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Queen Margaret College

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Course Outline

Course Outline

Year 7 English Education Programme 2023

Unit Title

Unit 1 – I Am – non-fiction text study

Unit 2 – Fake News! Critical Literacy

Unit 3 – Novel study

Unit 4 – Deconstructing Disney

Course details

Proposed assessment date

Refer to assessment calendar on Managebac

Students are encouraged to develop genuine interest in literature and a confidence in reading, writing and presenting. Students read and write for a range of different purposes, developing research and presentation skills, building on their understanding of how texts are constructed and why authors create them. Students develop their written and oral communication skills using a variety of contexts and genre.

Course Information:

• Developing fundamental literacy skills is a focus throughout the whole year

• An understanding of visual literacy is developed through the study of film and storyboard development

• Creative writing skills are developed

• The skills of writing are taught by studying a range of texts

• Skills in reading comprehension and analysis are developed

• An interdisciplinary unit with the Humanities department is a focus

• Skills in constructing and delivering a monologue are developed

Homework expectations

Your child should be learning at home for a total of at least 45 minutes per weeknight, across all subjects.

To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:

• Completion of, or extension of, work done in class

• Reading

• Research

• Revision of material covered in class

• Written responses

• Reinforcement of fundamental literacy skills through Wordflyers subscription

Head of Learning Area: Mrs. Annabel Harris

Queen Margaret College

Year 7 Humanities (Individuals and Societies) Programme 2023

Level 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum

Year 1 of the Middle Years Programme International Baccalaureate

Unit Title

For Those Who Dare


In Our Backyard

Course details

Proposed assessment date

Term 1 Week 9

Term 2 Week 6 and 9

Term 3 Week 4 and 8

Vote for Me Term 4 Week 3

Humanities (Individuals and Societies) encourages learners to respect and understand the world around them and equips them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies and environments.

The IB’s approach to Humanities (Individuals and Societies) includes a strong focus on inquiry and investigation. Students collect, describe and analyse data used in the study of societies; they test hypotheses, and learn how to interpret increasingly complex information, including original source material. This focuses on real-world examples, research and analysis is an essential aspect of the subject group.

The study of Humanities (Individuals and Societies) helps students to develop their identities as individuals and as responsible members of local and global communities. Studies in Individuals and Societies are essential for developing empathy and international-mindedness, including the idea that “other people, with their differences, can also be right” (IB mission statement).

Course Information

• In 2023 Year 7 Humanities (Individuals and Society) is a compulsory subject.

• Each class has 7 lessons per 10 day timetable.

• Each class covers 4 units over the year.

• Each unit topic will be approximately 9 weeks in length.

• Students are assessed on 4 key skills. These skills are assessed through o Knowing and Understanding, o Investigating, o Communicating o Thinking Critically.

Homework expectations

Your child should be learning at home for a total of at least 45 minutes per weeknight across all subjects. To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:

• Completion of or extension of work done in class

• Reading

• Research

• Written responses

• Reinforcement of fundamental skills

Head of Learning Area: Adrian Hardy

Queen Margaret College

Year 7 Language Programme 2023

Level 1 New Zealand Learning Languages Curriculum

Phase 1 of the Middle Years Programme International Baccalaureate

Chinese Celebrating Chinese New Year

French Masterchef en français

Japanese Japanese anime project

Te reo Māori Give a tour through the Māori world of Mahimaina (Minecraft)

Spanish ¡ Fiesta !

There is no formal assessment in the Year 7 Carousel programme.

Queen Margaret College offers an introductory MYP language acquisition course, structured as a ‘languages carousel’. Students complete a seven-week module in each of the five languages we offer: Chinese, French, te reo Māori, Spanish and Japanese. Towards the end of the academic year, they will choose one of the languages from the carousel, with the intention of studying that language in Years 8, 9 and 10.

Course details

Through learning languages, students develop a respect for, and understanding of, diverse linguistic and cultural heritages. In each of the five carousel courses, they work on a task-based project where they begin to communicate in the target language, using vocabulary specific to the topic or situation. Each of the languages has a different theme for their project. In class, students participate in fun and challenging activities whilst practising their listening, reading, speaking and some basic writing skills. They engage in elearning, using their laptop to access various language learning resources and to record their work on OneNote. The support of our international language assistants enhances the learning experience.

Homework expectations

Your child should be learning at home for a total of at least 45 minutes per weeknight across all subjects.

In the language carousel courses, your daughter may be assigned occasional homework tasks These might include:

• Short spoken presentations to practise

• Extension work

• Catching up on work missed due to absence

• Carrying out a research task on the project topic

• Cooking for the Masterchef project

Head of Learning Area: Caroline Harding

Queen Margaret College

Year 7 Mathematics 2023

Level 3-4 of the New Zealand Curriculum

Year 1 of the Middle Years Programme International Baccalaureate


Problem Solving (Patterns)

Geometry and Measurement




Course details

The academic curriculum for Middle School mathematics at Queen Margaret College has the New Zealand Curriculum as its foundation. The mathematical content of courses and the way we measure student progress with mathematical skills is taken from the New Zealand Curriculum. The IB Middle Years Programme informs our approaches to teaching and learning and the way that students engage with the mathematical content at a particular curriculum level.

The curriculum in Year 7 is designed as a continuing mathematical step from the Primary School through the Middle School and onto the Senior School. Classes are mixed ability, and teachers differentiate learning for individual student needs.

The main topics covered throughout the year areprobability, number knowledge and skills, geometry and measurement, and algebra.

Course Information

• Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Year 7 with 7 lessons each fortnight.

• The Mathematics Help Room is staffed by teachers every week after school on Wednesdays. Students can attend to do their homework or receive some extra help.

• There will also be the opportunity to take part in the following activities and competitions:

✓ The Problem Challenge is held throughout the year (entry fee approximately $4.00). This is compulsory for Year 7 students.

✓ International Competition and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) for Mathematics (entry fee approximately $7.50).

✓ The Australian Mathematics Competition is held in August (entry fee approximately $7.50)

✓ The Kiwi Maths Competition is held in September (entry fee approximately $9.00)

• All students are registered for Education Perfect (Mathematics) as part of the Middle School EP package.

• Year 7 will receive a subscription to an electronic MYP textbook at a cost of approximately $25. This is used for classwork, homework and for independent study.

Homework expectations

Students should complete at least 45 minutes per weeknight across all subjects

Head of Learning Area: Matthew Kavanagh

Queen Margaret College

Year 7 Music Programme 2023

Level 3-4 of the New Zealand Curriculum

Year 1 of the Middle Years Programme International Baccalaureate

Course details

The students learn:

• A basic understanding of musical elements including foundational keyboard skills

• To compose and notate their own rhythms and melodies using music software

• An overview of the history, development and identity of musical instruments from around the world through research and presentation tasks

• To read and effectively perform music on the ukulele

Course Information

• All students take Year 7 Music in 2023

• Students have 3 lessons per week for half the year

• Several extra-curricular activities are available to all students

Homework expectations

Your child should be learning at home for a total of at least 45 minutes per weeknight across all subjects. The expectation in music is that most work will be completed in class. Occasionally a student will need to complete composition or research tasks at home in order to achieve at a high level.

Head of Learning Area: Tim Jenkin

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