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Players’ performs at The Mansion
Continued from front. Orsi said board members look to hire a director who will support cast members—especially first time performers—while lifting other people up.
Central to being a director is acting as support to all cast members, with an emphasis on welcoming the rookies, Orsi said.
“I think directors are someone the board feels members can look up to,” Orsi said.
Orsi explained that directors are the main leads for the cast, and it’s ultimately their job to create a safe environment where people can feel comfortable being their most creative and funny self.
“I just want people to have a good time. It sounds cliché, but I think all I want is a really funny show. I just hope [the audience] laugh and have fun with the music.”
If you ever thought to stop by The Mansion on a breezy summer night, you would have heard Rasputin being yelled into a microphone as Caesar Flickerman opened the Olympocaluypse Games.
The cast members filled the stage with colourful wigs and gaudy jokes as they brought their audience to their feet. Eccentric, hectic, and full of boozy fun, the audience joined in on the 2012 classic “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen, and watched Dobby talk about his flaccid penis.
Even more awe-inspiring was the appearance of the dearly departed Marilyn Monroe as she sang “Happy Birthday” to Players president, Stephanie Swindell, on opening night.
Players is looking to expand their cast to bring new members to the team. If you’re looking to sing like Amy Winehouse, dance like you’re in the reruns of Glee, and star in a Saturday Night Live-esq set, Players might be right for you.
September will see auditions open for Players’ fall semester cast.