Course Outline
Year 11 - NCEA
Year 11 - NCEA
*Please note that the assessment dates are subject to change
out a practical investigation in a biological context, with direction.
Bio 1.5
AS90945, Sci 1.6
AS90948, Sci 1.9
Sci 1.8
understanding of biological ideas relating to a mammal(s) as a consumer(s).
implications of the use of carbon compounds as fuels
understanding of biological ideas relating to genetic variation.
selected chemical reactions.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The Year 11 Chemistry and Biology course builds from the Science course undertaken in Year 10. Students will complete Biology standards and chemistry-themed Science standards at Level 1. This course provides an excellent foundation for those students who are intending to pursue Biology or Chemistry in Year 12 and 13. In addition to building a sound understanding of these two subjects, the course also develops practical and analytical skills.
Course Information
• At least one of the Science courses is compulsory at Year 11.
• Students are issued with workbooks for select standards, which are charged to their accounts.
• Students will be subscribed to a package. This will provide access to learning materials in languages, mathematics, science and other subject areas. There will be a single charge of $70 + GST.
• Two of the internal standards are practical-based assessments and require the students to be at school for the entire duration of the assessment.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completing any unfinished classwork
• Completing workbook and/or Education Perfect exercises
• Going over classwork to identify any gaps in understanding (which should be raised with the teacher in the following lesson)
Head of Learning Area: Rebecca Hickey
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
Business is the study of decision making within an organisation. It examines how business decisions are influenced by factors internal and external to an organisation, and how these decisions impact upon its stakeholders, both internally and externally.1
Economics is about dealing with scarcity, resource allocation and the methods and processes by which choices are made in the satisfaction of human wants.2 Microeconomics is generally the
1 International Baccalaureate Organization. (February 2014). Diploma Programme Business Management Guide. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
2 International Baccalaureate Organization. (November 2010). Diploma Programme Economics Guide. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
study of individuals and business decisions; macroeconomics looks at higher up country and government decisions.3
Topics include supply, demand and market equilibrium from economics, and marketing and human resources from business. In the second term, students must apply the marketing mix (includes product, price, promotion, and place) to a new or existing product. The decision making process of producers and businesses allows students to understand more of the day-to-day running of a business.
• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.
• If a student is absent from the internal assessment then they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments.
• Of the five achievement standards studied in this course, three are from economics and two are from business. This prepares students well for further study in Year 12 with either NCEA Level 2 Business and Economics or IB Diploma Business Management.
To be successful, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day. All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate cost $30).
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.
• Reading of text or reference material.
• Reinforcement of skills.
• Reflection of lessons and/or tasks.
• Preparation/revision for assessments.
• Completion of assignments.
Head of Learning Area: Adrian Hardy
3 Investopedia. (2015). What's the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics? Retrieved from
understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.
AS90871, 1.4
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
The aim of this course is to develop students’ intercultural understanding and their ability to interact with Chinese speakers and use basic language competently. They deliver a oneminute speech in Chinese, showing that they can present information and opinions on a familiar topic. Students write a variety of texts to communicate to diverse audiences for genuine purposes with the support of resources. A selection of evidence showcases the individual’s final work. The length of the selected two texts is approximately 300 characters in total. Students will have opportunities to have regular conversation practice with our Mandarin language assistant and the teacher to practise their speaking and listening skills. The course offers two internal assessments: a speech and a written portfolio. The external assessments test students’ reading and listening comprehension.
The main topics covered in this course include the following:
• School life & extracurricular activities
• Travel, exchange programme and shopping
• Telling directions
• Birthday celebrations & events
• Part-time jobs, health, and leisure.
Students complete a writing portfolio consisting of at least two pieces of written work for the internally assessed achievement standard (AS90872, 1.5). Specific times for internal assessments are subject to change according to students’ progress, which are likely towards the end of Terms 1 & 2.
Course Information
• In 2023, Year 11 Chinese is an option subject.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’.
Homework might include:
• Learning some characters including verbs or phrases.
• Sentence or text level of exercises, e.g., jigsaw, filling the blanks etc.
• Completion of assignments started in class.
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or a short paragraph to write.
• Before an assessment, students will be expected to revise their notes or to practise their spoken Chinese.
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence.
• Carrying out a research task on the internet
Students are likely to be charged for a Year 11 Chinese NCEA Level 1 Workbook, approximately $10.
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet 2021.pdf
Appeal Form-Internal Assessment.pdf
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form-NCEA-Pandemic.pdf
Withdrawal Request Form-NCEA Standards.pdf
This course aims to provide a range of learning experiences The key focus of this course is to encourage students to become creator a well as consumers of digital technology. This provides a range of learning experiences including skills in digital imaging, web design and programming. Units of work include designing and coding a website with a focus on HTML, CSS and JavaScript, concepts of computer programming and simple functioning program design in Python. For the external assessment students will learn about HCI (Human Computer Iteration) and the 10 heuristics of user interface design.
Course Information
• This is a year-long knowledge and practical skills-based course.
• Topics will be assessed by five Achievement Standards, each with Achieved, Merit or Excellence components. All contributing towards Level 1 National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
• Students in this course are invited to purchase the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for approx. $35. This gives them a one-year subscription to industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects. This will be installed at school and charged to students' school accounts (not required if already purchased for Photography, Design or Media Studies).
• There may be planned trips / visiting speakers throughout the year which are necessary to develop knowledge for some assessment tasks in the unit topics. You will be notified of any costs associated with any trips or speakers (eg: travel, entry fees). Costs incurred will be charged to your school account.
Head of Learning Area: Richard Knuckey
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
Performances will be a major component of assessment. Participation in the rehearsal process in the production standard will be assessed as well as the final performance. Assessments will take place at different times (some may be assessed after school because of the time required) Plenty of notice as to where & when assessments will take place will be given. All assessments will be filmed for reference.
For the production standard each student may need to make themselves available for some out of class rehearsals (from Week 1 Term 2- Week 10 Term 2) as negotiated with the teacher/director. In production week, each student must be available for a technical rehearsal and dress rehearsal which will be held outside of school hours. Failure to attend these rehearsals would mean failure to achieve the standard.
Course Information:
• 8 classes are held over the 10-day timetable cycle
• There is a written component for each performance standard that must be completed
• 17 credits are offered in the Year 11 programme overall
Performance rehearsals for each performance standard (all of the internal standards) involve working in small groups. With the exception of the production standard where rehearsals are arranged by the teacher, each group is expected to organize their own rehearsal times out -of -class leading up to assessments. These rehearsals along with a small amount of supporting written work constitute homework requirements for Drama at this level
AS90849, 1.1
AS90850, 1.2
AS90851, 1.3
understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s).
understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied visual or oral text(s).
understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar written text(s) through close reading.
AS90855, 1.7*
a visual text (static image).
*This assessment was carried out at the end of 2022 – the grades will count towards 2023 achievement
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The aim of the course is to foster enjoyment of literature and language and students’ personal satisfaction in the production of their own writing. Skills in analysing written and visual texts will be developed, with an emphasis on supporting students’ independent critical thinking. A selection of written texts and a film will be studied as preparation for NCEA assessments. Essay writing skills will be strengthened and creative writing skills will be enhanced. Students will acquire confidence in creating and delivering a speech. Students will also develop skills in creating a static construction of images and written text to effectively convey deep understanding of ideas in a writer’s text.
Course Information
• There are six achievement standards in this course.
• The 21 possible credits contribute towards your daughter’s Level 1 National Certificate of Educational Achievement.
• The three internal achievement standards will be assessed at varying times in the year.
• The three external achievement standards will be assessed in essay format (90849 1.1, 90850 1.2) and long-answer format (90851, 1.3) in a 3 hour examination at the end of the year.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completion of or extension of work done in class
• Reading
• Research
• Revision of material covered in class
• Written responses and essays
Head of Learning Area: Annabel Harris
understanding of a variety of spoken French texts on areas of most immediate relevance.
AS90879, 1.2 Give a spoken presentation in French that communicates a personal response
AS90881, 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of French texts on areas of most immediate relevance
AS90882, 1.5 Write a variety of text types in French on areas of most immediate relevance.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
The year 11 French students will continue to develop the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, whilst consolidating their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. They will prepare for sitting their external achievement standards by practising examination techniques, revising vocabulary, grammar and verb tenses, and completing past reading and listening papers. During Terms 1 to 3, they will draft and re-draft 3 pieces of work for their writing portfolio. At the end of Term 3 students must submit the best two examples that showcase their writing skills, in order to fulfil the requirements for the 1.5 standard. In Term 2, they will also complete the speech internal assessment, giving a one minute spoken presentation about their school. Use of the target language in the classroom will be encouraged and students will regularly use their laptops for e-learning activities, vocabulary revision and accessing authentic online resources.
Students will study the following topics:
• Living and travelling in a French speaking country
• Shopping and describing what you bought
• Tourism in NZ and describing your country to a French friend.
• Food and eating out
• School life in France and New Zealand. Memories of Junior School.
• Leisure activities and arranging outings.
• Describing a party and thanking a French friend for their gift
Course Information
• In 2023 Year 11 French is an option subject.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’. Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of one hour and a half to two hours per week in French.
Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases
• Completion of assignments started in class
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or a short paragraph to write.
• Before an assessment, students will be expected to revise their notes or to practice their spoken French.
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence.
• Carrying out a research task on the internet.
Students are likely to be charged for: A ‘Renash’ NCEA level 1 vocabulary and grammar handbook – approximately $17
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
AS91007, 1.1 Demonstrate geographic understanding of environments that have been shaped by extreme natural event(s).
AS91009, 1.3 Demonstrate geographic understanding of the sustainable use of an environment.
AS91010, 1.4 Apply concepts and basic geographic skills to demonstrate understanding of a geographic environment
AS91011, 1.5 Conduct geographic research with direction
AS91014, 1.8 Apply spatial analysis, with direction, to solve a geographic problem.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
Geography is a multifaceted discipline that bridges the social sciences, humanities and physical sciences. This year we will be studying earthquakes as an extreme natural event, contemporary issues and a range of geographic skills. We will look at case studies in each of these topics in both New Zealand as well as international settings.
Course Information
• Conducting fieldwork is an important aspect of studying NCEA Geography. Details and costs of field trips will be communicated via email and QM News.
• All Year 11 students will be issued with a write-on Geography 1.4 Skills book. The cost of this (approximately $30) will be charged to your account.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of 10 hours per week in Year 11, and 15 hours per week in Year 12 and 13, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completing classwork
• Practising skills
• Completing course work
Head of Learning Area: Adrian Hardy
Level 6 of the New Zealand Curriculum
AS91001 1.1 Carry out an investigation of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders
AS91002 1.2 Demonstrate understanding of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders
AS91003 1.3 Interpret sources of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders
AS91004 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives of people in an historical event of significance to New Zealanders
AS91006 1.6 Describe how a significant historical event affected New Zealand society
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
The aim of the course at Year 11 is to gain an understanding of New Zealand and international events that were of significance to New Zealanders. For the internal assessments, students research a protest movement, and they communicate their understanding of an event and the perspectives regarding this in an appropriate format. Topics studied are protest movements in New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s, and Civil Rights Movement in the USA Different
perspectives regarding historical events will also be explored. History is a literacy rich subject where students will develop critical thinking, reading comprehension and essay writing skills.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Research for internal assessments
• Completion of unfinished class activities
• Extra readings
• Writing essays and assignments
Head of Learning Area: Adrian HardyAS90893, 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Japanese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.
AS90894, 1.2 Give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a personal response.
AS90896, 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Japanese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.
AS90897, 1.5 Write a variety of text types in Japanese on areas of most immediate relevance.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The aim of this course is to be able to interact with Japanese speakers and use basic language competently. Students deliver a one-minute speech in Japanese. Students write a variety of texts with the support of resources. A selection of evidence showcases the individual’s final work.
Students will study the following topics:
• Relationships
• School and school rules
• Organising a trip to Japan
• Shopping, houses, and health.
• Learn Hiragana, Katakana and 50 Kanji.
Course Information
• In 2023 Year 11 Japanese is an option subject.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’.
Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases
• Completion of assignments started in class
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or a short paragraph to write
• Before an assessment students will be expected to revise their notes or to practise their spoken Japanese
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence
• Carrying out a research task on the internet
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
AS91047, 1.4 Undertake development to make a prototype to address a brief.
AS91058, 1.21 Implement basic procedures using textile material to make a specified product.
AS91046, 1.3 Use design ideas to produce a conceptual design for an outcome to address a brief.
AS91063, 1.30 Produce freehand sketches that communicate design ideas.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Students will work on two units of work over the course of the year, exploring a variety of materials and construction processes: topic one – Nature in Bags; topic two – Use design Ideas Each unit of work will require completion of investigation research, design, development work, written tasks and the construction of a practical solution. Students will have experiences in developing their own patterns and in using a commercial pattern. Students will develop skills in freehand sketching techniques to communicate their design ideas. The design work produced over the year is externally assessed by folio submission. It is recommended that one of the units of work should be developed for a client, not the student.
• Materials Technology is a year-long practical based course.
• There are two major topics which each take approximately approx. 14-16 weeks to complete.
• Students will be involved in various design activities with given scenarios to ‘problem solve’, which may result in the development of a model, prototype, or final product outcome.
• There is a $50+gst annual consumables fee for Materials Technology. This will be charged to your school account. Students will work on individual practical projects that will require them to purchase some of their own material resources. Topic specific resource details will be given to students at the start of each topic.
• There may be planned trips throughout the year which are necessary to develop knowledge for the assessment tasks in the unit topics. You will be notified of any costs associated with any trips (travel, entry fees). Costs incurred will be charged to your school account.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Carrying out individual project - written, research or design sketching tasks.
• Attending lunchtime workshops to complete any practical work or to access extra help with practical work.
• Catching up with work not completed during class time.
• Sourcing materials and resources for practical construction work.
Head of Learning Area: Richard KnuckeyPlease note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
This course requires students to think mathematically and statistically in a range of contexts. Topics include number, algebra, statistics, geometry, and graphs for all students. The course is designed to extend mathematical knowledge and understanding in preparation for NCEA or IB Diploma courses in Year 12.
• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
• 91027 Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems will be assessed by a Common Assessment Task (MCAT) during the third term. This is the final assessment for this standard. If a student is absent from MCAT then they must follow the school policy on absences for external NCEA examinations.
• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.
• If a student is absent from the internal assessment, they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments.
• Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Year 11.
• The Mathematics Help room is staffed by teachers every week after school on Wednesdays. Students can attend to do their homework or receive some extra help.
• Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions:
✓ The Australian Mathematics Competition is held in August (entry fee approximately $7.50).
✓ The Junior Mathematics Competition is held in March (entry fee approximately $5).
✓ A team will be selected to represent QMC in the Mathswell competition.
• All students are registered with the Education Perfect (Mathematics) software as part of the school EP package for senior students.
• Students must have either a scientific calculator (Casio FX82) or a graphing calculator (Casio FX9860GIII). Graphing calculators are highly recommended and are compulsory for all students studying either IB Diploma or NCEA Level 2 or Level 3 Mathematics courses.
• All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate total cost $35).
To be successful with Level 1 Mathematics, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.
• Reinforcement of skills.
• Reflection of lessons and/or tasks.
• Preparation/revision for assessments.
• Completion of assignments.
Head of Learning Area: Matthew Kavanagh
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course requires students to think mathematically and statistically in a range of contexts. Topics include number, algebra, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics for all students. The course is designed to extend mathematical knowledge and understanding in preparation for NCEA or IB Diploma courses in Year 12.
• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
• 91027 Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems will be assessed by a Common Assessment Task (MCAT) during the third term. This is the final assessment for this standard. If a student is absent from MCAT then they must follow the school policy on absences for external NCEA examinations.
• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.
• If a student is absent from the internal assessment, they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments.
• Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Year 11.
• The Mathematics Help room is staffed by teachers every week after school on Wednesdays. Students can attend to do their homework or receive some extra help.
• Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions:
✓ The Australian Mathematics Competition is held in August (entry fee approximately $7.50).
✓ The Junior Mathematics Competition is held in March (entry fee approximately $5).
✓ A team will be selected to represent QMC in the Mathswell competition.
• All students are registered with the Education Perfect (Mathematics) software as part of the school package for senior students.
• Students must have either a scientific calculator (Casio FX82) or a graphing calculator (Casio FX9860GIII). Graphing calculators are highly recommended and are compulsory for all students studying either IB Diploma or NCEA Level 2 or Level 3 Mathematics courses.
• All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate total cost $35).
To be successful with Level 1 Mathematics, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.
• Reinforcement of skills.
• Reflection of lessons and/or tasks.
• Preparation/revision for assessments.
• Completion of assignments.
Head of Learning Area: Matthew Kavanagh
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course requires students to think mathematically and statistically in a range of contexts. Topics include number, algebra, measurement, geometry, and statistics for all students. The course is designed to extend mathematical knowledge and understanding in preparation for the NCEA Statistics course in Year 12.
Assessment Information
• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for the external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.
• If a student is absent from the internal assessment, they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments.
Course Information
• Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Year 11.
• The Mathematics Help room is staffed by teachers every week after school on Wednesdays. Students can attend to do their homework or receive some extra help.
• Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions:
✓ The Australian Mathematics Competition is held in August (entry fee approximately $7.50).
✓ The Junior Mathematics Competition is held in March (entry fee approximately $5).
✓ A team will be selected to represent QMC in the Mathswell competition.
• All students are registered with the Education Perfect (Mathematics) software as part of the EP school package for senior students.
• Students must have either a scientific calculator (Casio FX82) or a graphing calculator (Casio FX9860GIII). Graphing calculators are highly recommended and are compulsory for all students studying either IB Diploma or NCEA Level 2 or Level 3 Mathematics courses.
• All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate total cost $35).
To be successful with Level 1 Mathematics, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.
• Reinforcement of skills.
• Reflection of lessons and/or tasks.
• Preparation/revision for assessments.
• Completion of assignments.
Head of Learning Area: Matthew Kavanagh
• At the end of each (external) topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
NCEA Level 1 Music is a stepping stone to Level 2 Music or the IB Diploma Music Course, with a number of achievement standards being offered. Students develop their composition and performance skills, while developing their knowledge, understanding and application in the areas of both written conventions of music and aural perception. Students gain some understanding of musical history and analysis by studying two discrete music works. Students who take this course must have an active interest and ability in Music, and have completed at least two years’ instrumental or vocal tuition.
Course Information:
• The course has five Achievement Standards totalling 26 credits
• A selection of these will be offered in 2023 so that students are studying about 20 credits
• Students are expected at this level to be having individual music tuition and to participate in at least one extra-curricular music activity at Queen Margaret College.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects. To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Performance practice
• Completing composition tasks
• Completing theory exercises
• Research tasks
Head of Learning Area: Tim Jenkin
Year 11 Physical Education Programme 2023
Level 6 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The Physical Education programme encourages students to participate in a variety of activities and allows the application of knowledge in both practical and written contexts. Students will be internally assessed to gain 20 credits for Level 1 NCEA. Some areas of focus include: responsible behaviours in the outdoors, the skeletal system and the muscular system and how they interact to allow human movement to occur; introduce the study of biomechanics and how these principles are used to enhance sporting performance; look at the exercise science and physiology behind human movement and what it is and how this fuels us to be able to participate in physical activity; explore a range of factors that influence people’s views and participation in physical activity; explore sexism in sports and how does this influence self and others participation in physical activity; and participate in a range of different physical activities and explore the different factors that affect people’s participation.
Course Information
• Year 11 Physical Education is a compulsory subject
• Correct uniform to be worn per term. Failure to do so will result in the following:
• 1st time a warning
• 2nd time a PE detention
• 3rd time a Dean’s detention
• Please note that incorrect uniform may affect grades. NCEA criteria states ‘that students must be prepared and ready for lessons.’
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Making notes from practical lessons to help with theoretical application of knowledge
• Extra skill practice
• Written assignments
Head of Learning Area: Tarron Stead
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet 2021.pdf
Appeal Form-Internal Assessment.pdf
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form-NCEA-Pandemic.pdf
Withdrawal Request Form-NCEA Standards.pdf
The Year 11 Physics-Chemistry course builds from the Science course undertaken in Year 10, with students completing Physics and Chemistry standards at Levels 1 NCEA. This course provides an excellent foundation for those students who are intending to pursue Physics or Chemistry in Year 12 and 13. In addition to building a sound understanding of these two subjects, the course also develops practical and analytical skills.
• At least one of the Science courses is compulsory at Year 11.
• For the external standards students are issued with workbooks, which are charged to their accounts
• Students will be subscribed to a package. This will provide access to learning materials in languages, mathematics, science and other subject areas. There will be a single charge of $70 + GST.
• 2023 teachers are Mr Kent Hogan and Mr Ethan Smith
Homework expectations: Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completing any unfinished classwork.
• Completing workbook exercises
• Going over classwork to identify any gaps in understanding which should be raised with the teacher in the following lesson.
Head of Department: Rebecca HickeyYear 11 Religious Education Programme 2022
Term 1
Introduction to ethics.
1. To introduce the concept of values and their impact upon decisions and behaviour-both individually and collectively.
2. To consider ethical responses from different religious and non-religious philosophies.
3. To gain insight into how personal values are formed and how they shape our lives.
Term 2
Exploring the application of religious principles to an ethical issue. Crime and punishment, forgiveness and restorative justice.
1. To explore the concepts of justice, reparation, and forgiveness from the point of view of religious and non-religious views.
2. To consider and evaluate the concepts of justice, reparation, and forgiveness through the Christian tradition
Term 3
Preparation and completion of NCEA L1 AS 90818
Term 4
Values education and contemporary moral dilemmas. For the remaining 3-4 lessons, students will explore contemporary issues that have arisen in the global, national and local news this year and investigate different religious and non-religious responses.
Head of Learning Area: Deborah Wilson
Levels 5 and 6 of the New Zealand Curriculum
AS90908, 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance.
AS90909, 1.2 Give a spoken presentation that communicates a personal response.
AS90911, 1.4
Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance
AS90912, 1.5 Write a variety of text types in Spanish on areas of most immediate relevance.
Some students may do the internal standard, AS90910, 1.3 which is the interaction standard. This is an option, offered as extension.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The aim of this course is to interact with Spanish speakers in social situations and express their ideas competently. Students deliver a one-minute speech in Spanish and create a portfolio with a variety of written texts with the support of resources. These show that they can share information and opinions in everyday situations using present, past and future tenses. A selection of evidence showcases the student’s final work.
Students will study the following topics:
• Family, friends and the place where you live
• Holidays and free time
• Health and wellbeing
• School and future plans
Course Information
• Year 11 Spanish is an option subject.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’. Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases
• Completion of assignments started in class
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or a short paragraph to write
• Before an assessment, students will be expected to revise their notes and practise
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence
• Carrying out a research task on the internet
Students will receive ‘Renash’, a NCEA level 1 vocabulary and grammar handbook – approximately $17.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet 2022.pdf
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
Year 11 Te Reo Māori Programme 2023
Level 6 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The year 11 te reo Māori students will continue to develop the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, whilst consolidating their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Students will prepare for sitting their external achievement standard by practising examination techniques, revising vocabulary, grammar and verb tenses, and completing past reading and writing papers. Use of the target language in the classroom will be encouraged and students will regularly use their laptops for e-learning activities, vocabulary revision and accessing authentic online resources.
Students will study the following topics:
• Tōku kura: my school
• Tōku whānau: my family
• Ko au: myself
• Parakuihi: breakfast
Course Information
• In 2023 Year 11 Te reo Māori is an option subject.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’ Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of one hour and a half to two hours per week in te reo Māori.
Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases.
• Completion of assignments started in class.
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or a short paragraph to write.
• Before an assessment, students will be expected to revise their notes or to practice their spoken Te reo Māori.
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence.
• Carrying out a research task on the internet.
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
This is a broad practical course in which each student will undertake a range of school-developed units of work. These will provide experiences in drawing, painting, Photoshop, printmaking, photography and design using a broad range of materials. The course gives students the opportunity to develop their perceptual, imaginative, technical and critical skills through making Art. Also included is the development of a working knowledge of contemporary artists and their methods. The course provides students with necessary visual and technical knowledge that will enable them to pursue further study in the specialist Art disciplines of Year 12 IB Visual Arts or Year 12 NCEA Painting/Printmaking or NCEA Photography. It is recommended that students have successfully completed Year 10 Visual Art.
Course Information
• In 2023 Year 11 Visual Arts is an optional subject.
• Year 11 Visual Arts is assessed against three achievement standards. Each achievement standard has credits allocated. When a student gains ‘Achieved’ for an achievement standard the credits contribute to her NCEA.
• Students can also gain different grades for each achievement standard: Achieved, Merit, Excellence. The grade achieved is determined by the quality of the work as measured against national standards.
• There is a consumables fee of $75, which will be charged to student’s school account.
• Students in this course are required to purchase the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for $42. This gives them a one-year subscription to industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. This will be installed at school and charged to students' school accounts.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 10 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Reading and researching about artists studied in class
• Completion of assignments started in class
• Practising new techniques learned in class
• Catching up on work missed due to absence
• Researching on the internet
Teacher in charge of Visual Arts: Anna Faulknor