1 minute read


Australian Open Men’s Singles Champion for the fifth time, Aron Sherriff.

5 – World Bowls Championships

Vale Bob Fraser

We pay tribute to Robert (Bob) Fraser who passed away last month

23 Development

Editor: Jo Grey

Editorial Assistant: Dee Ayre

Reporters/Photographers: Kelsey Cottrell

Contributions to the Bowler: Email your story and photos to media@bowlsqld.org - photos at original size and high-resolution. Photo size when attached to email should be 1MB minimum. We do not accept compressed or low-resolution photos for print.

Editorial contact:

E: media@bowlsqld.org

Ph: (07) 3354 0777


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Ph: (07) 3354 0777

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Club News

Catch up on news from clubs across Queensland

Matt Prain claims club champion title for nine consecutive years

34 Coaching

The etiquette of bowls - Part 1


To subscribe, send your contact details, together with a cheque for $48 (incl gst) to:

Queensland Bowler Subscriptions PO Box 476, Alderley, Qld 4051.

Copyright: All material appearing in this magazine is copyright. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without permission from the publishers.

Notice: While every effort has been made to ensure the information in this magazine is accurate, no responsibility is accepted by the publishers for material supplied by an individual, company or organisation or for any typographical errors. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the view of the publisher.

Bowls Queensland Patron: Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, Governor of Queensland

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