Induction Booklet 2024
Handy tips to help you thrive
Our uniform
8 – 11
14 – 17
18 – 19
Getting involved in school life
Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC)
22 – 23
Our Communities
College Prayers
College Songs
28 – 29
Code of Conduct
Welcome Message Kia ora tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai ko te whānau ko Queen Margaret College. Ni hao, Hei, Guten tag, Namaste, Hai, Ciao, Hola, Sawatdee, As-salam ‘alaykum, bon jour, Annyeonghaseyo, Konniichiwa. Welcome to Queen Margaret College. I’m thrilled that you have chosen to join us for the next step in your learning adventure. We know how important the first few weeks are when settling into a new school. We created this guide to help you familiarise yourself with your new school, and make sure you have all the information you need to settle in quickly. We encourage each of you to take risks, challenge yourself and aspire to be more than you ever thought possible. When you leave us, we have every confidence that you will have the skills, resilience, and aspiration to create the future you want. QMC offers a wide range of opportunities and we encourage you to join a new group, try something new, participate in music or in sports. Follow your strengths, curiosities and your passions and see where they lead. Be open to new ideas and thinking. Read widely, frequently and absorb all that you can. You, our students, are the centre of everything we do as a school. Our staff are passionate about your success and your wellbeing. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and diverse community. Here, you have a place where you belong, and where your voice will be heard. I am proud of our school and our wonderful community. I look forward to seeing and getting to know you in and around the school. Ngā mihi nui, Jayne-Ann Young, Principal
Getting ready 6
Handy tips to help you thrive First day – what do I bring?
▶ Stationery, and laptop (from Year 5)
▶ Be polite. Be kind.
▶ Morning tea, lunch and your water bottle (our QMCafé is available for Years 7-13 and Years 1-6 can pre-order their meals)
▶ Show respect and concern for others.
Essentials checklist ▶ Schoolbag
▶ Listen to others and engage in conversation. ▶ Work cooperatively in groups and diligently independently. Always make a positive contribution. ▶ Be trustworthy, honest and reliable.
▶ Stationery ▶ Snapper card
▶ Fully charged laptop
Queen Margaret College partners with OfficeMax for our stationery requirements.
▶ A padlock for your locker
Getting to and from school ▶ Be in your tutor class by 8.20am ▶ Know the route to and from school and an alternative (if required) ▶ Respect transport rules such as standing for adults ▶ Remember your parents’ phone numbers ▶ Have an emergency plan in case transport is disrupted
Getting organised for school ▶ Check you have packed everything you need in your bag before you leave home ▶ Make sure your laptop is fully charged ▶ Check your timetable daily ▶ Bring labelled possessions to school ▶ Locker – Years 6-13 will be allocated a locker where you can leave your books ▶ Students up to Year 10 will be given a student diary on their first day
To purchase your school stationery, visit our website and go to: Here you will be redirected to the OfficeMax ‘Back to School’ website. To view the stationery list, search for Queen Margaret College and select your year level.
Term dates and what’s on You can find term dates and a full schedule of what is happening on the website Visit:
How to ask for help ▶ Reception ▶ Tutor Teacher ▶ Year Group Dean ▶ Wellbeing Coach
Uniform ▶ Wear your uniform neatly and correctly. ▶ Wear your blazer to all assemblies. ▶ Label all your items. ▶ Change from school uniform to PE gear and back when required.
Uniform Guidelines Wearing our school uniform creates a sense of belonging and pride. You must maintain a high standard of dress and grooming during school hours, travelling to and from school and when representing the College at functions.
I respect myself and our school values when: ▶ I wear my formal school uniform to and from school daily. ▶ I wear my blazer outside of school. ▶ Outside of school, in public, I always wear my blazer. I do not wear my cardigan alone. ▶ I wear my blazer (Year 3 and above) to assemblies and to formal school occasions. ▶ I wear my skirt at knee length. ▶ I tie my hair up if it is below shoulder length with black, navy or gold hair ties. ▶ I wear no jewellery other than a watch, and two pairs of earrings which are small plain studs, or pearls. ▶ I do not wear makeup or nail polish, this includes false nails and eyelashes. ▶ I wear my plain black school shoes with black socks. I can wear black school sandals in Terms 1 and 4. ▶ I only wear my school hoodie with my PE uniform, not with my school uniform. ▶ I only wear my school PE shirt with school PE shorts or trackpants. ▶ I only wear navy or black thermals under my uniform. ▶ I only wear my rain jacket outside.
Junior School Uniform
Preschool ▶ Shorts ▶ Short sleeve polo shirt ▶ Poly cotton sunhat ▶ Sweat pants ▶ Long sleeve polo shirt ▶ Microfleece sleeve jacket ▶ Navy hoodie (optional)
Junior School Years 1-6 ▶ Blazer, Year 3 upwards ▶ Junior dress or skorts & blouse or trousers & blouse ▶ School tie ▶ Junior / middle school cardigan ▶ Rain jacket ▶ Poly cotton sunhat ▶ Art smock
Middle School Years 7 –10 ▶ Blazer ▶ Full or half-pleated navy elastic skirt, trousers or shorts ▶ Middle School short sleeve blouse ▶ School tie ▶ Junior / middle school cardigan ▶ Rain jacket ▶ Poly cotton sunhat ▶ Art smock
Senior School Years 11–13 ▶ Blazer ▶ Full or half-pleated navy elastic skirt, trousers or shorts ▶ Senior school short sleeve blouse ▶ School tie Year 11-12 and gold tie for Year 13 ▶ Senior cardigan ▶ Rain jacket ▶ Poly cotton sunhat ▶ Art smock
All school PE ▶ PE shorts ▶ Sports mesh PE top ▶ Navy hoodie (optional) ▶ Leggings (optional) ▶ White ankle crop sock
Buying your uniform You can buy the QMC uniform in-store or online from New Zealand Uniforms. Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am – 1pm. See website for accessories. 0800 698 643 | 167 Thorndon Quay. Second hand uniforms can be purchased from the Parents Association. Email
IT Students in Years 5–13 require a laptop for school and are expected to bring it, fully charged, each day.
Buying your laptop For recommendations on purchasing a laptop visit
Setting up your laptop New students attend an IT induction to help them get set up. Log on and download details will be emailed to new parents before the start of each term.
Technical support Students can visit the IT team in the Wilson Building. The IT team will provide an internet connection. Our staff can help students with connection issues but do not perform hardware repairs.
Insurance Parents are responsible for insurance. Please ensure your child’s laptop is covered under home insurance arrangements. All Year 6–13 students are provided with a locker. Please provide a padlock to secure valuables.
Student Mobile Phones Mobile phones, wearable devices and headphones are not to be used during the school day or at school events. We ask students to leave these at home, or switch to silent and leave them in their locked lockers. Significant research shows that limiting phone use during school hours promotes positive academic and wellbeing outcomes. Not only are students more engaged in their learning, it encourages healthy social interactions.
Communications The school keeps families and students informed in several ways.
School Notices Fortnightly notices are emailed to families every second Friday.
QMC App The Queen Margaret College App is your one stop shop to find out everything from term dates, events and other important information. Our QMC App is currently available from the App Store or Google Play.
Parent Resources The school calendar and term dates along with all other useful information is hosted on our website in the parent resource section. Click here to visit
QMC Parent Portal From your daughter’s first day at school, access the QMC Parent Portal for information about students including school reports and timetables. Follow the link here Log in using your username and password. Contact if you need assistance or don’t know your log in details.
Live & Learn at QMC 14
Learning model
Queen Margaret College has a unique model for learning that provides the context for our curriculum and is the backbone of how we teach and learn.
Teachers will provide guidelines on homework which is managed so that it is appropriate to the level of the student and can include tasks consolidating class learning or more open activities, such as reading.
Curriculum We are proud to be one of the few schools in New Zealand authorised to teach the International Baccalaureate Programme from Years 1 to 13. We celebrate academic excellence and progress with a focus on being innovative, creative, inquisitive and global. Students are encouraged to be problem solvers and to combine and transfer their learning across subjects and learning areas. Students develop their skills and passions across the key learning areas of Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Science, Mathematics, Physical Education and Health, Technology and The Arts.
Dual pathway Senior School students in Years 12 and 13 are provided greater flexibility in their subject choice and choose either the International Baccalaureate Diploma or NCEA.
Progress and achievement Teachers use student data, feedback and student voice to inform learning and teaching. They use their knowledge of curriculum content and education to help students achieve their goals. They use assessment to inform instruction and for final qualifications. They monitor progress regularly using strategies appropriate to the activity, subject, and level of the student.
Assessment Students are provided with assessment calendars to help them plan ahead and develop good time management skills.
Tracking progress Parents can contact the subject or class teacher, dean, or tutor teacher at any time if they have questions relating to progress and achievement. We schedule parent-teacher interviews twice each year. These opportunities are advertised via our fortnightly notices and parents can book suitable times using the parent portal.
Reports We provide a short report which provides a general overview of participation at the end of Term 1. This is followed by comprehensive reports which include grades and comments from teachers at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Parents can access reports via the QMC Portal.
Learning Enrichment and Programmes (LEAP) Te Kanorautanga – Learning Enrichment at QMC At QMC, neurodiverse ākonga are supported through a school culture that celebrates diversity and teachers who have professional development to support diverse learning needs. Using a strengthsbased approach ensures we create learning opportunities that allow students to experience success and develop confidence in their abilities. Students experiencing learning difficulties can talk to their Tutor Teacher or Dean to arrange a support consultation. During the consultation process, a range of screening tests and questionnaires are used to identify potential underlying learning difficulties and make further referrals if necessary. Learning Enrichment classes may be timetabled for ākonga in small groups based on need.
GATE Programme (Gifted And Talented Education) At QMC gifted and talented students are identified throughout their school journey using evidence-based tests and teachers’ expertise. Their gifts are encouraged and celebrated by our high-expectations culture, and they are supported to develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Our strengths-based approach to the IB curriculum provides integrated extension in all learning areas within the main classroom. A wide range of co- and extra-curricular activities provide gifted and talented students chances to interact with peers in different classes or age levels and to explore their interests and passions in academia, arts, and sports. Further extension, acceleration, or individual plans may be implemented as required.
Careers and future pathways
We provide support to all students to assist them in making decisions about their future. We help students to make subject selections and provide opportunities to engage with the working world. Opportunities for a ‘Shadow Day’ in a career area of interest are possible for students, so they can experience a day in the life of their chosen profession.
QMC is committed to growing future leaders. Students are encouraged to participate in a range of informal and formal leadership opportunities and take on leadership responsibilities. Formal roles include class leadership positions, student coaches, house leaders, sports captains, cultural captains, mentors, prefects, peer tutors, ambassadors and house sisters.
We also work with Year 13 students to plan their next steps after they finish school. Every student in Year 13 and Year 12 has a one-on-one meeting to discuss their plans for going forward with the Careers Director.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Lessons in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) are available to international and domestic students in Year 1–13 for whom English is not their first language. Our International Director will discuss requirements during the enrolment process. Domestic families should discuss requirements with the Head of Languages during the enrolment process or contact
Wellbeing 18
Wellbeing has a significant influence on learning. When our young people feel safe and supported in their school environment, they are more engaged and ready to learn. Our Deputy Principal, Fiona Crawford, leads the QMC Wellbeing Team who are responsible for promoting positive wellbeing and facilitating the THRIVE programme.
Induction Day
At the start of each year there is all day induction day for Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 13, and new students in Years 10 – 12. Students spend time with their Tutor Teacher and Dean, meet members of the Wellbeing team, tour the school and set up IT requirements.
Students can visit our onsite psychologists who can assist them to manage a range of issues including stress management, relationships and mental health. Students seek support for different reasons such as parents separating, relationship problems, grief, bullying, feeling down, exam stress, and feeling lonely or stuck.
Buddy system When students start at QMC, they are buddied up with another student to help them settle in, find their way around and develop connections.
Wellbeing team Our Wellbeing team champions a culture of wellness whilst leading Wellbeing initiatives. Fiona Crawford leads the team which includes our two psychologists, Deans & Tutor Teachers, our Learning Enrichment Manager, Nurses, the Boarding House Manager, and Careers Director.
This Health service is governed by Health Legislation and our record management process complies with the requirements of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors’ (NZAC) Code of Ethics. Refer to our policies for further information. Visit Students can book a session by emailing
Health Centre and Nurses The Health Centre at Queen Margaret College is staffed by one of our Registered Nurses, who is available to students between 8.30am and 3.30pm.
Houses Students belong to one of five houses and join a community of students. This provides an opportunity to make friends and take part in sport and cultural activities as part of a team. This helps to build a sense of community and a place to enjoy friendly competition. Each new student will be placed into one of our five Houses, if you have a family connection you will go into the same house. You will compete for your House in sporting and cultural events and make friends with girls in many different year groups. House Prefects in Year 13 work with House Leaders in Years 10, 8 and 6 to ensure everyone is represented.
Blue and white Motto: Ad Astra (to the stars)
Dark blue and gold Motto: Honour before honours
Red and blue Motto: Our best always
Green and red Motto: Nemo sibi vivi (No one lives for himself)
Black and gold Motto: Aude sapere (Dare to be wise)
Get involved in school life All students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities to develop a variety of skills and build confidence. Extra-curricular activities include sports and performing arts, in addition to service trips including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in the Middle and Senior schools.
Sport Participation in sports bring wide-reaching benefits. To find out more about the variety of sports on offer and register for a sporting activity go to http://
Music Music is taught as a core subject in Years 1–9 and then as an elective in Years 10–13. We emphasise a ‘hands-on’ experience that includes performing, listening and composing at all levels. To find out more about the opportunities available and register for one of the many Performing Arts groups or opportunities email
There are a variety of drama groups available within the school. Drama is taught from Years 7 – 13 as a curriculum subject. Senior School students can choose International Baccalaureate Theatre or NCEA Drama. Our students also have the opportunity to take part in debating, musical productions, the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival and work with Speech and Drama tutors.
Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC)
Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC) At the beginning of each year, students take part in outdoor activities as part of EOTC week. Excursions and workshops encourage our girls to be curious, gain new perspectives and learn adventurously. Each year group participates in a different experience.
Junior School
International experiences
Junior School students participate in a range of activities outside the classroom every year. In alternate years, students go on a school camp. Students in Years 4 and 5 spend two nights away. Year 6 students participate in a four-day camp each year.
QMC provides students with several international experiences that foster language development and global citizenship. Students learn about different cultures, improve language skills and become more engaged global citizens. Students are usually billeted with host families, with the expectation that they will billet a student from the partner school when it is our turn to host. We offer language trips to China, Japan, Tahiti and Chile, as well as various service trips for senior students. Students also have regular opportunities to participate in overseas sporting and musical exchanges.
Year 7 Wellington based camp including learning to sail, conquering an escape room and visiting Katherine Mansfield House with an overnight experience at the Zoo.
Year 8 A three-day Wellington-based camp may include Adrenaline Forest, visiting Government House, making gingerbread houses, and rollerblading.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award
A three-day overnight camp at Raukawa Marae near Ōtaki where students learn the school haka and waiata, alongside flax weaving and bread making.
Students can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award from Year 10. Participants design their own Award programme, with help from the Award Leader, set their own goals and record their own progress. The Award programme features three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze and Silver levels include four specific categories that participants need to complete with an extra category for Gold.
Year 10
Ethics and religious education
Year 9
Students enjoy a four-day Wellington-based camp that includes the Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze training and first aid, alongside social cooking and other team building activities.
Year 11 The Abel Tasman Track, with its stunning vistas, golden sandy beaches, forest and bird-life, is an experience where students discover the meaning of resilience.
Year 12 An outdoor adventure experience in the Tongoriro region which is a chance for students to challenge themselves physically and mentally.
Until Year 11 students have one compulsory religious education lesson each week. The programme explores the basic concepts of the Christian faith, and glimpses of other world religions, encouraging students to engage in ethical living. The intention is to be informative and thought provoking. There is no attempt to impose a world view on anyone. Students attend Chaplain’s Assembly once a week. The Chaplain or a designated representative presents a theme to reflect the school’s religious foundation and relate it to current life.
Year 13 At the Leadership Conference Camp, Year 13 students learn the skills they will put into practice as a senior student throughout the year.
Extracurricular Experiences are enhanced and perspectives are challenged through participation in sports, performing arts and education outside the classroom.
References 24
Our Communities Parents’ Association The Queen Margaret College Parents’ Association support the interests of the school and provides a place for parents to come together to help form a stronger school community. The Association warmly welcomes all new volunteers and members. To get involved email
Old Girls’ Association The role of the Old Girls’ Association is to ensure that students maintain a life-long relationship with the College and foster the bonds of friendship. Their involvement within projects help preserve the special character and traditions of the College. If you are a former student and you would like to be part of the team, email
Foundation Trust The Queen Margaret College Foundation Trust Board supports the College by raising funds for the development of facilities and our scholarship programme. To support the work of the Foundation please visit
College prayers House prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
O Lord God,
Our Father who art in heaven
When thou givest to thy servants to endeavour any
Hallowed be thy name
great matter, grant us also to know that it is not the
Thy kingdom come
beginning, but the continuing of the same until it be
Thy will be done
thoroughly finished, which yieldeth the true glory;
On earth as it is in heaven
Through him who for the finishing of
Give us this day our daily bread
thy work, laid down his life.
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us not into temptation
God be in my head
But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom
God be in my head and in my understanding
The power and the glory
God be in mine eyes and in my looking
For ever and ever
God be in my mouth and in my speaking
God be in my heart and in my thinking God be at mine end and at my departing.
The blessing The Lord bless us and keep us The Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us The Lord lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace. Amen
New Zealand National Anthem E Ihowā Atua, O ngā iwi mātou rā Āta whakarangona; Me aroha noa Kia hua ko te pai; Kia tau tō atawhai;
The light of truth Light of truth Help us follow the light of truth Word of God Lamp of Christ Keep us following in your light
Manaakitia mai Aotearoa God of nations at thy feet In the bonds of love we meet, Hear our voices we entreat, God defend our free land. Guard Pacific’s triple star From the shafts of strife and war. Make her praises heard afar God defend New Zealand.
College songs Girls of Queen Margaret
As with gladness
Girls of Queen Margaret sing of our College,
As with gladness men of old
Faith in her future and pride in her past.
Did the guiding star behold;
We of the present now pledge her our service,
As with joy they hailed its light,
Eager and resolute whate’er be the task.
Leading onward, beaming bright,
Proud of her name with its noble tradition
So, most gracious Lord, may we
Margaret of Scotland, the wise and the good
Evermore be led by thee!
May we her daughters, bear it with honour,
As with joyful steps they sped,
Upholding the fame which for centuries has stood.
Saviour, to thy lowly bed,
God keep us all when far we are scattered,
There to bend the knee before
Lost to the paths and the friendships of youth;
Thee whom heaven and earth adore,
Though we must follow the beckoning future,
So may we with willing feet
May we be led by the light of truth.
Ever seek thy mercy-seat!
May we be steadfast to seek and to follow
As they offered gifts most rare
Heedless of censure and careless of praise
At thy cradle, rude and bare,
Fullness of knowledge, perfection of wisdom,
So may we with holy joy,
True understanding at end of our days.
Pure and free from sin’s alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to thee, our heavenly King!
Karakia Whakamutunga Kia tau Kia tātou katoa Te atawhai o tō tātou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti Me te aroha o te Atua Me te whiwhingatahitanga Ki te Wairua Tapu Ake, ake, ake Āmine
Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And when earthly things are past. Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds thy glory hide. In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light; Thou its light, its joy, its crown, Thou its sun which goes not down. There forever may we sing hallelujahs to our King!
FAQ What do I do if....
I can’t come to school
Your parent/caregiver should contact the school by calling 04 495 9182 or emailing by 8.45am to register your absence. This must be done each day you are absent.
I’ve been absent
Bring a note from your parents or caregiver to give to your Tutor Teacher.
I’m late for school
Visit QMC Reception to sign in. Collect a late slip and go to class.
I’m unwell while at school
Go to the Health Centre.
I’m looking for lost property
Look in the cupboard under the stairs in the Craven Wing
I want to download the QMC App
Go to the App Store or Play Store on your cell phone, search Queen Margaret College and click Install.
I want to visit the QMC website
Go to
I want to access the QMC Portal
Go Click on Parent Portal under the Parent Resources tab. Log in using your username and password. Contact nz if you need assistance.
I have an appointment
Please try and make appointments out of school time. If the appointment is unavoidable: bring a note from your parents/caregivers; and sign out at Reception with your note and sign in at Reception when you return.
I have a request for leave of absence
Your parents need to send a letter to the Principal requesting leave.
I damage school property
Report all damage (including accidental) to Reception.
I changed address/phone/email/ emergency contact/civil defence contacts
Inform the Data Office by emailing
I need additional/new uniform
The Queen Margaret College uniform is purchased through New Zealand Uniforms at 167 Thorndon Quay . Go to https://queenmargaretcollege. or through the Parents’ Association second hand shop.
I need to catch public transport to school
For more information go to transport/
I want information about sports / want to register sports
Access information on the QMC App or contact the Sports Director on 04 473 7160 extn 836 or email You can also visit
I want information about performing arts, music, drama or dance
Access information on the QMC App or contact the Head of Performing Arts on 04 473 7160 extn 828 or email You can also visit
I want to see school reports and/or book a parent/teacher interviews
Go and click on Parent Portal. Log in using your username and password. Contact if you need assistance.
I don’t have correct uniform
See your Dean before you go to class.
I think I am being bullied, or am worried about something
See the Wellbeing Coach, your form teacher, your dean, the Head of School or any staff member you feel comfortable with.
I need to see the Wellbeing Coach
Make an appointment by emailing
I’ve lost my ID card
Go to Reception.
I have a problem with my computer or I can’t log in
Talk to your teacher or visit the IT Office.
I don’t know how much printing I can do
Students are allocated 100 print pages per month.
I want to order lunch
Junior School use MyKindo – Middle and Senior School buy on site from QM Café
Code of Conduct We take pride in our school, respect and support each other, showing courtesy to students, staff and the wider community.
At Queen Margaret College all students have the right to a safe environment. We have zero tolerance of bullying.
Therefore, I will:
Therefore, I will:
▶ speak politely to everyone.
▶ ensure I am not involved in any bullying or threatening behaviour.
▶ listen when others speak. ▶ behave respectfully. At Queen Margaret College every student has the right to learn and every teacher has the right to teach. Therefore, I will: ▶ be prepared by having all I need for each subject . ▶ be punctual. ▶ stay on task and work to the best of my ability. At Queen Margaret College we take care of property. Therefore, I will: ▶ wear my uniform appropriately and with pride. ▶ wear my blazer when travelling to and from school and at all formal occasions. ▶ take responsibility for my personal appearance and make sure all my belongings are named. ▶ treat all school property and equipment with respect.
▶ if I know of any verbal, physical or cyber bullying I will report it to my Tutor Teacher or Dean. ▶ not disturb the learning or recreation of others. At Queen Margaret College students practise academic honesty. Queen Margaret College students are principled. Therefore, I will: ▶ write in my own words and will not copy and paste. ▶ submit my own work in tests and assessments. ▶ acknowledge the use of others’ words and works. ▶ use citation, footnoting and include an APA style bibliography when researching.
Directory School reception P. 04 473 7160 E. Open 8am – 5pm Absence line P. 04 495 9182 E. Wellbeing Psychologists School nurse
Key staff Contact details for all staff are available on the QMC App or QMC website Jayne-Ann Young Principal 021 362 654 Extn: 816 Jan Treeby
P. 04 473 7160 E.
Head of Junior School DDI: 04 495 9138
School websites
Fiona Crawford
Deputy Principal nz 04 473 7160 Extn: 818
School calendar
Holly Payne
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching 04 473 7160 Extn: 817
QMC portal Uniform store Second Hand Uniform shop
53 Hobson Street, Thorndon, Wellington, New Zealand 6011 53 Hobson Thorndon, + 64 4Street, 473 7160 Wellington, New Zealand 6011 + 64 4 473 7160 32