1 minute read
Good health is kidney health
continued from page 6
“A good diet and exercise, and specific to diet, a low-sodium diet. The kidney doesn’t like sodium. Smoking in the long term is not healthy for the kidneys. It can cause progressive damage. Exercise — there’s not a direct link between kidney health and exercise, but it’s part of a group of things that is heathy for all the blood vessels.”
Staying hydrated, Goldman said, also is good advice for anyone.
“I don’t recommend that people drink a certain amount, but they should stay hydrated,” he said. “The young, age 20 or 30 years old, they know ‘I’m thirsty, but I’m busy at work so I’m not going to get a drink.’ Your body has a very sensitive signal for that, which is what thirst is ... the elderly can lose sensitivity to that. Sometimes the elderly don’t drink enough because they don’t get the same signals from their body. Nothing works quite the same way.”
While Goldman does not subscribe to the strict “eight cups a day” regimen, he said the elderly or caretakers should make a conscious effort to get enough water.
Research, Goldman said, indicates that African-American and Hispanic-American patients are more predisposed to kidney disease.
Many men, starting at about 50, can begin experiencing prostate disorders, he noted, which can have the effect of blocking or backing up urine, thus damaging the kidneys. And, he said, many prostate treatments are noninvasive.
“Those with family members with a history of kidney disease or dialysis are at greater risk,” he continued. “They should be aware of that and need to be extra careful. They need to make sure they go to their doctor.”
The elderly also suffer more from arthritis, adding a wrinkle depending on the kind of pain relievers the patient uses, including Motrin, ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil and naproxen, so-called nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs that can damage the kidneys, though not commonly.
“Even patients with kidney problems can take those two or three times a week,” Goldman said. He still is not a big fan, based on those he treats when they do have reactions.
“To be fair, from my lens — to a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail — I’m seeing the ones with problems.” He said balancing medication use is where listening to their regular doctors is vital.
Goldman also reiterated that along with regular medical checkups, early detection and generally healthy habits, there is a new generation of medications available for kidney patients, and another one showing promise that soon could be on the way. Q