Issue 20, Volume 82

Page 1 March 6, 2013 Volume 82 Issue 20 Proud recipient of the New England Society of Newspaper Editors' award for 2012 College Newspaper of the Year


Sports March Madness, page 16

opinion How to thrift shop, page 6

Arts & Life Your guide to spring break, pages 8-9

School of Medicine accepting body donations

Madeline Hardy/Chronicle

This room on the second floor of the Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine will be the area where medical students will work with cadavers. By JULIA PERKINS Associate News Editor

The Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine has announced an anatomical gift program, in which people living in Connecticut can sign up to donate their bodies to the medical school once they pass away. Beginning when the medical school opens in August, the students will be able to

study real bodies or cadavers to better their understanding of the human anatomy, Director of the Human Laboratory James Casso said. “Once they decided to have a medical school, the founding deans and the administrators wanted to have this program because it would really enhance the medical school experience for the students,” he said.

See BobcatNet Page 2

Staff Writer

Percent of college students who reported drinking alcohol in the past year Information according to Alcohol 101 Plus Matt Eisenberg/Chronicle

Eighty-four percent of students reported drinking alcohol in the past year, according to Alcohol 101 Plus. Although Quinnipiac students drink at a higher rate, the percentage remains constant, while the national level increases. consumed alcohol within a year of taking the survey, and 72 percent of students surveyed report that they had consumed alcohol within 30 days of taking the survey. The research showed a higher rate of alcohol usage by athletes, as well as students belonging to Greek life. “I think for 18-year-olds it’s a rite of passage,” Boucher said. “Maybe they don’t know how to handle their freedom.”

Check out a gallery from Saturday’s Battle of the Bands.


How many devices do you have connected to Bobcat Net?



Just as academic integrity is a constant at most universities across America, so is the consumption of alcohol among the student body. At Quinnipiac University and other academic institutions across America, the excessive use of alcohol has became a key ingredient throughout residence halls and dormitories alike. “Our students do tend to come [into college] at a higher drinking rate nationally than other students,” Director of Student Conduct Megan Buda said. “While they do come in at higher drinking rates, rates are not increasing like the national average does though.” At Quinnipiac the use of alcohol on campus has been a constant for many years, according to Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Carol Boucher. “It’s part of the culture. Some people think it is a rite of passage,” Boucher said. “Some people do it because they think it will lower their inhibitions; people will like them more. Some people do it because their friends are doing it.” According to a national study done by Alcohol 101 Plus, 84 percent of students report that they have


See title ix Page 4

award-winning website since 2009

See alcohol Page 4


After legal actions in 2009, 2010 and 2012, the U.S. District Court ruled this week that Quinnipiac has not satisfied Title IX requirements for women’s sports, according to a press release from the American Civil Liberties Union. Judge Stefan R. Underhill ruled that both the acrobatics and tumbling team and the women’s rugby team were not given competitive opportunities equivalent to the quality of competition that men’s teams experience. “This is one of very few, if not the only, court decisions to address this particular aspect of Title IX’s requirements,” said cooperating attorney Jonathan Orleans of Pullman & Comley. After the university planned to cut three teams in 2009, including the women’s volleyball team, the women’s volleyball team sued the school, saying it was not in compliance with Title IX, a federal law to prevent gender discrimination in varsity college athletics. The university added women’s rugby and acrobatics & tumbling after the ruling to comply with Title IX standards, which mandate that the proportion

Associate News Editor

The use of alcohol at Quinnipiac is also the root of many of the problems that the Department of Public Safety has to enforce. Most disciplinary related issues that involve Public Safety normally have an alcohol aspect to them, Chief of Public Safety David Barger said. “Most of the issues that we deal with, whether it be vandalism, assaults or whatever, there is always

See cadaver Page 3

Alcohol considered ‘rite of passage’



Quinnipiac students are accustomed to renovations, but the school’s latest project is one that has gone largely unnoticed. Beginning last summer, Quinnipiac University has been working hard to upgrade BobcatNet, its wireless network. Partnered with Aruba Networks, Inc., a leading provider of network access solutions, Quinnipiac’s network will receive a full upgrade. The university is currently replacing many of its older Cisco access switches with new Aruba Networks switches. These new switches, located in closets across all three campuses, were installed to accommodate Quinnipiac’s growing population and the constantly increasing uses for the Internet. “The student population has grown, the faculty population has grown. The Internet itself, the consumption of traffic, has grown,” Vice President-Chief of Information and Technology Officer Fred Tarca said. “All of this growth that has taken place on our campus truly exercises the network. We are always taking a look at our network architecture to make sure we are optimized to provide the best possible experience we can for faculty, staff and students.” According to Information Security Officer Brian Kelly, the new switches will improve the speed and flexibility of the school’s network. Kelly said the network has more than 24,000 devices connected to it, and the number keeps growing. As more devices, such as tablets and smart TVs, break into the marketplace, the network needs to adapt to support the increased bandwidth. According to Kelly’s network tests, BobcatNet has devices from 232 different manufacturers connected to it. Between smart phones, computers, gaming systems and other devices, each student averages between four and five devices on the network. “When a student comes to our campus with two or three different devices, they want them to connect to our network,” Tarca said. “We constantly have to be aware of our network’s capabilities, so the upgrade that we just performed has instant provisioning, or the capability of recognizing these devices.” In addition to adapting to new, student technologies, the network

The unofficial college culture

Court rules volleyball team stays

see what’s happening on

Although the facility that will store the bodies will not be completed until April 1, Casso said people can fill out the forms to donate their bodies right away. People can either sign up when they are alive or have their next of kin donate their body after they have passed away. Once the donor passes away, the family must contact the medical

school within 24 hours, Casso said. Casso will examine the body and then the university will pay for it to be brought to the medical school. The body will be preserved with chemicals and stored in a cooler at 49 degrees for the entire academic year. The medical school has room to store around 70 cadavers, Casso said. According to Associate Professor of Medical Sciences Brian Fisher, a cadaver costs about $1,400 to buy from another medical school. Since the medical school will not be able to collect enough bodies by the time it opens in August, it is buying bodies from the Albany Medical College for the first year. Most people who donate their bodies are more than 70 years old, but people can sign up at 18, he said. According to Casso, the medical school cannot accept people who had obesity, cancer, low weight, edema, or an autopsy. Unless they are donating their eyes, organ donors also cannot participate in the anatomical gift program. Being able to benefit others, even

BobcatNet getting full upgrade

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


The Quinnipiac Chronicle


meet The Staff

March 6, 2013

Top devices on campus Device manufacturer and model

Total number

Percent of total




Apple and iPhone




Apple and Mac



Senior Managing Editor Samantha Epstein

Apple and iPad




Apple and iPod



Sony and PlayStation 3




Amazon and Kindle




Samsung & SCH-I535



Motorola & DROID RAZR



233 manufacturers and models



Editor-in-chief Michele Snow

NEWS EDITOR Katherine Rojas

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Madeline Hardy/Chronicle

David Reynolds, wireless network support specialist, explains the functions of the communications closet at North Haven campus.

Information provided by Information Security Officer Brian Kelly

Average student has four to five devices connected to BobcatNet BobcatNet from cover upgrade will also boost Quinnipiac’s academics. The Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine was built with the Aruba Network switches installed. This will allow students to study at the most technologically advanced medical school in the United States, according to a press release from Aruba Networks. “The network for the med school has to be able to support not only students, but academic research,” Kelly said. “The cadavers that come in will be scanned, so if you’re dissecting a body you can actually get that image on a screen and pivot it in three dimensions.” Aruba Networks’ switches utilizes Aruba’s Mobile Virtual Enterprise, or MOVE, architecture. This technology allows for faster speeds, making these new technologies at the medical school possible. The MOVE architecture also enhances Quinnipiac’s online security, one of many selling points to Tarca. “The upgraded network is so much better able to address the ever increasing security issues that we are faced with on a day-to-day basis,” Tarca said. “Having secure data at a university is extremely important. Think about all of the personal information we keep here.” Universities store students’ personal information, grades, health records and financial information. For Tarca, keeping this information secure is paramount. The medical school and the residence halls

at the York Hill campus were built with these switches installed, but the North Haven and Mount Carmel campuses needed the network upgrade in order to ensure the best security and access speeds possible. Although Information Security has been hard at work since September to install the new switches, there is still a lot to be done. “All of the academic buildings have been upgraded,” Kelly said. “We will probably get to a few [residence halls] during spring break and [finish] certainly by the summer.” Upgrading the switch closets is a long, ongoing process, Kelly explained. Before the switches are installed in the closet they need to be unpacked and configured. Once this is done, the actual task of updating the switches in the closet can take as many as five hours. Kelly estimates his workers have installed around 200 new switches since September. His department has one of the smaller staffs at Quinnipiac, so most of the work has been performed by two workers. “In these closets there’s anywhere from four to eight switches in a rack. They have potentially as many as 48 ports per switch,” Kelly said. “You’ve got to physically unplug all of the Ethernet cables, and you’ve got to physically take these switches out and plug the new ones in. It’s time consuming. We couldn’t have done this project without the hard work from Dave Reynolds and Gary Bliven.” Reynolds, a wireless network support specialist, and Bliven, a network information and

Beyond the Bubble

communications specialist, had to work late hours in order to install the new switches in the academic buildings when classes were not in session. While the Aruba Networks switches greatly improve Quinnipiac’s network capabilities, they are not a final solution. The network is constantly growing and adapting to meet new student and faculty needs. As the university anticipates further growth, the network will continue to upgrade and meet the needs of Quinnipiac’s community. “The Quinnipiac University network will be there to accommodate as many devices as we need to meet the requirements. Right now it’s 24,000 to 30,000 [devices], maybe in a few more years it’s 50,000. We will be there ready and capable to do that,” Tarca said. Kelly said the most difficult aspect of managing the network is not the device count, its anticipating the future. The Internet has more multimedia elements than ever before, and with those new elements comes heavier bandwidth. New technologies such as Google Glass are constantly emerging and poised for release. The network may soon need to adapt further and accommodate an entirely new wave of devices. “Managing this network is not just one project and you stop for a few years, it’s not too dissimilar to painting the George Washington Bridge,” Tarca said. “As soon as you finish you’ve got to go back and start all over again.”

A rundown on news outside the Quinnipiac campus

Storm predicted to hit Northeast

Pilots spot drone near JFK Airport

Dow Jones reaches record high

As of Tuesday afternoon, the East Coast winter storm, Saturn, is set to approach Washington, D.C. today with snow hitting New England beginning tomorrow and possibly staying until Friday, according to Winter Storm Saturn will begin in Washington, D.C. metro. Snow is predicted to be wet and heavy because it is in March. The heaviest of the storm is forecasted to stay in Central Appalachians. Power outages may be a threat because of high winds. More information and updates for places like Boston, Providence and Hartford are to come. However, lighter snow is expected from Baltimore, to Philadelphia and New York City. – K. Rojas

A pilot of an Alitalia jet from Rome spotted a small drone or model aircraft as he approached John F. Kennedy International Airport Monday afternoon, according to a New York Times article. The pilot informed air traffic controllers and described seeing the drone when he was about four miles southeast of the airport, 1,500 feet off the ground. Aviation officials could not explain the sighting and said they will investigate the sighting. – K. Rojas

The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 14,286.37 points on Tuesday, according to CNN Money. This is the highest the Dow Jones Industrial Average has been, beating the previous record of 14,164.53 in October 2007. This number doubles the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 2007, when the Dow hit a low of 6547.05 in March 2009, according to the Wall Street Journal. Analysts say the rise in the Dow Jones Industrial Average is due to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s easy monetary policy. Some see this as a sign that the economy is improving, while others believe that the economy still has a while to go before it makes a full recovery. – J. Perkins

March 6, 2013

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


Earth Day events to promote sustainability, connection to nature

Anna Brundage/Chronicle

Two people check out the Earth Day event last year that was held in Burt Kahn Court. This year, there will be several smaller events leading up to the official one. By SUSAN RIELLO Staff Writer

For the first time, this year’s Earth Day events at Quinnipiac will take place over the span of two months, ending with the Earth Day celebration on April 18. The events and activities will include a “Hike to Yoga” series on Sleeping Giant, volleyball tournaments, cook-offs, movie showings and obstacle courses. Students will be able to log their participation in these events through Blackboard, and the two students who attend the most events will earn a prize. In the past, prizes have included bikes. Students can access the Earth Day events list through Blackboard by searching for “Earth Day” in the “Community” tab and clicking enroll on the drop down menu next to the event name. They will then see “Earth Day” under their organizations and can follow the instructions from there. Instructor of Biomedical Sciences Kristen

Wolfe, who is also a member of the QU Sustainability Committee, has been working to increase awareness about environmental issues through these events across campus. “I want students to think about Earth Day more than just one day,” Wolfe said. “It’s too convenient to have one day set aside to think about sustainability and issues that have a real effect on human beings.” The official Earth Day event will be held on April 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Burt Kahn Court. There will be numerous events inside Burt Kahn, including an appearance by CJ Mays, a sustainability-themed magician who is also known as “The Resourcerer.” Representatives from the organization “Animal Embassy” in Stamford will bring animals to the event for students to interact with and learn about their habitats. The annual Farmer’s Market will also take place on Earth Day outside of Burt Kahn

Court, and will feature the ‘Caseus’ grilled cheese truck and a cupcake truck, as well as other baked goods and local produce. There will also be free food from Chartwells, student posters, free T-shirt and flower giveaways, raffle prizes and eco-friendly vendors. “For the past few years, my role in the Earth Day events has been to organize the vendors and pick out incentives, including raffle prizes,” said Jillian Moruzzi, a graduate MBA student. “When I go about looking for vendors, I go on and look for vendors in Connecticut that offer handmade products or offer recyclable materials.” This year’s vendors will be selling jewelry beads made from recycled glass and recycled burlap messenger bags, according to Moruzzi. There will also be a Quinnipiac alum who makes notebooks, notepads and other paper products out of materials like recycled cereal boxes and old game boards. “I hope that the events leading up to Earth Day and those on the actual day seem really fun and engaging to students,” Moruzzi said. “Nobody just wants to walk by some booth and hear someone preaching about sustainability. These events actually allow students to get involved in nature.” Wolfe said that by having multiple environment-related events, she hopes that students will be able to incorporate eco-friendly habits into their everyday lives as opposed to just one day each April. “By participating in these events, students can reconnect with nature and understand our changing relationship with the environment while having fun,” Wolfe said. “We want stu-

Earth Day schedule 3/21

3/25, 4/1, 4/8, 4/15 3/27 3/28


4/14 4/18


Cookout and volleyball tournament at Mount Carmel campus “Hike to Yoga” on Sleeping Giant Movie: “Call to Life” about loss of biodiversity SEA-sponsored cookout and volleyball tournament at York Hill campus Bobcat Dash: race from Mount Carmel to York Hill, obstacle course Sleeping Giant trail cleanup “QU on the Move:” meet at Burt Kahn Court, walkers leave from Earth Day event Bike to work/school breakfast, Earth Day-related artwork in student center

dents to become more aware of biodiversity and climate change, and get the word out that they actually can make that difference.”

Casso: ‘You can’t learn it from a book ... You really have to experience it’ cadaver from cover after passing away, is the main reason people give their bodies to science. “A lot of people who have relatives who are physicians understand what a benefit it is to have for a medical student,” Casso said. “It is also for people who want to contribute something after death, especially teachers. A lot of teachers donate their bodies because they can actually still teach after death.” According to Casso, the School of Medicine will pay for the cost of cremating the body and delivering the ashes to the family. Not all medical schools do this, Fisher said. “[At] somes schools all the cost goes back to

the families,” Fisher said. “We don’t like to do that. We like to share. We like to reward them for bringing the bodies here.” However, the bodies will be used for a full academic year, meaning the families would have to wait to have their loved one cremated. The family can choose to have a burial, but the medical school will only cover the costs for a cremation because it is less expensive, Casso said. With the cost of cremation and the body preservation chemicals, the anatomical gift program is expensive, Casso said. This has caused some medical schools to no longer use real bodies to teach students. Instead, students learn through a computer program. “However, there is no substitute for the hu-

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man body,” Casso said. “Actually working on the actual body is very beneficial for a student. You can’t learn it from a book. You can’t learn it from a computer. You really have to experience it.” Fisher said that the bodies will offer students a hands-on learning experience. “They need that three-dimensional experience of feeling the tissues, seeing the tissues, seeing how they are laid out in the body,” he said. “It is a lot different seeing it in a textbook that has cadavers in it.” There will be four students studying one body, Casso said. The bodies that are donated to the School of Medicine’s anatomical gift program will only be

used by Quinnipiac students and will not be sold to other medical schools, according to Casso. At the end of the academic year, the medical school will hold a memorial service for the deceased, attended by students, faculty and family members. “It really gives the families the chance to realize how much we really appreciate this gift,” Casso said. “It shows people that we are very respectful and that the students are not making fun of any of the bodies. They are just here to learn and [the families] come away with a very good feeling about the students’ sincerity.” Those who are interested in signing up to donate their body can contact the medical school for forms.

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


Campus briefs

Have you heard any news that you think Quinnipiac students would care about? Let us know:

Network maintenance scheduled for March 12 The Information Services Department will be carrying out maintenance on the university’s network and software on the morning of March 12. From midnight to 8 a.m., the North Haven data center will be shut down. This is because of electrical work that needs to be done on the North Haven campus. Users should expect that the Internet will down on the North Haven campus from 6 a.m. to 6:15 a.m. There could also be Internet problems from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the Mount Carmel campus. – J. Perkins

Lt. Vance to speak at campus Lt. Paul Vance will speak to students about public relations between the press and the police on Wednesday, March 20, in Burt Kahn Court. Vance has become well known for the way he dealt with the press during the Sandy Hook shootings in December. Vance is the commanding officer of the State Police Public Information Office, meaning that it is his job to talk to the media when public safety issues arise. – J. Perkins

‘All Things Irish’ panel slated for March 21 Professors Rebecca Abbott, Liam O’Brien, Robert Smart and David Valone will hold a discussion titled “All Things Irish” on March 21. Professors of film, video, and interactive media Abbott and O’Brien will focus on “Grosse Île, Quebec — Refuge and Gateway for victims of Ireland’s Great Hunger, 1847.” Professor of English Smart will share his views on Irish literature in a presentation titled “Blood, Guts and Ghouls: The Irish Gothic Tradition in Literature and History.” Professor of History Valone will discuss “The Uses and Abuses of Irish History.” This event will be held in Carl Hansen Student Center room 225 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is part of the Scholarship Across Disciplines Series. – J. Perkins

March 6, 2013

Turn out the lights and win big: Do it in the Dark returns By AMANDA HOSKINS Staff Writer

Students for Environmental Action is hosting this year’s Do it in the Dark event, hoping to change Quinnipiac’s grade from a ‘D’ to ‘A’ on The College Sustainability Report Card and beat last year’s event, which saved 23,000 kilowatts of energy in the residence halls. Do it in the Dark is a three-week energy sustainability competition between the residence halls. Students for Environmental Action tracked and calculated the average energy use in the different residence halls for the past year. The recorded numbers will stand as a baseline as the event begins, for residence halls to compare with at the end of each week. According to the club members, the idea is that the residence halls will be in competition to decrease their average energy usage. This year’s event will begin on

March 21 and end April 11. The competition will be broken down into brackets and each week’s winners will move on until there is a final winner. The winning residence hall members will all receive Tshirts and have an ice cream party. “We always try to remember to shut off the hall lights in Irma, but I’m sure our hall will have fun coming together to find more eco-friendly solutions,” Irma resident Jessica Jankowski said. During last year’s competition, Quinnipiac students saved 23,000 kilowatts of energy in the residence halls. This number is enough to power Ledges’ energy demands for one week, Irma for one month and Complex for two months. Students for Environmental Action hopes to teach students on campus to slowly change their habits to help make a change in the environment. By the time students graduate, the group hopes students will be able

to share these new sustainability habits with their friends and families. “College is one of your last chances to educate people before they go off and do their own thing so one of the things they should learn is the impact that they have on their environment and how they can change it,” junior executive member Amelia Houghton said. Houghton believes that if students learn now how to do simple tasks such as shutting off the lights and television when they leave their room, and not leaving the water on all the time, they will create new and improved habits. Houghton and other group members said students may think that the university is trying to save money through sustainability, but in reality the sustainability on this campus is through students and professors who are truly concerned about the impact on the environment. “My biggest hope is just that

people see that it is important and that they are not making this choice because they want to save money but because they know it’s the right thing and they want to keep doing it for the rest of their lives,” Houghton said. The College Sustainability Report Card gave Quinnipiac University an average of a ‘D’ last year. This is the same letter grade that the university received in 2009 when the report card was first introduced. “I’m not one to be crazy about environmental sustainability, but to hear our university received a D upsets me,” freshman Sarah Johnson said. The kick-off party for the event will take place March 21 on Mount Carmel campus, and March 22 on the York Hill campus. The kick-off will consist of free food, music and games. Visit for more information on the amount of energy each Quinnipiac resident hall uses.

A better you leads to a better world Speaker discusses how to become a leader

By JULIA PERKINS Associate News Editor

On Monday evening, Executive Director of Ignited Leadership Jason Connell spoke to students about leadership, the “matrix” of forces that disconnect individuals from society and ways to improve the world. “The way that you build a better world, and I really specifically mean you, is by becoming a good leader,” Connell said during his speech. “A good leader is someone who proactively improves the quality of life on earth.” Although Connell told personal anecdotes throughout his speech, his main focus was on the audience. “My promise is that you will walk out of this talk with a crystal clear understanding of how to become a good leader,” Connell told the students at the beginning of his lecture. Connell asked students to think about the rhetorical questions he posed and he gave them the chance to write down a plan for a goal they wish to achieve. He believes people’s busy lives

have caused them to become disconnected from themselves and thus disconnected from others. Yet connection is at the “absolute heart” of leadership, he said. Connell outlined six steps to becoming a better leader. These are to take yourself on a date, ignore the impossible, own your vision, make a map, act and reject failure. Of these, he said one of the most important steps is take yourself on a date. This is when people spend time alone, allowing them to reconnect with themselves and determine their goals based on what makes them happy. The other most essential step is to reject failure, he said. According to Connell, people must keep trying to achieve their dreams and never accept defeat. “I thought it was a really good idea to take yourself on a date and think about your goals and dreams,” freshman Mandie Caulfield said. “It was a really imaginative idea.” Graduate student Erin Webster also found Connell’s steps helpful. “I am in the process of looking for a job so I really liked how he told

Boucher: ‘It’s something I think a lot of kids feel they need to do’ alcohol from cover an alcoholic component,” Barger said. “When we get a door or window punched out, usually alcohol plays a part in it.” However, Public Safety does not go out looking to find alcohol, Barger said. “We get involved in alcohol when alcohol becomes a problem. We are not the beer police,” Barger said. Barger has also realized a trend in what days of the week Public Safety is more actively involved in dealing with issues across campus. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are fairly quiet, and then Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays consist

of a major increase in crime, Barger said. Aside from committing acts of vandalism across campus, students are taken off of campus in an ambulance to be treated for alcohol poisoning at a frequency that is unacceptable, Barger said. “We don’t want our reputation to be that we are the place that they pick up the kids to be taken care of for alcohol poisoning,” Barger said. With many students choosing to consume alcohol at Quinnipiac, Buda has been working to help raise awareness about alcohol consumption. It is something she believes has not been stressed enough to students. “I don’t think we have had

us how to get some action steps and how to take our vision and to plan it into a map,” Webster said. The event, sponsored by the Student Center and Campus Life, was originally part of a day-long leadership conference that was canceled in November due to Hurricane Sandy, Associate Director of Student Center and Campus Life Stefano Fasulo said. To honor previously planned events, the Student Center and Campus Life decided not to move the entire conference to the spring semester. However, Fasulo said it was still important to have Connell speak. “We know that a lot of our students are involved on campus,” he said. “This is just another opportunity that we could give to the Quinnipiac community.” Anyone was allowed to come to this event, Fasulo said, not just the people who had signed up for the conference. This meant that a graduate student like Webster could attend. “I consider myself a natural leader, but I figured that any advice or input is always helpful,” Webster enough [alcohol awareness programs] in the past and we are really trying to raise awareness because we do have students who come in at higher drinking rates,” Buda said. Among the efforts to raise awareness is the use of data gathered from the freshman online course “Alcohol Edu,” which creates programs geared toward freshman students as well as Greek life. With new efforts in place to raise awareness about alcohol, some still find the use of alcohol at Quinnipiac worrisome. As a long-time employee, Boucher has seen the use of alcohol by students change over the course of her career. “It’s different now. Now it’s more than a rite of passage. It’s something I think a lot of kids feel they need to do, and it’s scary,” Boucher said. “I worry about it.”

Madeline Hardy/Chronicle

Jason Connell, executive director of Ignited Leadership, spoke at Burt Kahn Court Monday evening to discuss different ways to become a better leader.

said. “I am glad I came. It was pretty informative.”

Injunction upheld TItle IX from cover of female to male athletes must be the same as the proportion of female to male students. “We are naturally disappointed with the ruling, but the university remains committed to its long standing plans to continue expanding opportunities in women’s athletics,” Quinnipiac Vice President for Public Affairs Lynn Bushnell said. “At most, the University has shown that it has made some progress toward the goal of effective accommodation, but those modest adjustments over the past two years have brought only incremental improvements in gender equity, not full and lasting compliance with Title IX,” Underhill wrote this week.


The Quinnipiac Chronicle

March 6, 2013





Blarney Stone









Emerald Isle

Lucky Charms

St. Patrick

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The Quinnipiac Chronicle

March 6, 2013

Opinion Goodwill hunting @QUChronicle

TWEETs OF THE WEEK There is a kid throwing himself off of different buildings all around quinnipiac #karatekidtakesqu @kellykatiee Good thing Quinnipiac is raising tuition next year, I was just thinking that it wasn’t quite high enough @QpacProblems @emilymaaag Fuck you to the girl who just opened the emergency exit in the student center @QpacProblems The guy that works at the sandwich line at the cafe is talking about how rolling wraps has improved his joint rolling @Tommy_Wolff The mom with the Quinnipiac Mom sticker and Guilt Trip movie bumper sticker. I promise your son’s embarrassed. @rubadooo

instagram of the week @mackenz17 Paint job at the new med school looks like a million bucks #$$$ #quinnipiac #qu

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Straight, narrow-minded Boy Scouts of America REBECCA CASTAGNA Associate Copy Editor @RebeccaCastagna

For more than a century, Boy Scouts have made campfires and explored the great outdoors. The values outlined in the Boy Scout Oath and Law have reflected the organization’s intent to shape young men into upstanding citizens, but the current ban on gay scout members directly contradicts its long-held values. In a 2004 statement, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) said, “Boy Scouts of America believes that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the obligations in the Scout Oath and Scout Law to be morally straight and clean in thought, word, and deed.” In reality, sexual conduct, both homosexual and heterosexual, can be immoral, and sexual conduct of any form has no place in scouting. Sexual conduct is a private matter, separate from sexual identity. Certainly individuals should be given their marching orders if such conduct interferes with the organization’s purpose and mission, but discrimination or exclusion based on one’s identity and with no evidence of misconduct is immoral. The BSA’s pledge to instill values to be “morally straight and clean in thought, word, and deed” relates to conduct, not identity. This is a principle that should be equally applied to all conduct, sexual and ethical. But being morally straight doesn’t mean being sexually straight. Members who lie, steal, bully and demonstrate sexually explicit or promiscuous behavior of any kind are all in violation of the code of conduct established by the BSA. I don’t see the BSA formally banning people who engage in premarital sex, steal office supplies from work, don’t attend church regularly, or fight and gossip with their neighbors. Why not? While each of these transgressions are generally considered at odds with the “morally right” and the “trustworthy,” “friendly,” “courteous,” “obedient,” and “reverent” aspects of the Boy Scout Law, a ban on people who engage in this conduct would likely annihilate scouting completely. Frankly, this type of selective tolerance is not “morally right.” Boy Scouts also pledge to be “physically strong.” So does that then mean that overweight scouts and leaders should be banned? The BSA’s motivations for this selective ban on gays stem from a fear of losing sponsors, which are typically church organizations. Many church organizations have threatened to pull support from scouting organizations if the ban on gays is removed. Even those who find homosexual conduct to be an abomination must concede that all people are capable, regardless of our sexual orientation, of embracing or rejecting our duty to God and the country. While the Catholic Church does not condone homosexual conduct, it recognizes and promotes tolerance for the existence of homosexuals, which is all that the gay community has asked the BSA community to sanction. As a result, gay involvement in scouting is in line with even conservative religious views. For people who are concerned about pedophilia and contaminating young minds, “gay” is not contagious nor is it synonymous with “pe-

I have the same wellies as Catherine the they are coming from, they’re dirty. To an extent I do agree. I am not a fan of Duchess of Cambridge. Le Chameau, the French-crafted, all-natural, rubber- and leath- pawing through the racks of clothes. My mom and sister, however, have both been extremely er-lined boots retail for 480 dollars in the successful in finding quality clothes buried United States. I didn’t pay that much. My in between some undesirable garments. boots, never worn, came at the bargain In the past they have both brought home price of 25 dollars, from Goodwill. name brand jeans, blazers, skirts, sunLet’s face it, I’m in college, at dresses, all with the original price tags times my funds are limited and I still on. It takes commitment and palike a bargain. tience but, hello, bargains. Some of my earliest memoPatagonia also believes in ries are of exploring yard sales reducing our environmental with my grandparents, looking Anna Brundage footprint. Their mantra is “Refor treasures, things I could reSenior Managing Editor @annalilybee duce, Repair, Reuse, Recycle, purpose. Now, I scan the aisles of Goodwill and thrift stores like it for things Reimagine.” Patagonia has created the ComI can repurpose and other never-been-worn mon Threads Initiative which aims to take recycling to the next level. gems. I took the Common Threads Initiative Pledge My family lives comfortably in a small town in Connecticut. We vacation every year because it only makes sense to buy no more than to a cottage in Maine. My sister ice curls, what you need, repair what you have, pass on which believe it or not is a pricy sport. And we what you don’t use to someone else or purchase all love to shop. But from a young age my par- something and give it a second life, recycle to ents instilled in my sister and me the lessons of keep things out of landfills, and work toward only taking what nature can replace. Patagonia reducing, reusing and recycling. The dresser in my bedroom, which I even hosts an eBay page to help individuals sell stripped paint from, sanded down and repainted and buy gently used apparel and gear. They also a very bright orange, is from Goodwill. My take back gear to be recycled. You can join the movement and make the desk, which is a repurposed dining table, and a desk chair both are from antique shops. The old pledge at They have several Molson shipping crate that I use to store a few environmental initiatives. All of them make dishes I got at a thrift store, came from a yard me happy. Keep on keeping on, Patagonia! I’m happy to say I’ve successfully found sale. And the antique typewriter, that sits on the bread cabinet I got from my grandparents, furniture, dishware, a typewriter, some clothes which serves as a bookshelf, was a Christmas and my wellies from thrift stores and Goodwill. With a good wash or fresh coat of paint, gift from my mom, courtesy of Goodwill. I believe strongly in minimizing waste. anything can be brand new. Besides, everything has a story and I’d I attempt to go green. I am conscious of our environment (please ignore my gas guzzling much rather tell of how my grandparents and I waded through a barn sale one Sunday afChevy Blazer). While a friend and I were discussing ternoon instead of how Restoration Hardware Goodwill and thrift stores, he expressed that was having a blowout sale. Or how the Duchthe idea of buying used clothes made him un- ess and I have the same wellies but I didn’t comfortable. You don’t know exactly where have to pay the full price.

letter to the editor

The real wreck of the week

I was really disappointed to see QU's Energy Efficiency as the “wreck of the week” last week. I think that the true “wreck” is that students at this school do not see how important it truly is for us to pursue more sustainable lifestyle habits. There are so many schools across the country at which students truly care about the impact they have on the environment–and here that does not seem like the case for the majority of our student population. There are, however, groups dedicated to making this university more sustainable, such as the QU SEA group (a student club on campus) and the Sustainability Committee (a group of professors who put on the Earth Day event every year that students flock to for free ice cream or T-shirts).

There certainly are people who care here at Quinnipiac–but definitely not enough. There are students, professors, and faculty that put a lot of time into making this campus more sustainable–and not to save the university money, but to lessen the impact this school has on the environment. About 70 percent of the waste thrown away in America is recyclable and most of the time on this campus, it happens because students are too lazy to go out of their way to throw it in the recycling bin just a few steps away or because they are too ignorant to care–and that, I think is the true “wreck” of the week. Amelia Houghton Senior

dophile.” Ironically, other unethical behavior is learned and yet these violators are not universally banned. Both homosexual and heterosexual misconduct has been found in the coaches, teachers, religious leaders and trusted caretakers of children. Establishing awareness programs and a system of safety checks and supervision is needed to reduce the likelihood of any sexual misconduct in scout troops and other settings.

So does gay involvement in scouting really go against the institution’s core values? Hardly. This ban founded in ignorance does just that. Instead of discrimination, intolerance and ignorance, the BSA should teach the value of diversity and acceptance of others. To honor their oath and law, they should be “brave,” stand for what is “morally right,” and unite young boys around a campfire of respect instead of fueling the fires of hatred.

March 6, 2013

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

Arts & Life|7


The secularization of America’s youth

By Anna wagner

Associate Arts & Life Editor

Design by MICHELE SNOW Editor-in-Chief


t’s a Sunday morning and students sit in their common room, watching football or reruns of “Friends.” Some crowd the library cubbies, cramming for Monday’s mid-term exams, while others take time to pick up groceries or booze for the upcoming weekend; Sunday is just a day. But a flashback to 20 years ago reveals a much different picture. Stores were closed, it was against the law to sell liquor on a Sunday and religious affiliation was 19 percent higher. Today, one in fives young adults under the age of 30 are checking off the “unaffiliated” box on common applications, census surveys and other legal documents according to the Pew Research Center of Public Life. Junior Staci Canny, a journalism major from Wallingford Conn., said she is the one in that five, and considers herself secular due to her lack of interest, personal connection and busy schedule. “I just went through the motions. I never had any actual connection to the religion, so I feel that’s a big part of [secularization],” Canny said. She was baptized and confirmed as a Roman Catholic, but now she’s preferring reason over her original faith, and believed in evolution. “The decline in religion was bound to happen, with this technological revolution, we live in a fast paced culture and we want answers right away,” she said. “It just doesn’t fit in with our lifestyle.” Canny isn’t bitter about religion, nor people who have religious affiliations. She said she supports people having their own set of beliefs. Some students like Erica Rocco, a senior media studies major from Antelope Cali. believe that just believing in something could be beneficial. “I don’t think a decline in religious affiliation is a bad thing if people still believe in some-

God we (sort of) trust

thing” said Rocco “I don’t think that something has to be God necessarily, but as long as they have a belief in a set of morals and values I think things will be OK.” Quinnipiac currently has five faith-based organizations, including The Knights of Columbus, the Jewish Student Organization, the Muslim Student Organization, Branches Campus Ministry and the Quinnipiac Christian Fellowship.

he reason that there is no morality in today’s society is because we have told God that we don’t need him. - Zack Daly The decline in religious affiliation doesn’t apply to some, such as junior Zach Daly, a broadcast journalism major from Wyckoff N.J., who is on the other end of the spectrum. He keeps his faith close to him, even with a busy schedule. Daly said he was raised Catholic having been through both Catholic elementary and high school. “America is promoting a very secular culture today. Morality is disappearing, and that is a very dangerous thing,” said Daly, a Grand Knight at the all-male Catholic organization Knights of Columbus. Unlike 19 percent of young Americans who think religion is unnecessary, Daly believes it’s a fundamental part of life. “People are always complaining that there is an excessive amount of violence today, and asking where religion and faith have gone in today’s culture,” Daly said. “I believe that the reason that there is no morality in today’s society is because we have told God that we don’t need him. If we want society to fix itself, we need to allow God back into our lives.”

The religious presence on Quinnipiac’s campus is prevalent. Student and faculty received ashes on Ash Wednesday or walk to the Hillel house. According to Quinnipiac’s Catholic Chaplain, Hugh Dyer, faith still has a strong presence, but the lack of commitment is still apparent, especially on college campuses. “Staff and faculty will talk about the ease with which students blow off appointments, just don’t show up or have an excuse to reschedule three more times,” Dyer said. “If you look at divorce statistics, people are having a difficult time doing the sacrifice of commitment, so yes, we are seeing that in some degree in the church.” Dyer said that although the culture as a whole is “distracted and non-committal,” and the quantity of people attending church has declined, the quality of those involved seem to be more dedicated. Among the young, unaffiliated people, there are more atheists and agnostics coming forward. Both either doubt the existence of a god or unsure about it. Junior Alex Leonhard, a computer information systems major from Hewlett N.J., was raised without a religious affiliation on purpose, and feels that the decline of religion could be beneficial to our society.

just feel that people who are fundamentally religious are anti-common sense. - Alex Leonhard “I just feel that people who are fundamentally religious are anti-common sense, and antiscience,” Leonhard said. “Any person should agree that pro-science and pro-common sense

would make America better.” Leonhard added that he feels like most of the QU community doesn’t apply to the new secular America and that most are very offended by atheist views. “Many took our [atheist] existence personally, like we were out to get them, and that’s not the case.”

hope everyone questions their beliefs at some point in their life. - Jacob Morris Jacob Morris, a sophomore Philosophy major from Brewster Mass., was raised Catholic but became an atheist. Morris believes religion is necessary for building strength in a community, but he is also happy there is a decline because religion allows people to stop questioning their existence. However, Morris also does not see this decline in the Quinnipiac community. “I believe those that already held strong beliefs before are becoming stronger in the face of what they believe to be a threat, and those that never really had strong feelings in the first place are having those feelings weakened” said Morris, “A lot of people at QU seem to identify with whatever religion they were raised with. I was raised catholic and decided to become an atheist, and I hope everyone questions their beliefs at some point in their life.” As sacred places become emptier, those dedicated to their faith still participate. Although the decline in religious affiliation is prevalent, some people’s faith can never be shaken by demographics.

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

8 |Spring Break

March 6, 2013

Your guide to spring break Spring break is right around the corner. Before you leave, check out our must-have lists on everything from the hottest books to the hottest destinations, and don’t forget your sunscreen! By Catherine boudreau, christine burroni & sara kozlowski | Design by samantha epstein

What to read

What to listen to

The Fault in Our Stars By John Green

16-year-old Hazel has cancer and is encouraged by her parents to go to a special support group. Although she is hesitant to attend, Hazel meets an amputee named Gus Waters, who lost his leg to cancer. They quickly become good friends, develop a relationship, and use each other for moral support.

Life of Pi

By Yann Martel

Pi Patel and his family travel to Canada on a Japanese freighter with the family’s zoo animals to sell around the world. The journey, however, turned into disaster when a storm hits, sinking the freighter. The young boy from India miraculously survives 227 days in the Pacific Ocean on a boat after the shipwreck.

The Silver Linings Playbook By Matthew Quick

After having a meltdown, Pat Solitano is sent to a mental institution for several months. Upon his release, he is taken in by his parents, where he attempts to rebuild his life. He tries to change himself to become a better person for his wife, but things become more difficult when he meets a woman named Tiffany.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower By Stephen Chbosky

A boy named Charlie always felt like a wallflower. But as high school continues, Charlie becomes friends with a few of the more popular kids. This allows him to become more comfortable with himself to grow into a new and improved person.


By Veronica Roth

Similar to “The Hunger Games,” “Divergent” is the first book of the dystopian trilogy. Like the rest of the people her age, Beatrice Prior is forced to make a decision when she turns 16. At this age, she must choose one of the five different lifestyles she is allowed to pursue in her twisted society—a decision that proves to be anything but easy.

What to pack 1. Beat the sun: Sunscreen, sunglasses, aloe vera and hats can protect or cure you from those harmful rays. 2. Books, magazines and an iPod: These will keep you occupied on a long plane or car ride or for days in the sun. 3. A dressy outfit for nighttime: Regardless of the climate, pack an outfit that’s dinner, dancing or drinks ready! Aspirin might be an essential accessory to that going-out attire, as well. 4. Sweatshirt or a jacket: It gets cold at night... everywhere. Don’t forget to pack something warm for a low-key night outside. 5. Large tote bag: Will you be out all day? You’re going to need a bag with a lot of room to hold your things for a day trip. 6. Passport: You’ll need it to go international.

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

March 6, 2013

Here comes the sun: staying protected

Where you’re going Thomas Patrick, senior: going on the Habitat for Humanity alternative spring break trip in Pittsboro, N.C. “Last year was my first alternative spring break trip experience, which took place in Pittsboro, N.C. The experience was beyond what words can describe. From bonding with my team in the van on the long drive down, to working with the volunteers of Habitat for Humanity, and from the reflections that allowed us to go from a group of students to a group of best friends, left a permanent ‘footprint’ on my life. The experience had such an influential and positive impact on my life that at the end I could not wait to apply again the following year. “As a quiet individual, a desire to help others, and a great enjoyment for hands on activities, I found this to be the perfect opportunity to become more involved, better myself as an individual, and help make a positive impact on someone else’s life. “I think so many college students choose to go on the ‘typical’ spring break trip because they are young, it’s more appealing, and the idea of giving up spring break for a service trip just isn’t for everyone. Especially for seniors, as it is their last year to ‘live it up’ before going out into the real world. My roommates are going to Utah to go skiing this spring break. I love to snowboard and I was torn to go snowboarding in Utah with my roommates or go on the alternative spring break trip, as I was so lucky to be chosen for it again. I took time to think, and knew deep down that as much as I would love to go to Utah to snowboard, my heart is devoted to this trip and is the perfect spring break for me.”

Nicole Vitulli, senior: going on Student City’s trip to Cancun “I chose Cancun for spring break because most of my friends decided to go there. Some of my friends have been there before and said it was a great trip. Student City is a good company to go through because they basically book everything for you. They provide transportation to and from the airport and to certain places in Cancun. I also feel safer going through an agency that has reps on the trip with you. “I have never gone on spring break before so I'm really excited! In picking a destination I just picked somewhere that was warm, has a beach, and where my friends will be. I think everyone goes just to have a good time and escape the cold weather for a week! I'm really excited for the trip and can't wait to see what Cancun has to offer.”

Spring Break|9

Who’s headed to the beach next week? Excited for the sun? Of course you are, who wouldn’t want to get out of this snow-prone Connecticut weather? And since we don’t want to come home with a lobster-like complexion, we’ve compiled tanning tips and myths: what to believe and what not to believe when it comes to soaking up the sun for a week.

1) To base tan, or not to base tan?

According to the Mayo Clinic, you shouldn’t get that bronze base at the tanning bed. Any form of tan (or burn) is a form of skin cancer. Although many may believe the theory that going tanning before a beach vacation prepares your skin for the sun, in reality, there’s no proven purpose to hitting the tanning bed prior to the beach. It’s just speeding up the skin damage process and increasing your risk for skin cancer.

2) Let’s talk sunscreen!

The level of a sunscreen’s SPF (sun protection factor) only indicates protection from UVB rays, when you also need protection from UVA rays, which are the skin cancer-causing ultraviolet rays. Using a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen will ensure protection from both kinds. To totally protect your skin, make sure the label of your lotion contains at least one of the following ingredients: Oxybenzone, Octyl Salicylate, Avobenzone, Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide.

3) What does SPF really mean?

A SPF number is based on how long it takes to burn skin that’s been treated with sunscreen compared with skin that hasn’t been treated. Think of it like this: “if it takes 20 minutes for your unprotected skin to start turning red, using an SPF 15 sunscreen theoretically prevents reddening 15 times longer — about five hours,” as stated by the Skin Cancer Foundation. However, regardless of SPF, make sure to spread an even layer on your body. If your sunscreen is unevenly applied, SPF 15 isn’t any different than SPF 60.

4) How often and how much should I apply?

The sun is at its strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunscreen is necessary when the sun is directly shining, and should be reapplied every two hours. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that only 25 to 50 percent of beach-goers apply the right amount of sunscreen. Don’t be a statistic. The AAD recommends using one ounce of sunscreen, or enough to fill a shot glass. And remember to apply 15 to 30 minutes before sun exposure.

5) There’s no way I can get a tan when it’s cloudy, right?

This isn’t true, and according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, up to 80 percent of the sun’s rays can shine through clouds and fog, so sunscreen is still required!

Jaime Mor, senior: going on the Norwegian Jewel Cruise, 7 days, stopping at Port Canaveral, Great Stirrup Cay (private island of Norwegian) and Nassau, Bahamas “I have never been away on spring break before so I am really excited for the experience. Last year, I had the amazing opportunity to travel with the Quinnipiac baseball team. “It was definitely important to pick a destination with warm and tropical weather. We also felt that going on a cruise would be a great package for all of us seeing as we are all going to be in the same place, and the cost of the cruise covers all of our meals and on-board entertainment. “I think spring break is an opportunity for college students to spend time with a large group of their friends without having to be stuck on campus. It gives a chance for a change in scenery and a different kind of environment. Everyone is laid back and relaxed with not a care in the world. What more can we ask for?”

Top beach destinations

*according to

1) Cancun, Mexico 2) Panama City Beach, Fla. 3) Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 4) Punta Cana, Dominican Republic 5) Las Vegas, Nev. 6) Acapulco, Mexico 7) Sail and Stay, Bahamas

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

10|Arts & Life

March 6, 2013




By CAROLINE TUFTS Associates Art and Life Editor

t 4 years old, Rachael Kuhn stood in the ballet studio poised to dance, but something held her back. As she looked around the room, she couldn’t help but notice even the smallest differences between herself and the other girls. Some were taller, a handful were skinnier, and although she didn’t realize it at the time, those feelings would plague her for years, until one day they took over her life. Kuhn, a junior occupational therapy major, has struggled with an eating disorder since she was 13. Before entering treatment in December 2012, she was diagnosed with Atypical Anorexia Nervosa, a type of Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), EDNOS describes patients who do not meet the strict criteria for either anorexia or bulimia nervosa, but who exhibit many of the symptoms of eating disorders. Roughly 24 million people suffer from an eating disorder, and 25 percent of college-age women use binging and purging as a dietary technique in the U.S., according to ANAD. Its prevalence is a mounting concern because eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. The disorder with the highest mortality rate is EDNOS, which the American Journal of Psychiatry reports at 5.2 percent. Kuhn’s disorder consists primarily of severe restrictions on what and how much she allows herself to eat. This resulted in Kuhn losing onethird of her body weight since arriving at Quinnipiac as a freshman. But her problems didn’t begin when she went away to college. After a year of out-patient therapy between eighth and ninth grade, Kuhn decided to deal with her issues independently. “I kind of just didn’t want to recover,” Kuhn said. “I wanted to stay in the eating disorder. It was sick, but I liked the comfort of the eating disorder, and knowing that I was in control. I wasn’t, but it felt like I was in control. I just stopped going to therapy, because at that point I didn’t want to get better.” Throughout high school and her first two years at Quinnipiac, Kuhn experienced cycles in which she would get sick, lose weight, and finally stabilize by gaining weight. Then she’d restart the cycle of self-judgment that would lead back to her illness. People who weren’t aware of her disorder would pay positive attention to her weight loss because as Kuhn said, in this society shedding pounds is viewed as an accomplishment, but for her, and many others suffering from eating disorders, it simply reinforces the desire to diet. This past fall, Kuhn’s disorder intensified to the point where she lost the ability to exercise for fear of passing out in the gym. She was eating a mere fraction of the recommended daily caloric intake of 2,000 calories, and she had a list

of “fear foods” a mile long that she avoided at all costs. “Around October, I guess you could say I hit rock bottom,” Kuhn said. “I was having anxiety attacks, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t study or focus. I wasn’t eating enough, and your brain doesn’t function when you are malnourished, so I couldn’t think, and I couldn’t remember what I was studying.” For a student whose mother describes her as a perfectionist, the extent to which Kuhn was losing control of her daily activities caused an enormous amount of fear. Kuhn’s extreme dieting was hidden from many due to her determination to be in control of her own life. “My only emotion that I felt when I was at my sickest point was disordered,” Kuhn said. “There wasn’t an emotion. I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t mad, I wasn’t sad. I just didn’t feel anything because emotions are out of control. I felt like I couldn’t control my emotions, so whenever I felt anything, I just pushed it away and focused on the eating disorder because that was easier.” One of Kuhn’s best friends at Quinnipiac is junior Brett Kaselouskas, who claims that their friendship was fated after a trip to Walmart and a guiltily shared desire to watch “Camp Rock 2.” Though she had told Brett, and other close friends, about the eating disorder, Kuhn’s pride and her independent nature kept her from revealing the depth of her problems. “I spent a long time not knowing anything about Rachael’s eating disorder,” Kaselouskas said. “She was really good at fighting it all by herself. Looking back, I wish I had noticed something sooner so that I could have helped, but I did not know what I was looking for. It wasn’t until this year that I became aware of how serious Rachael’s disorder was and how badly she needed help.” Kuhn realized that she needed help as well, and after her malnourishment drove her to snap at an undeserving roommate over a petty situation, she decided that she needed it sooner rather than later. “That night was just so scary. I was terrified, and I felt like I couldn’t handle anything. I was ready to drive myself to the emergency room, and I didn’t even know why,” Kuhn said. Kuhn’s mom, Lisa Kuhn, has worked for years to understand the true severity of her daughter’s condition. When Kuhn called her that October night in the middle of a stress induced anxiety attack, she quickly began researching the different options for treatment. Two days after Kuhn finished the Fall 2012 semester, she enrolled in a partial hospitalization treatment program at Walden Behavioral Care in South Windsor, Conn. Each day she drove an hour and a half to the center where she stayed from 8 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., preparing and eating meals, meeting with a dietician and other

Rachael Kuhn has struggled with an eating disorder since she was 13. doctors, and attending group therapy with other individuals who suffer from a variety of eating disorders “The staff knew all of the tricks,” Kuhn said. “It’s a very deceptive disease. It’s all based on secrecy and lies, shame and deceit. So they knew, and they wouldn’t let us get away with it.” The patients had strict rules and meal plans that they had to stick to, and each day they worked past challenges both physically and mentally. Kuhn said one of the most important thing she learned was that when speaking about eating disorders for personal gain, she can be specific, but referencing specific caloric intake, behavior or aspects of the disorder can potentially trigger reactions for others who are dealing with similar issues. After just a week of treatment, Kuhn began to see results. “Once we all got on board with the same program I could notice a huge difference in just her attitude,” Lisa said. “She was relaxed, she was happy, she was not stressed at all, she was just in a different place from probably the first week on. I think she was just so relieved that she was confronting this problem that it was just a huge change between when she came home and the end of the program. She’s like a different person.” But despite the five weeks of treatment, and the dramatic improvement that Kuhn has seen since December, she isn’t cured. “It’s a struggle still, every single day,” Kuhn


said. “I could honestly see myself facing this for the rest of my life. I’ve heard it compared to alcoholism, where the person can never have a drink again because they’re in danger of falling back into that, but obviously I can’t avoid food. So there are days where I’m terrified that I’m relapsing. Like I thought I was just so strong coming back to school, and one tiny setback makes me feel like it is over. I feel like I’m not strong enough to handle school, or to handle life, but I get over it.” Kuhn is determined. Her family is behind her 100 percent, and her mother said this experience has only brought them closer. Before, the eating disorder stood as the elephant in the room between them, and now it’s another reason to offer support. The happiness that Kuhn gained from her recovery process is shared by her family, and she is now hoping to spread the message that her struggle, and the struggle shared by all people suffering from an eating disorder, is real. It is also detrimental to the lives it affects. She said it’s possible to rise above an eating disorder, but only if those suffering are willing to give their whole heart to the fight. The happiness and empowerment of kicking EDNOS far outweighs the control she used to feel as a result of her dietary restrictions, Kuhn said. “I was sick for eight years,” Kuhn said. “And those are years that I can’t get back. There’s nothing I can do about that, but I know that from this point on I don’t have to lose any more years.”

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

March 6, 2013

Arts & Life|11




New Super-Group Band Forming

By JULIA PERKINS Associate News Editor

Julia Leeds Major: Interactive Digital Design Year: Freshman Hometown: Martinsville, N.J. Looks like: Kendall Jenner

Pearl Jam’s Mike McCready, former Guns N’ Roses bassist Duff McKagan, and former Screaming Trees’ drummer Barrett Martin have formed a supergroup and are collaborating on music. According to Rolling Stone magazine, the band is still unnamed and is looking to find multiple vocalists to bring the music together. There are no set release dates yet, but it all depends on the soon-to-befound vocalists.

The Sheen and Lohan Story

Charlie Sheen recently spoke out about his close relationship with Lindsay Lohan, saying he’s only her mentor and friend, with an emphasis on “only.”’ In an exclusive “TMZ” release statement, Sheen said his past experiences “make him the perfect mentor for Lindsay.” He recently lent the troubled star $100,000 to pay off her tax debt, and said he just wants to help her.


“When I see [Kendall Jenner] on TV, I’ll be a little weirded out because I think she looks like me, but in pictures I think we look different...I guess it is a compliment because she is gorgeous.”

Jamie Lynn Spears Engaged





Tweens at Toads

Britney Spears’ younger sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, announced through Twitter that she and her boyfriend are getting engaged. In the picture uploaded on Instagram and Twitter, Jamie Lynn flashes her engagement ring while hugging her soon-to-be husband, Jamie Watson. He proposed to her after dating for three years and making headlines nearly five years ago when they had a baby.

‘Modern Family’ Gets Stuck in Elevator


Everyone was a little confused and surprised when Perez Hilton, celebrity gossip columnist, announced recently on his website, PerezHilton. com, that he has a baby son! The blog post was titled, “A Very Important Message from Perez,” and read, “I am ready to announce that earlier this month I was blessed with the birth of my first child, a beautiful and healthy baby boy-with lots of hair on his head.” The blog post had a picture attached of Perez cradling his new son, whose name is still unknown to the public. The blog post was unexpected to say the least. Everyone was surprised and it seems as if no one knew about it. Perez is known for his gossip column where he criticizes all celebrities often but that did not stop the amount of Twitter love he received. Following the blog post came many celebrity tweets from Hilary Duff to Paris Hilton, all congratulating Perez on his new baby. Perez tweeted, “I can’t stop crying! Every time someone Tweets me ‘Congrats Dad’ or ‘Daddy’ the tears just start streaming! #PoppaPerez.” That is one of the few tweets that Perez has posted that references the new baby. Perez has not mentioned anything about taking a break from his website, which is updated frequently. He has gone back to tweeting about celebrities and red carpets already. The baby’s name, the birth mother and whether the baby was by a surrogate or adoption has yet to be disclosed. Everyone is curious to see how the rest of this child’s life and Perez’s life play out. – S. Harris


What’s worse than a bunch of 12 year olds at Toad’s? A bunch of 12 year olds moshing at the Aaron Carter concert at Toad’s. Every person that goes out to New Haven on the weekends knows how crowded Toad’s can get, and there was no exception at the Aaron Carter concert last Wednesday, which is part of his After Party Tour. What was horrifyingly different was the mass of teenagers that were pushing and elbowing their way to the front of the stage to get a better look at the 90s pop star. During one of the opening acts, a girl fight broke out in the middle of the crowd. Two groups of girls had to be escorted out by the security guard for violently shoving people and creating chaos before Carter even came on the stage. There were so many girls holding up signs that it was hard to see anything. Most of the signs were very inappropriate. One read, “The real after party is in my bedroom.” These girls who weren’t even alive when Carter first became famous have no idea what they’re insinuating. Even though there were a few parents in the crowd, many of the young girls were there without supervision. Letting a young teenager go to a club in New Haven on a school night is a questionable decision, especially since the concert did not end until midnight. Toad’s has probably never seen so many screaming adolescents at one time.– M. Alderman-Person

Have feedback? Spare change? send them to

On their way to a charity event, “Modern Family” actors Julie Bowen, Eric Stonestreet and Jesse Tyler Ferguson, along with 12 other people, got stuck in an elevator for more than 45 minutes. It could’ve been a nightmare, but the incident was apparently like a scene out of a sitcom. The crowd kept calm and posted funny videos to Twitter via their phones.

Bieber’s Birthday Disaster

On March 1, Justin Bieber had a disagreement with security at the London club, Cirque Du Soir, where he held his birthday bash. Some of his posse, including Will Smith’s son, Jaden, who’s just 14, were too young to get inside. To stay loyal to his good friends, Bieber and his crew left the club, headed to McDonalds then back to the hotel. He later tweeted a simple two words to sum up the night“Worst birthday.”

First Movie Bomb of 2013

“Jack the Giant Slayer” is struggling to pull through after a tough first weekend at the box office. With a production budget of $195 million, it earned just $28 million at 3,525 theaters during its opening. The remake of the classic tale “Jack and the Beanstalk” just isn’t cutting it.

Heidi Klum an “America’s Got Talent” Judge

As of March 4, Heidi Klum will be the fourth judge on “America’s Got Talent.” She will sit alongside returning judges Howard Stern and Howie Mandel and the other new judge, Mel B of the Spice Girls.

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


March 6, 2013

Sandy Hook soccer jersey auction

Women’s soccer head coach gives back to Newtown By KERRY HEALY Associate Sports Editor

Quinnipiac women’s soccer head coach Dave Clarke wanted to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and bring together not just the state of Connecticut, but the entire world. He wanted to do something that could help the future and make a difference not just one night, but forever. “Like most Connecticut residents, I wanted to do something in the aftermath of the shooting to help the victims and the survivors, but coming up with an appropriate activity was difficult,” Clarke said. Clarke’s vision became a reality when he spoke to his daughter, Aine, one night and now he and the women’s soccer team will auction off soccer jerseys with the number 26 on them in honor of the 26 victims that died in the shooting. The jerseys will also have Sandy Hook on the back instead of a player’s last name. Jerseys will be signed by the players from the specific team they came from. “I wanted to come up with an idea that could be sustained in future years, involve the team, our former players, the sport itself and, most importantly, honor the memory of one of the victims, Rachel D’Avino, whose cousin Lauren Carmody played for me at Quinnipi-

ac,” Clarke explained. D’Avino was a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary school and was killed during the shooting. She was also a cousin of one of Clarke’s former captains, Lauren CarmodyGrenier, who graduated in 2002. The money raised will go toward a scholarship in honor of D’Avino. Not only are teams from the United States taking part in the auction, but the initiative has made its way across the world. “The response from the clubs has been tremendous with only a couple of notable exceptions,” Clarke said. “Most clubs were eager to donate a shirt directly or through mutual contacts. The emails and letters from the clubs have struck a somber note, especially from the likes of Liverpool FC, which suffered its own tragedy in 1989 when 96 of their fans were killed in the Hillsborough disaster.” In an interview with NBC Connecticut, Clarke said the Dec. 14 tragedy affected those around the world, and because soccer is a “global game,” he thought this could be something he could do to help. Bidding on the jerseys will start at $26 and were collected through February and the beginning of March. Bidding will begin on March 14, according to the auction website. Clarke isn’t the only one getting involved

Photo courtesy quinnipiac soccer

Women’s soccer head coach Dave Clarke has started an auction collecting autographed jerseys from around the world to benefit a Sandy Hook charity. from the soccer team. He has his players help- the United States and open to only residents of Newtown. ing throughout the process. Similar to how the event in Newtown “Aine McKeever and Tori Graessle are directly involved and helping with inventory gained more publicity with time, Clarke’s #26 and editing the website,” Clarke responded. Sandy Hook soccer shirt auction is doing the “The others are helping to promote via social same. The most recent jerseys listed on the webmedia.” This is also not the first time the soccer site are signed Manchester United and USA program at Quinnipiac reached out to help Men’s National team jerseys, as well as an Sandy Hook. Quinnipiac men’s soccer head Argentina National team jersey with an autocoach, Eric Da Costa, helped organize Soccer graph of the biggest name in soccer right now, Night in Newtown which grew to become a Lionel Messi. large event that took place in early January, hosting famous soccer players from around

Equipment manager reflects Men’s basketball looks on career, Quinnipiac to end Blackbirds’ run By ian mccracken Staff Writer

By joe addonizio Sports Editor

From attempting a professional career in baseball to working multiple part time jobs per week, James Schilkowski has earned where he is today. Now as the assistant athletic director for equipment services at Quinnipiac, Schilkowski can put his years of training into play with something he loves to do. For Schilkowski, baseball was the spark that lit his sports obsession. He played baseball for Shelton High School in Shelton, Conn. and performed well enough to draw attention from schools and scouts. “Sacred Heart came in and [had its] first Division I recruiting class and I really wanted to play Division I,” Schilkowski said. “I want ed to go to school and get an education first.” Although Sacred Heart was making the transition from Division II during his time as a Pioneer, Schilkowski had a tremendous career. He finished it as the all-time leader for Sacred Heart at the Division I level with 78 walks and second for hits with 203. He’s also second in doubles with 56, RBIs with 120, total bases with 273 and a .450 slugging percentage. After graduating with a sports management degree in 2004, he spent several months looking to make the jump to the big leagues Unfortunately, a major knee surgery forced him to get a real job and put his playing days in the past. He then worked multiple jobs per week from substitute teaching to bartending to try and stay afloat. Eventually, an internship he worked while at Sacred Heart for Quinnipiac athletics allowed him to get his foot in the door with the Bobcats. “When Quinnipiac came down to Sacred heart, I’d see Jack McDonald or Billy Mecca and ask them how they were doing and stayed in touch with people after I graduated,” Schilkowski said. After working that summer with Quinni-

Matt eisenberg/Chronicle

Equipment Manager Jamie Schilkowski oversees 21 division I sports at Quinnipiac. piac, Schilkowski joined as a full-time member helping out with game programming. He would however find his way back to Sacred Heart for two years and four months before eventually returning to Quinnipiac to take his current position. “I kind of fell into where I am now with equipment,” Schilkowski said. “I didn’t really know anything about hockey until I first worked here.” Much of what he has learned in his three and a half years as equipment manager has come from watching others as well as getting help from coaches and other people in the business. The most informational sources, however, are the athletes, according to Schilkowski. “You really learn a lot from players,” said Schilkowski, who created the student-athlete handbook when he was interning at Quinnipiac. “You’ve got all these kids who have been skating since they were three years old, they know a lot more about things you don’t know.”

Wednesday marks the beginning of the playoffs for Quinnipiac basketball as the men travel to Brooklyn to face LIU Brookyln in the Northeast Conference quarterfinals. The Bobcats are looking to earn their firstever NEC championship before they move to the MAAC in 2013-14, while first round opponent LIU Brooklyn is looking to go for a three-peat. Coming off a hot February, in which the team won seven of eight games, the Bobcats lost to LIU Brooklyn on March 2, 96-90, in their last game of the regular season. Ike Azotam will be the key for the Bobcats against LIU Brooklyn. Having surpassed the 1,000-point mark earlier this year, the junior is the anchor of consistency for Quinnipiac. Averaging 13.6 points, a 50 percent field goal percentage, and 8.1 rebounds, Azotam will need to bring all his skills and more. Ousmane Drame complements the Bobcats off the bench, averaging 9.2 points per game and is shooting 52.7 percent from the floor on the season. Zaid Hearst is second on the team

in scoring with 10.9 points per game, while Dave Johnson leads Quinnipiac in assists with 4.1 and three-point percentage at 38.1 percent. Jamal Olasewere will be the Blackbird on the Bobcats’ radar. Averaging 19.2 points and 8.4 rebounds per game, Olasewere leads LIU Brooklyn, but his crutch is the 3.3 turnovers he commits each game. Forcing the ball out of his hands will be a safe bet for Quinnipiac, and Azotam on Olasewere will be a key matchup to watch. Last season, the Bobcats lost to the Blackbirds in the semifinal round of the NEC Tournament, 78-75, after beating St. Francis (N.Y.) 80-72 in the first round. Ike Azotam and James Johnson led the way in scoring with 17 points, while Julian Boyd of LIU Brooklyn dropped 21 points in its winning effort. Production came at the free throw line, as the victors went 22-of-30 while Quinnipiac only shot 10 with five makes. Tipoff is set for 7 p.m., and the winner will play in the semifinals on March 9 at either noon or 2:30 p.m. The winner of the NEC Tournament will earn a bid to the NCAA Tournament.

joe addonizio/Chronicle

See Equipment manager Page 14

Men’s basketball will travel to LIU Brooklyn on Wednesday, March 6, looking to knock out the two-time defending champions from the playoffs.

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

March 6, 2013


Quinnipiac’s biggest and most influential basketball fan

Anna brundage/Chronicle

Dave Johnson, a senior guard on the men’s basketball team helps push Keith Gaither to center count during Bobcat Madness earlier this year. By giovanni mio Staff Writer

While he fights a disease that slows down his physical ability, Keith Gaither’s mental drive doesn’t let it get to him. His attitude has inspired both Quinnipiac basketball teams on and off the

court. Gaither is a 20-year-old who suffers from cerebral palsy, which is a disease caused by damage to the motor control centers while the brain develops inside the womb, according to He attends Area Cooperative

Education School in Hamden, which caters to the needs of children with disabilities. While he does not go to Quinnipiac, many consider him the school’s number one basketball fan. Gaither sits in the corner straight across from the home bench and has become a coach and a fan for both the men’s and women’s squad. “He’s so passionate and competitive on game nights,” Quinnipiac men’s basketball head coach Tom Moore said. “He’s got a certain energy to him our guys see and react well to. Keith’s energy might be higher than some of our players on game nights.” He started coming to the basketball games several years ago, when one of his aids called the school about attending a game. Since then, he’s become close to both the men’s and women’s basketball teams. “I knew it was a vibe that I was catching with coach Moore,” Gaither said. “I’m not here just to get in the way. I’m here to share my input on basketball.” Gaither has shown more than just his input on basketball to the

teams. He has made several gifts for the players, including a picture the men’s team touches before they rush on the court every home game. Not only has Gaither inspired the team, but he sees them as a reason why he has been able to fight his disease. Two years ago, Gaither was able to walk for the first time. Once he stopped, he turned around to a camera and said, “QU baby! I did it for y’all! QU baby!” “He’s our biggest fan, our biggest supporter, and even comes into the locker room after every game to give a perspective on how much he cares about us as a team and how he wants us to succeed,” senior guard Garvey Young said. Last year, the Quinnipiac athletics department acknowledged Gaither’s dedication as a fan with an authentic jersey and declaring him the Bobcats’ number one basketball fan in front of a standing ovation on Lender Court. Gaither said it was one of the best moments he’s ever experienced in his life. “They accepted me with open arms and I can’t thank them enough for that,” Gaither said. “No

other college has to do that, but they do it from the kindness from their heart.” Not only does he think his coaching helps, but his fight against cerebral palsy sprinkles to the players and makes them fight even harder on the court. “Seeing a kid like me having this type of disease, I think it’s very shocking to them,” Gaither said. “That’s why they play so hard.” The connection Gaither has with the players is a bond that can never be broken. “He looks up to us, but in reality we look up to him,” Young said. “We don’t see it as him looking up to us because everything he’s been through. And to still have a passion and a genuine love for us and basketball, it’s truly amazing to be honest.” Cerebral palsy might have taken away some of Gaither’s physical abilities, but it has only made his heart and mind stronger. “I don’t let the disease stop me,” Gaither said. “Sometimes you have to face adversity first to get to where you want to go.”

Conti finds opportunity, success at Quinnipiac By nick solari Staff Writer

When Quinnipiac men’s basketball head coach Tom Moore went on a recruiting trip to New York City in 2011, he was not looking for a guard. As the coach explained, he “already had enough guards” for the upcoming season. Moore attended the Catholic League semifinal matchup between Holy Cross and Christ the King to scout a forward. When he saw guard Evan Conti play, however, his feelings changed. “It was a Friday night, the place was packed,” Moore recalled. “I was watching the game and Evan was just fearless. He was taking on the whole Christ the King team and taking on the whole crowd. Taking every shot, defending the best scorer on the other team. He was playing really well.” About a month after that game, a spot opened up for a guard on Moore’s roster. One of the first people he called to offer the scholarship to was Conti. Conti was selected as a member of the Catholic High School Athletic Association’s first team after his senior season. He averaged nearly 18 points, 10 rebounds and five assists per game during that year, and ranks fifth all-time at Holy Cross High School in Bayside, N.Y., with 1,120 career points. Still, Moore’s call was the only Division I offer Conti received. “They used to say that I wasn’t good enough to play at this level,” Conti said. “They used every excuse in the book. I play with a chip on my shoulder because of that.” In his freshman year, Conti averaged around eight minutes per game. He scored 53 points and grabbed 50 rebounds on the season. “Everything was new to me,” Conti said. “I was just happy to be where I was, a Division I college basketball player. I was just really getting used to everything. As the season went on I started to produce more and more when given the chance.” The highlight of Conti’s season was the last game of the year. After losing in the second round of the Northeast Conference Tournament, the Bobcats played the University of Penn in the College Basketball Invitational. Though Quinnipiac lost that game 74-63, the freshman guard scored 14 points, shot 6 of 9 from the field and grabbed four rebounds. “That game showed me I could really make an impact on the team,” Conti said. “It gave me a great level of confidence heading into the offseason.” During the summer, Conti, as he has always done, con-

tinued to work hard. With a full season as a collegiate athlete under his belt and the knowledge of the system he played in, Conti looked to improve himself as a basketball player as much as he possibly could. “I just waited for my opportunity,” he said. This year has been much different for the 6-foot-3, 200-pound guard. The native of Bronx, N.Y. has played in 29 of Quinnipiac’s 30 games thus far and averaged more than 26 minutes per game. He is currently fourth on the team in scoring with 8.3 points per game. He is also grabbing 4.2 rebounds a game and has the team’s second highest assist total. “That’s what happens in team sports,” Moore said. “Guys get opportunities, and it’s what you do with those opportunities that count. Evan has done a really nice job with making the most of his chances, and has become one of the staples of our offense.” Perhaps his most memorable moment so far as a Bobcat came in a game on Feb. 14 vs. Robert Morris. Conti, in the middle of a six-game streak of scoring 10 points or more, scored a career-high 18 points and sunk the game-winning shot with only 13 seconds remaining. Quinnipiac defeated Robert Morris, who will begin the NEC Tournament this week as the No. 1 overall seed, by the final of 63-61. “This league is all about confidence,” Conti said. ‘You need to have confidence, and if you're not confident then you aren’t going to be able to perform the way you need to perform.” “That’s why I always feel good in clutch spots about Evan,” Moore said. Conti also gets his confidence from one other life-changing experience during his high school career. In 2009, he went to Philadelphia to try out for the Maccabi games. Known commonly as the “Jewish Olympics,” it is the second-largest sporting event in the world, trailing only the World Olympics. Conti tried out for Team USA’s coach Brian Schiff and was given a spot on the roster immediately. He went on to win the tournament’s Most Valuable Player award in Israel. “That was the greatest experience of my life,” Conti said. “I gained a great amount of positives out of that tournament. Having people in Israel know my name, that’s really special. It made me realize how many opportunities I have and how blessed I am.” He will be participating for Team USA again this summer in the 19th edition of the Maccabi Games. The tournament will feature current and former college stars, including Duke’s John Scheyer. Looking forward, Conti may have found an occupation for

Matt eisenberg/Chronicle

Evan Conti (right) has emerged as a legitimate scoring threat for the Bobcats in his sophomore season. life after Quinnipiac. “Playing professionally overseas is something I would really love to do,” he said. Before that time, however, Conti looks forward to the remainder of his career as a Bobcat and sets no limits on the future. “There’s always room for growth and improvement, I just need to keep getting better,” he said. For now, Conti will continue to work with his teammates in pursuit of the ultimate goal before in his time at Quinnipiac: a shot at the big dance. “The class I came in with is very humble, and very hard working,” Conti said. “Being a part of the first team at Quinnipiac to make it to the National Tournament is what we work every single day for.”

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


The Rundown MEN’S ICE HOCKEY Harvard 2, QU 1 – Friday Ben Arnt: 1 goal QU 4, Dartmouth 1 – Saturday Jordan Samuels-Thomas: 2 goals Jeremy Langlois: 1 goal Women’s Ice Hockey St. Lawrence 1, QU 0 – Friday Victoria Vigilanti: 38 saves QU 3, St. Lawrence 2 – Saturday Amanda Colin: 1 goal St. Lawrence 2, QU 0 – Sunday Vigilanti: 19 saves Men’s basketball QU 78, Sacred Heart 67 – Thursday Ike Azotam: 19 points Zaid Hearst: 17 points QU 96 LIU Brooklyn 90 – Saturday Dave Johnson: 24 points woMen’s basketball QU 66, LIU Brooklyn 45 – Saturday Brittany McQuain: 13 points QU 73, St. Francis (N.Y.) 54 – Monday Camryn Warner: 14 points WOMEN’S LACROSSE Yale 19, QU 12 – Wednesday UConn 20, QU 6 – Saturday

games to watch MEN’S BASKETBALL QU (15-15, 11-7) at LIU Brooklyn (17-13, 12-6) – Wednesday 7 p.m. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QU (27-2, 18-0) vs Bryant (12-17, 8-10) – Sunday T.B.A. SOFTBALL QU (2-7, 0-0) at USF Under Armour Series — Friday and Saturday

Game of the Week

Women’s ice hockey forces game 3 in triple OT By BEN dias Staff Writer

In a game that took nearly four hours, the Bobcats rebounded from a 1-0 Game 1 loss on Saturday night to earn a 3-2 triple overtime victory over St. Lawrence to set up a decisive Game 3 tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. After giving up two goals in the final 31.5 seconds of regulation, Amanda Colin made the crowd rise to its feet after a dynamic display of skill as she toe dragged past a St. Lawrence defender and backhanded a shot past Carmen MacDonald five hole for the game winner at the 8:55 mark of the third overtime. “I looked up and saw a bunch of open ice and skated down and decided to dangle a little bit and take the girl one-on-one,” Colin said. “I got to the goalie and I don’t know where that move came from, but it went in.” The game could have ended numerous times in overtime but both MacDonald and Victoria Vigilanti were tremendous stopping 57 shots each. “They finished enough,” Quinnipiac head coach Rick Seeley said. “We had a lot of great opportunities all game and I thought we took it to them for the most part but MacDonald stood on her head and she made great saves. I thought we worked a lot better around the net.” Quinnipiac looked in control for most of the game and the game looked to be won until the final seconds. With MacDonald pulled and the extra attacker on, SLU’s Rylee Smith fired a one-timer past Vigilanti to cut the deficit to 2-1.The Saints won the faceoff in the Bobcats’ defensive end and ECAC Hockey leading scorer

Kelly Sabatine twirled around several defenders before centering in front of the crease to Rylee Smith’s stick, who one-timed a shot past Vigilanti for the goal. With 32 seconds left, the Saints won the draw following the goal and entered the Bobcats’ zone. With the puck bouncing around in the Bobcats defensive end, Vigilanti came out of her net to play the puck off the near side boards, where the Saints gained control of the puck. Mel Desrochers threw the puck in front at the net, where Smith tipped the puck up and over the sprawled Vigilanti to tie the score with two seconds left in regulation. Kristen Eklund scored her first goal of the season midway through the first period to give the Bobcats their first lead of the series. The puck was held along the boards as Nicole Brown dumped the puck to Kristen Eklund near the goal line. Eklund fired the puck on net and it deflected off MacDonald’s shoulder into the back of the net. It was the first tally for the Bobcats in over 80 minutes played against the Saints up to that point this weekend. With just 4:08 left in the second period, Quinnipiac extended its lead to 2-0. Kristen Tamberg fed Shelby Wignall at the left point, who fired a shot on net that loose in front of MacDonald but Colin was waiting on the doorstep and collected the puck and muscled and poked home the rebound. St. Lawrence played in the longest game in program history while it was the second-longest in Quinnipiac history behind the five overtime battle against Rensselaer on Feb. 28, 2010.

Hockey most high maintenance sport, ‘sticks snap like twigs’ Quinnipiac Bobcats Sports Network is your source for live broadcasts.

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Attention Quinnipiac Students

Your No. 1 men’s ice hockey team is hosting the quarterfinals of the

ECAC Hockey Tournament on

Friday, March 15, Saturday, March 16 and if necessary,

Sunday, March 17

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March 6, 2013

Manager from Page 14 Schilkowski has worked numerous sports, including football when he worked at Sacred Heart. After working football and hockey, he says that hockey is a more highmaintenance sport. The players wear more equipment in hockey and skates require more time than cleats, he said. One of his duties as equipment manager is to order equipment for most of Quinnipiac’s sports, including hockey, which is one of the most difficult with all the different customizations available to players. “The sticks, for example, are personalized just like you would see in the NHL,” Schilkowski said. “The sticks have its flex, its curve, what type of stick, all that stuff.” What’s possibly even harder to predict is how many sticks a player will go through in a season as sticks snap like twigs according to Schilkowski. “There are a lot of factors that go into that,” he said. “For example we just had a player that was injured for a good four weeks, lower body injury, so they spent a lot of time in the weight room to keep up with their strength but they ended up getting more strength in the upper body. So the stick they had been using for the last three years we now had to reorder and make more stiff because the sticks were not cutting it.” After working at Quinnipiac for

a few years, he estimated players on the men’s ice hockey team go through an average of 18-21 sticks per season while the women’s team averages six. Another challenge in ordering is the players’ skates, which have different adaptations as well. “It’s not everybody but some players need two different sized skates,” he added. “One player might have a size five skate and the next player might have a 5.5 right foot and a 5.25 left foot. There’s different widths to the skates and different tongues so there’s really a lot that goes on in ordering for hockey and each player in particular.” While ordering equipment for just the hockey team is difficult, Schilkowski’s biggest challenge is in the near future. In April 2014, he and Eric Grgurich, executive director of the TD Bank Sports Center, will serve as codirectors for the 2014 Women’s Frozen Four, which Quinnipiac will host at the High Point Solutions Center at the TD Bank Sports Center. In a few weeks, he will head out to Minnesota, where the 2013 Women’s Frozen Four is being held, to get an idea on just how he should plan next year’s edition. “We’ve already begun planning for that,” Schilkowski said. “So to get to do that stuff is exciting. It’s a big step for Quinnipiac and myself helping take on that role showing what I can do and hopefully move up the ranks.”

Megan maher/Chronicle

Amanda Colin netted the game-winning goal, and her third of the season Saturday to propel the Quinnipiac over St. Lawrence in triple overtime, 3-2. The Bobcats attempted 108 total shots while St. Lawrence totaled 97. Both sides played incredibly clean hockey as only four penalties were called throughout the game. “Just the same effort, we have been consistent the last month and a half and we just have to keep playing the same way,” Seeley said. “Hopefully St. Lawrence will run out of gas.” In Game 3, Quinnipiac fell to the

Saints by a final score of 2-0, dropping the series to St. Lawrence in the season-deciding contest. Vigilanti made 19 saves in the effort. Late in the third period, the Bobcats had perhaps their best chance of the afternoon, when Kelly Babstock punched in a loose puck in the slot. Yet, the play was reviewed, and later overturned after it was determined Babstock kicked in the puck with her skate.

Older brother serves as role model on men’s ice hockey team Barron bros from back cover for the Bobcats, Alex immediately appeared as a red dot on the recruiting radar for the coaching staff. “We already knew who he was because of Loren,” the 19-year tenured coach said. “He progressed and he also ended up in Indiana and was a really good player there and [we] thought he would be a good fit for us and it’s worked out really well.” As a freshman defenseman on the top-ranked team in the country, with four senior defensemen, Alex has struggled to find as much playing time in his first year that Loren did. With two points on the season, Alex has found playing time by being a versatile player. “The one thing I’ve been really happy with Alex is that we’ve been stuck a couple times and needed him to play forward and he’s done a nice job there playing right wing or defense,” Pecknold said. Loren thought Alex’s ability to do so and the confidence Pecknold has to play him in both positions is a huge compliment. While the two shared a bunk bed together for 13 years in California, they have been brought back to their childhood when the team is on the

road this season as Pecknold rooms them together in hotels. “We always have fun, share stories and are always laughing, and we really respect each other a lot,” Alex said. “We don’t invade each other’s privacy or do anything to piss each other off. It’s rooming with family, it’s awesome.” Some of the stories they share are of their childhood memories. “It was funny because every other year we’d both be the same height and then a year would go by and we’d switch heights,” Alex said thinking back to when they lived at home. “Whenever we were a similar height, similar weight, we’d go at it everyday. Every little thing from who was first to the dinner table, to the stuff on the ice.” While the child memories have brought them together, the Bobcats’ magical run this season has brought them even closer as Quinnipiac has been at the top of the rankings for the past four weeks. “Honestly it’s a dream come true,” Alex said. “That’s all I can say. It’s so much fun. We’ve been away from each other for six years now and growing up together we were best friends. I’m thankful that he’s with me on the ice every day.”

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

March 6, 2013


Streaking through winter Quinnipiac’s winter sports teams have put together some great streaks this year. As the teams enter playoffs and the regular seasons come to an end, we break down the teams’ best unbeaten streaks. The streaks begin from the first win or tie and go to the date of the first loss to end the streak.

Men’s ice hockey

three ties

19 21 game unbeaten streak

Longest in NCAA Division I hockey this season. Streak lasted from Nov. 9 to Feb. 15

Women’s basketball Streak dates back to Dec. 30

game active win streak

Women’s ice Hockey

two ties

Streak lasted from Jan. 18 to Feb. 16

7 6 game unbeaten streak


bases stolen by the baseball team in three games


men’s ice hockey | forward junior| windsor, conn.

Streak lasted from Feb. 2 to Feb. 25


combined saves victoria vigilanti made between friday and saturday vs. st. lawrence

points dave johnson registered saturday at LIU Brooklyn, a career high

Women’s ice hockey | forward junioR | BURNSVILLE, MINN.

Jordan Samuels-Thomas began his weekend quietly Friday evening, assisting on the lone Bobcats’ goal in a 2-1 loss at Harvard. The next night at Dartmouth, Samuels-Thomas recorded an additional assist, as well as his ninth and 10th goals of the second half, en route to Quinnipiac’s third victory in its past four games.

Amanda Colin recorded two of Quinnipiac’s three goals on the weekend, including the game-winning score in triple overtime on Saturday night. The goal was good for Colin’s third and final of the season.

ATHLETES OF THE WEEK al valerio/Chronicle


Amanda Colin

Jordan Samuels-Thomas


points recorded by kyra ochwat through two women’s lacrosse games this season

Men’s Basketball

game win streak


The Quinnipiac Chronicle

coach’s corner


“That’s what happens in team sports. Guys get opportunities, and it’s what you do with those opportunities that count.”

— Tom Moore men’s Basketball

Let the Madness Begin By ian mccracken Staff Writer

With the most impressive season in women’s basketball history, the Bobcats carry a perfect 18-0 conference record and a 19-game win streak into the NEC Tournament. The quarterfinals will be hosted at the TD Bank Sports Center on Sunday March 10 as No. 1 seed Quinnipiac takes on No. 8 Bryant at 2 p.m. The Bulldogs defeated Robert Morris 6156, in overtime to clinch a seed in the tournament on Monday, March 4. The Bobcats swept the season series against Bryant (12-17, 8-10 NEC) with a combined 36-point advantage. Quinnipiac defeated St. Francis (N.Y.), 7354, Monday night in Brooklyn Heights. Camryn Warner and Jasmine Martin led the way in scoring with 14 and 12 points, respectively. Gillian Abshire also chipped in with seven assists. Senior guard Felicia Barron will have to continue leading the team as she has done all season in order to have tournament success. Averaging 14.0 points, while shooting 40.7 percent from the field to go along with 3.6 times per game, her defense will lead to points on the other end.

Other names to watch are Jasmine Martin and Brittany McQuain. Martin is second on the team in scoring, averaging 13.1 points per game. McQuain is third with 11.6 points per game, and leads the team with 8.2 rebounds per game. Last season in the NEC Tournament, Quinnipiac knocked out Mount St. Mary’s in the quarterfinals, 65-61. In the semifinal round the Bobcats were edged out by Monmouth by a narrow margin, 69-66. The Bobcats have never won the NEC Tournament. No. 4 Saint Francis (Pa.) leads the way in tournament titles, having won 11 times since 1986. This season Quinnipiac has won both bouts against the Red Flash, outscoring Saint Francis by a total of 27 points. After completing a spotless conference record for just the fourth time in the history of the NEC, the team will look to stay on its unbeaten streak and propel Quinnipiac to its first NEC Tournament championship as well as a trip to the NCAA Tournament.

March 6, 2013 @QUChronSports

Women’s NEC Tournament Bracket

Games held at campus sites. Higher seed hosts all games. Teams will be reseeded after the quarterfinals. PRESENTED BY

See Men’s preview Page 12

Men’s NEC Tournament Bracket

Brotherly Love:

Siblings from California reunite on the ice

Anna brundage/Chronicle

Brothers Alex (left) and Loren Barron are separated by three grades which means they only have one year to take advantage of playing on the same ice. By joe addonizio Sports Editor

In 2010, Katy Perry claimed “nothin’ comes close, to the golden co-oast” in her pophit “California Gurls.” Loren and Alex Barron disagree with the “Hot ‘N’ Cold” Perry. For the California brothers on the men’s ice hockey team, nothing comes close to the feeling of being reunited and playing on the ice together for the Bobcats. “Growing up, it has always been me and my brother,” said Loren, a senior defenseman. “We would always do everything together and it was just kind of us playing and growing throughout sports together.” In 2009, Glendora, Calif. native Loren traveled more than 2,800 miles away from his

brother to play for the Bobcats in Connecticut. “When my brother first committed to this school I had no clue where it was, what it was,” Alex said. “I couldn’t even pronounce the name until I think after [Loren’s] sophomore or junior year.” After deciphering the pronunciation of Quinnipiac, Alex committed to join his brother and the Bobcats in November 2011 and is currently a freshman on the No. 1 ice hockey team in the country. Before their rendezvous at Quinnipiac, the brothers last shared the same zip code more than six years ago before Loren moved away from home to play junior ice hockey at the age of 18. “It’s nice now that we’re back together, being in the same building and playing on the

same ice,” Loren said. “Our parents can come down and watch us play. It’s really incredible to be fortunate enough to have this experience.” With a lack of pond hockey in the Golden State, the Barron brothers fed their hunger for hockey on blades rather than skates. “In California there is a hotbed of roller hockey,” Loren explained. “We both started playing roller hockey and once we got to high school, we were allowed to play ice hockey because of how much more expensive it is to play.” The brothers would play roller hockey every summer. The past few summers, they both played for Team Mission. Loren has also played for the USA National InLine Hockey team. “Everyone always played both growing up,” Loren said. “There was not a lot of ice hockey but there was roller hockey to counterbalance it. So there was a good base of California hockey players.” He jokingly added that his brother and himself are still learning how to skate since they didn’t begin until high school. Alex has followed in his brother’s footsteps since he first began to play roller hockey as a kid. But his next step was more influential, as he joined the Indiana Ice of the United States Hockey League after high school. Loren previously played for the Ice and led them to a Clark Cup Championship. “It was great because Loren played in Indiana, and two years later, I played for the same exact team,” Alex said. “We lived with the same host family and they were unbelievable. It was a very easy transition for me to leave home and live with a family I was already familiar with and knew my brother.”

Alex doesn’t mind following his older brother and recognizes that he does so out of love and admiration for his brother. “I’m a huge fan of my brother,” Alex said. “He’s my best friend and my role model. It would be a dream come true to play with my brother. He had a huge influence on me coming to this school and he’s actually one of the biggest factors and the reason why I’m here.” Quinnipiac head coach Rand Pecknold first spotted Loren when he was playing with Indiana. Pecknold said he saw Loren as a skilled, two-way defenseman and someone who would be a solid contributor for the Bobcats. “He struggled a little bit right out of the gate as a freshman, a couple of bumps there early but [he] figured it out, and in the playoffs of his freshman year, he was outstanding for us,” Pecknold said. “He was one of our better players and he’s been great ever since.” Loren finished his freshman campaign with eight points off of three goals and five assists. As a sophomore, he found his passing touch, assisting on 17 goals on the year to lead the team. He was the first defenseman to lead in assists since current assistant coach and former Hobey Baker Award Nominee Reid Cashman did it in 2006. Loren also led the team in plus/minus with (+17). Last season, he found the back of the net a career-high nine times and also added 15 assists for 24 points on the season. In 34 games this season, he has notched three goals along with 10 assists. After developing into what Pecknold considered a top-four defenseman as a freshman

See Barron Bros Page 14

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