Personal Property • Never open another person’s desk or bag, or interfere with anyone else’s property. If you leave property (coats, bags etc.) unattended, it is at your own risk. • Outdoor clothes should be hung on pegs in the Form Room or kept in lockers. Bags should always be in lockers. • Money and valuables must be locked in your locker or given into the School Secretary’s office for safe-keeping. • No digital device that plays music, connects to the Internet or allows you to make a ’phone call may be used from 8.35am– 4.10pm. Any such device must be switched off during the day and only removed from your locker when you leave the School. If you are found with a digital device around the School, it will be confiscated until 4.10pm and a letter will be sent home to your parents. • If you arrive in School early, you may contact your parents on entering the building to inform them that you have arrived safely. This means that you may use your mobile phone, briefly, on the ground floor as you arrive at School but no girl should be seen using their mobile phone (or other personal digital device) in their Form Room or anywhere above the ground floor - even if the School day has not officially started. All such devices must be locked away safely. • You may not bring your own laptop, netbook or iPad into school unless you have permission from a teacher.
This Code of Behaviour is printed in each girl’s homework diary. It has been drawn up to ensure the smooth running of our School and to promote consideration for others in the School and in the community.
At Queen’s Gate • We expect high standards of behaviour at all times both in the classroom and outside. • We aim to create a community where consideration and respect are shown to all its members and their property. • Good manners and politeness are expected in all situations. In the Classroom • You should arrive punctually at each lesson with the correct equipment. • When a member of staff or a visitor enters a classroom, you should stand up until he/she has addressed you; you should reply accordingly before sitting down. • You should get on with your work quietly and sensibly in lessons. You should never talk when staff are talking and should put your hand up to ask or answer a question. • Classroom furniture and equipment should be treated with respect and should not be moved without staff permission. Outside the Classroom • You should walk on the left in corridors and on the stairs and allow others to pass you. You must not create so much noise that it will disturb others. You must take care when examinations take place and obey any ‘Silence’ and ‘No Entry’ notices. • When moving between the school buildings, you need to walk swiftly (without running) and watch out for traffic when crossing roads. • On the pavements you should show courtesy to members of the public; remember that a crowd of young people can be intimidating. You should also refrain from eating and drinking whilst walking near the School.
Environment • Help to keep the School tidy; this includes classrooms, corridors, labs and other areas, as well as your Form Room. • Graffiti on furniture, etc. is not permitted and is considered a serious offence. • Eating is not permitted in the corridors or on the stairs and drinks should not be carried around the School. • Always leave the bathrooms as you would like to find them. • Chewing gum is not permitted in School or when representing the School at any event. • Help the School to recycle paper and other materials.
Our Expectations: The Code of Behaviour
Our Expectations: The Code of Behaviour