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Experimental Sciences

Group 4 Experimental Sciences
Biology studies the diverse living world at the molecular, cellular and systems level. A wide variety of topics and related experimental work will be developed over the two years. The overarching aim is to relate cellular knowledge to an understanding of the physiology, behaviours and responses of microorganisms, plants and animals. This approach leads to an understanding of applications of biological science in the modern world. Throughout the course students also cultivate an awareness and appreciation of how scientists develop knowledge and understanding of biological systems.
Chemistry is an experimental science that combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and investigational skills. It is known as the central science, as chemical principles underpin both the physical environment in which we live and all biological systems. Apart from being a subject worthy of study in its own right, Chemistry is a prerequisite for many other courses in higher education, such as medicine, biological science and environmental science, and serves as useful preparation for employment. The Diploma Programme Chemistry course includes the essential principles of the subject but also, allows some flexibility to meet the needs of our students.
Physics seeks to explain the universe itself, from the very smallest particles (quarks) to the vast distances between galaxies. The Diploma Programme Physics course allows students to develop practical skills and techniques. It also builds students’ ability to use mathematics, the language of Physics, to solve complex problems and establish the underlying relationships between physical phenomena. Students will develop skills of cooperation, perseverance and the taking of appropriate risks and responsibility for their learning.
Sports, exercise and health science (SEHS) is an applied science course, with aspects of biological and physical science being studied in the specific context of sports, exercise and health. Moreover, the subject matter goes beyond the traditional science subjects to offer a deeper understanding of the issues related to sports, exercise and health in the 21st century. The course incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sports, exercise and health. Students will cover a range of core and option topics and carry out practical (experimental) investigations in both laboratory and field settings. This will provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply scientific principles and critically analyse human performance.
Group 5 Mathematics
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches is for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will also be fascinated by exploring real and abstract applications of these ideas, with and without technology. Students who take Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches will be those who enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalisation, with an emphasis on algebraic methods.
This course is offered at both standard and higher level. Students who choose Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches should be comfortable in the manipulation of algebraic expressions and enjoy the recognition of patterns and understand the mathematical generalisation of these patterns. Students who wish to take the course at higher level will have strong algebraic skills and the ability to understand simple proof. They will be students who enjoy spending time with problems and get pleasure and satisfaction from solving challenging problems.
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches is designed for students interested in mathematics, engineering, physical sciences, and some economics.
All students will receive an electronic text book (approx. cost $25+gst) and an examination revision book (approx. cost $20+gst).
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation is for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and solving practical problems. They will also be interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models.

This course is offered at standard level and higher level. Students who choose Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation will be those who enjoy mathematics best when seen in a practical context, with a particular interest in modelling and statistics. Students will need to have a broad range of skills across all strands of mathematics, including algebra, graphing, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability.

Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation is for students interested in humanities, natural sciences, medicine, statistics, business, engineering, some economics, psychology, and design.
All students will receive an electronic text book (approx. cost $25 +gst) and an examination revision book (approx. cost $20+gst).