1 minute read
Queen Margaret College
Year 9 English Programme 2023
Level 4-5 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Year 3 of the Middle Years Programme International Baccalaureate
Unit 1 – Language is a Taonga – NZ and Pasifika short text
Unit 2 – Language of Persuasion
Unit 3 - We Read to Know We are Not Alone – Novel Study
Unit 4 – Introduction to Shakespeare
Course details
Students are encouraged to develop genuine interest in literature and a confidence in reading, writing and presenting. Students read and write for a range of different purposes, developing research and presentation skills, building on their understanding of how texts are constructed and why authors create them. Students develop their written and oral communication skills using a variety of contexts and genre.
Course Information
• A selection of short stories, poetry and a novel are studied
• Skills in creative, and literary essay writing are developed, and skills in visual literacy are developed
• Students are introduced to Shakespeare’s style and language
• Students read nonfiction texts to explain, recount, analyse, discuss and persuade
• Skills in constructing and delivering a persuasive speech are developed
• Skills in reading comprehension and analysis are developed
• Skills in research are developed
Homework expectations
Your child should be learning at home for a total of at least 60 minutes per weeknight across all subjects. To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:
• Completion of or extension of work done in class
• Reading
• Research
• Revision of material covered in class
• Written responses and essays
• Reinforcement of fundamental literacy skills through Wordflyers subscription
Head of Learning Area: Mrs. Annabel Harris