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Recommended Previous Study
Completion of Year 10 Humanities or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.
Course Description
Geography explores the relationships and interactions between people and environments. Students develop research skills and learn to interpret maps, graphs and visual images. Identifying viewpoints and understanding different perspectives are also key skills. During this course, the sustainable use of environments and geographic issues are investigated with particular focus on the impacts on people and environments. Extreme natural events are also studied with the Canterbury and Haiti earthquakes explored as case studies. Fieldwork is undertaken in the local Wellington region.
• Conducting fieldwork is an important aspect of studying NCEA Geography. Details and costs of field trips will be advertised in the electronic newsletter.
• All Year 11 students will be issued with a write-on Geography 1.4 Skills book. The cost of this (approximately $30) will be charged to your account.
Recommended Previous Study
Completion of Year 10 Humanities or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.
Course Description
Through studying History, students develop many skills that are necessary for the modern working environment. Information literacy is one of these key skills. Research is a
Carry out an investigation of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders.
Demonstrate understanding of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders.
Interpret sources of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders.
Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives of people in an historical event of significance to New Zealanders.
Describe the causes and consequences of an historical event.
major component of History, where students learn to critique their sources of information and cross-reference facts. They also learn to identify opinion and gain an understanding of differing perspectives, hence developing empathy. Communication skills are also important. Students gain the ability to present information in a logical order and in a variety of settings. The Year 11 course studies twentieth century themes which includes issues such as racism, conflict, peace and protest. Understanding the world around us is crucial, as is having a comprehension of our nation, therefore all topics have a New Zealand component.