Commercial Test Charges for Rock Mechanics Analyses: 04/19 Test Description
Charge Rate ($Cdn)
Unconfined Compression
- Includes determination of sample bulk density, unconfined compressive strength (Sc), Young's Modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio (Îź) parameters
$ 275.00
- Same test but without determination of Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio parameters
$ 225.00
2 Triaxial Confined Compression
- Includes determination of sample bulk density, unconfined compressive strength (Sc), Young's Modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio (Îź) parameters
$ 300.00
- Inludes determination of similar parametric data as for item (1) above including stress/strain and Moduli determination for one single confinement stress level failure test (ASTM Method B)
$ 365.00
-Multi-stage triaxial testing (minimum of 3 confinement stress levels per sample specimen) with no Modulus determination
$ 600.00
$ 135.00 P oint Load Index Test - Determination of Point Load Index (Is) values from rock core of minimum length/diameter size at (1.5/1) (either diametral or axial core orientation)
$ 60.00
DirectShear Test -Determination of direct shear strength parameters for core or uncut lump fragments of rock initial shear and full residual shear envelope assessed per specimen (minimum ten shear cycles per specimen tested)
$ 1,200.00
6 Basic Friction Angle (Tilt Test)
- Determination of asic (minimum) friction angle of saewed core sections repared by diametral or axial cutting of core sections and testing on a tilt table apparatus
$ 75.00
Notes for sample size provision and additional (optional) sample analyses: Tests (1) and (2): Samples supplied as core will be prepared for testing through a process of diamond sawing and end lathing to manufacture test samples exhibiting final length-to-diameter aspect ratios ranging between 2-to-1 and 2.5-to-1. These core lengths are necessary for unconfined and confined testing. In order to accommodate wastage of specimens during sample cutting, as-received lengths of intact core exceeding length-to-diameter ratios of at least 3-to-1 are required for each test. Test (3): For Brazilian (tensile) test samples, similar as-received core lengths are required as for Tests (1) and (2) for each test. These samples will be cut into wafers (up to ten per sample, at thicknesses of 1.0-1.5 cm each) that will be tested to provide tensile strength estimations for each. Test (4): For point load tests, each test will utilize one piece of core and each piece should have a minimum length-to-diameter ratio of 1.5-to-1. Test (5): Samples for direct shear testing should have minimum total lengths of 15 cm so that adequate confinement can be achieved for each test. Test (6): Internal angle of friction. Parametric values determined using diamond-sawed sections of core or rock that can be irregular lump fragments or core materials (cut either perpendicular or parallel to the core axis) that must have a minimum contact surface area of at least 1775 mm2 (2.75 in2). Tilt table testing is conducted in accordance with procedures established by the Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, Denver, Colorado (USBR-6258-09).
Commercial test charges for mineral assay and processing services can be obtainedby contacting the Department
The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 Tel: 613.533.2230 Fax: 613.533.6597
Learn more:
Commercial Testing Services
samples up to HQ core size. Point Load index testing services
We are a full-service provider with the equipment to meet your commercial testing needs...
can also be provided.
Core Preparation Besides core testing capabilities, the Queen’s RML is able to provide clients with sample drilling of core materials from block samples over a wide range of sample sizes. Our in-house core drill has a capacity to drill large rock blocks in order to meet any potential sample needs if core materials are not available on site. These samples, as with all the samples that we test, are sized by diamond sawing and diamond end grinding to prepare samples for testing.
Mineral Processing Testing To become your one stop for testing, we are pleased to announce that we have also teamed up with the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining’s mineral processing group. Thus, we also provide you with mineral assay services, including X- ray fluorescence (XRF), powder X-ray Diffraction
Rock Mechanics Laboratory
(XRD), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), Inductively
Rock Mechanics Testing
excellence is why we have them calibrate our load cells and
coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICO-OES),
The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Rock Mechanics
extensometers annually (all certification is available for viewing
sulfur and carbon analyzer, fires assay for gold and silver,
Laboratory (RML) is a state of the art rock testing facility
upon request). Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) testing
titration, and particle size analyzer.
located on the Main Campus of Queens University in
(with standard output of Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio
Kingston, Ontario. At the RML we provide our clients with
parameters being provided), Brazilian (indirect) tensile strength
In addition to mineral assay services, the Department‘s mineral
highly accurate and timely rock mechanics testing services
and confined compression strength testing can be performed
processing and extractive metallurgy laboratories are able
for a number of static and dynamic tests that are all done to
on either compression frames. The 3000 KN frame also has
to provide clients with classification, physical separation,
ASTM standards. Recently completed massive site renovations
the capacity to do multistage triaxial failure tests at up to four
hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical testwork services.
and continuous testing equipment upgrades allow us to
different confining pressures on single samples.
The laboratories are equipped with standard mineral processing
perform multiple tests simultaneously while upholding the high standards that our clients rely upon. For whatever your testing needs are we have the equipment to do the job. Our testing equipment includes Material Testing Systems (MTS) 1000 KN and 3000 KN servo-controlled, electrohydraulic compression frames, powered by a 60 GPM 3200 psi dual pump Silentflo power unit, with a Flextest 40 control system. MTS is an industry leader in its field and its commitment to
Diamond Core Drill
equipment, kilns and furnaces for high temperature metal At the RML direct shear tests can also be performed on intact
extraction testwork, reactors for atmospheric and high pressure/
or pre-fractured rock specimens for determination of the intact
high temperature leaching, column leaching, solvent extraction
or residual shear strength properties such as material cohesion
(SX), ion exchange (IX), precipitation and electrometallurgy
and internal angle of friction parameters. While this test is not
testwork units. The extractive metallurgy laboratory is well-
unique, the RML direct shear test equipment, or Automated
equipped with a state-of-the-art STAF3 instrument for TGA and
Direct Shear (ADS) test frame, was designed and built in-house
DTA tests, potentiostat/galvanostat for electrochemistry tests
to provide automated direct shear testing capabilities for test
and glass reactors with fully-controlled ORP and pH systems.
Triaxial Cell Thermal Gravimetric Analysis
Rock Testing Data Input
Core Sample
Automated Direct Shear