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Work Experience

Work Experience Work Experience

Usually girls will try to organise something over the summer between finishing their GCSE examinations and entering the Sixth Form, as well as during their time in LVI. For certain degree courses such as Medicine, Veterinary Science, Architecture and Archaeology, relevant work experience is important or essential to securing a place at university. For other degrees, work experience can demonstrate skills such as leadership, communication and motivation but, in fact, usually forms a very small part of the UCAS personal statement. A few recent examples of work experiences are: • Assisting at the PR launch of BMW’s largest car showroom in Europe • Financial experience in Hong Kong at a multinational bank • Retail experience with Lulu Guinness’ shop • Photography experience on a shoot for


‘Time Magazine’ in Turkey • Assisting a neurosurgeon consultant at a hospital in Poland • Shadowing a minister in the Houses of


We have found, over the years, that it is more effective for girls and parents to organise their own work experience or work shadowing than through a programme run by the School. This is because, typically, schools fix one week in which the work experience must take place and this is not always convenient for those offering the sort of exciting placements mentioned above, or is impractical if the placement is overseas. Some schools offer companies that provide work experience placements but, often, family and friends can organise better quality placements that are tailored to the specific interests of their daughter.

The Sixth Form Careers programme includes lessons covering Gap Year Activities, Work Experience and Internships. Speakers to our Careers Convention in November have offered work experience and internship opportunities in fields such as Marketing and Publications (The Lady), Retail (Argent of London), Conservation (international water charity), Finance (Goldman Sachs).

Many organisations such as Projects Abroad, The LEAP, The Great Projects provide quality gap year experiences in the following fields: teaching, research, conservation, medical, language. These can be from two weeks to six months long.

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