Limpidjung Portfolio
2011 4th Grader Studio E
Take your Time _ Office Design Studio E / Spring 2011 in Ajou Univ. _ Office, Garden, Library , Swim Pool Notation : Green Office Project Location : Korea , Sung-nam , Pangyo Role : Personal Project Critic : Prof. Park Chan Seock ( Samoo Architecture)
There are many kinds of break depending on the atmosphere and the people and the environment. I thought that it made break ​​ walking or sitting or to humans in this project. Employee Most have experienced a lack of exercise there is no time to spare.Three masses divided each other have another program naturally and make outside or garden get architectural space. Three masses divided each other have another program naturally and make outside or garden get architectural space. Three masses divided each other have another program naturally and make outside or garden get architectural space. Three masses divided each other have another program naturally and make outside or garden get architectural space.
Limpidjung Portfolio
Sitting & Exercise
Design Process Chatting
First of all, I divide mass by funtion of program for efficiency and diverse experience. For avoiding normal and simple boxing shape, I want to make tension within images of office. And after, I design to accept the ground character having river nearby site. It will draw green way to lead people inside of office and wind way. Naturally, this windway penatrate mass for connection and people will have time of rest as chatting , gathering , walking. Finally, this building is inserted eco-box for eco program helping rest time. This office will have various volumes and program through whole these steps.
Divide mass by FunctionÂ
Need for Eco
Working Stress & Lack of Exercise
Green Slope & Wind Way
Accept the Ground Character
Make Tension
There are many type of resting according to people, enviroment and mood. In this office, I want people to rest as sitting and walking. Every office people must have needed to walk because of lack of exercise. So if I plan to make Green slope which penetrate from ground into 2F of building, worker as well as neibors can walk on building Penatrate Mass for Connection
Place the Program
3 1
4 3
1F Plan (1:800 )
2F Plan (1:800 )
1. Main Lobby 2. Mini Library 3. Shop 4. Sub Lobby 5. Mini Gallery 6. Biotop 7. Suken Garden
1. Green Slope 2. Eco Box 3. Coffee Shop 4. Deck for Community Limpidjung Portfolio
Elevation Design Mass office program was planned, I will design a glass pattern two colors overlap. These designs, to allow the separation of the visual program has a unique personality in this office. And alsp divided glass as minimun size can prevent direct sunlight for eco friendly.
Green Way Perspective View Healing activity become important thing because of modern society that get more complicated. I want to let people experience various space & walkway in their rest time. And I wish office people enjoy their life through this office by taking their time with green way.
Front Side
Section Drawing (1:800)
Insulation Glass
Allumimun Flame Insulation
Curtain Box Rotating Window
Window Flame
Ventilation Gate Floor
Double Skin Design & Drwaing Slope Shape can play role to block sunlight in summer or winter. And double skin on office mass has circulation of air with ventilation system. In this way, this office is able to maintain fresh air and environment and help people concentrate their work Limpidjung Portfolio
Back Side
Let the X- Park make conversation : Desing the Long Road for X-sports I aconized how this site make to escape from isolation and to connect city context. First of all , we start to move X-sports’s location from inside site to outside nearby waling road for appropricacy of program. Therfore I make this site make be empty puposely to put orginal park program with greens and reeds, so i wnat to make this real park
2011 4th Grader Studio F
Bling Bling _ Culture Complex Center Studio F / Autumn2011 in Ajou Univ. _ Sports Park ,Gallery,Culture Center Notation : Culture Complex Center Project Location : Korea , Yongin , Bojungdong Role : Personal Project Critic : Prof. Kim Sung Wook(AIA, LEED AP)
Conversation is not loudy chat but silence talking. The sound could be some kind of program, Installation or form especially. There is cafe street near by this site, atmosphere from street is very like buzzing of people and wavering light. For taking these, i designed quiet reed park on deep and low level in putting light map for Conversation between people and architecture. Physically, one big road guide people to flow of city and can connect all of the masses. And these three masses are put through city context. There are countless subjects to talk for connection each other. We are exposed by circumstance in middle of endless and unconscious conversations everywhere
Limpidjung Portfolio
Move program
Make Road
Line up flow
BLING BLING Additionally, I think about light from Cafe Street. I’m toched in my mind the mood of street at night from people’s talking sound and interior lights. I want to take this and use as equipment to cenversation with city context and I think it can make this site be more friendly.At this time, I was considrating about the various way of conversation and memorize
Conversation between people & architecture Light acts as a tool which can be used to check the relationship of communication along with visual enjoyment and city context.This is equipment that make people talk with colourless arhictecture.
Download Application
Find and Select Lighing NO.
2F Sports market & office Hall / Rental Shop / Market / Caffeteria
Gallery Info Desk/ Art shop / Galleries / Auditorium
Sports market & office Rest Area / Market
Gallery Galleries / Info Destk / Parking Lot
Commercial Building
Commercial Building
Site plan with 3rd Floor (1:1000 ) Sports market & office 1. Market 2. Office 3. Rest Area Gallery 1. Coffe shop 2. Stair Gallery 3. Hall 4. Gallery 5. Rest Area 6. Office 7. Gallery3 8. Gallery 4 Commercial Building 1. Shop Limpidjung Portfolio
Detail Drawings
Section A-A’ (1:600 )
Main Space View Image
1. Gallery 7 2. Gallery 8 3. Cafe 4. X-Sports Road 5. Souvenir Shop 6. Mini Library 7. Book Shop 8. Stair Gallery 9. Walking Road 10. Gallery 6 11. Outside Gallery 12. Rest Area
As maintainning former design, I put more masses for giving various programs. These masses are put along surrounding axises for being natural moreover for maximazing funtion of park as viewing. I design void in former long road and open spaces. It could seperate program on same road. I really want to develop as way of putting more masses because I also want to make this site connected to others with not only some road but also mass’s form
7 3 4
Section B-B’ (1:600 ) 1. Rest Area 2. Hall 3. Gallery 2 4. Gallery 1 5. Gallery 5 6. Gallery 3
7. Gallery 4
8. Parking Lot
9. Auditorium
Limpidjung Portfolio
Mass & Volume
Compose Program
Eco Friendly System
Protection from noise
2013 Graduated Professional
Communicate with Park
Punchbowl with Shine , Sky, Playing _ Kindergarten Design Professional Competition / Winter 2013 _ Kindergarten, Garden, Playing Notation : Kindergarten Design Location : Korea , Seoul , Guro 5 dong Role : Plan Design & Diagram / Team Project Critic : Prof. Jeon You Chang ( AIA, LEED AP) & Prof. Kim Sung Wook ( AIA , LEED AP)
Program Installation Soundproof Wall Play Garden
This kindergarten design maxmize possibilities of site and is installed as linear shape in long site for consideration about efficiency of managing kids and activity of teachers. In this way, It can block noise of high-level road and harmful environment and develop intimacy relationship with Samgack Park.We want to provide colourful space for children with program wall & courtyard. We wish kids could play in everywhere of this kindergarten naturally. So We designed program wall named “Playing Wall “ at long & narrow hall way. And also for presentating childish image, We design elevation with bunch of square and colour.
Inside wall Terrace
Sunshine Garden
Teacher Room
Playing Wall
Cloud Garden
Living Room Wind Garden
Sam gack Park , Guro 5 dong , Guro gu , Seoul , Korea
Elevation color selection and arrangement Study 2013.05.20. in aDLab+
Site Plan & Synopsis 명 칭 : 구로 5동 어린이집 대지위치 : 서울시 구로구 구로5동 50-8 연 면 적 : 440.39m2 대지면적 : 6,460,70m2 ,중 약 1,700m2 건축면적 : 234.34m2
Limpidjung Portfolio
Playing Wall Elavation & Program
2F Plan
For realizing image of kindergarten , we need elements such as playing space naturally in this building. As installing playing wall with various holes and shelves, this space can stimulate kid’ fairy tail imagination. And this playing wall can give vitality to kindergarten’s atmousphere and arouse curiousity of kids through hole with depth and width. We really want kids to enjoy this space as much as they can by using their imagination with play. And also because there are exhibition program, hallway can be exhibtion hall autonomously. 삐뚤삐뚤 그림그리기
차곡차곡 정리하기 1
옹기종기 모여놀기
반짝반짝 빛이나는 전시하기
1. Wind Garden 2. Elevator 3. Slide for Emergency 9. Childcareroom for 4 Year old 10. Playing Wall
4.Play Room 5. Childcareroom for 5 Year old
6. Small Sunshine Garden 7.Toilet 8. Stair Room
차곡차곡 정리하기 2
1F Plan 1. Wind Garden 2. Main Entrance 3. Linving Area 4. Director’s Room 5. Teacher’s Room 6. Childcare Room for 1 Year old 7 & 8 . Toilet 9. Childcare Room for 2 Year old 10. Sunshine Garden 11. Childcare Room for 3 Year old 12. Toilet 13. Kitchen 14. Elevator 15. Sub Entrance 16. Playing Wall
1. Wind Garden 2. Main Entrance 3. Linving Area 4. Director’s Room 5. Teacher’s Room 6. Childcare Room for 1 Year old 7 & 8 . Toilet 9. Childcare Room for 2 Year old 10. Sunshine Garden 11. Childcare Room for 3 Year old 12. Toilet 13. Kitchen 14. Elevator 15. Sub Entrance 16. Playing Wall
Discuss of elevation opening construction method
Adjustment slab levels
External material roman bricks were changed by red bricks.
Modify execution drawing 2nd floor’s outside terrace were changed by the interior storage
Decision of entrance and toilet’s tile color and size.
Discuss nt panel opening detail construction and elevation coloring detail.
Choose red cedal’s oil stain color. (north elevation and courtyard)
2013.02.17 Discuss intertior material finish (wallpaper, molding, baseboard, ceiling, floor)
2013.02.24 Discuss handrail’s position in rooftop and kindergarten sign
South elevation coloring selection
Limpidjung Portfolio
2013 Graduated Advanced Design
Culture Factory _ Culture Center YAC Competition / Winter 2013 _ Hostel , Gallery, Craft Room , Auditorium Notation : Renovation Project Location : Italy , Bologna , Quarto Inferlore Role : Plan Design & Diagram / Team Project Critic : Prof. Jeon You Chang ( AIA, LEED AP)
Architectural quest doesn’t simply resolve itself nor in a stylish,nor a functional, nor an economic nor a technological answer.A genuine architectural answer comes through making apatchwork of all those issues, where designer manages to blend and structure them together with sensibility and control. YAC aims to promote contemporary projects that embody atemporal and personal approach to architectural space. Idea is the keyword, Architecture is the answer and project is themedium through which intuition transforms into concrete reality.
Limpidjung Portfolio
ng ng ng
Site Story
Main Idea >>> Insert Battery
The site covers a former industrial park near Bologna’s city center in Italy. The builidng was designed in the 70s by Arch.Pierluigi Cervellati. The construction features a tight bond between architetural quality and functional standards : elegant, bright spaces and rich green areas give extraordinary peculiarities to this above the average factory. To channel design proposals within the owner’s desires and legislative boundaries, a list of restrictions and prescriptions follows.
Mentioned on intro, we initate a reform of urban remains with a concise style likewise giving fuel or food to breakdown machines and living things, the way to revive deadspace in city also can have same answer “Put energy resources into space” usually resources neeeded for space is using by people. Although , it’s really universal ideas, we solved this project by using common idea, but especially forcusing more on group than people.
Turning off Building
Design Process. To get a new architectural view of existing building, site analysis is essential . One of the main issue if this project is renovacore Production Area core Production Area tion, so when it comes to site analysis, it is different from others. In this case, analysis of the exisiting structure and spacial core Production Area composition can be a site analysis. Volume Two core Volume Two core core
Analysis Existing Building
Volume One Volume One Volume One
core core
core core
Production Area core core core
Building Structre Grid & Core Building Structre Grid & Core Volume One Building Structre Grid & Core Volume One Volume One
core core
Service Area Three Service Area Volume Two Volume Two
Service Area
Volume Two
Building Volume & Program Building Volume & Program Building Volume & Program
Packaging Area Packaging Area Volume Three Volume Three
Service Area Volume Three Service Area
Building Volume & Program Building Volume & Program Building Volume & Program
Step 2 Step 2 Establish Concept of Space Establish Concept of Space Step 2
Auditorium Ent Auditorium Ent
Auditorium Ent
Building Structre Grid & Core Building Structre Grid & Core Building Structre Grid & Core
Relationship with Exterior Space Relationship with Exterior Space Relationship with Exterior Space
Packaging Area
Service Area
Relationship with Exterior Space Relationship with Exterior Space Relationship with Exterior Space
Auditorium Ent Auditorium Ent Main EntAuditorium Ent Main Ent
Various Hierarchy Gride Line Various Hierarchy Gride Line Various Hierarchy Gride Line
Craft Box Insert Battery Boxes for Vitality Craft Box Insert Battery Boxes for Vitality Craft Box Insert Battery Boxes for Vitality
Public Space Zone
Camp Program Zone Camp Program Zone Camp Program Zone
Multipurpose Multipurpose Space Space
Office Office Zone Zone
Multipurpose Space
Office Zone
Public Space Zone Camp Program Zone Camp Program Zone Office Zone Office Zone Office Zone
Make Zoning for Efficiency Make Zoning for Efficiency Make Zoning for Efficiency
Craft Box Craft Box
Service Area Servic Service Area Servic ce Area cServic Service Area e Area ce Area
Public Space Zone Public Space Zone
Make Zoning for Efficiency Make Zoning for Efficiency Craft Box Make Zoning for Efficiency Multipurpose Space Multipurpose Space Multipurpose Space
Office Ent Office Ent
Auditorium Ent
Office Ent
Insert Battery Boxes for Vitality Insert Battery Boxes for Vitality Insert Battery Boxes for Vitality
Auditorium Ent Auditorium Ent Main EntAuditorium Ent Main Ent
3F Plan
Set Entrance along Exterior Set Entrance along Exterior Set Entrance along Exterior
Main Ent Office Ent Office Ent Servic Service Area cce Area Service Area Servic Service Area Servic e Area ce Area
Public Space Zone Public Space Zone
Main Ent
Auditorium Ent Auditorium Ent
Various Hierarchy Gride Line Various Hierarchy Gride Line Step 3 Various Hierarchy Gride Line Step 3 Divide and Set Program Divide and Set Program Step 3 Divide and Set Program
Establish Concept of Space
Camp Program Zone
Packaging Area Volume Volume Three Three
core core
Packaging Area Packaging Area
core Production Area core Production Area
core core
Volume Two
core core
Step 1 Step 1 Analysis Existing Building Analysis Existing Building Step 1
pace pace pace
m m m
Turning on Building
Auditorium & Cafeteria Auditorium & Cafeteria
Office Ent
Set Entrance along Exterior Set Entrance along Exterior Set Entrance along Exterior
Auditorium & Cafeteria
Hostel Hostel Hostel
Auditorium & Cafeteria Auditorium & Cafeteria Auditorium & Cafeteria
Set Program Along Zoning Set Program Along Zoning Set Program Along Zoning
1F Plan ( 1:800 )
Hostel Hostel Hostel
Set Program Along Zoning Set Program Along Zoning Set Program Along Zoning
Expand Vitality Boxes to Exterior Expand Vitality Boxes to Exterior Expand Vitality Boxes to Exterior
Expand Vitality Boxes to Exterior Expand Vitality Boxes to Exterior Expand Vitality Boxes to Exterior
1. Lobby & Lounge 2. Play Station 1 3. Craft Room 4. Seminar / Mini Theater 5. Play Station 2 6. Open Library 7. Open Auditorium 1 8. Open Auditorium 2 9. Mini Garden 10. Office 11. Office Lobby 12. Meeting Area
Limpidjung Portfolio
2F Plan
Battery Varation Our Interpretation for the word “ Arctive culture space “ emphasized in competition list as below. First of all, ‘Circulation’ is neede to make “active culture space “ this idea is not just visual movement of people but various exchanging between diverse group. Secondly , pursing varicosity by planing culture center. Program “CAMP” is kind of acivity get along with different character of people, this is essential concept of CAMP. This program can ve expected to periodically new concept into rigid building. at last we suggest building can be customized. Actually we expect people who use this camp program are not only foreigner but also regional people.
Midium Midium Size Size Battery Battery Midium Size Battery
Small Size Battery A. Closure Type
5,000 5,000
4,500 4,500
Spot to meet
1. Battery Program
1. Battery Program
: Craft Room / Private WorkSpace
: Gallery / Experience Space / Exhibition
2. Outside Program
2. Outside Program
: Freezone / Meeting Area / Rest Spot
: Exhibition / Meeting Area
1. Battery 1. Battery Program Program : Craft : Craft Room Room / Private / Private WorkSpace WorkSpace 1. Battery Program : Craft Room / Private WorkSpace
2. Outside 2. Outside Program Program : Freezone : Freezone / Meeting / Meeting AreaArea / Rest / Rest SpotSpot 2. Outside Program : Freezone / Meeting Area / Rest Spot
1. Battery 1. Battery Program Program : Play : Play Space Space / Ballroom / Ballroom / Meeting / Meeting AreaArea 1. Battery Program : Play Space / Ballroom / Meeting Area
Section Diagram Eventhough Space is hollow, program will take possession in there. As seen in section Diagram, It is possible to act program great variety occur simultaneously. This kind of space causes the event of accident, spatial structure of these, giving a margin that can be selected by the user. Story that has been put in the building and a modified space will also change every time.
Section Diagram (1:800)
Limpidjung Portfolio
5,000 5,000
18,000 9,000 9,000 13,500 13,500 9,000 13,500
B. Open Type
Large Large Size Size Battery Battery Large Size Battery 18,000 18,000
2014 Graduated Advanced Design
Another Skin House _ Smallest House Selected Site
Advanced Architecture / Spring 2014 _ House , Garden
Main Material for layering : Wire Mesh
Notation : Dwelling for one design Location : Korea , Hwasung , Bongdam
In this house , mesh frame that cover with main concreat mass like gift wrap offers pri- 211 Wau-ri, Bongdam-eup, vate gardens and hidden garden on roof. With this , there can be programs in garden Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea of house.
Role : Personal Project Critic : Prof. Kwon Hyung Pyo ( Headmanage of BAU Architect )
This house is for my Mom We are exposed to constantly continuous layerings of space in any architecture by implication. In architecture, layering can compose another abundant space. It can build the 3rd boundary with different kind of material, scale, and also lights.Through the layering system ( on space , elevation or anything ) , we can have unexpected experience thanks to various architecutre elements. I thougth Layering in house is emotion from combination of different symbols. It reminds me of my mother’ life
Limpidjung Portfolio
1F Plan (1:200)
Wire Mesh Figure Plan & Elevation
1. Entrance 2. Kitchen & Dinning 3. Bed Room 4. Bath Room 5. Dress Room 6. Toilet 7. Machinary Poket 8. Inner Garden 1 9. Hidden Garden 10. Inner Garden 2
This elevation will contriute fatasitc atmosphere to space of house. It can give not noly just mood but also designation of th outside and roof program. Moreover there will be green effects by reason of many kind of vegetation plated on this wire mesh
3 2
10 6
Section (1:200) 1. Kitchen & Dinning 2. Hidden Garden 3. Roof Garden
Key Map
Interior Mood When my mother looking at outside in this house, she probably can see scene beyoun wiremesh. I thought It is really unique scene and whole new experience. And also in day, thanks to infiltrating shadow of wiremesh , my mother can feel peculiar atmosphere. In additional, I want to design white wall and wood floor for neat interior .
Limpidjung Portfolio
Elevation Detail Drawing ( 1 : 10 ) For avoiding to get shadow on this house, I design detail of window as flat shape as much as possible. This design can give space beside window which is able to put stuff or flowers. This gesture can be another element to decorate interior and give convenience for arrangement
Material Section Detail Because this program is house , It is important to maintain proper temperature for healthy and saving energy . And for shining elevation , I use bunch of tiny tile on the finish exterior.
Wiremesh as Green Box with Ivy WIremesh has advantage to make ivy grow during all 4 seasons. This make overall mood like secret garden with fantastic atmosphere. And also in environmetal friendly situation, It is clear to help saving energy . Because wiremesh can give bumper area on this house and adjust shadow . I wish my mother will plant beautiful flowers or tree and enjoy them. These Ivy will change their faces in every seasons and give pleasure to people with knowing to pass the time.
Limpidjung Portfolio
2014 Graduated Professional
The ambiguities medium _ Gym Design Professional Competition / Autumn2014 from DACC (Honorable Mention)v Notation : Citizen’s Gymnasium Culture Center Location : Korea , Daegu, Dalsung Gun Role : Plan & Section Design / Team Project
Time, sometimes became absolute meaning what makes event in the space. It can be messy, calm, and joyful within their lifetime. Simultaneously, people also manage their time to achieve meaningful life. People used to consume very short time for hurry work, and/or they would like to spend quality family time enough, leisure, for example. In this context, we can think that time ‘interact’ with people and architecture to manipulate as a medium. Then, we let time and space mix together, letting the medium take control in the way that make this project useful to people who visit this site.
SIte Plan
Typical relation stand seat and outside
Interlaced stand seat area and outside space
Synchronicity / Causality There are two main entrance for different purposes - one is for people who want to take a walk at the park or passing through toward sport complex (Northside of site), and the other for people who are willing to exercise or watch game. This division comes from three masses which are all connected below ground level. Westside building greets people at cafe who pass by and make direct link to the court. Court space of main building has possibility to connect other buildings for multipurpose. Gymnasium as a park opened to public
New citizen’s gymnasium enliven and universal space
Limpidjung Portfolio
Section Detail Drawing
1F Plan Drawing 1. Main lobby & information desk
EPDM over sloped insulation
2. Gymnasium lobby
Roofing membrane
3. Multi-purpose gymnasium Natural ventilation and lighting
4. Cafeteria & rest space
Rigid foam Insulation
5. Athletes waiting room (male)
Vapor barrier
6. Athletes waiting room (female)
Roofing fiber board
7. Membership club
Metal decking
8. Yoga room
Steal beam
9. Aerobic room
Thermal insulation
10. Daily sports facility
Metal channel
11. Physical examination room 12. Preparation room
PTD Gypsum board
13. Stage
Wood acoustic ceiling panel
14. Parking lot
Wooden louver solar shading system Aluminum window frame with Double insulated glass Window film sun protection Motorized solar control shades
Solar shading louver system
Section Drawing (longitudinal)
Natural ventilation
1. Cafeteria (2nd floor/2)
Elevation Design System Stand seat area is consisting of dynamic levels and encountered boxes which are for outside people. It means you can see the inside during a walking, biking and running. Also penetrated path upon seat area blur boundary of space and give unusual dynamics. After all, mediating mixed program with sight sense cause irregular experience of this project. It is ironic, in a sense, because accidental event and well-formed path are being on same space. Again, causality of architectural system is necessary for efficient use in a program’s point of view.
2. Lounge (1st floor/2) 3. Public announcement booth 4. Atheltes waiting seat 5. Stage 6. Gallery 7. Fitness room 8. Aerobic room Typical relation stand seat and outside
9. Corrido
Interlaced stand seat area and outside space
10. Stand seat 11. PIT 12. Multi purpose gymnasium
Concept for Urban & Citizen
3 5 2
Fundamentally, this project pursues to make not only an ‘enliven space’ where people can exercise and feel comfortable, but also a ‘universal space’ where people can rest and walk in anytime whether games on or not. So we designed ‘slow’ program around (somewhere overlap) such as exhibition, walking track and park even though gymnasium is main purpose. If you stop and look around, you can feel peace wherever you are.
9 6
10 7
11 4
Limpidjung Portfolio
2F Plan Drawing 1. Stair hall 2. Cafeteria 3. Outside terrace 4. Stand seats 5. Area for disabled 6. Pocket garden 7. Gallery
Monolithic / Motion In addition to that, manipulation of morphological and materialistic methodologies attempts to reflect the equilibrium of ambivalent perception from mixed program and site’s geographical advantage between huge sport complex and residence area. Differ to side masses, main gymnasium covered with vertical louver that carried out by parametric adjustment. It pursues to address the benefit of co-existence between efficient natural energy saving system and sight sense through usage of 2D pattern derived from motion and 2D pattern with depth to represent dynamism. This elevation arouse ambiguous images of building which are massive cornerstone of sports complex in a macro scale and transparent wall projecting inside activities of gymnasium in a micro scale.
8. Member’s area + Exhibition hall
Parametric adjustment
9. Office
Variable perception by distance to object
10. Outside stage
Static - regular pattern
South Elevation
Limpidjung Portfolio
Dynamic - gradient pattern
Rib Structure _ Fukusas Modeling Appendix
Contour _ Cross diagonal & Make Pattern
Digital Design Class / Autumn 2012 in Ajou Univ. Notation : Digital Design Experiment Role : Design Shaping , Making Model / Team Project Critic : Prof. Jeon You Chang ( AIA, LEED AP)
Digital Process Make surface
Make level for surface extraction section profile
Re_make surface
FInal model Fuksas dealt with the expansiveness of the 8 separate structures by orienting them inwards towards the central spine covered with a glass canopy that functions akin to that of a central street. In order to demarcate the various functions of the buildings, the exhibition halls have orange facades facing towards the canopy,
Limpidjung Portfolio
Digital Cube Ball Appendix
Advanced Digital Design / Spring 2013 Notation : Digital Design Experiment Role : Personal Project Critic : Prof. Kim Sung Wook( AIA, LEED AP)
1st Center Ball Shape : Sphere
Seaweed grew up in the sea, can go tentacles extending from the center, see that the size and length is slightly different. I wanted to make a figure like this that shows a variety of forms, yet regularly, and using the Morph function to understand this.
Explode 1 After the was allowed to offset to the size of the 0.5 times to its surface the surface of triangle of icosahedral , it is adjusted to Rebuild for of form of the curve. After you have rebuild the triangles of which was allowed to offset at a distance of constant As same, it shall regulation of each point. It is not must are connected to each other allowed to loft the, and keep this. 1.Make Several Curves for Shape
2. Modify Size & Height of Curves & Loft All Cu rves
3.Create Center as Sphere
5. Attach former Shape to Sphere with Morph Function
4.Divide Sphere into Random number & Control Height with Min/Max Value
Limpidjung Portfolio