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Queen Margaret College

Year 13 Media Studies Programme 2023

Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.

Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.

QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet

Appeal Form - Internal Assessment

Extension or Rescheduling Request Form

Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards

Course details

This course continues to develop students’ creative and analytical skills in Media Studies and encourages students to think critically about the relationship between Media genres and society. Media language and terminology is developed through the production of media texts, and by study of audience, genre, narrative, and representation Students improve their analysis skills by studying the development and changes to the Film Noir genre throughout history. We study classic films such as Double Indemnity, Citizen Kane and Psycho along with more modern takes on the genre Short films and developments in the digital age are also studied in depth, with students completing media investigations which will then inspire the planning and production of their own media product.

Course Information:

• There are five compulsory achievement standards in this course.

• The 20 credits contribute towards your daughter’s Level 3 National Certificate of Educational Achievement.

• The four internal achievement standards will be assessed at varying times the year. The skills for these achievement standards will be taught in class, and assignments will be set, with both class time and homework time to complete them.

• The external achievement standards will be assessed in essay format in a three-hour examination at the end of the year.

Homework expectations

Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least fifteen hours per week, across all subjects.

To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:

• Extension and revision of work done in class

• Reading and drafting of personal responses

• Research

• Written responses and essays

Head of Learning Area: Annabel Harris

Queen Margaret College

Year 13 Music Programme 2023

Level 8 of the New Zealand Curriculum

• At the end of each (external) topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.

• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.

Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.

Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.

QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet

Appeal Form - Internal Assessment

Extension or Rescheduling Request Form

Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards

Course details

NCEA Level 3 Music offers a wide choice to the advanced musician, with achievement standards being offered in both Music Studies and Making Music. This allows students to specialize (e.g. in performance, composition or musicology) or to continue to pursue a holistic course. Previously learned skills in analysis, research and musical conventions are enhanced further, with arrangement skills being introduced and the analysis of a substantial set work as well as researching a musical area of interest. The course offers a sound preparation for study of Music at tertiary level. Students who take this course must have an active interest and ability in Music, and have completed at least four years’ instrumental or vocal tuition.

Course Information

• A selection of Achievement Standards will be offered in 2023 so that students are studying about 20-24 credits

• Students are expected at this level to be having individual music tuition and to participate in at least one extra-curricular music activity at Queen Margaret College.

Homework expectations

Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.

To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:

• Performance practice

• Completing composition tasks

• Completing theory exercises

• Research tasks

Head of Learning Area: Tim Jenkin

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