Vive le Français! The French language skills of
of the story and characters,
Junior School students were on
and ultimately perform in front
full display as they took to the
of their peers and family.
Auditorium stage in October. French is a specialist subject in the Junior School, with all students
French and Music teacher Susie Hardie said she was incredibly proud and impressed at what
introduced to and immersed in
the groups were able to deliver.
the language in highly interactive
“I thought the girls were
ways. The girls thrive as they are
outstanding. They really engaged
presented with opportunities to sing, dance, take part in musical games and activities, using French.
with the story and performed with lots of expression. Having to perform in front of an audience
The culmination of their learning,
really motivates them to memorise
and the highlight of the year, is
their lines! The vocabulary from the
the presentation of their plays, for
story becomes engrained in their
which students have spent weeks
minds. I had had a girl, who has
preparing. Groups are required
now graduated, come up to me
to understand the story they
recently and recite the entire play
are telling, memorise their lines
for me which she had performed
and staging, choose costumes
years ago when she was a student
that reflect their interpretation
in the Junior school!” said Susie.
Year 4 performed ‘Comment Y aller’
“The Year 4 play was called 'Comment Y aller' and told the story of Marie, a girl who lives in Quebec and wants to see her friend in Paris. She tries to use various modes of transport to get there but is thwarted at every turn. Then, an alien comes to the rescue and takes her to Paris, where she discovers her friend went to Quebec to visit her! The Year 5 was called 'Boucles Violettes et les trois ours' – a variation on the story of Goldilocks. The culmination of all the learning that happens in French is in Year 6, where they get to perform 'Louis la grenouille', a story about a frog that loves rock and roll! This is the most challenging play which features much more complicated grammar. Year 2 and 3 also presented their French plays in early November; however these fell after the publication deadline. Year 2 performed ‘La Poule Maboule’, a version of the story of “Chicken Little”. Year 3 presented ‘Les trois Petits Cochons (The Three Little Pigs)’.
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