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QLD vs NSW Test Series

Photo: Bowls NSW

U18 Queensland Squad for the 2022 QLD vs NSW Test Series Back row L-R: BQ President Peter Williamson, Coach/Manager Alan Thorp, Samuel Collier, Kane Nelson, Cody Gerick, Todd Brain, Coach/Manager Chrissy Pavlov. Middle row L-R: Jack Chirgwin, Hayden Oster, Wyatt Martin, Oliver Corken. Front row L-R: Chloe Runge, Keira Powell, Holly Anderson, Corinne Stallan, Sophie Kiepe, Dekota Brindle, Stella Palmer, Sophie Allan


NSW came up trumps with an overall 3.5 to 1.5 win over QLD in the U18 QLD vs NSW Test Series held 20-21 August 2022 at Chermside Bowls Club in Brisbane. Both states played exceptionally well and Brisbane turned on the weather with clear skies and no wind on Saturday, but Sunday brought some gusts which made players predict how their bowls would react in the wind on the fast greens. Queensland boys finished with the upper hand after day 1 of the annual QLD vs NSW Under 18 Test Series. After tying the first test with 1 shot separating the teams across the four rinks, the QLD boys finished strong in the second test to win 3 rinks to 1. The girls won 1 and drew 1 test a piece. In the first test on the Saturday, the boys drew 4-all, while the NSW girls led 4-2. The second test saw the tide change with the QLD girls winning 6-2 and the QLD boys winning 4-2. While the Queenslanders tried to hold on, NSW proved too strong on the Sunday and came out firing in the third, fourth and fifth tests, claiming wins in both the girls and boys. The QLD girls played well, with higher margins than the competition in four of


First Test Results

• Girls Test 1 results: QLD 2 points (49 shots) lost to NSW 4 points (43 shots) • Boys Test 1 results: QLD 4 points (61 shots) drew with NSW 4 points (62 shots)

Second Test Results

• Girls Test 2 results: QLD 6 points (68 shots) def NSW 2 points (67 shots) • Boys Test 2 results: QLD 4 points (56 shots) def NSW 2 points (45 shots)(QLD)

Third Test Results

• Girls Test 3 results: QLD 3 points (72 shots) lost to NSW 5 points (71 shots) • Boys Test 3 results: QLD 2 points (42 shots) lost to NSW 4 points (65 shots)

Fourth Test Results

• Girls Test 4 results: QLD 2 points (46 shots) lost to NSW 4 points (62 shots) • Boys Test 4 results: QLD 2 points (48 shots) lost to NSW 6 points (60 shots)

Fifth Test Results

• Girls Test 5 results: QLD 4 points (62 shots) drew with NSW 4 points (58 shots) • Boys Test 5 results: QLD 2 point (39 shots) lost to NSW 4 points (59 shots)


Girls – NSW 3.5 Tests def QLD 1.5 Tests Boys – NSW 3.5 Tests def QLD 1.5 Tests

U18 QLD vs NSW Test Series team representatives Kane Nelson (QLD), Winners Jack McShane & Katie Astley (NSW) with Stella Palmer (QLD) Winners Jack McShane & Katie Astley (NSW)

the five tests. All Queensland players in this test series except for one, Kane Nelson, were debutants for this particular event, although one would never think that, based on the team cohesion and camaraderie displayed by these junior bowlers. While the Queenlanders tried to hold on NSW proved too strong and came out firing on day 2, but the Maroons hopes of claiming a victory were thwarted when NSW held up and the Blue boys and girls won three tests each respectively. The third test on day 2 started well with the QLD boys Oliver Corken, Sam Collier & Cody Gerick taking the Triples by 3 shots on one rink, but the Triples on the next rink saw the NSW boys playing a dynamite game and winning 26-13. The Pairs game was a valiant effort by the Maroon boys but they still succumbed to the Blues. The girls Fours gave us high hopes with a draw of 17-all, with all the QLD supporters hoping for a defeat in the Pairs which was so close, with NSW winning 18-16 and QLD’s Sophie Allan giving it her all on the Singles rink against NSW’s Zoe Nicholls but lost by 3 shots after Zoe picked up a 4 on the last end. Glass House Mountains superstar Chloe Runge was a strong contender and defeated the Blues Singles competitor, Resse Finn-Young 21-15, but it wasn’t enough to win the third test for the Maroons. In the fourth test, the QLD Boys went down in the Fours with a 16-4 win to the Blues, a 22-6 defeat in the Pairs a close 19-17 defeat in the Singles, with a valiant effort put in by Hayden Oster. Golden boy Kane Nelson came through all guns a-blazing and claimed a victorious 21-3 win against NSW’s Billy Waite. In the girls, each State took a Triples game, with one 25-12 to QLD and one 22-15 to NSW, but the Pairs decided the fourth Test with NSW defeating QLD 28-6. Test 5 was tough for the Maroons, even though QLD’s Keira Powell, Holly Anderson, Dekota Brindle and Corinne Stallon prevented a Blues clean swipe with a solid win in the Fours 13-8, and Sophie Kiepe held the Maroon flag high by defeating NSW’s Chanel Chakouch in the Girls Singles, but the Blues came through with Ella Cameron defeating Sophie Allan 21-15 and won the Pairs 19-13, claiming the fifth test. It was a bluewash for the boys in the fifth test, winning one of the Boys Triples matches 21-7 and Pairs 23-15, while QLD fought back with Sam Collier, Wyatt Martin and Cody Gerick boasting a 17-14 win. “The girls have played very well, some tight games, beautiful bowls,” Alan Thorp (Manager/Coach) said. “We encourage them to think positive and encourage each other. We stress that you lose as a team and you win as a team,” he said. Manager/Coach Chrissy Pavlov said they encourage the juniors to always be thinking about their next bowl and remain positive, not to think what’s just happened if they’ve played a bowl they’re unhappy with. “We’ll often have a debrief after the game, if we’ve identified something, then we have a talk about it,” Chrissy said. “The players are all very close, we saw it from the April camp we held, that they’ve become friends and these friendships are often ones they’ll keep for a very long time.” “Congratulations to the NSW team!

Winners: U25 Women’s Test Winners: 40-59 Women’s Test

Queensland started off strong and won four of the six tests played on day 1 (August 22) at Taren Point Bowling Club. The Maroons were up in the Women’s Open, Men’s U25, Women’s U25 and Women’s 40-59 matches with the NSW Blues recording solid wins in the Men’s Open and Men’s O40s categories. Blustery winds made for difficult playing conditions on the Taren Point greens, but the players adapted quickly, showcasing their level of skill in the process. Unfortunately day 2 (August 23) was a washout with rain driving the players off the green during the third test. Although the games were live streamed by Bowls NSW, it reached a point where they had to stop live streaming due to the weather. The Open Women weren’t able to continue, so will be playing the third test at the Australian sides in October. The Open Men lost to NSW. The U25 Men drew, which meant NSW retained the trophy for another year. The QLD U25 Women won 2-0, with the age 40-59 Men and Women drawing 1-all. As this was the first series played in this age category, the series win was decided on aggregate score. NSW won the men’s and QLD won the women’s tests. Congratulations to the following ‘Player of the Series’! • U25 Players of the Series: Justin Cribbin and Isabella Lawson • Open Players of the Series: Jessie Cottell and Brett Wilkie • 40-59 Players of the Series: Wayne Turley and Wendy Wilson

U25 Players of the Series Justin Cribbin (left) and Bella Lawson (right) with BQ’s Kerry Green (centre) Open Players of the Series Jessie Cottell (left) and Brett Wilkie (right) with BQ’s Kerry Green (centre) 40-59 Players of the Series Wayne Turley (left) and Wendy Wilson (right) with BQ’s Kerry Green (centre)

Photo: Bowls NSW

Men’s U25 Team Back row L-R: Ty Jesberg, Zac Adams, Dale McWhinney-Shillington, Hayden Vogler, Front row L-R: Justin Cribbin, Nic Gosley, Mitchell Mears, John Hammond Photo: Bowls NSW

Women’s U25 Team Back row L-R: Alexis Foot, Olivia Rothwell, Jacinta Weir, Julia Brownie Front row L-R: Ashlee Knight, Isabella Lawson, Zoe Stewart, Brittanny Wiley

Photo: Bowls NSW

Men’s Open Team Back row L-R: Nathan Rice, Dean McWhinney, Cohen Litfin, Sean Ingham, Chris Rosanes, Jacob Nelson, Front row L-R: Nick Cahill, Barrie Lester, Brett Wilkie, Aron Sherriff, Bradley Lawson, Matt Lucas Photo: Bowls NSW

Women’s Open Team Back row L-R: Emma Spicer, Julie Keegan, Kira Bourke, Claire Turley, Bolivia Millerick, Chloe Stewart Front row L-R: Pamela Rowe, Amanda Haevecker, Jessica Srisamruaybai, Gail Crompton, Kelsey Cottrell, Jessie Cottell

Photo: Bowls NSW Photo: Bowls NSW

Men’s 40-59 Team Back row L-R: Glen Pitts, Mark Armstrong, Paul Gilbert, Adam White Front row L-R: Ben Walsh, Gary Pearson, John Newell, Wayne Turley


Women’s 40-59 Team Back row L-R: Liza Burgess, Tracy Foster, Wendy Wilson, Yvonne Lovelock Front row L-R: Joanne Stockdale, Noelene Dutton, Pauline Laverty, Lorraine Callaghan

Men’s Open – NSW def QLD 2-0 Women’s Open Test Series – Series remains tied 1-1. Deciding match to be played during the Nationals in October Men’s Over 40’s Test Series – NSW def QLD Series on aggregate (1-1 in Tests, 93-73) Women’s Over 40’s Test Series – QLD def NSW Series on aggregate (1-1 in Tests, 80-71) Men’s Under 25 Test Series – Series Drawn 1-1, NSW retain shield Women’s Under 25 Test Series – QLD def NSW 2-0

Coaching class at Club Maroochy - David Barnes

Recently I attended a coaching clinic at Maroochydore Bowls Club. The club holds sessions every Wednesday and Saturday from 9.30-10.30am, where four club coaches (Fred, Frank, Sue and Robin and trainee Jill) put players through a set of drills.

Players find these training sessions valuable and Pennant players often attend these free training sessions to hone their skills.

If you are a new bowler, the aim is to attend five to six sessions and you are then assessed to ensure that you have the required skills and confidence to start playing in club games, moving from Open Pairs to Open Pairs 2x4x2 and then Open 3 Bowl Triples.

New bowlers are also given a quick one pager on the Etiquette of Bowls so they understand the expectations when playing bowls and are not put off by feedback. When new bowlers go through these sessions and mix with experienced bowlers, they are more likely to take up bowls as they have been given the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to start playing the game.

The drills are designed to replicate what can happen in a game, with the bowler bowling at different lengths and directions (not only rolling the jack to a comfortable length) then walking to the other end and repeating the action. The green has six rinks set up so you are bowling up and back and moving back to the start to go through the drills again.

These training sessions have attracted many new members, and since January this year, 17 women and 28 men have joined the club. While not all of these members are new to the game, everyone benefits from the training sessions.

This is a wonderful example of how putting the effort into something is measured by the achievements gained from the effort. The club is only too happy to share their training programs and for anyone to attend so if you are in the area, please come along and enjoy the friendly and informative training sessions.

I will be putting my bowls in the car next time I visit Club Maroochy and attend a training session, as I need all the help I can get.

The coaching team at Club Maroochy: Sue, Fred, Frank, Jill & Robin Learning how to read the head Bowling around shorter bowls


Micheal Sorrensen 0447 507 040 msorrensen@bowls.com.au


Eclectic Competition at Northern Suburbs BC

The Northern Suburbs Bowls Club, now host to the Eclectic Competition is a vibrant club resulting from the amalgamation of Clayfield Bowls Club, which began in 1909 and the Wavell Heights Bowls Club, which opened on the current site in 1958. The Eclectic Competition was first held at the Clayfield Bowls Club in 1994. Dr George Corones was the original organiser, an Australian swimmer who broke the world 50 and 100 metres freestyle records for his age group (age 100-104) in 2018. He turned 100 in April 2018 and died in March 2020 at the age of 101. Our ‘new’ organiser (since 2010) is Roy Moore. Roy puts in an inordinate amount of time to plan and organise this event. He contacts each player individually to check on availability throughout the competition. When Roy was at the club on his 90th birthday on May 19, 2022, I asked him

Organiser Roy Moore

Contributed by Diane MacDonald

what challenges he’s had as the organiser for so many years and his reply was “getting substitutes”. When asked what he liked about the Eclectic he answered, “the association and friendship with all the members”. The Eclectic Competition is conducted over six games during the year. Teams for the competition are selected by club selectors and games directors. Teams remain for the duration of the competition played on six Saturdays during the year (April, May, June, September, October and November). This year (2022) we have 20 teams (60 players). With Eclectic scoring, two points are given for winning the game and one point for each end won. One bonus point is given for each shot in excess of two (four shots has two bonus points). At the end of the competition, the final score is the sum of the three best rounds. It may include only one round in which only one substitute was used. It may not include any round where two or three substitutes were used. After completion of the six games, scores are calculated and an overall winner, overall runner-up and winning rink draw are presented with prizes. Thank you to Wally Boydell at Havig and Jackson, Clayfield who has been the sponsor for our Eclectic Competition since 2014. We all thank Roy for his thorough and considered preparation, planning and flexibility in the way he conducts this bowling competition.

Roy Moore & Cameron Spencer tallying the scores after a Saturday Eclectic afternoon Narelle & Heather Jeffs before their second ever Eclectic game Tony Fenn & John Turner (new 2022 players)

Diggers Open Fours

The David ‘Hook’ Anderson Memorial Open Fours Carnival was recently held at Diggers Memorial Bowls Club in Rockhampton. It was a closely contested competition and none of the 30 teams were able to win all five games. The first four teams finished on 4.5 games each and only eight ends separated the first placed eight teams. Total prize money of $12,500 was paid down to the first placed eight teams. The carnival was again sponsored by Anderson City Printing Works and the club is very grateful for the continuing support of this company and our Patron Eric Anderson. The winning team was the Bundaberg Team of Mark Ram, Tim Smith, Paul Kajewski and Darren Mullens. Second place went to Russell Farquhar’s winning team last year from Gladstone and a close

L-R: Patron Eric Anderson with Winners: Mark Ram, Tim Smith, Paul Kajewski & Darren Mullens

Contributed by Ken Day, photo credit Mark Dineen

third placing went to Shane McCrohon’s team from Biloela. On the Friday afternoon preceding the fours carnival, thirty teams contested the very popular “Bowlers Paradise Pairs” event. This event consisted of two games of 14 ends of three bowl pairs. In a very tight finish, two teams of T. Lowry and D. Hatfield drew with W. Te Kau and T. Brown. The club greatly appreciates the support of Bowlers Paradise Mooloolaba for sponsoring the event. Overall, a great three days of bowling was on show at Diggers Memorial. The carnival ran like clockwork thanks to the many members who contributed their time and effort, including our Patron Eric who helped throughout the weekend. The club’s 50-year anniversary will be further celebrated with the holding of The Bendigo Bank Open Fours Carnival on the 12th and 13th of November 2022, with prize money totalling $10,700.

Burnett’s new arrival - how soon will she be bowling?

One of Burnett Bowls Club Bundaberg West’s Junior Bowlers, Christian McLellan, was spotted giving members Darryl (Crusty) Austin and Emma Watson a helping hand with their new daughter. Congrats to Darryl and Emma on the birth of their beautiful baby girl.

Contributed by Trish Hansen

North Mackay women on fire at District Pennant

The 2022 Pennant Season has drawn to a close in the Mackay District Ladies Bowls Competition, with nine clubs competing in Divisions 1, 3 & 4 this year.

It is with great pleasure to announce that North Mackay Ladies have taken out first place wins in all 3 Divisions. A terrific achievement, and a credit to our club and its members.

Well done ladies and congratulations. A massive thank you to our umpire, June Cousen, for officiating at all 3 Divisions home games.

Division 1 ladies will compete in Brisbane later in the year.

Division 1 Back L-R: Val DePinto, Sheryl Cuttriss, Michele Stockton, Lorraine Silman, Lorraine Lemke, Lorna Bowers, Joy Camilleri, Jean Schmidtke. Front L-R: Lois Deguara, Cheryle Corbett, Nuggie Pratt & Marie Bragg

Contributed by Suzanne Hazledine

Division 3: L-R Carmel Bell, Deb Mackenzie, Lydia McCarthy, Maryann Bartolo, Isla Comelli, Daphne Offield, Pam O’Neill & Lurline Ford Division 4 Back L-R Margaret Creese, Donna Gordon, Margaret Goldston, Helen Goldston & Jean Zamparutti Front L-R Dorothy Wise, Anne Smith & Sue Hazledine

Woodgate’s Oceanview Carnival

It’s Carnival season at Woodgate BC, kicking off with Ocean View Carnival on 4 August. Prior to the amalgamation of our Men’s and Ladies’ clubs, the Ocean View Carnival was the ladies’ major event for the year. Today, the carnival is co-run, but the ladies take the upper hand in things. The carnival attracts bowlers from right across our district, as well as some intercity bowlers travelling to beautiful Woodgate for a visit beside the sea. As our greens overlook the ocean, Ocean View was a given as a carnival name.

Winners L-R: 2nd Margo Greiner, lead Judy Stanley, Donna Carr (Sponsor Woodgate Realty), skip Greg Madsen & 3rd Wayne Stanley

2nd place L-R: 3rd Mike Tull, 2nd Joan Tennant, Donna Carr (Sponsor), lead Fiona Dowling & skip Clinton Dowling 3rd place L-R: Skip Gordon Nuttall, 3rd John Robinson, Donna Carr (Sponsor), 2nd Jane HerdEvens & lead Dean Kulbar

4th place L-R: Skip Robbie Byrnes, 2nd Rhonda Byrnes, lead Krissy Mason, Donna Carr (Sponsor) & 3rd Lee Mason 5th place L-R: 3rd. Col Low, skip Mick Hogan, Donna Carr (Sponsor), lead Judy Hogan & 2nd Wayne Nelson

Contributed by Lesley Christensen

Do you have an event coming up? Share the news by advertising in the Queensland Bowler magazine! Classified ads start from just $99 for clubs!

Mareeba’s Protected Day and Rodeo Festival

Mareeba’s Protected Day Winners L-R Gary Kriesel, Wally Fergerson, Beverly Dayes (Bendigo Bank) Pauline Kriesel & Peter Soda (Mareeba bowls club President) Twenty-two self-selected teams of three players from Far North Qld, played 5 games of 12 ends at the annual Mareeba’s Protected Day, sponsored by The Mareeba Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank as part of the Mareeba Rodeo Festival activities.

The annual competition is an open game of 2 bowl triples played for cash prizes donated by Bendigo Bank. This event was played on Sunday, 3 July.

Mareeba is fortunate to have a world class lawn bowling venue with a shade covered carpet green incorporated in the Cedric Davies Memorial Hub on Anzac Avenue.

These are the results of Mareeba’s Protected Day, which is played by both men and ladies and in return the men play on our ladies day: • 1st Gary & Pauline Kriesel, Wally Fergerson • 2nd Graham Davies, Clive Flanagan, Edna Parkes • 3rd Ettore, Santina & Vittore Tiraboschi • 4th Berto Srhoj, Joe Milicevic, John Gordon • 5th Marco Tiraboschi, Graham Hird, Lorraine Mills

It was a great day of bowls, with the visiting players enjoying our fine weather and hospitality. Mareeba Bowls Club wishes to thank the sponsors, players, volunteers and cooks who donated and supplied food for the players throughout the day, ensuring a great day of bowls and fellowship.

Rodeo festival day

The Rodeo Festival Day is a club-selected open triples/fours ladies day and was held in early July. The bowling green was filled with players keen to play 2 x ten ends of triples/fours before meeting the rodeo queen entrants for afternoon tea. The day was sponsored by the Mareeba Rodeo Committee.

The Mareeba ladies held a monster raffle to entertain both the entrants and the visiting bowlers from other clubs on the Tableland. The ladies were also the skips on the day.

Results of the Rodeo Festival Day:

• 1st Dorethy Bew, Rob Brown, Laurie Steffensen • 2nd Jan Leinster, Joe Milicevic, Ray Mitchell • 3rd Ethel Thompson, Bob Pitson, Tania

Sprengal, Lyn Kattenburg

Rodeo Festival Day Winners L-R: Rob Brown, Laurie Steffensen & Liz Plowman (games director)

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