A Guide to Life in UVI 2021 / 22

Page 18

IT Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils

If you become aware of a breach of this Policy or you are concerned that a member of the school community is being harassed or harmed online, you should report it to the Director of Pastoral Care. Reports will be treated in confidence wherever possible.

At Queen’s Gate, we aim to ensure that girls have good access to digital technologies to enhance their learning and we take every reasonable precaution, including making use of monitoring and filtering systems, to ensure that girls will be safe when they use the Internet and IT systems.


All girls must follow this Charter which was produced after discussion between pupils and staff.

In return, Queen’s Gate expects the girls to agree to be responsible users. All girls are expected to follow this IT Acceptable Use Policy both in school and outside school. We may impose sanctions for the misuse, or attempted misuse, of IT. Remember that the School monitors use of the School’s IT systems, and that the School can view content accessed or sent via its systems. Girls should be aware that school email and internet usage (including through school WiFi) will be monitored for safeguarding, conduct and performance purposes, and both web history and school email accounts may be accessed by the School where necessary for a lawful purpose – including serious conduct or welfare concerns, extremism and the protection of others. Any personal devices used by girls, whether or not such devices are permitted, may be confiscated and examined under such circumstances. All girls must recognise that the School can and will search for evidence of inappropriate use of technology if an allegation is made that a pupil has not followed this Policy.

Cyberbullying • Not join networking sites if we are under the minimum age indicated by the provider. For Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, Reddit, Snapchat, Ask.fm, Secret and LinkedIn, this is thirteen; for Whatsapp it is sixteen; for YouTube, Kik, Flickr, WeChat, Foursquare and Keek, it is eighteen, although users above thirteen may use these sites with parental permission. Therefore, no girl in Remove is to use any social networking site. • Tell a parent or teacher if we feel threatened or uncomfortable about anything online. • Use the ‘block’ or ‘report’ feature on social networking sites. • Keep names, addresses, passwords, mobile phone numbers and other personal details safe and private online. • Never put something on a social networking site which we would not pin up on the notice board in any classroom (applies to both words and images). • Use appropriate privacy settings when using social networking sites at home (N.B. Access to all social networking sites is prohibited when in school). • Take a screenshot of offending items, which can be used as evidence that bullying has taken place. • Not tick ‘like’ in response to a message or status which might hurt or offend someone. • Not circulate links to unknown or suspicious websites.

Parents and pupils are requested to read this document and return a signed copy to show their acceptance of this Policy and their support of the School in this important aspect of the School’s work. Acceptance of this Policy is a condition of access to the School’s Internet and IT systems. A deliberate breach of this Policy by a girl will be dealt with as a disciplinary matter using the School’s usual applicable procedures. In addition, any inappropriate use may result in the School restricting or withdrawing that person’s access to school Internet and IT systems.


IT Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils

As pupils we will:

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.