Lunchtime Concert
RECONCILIATION WEEK 2022 Thursday 2 June Welcome to Country - Dr. Gerardo Dirié A Violin’s Lament Revisited (2022) * Eden Annesley violin The Sticks & Glass Corp Standing With You (2022)* Faith Kayrooz voice & acoustic guitar Praetorius Dances From Terpsichore (pub 1612) Courante – Ballet – Galliard I & II Scarlet Robin Guitar Quartet Tara Lynam Rosie Bisaro Charlie Crook Gabriele Cooke Suite from L’Histoire du soldat (A Soldier’s Tale) (1919) Tango – Valse – Ragtime
Shelby DEVENISH (b.2002)
Faith KAYROOZ (b.2004) Michael PRAETORIUS (1571-1621)
Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)
Kristelle Jaimes violin Josephine Daniel clarinet Rylan Malcolm piano Kandinsky’s Little Accents (2022)* Isaac Reed alto saxophone Sonata for Four Horns (1952) Fugato - Fast French Horn Quartet Prudence Russell Lauren Owens Isabelle Raiz-Scanlon Jessica Piva
Imogen FERDINANDO (b.2002) Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963)
* world premiere