Undoubtedly, apart from being stylish both utility and durability factor have made designer handbags a unanimous choice, for fashionistas around the globe. During the 1990s, these designers and others such as Christian Dior, Fendi, Burberry, Gucci and Hermes helped to coin the term 'it bag' as the handbag market grew and grew. Designer products like ChristianDior handbags are available at discount prices at online sites, such as Queen Bee of Beverly Hills, and that is when you should take your chance and grab one for yourself. Queen Bee only sells authentic bags, but do offer great discounts. Auction sites may give you price benefit but then again it is difficult to judge the authenticity. These authentic designer bags should not be confused with lookalike handbags that have a similar design style, but poor quality. It is definitely worth it to invest in authentic designer handbags. The materials used in the construction of designer replica bags are of poor quality, and they are modeled on the same patterns as the originals, but once you feel them, and see you can tell the difference immediately.Although true authentic designer handbags are high quality timeless pieces, this decade has seen a more experimental and relaxed approach to the handbag market as all different kinds of styles and patterns have been 'in trend' at various points. Classics remain in style, such as Gucci's bamboo collection, and the Dior's Lady Dior, but lately there have been interesting twists on the classics, such as the YSL Muse bag with its signature round lock and key details, as well as the Dior Lovely Bag, with its logo engraved silvertoned handles and the posh purple leather that it boasts. Messenger and sling bags have become popular for casual daytime use as they are so easy to wear. These are also designer handbags, and have all essential ingredients of such bags like style, utility and durability. Gucci messenger bags never disappoint, and comply with all
three of these trends and will brighten up any plain outfit; the perfect choice for man or woman. The fact is that handbags demonstrate the fashion signature of every fashion conscious person of this era. Since the 1950s, popular handbag designers such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Hermeshave been at the fore of handbag creations that are both timeless, fashionable and functional.By visiting Queen Bee of Beverly Hills blog about authentic luxury designer handbags, you are most likely to get an overview of authenticity, product quality, styles and other information regarding designer handbags.