Course Outline
Year 12 - NCEA
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Biology Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
• Assessment dates may be subject to slight variation
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The course explores the world of Biology at the cellular and genetic level, by examining the function of a cell and the role that genes play in controlling and changing characteristics. A practical investigation will draw on their knowledge of the cells unit. Students will also learn to critically analyse information on how biological information is presented to the public.
Course Information
• Students are issued with a Study Guide which is to be returned at the end of the year.
• Students are also issued with a SciPad workbook, which is charged to the student’s account.
• 2023 teachers are Ms Renaud and Mr Smith.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completing any unfinished classwork.
• Completing workbook/worksheet exercises.
• Going over classwork to identify any gaps in understanding which should be raised with the teacher in the following lesson.
• Revising material in preparation for examinations.
Head of Learning Area: Rebecca Hickey
Standard number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91156, 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of life processes at the cellular level N Y 4 External Term 1, Week 8 and, End of year examination AS91153, 2.1 Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with guidance N N 4 Internal Term 1, Week 9 –Term 2, Week 1. Internal due end of Week 1, Term 2 AS91159, 2.7 Demonstrate understanding of gene expression N N 4 External Term 2, Week 6 and, End of year examination AS91154, 2.2 Analyse the biological validity of information presented to the public N N 3 Internal Term 2, Week 10 Internal due end of Week 10, Term 2 AS91157, 2.5 Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change N Y 4 External Term 3, Week 6 and, End of year examination
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Business & Economics Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
Business is the study of decision making within an organisation. It examines how business decisions are influenced by factors internal and external to an organisation, and how these decisions impact upon its stakeholders, both internally and externally.1
Economics is about dealing with scarcity, resource allocation and the methods and processes by which choices are made in the satisfaction of human wants. Level 2 NCEA focuses on macroeconomic aspects which can include, economic growth, international trade, inflation and unemployment.
Assessment Information
• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
1 International Baccalaureate Organization. (February 2014). Diploma Programme Business Management Guide. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title Literacy Reading Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed Assessment Date AS91222, 2.1 Analyse inflation using economic concepts and models N Y 4 External Term 2 Week 5. End of year examination AS91224, 2.3 Analyse economic growth using economic concepts and models N Y 4 External Term 3, Week 2. End of year examination AS91227, 2 6 Analyse how government policies and contemporary economic issues interact Y N 6 Internal Term 3, Week 9 AS90846, 2.4 Conduct market research for a new or existing product N N 3 Internal Term 1, Week 8 AS91225, 2.4 Analyse unemployment using economic concepts and models (Optional Paper) Y N 4 Internal Term 2, Week 9/10 Test. Term 3 Week 2Report
• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.
• If a student is absent from the internal assessment then they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments. The optional Unemployment internal will not count towards subject prizes.
Course Information
• Students receive 8 lessons each fortnight.
• This course leads naturally to NCEA Level 3 Business and Economics in Year 13.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.
• Reading of text or reference material.
• Reinforcement of skills.
• Reflection of lessons and/or tasks.
• Preparation/revision for assessments.
• Completion of assignments.
To be successful, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day. All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate cost $30).
Head of Learning Area: Adrian Hardy
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Chemistry Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
AS91910, 2.1 Carry out a practical investigation into a substance present in a consumer product using quantitative analysis.
AS91164, 2.4
AS91166, 2.6
understanding of bonding, structure, properties and energy changes.
understanding of chemical reactivity
AS91911, 2.2 Carry out an investigation into chemical species present in a sample using qualitative analysis.
• Assessment dates may be subject to slight variation
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course is designed to build an understanding of key chemistry concepts and to develop the necessary skills to investigate the structure and nature of matter and its potential for change. Two external achievement standards are offered, and these will be assessed by national examinations at the end of the year. These topics include Bonding, Structure, Properties and Energy Changes and Chemical Reactivity. Two internal achievement standards are also offered: Quantitative Analysis and Qualitative Analysis. These topics are assessed in class during the regular school year.
Course Information
• Students are issued with an ESA Study Guide which is to be returned at the end of the year
• Students are also issued with a SciPAD workbook, which is charged to the student’s account
• Students will be subscribed to a package. This will provide access to learning materials in languages, mathematics, science and other subject areas. There will be a single charge of $70 + GST
• The 2023 teacher is Mrs Charlie Martin
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date
N N 4 Internal Term 1, Week 8
N N 5 External Term 2, Week 5, and school examinations
N N 4 External Term 4, Week 3, and school examinations (Part A), Term 4 week 1 (Part B)
N N 3 Internal Term 3, Week 2
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completing any unfinished classwork.
• Completing workbook/worksheet exercises.
• Going over classwork to identify any gaps in understanding which should be raised with the teacher in the following lesson.
• Pre-reading subject matter for upcoming lessons
Head of Learning Area: Rebecca Hickey
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Chinese Programme 2022
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
AS91108, 2.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on familiar matters.
AS91110, 2.2 Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information, ideas and opinions
AS91111, 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and/or visual Chinese text(s) on familiar matters.
AS91112, 2.5 Write a variety of text types in Chinese to convey information, ideas and opinions in genuine contexts
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
By the end of the Chinese NCEA Level 2 course, students should be able to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions using both spoken and written Chinese. They improve their interactive skills by initiating and maintaining conversations in a range of familiar situations. Students also write a variety of text types in Chinese to convey information to different audiences in genuine contexts and deliver a two-minute speech. Students will have opportunities to have regular conversation practice with our Mandarin language assistant and the teacher to practise their speaking and listening skills. The course offers two internal assessments: a speech and a written portfolio. The external assessments test students’ reading and listening comprehension.
The main topics covered in this course include the following:
• The Chinese and New Zealand education systems
• leisure and sports activities
• part-time jobs
• relationships
• health and
• travel.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date
N N 5 External Term 3, Week 7
N N 4 Internal Term 2, Week 7
N N 5 External Term 3, Week 7 Practice examinations
N N 5 Internal Term 3, Week 9 Final due date
Students will complete a portfolio consisting of at least two pieces of written work each for the internally assessed achievement standards AS91112, 2.5
Specific times for internal assessments are subject to change according to students’ progress, which are likely towards the end of Terms 1 & 2.
Course Information
• In 2023, NCEA level 2 Chinese is an option subject.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, sstudents are expected to complete some homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’. Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases.
• Sentence or text level of exercises, e.g., jigsaw, filling the blanks etc.
• Completion of assignments started in class.
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or an essay to write.
• Creating revision material
• Reviewing the work completed during class time.
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence.
• Carrying out a research task on the internet
Students are likely to be charged for a Year 12 Chinese NCEA Level 2 Workbook, approximately $10.
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Digital Technology Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The key focus of this course is to encourage students to become creators not just consumers of digital technology. Students will learn knowledge and skills in digital imaging, web design and programming The units of work require students to apply an iterative process to develop and model design ideas for a digital outcome, create a website using HTML/CSS and JavaScript, develop a programme written in Python and complete a written report on a digital outcome developed during the year. Throughout the creation process, students will test, evaluate and model their digital solutions, and reflect on their own ability to manage the risks associated with creating digital outcomes.
Course Information
• This is a year-long knowledge and skills-based course.
• Students will develop their skills in the Adobe Creative Suite, HTML/CSS coding, JavaScript and Python.
• Projects will be assessed by three Achievement Standardswill be assessed by three Achievement Standards, all contributing towards Level 2 National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
• Students in this course are invited to purchase the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for approx. $35. This gives them a one-year subscription to industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects. This will be installed at school and charged to students' school account.
Homework expectations:
Students should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects. To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Researching background information
• Software skills/practice
• Completion of any work not completed during class time.
• Carrying out individual project - written, research or digital design tasks.
• Attending lunchtime workshops to complete any project work or to access extra help with work.
Head of Learning Area: Richard Knuckey
Standard Number Achievement standard title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal /External Proposed assessment date AS91891 2.2 Apply conventions to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome. N N 3 Internal 17/3/23 AS91893 2.4 Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome N N 4 Internal 16/6/23 AS91896 2.7 Use advanced programming techniques to develop a computer program N N 6 Internal 10/10/23 AS91899 2.10 Present a summary of developing a digital outcome N N 3 External W2 T4
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Drama Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
Performances will be a major component of assessment. Participation in the rehearsal process in the production standard will be assessed as well as the final performance. Assessments will take place at different times. Plenty of notice as to where & when assessments will take place will be given. All assessments will be filmed for reference. For the production standard each student will need to make themselves available for some out of class rehearsals (from week 2 Term 2- week 8 Term 2) as negotiated with the teacher/director. In production week, each student must be available for a technical rehearsal and dress rehearsal which will be held outside of school hours. Failure to attend these rehearsals would mean failure to achieve the standard.
Course Information:
• 8 classes are held over the 10-day timetable cycle
• There is a written component for each performance standard that must be completed
• 17 credits are offered in the Year 12 programme overall
Homework expectations
Performance rehearsals for each performance standard (all of the internal standards) involve working in small groups. With the exception of the production standard where rehearsals are arranged by the teacher, each group is expected to organize their own rehearsal times out-of-class leading up to assessments. These rehearsals along with a small amount of supporting written work constitute homework requirements for Drama at this level
Teacher in Charge of Drama: Gemma Lowther
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91214 2.2 Devise and perform a drama to realise an intention. N N 4 Int Term 3, Week 4 AS91218 2.6 Perform a substantial acting role in a scripted production Y N 5 Int Term 2, Week 8 AS91216 2.4 Use complex performance skills associated with a theatre/ Drama form or period Y N 4 Int Term 1, Week 8 AS91219 2.7 Discuss drama elements, techniques, conventions and technologies within live performance Y Y 4 Ext Nov Exam
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 English Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course continues to develop students’ skills in the English language. Language is developed through the production of creative and formal language, and by study of literature and wide reading. Students improve their literary analysis skills by studying a selection of literary texts, including short texts and a novel. A film is also studied in depth, with the application of appropriate film techniques and their effectiveness. The course offers students the opportunity to gain UE literacy a requirement for entry to university.
Course Information
• There are five achievement standards in this course. The 21 possible credits contribute towards your daughter’s Level 2 National Certificate of Educational Achievement.
• The three internal achievement standards will be assessed at varying times in the year.
• The externally assessed achievement standards will be assessed in essay format in the NZQA 3-hour examination at the end of the year.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91098, 2.1 Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), supported by evidence Y Y 4 External Derived Grade Term 3 Week 1/ School exams Term 3 AS91099, 2.2 Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied visual text(s), supported by evidence N Y 4 External Derived Grade Term 1 Week 10 / School exams Term 3 AS91101, 2.4 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing N Y 6 Internal Term 3 Week 9 AS91102, 2.5 Create a crafted and controlled oral text N N 3 Internal Term 2 Week 9 Mon 19 June AS91106, 2.9 Form developed personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence Y N 4 Internal Term 3 Week 5 (Final piece) Portfolio Assessment
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completion of or extension of work done in class
• Reading texts and drafting responses for personal responses
• Research
• Revision of material covered in class
• Practise essays to prepare for external examinations
Head of Learning Area: Annabel Harris
AS91243, 2.4
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Geography Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
AS91245, 2.6
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
Geography is a multifaceted discipline that bridges the social sciences, the humanities and the physical sciences. This year we will be studying processes in cultural and natural environments and a range of geographic skills. We will look at case studies within these topics in both New Zealand as well as international settings.
Course Information
• All students will be issued with a write-on Geography 2.4 Skills book. The cost of this (approximately $30) will be charged to your account.
• Conducting field work is an important aspect of studying NCEA Geography. Details and costs of field trips will be communicated via email and QM News.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of 10 hours per week in Year 11, and 15 hours per week in Year 12 and 13, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completing class work, course work or practising skills.
Head of Learning Area: Adrian Hardy
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91242,
Demonstrate geographic understanding of differences in development. Y Y 4 External End of year examination
Apply geography concepts and skills to demonstrate
of a given environment N N 4 External End of year examination
Conduct geographic research with guidance N N 5 Internal Term 2, Week 9
Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue. N N 3 Internal Term 3, Week 4
Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale N N 3 Internal Term 1, Week 8
AS91244, 2.5
AS91246, 2.7
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 History Programme 2023 Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
Welcome to Year 12 History. This is an interesting and varied course that looks at some key events that relate to rights and social justice in 19th and 20th century history. Through this course students will learn the following skills:
• Research skills
• Critiquing sources
• Summarising and paraphrasing information
• Selecting relevant and important information
• Using evidence to support your ideas
• Understanding different perspectives and why people take certain actions
• Organising ideas
• Writing reports and essays
• Drawing conclusions
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91230, 2.2 Examine an historical event or place that is of significance to New Zealanders Y N 5 Internal Term 3, Week 3 AS91231, 2.3 Examine sources of an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders Y Y 4 External End of year examination AS91232, 2.4 Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders Y N 5 Internal Term 2, Week 2 AS91233, 2.5 Examine causes and consequences of a significant historical event Y Y 5 External End of year examination
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Research for internal assessments
• Completion of unfinished class activities
• Extra readings on Magnet
Head of Learning Area: Adrian Hardy
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 NCEA Japanese Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
AS91133, 2.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Japanese texts on familiar matters.
AS91135, 2.2 Give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates information, ideas and opinions.
AS91136, 2.4
Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written / or visual Japanese text(s) on familiar matters.
AS91137, 2.5 Write a variety of text types in Japanese to convey information, ideas and opinions in genuine contexts.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The aim of this course is to be able to communicate confidently in spoken and written Japanese. They write extended passages of Japanese, presenting ideas and information logically and demonstrating their expanding knowledge of Kanji. Students also deliver a two-minute speech in Japanese. They hone their comprehension skills through exposure to a range of authentic reading and listening materials. Students study the following topics: Identities, Experiences and Social Organisation. They also have regular conversation practice with our Japanese language assistant to help develop their speaking and listening skills.
Course Information
• In 2023 level 2 Japanese is an option subject.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’. Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases
• Completion of assignments started in class
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or an essay to write
• Creating revision material
• Reviewing the work completed during class time
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence
• Carrying out a research task on the internet
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date
N N 5 External Term 3, Week 7-8 School examinations
N N 4 Internal Term 3, Week 7
N N 5 External Term 3, Week 7-8 School examinations
N N 5 Internal Term 3, Week 9 Final due date
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Materials Technology Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91350,
Make advanced adaptations
design. ‘Junky Styling’ topic. N N 4 Internal Practical and Book work Due 11 Aug – Term 3 Week 3 AS91363,
Demonstrate understanding of sustainability
design. ‘Junky Styling’ topic. N N 4 External Formative #1 26 June – Term 2 Week 10 Final Assmt –Derived grades 22 Sept – Term 3 Week 9 External - Final submission Due 13 October – Term 4, Week 1 AS91345,
‘Inspirational Design’ topic. N N 6 Internal Garment Due 12 May - Term 2 Week 3 Book work Due 26 May - Term 2 Week 5 AS91357, 2.4 Undertake effective development to make and trial a prototype. ‘Inspirational Design’ garment topic. N N 6 Internal Garment Due 12 May - Term 2 Week 3 Book work Due 26 May - Term 2 Week 5
to a pattern to change the structural and style features of a
advanced procedures using textile materials to make a specified product with special features.
Course details:
Students will work on two units of work over the course of the year. Practical outcomes are undertaken providing students with the opportunity to work with a variety of materials. Each unit of work requires completion of research, design, development work, written tasks and a practical solution. Development of unique patterns through visual design techniques, idea generation and adaptation will be a focus of level two construction processes. The two main topics will take approximately 12 weeks each to complete. The external assessment will be prepared as part of the ‘Junky Styling’ unit and is in the form of a written report folio submission to NZQA, based on sustainability practices in the fashion industry. There are various opportunities throughout the year for students to enter secondary school design competitions.
Course Information:
• Materials Technology is a year-long practical based course.
• There is a $50+gst annual consumables fee for Materials Technology. This will be charged to your school account.
• Students will work on individual practical projects that will require them to purchase some of their own material resources. Specific details will be given to students at the start of each topic.
• There may be planned trips / visiting speakers throughout the year which are necessary to develop knowledge for some assessment tasks in the unit topics. You will be notified of any costs associated with any trips or speakers (eg: travel, entry fees). Costs incurred will be charged to your school account.
• Students who elect to enter their project work into any design competitions (eg: Hokonui Fashion Awards competition / HETTANZ Student fashion Awards) will be required to pay their own entry fee and courier ticket costs.
Homework expectations: Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week.
Homework might include:
• Carrying out individual project - written, research or design sketching tasks.
• Attending lunchtime workshops to complete any practical work or to access extra help with practical work.
• Catching up with work not completed during class time.
• Sourcing materials and resources for practical construction work.
Head of Learning Area: Richard Knuckey
Queen Margaret College
Level 2 Mathematics with Calculus Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course requires students to think mathematically and statistically in a range of contexts. Topics include algebra, calculus, statistical inferences, trigonometry, and probability. Concepts covered at Level 1 will also be extended to develop mathematical knowledge and understanding. Calculus and higher-level algebra are introduced for the first time. Students taking this course should have strengths in algebra, algebraic graphs and trigonometry from Level 1 Mathematics.
Assessment Information
• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.
• If a student is absent from the internal assessment, they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments.
Course Information
• The Mathematics Help Room is staffed by teachers every week after school on Wednesdays. Students can attend to do their homework or receive some extra help.
• Some more able students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions:
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91267, 2.12 Apply probability methods in solving problems. N N 4 External Term 2, Week 4 AS91261, 2.6 Apply algebraic methods in solving problems N N 4 External Term 1, Week 9 AS91259, 2.4 Apply trigonometry relationships in solving problems. N N 3 Internal Term 2, Week 8 AS91262, 2.7 Apply calculus methods in solving problems N N 5 External Term 3, Week 4 AS91264, 2.9 Use statistical methods to make an inference. N N 4 Internal Term 4, Week 2
✓ The Australian Mathematics Competition is held in August (entry fee approximately $7.50).
✓ The Senior Mathematics Competition is held in May (entry fee approximately $5).
• All students are registered with the Education Perfect (Mathematics) software as part of the school EP package for senior students
• Students must have a graphing calculator, preferably a Casio FX9860GIII.
• All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate total cost $35).
Homework expectations
To be successful with Level 2 Mathematics, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.
• Reading of text or reference material.
• Reinforcement of skills.
• Reflection of lessons and/or tasks.
• Preparation/revision for assessments.
• Completion of assignments.
Head of Learning Area: Matthew Kavanagh
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Media Studies Programme 2023
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course continues to develop students’ creative and analytical skills in the Media Studies and to encourage students to think critically about the media. Media language and terminology is developed through the production of media texts, and by study of audience, genre, narrative, and writing for a target audience Students improve their analysis skills by studying the development and changes in a TV genre and analysing the link between the audience and a media product. Short films and advertisements are also studied in depth, with students completing media investigations which will then inspire the planning and production of their own media product
Course Information:
• There are five achievement standards in this course.
• The 21 credits contribute towards your daughter’s Level 2 National Certificate of Educational Achievement.
• The four internal achievement standards will be assessed at varying times the year. The skills for these achievement standards will be taught in class, and assignments will be set, with both class time and homework time to complete them.
• The one external achievement standard will be assessed in essay format in a three hour examination at the end of the year.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91249, 2.2 Demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts N N 4 Internal 6th April 2023 AS91255, 2.8 Write a developed media text for a specific target audience Film Review N Y 3 Internal 26th May 2023 AS91251, 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of an aspect of media genre Y Y 4 External Late March/ late August AS91252, 2.5 Produce a design for a developed media product using a range of conventions N N 4 Internal 13th October 2023 AS91253, 2.6 Complete a developed media product from a design and plan using a range of conventions N N 6 Internal 13th October 2023
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least fifteen hours per week, across all subjects. Homework might include:
• Extension and revision of work done in class
• Research
• Written responses and essays
Teacher in Charge: Ellen Raue
Head of Learning Area: Annabel Harris
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Music Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
• At the end of each (external) topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
NCEA Level 2 Music offers choice to the developing musician, with achievement standards being offered in both Music Studies and Making Music. Students can develop their composition and performance skills, offering more than one instrument if desired, while developing their knowledge, understanding and application in the areas of both written conventions of music and aural perception. The skill of Instrumentation is introduced while the students can gain more depth of understanding of musical history by studying discrete music works, as well as pursue an area of musical interest by investigating an aspect of New Zealand music. Students who take this course
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91270, 2.1 Solo Performance N N 6 Internal Term 4, Week 2 AS91271, 2.4 Composition N N 6 Internal Term 3, Week 9 AS91272, 2.3 Group Performance N N 4 Internal Term 2, Week 8 AS91273, 2.8 Instrumentation N N 4 Internal Term 1, Week 8 AS91274, 2.2 Second Instrument. N N 4 Internal Term 2, Week 8 AS91276, 2.6 Conventions of music. N N 4 External End of Year Examination AS91277, 2.7 Compare two Music Works N Y 6 External End of Year Examination AS91278, 2.9 Investigate NZ Music. N N 4 Internal Term 3, Week 1
must have an active interest and ability in Music and have completed at least three years’ instrumental or vocal tuition.
Course Information
• A selection of Achievement Standards will be offered in 2023 so that students are studying about 20 credits.
• Students are expected at this level to be having individual music tuition and to participate in at least one extra-curricular music activity at Queen Margaret College.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Performance practice
• Completing composition tasks
• Completing theory exercises
• Research tasks
Head of Learning Area: Tim Jenkin
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Painting-Printmaking Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand NCEA Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This is a broad practical course in which each student will undertake a range of school-developed units of work. These will provide experiences in drawing, painting, Photoshop and printmaking using a broad range of materials. The course gives students the opportunity to develop their perceptual, imaginative, technical and critical skills through making Art. Also included is the development of a working knowledge of contemporary artists and their methods. The course provides students with necessary visual and technical knowledge that will enable them to pursue further study in the specialist Art disciplines of Painting or Printmaking in Year 13. Access to Photoshop CS4 is recommended but not required. It is recommended that students have successfully completed Level 1 Visual Art.
Course Information
• In 2023 Year 12 Painting and Printmaking is an optional subject.
• Year 12 Painting and Printmaking is assessed against three achievement standards. Each achievement standard has a number of credits allocated. When a student gains ‘Achieved’ for an achievement standard the credits contribute to her NCEA.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91311 2.2 (Painting) Or AS91313 (printmaking) Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to painting/printmaking N N 4 Internal Week 10 Term 1 AS91316 2.3 or (Painting) AS91318 (printmaking) Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting/printmaking practice N N 4 Internal Week 6 Term 2 AS91321 2.4 or AS91323 2.4 Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas with either printmaking or painting N N 12 External Week 2 Term 4
• Students can also gain different grades for each achievement standard: Achieved, Merit, Excellence. The grade achieved is determined by the quality of the work as measured against national standards.
• There is a consumables fee of $75 which will be charged to student’s school account.
• Students in this course are required to purchase the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for $42. This gives them a one-year subscription to industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. This will be installed at school and charged to students' school accounts.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects. To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Reading and researching about artists studied in class
• Completion of assignments started in class
• Practising new techniques learned in class
• Catching up on work missed due to absence
• Researching on the internet
Teacher in charge of Visual Arts: Anna Faulknor
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Photography Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand NCEA Curriculum
2.2 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography.
2.3 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established photography practice.
2.4 Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within photography (Folio).
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This is a broad practical course in which each student will undertake a range of school-developed units of work that will provide experiences in digital photography. The course gives students the opportunity to develop their perceptual, imaginative, technical and critical skills through making Art. Also included is the development of a working knowledge of contemporary artists and their methods. Students will need access to a digital SLR camera. The course provides students with necessary visual and technical knowledge that will enable them to pursue further study in the specialist Art discipline of Photography in Year 13. It is recommended that students have successfully completed Level 1 Visual Art.
Course Information
• In 2023 Year 12 Photography is an optional subject.
• Year 12 Photography is assessed against three achievement standards. Each achievement standard has a number of credits allocated. When a student gains ‘Achieved’ for an achievement standard the credits contribute to her NCEA.
• Students can also gain different grades for each achievement standard: Achieved, Merit, Excellence. The grade achieved is determined by the quality of the work as measured against national standards.
• There is a consumables fee of approximately $75, which will be charged to student’s school account.
• Students in this course are required to purchase the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for approx. $45. This gives them a one year subscription to industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. This will be installed at school and charged to students' school accounts.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal/ External Proposed assessment date
N N 4 Internal Week 9 Term 1
N N 4 Internal Week 7 Term
N N 12 External Week 2 Term 4
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Reading and researching about artists studied in class
• Completion of assignments started in class
• Practising new techniques learned in class
• Catching up on work missed due to absence
• Researching on the internet
Teacher in charge of Visual Arts: Anna Faulknor
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Physical Education Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
The Physical Education programme encourages students to participate in a variety of activities and allows the application of knowledge in both practical and written contexts. Students will be internally assessed to gain 20 credits for Level 2 NCEA. Some areas of focus include: explaining the biophysical principles and the impact on performance; performance in a nationally developed event; and leadership tasks with a Middle School class. This is an enriching course offering students the ability to develop skills and knowledge around: their own fitness; understand the importance of living a balanced and healthy lifestyle; as well as empowering the students to develop the knowledge and interpersonal skills which will enable them to interact sensitively with other people and cultures.
Course Information
• A mixture of practical and written work
• 19 credits offered
• Individual and group work assessed
• A variety of training venues utilised around the city
• As part of the 2.8 Social Responsibility – students will be taken off-site to participate in a variety of activities. These include rock climbing, Off the Loop Water Park, Circus Hub, CrossFit. The cost for these events will be charged to the account.
• Performance standard (Tough Guy and Tough Girl Challenge) - course related cost will be charged to the account to cover the cost of the entry and transport.
• Reassessment opportunity for the Performance Standard will take place during Term 3 for students who wish to improve their grade and/or if injury has prevented the completion of the Tough Guy and Tough Girl Challenge.
• Correct QMC PE gear to be worn during practical lessons
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal/ External Proposed assessment date AS91336, 2.10 All for One and One for All N N 3 Internal 24 March AS91329, 2.3 Improving wellbeingperformance N N 4 Internal 29 May –2 June AS91330, 2.4 Touch Guy and Girl Challenge N N 4 Internal 26 May AS91328, 2.2 Basketball Free throw N N 5 Internal 18 August AS91334, 2.8 Demonstrate social responsibility N N 3 Internal 27 October
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Reading and researching a variety of texts
• Completion of assignments
• Following physical training programmes
Head of Learning Area: Tarron Stead
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Physics Programme 2023 – Revised May 15
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
• External standard 2.3 Waves has been replaced by internal standard 2.1
• Assessment dates may be subject to slight variation
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet 2021.pdf
Appeal Form-Internal Assessment.pdf
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form-NCEA-Pandemic.pdf
Withdrawal Request Form-NCEA Standards.pdf
Course details
In Year 12 Physics, students develop their understanding of a range of concepts and how these are applied. During the Atomic and Nuclear Physics unit, students study the applications of radiation and radioactivity. The Mechanics topic is concerned with explaining the behaviour of moving objects. The Electricity and Magnetism unit covers direct current electricity, electric fields and electromagnetism.
Course Information
• Students are issued with a workbook which will be charged to the student’s account
• Students will be subscribed to a package. This will provide access to learning materials in languages, mathematics, science and other subject areas. There will be a single charge of $70.
• The teacher for 2023 is Mr Kent Hogan
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91172, 2.5 Demonstrate understanding of atomic and nuclear physics. N N 3 Internal Week 7, Term 1 AS91171, 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of mechanics. N N 6 External Week 10, Term 2 & school examinations AS91173, 2.6 Demonstrate understanding of electricity and electromagnetism. N N 6 External Week 1, Term 4 AS91168, 2.1 Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a non-linear mathematical relationship. N N 4 Internal Week 2, Term 2
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completing any unfinished classwork
• Completing homework assignments.
• Going over classwork to identify any gaps in understanding which should be raised with the teacher in the following lesson.
Head of Department: Rebecca Hickey
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Spanish Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
AS91148, 2.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on familiar matters.
AS91150, 2.2 Give a spoken presentation in Spanish that communicates information, ideas and opinions.
AS91151, 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and/or visual Spanish text(s) on familiar matters.
AS91152, 2.5 Write a variety of text types in Spanish to convey information, ideas and opinions in genuine contexts.
Some students may do the internal standard, AS91149, 2.3 which is the interaction standard. This is an option, offered as extension.
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes. Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course enables students to communicate confidently in spoken and written Spanish. They create a written portfolio, producing a variety of text types in which they share information, express ideas and justify their own opinions. Students also deliver a two-minute speech in Spanish. They hone their comprehension skills through exposure to a range of authentic reading and listening materials. Students study the following themes: health and well-being, the Hispanic world, media and communications, social engagement, and the environment. They also have regular conversation practice with our Spanish language assistant to help develop their speaking and listening skills.
Course Information
• NCEA level 2 Spanish is an option subject.
• There are 8 lessons per 10-day timetable.
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’. Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases.
• Completion of assignments started in class.
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or an essay to write.
• Creating revision material
• Reviewing the work completed during class time.
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence.
• Carrying out research tasks on the internet.
Students will receive a grammar workbook costing around $40.
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date
N N 5 External Term 3, School examinations
N N 4 Internal Term 2, Week 9
N N 5 External Term 3, School examinations
N N 5 Internal Term 3, Week 9 Final due date
Queen Margaret College
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
This course requires students to think mathematically and statistically in a range of contexts. Topics include probability methods, making inferences about populations, simulating probability situations, designing networks and conducting statistical experiments. This course leads naturally to NCEA Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics in Year 13.
Assessment Information
• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.
• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.
• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.
• If a student is absent from the internal assessment, they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments.
Course Information
• The Mathematics Help Room is staffed by teachers every week after school on Wednesdays. Students can attend to do their homework or receive some extra help.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Writing Credits Internal / External Proposed assessment date AS91265, 2.10 Conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods. N N 3 Internal Term 1, Week 6 AS91268, 2.13 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance using a simulation N N 2 Internal Term 1, Week 9 AS91267, 2.12 Apply probability methods in solving problems. N N 4 External Term 2, Week 5 AS91264, 2.9 Use statistical methods to make an inference N N 4 Internal Term 2, Week 10 AS91260, 2.5 Apply network methods in solving problems N N 2 Internal Term 3, Week 4
• Some more able students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions:
✓ The Australian Mathematics Competition is held in August (entry fee approximately $7.50).
✓ The Senior Mathematics Competition is held in May (entry fee approximately $5).
• All students are registered with the Education Perfect software as part of the school package deal for senior students.
• Students must have a graphing calculator, preferably a Casio FX9860GIII.
• All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate total cost $35).
Homework expectations
To be successful with Level 2 Mathematics, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day.
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.
• Reading of text or reference material.
• Reinforcement of skills.
• Reflection of lessons and/or tasks.
• Preparation/revision for assessments.
• Completion of assignments.
Head of Learning Area: Matthew Kavanagh
Queen Margaret College
Year 12 Te Reo Māori Programme 2023
Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.
Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.
QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet
Appeal Form - Internal Assessment
Extension or Rescheduling Request Form
Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards
Course details
By the end of NCEA Level 2, Te reo Māori students should be able to engage in discussions with speakers of te reo Māori, understanding much of what is said. They should be able to read and understand a variety of text types, as well as compose a range of text types in te reo Māori. Students will prepare for sitting their external achievement standard by practising examination techniques, revising vocabulary, grammar and verb tenses, and completing past reading and writing papers. Use of the target language in the classroom will be encouraged and students will regularly use their laptops for e-learning activities, vocabulary revision and accessing authentic online resources.
Students will study the following topics:
• Te taiao: The natural world
• Tōku ao: my world
• Hauora: Health and well-being
Course Information
• In 2023, Year 12 Te reo Māori is an option subject.
Standard Number Achievement Standard Title UE Literacy Reading UE Literacy Reading Credits Internal/ External Proposed assessment date AS91284, 2.1 Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro. N N 4 A-roto Internal Term 3, Week 8 Term 3, Week 9 AS91285, 2.2 Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o te ao torotoro. N N 6 A-roto Internal Term 2, Week 4 Term 2, Week 8 AS91286, 2.3 Pānui kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro. Y N 6 A-waho External Term 1, week 10 Derived Grade assessment Term 3, Week 7-8 School examinations AS91287, 2.4 Tuhi i te reo o te ao torotoro. N Y 6 A-waho External Term 3, Week 4 Term 3, Week 7-8 School examinations
Homework expectations
Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.
To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. The key to language learning is ‘little and often’. Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of one hour and a half to two hours per week in te reo Māori.
Homework might include:
• Learning a number of words, verbs or phrases.
• Completion of assignments started in class.
• Reading and grammar exercises to do or a short paragraph to write.
• Before an assessment, students will be expected to revise their notes or to practice their spoken Te reo Māori.
• Revision of vocabulary learned in class with
• Catching up on work missed due to absence.
• Carrying out a research task on the internet.
Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding queenmargaretcollege queenmargaretcollege