Queen Mary University of London Grant Wins Summer 2011

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Summer 2011

Grant Wins “This grant enabled us to convene a panel of specialists from Russia and the UK to discuss the state of media freedoms in Russia. Following a spate of murders of prominent journalists in Russia, the media have been under considerable pressure, although freedom of expression still exists to a degree on the internet. The panel explored the role of the internet in allowing civil society to survive despite the ruthless attempts of political authorities to clamp down on any form of dissent.� Professor Andreas Schonle and Professor Catherine Merridale School of Languages, Linguistics & Film Media Freedom Conference Support



Summer 2011

Dear Colleague, Welcome to Grant Wins, produced by the Communications Office to provide information on funding received by our academics. All staff in academic schools receive a copy of Grant Wins, however, if you know of colleagues in Professional Services who would like to receive a copy, please contact the Communications Office on ext. 3004 or at press@qmul.ac.uk

Guide to abbreviations: AHRC - Arts and Humanities Research Council BBSRC - Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council CASE - Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Should you have any queries regarding an award or omission please contact:

DSTL - Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

John Driscoll for Humanities and Social Sciences awards, or Science and Engineering on ext. 13 7967 or at j.p.driscoll@ qmul.ac.uk

EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Coleen Colechin for the School of Medicine and Dentistry awards, on ext. 13 7252 or at c.g.colechin@qmul.ac.uk For more information on research grants, and how the data is collated, please visit the Research Support Services page: http://qm-web.finance.qmul.ac.uk/RGA/newawardpub.htm Kind regards, Sarah Cox Communications Assistant Communications Office

MRC - Medical Research Council NACC - National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease NERC - Natural Environment Research Council NIHR - National Institute For Health Research STFC - Science and Technology Facilities Council

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Humanities and Social Sciences

Food security is traditionally defined as the access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food. The global food crisis that reached its peak in April 2008 was a shock to many countries and has led to the re-evaluation of food security in countries that previously considered themselves food secure. This grant seeks to consider the response of two such countries: Canada and the UK. As a Research Development Initiative programme, the grant offers the opportunity to conduct a thorough review of academic and policy literatures in this rapidly expanding area and to develop proposals for research funding. Dr Tim Brown School of Geography Understanding the ‘Security’ in Food Security

Prof Paul Heritage English & Drama Academics Knowledge Exchange Seed Fund 2009/10 London Centre For Arts And Cultural Enterprise £5,000 01/04/2010 (12 months) Prof Paul Heritage English & Drama Transforming Lives: Pilot Study Arts and Humanities Research Council £100,504 01/07/2010 (12 months) Prof Richard Schoch English & Drama Major Research Fellowship The Leverhulme Trust £158,072 01/10/2011 (36 months) MR Alistair Campbell English & Drama Beyond Text Followon Funding: Embodied Emotions Arts and Humanities Research Council £30,303 14/02/2011 (9 months)

KEY TO GRANT WIN DETAILS: Principal Investigator Department project title or description source of funding; amount start date (duration)


Prof Paul Heritage English & Drama Beyond Text Follow-on Funding: Transforming Lives Arts and Humanities Research Council £30,553 14/02/2011 (12 months) Prof Loukas Mistelis Centre of Commercial Law International arbitration White & Case £6,629 01/10/2010 (1 month)

Prof George Walker Centre of Commercial Law Major Research Fellowship The Leverhulme Trust £104,133 01/10/2011 (24 months)

Dr Michael Mckinnie English & Drama CDA: The Barbican £20,606 01/10/2010 (12 months)

Dr Jennifer Harvie English & Drama CDA: Digitally Archiving Artangel Arts and Humanities Research Council £9,008 01/10/2010 (10 months)


Humanities and Social Sciences continued

Dr Andrea Brady English & Drama CDA: British Poetry in Performance Arts and Humanities Research Council £20,606 01/10/2010 (12 months)

Grieg Davies Geography Travel Grant: IASWS2011 Meeting, Devon British Hydrological Society £350 01/06/2011 (1 month)

Dr Simon Lewis Geography CDA: Palaeolithic Archaeology Arts and Humanities Research Council £40,978 01/10/2010 (24 months)

Prof Peter Congdon Geography Support for Helen Crabbe Barking & Dagenham PCT £7,500 01/09/2010 (12 months)

Dr Steven Cummins Geography Family-based Community Intervention for Childhood NHS National Institute For Health Research £8,565 01/12/2010 (24 months) Dr Tim Brown Geography Understanding the ‘Security’ in Food Security Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada £15,161 01/10/2010 (36 months) Prof Adrian Smith Geography New Research Workers’ Award: Marcus Hatch Quaternary Reserach Association £500 01/02/2011 (3 months) Dr Alastair Owens Geography BA/ACU International Collaboration The British Academy £5,000 01/06/2011 (3 months)

Prof Angela Gurnell Geography Maintaining a Captive Population of Beavers Somerset Wildlife Trust £1,424 01/09/2010 (1 month) Prof Alison Blunt Geography Connected Communities: Diaspora & Transnationality Arts and Humanities Research Council £36,393 15/02/2011 (8 months) Dr Steven Cummins Geography Senior Fellowship NHS National Institute For Health Research £591,581 01/01/2011 (60 months) Prof Peter Congdon Geography Support for Ania Wachnicka Barking & Dagenham PCT £12,000 01/10/2010 (39 months)

Dr David Horne Geography International Travel Grant: Austria The Royal Society £890 24/07/2011 (1 month) Dr Steven Cummins Geography The Impact of Urban Regeneration NHS National Institute For Health Research £865,011 01/04/2011 (60 months) Prof Adrian Smith Geography Space & Place in SiteSpecific Memorial Museums: Helen Rawling Royal Geographical Society £2,000 01/01/2012 (6 months) Prof Colin Jones History CDA: French Revolutionary Political Culture Arts and Humanities Research Council £20,606 01/10/2010 (12 months) Dr B Kane History Early Career Fellowship Leverhulme £5,342 01/10/2010 (12 months) Dr Jon Davis History MEG’s 2010 Seminar Series HP Enterprise Services UK Ltd £104,300 01/10/2010 (12 months)

Dr Yossef Rapoport History Rural History of Islamic Societies The Higher Education Academy £2,700 17/01/2011 (12 months) Dr Joel Isaac History SG: Cold War Metaphysics The British Academy £3,420 27/03/2011 (1 month) Prof Sean Mcconville Law Peace 111 Programme Commission of the European Community £864,297 01/09/2010 (34 months) Dr Lee Jones Politics and International Relations How Do Economic Sanctions (not) Work? E.S.R.C. £150,697 04/02/2011 (36 months) Dr Lee Jones Politics and International Relations Non-traditional Security in Sth East Asia & Sth West Pacific Aseasuk £3,000 01/03/2011 (12 months) Gabriella Alberti Business Management Postdoctoral Fellowship E.S.R.C. £102,441 01/05/2011 (12 months)

MRS Pauline Small School of Languages, Linguistics & Film A New Italian Political Cinema? Arts and Humanities Research Council £7,192 01/09/2010 (17 months) Prof Andreas Schonle School of Languages, Linguistics & Film Media Freedom Conference Support EU-Russia Centre £5,000 01/03/2011 (1 month) Prof Peter Evans School of Languages, Linguistics & Film SG: BFI Classics Volume on “Written on the Wind” The British Academy £1,939 06/04/2011 (12 months) Prof Trevor Dadson School of Languages, Linguistics & Film Major Research Fellowship The Leverhulme Trust £103,133 01/10/2011 (24 months) Dr Gil Toffell School of Languages, Linguistics & Film Early Career Fellowship Leverhulme £4,592 01/10/2010 (12 months) Dr Gil Toffell School of Languages, Linguistics & Film Academics Knowledge Exchange Seed Fund 2010/11 London Centre For Arts And Cultural Enterprise £4,600 01/04/2011 (6 months)

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Medicine and Dentistry

KEY TO GRANT WIN DETAILS: Principal Investigator Department project title or description source of funding; amount start date (duration) Prof Wagner Marcenes Institute of Dentistry Oral Health and Health behaviours in deprived and less deprived areas of london Shirley Glasstone Hughes Trust £88,684 01/04/2011 (24 months) Prof Wagner Marcenes Institute of Dentistry Project Management Study of Oral Health of Older People Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust £19,000 01/04/2011 (12 months) Prof Wagner Marcenes Institute of Dentistry The study of the oral health of older people Data analysis and report Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust £30,000 01/04/2011 (12 months) Prof Wagner Marcenes Institute of Dentistry Validation of a novel cancer screening tool Barts and the London Charity £20,000 01/03/2011 (12 months)

Dr Rupert Pearse William Harvey Research Institute An observational clinical study of the BrainScope ahead M-100 BrainScope Compant Inc £500 01/01/2011 (36 months)

Prof Mauro Perretti William Harvey Research Institute Evaluation of the biology of novel agonists at antiinflammatory receptors William Harvey Research Ltd £54,367.50 07/11/2011 (12 months)

Prof Roderick Flower William Harvey Research Institute Investigation into Novel Dissociated Glucocorticoids William Harvey Research Ltd £108,913 01/03/2011 (24 months)

Prof Sir Nicholas Wright Barts Cancer Institute Barts Cancer Research UK Centre - Non Clinical Training Account Cancer Research UK £305,483 01/10/2010 (36 months)

Prof Roderick Flower William Harvey Research Institute Investigation into the adaptive immune response William Harvey Research Ltd £4,743.75 01/02/2011 (12 months)

Dr Fulvio D’Acquisto William Harvey Research Institute The development and therapeutic uses of monclonal antibodies to annexin 1 Medannex Limited £105,729 01/04/2011 (12 months)

Prof Roderick Flower William Harvey Research Institute Impact of the resolvins and other pro-resolution mediators on the innate immune system and their relationship to inflammatory resolutions in the lung Novartis Horsham Research Centre £99,367 01/12/2010 (36 months)

Dr Gareth Scott William Harvey Research Institute Joint Prothesis Research MEDACTA INTERNATIONAL SA £98,421 01/01/2011 (36 months) Prof Rizgar Mageed William Harvey Research Institute Jameel Fellowship Muhammad University of Cairo £15,000 01/01/2010 (36 months)

Ms Jenna Cash William Harvey Research Institute Generation and preliminary characterization of the chemerin knockout mouse in models of inflammation William Harvey Research Ltd £15,679 01/01/2011 (12 months)

Professor Trisha Greenhalgh Institute of Health Science Education Development of methodological guidance, publication standards and training materials for realist and meta-narrative reviews



Medicine and Dentistry continued

The goal of the study is to compare the predictive value of the old tuberculin skin test (the oldest screening test in medicine) with the new interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) blood test. The study will recruit 10,000 people at increased risk of TB – essentially migrants from countries with high incidence of TB, and TB contacts and follow them up for 2 years. Professor Christopher Griffiths Institute of Health Science Education Prognostic Evaluation of Diagnostic IGRA Consortium UK PREDICT Study

Prof Rizgar Mageed William Harvey Research Institute Identification and defining the role of pathogenic B lymphocytes in patients with lupus Arthritis Research UK £199,545 01/03/2011 (36 months) Prof Rizgar Mageed William Harvey Research Institute Predictive biomarkers of responsiveness to TNF alfa antagonists in rheumatoid arthritis William Harvey Research Ltd £222,409 01/04/2011 (36 months) Dr Thorsten Hagemann Barts Cancer Institute Enhancing oncolytic adenovirus efficacy in pancreatic cancer by switching tumourassociated macrophages Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund £150,000 01/12/2010 (36 months)

Prof Frances Balkwill Barts Cancer Institute CCR4 Agreement Affitech £139,082 01/01/2011 (12 months) Dr Melania Capasso Barts Cancer Institute HVCN1 in B-cell malignancies a potential novel therapeutic target Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research £40,000 01/05/2011 (24 months) Prof Peter Sasieni Wolfson Institute Audit of cervial screening in England & Wales Cancer Research UK £51,734 01/04/2011 (12 months) Prof Stephen Duffy Wolfson Institute Strategies to reduce social gradient in Bowel Cancer Screening National Institute for Health Research £23,269 01/04/2011 (42 months)

Prof Stephen Duffy Wolfson Institute A Comparison of TOMosynthesis with digital mammography in the UK NHS breast screening programme National Institute For Health Research £78,911 01/01/2011 (36 months) Prof Peter Sasieni Wolfson Institute Evaluation of HPV vaccination data linkage system with the Cervical Screening Programme NHS Cancer Screening Programmes £42,361 01/04/2011 (12 months) Prof Jack Cuzick Wolfson Institute Comparison of the performance of different HPV assays in different transport media Predictors 4) Abbott Molecular Inc £18,110 01/05/2011 (12 months)

Dr Pedro Rodriguez Cutillas Barts Cancer Institute P13K Systems Biology Marie Curie Commission of the European Communities £115,797 01/01/2011 (24 months) Prof Bart Vanhaesebroeck Barts Cancer Institute PIKbeta/Cancer - Role of the P13Kbeta isoform in signalling and cancer invasion Commission of the European Community £157,194 01/03/2011 (24 months) Prof David Van Heel Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Exome sequencing and mutation identification in familial coeliac disease Medical Research Council £1,080,058 01/02/2011 (36 months)

Prof David Bulmer Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Role of Sodium Channels in Visceral Pain Pfizer £29,908 01/12/2010 (12 months) Dr Morven Cunningham Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Research Fellowship NIHR Central Commissioning Facility £277,967 01/10/2010 (36 months) Dr Charles Knowles Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science A novel pre-clinical human model of visceral pain Dr Hadwen Trust £72,035 01/12/2010 (36 months)

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Dr Satyajit Bhattacharya Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Cellular response to interferon and the response to sepsis Barts and the London Charity £86,818 01/01/2011 (24 months) Prof Daniel Sifrim Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Effects of a Mucosal Protectant Suspension on Acid-Induced changes in human oesophageal mucosal integrity Unrestricted award Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare £100,000 01/04/2011 (12 months) Prof Andrew Silver Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Improving management of neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer patients: evaluation of biomarkerss of response to radiotherapy Constance Travis Charitable Trust £113,959 01/10/2011 (36 months) Dr Charles Knowles Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Randomised Pilot Study of SNS vs PTNS for Faecal Incontience National Institute For Health Research £112,795 21/01/2011 (24 months) Prof Andrew Silver Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Methylation Profiling to identify markers to inform patient management of early onset colorectal cancer in Bangladeshi patients Barts and the London Charity £159,203 01/04/2011 (24 months)


Dr Patrick Kennedy Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Unrestricted Educational Grant Gilead Sciences Ltd £42,360 01/04/2011 (12 months) Prof Graham Foster Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Unrestricted Award Roche Products Ltd £40,000 01/01/2011 (12 months) Prof Norman Williams Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Centre for Bowel Surgery Research The Wolfson Foundation £138,000 01/05/2011 (24 months) Prof Qasim Aziz Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Salary Support - Asma Fikree Pseudo Obstruction Research Prust PORT £13,331 01/04/2011 (4 months) Dr Paul Kelly Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Nutritional support for africans starting antiretroviral therapy European & Developing Clinical Trials Partnership £296,788 01/05/2011 (36 months) Prof Khalid Khan Institute of Health Science Education Evidence-based Medicine Collaboration Network for guideline development, teaching and dissemination Commission of the European Communities £144,000 01/01/2011 (24 months)

The MRC grant will fund a national study of childparent screening for familial hypercholesterolaemia – the most common, important and preventable cause of hearts attacks in the young. The study will test the accuracy of cholesterol screening in 10,000 children and their parents, over a two year period, with a view the specifying a national screening policy that could prevent the serious medical consequences of this disorder. Dr David Wald Wolfson Institute Study of child-parent screening for familial hypercholesterolaemia

Dr Ratna Sohanpal Institute of Health Science Education NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship - Sohanpal National Institute For Health Research £266,176 01/09/2010 (36 months)

Prof Khalid Khan Institute of Health Science Education Systematic quantitative reviews and decision analytic model based economic evaluation (SLN) National Institute For Health Research £225,985 01/01/2011 (24 months)

Prof Sandra Eldridge Institute of Health Science Education Developing simple approriate sample size formulae for ordinal count or time to event outcomes in cluster randomised trials Medical Research Council £63,710 01/01/2011 (36 months)


Medicine and Dentistry continued

Prof Adrian Martineau Institute of Health Science Education Research Staff Support Funding Barts and The London NHS Trust £50,077 01/12/2010 (12 months)

Prof Patricia Greenhalgh Institute of Health Science Education Assistive technologies for Healthy living in Elders Technology Strategy Board £628,529 01/06/2011 (36 months)

Prof Patricia Greenhalgh Institute of Health Science Education Development of methodological guidance, publication standards and training materials for realist and meta-narrative reviews National Institute For Health Research £217,040 01/04/2011 (36 months)

Dr Della Freeth Institute of Health Science Education GOsC preparedness of osteopathic gradiates for practice General Osteopathic Council £30,000 01/01/2012 (8 months)

Prof Christopher Griffiths Institute of Health Science Education Prognostic Evaluation of Diagnostic IGRA Consortium - UK PREDICT Study Barts and The London NHS Trust £72,832 01/03/2011 (12 months) Prof Christopher Griffiths Institute of Health Science Education NIHR Biomedical Research Centre National Institute For Health Research £131,373 01/01/2011 (12 months) Dr Robert Froud Institute of Health Science Education Exploring back pain patients perceptions of important change Arthritis Research UK £122,773 01/05/2011 (36 months)

Dr Toby Johnson William Harvey Research Institute Statistical and computational analyst in cardiovascular disease genetics Wellcome Trust £275,072 01/02/2011 (60 months) Dr Anthony Mathur William Harvey Research Institute Unrestricted Award Medtronic £180,000 01/12/2010 (12 months) Dr Francesca Pugliese William Harvey Research Institute EVINCI Project Commission of the European Communities £96,198 01/01/2011 (12 months) Dr Anthony Mathur William Harvey Research Institute Unrestricted Educational Award Chugai Pharmaceuticals Company Ltd £10,000 01/01/2011 (12 months)

Prof Mark Caulfield William Harvey Research Institute Perindopril arginine/ Amlodipine v Valsartan/Amlodipine antihypertensive strategies - Efficacy and safety in mild to moderate hypertensive patients Servier Research & Development Ltd £151,699 01/04/2011 (24 months) Prof Steffen Petersen William Harvey Research Institute Heart Attack Prevention Program for You (HAPPY) London Barts and the London Charity £399,981 01/04/2011 (36 months) Prof Steffen Petersen William Harvey Research Institute Lets Talk Hearts Barts and the London Charity £10,000 01/02/2011 (12 months) Prof Atholl Johnston William Harvey Research Institute Ovarium Compositum Study OVCT-001 Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH £20,571 01/03/2011 (12 months) Prof Atholl Johnston William Harvey Research Institute Unrestricted Educational Award Edixmed Ltd £42,366 01/05/2011 (36 months)

Dr Kenneth Linton Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Biophysical analysis of the multidrug resistance efflux pump P-glycoprotein Wellcome Trust £14,000 01/05/2011 (5 months) Dr John Connelly Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Influences of substrate elasticity and surface topolography on human keratinocyte behaviour The Royal Society £15,000 01/03/2011 (12 months) Prof Ian Mackenzie Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Prognostic value of Cancer Stem Cell Properties Barts and the London Charity £153,574 01/06/2011 (24 months) Prof Edel O’Toole Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Dissecting the role of basement membrane components in axenograft model of cutaneous SC DEBRA £114,960 01/04/2011 (24 months) Prof Marco Falasca Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Identification of novel potential therapeutic agents for pancreatic cancer Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund £119,293 01/03/2011 (36 months)

Dr Sarah Finer Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Support for the FEATURE study Barts and The London NHS Trust £35,136 02/02/2011 (24 months) Prof David Leslie Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Albert Renold Travel Fellowship ESFD £6,000 01/01/2011 (6 months) Dr Simon Coppack Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Support for the Twins Study and autoantibody and epigenetic analaysis Twins Trust Trustee £17,250 01/03/2011 (12 months) Prof Marta Korbonits William Harvey Research Institute Reversal of the metabolic complications of glucocorticoid excess Merck Sante S.A.S £13,175 01/01/2011 (12 months) Dr Tristan Mckay William Harvey Research Institute Easy and rapid generation of lightemitting somatic transgenic mice to monitor specific disease states and to screen effective Drugs Commission of the European Community £140,594 01/01/2011 (36 months) Dr Paul Chapple William Harvey Research Institute Early Career Development Fund Society For Endocrinology £9,971 01/12/2010 (12 months)

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Prof Marta Korbonits William Harvey Research Institute Novel mechanism and clinical trial to prevent the metabolic effects of glucocorticoids Barts and the London Charity £413,000 01/04/2011 (36 months) Dr Maralyn Druce William Harvey Research Institute Treatment of NeuroendocrineTumours Barts And The London Charity £15,923 01/05/2009 (24 months)

Prof Peter Hajek Wolfson Institute Tailoring varenicline to individual needs (TVIN study) Pfizer Ltd £196,429 01/02/2011 (12 months) Prof Peter Hajek Wolfson Institute Combination of NRT and varenicline to increase cessation of tobacco Pfizer Ltd £148,933 01/02/2011 (12 months)

Dr David Wald Wolfson Institute Preventive angioplasty in myocardial infarction trial-Unrestricted Award Guerbet Group £8000 01/12/2010 (12 months) Prof Joan Morris Wolfson Institute BINOCAR Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) £127,558 01/01/2011 (12 months)

Dr Hayden Mcrobbie Wolfson Institute Complementing current pharmacological treatments for smokers with sensory replacement Pfizer Inc £117,791 01/02/2011 (12 months) PROSIR Nicholas Wald Wolfson Institute Randomised placebo controlled, doubleblind,cross-over trial of the Polypill on risk factor reduction Barts and the London Charity £22,000 01/04/2011 (12 months)

Prof Joan Morris Wolfson Institute European Surveillance of congenital Anomalies Commission of the European Communities £36,000 01/04/2011 (36 months) Dr David Wald Wolfson Institute Trial of text message reminders on Drug adherence AstraZeneca UK Ltd £20,000 01/05/2011 (12 months)

Dr Francesco Dell’Accio William Harvey Research Institute Dual role of ELR + CXC chemokine signaling in the regulation of cartilage homeostasis and the pathogenesis of arthritis William Harvey Research Ltd £29,909 01/04/2011 (12 months)

Dr David Wald Wolfson Institute Study of child-parent screening for familial hypercholesterolaemia MRC £1,083,345 01/06/2011 (36 months)

Prof Costantino Pitzalis William Harvey Research Institute Randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial of anti-bcell therapy in patient with primary sjogren syndrome Arthritis Research UK £239,185 01/05/2011 (36 months)

Dr Mohey El Shikh William Harvey Research Institute Novel therapeutic approaches to Rheumatoid Arthritis by targeting autoantigen retention on follicular dendritic cells William Harvey Research Ltd £28,788 01/01/2011 (12 months)

Dr Samir Agrawal Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of different methods for the direct detection of aspergillus species in exhaled breath condensate Pfizer £50,000 01/10/2010 (12 months)

Prof Costantino Pitzalis William Harvey Research Institute Investigation into the neutralization or depletion of ICOS and evaluation of GM-CSFR William Harvey Research Ltd £50,190 01/03/2011 (24 months)

Dr Thomas Powell Barts Cancer Institute Study of dovitinib and everolimkus in clear cell renal cancer resistant to VEGF targeted therapy Novartis Pharmaceuticals Uk Ltd £182,559 01/12/2010 (24 months)

Dr Hayden Mcrobbie; Wolfson Institute; Complementing current pharmacological treatments for smokers with sensory replacement



Medicine and Dentistry continued

Dr Mark Ferguson Barts Cancer Institute Fellowship Consumables Royal College Of Surgeons £3,000 01/10/2010 (12 months) Mr Simon Joel Barts Cancer Institute Activity of novel agents that target proteins in the P13K signalling pathway Barts and the London Charity £18,790 01/04/2011 (4 months) Mr Simon Joel Barts Cancer Institute Activity of novel Drugs in lymphomas Barts and the London Charity £20,515 01/04/2011 (4 months) Mr Simon Joel Barts Cancer Institute Mass spectrometry based assay measuring enzyme activity studies Barts and the London Charity £15,560 01/04/2011 (4 months) Mr Simon Joel Barts Cancer Institute The activity of novel agents in myeloma Barts and The london Charity £20,515 01/04/2011 (5 months) Dr Jude Fitzgibbon Barts Cancer Institute Clinical and Biological role of TNFRSF14 in Follicular Lymphoma - J Okosun Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund £210,399 01/07/2011 (36 months)

Prof John Gribben Barts Cancer Institute A Comparison of patientreported late effects and consequences among patients treated for Hodgkin lymphoma as adults and children MacMillian £25,891 01/04/2011 (12 months) Dr David Wareham Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of a telzvancin/Colistin combination versus multi Drug resistant gramnegative bacteria Astellas £34,999 01/01/2011 (12 months) Dr Lucinda Hall Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Streptococcus Bovis Group Barts And The London Charity £5,000 01/10/2009 (12 months) Dr Claudia Estcourt Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Enabling and translating advances in diagnostic and communication technologies to reduce the burden of sexually transmitted infections St Georges Hospital Medical School £142,183 01/05/2011 (60 months) Dr Steven Cummins Institute of Health Science Education The Impact of Urban Regeneration NHS National Institute For Health Research £119,642 01/04/2011 (60 months)

Dr Daniel Pennington Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Structural requirements of TCR for cell development Wellcome Trust £16,000 01/01/2011 (6 months) Dr Mark Wilks Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Direct detection of bacterial growth in blood cultures by MALDI-TOF BioMerieux £15,000 01/12/2010 (12 months) Prof Thomas Macdonald Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Functional characteristics of macrophages in normal gut and in inflammatory bowel disease GlaxoSmithKline Services Unlimited £30,000 01/01/2011 (36 months) Prof Sussan Nourshargh William Harvey Research Institute Investigation into the role of neutrophil elastase in moncyte Drivgen inflammatory response William Harvey Research Ltd £20,000 01/01/2011 (12 months) Dr James Whiteford William Harvey Research Institute Sex-specific integrin activation in response to syndecan core proteins William Harvey Research Ltd £8,000 01/01/2011 (12 months)

Prof Nicholas Lemoine Barts Cancer Institute Cyberknife for targeted cancer radiotherapy Barts and the London Charity £2,980,000 01/10/2010 (24 months) Dr John Marshall Barts Cancer Institute Empty virus like particles (eVLPs) as bio-compatible targeted Drug-delivery vehicles BBSRC £15,516 01/12/2010 (36 months) Dr Peter Szlosarek Barts Cancer Institute Best supportive care to pegylated arginine deiminase in patients with chemonaive malignant pleural mesothelioma Barts and the London Charity £48,001 01/01/2011 (12 months) Prof Stephen Mather Barts Cancer Institute Breast cancer immunotherapy using T-cells engrafted with chimeric antigen Breast Cancer Campaign £10,000 01/02/2011 Dr Thomas Powles Barts Cancer Institute Lamb study - Contingency Support Barts and The London NHS Trust £26,195 01/3/2011 (24 months) Dr Melissa Phillips Barts Cancer Institute The effect of tumour microenvironment on arginine deprivation in malignant pleural mesothelioma MRC £235,749 01/08/2011 (36 months)

Dr Laura Tookman Barts Cancer Institute The role of DNA damage and repair pathways in the efficacy of oncolytic adenoviruses in Ovarian cancer MRC £243,070 01/06/2011 (36 months) Mr John Yeh Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Engineered expression of plysialic acid to promote neuroplasticity after CNS injury Barts and the London Charity £8,000 01/12/2010 (3 months) Dr Ruth Dobson Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science The development of an endophenotype in MS Multiple Sclerosis Society Of Great Britain & Nort £186,418 01/01/2011 (36 months) Dr Adina Michael-Titus Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Exploration of the neuroprotective effects of EQUAZEN senior in vitor and ex vivo Vifor SA £36,192 01/12/2010 (12 months) Prof Karim Brohi Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Clinical lecturer placement - Frith London Deanery £237,797 01/11/2010 (48 months)

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Dr Ferranti Wong Institute of Dentistry FICTION - Filling Childrens teeth : Indicated or Not National Institute For Health Research £112,235 01/01/2011 (60 months) Prof Robert Hill Institute of Dentistry Consultancy RepRegan Limited £10,000 01/01/2011 (12 months) Dr Anwar Tappuni Institute of Dentistry A comparative study of the genetics of behcets disease in Iraq CARA £12,900 01/03/2011 (18 months) Dr Saroash Shahid Institute of Dentistry Dental materials consultancy service QM Innovation £8,500 01/03/2011 (6 months) Prof Robert Hill Institute of Dentistry Studies on Nano Hydroxyapatite toothpaste Periproducts £8,080 01/05/2011 (12 months) Prof Inderjeet Dokal Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Leukaemia Trials Data Monitoring Committee Chairmanship Medical Research Council £20000 01/12/2010 (36 months) Prof Jonathan Grigg Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science FSF Support Funding Barts and The London NHS Trust £17,400 01/01/2011 (4 months)


Prof Jonathan Grigg Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Wait Study - Support Barts and The London NHS Trust £56,699 01/03/2011 (15 months) Dr Andrew Prendergast Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science The impact of microbial translocation and immune activation on the health of zimbabwean children Wellcome Trust £926,528 01/05/2011 (48 months) Dr Daniel Hart Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science Unrestricted Educational Grant Academic Medical Centre £2,000 01/01/2011 (12 months) Prof Joanne Martin Blizard Institute of Cell & Molecular Science CD95 targeted formulation of paclitaxel for treatment of ovarian cancer BBSRC £140,873 01/04/2011 (12 months)

Prof Peter White Wolfson Institute Cytokine responses to exercise and activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome Barts and the London Charity £2,603 01/11/2010 (3 months)

The Cyberknife is the world’s first and only robotic radiosurgery system, and the team at Barts will conduct research into its use for tumours close to the optic nerve and spinal cord – which are very difficult to manage with conventional forms of therapy, as well as for targeting prostate cancer more precisely than ever before. Professor Nicholas Lemoine Barts Cancer Institute Cyberknife for targeted cancer radiotherapy

Prof Stefan Priebe Wolfson Institute Modelling of intensive group music therapy Fellowship C Carr West Midlands SHA £279,354 01/02/2011 (36 months) Dr Sarah Heke Wolfson Institute Prevalence and predictive factors of post traumatic stress disorder Barts And The London Charity £50,480 01/01/2011 (24 months) Prof Stefan Priebe Wolfson Institute Body psychotherapy in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia National Institute For Health Research £1,441,664 01/05/2011 (48 months) Dr Charlotte Clark Wolfson Institute The Impact of Urban Regeneration NHS National Institute For Health Research £1,399,276 01/04/2011 (60 months)

Prof Christoph Thiemermann William Harvey Research Institute Novel therapeutic approaches for experimental traumahaemorrhage British Heart Foundation £105,788 01/12/2010 (36 months) Dr Rupert Pearse William Harvey Research Institute Clinical Research Fellow HCA International Limited £33,058 01/08/2010 (6 months)

Prof Brendan Whittle William Harvey Research Institute Modulation of regulatory processes that provoke Gut inflammation William Harvey Research Foundation £67,650 01/02/2011 (14 months) Dr Hemant Kocher Barts Cancer Institute Pancreatic cancer new novel treatment strategies Barts and The london Charity £12,500 01/02/2011 (10 months)

Prof Christoph Thiemermann William Harvey Research Institute Testing of Drug candidates in ischaemia reperfusion injury William Harvey Research Ltd £114,519 01/01/2011 (24 months)


Science and Engineering

KEY TO GRANT WIN DETAILS: Principal Investigator Department project title or description source of funding; amount start date (duration) Dr David Tsiklauri Mathematics Parallel Computing Resources S.T.F.C. £1,887 01/12/2009 (36 months) Prof Carl Murray Mathematics Ring Satellite Interactions & Orbital Evolution S.T.F.C. £442,584 01/04/2011 (36 months) Prof James Emerson Mathematics Vista Exploitation S.T.F.C. £18,101 01/04/2011 (36 months) Prof Xiaodong Chen Electronic Engineering and Computer Science KTA Scheme 3: Microwave Generation of sonar E.P.S.R.C. £11,768 01/06/2010 (6 months) Dr Akram Alomainy Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Consutlancy: Antenna & PCB Design - Phase B Onzo Limited £5,523 28/06/2010 (1month)

Prof Peter O’Hearn Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Salary Support for Research Chair Microsoft Research Ltd £250,000 01/01/2011 (60 months) Dr Paul Curzon Electronic Engineering and Computer Science CHI-MED EPSRC (UCL) £433,879 01/10/2009 (53 months) Dr Joshua Reiss Electronic Engineering and Computer Science DigiBIC Commission of the European Community £58,661 01/12/2010 (30 months) Dr Andrea Cavallaro Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Video Analytics Office Of Naval Research Global £1,408 01/01/2011 (2 months) Dr Paulo Oliva Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Research fellowship Royal Society £4,500 01/10/2010 (12 months) Prof Sean Gong Electronic Engineering and Computer Science BEWARE MOD £40,000 01/01/2011 (16 months)

Alien grey squirrels have replaced red squirrels throughout much of England, but a small population of red squirrels persists at Foulshaw and Meathop Mosses in south Cumbria. Our studies will investigate the reasons for this, which will inform red squirrel conservation initiatives elsewhere in the north of England and Scotland. Professor John Gurnell Biological and Chemical Sciences Monitoring of Squirrel Populations at Foulshaw & Meathop Mosses

12 | SUMMER 2011 | GRANT WINS www.qmul.ac.uk

Dr Stefan Poslad Electronic Engineering and Computer Science SUNSET Commission of the European Community £315,143 01/02/2011 (36 months)

Prof John Stark Engineering & Materials Science MicroThrust Commission of the European Community £340,620 01/12/2010 (36 months)

Prof Shaogang Gong Electronic Engineering and Computer Science KTA Scheme 1: Bryan Prosser E.P.S.R.C. £5,385 28/02/2011 (3 months)

Prof Theodosios Alexander Engineering & Materials Science Gas Turbine Project Cummins Turbo Technologies Limited £94,100 01/01/2011 (42 months)

Prof Jonathan Pitts Electronic Engineering and Computer Science KTA Scheme 1: Ammar Lilamwala E.P.S.R.C. £4,798 04/04/2011 (3 months) Dr Tina Chowdhury Engineering & Materials Science Pathways to Impact Pump Priming Award E.P.S.R.C. £6,500 01/10/2010 (6 months) Prof Theodosios Alexander Engineering & Materials Science Feasibility Study of TURBOCARDIA NHS National Institute For Health Research £121,484 01/12/2010 (12 months) Dr Pihua Wen Engineering & Materials Science Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Forming of Stringer Air Bus Uk £16,078 01/11/2010 (2 months)

Prof Julia Shelton Engineering & Materials Science Complex Loading of CellSeeded Constructs Furlong Research Charitable Fundation £60,000 01/11/2010 (36 months) Prof John Williams Engineering & Materials Science NSDSTF Marie Curie IIF Fellowship Commission of the European Community £130,427 04/01/2011 (24 months) Prof Julia Shelton Engineering & Materials Science CASE Award: Danielle de Villiers Corin Ltd £33,000 01/10/2010 (42 months) Dr Hazel Screen Engineering & Materials Science PhD Studentship Arthritis Research UK £98,217 01/10/2011 (36 months) Dr Pihua Wen Engineering & Materials Science KTA Scheme 3: Mechanics of MQL E.P.S.R.C. £116,965 01/02/2011 (12 months)


Dr Jens-Dominik Mueller Engineering & Materials Science Adjoint Based Optimisation for Turbomachinery Components Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG £26,500 01/01/2011 (36 months) Dr Asa Barber Engineering & Materials Science Pathways to Impact Pump Priming Award E.P.S.R.C. £9,089 01/10/2010 (6 months) Dr Michael Reece Engineering & Materials Science Spark Plasma Sintering of Tungsten M.G Sanders Company Limited £9,448 01/09/2010 (6 months) Dr Asa Barber Engineering & Materials Science KTA Stream 1 Scholarship: Dun Lu E.P.S.R.C. £4,798 22/11/2010 (3 months) Dr Michael Reece Engineering & Materials Science Studentship: Jibran Khaliq Nanoforce Technology Ltd £45,000 01/01/2011 (36 months) Dr Karin Hing Engineering & Materials Science KTA Stream 1 Scholarship: MarcKrystelle Mafina E.P.S.R.C. £4,798 24/01/2011 (3 months)

Dr Steven Dunn Engineering & Materials Science International Travel Grant: Singapore The Royal Society £3,115 08/01/2011 (1 month)

Dr John Johnson Mathematics Collaborative Research with Prof G Katona London Mathematical Society £600 21/02/2011 (1 month)

Dr Michael Reece Engineering & Materials Science KTA Scheme 1 Scholarship: Huanpo Ning E.P.S.R.C. £5,385 01/03/2011 (3 months)

Prof Shaun Bullett Mathematics International Travel Grant: Canada The Royal Society £1,434 20/02/2011 (1 months)

Dr Karin Hing Engineering & Materials Science Sponsorship of P/T Student: Daniel Johnson Apatech Ltd £128,992 01/02/2011 (60 months) Dr Michael Reece Engineering & Materials Science Industry Fellowship The Royal Society £118,411 01/06/2011 (48 months) Dr Steven Dunn Engineering & Materials Science KTA Scheme 3: Zno Nanorods E.P.S.R.C. £47,887 04/04/2011 (6 months) Dr Michael Reece Engineering & Materials Science Postgraduate Studentship: Xiaojing Zhu European Thermodynamics £30,000 01/03/2011 (36 months) Prof Cho Ho Chu Mathematics Collaborative Research with Professor MV Velasco London Mathematical Society £650 14/02/2011 (1 month)

Dr Lawrence Pettit Mathematics KTA Scheme 1: Mohammad Lutfor Rahman E.P.S.R.C. £4,798 12/01/2011 (3 months) Dr Derek Coad Mathematics KTA Scheme 1 Scholarship: Wai Yin Yeung E.P.S.R.C. £4,798 20/06/2011 (3 months) Dr Rainer Klages Mathematics International Short Visit: Dr A Chechkin London Mathematical Society £1,840 05/06/2011 (1 month) Dr David Berman Physics Pathways to Impact Pump Priming Award E.P.S.R.C. £7,000 01/10/2010 (6 months) Dr Ben-Hayoun Physics Miscellaneous Support Income B Still £500 01/07/2011 (4 months)


Science and Engineering continued

Prof Stephen Lloyd Physics GridPP4: the UK Grid for Particle Physics S.T.F.C. £681,495 01/04/2011 (24 months) Dr Lucio Cerrito Physics QMUL/Atlas Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade S.T.F.C. £112,391 01/04/2011 (15 months) Prof William Spence Physics KTA Scheme 1: Panagiotis Katsaroumpas E.P.S.R.C. £5,385 17/01/2011 (3 months) Dr Kostya Trachenko Physics Developing DL_POLY Molecular Dynamics Simulation Code E.P.S.R.C. £44,738 01/10/2011 (24 months)

Dr Lucio Cerrito Physics Research Fellowship The Leverhulme Trust £44,994 01/07/2011 (14 months) Dr Adrian Dobbs Biological and Chemical Sciences The Steve Lee Fellowship: Seble Lemma June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund £40,000 01/10/2010 (43 months) Dr Qazi Rahman Biological and Chemical Sciences Interdisciplinary Award: William Jolly E.P.S.R.C. £58,120 01/11/2010 (36 months) Dr James Pretty Biological and Chemical Sciences Macroinvertebrate Analysis Waterways Ireland £1,750 01/04/2010 (12 months)

Dr Magda Osman Biological and Chemical Sciences Adaptive Cognition for Automated Sports Video Annotation E.P.S.R.C. £238,457 01/12/2010 (30 months) Dr Rankin Cutler Biological and Chemical Sciences Hygiene of Washroom Fittings and Equipment Ideal Standard Ltd £5,278 01/12/2010 (6 months) Prof V Griffiths Biological and Chemical Sciences Organic chemistry Keele Univ £42,762 01/10/2010 (12 months)

Elodie Briefer Biological and Chemical Sciences Emotions, Temperament & Welfare in Domestic Goats Office Veterinaire Federal £16,740 01/01/2011 (19 months) Prof Maurice Elphick Biological and Chemical Sciences International Travel Grant: USA The Royal Society £1,100 25/04/2011 (1 month) Dr Steve Rossiter Biological and Chemical Sciences Research fellowship Royal Society £4,500 01/10/2010 (12 months) Dr Jon Nield Biological and Chemical Sciences Research fellowship Royal Society £4,500 01/10/2010 (12 months)

Dr John Viles Biological and Chemical Sciences Copper and Alzheimers Disease Wellcome Trust £153,595 01/12/2010 (24 months) Dr Marina Resmini Biological and Chemical Sciences KTA Scheme 1: Ana Rita Faria Vidal Jorge E.P.S.R.C. £5,385 24/01/2011 (3 months) Dr James Pretty Biological and Chemical Sciences Analysis of 20 Audit Samples Environment Agency £3,600 01/04/2010 (12 months) Dr Paul Hurd Biological and Chemical Sciences Differentation of Genetically Identical Honey Bees The Royal Society £15,000 01/03/2011 (12 months)

We are trying to understand how the gravitational effect of small moons can trigger the formation of new objects in nearby ring systems. By analysing Cassini images of Saturn’s peculiar F ring we can monitor this process taking place now but there may also be applications to the way planets form in the early history of the solar system. Professor Carl Murray Mathematics Ring Satellite Interactions & Orbital Evolution

14 | SUMMER 2011 | GRANT WINS www.qmul.ac.uk

Dr Stephen Goldup Biological and Chemical Sciences Research Fellow Support Costs The Royal Society £50,000 01/03/2011 (24 months) Dr Guy Woodward Biological and Chemical Sciences Climate Warming Impacts on Aquatic Food Webs N.E.R.C. £419,064 01/04/2011 (36 months) Prof John Gurnell Biological and Chemical Sciences Monitoring of Squirrel Populations at Foulshaw & Meathop Mosses Cumbria Wildlife Trust £39,978 01/10/2010 (24 months) Dr Michael Proulx Biological and Chemical Sciences Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship: Dr A Pasqualotto Commission of the European Community £152,284 01/03/2011 (24 months) Prof Andrew Leitch Biological and Chemical Sciences Genome Size, Cell Size and Growth The University of Oslo £66,200 01/06/2010 (36 months) Dr James Pretty Biological and Chemical Sciences Analysis of Invertebrate samples for AQC Audit (B Bellamy) Environment Agency £3,600 01/03/2010 (12 months)


Dr James Pretty Biological and Chemical Sciences Audit of North and South West EA Wales Invertebrate Samples Environment Agency Wales £3,600 01/04/2010 (12 months) Dr Marina Resmini Biological and Chemical Sciences KTA Scheme 1: Giorgio de Faveri E.P.S.R.C. £5,385 28/03/2011 (3 months) Dr Alan Mcelligott Biological and Chemical Sciences Behaviour & Ecology of Warthogs in Zambia Royal Geographical Society £2,000 01/07/2011 (2 months) Dr James Sullivan Biological and Chemical Sciences Summer Vacation Studentship: Helen Valentine The Biochemical Society £1,600 11/07/2011 (3 months) Elodie Briefer Biological and Chemical Sciences Vocal Communication & Social Behaviour in Warthogs The Linnean Society Of London £750 01/07/2011 (2 months)

We are using simulation and modelling to develop and test a small but very efficient and novel engine. The engine will integrate new and advanced designs of turbomachinery (compressor and turbine), and other engine parts based on turbocharger-type components and several other novel components of powerplants, in previously-untested innovative configurations. The resultant engine will be more efficient, thus consuming less fuel, and will also be less expensive than other engines in the same power range. Professor Theodosios Alexander, Engineering & Materials Science Feasibility Study of TURBOCARDIA


This booklet has been produced by Creative Services for the Communications Office – Pub7265 For information on awards in the Humanities and Social Sciences, or Science and Engineering, please contact: John Driscoll Communications and Information Officer Queen Mary, University of London Mile End Road London E1 4NS Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 7967 email: j.p.driscoll@qmul.ac.uk

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For information on awards in the School of Medicine and Dentistry, please contact: Coleen Colechin Clinical Operations Manager Joint RandD Office Queen Mary, University of London Rutland House New Road London E1 2AX Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 7252 email: c.g.colechin@qmul.ac.uk www.qmul.ac.uk

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