Aural Program Theory Program
Dr Julie Kirchhubel and Juanita Simmonds Dr Josephine Jin and Samuel Dickenson (TBC)
Intensive Class Workshop
Monday 15 to Friday 19 February 2021 from 10 am to 3 pm Please Note: On Monday and Tuesday participants will be broken into two groups to complete a Sight Reading Skills class from 3 - 4 pm on either Monday or Tuesday afternoon. Participants will be advised which day they will attend this class in late January.
SCHEDULE Monday 15 February
10 am – 3 pm
Monday 15 February
3 – 4 pm
Tuesday 16 February
10 am – 3 pm
Tuesday 16 February
3 – 4 pm
Music Theory and Aural Skills Introduction to Instrumental Sight-reading Skills* Music Theory and Aural Skills Introduction to Instrumental Sight-reading Skills*
Wednesday 17 February
10 am – 3 pm
Music Theory and Aural Skills
Thursday 18 February
10 am – 3 pm
Music Theory and Aural Skills
Friday 19 February
10 am – 3 pm
Music Theory and Aural Skills
*(either Monday or Tuesday - class split into two)
ENTRANCE Incoming music students into the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University programs for 2021. DESCRIPTION This intensive music theory and aural skills workshop is offered to incoming music students into Conservatorium programs for 2021. All new students have been invited to join sessions. Those who have not met appropriate Theory requirements (AMEB or other) are especially encouraged to enrol. This project is substantially subsidised by the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University in order to assist a successful experience in transitioning into tertiary music education. OBJECTIVES The objective of this workshop is to guide and facilitate the students to increase their fluency and mastery of Music Fundamentals leading to a heightened learning in Trimester 1. CONTENT As a basic body of knowledge in the field of Music Theory, Music Fundamentals encompasses topics such as Pitch, Scales, Key signatures, Intervals, Chord formations, Rhythmic patterns, Meter, Phrase organisation, Instruments characteristics. Music Fundamentals also involves the abilities of aural recognition, strategic procedures for writing down music, sight-singing, and adapting the performance of a musical work according to an audible understanding of the basic organization represented in the score. TEACHING METHODS The course will be delivered through an intensive summer school program. REQUIRED TEXTS Students will be provided with course booklets and materials for the week at each class on the day. COST $175 incl GST CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT 1.
Fees are payable by 1 February 2021, online via: SIMTAW Payment Gateway
Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University reserves the right to cancel the program if insufficient enrolments are received. Should we cancel the program any fees paid will be refunded in full.
Students who have not paid fees are not permitted to attend.
Refunds will generally not be given for withdrawals from the Queensland Conservatorium Summer Intensive Music Theory Aural Workshop. No refunds will be given for failure to attend any or all classes.
Withdrawal from the Summer Intensive Music Theory Aural Workshop program after your acceptance for any reason other than certified medical grounds will result in the forfeit of fees.
The Queensland Conservatorium reserves the right to alter details of the 2021 Summer Intensive Music Theory Aural Workshop program including the change of specialist lecturers at any time.
Fees are inclusive of GST but are subject to change at any time.