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Information Session to Prepare for th 4 -Year Studies in ECE

Online Resources • • • • •

Faculty of Applied Science Calendar ECE Undergrad. Handbook Detailed undergrad. course summaries Prerequisite chart Planning spreadsheet

• Course websites • ExamBank

Preregistration • Early June: obtain QCARD “time ticket” • Mid-June: course timetable published • July: QCARD course selection • Once preregistration ends in July, no changes until early September

Add/Drop Deadlines • • • •

Add courses in wks 1 & 2 of each term Can drop courses up to wk 7 Please respect add/drop deadlines ECE Undergrad. Chair cannot endorse late requests that will not be approved by Academic Progress Committee • Need a valid reason (e.g., medical) • Late requests also have a $25.00 fee

Faculty Regulations • Reg. 2(e): course substitutions – need prior approval to verify equivalence

• Reg. 7: requirements for graduation – EPT, six sessions, cumulative avg. of 55%

• Reg. 9: honours standing at graduation – first class: 80%+

second class: 65%+

• Reg. 16: calculation of honours average – cumulative


years 2, 3, and 4

Selecting Electives • You have flexibility - but you are also responsible

• Advice for choosing technical electives: - use interest, aptitude, less so "career aims"

• Comp. studies - you must have a total of 102 units, with min. 72 units in H&SS ("List A" Comp Studies courses)

Lists & Requirements • At least 5 electives must be ‘400’ level • Lists Elec. Eng. List A is mostly ELEC Elec. Eng. List B covers other areas

– ELEC choose minimum 5 electives from List A Comp. Eng. List A is mostly ELEC Comp. Eng. List B & C are CISC/SOFT

– CMPE choose minimum 4 electives from List B & C, but maximum 5 from List C count for degree

Technical Electives For 2010-2011, some electives not offered due to sabbatical leaves, limited budget: ELEC408 Topics in Biomedical Engineering ELEC422 ELEC422 Digital Digital Signal Signal Processing Processing IIII (now (now (( CHANGED: CHANGED: will will now now be be offered) offered) ELEC433 ELEC433 Energy Energy and and Power Power Systems Systems (( CHANGED: CHANGED: will will now now be be offered) offered) ELEC451 Digital Integrated Circuit Engineering ELEC454 Analog Electronics ELEC457 Analog Integrated Circuits and Applications ELEC464 ELEC464 Wireless Wireless Communications Communications (( CHANGED: CHANGED: will will now now be be offered) offered) ELEC470 Computer System Architecture ELEC476 Modelling and System Simulation ELEC483 Microwave and RF Circuits and Systems

Technical Electives ECE electives that will be offered Fall ELEC333 Electric Machines ELEC431 Power Electronics ELEC421 Digital Signal Processing I ELEC461 Digital Communications ELEC471 Computer Networks I (still tentative)

Winter ELEC422 Digital Signal Processing II (now ( CHANGED: will now be offered) ELEC433 Energy and Power Systems ( CHANGED: will now be offered) ELEC436 Electric Machines and Control ELEC443 Control Systems ELEC448 Introduction to Robotics ELEC464 Wireless Communications ( CHANGED: will now be offered) ELEC478 Computer Networks II (still tentative)

Technical Electives Other electives: APSC, MATH, MECH, CHEE Fall CHEE 340 Biomedical Engineering CHEE 436 System Identification MATH 430 Modern Control Theory MATH 474 Information Theory MATH 477 Source Coding and Quantization MECH 423 Intro to Microsystems MECH 494 Kinematics of Human Motion STAT 455 Stochastic Processes and Applications

Winter APSC 381 Fund. of Design Engineeering MECH 455 Computer Integrated Manufacturing MATH 472 Control of Stochastic Processes STAT 367 Engineering Data Analysis

Technical Electives Other electives: CISC, PHYS,‌ Fall CISC3xx CISC4xx OTHERxxx

Winter CISC3xx CISC4xx PHYS 460 Laser Optics OTHERxxx

You can always submit a course substitution request for any elective not listed (OTHERxxx) in the Calendar if you are interested, and have instructor permission

th 4 -Year


ELEC 49X project course 9 Instructors and project supervisors 9 Groups of 3 to design/build/document 9 Course information on ECE Website

Friday, April 9: ECE Open House 1:00-3:30 – displays of 4th-year projects in the ILC – come and see what you can do next year

Exams & Graduation • You must write all final exams on the dates/times set by the Registrar’s Office; travel preferences cannot be considered • You must “apply to graduate” in QCARD in period Nov.-Feb.; watch for reminders • Use your planning spreadsheet to verify that all program requirements will be met ELEC's can either follow "old" or "new" calendar rules spreadsheet CMPE's have only one spreadsheet

General Advice • • • •

Follow Calendar & all prereg. instructions Respect deadlines to avoid difficulties Identify classmates for ELEC49X group 5 or 6 courses are recommended in Fall to balance ELEC49X workload in Winter • Make the most of your final year!

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