of those surcall, then a follow up veyed said they couldn’t face-to-face interview. go a single day without I ended up landing an their mobile device in internship with the hand. NICK SOLARI company in large part beCouple that with the Associate Sports Editor cause I was able to truly sell myself fact that 210 billion emails were @ns0lar1 as both a journalist and as a person. sent out daily during the same year, and you I was able to orally communicate in a can understand why humans aren’t developing successful manner, a skill that is both unap- significant people skills.
Technology is providing great ways to interact with people and transmit information in a faster, more organized manner, but it doesn’t give you the same experience as an in-person conversation or a phone call would. The skills that you maintain from these such things are important to future employers, and provide another way to stand out as a job applicant. Joe Catrino, assistant dean of career development at Quinnipiac, says it’s your resume and your skills that get you into the interview, but being able to sell yourself is still very important. “If you don’t have the interpersonal skills and people skills that companies are looking for then it’s difficult to showcase your brand,” Catrino said. “If you’re not able to perform in an interview or a face-to-face conversation you’re going to miss your opportunity.” Catrino alluded to a job opportunity last year as an example of his claim. Someone had
contacted him with a job for public relations majors, and he circulated the information to his students, as he always does. He received a call weeks later asking that he take down the job ad, because the company had already received hundreds of applicants. He replied saying that he would, but that he had already had one student apply for the job. The student, who graduated just last year, interviewed with the company and was chosen for the job. “She was able to showcase what she can do with her personality, and I think that’s what it’s all about,” Catrino said. “She got the job, even though hundreds of people had applied, because she was able to sell herself.” The importance of something as simple as being able to hold a conversation with somebody can make a great difference, and can even set you apart from your peers.
Justice for Taco Bell breakfast In the March 5 edition of The Chronicle, one of your writers listed Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu as “The Wreck of the Week.” I stopped by Taco Bell this past week to try an item from the breakfast menu, and it was a religious experience for me. The Sausage A.M. Crunchwrap is officially the only breakfast food I need ever again. I fail see how this is any different than ordering a breakfast sandwich elsewhere plus a side of hash browns;
exactly how is this “too much to handle?” I find it offensive that the author was so insulting of the food without even trying it. Fast food breakfast is my favorite type of breakfast. If I had to pick between IHOP, a diner, or any of the fast food chains, I’d choose fast food nine out of 10 times. I don’t consider myself to be an unhealthy person, but I indulge when I want to. Isn’t it actually worse to deprive yourself of things you enjoy? Of
course we are all entitled to our opinions, but I think it’s fair to let those students who may want a second opinion to know that stopping by Taco Bell in the a.m. is entirely worth it. I will say, though, that the breakfast is a bit overpriced for fast food. The one flaw of the otherwise flawless breakfast I ate last week. I understand eating healthy is important to most people, myself included. I love my
veggies more than the average person. But indulging every now and then likely will not kill you or make you shoot up a size overnight. Calling the breakfast menu “unappetizing” is a lie, since it took me hours the night before to decide which delight to order before finally settling on something. I plan to try the rest of the options eventually. – Christine Little
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The Quinnipiac Chronicle
Arts & Life
April 9, 2014
Behind the ink
Statistics show that 24 percent of 500 people ages 18 to 50 are tattooed, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The Chronicle talked to students who shared the stories behind their tattoos. – S. Harris
MALLORY ROBALINO, SOPHOMORE The ballet slippers represents her horse, Dancer, who passed away. Robalino grew up with Dancer. She got the tattoo right after she turned 18. “She was just like the best,” Robalino said. “It really made a difference in my life, having her. And it meant a lot to me.”
AARON KING, JUNIOR Kings tattoo is the world map and for every country he goes to and he gets love written in that language and an “X” in the coordinates. “I got to see all different cultures and although I saw different cultures, I realized that one thing was the same, everyone loved each other the same way, so no matter where I went, love is love,” King said. “And I wanted to show this by actually getting it on my side. And it’s kind of [a] reminder that no matter who we meet, we all love in the same way.”
GI NA MIELE, SOPHOMORE Miele’s tattoo is of her father’s signature from a letter he wrote to her mom on Valentines day when he was in medical school. Her father passed away when she was 18-months-old. She got the tattoo on her left wrist since the heart is on the left side of the human body. “I thought of getting a tattoo of something that represented him most of my life because I never met him and I guess in my head it made me feel that I had a part of him with me always,” Miele said.
KEN GREITER, SENIOR Greiter went to Assis, Italy the summer before he came to college. The St. Francis church is located in Assisi and is a specific denomination of the Catholic church. The church uses the Tau cross which means peace and Amador has his mother’s birthday in roman numerals. “I got it for her for brotherhood. Greiter always said he had the peace part of it but was missher 50th birthday,” Amador said. “I wanted a tattoo to represent my mom ing the brotherhood aspect. “Then I joined SigEp and ended up being a but I didn’t want to just get ‘Mom’ written on my body, just because my member of the Tau rush class, so it was kind of like destiny and fate, it kind mom has raised me since I was two years old so I got her birthday tattooed of gave me that brotherhood aspect too and I always knew what Tau meant here on my inner arm.” and didn’t have that yet,” Greiter said. “Then I got it once I joined SigEp.”
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Arts & Life|11
DEFYING THE ODDS NAME: Lou Poggioli HOMETOWN: Middletown, N.J. YEAR: Senior MAJOR: Political Science By SARAH HARRIS Arts & Life Editor
Black suit, tight tie, slicked back hair, American flag pin and a firm handshake. Black sweatshirt, gray converse, Ray Ban reading glasses and a laptop sticker that says, “Stop Bitching, Start a Revolution.” Which description fits your idea of the future president of America? Lou Poggioli doesn’t just want to just change the world; he wants to run the free world. “When you see the problems of the world, you either accept them or you think you can do better, and I think I can do better,” Lou said. Lou isn’t the typical college senior trying to make it into the world with an entrylevel job. He will graduate from Quinnipiac in May with a bachelor’s degree in political science and the same aspiration he has had since high school: to be the president of the United States of America. *** Lou sits on a couch in the WQAQ radio station with his foot on his knee, holding his laptop. He concentrates on his screen as he plays Rome: Total War. People in the room ask him political questions as he is wrapped up in the the game. “What makes someone an American?” someone asks. Another person asks Lou to tell them what he thinks. “Why does everyone always ask me for my opinion?” He neglects to answer the question. Just across the way from WQAQ’s radio station is the Student Government Association suite, a place where most would wander if they wanted to become the future president, but Lou chose a different path. He found he could do more in WQAQ. “SGA is a puppet government,” he said. “In all seriousness, I didn’t see the point. I don’t think they get enough done to warrant my participation in it. Given the structure at WQAQ, I could do more for them than what I do for SGA. I think that based off of where I am in WQAQ today, it’s reflective of that.”
Lou is currently the secretary and events manager of WQAQ. He is the main contact for the members and helps plan small events with members of the radio station. In-between classes, Lou spends his time in the station, talking to different radio station members, like WQAQ Music Manager Jon Hammer, about different political issues, always sharing his opinion on any subject. “In the actual station, he hangs out a lot, and will give his opinion whenever a debate comes up,” Hammer said. “[He] stays up to date with the news, so he’s very resourceful.” Few people have had an impact on Lou. His mentor, Steve Balkaran, an instructor in the department of philosophy and political science, shaped Lou’s current worldview. “A lot of my beliefs is directly because of what he has taught me,” Lou said. Balkaran came to Quinnipiac the same year Lou did. “His philosophy was quite similar to mine, one of social change and equality in society,” Balkaran said. Balkaran said Lou has attributes that would make him an asset to any community. Lou feels he has always been the peacekeeper between his friends and family. He plans on taking his role as a peacekeeper and using it for his career. “What I strive to be is that mutual third party, even in my own life,” he said. “I try to remain entirely objective of my feelings and everyone elses so that the best path is what’s chosen.” *** Lou sits in his American constitutional law class, where the students’ desks form a circle. Prior to the formulation of his answer, he pulls his sleeves over his hands, covering his knuckles and shares his opinions about the court cases that the class discusses. But as the discussion intensifies, Lou uses his hands to communicate and a glimpse of his Italian roots come out. Poggioli’s grandmother often shared her beliefs and perspectives with him as he grew up. “She provided me with a moral compass,” he said. Lou tried setting an example for his brother just like his grandmother did for him. Lou’s younger brother Stefan Poggioli said Lou’s the “the loudest in the family.” “His voice always projects over ours,” Stefan said. “I guess you could say he rather keep peace and not have to be involved in or listen to us argue. Growing up he was the smartest out of our brothers so he basically set an example for me and my younger brother showing us we could also do really well.” Both his uncle and his grandmother taught Lou to not accept why things are the way they are.
Lou Poggioli sits in WQAQ’s radio station. He aspires to become the president of the United States of America after joining the foreign services. “Everyone has the potential to be and whoever it is they want,” he said. “The problem is that people don’t see that. They accept the boundaries that are set for them.” Lou’s father has high expectations of him, he said, and would scold him when he would do anything less. It came to the point where enough was enough for him. He is where he is today because of himself and not because of where his parents wanted him to be, he said. “I’m as capable as I am not because I was told to, but because I wanted to,” Lou said. His father did, however, influence him to apply to law school.
“Everyone has the potential to be and whoever it is they want. The problem is that people don’t see that. They accept the boundaries that are set for them.”
Lou is accepted the law schools at Drexel, Hofstra and Catholic University. He wants to join the foreign services but is mindful of the fact that he might not have the right credentials. He thinks going to law school would be a proper step to take before joining the foreign services. The foreign service deals with relationships with other countries. In simple terms, Lou wants to be the peacekeeper between other countries. Lou believes war is not the answer, but rather sitting down and talking things out and actually listening to what others have to say.
“Despite my heated demeanor, I prefer the path with the least amount of conflict in it,” Lou said. “Violence is the complete breakdown of communication. That usually occurs when no one is willing to come to the table and talk.” He doesn’t see anything being resolved by people not being honest with each other. He believes that people, too often, talk about others behind their backs rather than confronting them. Within the foreign services, there are five different areas that people can work as: management, economic, consular, political and public diplomacy, according to careers. state.gov. Lou sees himself as a political officer where he would have the opportunity to work with other governments concerning political matters. He must take a test to get his spot in the foreign services. The first one available to him is June 8, 18 days after graduation. Lou speaks with great confidence as he describes his career plan. After being in the foreign services, he would run for office, being so young, he might run for senate or congress first, then take the final step and run for president. “That way I can say I have foreign policy experience and domestic policy experience so I have the most well-rounded set of experiences that would make me qualified to run,” he said. Former U.S. President George Washington is Lou’s hero. He expresses how Washington led the country in a time of crisis and didn’t let power go to his head. “It was a time in history where you could say someone was fighting for ideals and not for their own power,” Lou said. “And sure everyone’s ambitions come into play, but at the end of the day, he didn’t let his get in the way of him.”
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Summer Courses
Get closer to your degree with online summer courses. With Quinnipiac University Online, it’s easy to grow as a student without sacrificing your summer. Learn from faculty with real-world experience who provide you with the exact insights and tools you need to thrive in today’s most competitive fields. Choose from a diverse summer course list with topics in:
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Take the next step. Find details and a full list of summer courses at www.quinnipiac.edu/online/summer
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Arts & Life|13
University pays student leaders By KELLIE MASON Staff Writer
It’s the $10,000 question: would you run for Student Government Association executive board if you knew you would get paid? The five positions each get a $10,000 tuition stipend upon election. This stipend is not from tuition money said Daniel Brown, assistant dean of student affairs and director for student and campus life. It comes from a small pool of funds directly from the university. Other paid student leadership positions include media leaders, such as the editorin-chief of The Chronicle, the editor of the yearbook, the chairman of QBSN, the general manager of Q30 and the general manager of WQAQ, who all receive a $10,000 stipend. No other student organization leader receives any sort of compensation. The agreement was set up for at least more than 12 years, Brown said. “The expectations we have of [student
leaders] as a campus life office are much higher than the your run-of-the-mill student organization,” Brown said. “For example, the SGA president is elected by his or her peers and they have a responsibility to the student body. Much like the leaders of student media who have a responsibility to inform students. A smaller club is just responsible for their
“It’s not a secret. There’s a lot of work that goes into these positions too so I like that we’re able to compensate them in some way.”
club, they are not required to lead or inform the student body the same way.” All of the 10 leaders have to sign a contract outlining their expectations. They also
have to hold office hours and if they have another job, such as work study, they have to get it approved by their advisor, Brown said. “It’s not a secret,” Brown said. “There’s a lot of work that goes into these positions too so I like that we’re able to compensate them in some way.” Brown has not spoken to anyone who ran for a position because of the stipend. However, one can’t simply just run for a position on the executive board. They have to hold a certain GPA and be on SGA for at least one full year, Brown said. Once tuition is paid, it becomes the university’s money. Some find it hard to believe that no money from the tuition fee goes towards the leaders’ stipends. “Our money is the school’s money; it’s hard to believe that even a little bit of our tuition doesn’t go towards this,” sophomore Samantha Pedraza said. The leaders of SGA spend their time working with the university but some students do not feel like they should get paid
for it. Some believe they should volunteer to represent the school. Others think they should get paid something. Pedraza and freshman Matt Schneider, both said they don’t know what SGA has done for the school to deserve the $10,000. “I never heard of anything substantial that they have done, nor do I know any of their names,” Pedraza said. Some students, like sophomore Francesca Bolton, wonder if they deserve the stipend that they are given. “I think the people we vote into those positions — it’s kind of more of a popularity contest than anything else,” Bolton said. “They ask us our opinion on stuff but they don’t really get much done.” However, if it was advertized that student leaders received a stipend after being elected into office, some students, like sophomore Charlie Scheid, would consider running for a position on the executive board. “I had no idea they got paid; sign me up,” Scheid said.
Kickin’ it for CASA
Kappa Alpha Theta held its annual Kicks for CASA kickball tournament fundraiser last Sunday on the Quad. Some teams that participated include the women’s rugby team, the men’s ice hockey team, Alpha Delta Pi, Pi Kappa Phi and Delta Tau Delta, which won the tournament.
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Arts & Life| 15
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Emily's Music Corner
We come, we rave, we love
century,” according to Simon Warner, Electric Daisy Carnival. Bonnaroo. author of “Remembering Woodstock.” Coachella. Ultra. SXSW. Sasquatch!. While it is amazing to witness how Electric Forest. Warped Tour. Summusic can bring people together, it merfest. Mayhem. Lollapalooza. has taken a wide turn from WoodElectric Zoo. Burning Man. The list goes on. Music in the sumstock and its “3 Days of Peace & Music.” Young people who mertime is essential. There’s attend music festivals and nothing more relaxing or ensummer concerts are ready ergy-inducing than being outwith their stash of alcohol and side on a warm sunny day with drugs to indulge in before hitting music around you. And so, music the concert lawn. While this is festivals were born. They are a By EMILY MISIEWICZ Staff Writer expected and almost accepted place where like-minded people who love certain music come together to jam today, it sometimes is hard to distinguish the line between the reasons why people attend out to their favorite artists’ live music. The history of music festivals can be traced the show — for the music or for the tailgate. back to the sixth century BCE at The Pythian Drinking before a show is a ritual for most Games at Delphi, which was held every four people, where they socialize with their friends, years in honor of the Greek god Apollo. The have fun and then enjoy the show. But for othGames lasted for six to eight days and provided ers, the pre-game gets the best of them, and musical performances to the attendees, accord- sometimes the dark side of music festivals can ing to Coastal.edu. In 1969, the Woodstock lead to serious hospital visits and even death. Each year, dozens of festival attendees festival brought in 500,000 attendees for its “3 Days of Peace & Music” with major perform- are rushed to hospitals for drug, alcohol and ers of the day including The Who, Jefferson heat-related illnesses. There has always been Airplane and Jimi Hendrix. The Woodstock an association with drugs and overdoses with festival changed the history of rock and roll, music. And, with the popularity of electronic dance music rising, the number of cases has and the face of live music. While the city of New York and its gover- increased exponentially. Just a few weeks nor were not prepared for so many attendees ago, Miami’s largest spring break music at Woodstock and worried of potential riots, event, Ultra Music Festival, was in the spotlooting and violence. The half a million people light when kids tried to jump the wall to get present only created a “sense of social harmo- in without paying trampled a woman security ny, which, with the quality of music, and the guard, leaving her with major head trauma overwhelming mass of people, many sporting and a broken leg. This year, there were just under 100 arrests, bohemian dress, behavior, and attitudes helped to make it one of the enduring events of the along with 55 rescued people on one day due
RAVE 2048 craze hits classrooms
It’s a gridlock. The numbers will make your head spin. Have you played 2048 yet? 2048 is a simple game that has a 4-by-4 grid with numbers on it. You have to combine the same numbers and keep making them bigger and bigger. It seems like a harmless game, but it soon becomes addicting. Many students have been playing the game in class and can’t seem to stop. Once the game starts, there may be no going back. Getting to that 2048 tile soon becomes an impossible goal. The person to blame for all those addicted to the game is Gabriele Cirulli, a 19-year-old from Italy. Cirulli made the game 2048 based on a similar game called 1024. He made the game for fun and is not taking credit for designing it because it is so close to 1024. At first, 2048 looks like a Sudoku board, but it is far from it. It is really an addicting game. It can be confusing to learn, but once you understand the game, it is hard to put your phone down. It be found by simply searching 2048 on Google and there’s even an app for it. As a result of the madness, many people are frantically swiping away at their screens to add up the numbers. Luckily, there seems to be a healthy following with the people playing this game. A quote Cirulli gave to Yahoo! news said, “I have yet to hear stories about people fighting, breaking up or getting fired due to my game, which is good, I guess.” His game can be considered a success in the making because it has been played more than 50 million times, according to Yahoo! news. 2048 is not only entertaining; it also takes a lot of thinking. Each time a tile is swiped, another appears, then another and the numbers get bigger until the screen fills up. Once it’s over, you hit the “try again” button to continue the madness. – A. Orban
Raves and music festivals have been occurring since the sixth century BCE. Recently, the use of drugs at festivals is more prevalent. to “minor injuries as a result of dancing and then we’ve had some people that were found unconscious or used some illegal substances that caused them to overdose,” according to Miami Lt. Ignaius Carroll in an interview with Billboard Magazine. On March 28, two days after the festival ended, the mayor of miami is looking to end the festival for good. Today there are dozens of music festivals all over the country. From Ultra Musical Festival in Miami, Bonnaroo in Tennessee and Summerfest in Wisconsin, people from all over come together to enjoy the large scale displays, lighting, energy and music put on by the biggest names in the music industry. With the in-
flux of new festivals popping up each year, it can only mean that more people are looking for that outdoor live music experience. When there are thousands of people packed closely together on hot days, there is bound to be violence, injuries and illness. However, if we claim to love music as much as we do, we should never even allow for officials to consider shutting down a festival. When heading to a music festival this summer, ask yourself why you’re going and what impact you’d like to make on the festival scene. While you’re enjoying the music floating in the warm summer breeze, create an alliance between music, harmony and peace.
Housing lottery headaches
Forget midterms and finals week, there is no more stressful time for a Quinnipiac University student than the days leading up to the dreaded housing lottery. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors who choose to live in Quinnipiac housing their senior year all go through it. Your palms sweat as you navigate your way to MyHousing, fumbling to find the correct page where your randomly assigned lottery number awaits you. The next emotion is either relief or anxiety, because a low or high number is the difference between Hill or Complex, above or below ground. Getting your number isn’t even the worst part of the whole housing debacle. You see, you then have to actually find a place to live. You find it though. The perfect suite, on the perfect floor, the perfect distance to the parking garage. And then the unthinkable happens. You have to kick someone out. The number of people per housing suite seems to change each year. Take, for instance, going from sophomore year in New Village to junior year in Crescent on York Hill. The dreaded triple always causes a problem, because you have to go from a seven-person to a six-person suite. Tensions run high because no one, and I mean no one, wants to be kicked to the curb. Junior Resident Assistant Alex Cieply knows firsthand just how stressful the housing lottery can be for students, but says the systerm is fair. “It is unfortunate that people have to change their group sizes from year to year, but that’s partly what makes the housing experience what it is: being able to experience different settings with potentially different groups of people,” Cieply said. While the explanations provided clearly make sense, it doesn’t make the process any easier for students. The housing lottery still causes weeks of unnecessary stress. It may only be two semesters, but let’s be honest, that can feel like a lifetime if you’re forced to live in Complex. – L. Goldstein
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Foul ball
Bases loaded
Grand slam
Ground ball
Home run
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The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Mecca: ‘If the field’s just not ready, you can’t play.’
Several baseball and tennis matches have been cancelled as a result of poor field conditions. FIELDS from page 20 said. “We don’t want to see anyone get hurt.” Copela and facilities workers go to reasonably great measures to keep these fields in what Mecca feels is tip-top shape. New England winters can leave the campus coated in snow, an issue Copela has to find a quick fix for. After consulting with people at professional ballparks, they suggested black sand to melt the snow. Copela used the sand to clean up the flash snow storm that occurred last week and made
the field practice ready, an accomplishment he and his crew are proud of. “I try to consult with a lot of other pros, try and take it to a higher level for us,” Copela said. “That’s what we do here. I’m trying to promote that. I got a great crew. I can’t talk enough about it.” The fields are not organized as independent entities, they are contiguous with each other. At any given point, students could be using one in plain sight while there is a game happening on the other. Unlike the stadium style fields at larger universities, baseball and
softball are out in the open. Quinnipiac, as an institution, has to delegate specific budget amounts to different sectors. At a school dominated by ice hockey, Copela and Mecca both feel spring sports are represented and maintained well with what they are given. The softball field was redone last season with new equipment for the batting and pitching cages. Copela said equipment repair, instead of buying new equipment, is the mentality in upkeeping the fields. “We try to appease as much as we can with
what we have to work with,“ Copela said. “We repair and replace as we need it. For what we have, it’s great.” The field arrangement does not bother players and coaches, Mecca said. He owes this to a strong relationship between the student body and athletics, but also to facilities workers who keep the fields in suitable playing conditions. “Everyone in a dream world wants to play in Yankee Stadium, but this isn’t Yankee Stadium,” Mecca said. “It’s Quinnipiac University that prides itself on doing things the right way and our facilities guys deserve all the credit.”
Lindsley tosses no-hitter By NICK SOLARI
Associate Sports Editor
Hannah Lindsley pitches in a game last year against UConn.
Hannah Lindsley threw the first no-hitter in Quinnipiac softball Division I program history Monday, but it didn’t happen the way you may have presumed. After the game was initially suspended on March 29, Lindsley finished the no-hitter on Monday afternoon against Manhattan, part of a 2-0 Quinnipiac win. The sophomore struck out two in the victory, coming only two base runners away from the first perfect game in program history. “Hannah’s accomplishment on the mound, alongside a record-breaking weekend by our offense, is just a taste of what this team is capable of doing,” Quinnipiac Coach Jill Karwoski said in a press release. “I am proud of everyone on the team for their continuous hard work, buy-in and com-
petitiveness.” She retired the last 16 Jaspers hitters that she faced, including all 12 that came to the plate when the game resumed on Monday. Lindsley became the first player in NCAA Division I softball history to throw a nohitter in a game that was played on multiple days. Lindsley hit Manhattan catcher Kate Bowman in the first inning and walked right fielder Anna Crowley in the second, the only two base runners Manhattan had throughout the game. Lindsley is now 5-5 on the season in 18 starts with a 5.44 ERA. It was her fourth career shutout, and first for the Bobcats this season. Quinnipiac has taken five of its last six games and improves to 4-4 in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference.
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
BASEBALL QU 11, Dartmouth 5 – Wednesday Vincent Guglietti: 4 hits, 2 RBI Niagara 5, QU 2 – Sunday QU 6, Niagara 4 – Sunday QU 4, Niagara 3 - Monday SOFTBALL Fairfield 7, QU 5 – Wednesday Fairfield 10, QU 0 – Wednesday QU 11, UConn 10 – Thursday Nikki Barba: 3 hits, 4 RBI QU 6, Saint Peter’s 3 – Saturday QU 16, Saint Peter’s 4 – Saturday Jordan Paolucci: 3 hits, 6 RBI QU 2, Manhattan 0 - Monday MEN’S LACROSSE QU 17, Monmouth 9 – Saturday Dylan Webster: 5 goals, 1 assist WOMEN’S LACROSSE Monmouth 10, QU 9 – Wednesday Canisius 23, QU 15 – Sunday Kathleen DeVito: 2 goals, 3 assist
GAMES TO WATCH BASEBALL QU vs. Hartford – Wednesday, 3 p.m. QU at Iona – Saturday, 1 p.m. QU at Iona – Saturday, 3 p.m. QU at Iona – Sunday, 1 p.m. QU at Hartford – Tuesday, 3 p.m. SOFTBALL QU at Sacred Heart – Thursday, 3 p.m. QU at Siena – Saturday, 1 p.m. QU at Siena – Saturday, 3 p.m. QU vs. Iona – Sunday, noon QU vs. Iona – Sunday, 2 p.m. MEN’S LACROSSE QU vs. Canisius – Saturday, noon QU vs. Fairfield – Tuesday, 4 p.m. WOMEN’S LACROSSE QU vs. Iona – Wednesday, 3 p.m. QU vs. Marist – Sunday, noon MEN’S TENNIS QU at Hartford – Thursday, 10 a.m. QU vs. Niagara – Saturday, 10 a.m. QU vs. Fairfield – Tuesday, 4 p.m. WOMEN’S TENNIS QU vs. Iona – Wednesday, 3 p.m. QU vs. Marist – Sunday, noon
Follow @QUChronSports for live updates during games.
April 9, 2014
Women’s lacrosse falls to Canisius By NICK SOLARI
Associate Sports Editor
The Quinnipiac women’s lacrosse team scored a season-high 15 goals on Sunday at the QU Lacrosse Turf Field. The Bobcats, however, gave up a season-high number of goals, as well. 2013 MAAC Championship MVP Maria Kotas had eight goals and six assists for Canisius, and the Golden Griffins went on to defeat Quinnipiac by the final score of 23-15. “We didn’t do the job we needed to do in the second half,” Quinnipiac Head Coach Danie Caro said. “We’re still looking for that elusive 60-minute game.” Kotas scored five times in the first half for the Golden Griffins, culminated by a goal she blasted past Quinnipiac keeper Samantha Tilts while falling down in front of the net 51 seconds before the break. “We knew she was going to come in and get her points, and we thought if we could shut everyone else off it might give us a chance,” Caro said. Kotas now has 32 goals on the season, which ranks first in the MAAC. “There’s a reason why she’s
been the Player of the Year before, and has a pretty good shot at being it again. I tip my hat to her,” Caro said. Quinnipiac trailed by only two goals, 9-7, at halftime against the reigning MAAC Champions. “The first half our offense did pretty well,” Caro said. “We were patient, we executed the game plan pretty well, capitalized on our opportunities, and we took advantage of the opportunities we created in transition.” Canisius, however, scored five straight times in less than five minutes to put the game out of reach in the second half. “Canisius is a very good team, and to their credit they made the adjustments they needed to at halftime, and we didn’t. We got a little bit away from out-game plan and it cost us,” Caro said. Kathleen DeVito led the Bobcats with two goals and three assists. Kelly Babstock contributed two goals and two assists of her own, while Kyra Ochwat had two goals and one assist. The Bobcats led 6-5 after DeVito scored with 10:04 left in the first half, then Canisius scored three straight times. The Golden Griffins held the lead for the rest of the game.
Kathleen Devito tallied three goals to go along with two assists in Sunday’s loss to Canisius. Canisius outshot the Bobcats to 1-9 overall, and 1-2 in MAAC 41-27. Samantha Tilts had 11 saves play. Quinnipiac is back home on in net for Quinnipiac. Wednesday, playing host to Iona at With the loss the Bobcats fall 3 p.m.
Spotlight nothing new to Batten BATTEN from page 20 for St. Joseph, which ranked seventh in the state. Batten has always presented a winning attitude on the field, during his baseball career and it is something he hopes to bring to the university as well. “I see this team and this whole program turning around and doing big things in the MAAC and regionals, and hopefully super regionals or however far we go,” he said. Aside from Batten’s on-field attributes, he presents well off the field too, something that caught Quinnipiac baseball Head Coach Dan Gooley’s attention when re-
cruiting. “He’s a respectful young guy, he really is,” Gooley said. “He’s very
“He’s here because of what he did in the Little League World Series. He was a good player then, he’s a better player now.” – DAN GOOLEY Quinnipiac baseball head coach positive in what he approaches, he’s extremely positive about school. He’s the kind of kid who, not only
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does he have ability, but he has ability with character.” Batten has been able to adapt to the speed of college baseball during his freshman campaign with the Bobcats, something he describes as one of the hardest adjustments. His next goal is to ultimately become a leader for his team in the future. “I’m always outspoken on the field but I definitely want to be a leader, try to be a captain and try to help this team win,” Batten said. But according to Gooley, Batten already displays leadership ability early in his college career. “I think he’s a leader right now,” Gooley said. “I don’t think you got to wait to the future to see his lead-
ership. I think his leadership is only going to get more impressive as he goes on. He’s the kind of kid that leads by example.” Batten says playing in the 2008 Little League World Series helped give him leadership abilities and championship instincts. It is something that impressed Quinnipiac’s coaching staff, which Gooley believes helped make him the player he is today. “A young kid like Matty Batten has been through the whole process,” Gooley said. “He’s here because of what he did in the Little League World Series. He was a good player then, he’s a better player now.”
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The Quinnipiac Chronicle
April 9, 2014
Spring swings
Home runs the softball team hit in Sunday’s doubleheader vs. Rider.
The men’s lacrosse team scored 17 goals on Saturday, the most in a road game in 11 years.
Baseball pitcher Matthew Osieja has thrown 14.1 consecutive innings without giving up an earned run.
by the numbers
Clockwise from top left: Luke Roser returns a serve Saturday vs. Saint Peter’s, Courtney Solt swings Thursday vs. UConn, Eric Ambrosio serves Saturday, Sydney Robey swings Thursday.
Men’s Lacrosse
Junior Barba went 12 for 17 with 11 RBI’s in five games this past week, giving her a teamhigh 31 hits on the season. She had four three-hit games, and is now batting .392 on the season. BRYAN LIPINER/CHRONICLE
Senior Webster had five goals and an assist in Saturday’s 17-9 victory over Monmouth. He now has a team-leading 20 goals on the season, and is second on the team with 25 points. MATT EISENBERG/CHRONICLE
On-base percentage softball outfielder Abby Johnson has recorded through 30 games this season.
The Quinnipiac Chronicle
“We didn’t make the adjustments we needed to in the second half, and made too many unforced errors that our opponent capitalized on.” — DANIE CARO WOMEN’S LACROSSE
Matthew Batten has collected 21 hits in 24 games in his freshman season, including four doubles and seven RBIs.
Playing under pressure is something Matthew Batten has grown accustomed to. In 2008, Batten helped lead Shelton Little League to the Little League World Series, held in Williamsport, Pa. The freshman now plays for Quinnipiac’s baseball team. Competing with some of the best baseball players from all over the world, Batten describes the experience as one of the best times of his life. “That was my first experience at a stadium so it was different,” Batten said. “Everything was loud and everything was all hyped up but it was a lot of fun.” With ESPN covering the tournament, the atmosphere was an experience in itself. That also meant more cameras and interviews for Batten and his teammates. “I had to do a couple of interviews before it started and then I was on top 10 plays and web gems once or twice,” Batten said. “They had this thing called ‘Building
April 9, 2014
Matthew Batten is used to being under the spotlight. In 2008, he played in the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa. Six years later, he begins a new chapter of his career at Quinnipiac.
Blocks’ so I had to do a video shoot for that, showing them how to do double plays with Orestes Destrade, so it was cool I was working an exprofessional baseball player.” Batten also had the chance to meet and talk to big name players and coaches such as Ryan Howard, Terry Francona and New York Rangers standout, Chris Drury. Although Drury was a professional hockey player at the time, he did, however, help lead his hometown baseball team to a championship in the 1989 Little League World Series against Chinese Taipei. “He was on the Trumbull Little League World Series team in 1989,” Batten said. “He called us and talked to us about it and just told us to enjoy the moment and have fun.” Once the Shelton made it to Williamsport, it was then referred to as the New England Regional team, as is customary. Unfortunately for Batten and his team, they would eventually fall to the West Regional team, based out of Hawaii. New England finished the tournament with a 1-2 record as the West would go on and win the Little
League World Championship. Besides an upsetting finish to its great run, the New England team was ranked fifth in the country and 13th in the world. “It was definitely fun while it lasted,” Batten said. “It was being a superstar in your town while it happened.” Batten would follow up on all of the assets from playing in the Little League World Series. Playing in front of crowds of 35,000 people, against the best competition, undeniably helped create a stage for his baseball career moving forward. “I definitely got used to pressure with a lot of people watching,” Batten said. “It helped me develop no worry, like who’s watching. Also, it was the best competition at that age right then and there so it got me used to it, especially moving to college.” Before committing to Quinnipiac, Batten played high school baseball at St. Joseph High School, located in Trumbull. He was the leadoff hitter and starting shortstop See BATTEN Page 18
Maintaining fields requires team effort By IAN MCCRACKEN Associate Sports Editor
The saying goes “April showers bring May flowers.” With spring sports in full swing, teams have already felt the effects of the season’s inclement weather. Baseball and softball both cancelled games due to rain the weekend of March 29. Baseball has five cancellations on the season, while the softball team had its first five games cancelled. Considering the size of the school and grounds crew staff, the protocol for cancellation and maintenance requires a high amount of cooperation between facilities and the athletic teams. Bill Mecca, senior associate athletic director, is responsible for the daily internal operations, specifically scheduling practices and games. Mecca, in conjunction with facili-
ties and the athletic teams, makes a judgment call on whether the field is playable or not. If they determine cancellation is necessary, everyone goes into the maintenance process. Players, coaches and the maintenance staff all undertake responsibilities, including notifying umpires, the opposing team and public safety of the cancellation. The notice also needs to be posted on the web for the public to see. “You just get everybody working in the same direction,” Mecca said about the process. “Everybody has the oars in the boat and you’re rowing in the same direction. Honestly, after the years, it works kind of seamlessly.” The field also needs to be covered in order that a reschedule or practice might be salvageable as soon as possible, Mecca said. Typi-
cally, baseball and softball games are not rescheduled. The window for doing so is small, Mecca said, with makeups typically held on Monday only if a weekend game is cancelled. “We keep our fingers crossed,” Mecca said. “If the field’s just not ready, you can’t play.” John Copela works closely with Mecca on the process. As the senior superintendent for grounds on the Mount Carmel campus, he heads a staff that works to keep the fields in usable conditions. Copela said his main responsibility when it comes to the fields is to keep everyone safe. That includes anything from ground and fence repair to bases. “We always want to make sure that the game is played safe,” Copela See FIELDS Page 17
Quinnipiac softball saw its first five games cancelled due to inclement weather.