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An All-Girls Advantage
We believe in tailoring education for girls. Schooling coincides with a critical time in a young woman’s life. QMC provides the opportunity for our students to learn alongside other women, to be strong and believe in themselves.
Our girls will learn how to take risks safely and speak up, preparing them to take on the world confidently, with strength and well-developed self-belief.
New Zealand is a country that celebrates and fosters strong, empowered women. In 1893, we were the first country in the world to allow women to vote, and we have since had three female Prime Ministers. Many of our top political and business figures are women, such as the Governor General, Director General of Health and Chief Justice, and they are highly visible to our girls at QMC.
When our girls see these role models, they are inspired and know they too can achieve such success. The QMC family knows how to motivate, encourage and support our girls to be their best selves. Our success proves it.
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Girls are six times more likely to study STEM subjects.
Girls get 100% of the teachers’ attention. In co-educational schools 80% goes to boys.
100% of resources and courses are designed for girls. Their needs are paramount.
100% of leadership roles go to girls. So, they experience more leadership, more mentoring and have female role models.
There is less bullying, and fewer distractions.
Our students still get the opportunity to mix with boys, but only outside the classroom, so there is no distraction to their learning. Our girls socialise with boys from local schools at school dances and sport events.
Our preferred partner boys’ school is Wellington College.