Faculty of Science and Engineering Queen Mary, University of London Strategic Plan
Science and Engineering Strategy The overarching aim for the Faculty of Science and Engineering in the next few years is to build on its existing strength and to raise its performance and profile so that it is recognised as one of the leading science and engineering faculties in the UK, both for its research, education and outreach provision, and contributes in full to Queen Mary’s ambition to be ranked in the top 10 universities in the UK. Professor Jeremy Kilburn, Vice-Principal & Executive Dean
Queen Mary has a distinguished tradition in science and engineering, and was one of the first UK universities to establish engineering, computer science, chemistry and materials departments. The present Faculty of Science and Engineering has many areas of excellence and distinctive strengths in, for example: the qMedia group, which links technology with the creative arts; Astronomy where work is carried out in collaboration with NASA, ESA and the UK Space Agency; Bioengineering, which has a growing international reputation as a top research group in the UK; Materials, a multidisciplinary activity across the Faculty and with SMD, which is in the top three in the UK based on publication impact since the last RAE; Photosynthesis,
Queen Mary was one of the first universities to establish engineering, computer science, chemistry and materials departments
which underpins the strategy to develop bio-energy research; Physics, which was one of the first places to develop string theory and counts a recent Nobel laureate, Sir Peter Mansfield, amongst its graduates. We have a unique partnership with BUPT in China with whom we run a highly successful, award winning, joint undergraduate programme. We host three UK National Teaching Fellows and our staff hold numerous other teaching awards, reflecting the strong track record in teaching as well as in research excellence. Our outreach activity is also widely recognised, being delivered both locally by Schools and more widely through larger externally funded projects such as SEPnet, cs4fn and the recent More Maths Grads initiative.
Overall the Faculty has a rich and successful history and has much to be proud of at present. We are committed to establishing ourselves as one of the leading science and engineering faculties in the UK, with our research, teaching and outreach activities impacting both nationally and internationally. But there is much to be done if we are to achieve this ambition and of course it must be achieved in a challenging and rapidly changing environment, and in an increasingly competitive higher education landscape. We will need to ensure the financial sustainability of our activities, growing our income in imaginative and innovative ways. We will need to optimise the efficient use of all our resources, including space and professional service support. We will need to invest in areas of strength and distinctiveness, rewarding success in research, education and outreach, whilst making clear strategic decisions regarding underperforming areas.
The Faculty Strategic Plan describes our vision and future ambition, our aims, objectives, and the enabling actions, and identifies how we will contribute to the College’s overall plan – for both knowledge creation and knowledge dissemination. Many of the strategic aims are undoubtedly ambitious, but while this is a period of change and uncertainty, it is also a time of tremendous opportunity, particularly for Science and Engineering at Queen Mary. The College is on a marked upward trajectory and the Faculty, with many distinctive strengths and a sound financial base, can look forward to strategic investment and growth underpinned by the talent, commitment and enthusiasm of all of its staff.
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
...the Faculty, with many distinctive strengths and a sound financial base, can look forward to strategic investment and growth underpinned by the talent, commitment and enthusiasm of all of its staff.
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Our vision for the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Queen Mary is that it should: • Be recognised as one of the leading science and engineering faculties in the UK, contributing in full to Queen Mary’s ambition to be ranked in the top 10 universities in the UK • Have an international reputation as a centre of cutting edge research and education, which attracts the best staff and students, and gives them the freedom to excel • Offer students an education responsive to their personal aspirations and career ambitions, and prepares them for leading roles in society in the future • Have a culture of flexibility and innovation, which embraces diversity, which empowers academic leadership and where excellence is rewarded
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Our vision is underpinned by 16 strategic aims:
• To conduct research at the highest standard across a broad intellectual spectrum
• To recruit and invest in staff with a record of exceptional achievement or extraordinary potential
• To sustain our traditional research income and to diversify our research sponsorship
• To align research in selected areas with distinctive strength and develop multidisciplinary research themes
• To increase research output and impact
• To increase the number and quality of PhD students and their 4 year submission rate
• To raise the Faculty’s research visibility and reputation
• To improve the research environment in all Schools in the Faculty
• To deliver a high quality learning experience for all students studying S&E at Queen Mary
• To attract more and better quality students to study in S&E at Queen Mary
• To enhance our students’ employability through exposure to relevant industry practice
• To attract high quality part time students by developing new and flexible modes of delivery
• To support our students’ aspirations & enhance their personal growth
• To enhance the national perception of science and engineering subjects and the perception of S&E at Queen Mary
• To champion enhancement of the student experience through rewarding teaching excellence across the Faculty
• To create a Faculty sense of community for students both while studying at Queen Mary and after graduation
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Teaching Strategy We will build on our current position to enhance teaching provision, student support and employability to attract more and better students to study S&E at Queen Mary in line with College targets. This will be achieved by improving engagement with students, industry and alumni, introducing flexible CPD and part time options including e-learning provision, enhancing outreach to raise the Faculty profile and valuing teaching excellence. The success of these actions will be measured by improvements in external indicators of teaching quality e.g. NSS & ISB, and internal QA and relevant internal financial measures. Professor Peter McOwan, Dean for Taught Programmes
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
To deliver a high quality learning experience for all students studying S&E at Queen Mary.
Develop & implement a sequence of teaching and support enhancements, sharing best practice & including use of e-learning and support from the Learning Institute to increase S&E ratings.
Average Faculty NSS score 92% by 2015 - Average Faculty ISB score 93% by 2015
SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3, SA2.4, SA2.5.
To attract more and better quality students to study in S&E at Queen Mary.
Develop and promote research led programmes of study, including cross School/ Faculty provision. Recruit more high quality overseas students. Explore expansion of the BUPT model. Increase home admission tariffs year on year.
-Double PGT overseas number by 2015 - Faculty average U/G entry tariff increase to 340 by 2015
SA2.1 SA2.3, SA2.4, SA2.6, SA2.7.
To enhance our students’ employability through exposure to relevant industry practice.
Embed appropriate student industrial experience/practice, and off campus study options across all Schools in S&E. Involve alumni in delivery.
-Faculty average for HESA employability statistic 93% by 2015
SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3.
To attract high quality part time students by developing new and flexible modes of delivery.
Develop marketable part time provision, particularly in PGT, exploiting e-learning, and suitable for deployment as part of the College CPD strategy.
- Development of Faculty CPD strategy by 2011
SA2.7, SA2.8.
To support our students’ aspirations & enhance their personal growth.
Embed the Graduate Attributes within the Faculty. Support the Writing Hub initiative. Broaden our curriculum e.g. entrepreneurship. Canvas students aspirations, engaging with SSLC & SU.
–Embed full range of Graduate SA2.1, Attributes across Faculty by end SA2.2, of 2011 SA2.3, SA2.4.
To enhance the national perception of science and engineering subjects and the perception of S&E at Queen Mary.
Enhance Faculty outreach activities to raise our profile by sharing best practice. Support proposed College Centre for Public Engagement. Recognise engagement contributions from staff. Develop faculty Communications Strategy
-Faculty Communications SA2.1, strategy in place by 2011 SA2.2. - Faculty average U/G entry tariff increased to 340 by 2015
To champion enhancement of the student experience through rewarding teaching excellence across the Faculty.
Appoint new academic staff with Research & Teaching ability. Promote and mentor for a diversified portfolio of teaching prizes, publicising teaching successes and best practice. All promotion criteria to explicity value teaching excellence. Faculty workload model to fairly reflect teaching contribution.
-Faculty Teaching Reward Strategy in place by end of 2011 -Faculty work load model in place by end of 2011
SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3, SA2.4, SA2.5.
To create a Faculty sense of community for students both while studying at Queen Mary and after graduation.
Encourage greater staff engagement. Facilitate interactions between student societies in Schools Run Faculty level events with SU and alumni. Build and promote student networks. Develop Faculty newsletter and web pages.
-At least one alumni focused event in each school by 2012 -Faculty Facebook and Linkedin groups by end of 2011
SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3, SA2.4.
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Teaching Strategy
T&L Strategic Aim 1: To deliver a high quality learning experience for all students studying S&E at Queen Mary
Enabling Actions
Curriculum is informed by our research culture
Continuous enhancement of teaching and student support
Appointment of new staff with excellent teaching and research skills
School action plans for NSS
Improved NSS, ISB and national league table rankings
T&L Strategic Aim 2: To attract more and better quality students to study Science and Engineering at Queen Mary
High quality teaching delivery
Monitoring of teaching; reward for excellence
E-learning Strategy
Queen Mary recognised as a top destination for Science and Engineering degree programmes
Enabling Actions
Develop viable research led programmes of study Explore expansion of BUPT model
Effective marketing and promotion of study options
Continuous increase in entry tariffs
Strong profile for Queen Mary Science and Engineering
Create crossSchool/Faculty taught provision
Increased UG entry tariffs
International recruitment, communications and marketing strategies
Increase recruitment of quality overseas students
Faculty targets for this activity: Double PGT overseas number by 2015; Faculty average U/G entry tariff increase to 340 by 2015
Faculty targets for this activity: Average Faculty NSS score 92% by 2015; Average Faculty ISB score 93% by 2015
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted: SA2.1 SA2.3, SA2.4, SA2.6, SA2.7. College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted: SA2.1 SA2.3, SA2.4, SA2.6, SA2.7
Notes – Faculty International Recruitment Strategy, Faculty Communications and Marketing Strategy in place by end 2011
Notes – Faculty Teaching Reward Strategy and e-learning Strategy in action by end 2011, facilities improvments by 2011
T&L Strategic Aim 3: To enhance our students’ employability through exposure to relevant industry practice
Enabling Actions
Increase availability of industrial experience/practice learning opportunities and off campus study
Industry engagement strategy
Develop relations with alumni; involvement in employability agenda
Increased students’ employability statistics
Embed options across all Schools
Increase student uptake of placement opportunities
Embed Graduate Attributes framework
Communications strategy for industrial stakeholders
Enabling Actions
Increased industry engagement and profile
SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3.
Notes – Faculty Industry Strategy and Faculty Communications Strategy in place by end 2011
Develop marketable, part-time provision, particularly in PGT Audit of current part time and CPD provision
Develop new modes of delivery
E-learning and industrial engagment strategies
Deploy as part of College wide CPD strategy
Sharing best practice across Schools
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impact:
College strategy for growing and supporting CPD
Increased number of part-time students
Increased CPD provision
Faculty targets for this activity : Development of Faculty CPD strategy by 2011
Faculty targets for this activity : Faculty average for HESA employability statistic 93% by 2015 College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted:
T&L Strategic Aim 4: To attract high quality part time students by developing new and flexible modes of delivery
SA2.7, SA2.8.
Notes –Faculty e-learning and Industry strategies in place by end 2011
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Teaching Strategy
T&L Strategic Aim 6: To enhance the national perception of science and engineering subjects and the perception of S&E at QMUL
T&L Strategic Aim 5: To support our students’ aspirations and enhance their personal growth
Enabling Actions
Embed Graduate Attributes framework
Creation of the Writing Hub
Broad curriculum e.g. inclusion of entrepreneurship modules
Full engagement with SSLC’s and Students’ Union
Improved life skills of graduating students
Flexible and personalised educational experience
Development of cross-Faculty modules
E-learning Strategy
Improved recognition of the quality of our graduating students
Enabling Actions
High quality Faculty web pages and publications
Improved Faculty profile
Enabling Actions
Ensure teaching excellence is recognised in promotion and appointment criteria
Improved student experience
Faculty Teaching Reward Strategy
Increased number of staff promoted for teaching excellence
Outreach excellence is celebrated and rewarded
Increase in number and quality of student applications
Communication and marketing strategy
Acknowledged excellence of Faculty outreach activities
Achieve greater staff engagement in Faculty activities
Mentoring of staff to achieve teaching excellence
Enabling Actions
Grow number of Faculty level events
Research and Teaching equally valued
Increased alumni engagement
Faculty targets for this activity: in place by end of 2011: Faculty work load model in place by end of 2011
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted: SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3, SA2.4, SA2.5. Notes – Faculty Teaching Reward Strategy, inc. professional support staff and Faculty Communications Strategy in place by end 2011
SA2.1, SA2.2.
T&L Strategic Aim 8: To create a Faculty sense of community for students both while studying at QM and after graduation
Staff promotion routes for teaching excellence
Faculty workload model to fairly reflect teaching contribution
Grow profile of Faculty and its outreach and education activities
Notes – Faculty Teaching Reward Strategy in place by end 2011
T&L Strategic Aim 7: To champion enhancement of the student experience through rewarding teaching excellence across the Faculty
Establish and promote Faculty teaching prizes
Faculty workload model to fairly reflect outreach contribution
College Strategic Plan KPI’s Impact:
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impact: SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3, SA2.4. Notes – Faculty Communications Strategy in action by end 2011, Faculty wide Graduate attributes audit by mid 2011
Promote success and share best practice
Creation of Center for Public Engagement
Faculty targets for this activity: Faculty Communications strategy in place by 2011; Faculty average U/G entry tariff increased to 340 by 2015
Faculty targets for this activity: Embed full range of Graduate Attributes across Faculty by end of 2011
Develop coordinated Faculty outreach activities
Faculty newsletter and web pages
Ensure staff and student involvement in Faculty processes Improved communications with stakeholders
Build and promote student networks
Develop alumni relations
Facilitate interactions between student societies in Schools
Increased staff engagement with Faculty
Faculty targets for this activity: At least one alumni focused event in each school by 2012 ; Faculty Facebook and Linkedin groups by end of 2011 College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted: SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3, SA2.4. Notes –Faculty Communications strategy in place by end of 2011
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Research Strategy The Faculty of Science and Engineering will build on its current position as a research intensive faculty, to be fully established as a centre of research excellence in science and engineering by 2015, and contribute to the College’s strategic plan to be within the top ten universities in the UK on the basis of objective and widely respected criteria. We will achieve this through the highest standards of research, as judged by international comparators, in a broad range of subject areas. Professor Wen Wang, Dean for Research
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
To conduct research at the highest standard across a broad intellectual spectrum Invest in areas of strength and distinctiveness.
Address areas of research underperformance Invest in 4* research & reward success. Set research targets and monitor research performance.
To be ranked within the top 20% SA1.1 on average across the Faculty in both research quality and power
To recruit and invest in staff with a record of exceptional achievement or extraordinary potential.
Ensure new academic posts are appropriately resourced. Rigorous academic appointment processes in place; Effective mentoring system and performance reward.
Recruitment of a minimum of 25 professors and 45 new lecturers in the next 4 years; 75% or more of staff performing 3*/4* research by 2015.
SA1.6 SA1.7 SA1.8 SA1.9
To sustain our traditional research income and to diversify our research sponsorship.
Provide matching support for major funding bids. Develop and implement industry strategy; Work with RSS & QMI and effective horizon scanning. Internal peer review of proposals.
By 2015: Total research income to increase by 50%; EU funding to double, and industrial income to account for >10% of total funding.
SA1.4 SA1.5
To align research in selected areas with distinctive strength and develop multi-disciplinary research themes.
Identify research champions; Improve cross-disciplinary working; Staff in agenda setting roles with funding bodies; Build capacity in key areas of global challenge/priority.
New research institutes/ centres in Materials, Bioengineering and Life Sciences; All schools have clearly identified distinctive strengths.
SA1.1 SA1.4 SA1.8 SA1.9
To increase research output and impact.
Ensure staff target journals with the highest impact; Implement research output monitoring and reward scheme. Faculty workload model to reflect entrepreneurship contribution.
>75% of research staff with SA1.2 three 3*/4* publications in REF SA1.3 submission. SA1.5 50% increase in technology transfer and spinout activities by 2015.
To increase the number and quality of PhD students and their 4 year submission rate.
Build internal DTCs and position them for RCUK calls. Develop and implement industrial strategy; Develop and implement international strategy; Supervisor and PhD training & monitoring.
75% increase in PhD number by SA1.1 2015. SA1.2 4 year submission rate at 85% SA1.10 by 2015.
To raise the Faculty’s research visibility and reputation.
Promote staff for fellowship and prizes from prestigious societies. Marketing and communication strategy; Host high profile events. Appoint distinguished individuals to honorary fellowships of Queen Mary.
Placement within the top 150 SA1.2 S&E faculties in the world based SA1.3 on research reputation. SA1.4 SA1.5 SA1.6 SA1.10
To improve research environment in all Schools of the Faculty,
Refurbish S&E laboratories and offices. Provide space in schools to facilitate research interaction between staff. Support, celebrate and reward 4* research.
Refurbishment of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics buildings by 2015.
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
SA1.1 SA1.4 SA1.5 SA1.6 SA1.7 SA1.8 SA1.9 SA1.10
Research Strategy
Research Strategic Aim 2: To recruit and invest in staff with a record of exceptional achievement or extraordinary potential
Research Strategic Aim 1: To conduct research at the highest standard across a broad intellectual spectrum
Enabling Actions
Be recognised as one of the leading Science and Engineering faculties in the UK
Increase research volume and quality in all schools
Invest in areas of strength and distinctiveness
Address areas of research underperformance
Invest in 4* research. Reward success
Set research targets and monitor research performance.
Improved position in research rankings
Improved performance of all UoAs in REF
Enabling Actions
Appoint and retain outstanding researchers in the Faculty
Attract the very best international researchers
Rigorous academic appointment processes in place
Ensure new academic posts are appropriately resourced
New appointment of high performing staff
Effective mentoring system and performance reward
Increased % of staff carrying Out 3*/4* research
Faculty targets for this activity: Recruit a minimum of 25 professors and 45 new lecturers by 2015; 75% or more of staff performing 3*/4* research by 2015.
Faculty targets for this activity: To be ranked within the top 20 in REF in both research quality and power
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted; SA1.6, SA1.7, SA1.8, SA1.9 College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted: SA1.1 Notes – Faculty research mentoring system in place by end 2011 Notes – Faculty research target and research monitoring system in action by end 2011
Research Strategic Aim 4: To align research in selected areas with distinctive strengths and develop multi-disciplinary research themes
Research Strategic Aim 3: To sustain our traditional research income and to diversify our research sponsorship
Enabling Actions
Research aligned to funding body agendas
Provide matching support for major funding bids
Increase number, quality and success rate of research proposals
Develop and implement industry strategy
Increase grant income from RCUK and EU
Work with RSS and QMI; effective horizon scanning
Internal peer review of proposals
Increase funding from industry and commerce
Faculty targets for this activity: Total research income to increase by 50% by 2015; EU funding to double and industrial income to account for >10% by 2015 College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted:
SA1.4, SA1.5.
Notes – Faculty internal peer review scheme on research proposals in place by end 2011
Enabling Actions
Identify distinctive research themes
Identify research theme champions
Develop scientific strategies
Improve crossdisciplinary working
Identified research themes in all schools
Develop organisational structures to facilitate research themes
Staff in agenda setting roles with funding bodies
Build capacity in key areas of global challenge/priority
New multidisciplinary research institutes/centres
Faculty targets for this activity: New research institutes/centres in Materials, Bioengineering and Life Sciences College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted:
SA1.1, SA1.4, SA1.8, SA1.9.
Notes – Strategies for Materials and Bioengineering in place by Sept. 2011. Strategy for Life Sciences in place by end of 2011.
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Research Strategy
Research Strategic Aim 5: To increase research output and impact
Enabling Actions
Increased number of publications in prestigious journals Ensure staff submit to journals with the highest impact
Increase number of plenary invitations to international conferences Implement research output monitoring and reward scheme
Research Strategic Aim 6: To increase the number and quality of PhD students and their 4 year submission rate
Higher volume of research that leads to innovation activities Faculty workload model to reflect entrepreneurship contributions
Majority of staff with 3*/4* publications
Increased activities in research innovation
Build partnerships with overseas institutions
Grow industrial sponsorship
Enabling Actions
Build internal DTCs and position them for RCUK calls
Develop and implement industrial strategy
Faculty targets for this activity: >75% of research staff with three 3*/4* publications in REF submission; 50% increase in technology transfer and spinout activities by 2015
Enabling Actions
Promote staff for fellowships and prizes from prestigious societies
Increase in appearance of faculty activities in media
Host high profile events
Improved 4 year submission rate
SA1.1, SA1.2, SA1.10
Research Strategic Aim 8: To improve research environment in all schools of the Faculty
Increase visibility of staff at international events
Marketing and communication strategy
Supervisor and PhD training & monitoring
Notes – Faculty PhD progress monitoring system in place by end 2011
Research Strategic Aim 7: To raise the Faculty’s research visibility and reputation
Increase number of staff winning prizes and fellowships
Develop and implement international strategy
Better PhD support and monitoring system
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impact:
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impacted: SA1.2, SA1.3, SA1.5.
Increase staff selfconfidence
Support and monitor PhD progression
Faculty targets for this activity 75% increase in PhD number by 2015; 4 year submission rate at 85% by 2015
Notes – Faculty research output monitoring and reward scheme in action by end 2011
Larger PhD population and better entrants qualification
Increase DTCs aligned to research institutes/centres
Grow international collaborations
Appoint distinguished individuals to honorary fellowships of QM
Increase in number of staff in position of influence
Faculty targets for this activity: Placement within the top 150 S&E faculties in the world based on research reputation
Enabling Actions
Improve working environment
Refurbish S&E laboratories and offices
Create a culture that values research excellence
Provide space in schools to facilitate research interaction between staff
Better S&E buildings to provide good working environment
Facilitate best research
Support, celebrate and reward 4* research
A research focused atmosphere in all Schools of the Faculty
Faculty Targets for this activity: Refurbishment of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics buildings by 2015
College Strategic Plan KPI’s impact: SA1.2, SA1.3, SA1.4, SA1.5, SA1.6, SA1.10. College Strategic Plan KPI’s impact: SA1.1, SA1.4, SA1.5, SA1.6, SA1.7, SA1.8, SA1.9, SA1.10 Notes – Faculty plans to host a minimum of one high profile international conference each year from 2011
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Faculty of Science and Engineering Faculty facts • We employ around 260 academics and 300 research assistants and support staff • We have an annual turnover of £70m, £19m of which is competitively awarded research income. • We have around 3,900 undergraduates and 650 PhD and Masters students. • We have three National Teaching Fellows amongst other awards for innovation in Teaching and Learning. • We have a national reputation for our work in promoting science and engineering schools outreach.
The Faculty is divided into five schools:
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
The School has integrated research in Chemistry and Psychology with Biological Sciences, and sees interdisciplinary research at these boundaries as a distinctive feature of research. Current areas of strength include synthetic chemistry, structural biology, photosynthesis research, evolutionary genetics, behavioural biology from an evolutionary prospective, and its links with psychology. Aquatic ecology is distinctive within the UK and the rest of Europe with a clear international reputation. Focus areas for the School include biodiversity, bioenergy and industrial biotechnology and subjects underpinning health, and it will make a strong contribution towards the initiatives in Materials and Life Sciences research, as well as the Faculty theme of computation and modelling.
Queen Mary is one of the top 20 universities in the UK for Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, with outstanding resources, including our new, £2M Media and Arts Technology Studios, and laboratories in antennas and augmented human interaction. Areas of research range from mathematical foundations of computing and networking, to applied areas such as risk assessment and decision support, digital music, and video semantics. The School hosts the RCUK Doctoral Training Centre in Media and Arts Technology.
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
School of Engineering and Materials Science The School's research is focused in our three internationally recognised research groupings: Biomedical Engineering and Materials, Functional Nano-Materials and Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Systems. Our teaching delivers innovative degree programmes in design, engineering and materials science; all of which use problem based learning approaches to put the student at the centre of the learning experience. The School’s innovative programme of Industrial engagement includes work placements, sponsored research, site visits and guest lecturers together with extensive graduate attribute training to enhance the rigorous delivery of all our degree programmes.
School of Mathematical Sciences
School of Physics
The School of Mathematical Sciences is undergoing rapid change. We are enhancing the Mathematics Research Centre with a three year programme of recruitment across Pure and Applied Mathematics and Statistics. The reconfiguration of the School will occur following the move of the astronomers within the School to a new School of Physics and Astronomy. The 7 new staff recruited to Mathematical Sciences in the next few months in the first stage of renewal will substantially enhance and/or complement already internationally leading groups including Combinatorics, Algebra and Group Theory, Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems, Applied Probability, Design of Experiments and Complexity Theory. It will also allow us to develop our new Masters Programmes which will further underpin the financial stability of Mathematical Sciences at QMUL in this period of expansion.
The Faculty’s School of Physics has been ranked jointly 8th best in the UK, (Shanghai Jiaotong index) with close research links to Mathematical Sciences and the Astronomy Unit. Research is concentrated in the Centre for Research in String Theory, building on long-standing expertise, the Particle Physics Research Centre with its work on the Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN and the T2K neutrino experiment in Japan, and the new Centre for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics formed in May 2011 focussing on new techniques in the design and study of local structure in matter.
Queen Mary, University of London | Science and Engineering Strategy
Faculty of Science and Engineering Executive Team
Professor Jeremy Kilburn Vice-Principal & Executive Dean
Professor Peter McOwan Dean for Taught Programmes
Professor Wen Wang Dean for Research
Fiona Marsh Executive Officer
Stuart Harvey Faculty Administrative Officer
Ciara Pinder-Smith PA to Vice-Principal & Executive Dean
Further information Queen Mary, University of London Mile End Road London E1 4NS Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 5555 www.qmul.ac.uk