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Margaret College
To empower young women to live, learn and lead adventurously
'Live by the light of truth'
Integrity, Courage Resilience, Respect, Generosity
Adventurous Learning
Goal: Excellence in Learning and Wellbeing.
Our People
Goal: Engage in Cultural Responsiveness (CR) training for all, to strengthen our shared understanding of, and commitment to, the Treaty of Waitangi and QMC tikanga in all that we do.
Dynamic Community & Partnerships
Goal: Connect, communicate and collaborate effectively with our staff, students, parents and the broader community.
Excellence in Operations
Goal: People in the QMC community can safely interact and learn.
Sustainable Futures
Goal: Ensure financial stability.
▶ Continue to establish the coaching framework, focusing on teacher development, and to increase opportunities for student and teacher feedback.
▶ Increase understanding and use of the QMC Learning Model, integrating wellbeing and learning and developing teacher practice.
▶ To continue to develop and refine the THRIVE programme; to educate students about the six pillars of wellbeing and build the capacity of students to incorporate these aspects into their lives to enhance their wellbeing.
▶ To engage in culturally responsive training for all members of the school – Board, Exec, Staff, Students, Whānau.
▶ To strengthen the understanding of and commitment to our shared purpose in a culturally responsive way.
▶ To promote a culture that is safe, supportive, and positive for both staff and students, which is built on trust and collaborative relationships.
▶ To extend opportunities to celebrate student and staff success.
▶ Commit to connecting, collaborating and communicating with all members of the QMC community (students, alumnae, educators, parents, staff and friends) in a timely and purposeful manner.
▶ Enhance our engagement and communication with internal and external communities through strategic, targeted communication and collaboration to enhance meaningful and enduring connections, locally and globally.
▶ Improve risk literacy throughout the community so that people can make safe decisions, independently.
▶ Further improve our health and safety systems, emergency procedures and COVID-19 response.
▶ Strengthen our EOTC framework to promote simple and safe adventurous learning.
▶ Increase revenue streams beyond fees.
▶ Decrease costs relating to non-core functions.
▶ Stem the flow of withdrawals.
▶ Increase enrolments across the college by 2.5% with the long-term goal of building a solid waitlist.