The conquerings of QMC’s Japanese students
Trivia Quiz winners – Tanishka Raina, Sophia Gittings, Lexie Johnston and Tianyi Mathur
Our Japanese students have excelled in competition in 2021. From claiming the top prize in a national quiz to flexing their speaking abilities in speech competitions, 2021 has been a year to remember. Sensei Hidemi Fuke has been
The QMC team, consisting of
understandably giddy when
Tanishka Raina, Sophia Gittings,
reporting on the successes of
Lexie Johnston and Tianyi
her talented Japanese students
Mathur, were thrilled to learn
in 2021. They have claimed an
they had scored the top mark
unprecedented amount of
at the Wellington Regional
silverware thanks to their passion
Championship. However, not
and commitment to learning one
only was their score the top for
of the more challenging languages.
the region, but they also topped
At the end of Term 2, QMC entered the New Zealand Secondary Schools Japanese Trivia Championship. This annual quiz takes place simultaneously at different venues around Aotearoa. Participants are tasked with answering questions covering
more than 100 other schools that participated around the country. This success was followed by more great news in Term 3 as five students participated in the 11th annual Wellington Regional Japanese Speech Competition on 13 August (just days before
Japanese history, culture, sport,
the Alert Level 4 lockdown).
food, festivals and several other
The competition was organised
topics. Essentially, it challenges
by the Wellington Association of
students to demonstrate how
Japanese Language Teachers,
much they have absorbed
and participants spoke eloquently
through their language and
about personal topics, including
cultural study years.
families and hobbies, while others
QM Calling
provided their own perspectives on different subjects. Tessa Burnett claimed first place in the Year 12 category, while Imogen Kennedy-Smith was a close second. In Year 10, Tianyi Mathur took second prize, while Sophia Gittings came in third. Faith Lim (Year 13) also spoke superbly about the tradition of Japanese tea parties. Tianyi was also awarded the Ambassadors Prize – an award that acknowledges previous winners with named ribbons that commemorate the year they won. Several Old Girls’ names feature, including Emma Power and Alexandra King. Well done to our students and Ms Hidemi Fuke on a remarkable year of achievements.