A Guide to Life in UVI 2021 / 22

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Remember that the School monitors use of the School’s IT systems, and that the School can view content accessed or sent via its systems. Girls should be aware that school email and internet usage (including through school WiFi) will be monitored for safeguarding, conduct and performance purposes, and both web history and school email accounts may be accessed by the School where necessary for a lawful purpose – including serious conduct or welfare concerns, extremism and the protection of others. Any personal devices used by girls, whether or not such devices are permitted, may be confiscated and examined under such circumstances All girls must recognise that the School can and will search for evidence of inappropriate use of technology if an allegation is made that a pupil has broken the terms of this Charter.

Zoom Protocols

https://queensgate.zoom.us/ In order to safeguard pupils and staff, it is important that pupils understand and observe the following protocols: A recording of each live session will be made by the School and stored in the School’s Zoom Cloud account. This cannot be distributed due to data protection regulations and will be stored in accordance with our Privacy Notice. Live-streamed sessions must not be recorded, photographed or distributed by anyone else, in any way. • Girls should be prepared five minutes before the Zoom session, in a family room that can be accessed by an adult - rather than a bedroom. Thought should be given to what


Using School IT systems and devices

photograph or make a video within the school day or on school premises, without the express permission of a member of staff. • Not use a classroom computer without permission from a member of staff. All girls are expected to follow this Charter for the safe use of the Internet and electronic devices both in school and at home. Copies are given to all girls and their parents and we may impose sanctions for the misuse, or attempted misuse, of the internet, mobile phones and other electronic devices when in school.

• Be aware that anything that has been deleted may be cached in a search engine, company server or internet archive and cause embarrassment years later. • Not use the internet to distribute malicious software, to damage, interfere with, or gain unauthorised access to the computer systems of others, or carry out illegal activities. • Respect and handle with appropriate care any school computer or other school IT property and will use it only in accordance with any training and policies provided. We will report any problems or damage immediately to IT Support (extn 444). • Log off and shut down whenever we finish using a computer, laptop or netbook. • Return laptops and other School devices to the charging cabinets after use and attach the charging cables properly. • Switch off mobile phones and other personal electronic devices during the school day and ensure they are locked away securely. We will not use mobiles between 8.35 am and 4.10 pm. If we arrive in School early, we will not use our mobiles other than to let parents know of our whereabouts. We, therefore, understand that mobiles used in the mornings anywhere other than the ground floor (as we enter the building to inform parents of our safe arrival) will be confiscated. • Understand that personal devices such as laptops and iPads must not be brought into School, unless in Form V–UVI – devices must then be registered with IT Support and used only for School-related purposes. • Understand that the permitted use of mobile phones and other personal electronic devices for Sixth Formers is a privilege accompanied by the expectation of responsible use. Mobile phones and other personal electronic devices must only be used in the Sixth Form area and should never be brought to lessons or private study periods in the Library, Library Annexe or Extension. • Not bring smart watches to School. • Keep computers and mobile devices out of bedrooms and avoid over-use of messaging and social networking. • Not use any device to record, take a

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