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Volume 12 Issue No. 48 Dec. 2-8, 2011


PRESS Photo by Veronica Lewin


Allen Housing may cancel the rehab project for a Sutphin Boulevard building because of a lone tenant who refuses to budge. By Veronica Lewin…Page 3

Online at

Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011


Holdout Stymies Housing Upgrade An outstanding standoff between a tenant and his landlord has left a Jamaica man in the dark, and the future of a housing project in jeopardy. Fred Jones, the lone tenant at 107-05 Sutphin Blvd., has been fighting to stay in his home for more than a year. He said his troubles began when Allen Affordable Housing Development Fund Corp. entered the Department of Housing Prevention and Development Neighborhood Redevelopment Program in 2006. Under the program, city funds and federal subsidies were allocated for major renovations to the building. Harold Flake, president of the Allen Affordable Housing Development Fund Corp., said at the beginning of the project he tried to get the tenants together to discuss the issues, but the tenants refused to meet on three occasions. To complete the work, tenants were required to temporarily relocate. Jones first agreed to move to one of Allen's other affordable housing units at 89-06 138th St., but was the only tenant to not do so. Jones, who has been a tenant since 1993, says he has no other place to go. He said he had every intention of relocating to the 138th Street building until the CFO at the time, the Rev. Edwin Reed, said the 138th Street building would be closing. A definite closing date was not determined at the time. Jones would not offer additional details on the matter, but cited a failing Congress and concerns about capitalism for the standstill. Because of his insistence, the building

PRESS Photo by Veronica Lewin


in the process of being put back in HPD's possession, where another non-profit will take over the renovation project. Jones said he will meet with the non-profit that takes over the building. The building's owner is sixth on Public Advocate Bill de Blasio's Worst Landlords Watchlist. To be on the list, a landlord must own a building with 35 units and an average of three open, serious violations. The All of the tenants in the 13 unit building have vacated, except for website uses informaFred Jones. Many of the windows are boarded up and the renova- tion from tenants and tion project remains indefinitely on hold. HPD and to determine subpar owners. he calls home has continued to deterioJones said the building lacks hot water rate and the former tenants remain dis- and heating. From Oct. 1 to May 31, placed. In early October, Jones said landlords are required to keep buildings at ConEdison notified him that they would least 55 degrees at night when the outside cut off the power in the building due to temperature is 40 degrees or lower. During outstanding charges. Jones said he was the day, buildings must be at least 68 told he has the right to pay utility bills and degrees if the outside temperature is 55 deduct the amount from his rent to keep degrees or lower. When cooler weather the lights on. arrived, Jones purchased space heaters to Because of the opposition, Flake said stay warm in his home. While he still has the corporation is walking away from the electricity in his apartment, he said the renovation project after putting a signifi- building's stairwells and main entrance cant amount of their money into the build- remain without lights. ing. "We're so fed up with the situation "If they continue to deny me, deprive that we've asked HPD to take the projects me and be evasive with me, this is going to back," Flake said. The building is currently cause us to be at a standstill," Jones said.

According to HPD spokeswoman Juliet Morris, the agency is aware of Jones' living conditions. On Nov. 2 and Nov. 17, HPD issued violations for inadequate heat and electricity in the building's public hallways. They also provided fuel for the boiler. The most recent inspection took place last Friday, Nov. 25. Because the outside temperature was 58 degrees, a heat violation could not be issued. Morris said the hot water was deemed adequate at the time. Flake said he only hears about Jones' living conditions from HPD, not Jones himself. "Unless we hear from him to know that there's an issue, we don't know," Flake said. Flake said the superintendent who checks on the building usually stops by during the day, and would not be aware of a lack of lighting because the building receives ample natural light. The president suspects the building's pipes have been tampered with. "In addition to refusing to move, we have seen numerous amounts of sabotage," Flake said. According to Flake, his employees have found cement in pipes and cement bags in the building in the past. Flake said Jones remaining in the building denied Jones and 12 potential tenants the opportunity to live in renovated affordable housing similar to the corporation's other buildings in Southeast Queens. "We don't want to see anything for Mr. Jones but for him to have a brand new apartment," Flake said. "That's all we want to see." Reach Reporter Veronica Lewin at or (718) 357-7400, Ext. 123.

'Operation Sign Off' Targets Posters look into doing his own Operation Sign Off in Astoria. Individuals and businesses can face fines of $75 for each sign taped or stapled to telephone poles and street lights. On a tree, fines are doubled to $150. Individuals can report illegal signs to 311 and enforcements agents will respond and remove the sign within seven business days. Many street-savvy New Yorkers tend to shrug off these ads as potential scams, but for the number of illegal signs that appear, they have Illegal signs like these in Maspeth are "a form of urban been be cost-effective. blight," said Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. "We have been getting a lot of phone calls since we put the signs up," said the owner of one they call to find out. It works like any ad," company who posted illegal signs in he said, adding that a lot of the phone Queens. The owner said he did not know calls he receives are from customers who it was illegal to post signs on poles and are at first skeptical about his company's would take them down immediately. Nev- legitimacy. ertheless, he said the signs have yielded Reach Reporter Domenick Rafter at business. or (718) 357"People see what we're offering and 7400 Ext. 125.

Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3

Make $50 an hour working from home. Get cash for that old car. Free iPads. Get a free estimate for new windows! Consider it a more traditional form of spam. On the borough's telephone poles, lampposts, traffic lights, elevated train structures and even road signs, illegal advertisements promising a good deal or promoting a political candidate or new musician, have become a symbol of New York City life, and has led to the infamous "Post No Bills" warning on scaffolding at construction sites. But even after the yard sale is over, the lost dog is found, or that mystery gold buyer is no longer buying, rusty staples remain imbedded in the telephone poles, and the glue from the tape has done its damage to lampposts. According to city law, it is illegal to post any type of flyer, whether a commercial ad or a lost dog poster, on any city-owned structure or tree. Now, the indecorous-looking signs are a target of a crackdown by the Dept. of Sanitation looking to get rid of the marketing eyesores that often damage city property.

On Nov. 21, Sanitation enforcement agents removed dozens of illegal signs in Ozone Park, Woodhaven and Richmond Hill in what was called "Operation Sign Off." "These eyesores litter our commercial corridors, making the area less inviting for merchants and shoppers, and often block street signs at busy intersections," said Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park) who joined with Assemblyman Mike Miller (D-Woodhaven) and two Sanitation enforcement agents to remove the signs. Sanitation used phone numbers listed on the signs to issue fines in accordance with city law. Ulrich and Miller's program is a good idea, said Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. (D-Astoria), who had been taking matters into his own hands in his district. "[The signs] annoy the hell out of me. I rip them down every time I see them, and I will call whoever's sign it is and warn them that they'll get a fine if they put them back up," said Vallone. "It's a form of urban blight." Vallone added he does not equate the signs with graffiti, and warns businesses before reporting them. He said he would

PRESS Photo by Domenick Rafter


Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011

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Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

You may qualify for help paying your home heating costs – even if you rent. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) offers grants on a first-come, first-served basis to those who truly need help. For more information, call the NYC Human Resources Administration at 1-800-692-0557 today.

Editorial OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Executive Editor:

Brian Rafferty Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Clearing The Dust The fact that asbestos exists in an aging apartment complex is not unusual for Queens. It was a useful product that was widespread in its application all across our borough. What strikes us as unusual is to see that when reported in a public housing setting, asbestos seems to fall into the same category as a leaky roof or cracked window – send it to the bottom of the long list of needed fixes and upgrades that ever-diminishing budgets preclude. We do not fault the agency constrained by dwindling resources for its ability to react to every instance at the crack of a whip – that would be unrealistic. What we question is whether it has got its priorities straight. According to lab results, there are dangerous levels of asbestos in at least one Pomonok apartment, and the sheer size of the complex makes us fairly certain that this is not an isolated case. So where is the response? What is the priority? What is being done to put the health and well-being of residents at the top of the list? We applaud newly-minted Assemblyman Mike Simanowitz for vowing to get to the bottom of this, and hope he can get some answers, where the residents of Pomonok have been unable.

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Harley Benson Veronica Lewin Domenick Rafter Jason Banrey Ross Barkan Art Dept:

Sara Gold Rhonda Leefoon Candice Lolier Barbara Townsend Advertising Director James Mammarella Sr. Account Executive Shelly Cookson Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Martin Moor Shari Strongin

A Queens Tribune Publication. © Copyright 2011 Tribco, LLC

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011

Michael Schenkler, President & Publisher

Michael Nussbaum, Vice President, Associate Publisher

Letters Non-Profit Aid

To The Editor: As many in Queens will tell you, there are many non-profit organizations throughout the borough that have helped thousands of people get back on their feet. Non-profit organizations have traditionally been exempt from paying property taxes on buildings they own and provide

services in, like churches and nonprofit affordable housing developers. However, the city has recently decided to require these organizations to verify their nonprofit status or risk losing their property tax exemption. In some cases these organizations would cease to exist without the property tax exemption. Within the past month, the City has sent two notification

Letters letters with forms that the organizations are required to fill out to keep their exemption status. Out of the thousands of letters that were sent out there are still 3,928 organizations that the city is waiting to hear from and 738 of them are located in Queens. For small organizations that do not have dedicated administrative staff, like many churches, this can be burdensome as they prepare to help people during this holiday season, especially considering the short notice they received – all verification forms are due Dec. 5. One of them is Oneness Pentecostal Tabernacle on Linden Boulevard; they have a small staff but have been a staple in the community for many years. Unfortunately, they do not currently have a staff person dedicated to handling their finances, taking away time from the pastors running these programs. While verification of these facilities may be necessary, it comes at a precarious time. Whether this was done intentionally or not to capture future revenues is uncertain. What is certain is that organizations will be required to exert what little time, energy and resources they have in turning around these forms, instead of

concentrating on providing critically needed services. With so many people unable to afford their mortgages, rent, health insurance and other necessities, this is not the time to impose onerous information requests from organizations that help people in need. Accountability, transparency, and accurate reporting are essential to ensure compliance, but there has to be a better methodology employed that allows organizations – particularly ones with very little staff – to respond to these requests in an efficient and timely manner. Some 738 organizations in Queens have yet to respond to the City’s notice. While I work with my fellow City Council colleagues to reach out to these groups, I will, not only advocate for more time to complete these forms, but ask why, while we are still struggling to get the economy moving again, we are suddenly burdening institutions that have been serving people for years by threatening to take their resources away? For organizations that need help obtaining the forms, or any other questions, call my office at (718) 776-3700. Leroy Comrie, City Council

The Tale Of A Man And His Doctor A Personal Perspective


Nearly two and a half years after the shocking death of the world’s most famous entertainer, his doctor has been sentenced for the recklessness that led to the death. A jury found, and the judge agreed, that Dr. Conrad Murray’s actions led to the death of Michael Jackson and he must pay with (modest) jail time. Dr. Murray, as the trial brought out, made a series of stupid decisions that led to his patient’s untimely death. Adding insult to injury, Murray’s defense tactic was to blame the victim for his own death. He sedated the underweight Jackson with a powerful anesthetic and a number of other powerful sleep medicines, leaving him alone without electronic monitors while he went off to make personal phone calls. Equally appalling, he did not even know how to perform CPR properly, delaying the start of CPR and the call for help. Then the defense tried to sell a bill of goods that Jackson must have gotten up and either injected himself with more propofol or took it orally. Not once did anyone hear an apology – not even at the sen-

tencing – or see signs of remorse and that is what angered the judge and led to the maximum sentence of four years for a criminal homicide case, which Judge Michael Pastor called, “medicine madness,” and a “horrific violation of trust.” Jackson’s family has blamed the production team for his comeback tour as well. They claim the team was so bent on getting the needed performance out of the sleep deprived singer, they hired a quack to take care of him. The patient clearly had addiction issues and they should have been handled by a professional in that field, not by a cardiologist from Houston. But Jackson trusted this man to keep him alive while he dozed under anesthesia. Remember, these sorts of drugs are so dangerous that during surgery the anesthesiologist has to hang around to monitor the patient while the surgeon performs the operation. The surgeon and the nurses are not the ones putting the patient under. That is the job of a doctor trained in that field. Now the question that has been asked about Jackson’s decision to use an anesthetic associated with surgery in a hospital is, “who does that?!” Well, the uber talented enter-

tainer lost grip on reality long ago. When you are Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley, there are some doctors who lose their sense of professionalism and perspective under the glare of the star’s wattage. And what the patient wants, the doctor provides. Some of us have been around long enough to recall Presley’s “Dr. Feelgood.” That would be Dr. George Nichopoulos, who reportedly wrote more than 10,000 prescriptions for “The King,” which many believe led (at least cumulatively) to his death at a mere 42 years old back in 1977. These misguided physicians – and there are more than these two doctors – over medicate their patients and they do it for the outrageous sums of money they are being paid. Remember Anna Nicole Smith and her team as well? Ironically, Murray killed Jackson so quickly he did not even get to collect his first check. He was hired at a reported $150,000 per month to treat one self-indulgent patient; but he did not have the good sense to keep him alive. The patient should not have been allowed to tell the doctor what kind of treatment he wanted. The doctor should have been professional enough to decide a proper course of treatment or leave. The two of them together

in that house sound like a nightmare Mary Shelley could’ve cooked up a la the novel, Frankenstein – an experiment gone horribly wrong. Let’s not forget, though, over prescribing doesn’t just happen with celebrity patients. Too many doctors are too quick with the prescription pad. Too often the symptom, rather than the cause, gets treated for sleeplessness and depression. We just hear about it more when the patients are famous. Jackson had more talent in his feet than most people have in their entire body. He was, to borrow one of his favorite expressions, magic. But he never found happiness with himself. He had a dermatologist who peeled him white; a plastic surgeon who “fixed” his nose into oblivion; and then he found Murray who drugged him to death. When he died on June 25, 2009 at age 50, a friend of mine remarked, “Well, careful what you ask for. All Michael Jackson wanted was sleep and he got it. He’s sleeping forever.” So now Jackson has eternal sleep and his doctor is probably the one with insomnia now. I feel for them both. But we shouldn’t lose sleep over it.

Police Blotter Compiled By ROSS BARKAN

100th Precinct

Water Death

On Friday, Nov. 25, at approximately 4:28 p.m. in the waters of Jamaica Bay, police responded to a 911 call of a man in the water. The NYPD Harbor Unit discovered a 39-year-old man unconscious and unresponsive in the water. EMS also responded to the scene and pronounced him dead on arrival. There was no criminality suspected. The identity of the man was pending proper family notification.

Thrilling Sea Rescue

On Sunday, Nov. 27, at approximately 1:19 p.m., a 46-year-old man called 911 from his cell phone to report that he was in the ocean about a mile from Jacob Riis Park, and his kayak was quickly taking on water. NYPD Harbor Unit boats immediately began searching for the lone kayaker. Two NYPD SCUBA divers were deployed into the water from the helicopter and the fisherman was secured in a rescue basket. Lifted into the helicopter for the flight back to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, the fisherman was suffering from severe hypothermia. EMS met the arriving crew at the airfield and transported the man to New York Community Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition.

101st Precinct

Shot In The Head

On Thursday, Nov. 24, at 10:38 p.m. in front of 13-60 Beach Channel Drive, police responded to a 911 call of a man shot. Upon arrival, police observed Eric Norman, 18, with a gunshot wound to the head. EMS responded and pronounced him dead on arrival at the scene. There were no arrests and the investigation was ongoing.

103rd Precinct

Double Stabbing

On Thursday, Nov. 24, at 11:57 p.m., in front of 90-19 143rd St., police observed two victims stabbed. The first victim, a 26-yearold Hispanic man, was stabbed numerous times in the torso and was transported to Jamaica Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The second victim, also a 26-year-old Hispanic man, was stabbed once in the torso and was listed in stable condition at Jamaica Hospital. There were no arrests.

104th Precinct

L Train Assault

Tayari McClellan, 19, was arrested and charged with assault and harassment Nov. 8 at approximately 2:10 a.m., on the Queens bound “L” train at Myr tleWyckoff. The victim, a 25-year-old man, was assaulted by three black men.

107th, 108th Precincts

Gas Station Heists

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance in identifying suspects wanted for gas station robberies. On Saturday, Nov. 19, at approximately 7:20 p.m., the suspects walked into the Mobil gas station located at 96-27 Queens Blvd. and demanded money. The suspects, both of whom were armed with semi-automatic handguns, removed approximately $1,000 from the location as well as personal property from two employees and a customer. The suspects fled northbound on 63rd Road. There were no injuries. On Saturday, Nov. 19, at approximately 7:50 p.m., the suspects entered the Gulf gas station located at 138-19 Hillside Ave. When the cash register opened, the suspects held up semi-automatic handguns and removed approximately $1,500 and fled the location on the eastbound service road of the Van Wyck Expressway. There were no injuries. One suspect is a black man between 20 and 25 years old, weighing 150 lbs. and wearing a red jacket with yellow stripes on the sleeve and “Brooklyn” on the front, blue jeans with a light beard, mustache, and corn rows in his hair. He was armed with a black semi-automatic handgun. The second suspect is a black man between 20 and 25, weighing 150 lbs. and wearing a blue sweat shirt with white

stripes on sleeves, blue jeans, dark knit hat. He was armed with a brown semiautomatic handgun. Anyone with information in regards to either of these robberies is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.

111th Precinct

Killed On Clearview

On Sunday, Nov. 27, at approximately noon, Farook Husseil, 57, was struck on the Clearview Expressway and 35th Avenue. Police determined that Husseil, a passenger of a vehicle that was pulled over on the shoulder of the southbound Clearview Expressway, was struck by a 2010 Freightliner box truck also traveling southbound on the Clearview. EMS responded and transported Husseil to Flushing Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Both vehicles remained on the scene. There was no criminality suspected.

113th Precinct

Dead Baby

On Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 12:35 p.m. police discovered a newborn baby boy unconscious at 164-19 120th Ave. EMS pronounced the baby dead. The Medical Examiner was to determine the cause of death and the investigation was ongoing.

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Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

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Public Sees Congress As Fools or Knaves By EDWARD I. KOCH fears and frustrations of those who Congress is a joke. Today there believe our system of government is absolutely no respect has failed them seizing for those who were absolute power with elected to represent us popular consent. in the House and SenThere will always be ate. The reasons for this those who say it can’t lack of respect are many. happen here. Overwhelmingly, the I say, yes it can. public sees Congress as I don’t know of a fools because, while they single figure in governwere elected to address ment, from the Presiand solve the problems dent on down, who is be set t ing our nat ion, overwhelmingly reEd Koch including a nine percent spected. Congre ss is unemployment rate, members of now viewed favorably by only 9 Congress appear far more inter- percent of the public according to ested in party politics and reelec- a New York Times/CBS News poll tion. There appears to be no ma- of last month. No one expects jor effort to rise above party affili- universal respect, but that is a danation and responsibly address the gerously low number. Frankli n nation’s problems and save the Delano Roosevelt had a significant Republic. number of critics throughout his In a way, this is the behavior career, but overwhelmingly he was pat tern adopted by t he 1920s loved or at least respected. I don’t German parliamentarians during believe that is true of the way the the Weimar Republic, which led to public views President Obama. He the public’s turning to dictatorship has a current favorable rating of 45 and ultimately to Adolf Hitler for percent. leadership. We are lucky that in our What has happened to us that democracy, the extremist radicals we no longer seem to elect leadon the right and left have had no ers at all levels of government who significant electorate appeal. Nev- create confidence? Regrettably, in ertheless, the fact that our democ- many situat ions, t he ver y be st racy is not beset by radicals should people, the ablest people, will not not cloud our reasoning. There is consider running for elective office. always the danger of a charismatic They simply do not want to subfanatic rising up, manipulating the ject themselves and their families

to the slings, stones and arrows that are hurled at candidates every day of the year. Many voters also see members of Congress as knaves. Witness the recent piece on “60 Minutes” on CBS-TV about two weeks ago reporting on members of Congress who, while enacting laws bearing upon the stock market, used inside information — not available to the public — to purchase or sell stocks, making profits in the millions in some cases. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was alleged to be one such member. Apparently, members of Congress are not subject to insider information restrictions that apply to everyone else. It seems to me there is an easy way to prevent that abuse. Congress should require its members to place their stock portfolios in blind trusts, so members cannot use their insider information for themselves or others. Also passing whatever laws are needed to apply existing insider information rules to Congress, as well as the public. The bi-par t isan supercommit tee of six Senators and six members of the House, which was given the authority to come up with a plan to reduce the country’s $14 trillion national debt by $1.2 trillion over 10 years, reported last week its total failure to reach an agreement. The commit-

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011

Fair Lines Mean Fair Votes By HENRY J. STERN For the past year, we have been watching closely the redistricting process in New York State. As you know, the U.S. Constitution requires the states to redraw legislative and congressional districts every 10 years, on the basis of the Census. The Constitution doe s not, howe ver, specif y how t he state s Henry should do this, except to require that the populations of the various districts should be approximately equal. Recent court decisions require the protection of racial minorities. Beyond that, almost anything goes. The historic practice of tailoring districts for partisan advantage is called gerrymandering, after Massachuset ts Gov. Elbridge Gerr y (1744-1814), whose surname was incidentally pronounced with a hard “G.” It describes a scheme involving convoluted district boundaries, structured to concentrate voters of one political party in a district where they could prevail, and to divide districts in which the opposition

party might have a majority. These techniques have been rudely but rhythmically described as “stacking, cracking, hacking and packing.” They are intended to frustrate the will of the voters by creating safe seats for incumbents, which would minimize the effect of the voters’ choice bet ween candidate s in compet it ive elections. When public Stern officials are frequently chosen in party primaries, rather than general elections, political bosses and party contributors generally have more influence. In cases where the general elections are decisive, the people, including those who choose not to join political parties, have a greater voice. The blight of the gerrymander extends beyond unfairly drawing lines which favor one group over a nother. It i nfluence s t he choice of candidates by each party, the tenor of public debate, and the issues that will be raised in campaigns. In general, incumbents draw lines to favor other incumbents, so that the public seeking change is frustrated at how few

opportunities there are to have a realistic chance to elect new candidates to open seats. Although the trappings of democracy are maintained, legislative power is held by a self-perpetuating oligarchy. T h is hypocrisy le ssens people’s confidence in government for good reason: it is not their government but an array of cliques and regimes wh ich remain in power through adroit use of incumbency, patronage and gerrymandering; the legislators who draw the playing field have little inclination to keep it level. This year there has been substantial public interest in districting reform, particularly in the demand for professional, nonpolitical panels to draw lines according to objective standards. Mayor Koch, Citizens Union and good government groups across the state, including NYPIRG, the League of Women Voters and Common Cause, have called for a nonpartisan commission; no one publicly opposes the idea. Gov. Andre w Cuomo has promised to veto any redistricting plan he deems unfair. It is however not easy to decide, precisely what is fair and, moreover, just how fair a plan must be.

tee failed in its mission despite the fact that it had a template on which to build — the SimpsonBowles plan — that involves debt reduction of $4 trillion through a combination of expense reductions and revenue increases. The Republicans on the supercommittee refused to accept any revenue increases, and the Democrats and President Obama were unable to change the mind of a single Republican on the supercommittee. The commit tee member s should be shunned by their congressional colleagues for that failure and rejected by their constituents in the coming election of 2012. Let me suggest the measures that the supercommit tee could have adopted which would have yielded close to $4 trillion in new revenues: 1. Allow Medicare to provide drugs to Medicare beneficiaries using volume discounts — now prohibited by law — in purchasing, saving a trillion dollars over ten years. 2. Create a national stock transfer tax covering everyone, no mat ter where the stock is purchased or sold, raising at least a trillion dollars over 10 years. 3. Require all corporations retaining profits overseas to repatriate those monies within one year or be subject to a 15 percent annual surcharge, providing billions of dollars over the next 10 years. 4. Reduce the value of all loopholes in the tax code by 50 percent until the tax code is revised. I believe that would raise another trillion over 10 years. To t he above revenue i ncreases, I would add expense reductions three times as large. That would be the grandest of bargains. One of the reasons our Congress is so ineffective is because of

the enormous power of private special intere st mone y to sway elections. Raising money for those not wishing to sell their souls in exchange for financial support is becoming very difficult. It is obvious that Congress is captive to Wall Street as a key source of campaign contributions. It would be wonderful if those contributions were made in support of good government. But we know that isn’t true. The United States was created by a revolution, a rebellion. A Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson said, “God forbid we should ever be twent y year s without such a rebellion.” The time for that rebellion is now. Fortunately, it can take the form of a constitutional amendment. The amendment, introduced by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Dick Durbin (DIL), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Mark Begich (DAK) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), would allow the federal and state governments to limit campaign contributions and campaign spending, not now limitable by law as a re sult of several U.S. Supreme Court decisions. I believe this effort to limit the power of special interests at the federal and state levels is the most important issue before the American people today. All of us should volunteer when the campaign begins to pass the Udall amendment in Congress where a two-thirds vote in favor is required in both Houses and in the state legislatures where three-fourths of the states must ratify. God Bless our Republic and its people. Mayor Koch was a member of Congress from New York State from 1969 through 1977.

Not 4 by Dom Nunziato

A Pledge For Tolerance:

New Remonstrance Unites Borough Divided By Hate, Misunderstanding

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011

The little boy who drew swastikas in the laundry room of Assemblyman Mike Simanowitz’s (D-Flushing) building was caught red-handed, but his intent, as the assemblyman sadly noted, wasn’t inherently malicious. The boy had no idea what a swastika was. He was simply acting on the hate of others, and this, Simanowitz said, was unacceptable. “We need to teach tolerance for all to our schoolchildren,” Simanowitz said. “Unfortunately, in many cases, hate and intolerance is learned at the home, and we need to do more as a society to teach our children that our troops are overseas fighting for liberty and freedom, and we at home should not disgrace their sacrifice by not accepting people for who they are.” Simanowitz was one of many politicians and local leaders to gather in Flushing Town Hall on Nov. 23, the day before Thanksgiving, to reaffirm that hate crimes are unacceptable and have no place in Queens, or anywhere else. Organized by Queens Jewish Community Council board member and PRESS of Southeast Queens Associate Publisher Michael Nussbaum, the event asked each speaker at the gathering – which included State Sen. Toby Stavisky (D-Flushing), Councilman Peter Koo (R-Flushing), Councilman Danny Dromm (D-Jackson Heights), Assemblywoman Grace Meng (D-Flushing), Assemblyman Mike DenDekker (D-Jackson Heights), Assemblyman Ed Braunstein (D-Bayside), Rabbi Michael Miller, the Rev. Floyd Flake, and DA Richard Brown – to sign a pledge against intolerance. Organizers viewed the new document

Tribune Photos by Ira Cohen


Local leaders gathered to stand up to hate crimes. as a reflection of the Flushing Remonstrance, a 354-year-old petition to early colonial leader Peter Stuyvesant protesting prohibitions against religious practices other than those of the Dutch Reformed Church. Intended specifically to tolerate Quaker worship, the document did not actually have any Quaker signers, and served as the first expression of the right of religious freedom in the Western Hemisphere – it was a blueprint for the First Amendment of the Constitution, which did not appear for another 180 years. “The message today is we’re not going to accept hate crime and intolerance,” said Nussbaum, who said the new pledge would appear online soon. This time, the Remonstrance has been granted new language to reflect the centuries that have passed since Flushing was called Vlissingen and Northern Boulevard was nothing but northern forest. A recent spate of hate crimes, such as the appearance of swastikas on synagogues and libraries in Jackson Heights, motivated the collective of political, religious, and civic leaders to take a firm and public stand against such acts. Queens County is the nation’s most diverse borough, with immigrants comprising nearly

Borough President Helen Marshall signs the new anti-hate pledge.

50 percent of the population. “We’d all have to agree there is a rise in hate crime,” said Flake. “As human beings we have a responsibility to one another. That responsibility is to each other, which precludes our believing that anyone is less than we are, and that we are all equal in the eyes of God and we’re all

equal the eyes of the law.” After Flake and Brown spoke, each speaker took a turn reading from the updated language of the Pledge. As the only elected official in New York State of Dutch heritage, DenDekker said he felt a special connection to the reaffirmation of the Remonstrance. “As our great nation was born, we carved from its foundations self evident truths and basic rights,” DenDekker read, beginning the pledge. “The concepts of liberty, of freedom, of spirit, and of hope are enumerated by our forbearers.” With the Remonstrance signed, the leaders hope a new era of tolerance will be born in New York City. “Please, keep up the work everybody’s doing,” said Borough President Helen Marshall. “No matter who the person is, if they need help, give it to them.” Reach Reporter Ross Barkan at or (718) 3577400, Ext. 127.

A Pledge For Tolerance & Understanding As our great nation was born, we carved from its foundation of self-evident truths and basic rights the concepts of liberty, of freedom, of spirit and of hope as enumerated by our forebears, most of whom once had loyalty to a foreign crown. For more than two centuries now we have stood shoulder-to-shoulder as men, women and children of every color, race, nationality and background, building communities, building schools and building futures. We have chosen, wisely, an organic system of governance based not on our noblest traits but on our inherent tendencies: “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” As always, painful debates over our shared civic life threaten to set us apart from one another. As a growing rift between those of means and those without deepens, as differences of color, ethnicity, race and religion gain heated prominence in our increasingly diverse society, and as debates over infrastructure, housing and other aspects of urban living become acute, we must not let our inclinations toward separatism undo good work undertaken by generations of well-meaning ancestors. We turn our eye to Queens County, New York, to a birthplace of freedom and tolerance in the Western Hemisphere, to the words of the freeholders of Flushing in 1657 who condemned the creation of a law that would stop people

from living free lives, and we say that though we enjoy our liberties and remain independent of tyranny, we must reaffirm our commitment to mutual dependence and prosperity based on the energy and dynamism of our multiethnic heritage. Our greatest strengths lie in our differences, in the things that distinguish us from one another. Where one may fail another excels, and that knowledge of diverse experiences builds potency in us as a people. We have never been able afford simply co-exist, simply being tolerant of one another, but from time to time this truth – also self-evident – needs to be publicly reaffirmed. A focus just on differences divides us, splitting us under a veneer of unity, constructed by a continuous undercurrent of negativity. Our communities are better than this, and stand united in defiance of intolerance. Every man, woman and child of this county, this city, this state and this nation, regardless of ideology, history or philosophy, is our brother and our sister. Together we face an open future free from hate, bigotry, fear and persecution. We, therefore, must be resolved to shun negativity and fear – the wellsprings of intolerance and hostility, embrace the new – a source of our strength and security, and seek enlightenment from those who do not act, speak, believe or think the way we do. It has always been through this commitment to interdependence that our communities and economies have prospered, and now, in our increasingly diverse city and county, it is how we will continue to progress.


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In scenes throughout Queens last Friday, shoppers jammed their way into retail stores hoping to catch some Black Friday deals. Clockwise from top left: Photos by Ira Cohen


Black FFriday riday In Queens

Southeast Queens Photos Edited By Harley Benson

The subway was overwhelmed with shoppers.

Consumers finally make their way inside.

Lines stretched around Queens Center Mall.

Shoppers wait patiently for the stores to open.

The frenzy begins as shoppers file in.

Downtown Committee Meets On Wednesday, Nov. 9, the Downtown Committee of the Greater Jamaica Development Corp. held its bi-monthly meeting. Photos by Walter Karling

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011

Frederica Jeffries explaining youth initiatives of the District Attorney's office.

Luis Batista reflected on past successes of the organization such as the yearly Jams Festival on Jamaica Avenue.

Derek Irby high-lighted recent marketing trends in the local business area.

Tyra Emerson spoke on the forthcoming programing of her organization

An always well-attended meeting of area shakers and movers. The next rendezvous of the Committee is scheduled for Jan. 11.

Teresa Bishop urging audience members to participate in the benefits of social media networking.

Discussing the meeting agenda and a smile for the camera: featured speakers Assistant District Attorney Frederica Jeffries of the Office of Queens DA Richard Brown; Derek Irby, the Executive Director of the 165th Street Mall Association; Teresa Bishop, owner of Lifestyle Awards; the Executive Director Tyra Emerson and Administrative Assistant Luis Batista of the Cultural Collaborative of Jamaica; and William Martin, the Chairman of the Downtown Committee.

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Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13

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Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011


Nonprofit Org Beats To A New Drum BY ALESSANDRA MALITO

thing. Those standing by the window preparing to be body painted were naked. It was the first event held by Emerging To her, it was a sign that everything was going to be okay. Artists Connect, and the presiEmerging Artists Connect, dent of the nonprofit group was EAC, is an up-and-coming nona bit concerned. Worrying profit organization geared toabout the lights inside not ward networking in the enterworking, she didn’t think much tainment industry, and its about what someone asked her, president and CEO is 22-yearso she told her staff to just set old Jessy Taveras. up the body painting station by Taveras founded the comthe window. pany on her feeling that there Slowly but surely traffic was not enough camaraderie started accumulating down between artists in the local busiBedford Avenue in Brooklyn. She looked up and saw the Emerging Artists ness. With just the idea that she faces of countless men slow- Connect’s first event kicked around with friends, she ing down in their cars and star- featured body paint- got a few people together and ing into the windows, eyes ing, which turned heads tried something out. “I noticed a lot of artists are bulged out like those of a car- in Brooklyn. introverted,” Taveras said, addtoon. Then she realized some-

Restaurant Review

Yum Is Still The King

Chinese-Italian fusion dish. And the turnovers, light and flaky, are actually pastry stuffed with a barbecue-style pork. Robin joked that they’re not on the menu yet because he’s the only chef in-house who knows how to make them. Time will change that. Speaking of time, King Yum does not rush its customers – they’re not looking to turn tables over; they want you to have a good time. Just ask our server, George, who encouraged us to slow down and enjoy. I think he also wanted us to stay for karaoke, which kicks off at 8 p.m. every Friday night (and at 7 p.m. Wednesdays). As we took our time, it seems that the staff was not as laid back – hurriedly putting together a slew of dishes for our shared main courses, which were inspired and creative. Wor Shu Beef, an enormous sirloin on the bone with a barbecued ginger sauce; General Tso’s Chicken, light and spicy without too hard of a kick; Polynesian Duck, the breast of which is the best part, with that succulent layer of fat and crisp skin; and the non-menu item surprise that seems simple but is entirely uncomplicated and brilliant – the Chinese Sausage Fried Rice, melding the zesty flavor and chewy texture of the sausage with the user-friendly familiarity of your classic fried rice dishes. Needless to say, there were leftovers – which didn’t last 24 hours in our house. Each dish was a perfect execution of that Cantonese style with a flair for presentation and flavor combinations learned in culinary school. In short, King Yum has emerged from its brief transition as strong a powerhouse as it has ever been, offering a mix of traditional and new cuisine that is sure to delight the most discerning palate. —Brian M. Rafferty

Queens Kids To Sing At Carnegie Hall Show The Abigail Adams Children’s Chorus (AACC) at PS 131 in Jamaica has been selected as the only children’s chorus from New York City to perform at “Tim Janis: The American Christmas Carol,” benefit concert for Wounded Warriors and VA war Veterans across America and New York, Mission to the Fatherless in Kenya and the overall project Celebrate America. The concert is schedule for the evening of Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. at Carnegie Hall, and the two other children’s choruses performing are ChildrenSong of New Jersey and Celebrate America Choir. PS 131 Abigail Adams Children’s Chorus will perform with ChildrenSong of New Jersey, Celebrate America Choir , Steven Van Zandt, John Lloyd Young, Emily Bear, 2011Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame selected artist Darlene Love, and other up and coming pop artists.

This collaboration with other children and with renowned artists for the benefit of charitable causes is not only an honor for the Borough of Queens but also for New York City Board of Education. It will also help build our children’s character, pride of citizenship, and moral values, as well as fostering discipline, respect teamwork, emotional sensitivity, and mutual understanding through singing and music-making. Founded in 2007, the Abigail Adams Children’s Chorus, a non-profit organization, is comprised of children ages 8-11, skillfully guided by Choral Director Marisol Ponte-Greenberg. The AACC offers its children unique musical, educational and life-enhancing experiences through a Kodaly based music education program and performance of the finest repertoire. To learn more, go to events.

Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15

KING YUM 181-08 Union Tpke., Fresh Meadows (718) 380-1918 CUISINE: Cantonese, Polynesian Hours: 11:30 am to 11 pm, Mon-Thu, 11:30 am to midnight Fri & Sat; noon to 11 pm Sun CREDIT CARDS: All Major PARKING: Street It has been a couple of years since the death of “Uncle” Jimmy Eng, the legendary proprietor of King Yum Restaurant in Fresh Meadows. In the time that has passed, the restaurant – one of the only classic Cantonese-style left in the City – has undergone an internal transformation, coming to terms with its identity while leaving its classic exterior and décor untouched. Today, King Yum’s new culinary leader, Uncle Jimmy’s son, Robin Eng, has introduced to the menu some of the dishes he perfected in his recent Culinary Institute of America training. Though they may not all be on the printed menu yet, we had a chance to sample some of the new dishes – and King Yum favorites – and walked away thoroughly satisfied. Last Friday night we sat in a corner, peering out at the rest of the diners, as a sampling of appetizers were brought for our enjoyment. The night started with the classic Wonton Soup, filled with richly f lavored broth, meaty wontons and fresh scallions; a short and simple bouche amuse (though certainly not the one-bite variety), the soup set the pace for things to come. This was followed by Spicy Chicken Wings, panko-crusted calamari with a sweet and spicy sauce, classic Cantonese Spare Ribs and a new CIAinspired dish – Pork Turnovers. The ribs and wings are just what you would imagine them to be. The calamari has a look of onion rings in size but the flavor of a

“I went from being a family screw up ing that the musicians will work on their music and the artists will work on their art and drop out to getting a 4.0,” Taveras with the goal not to sell out. “They don’t said. Rob Lawless is Tavera’s cousin and a realize they need others to really expand. member of a band, Solmenta, which works They need a team of others.” with EAC, and sees her on professional Enter EAC. With a foundation that people need and familial levels. “She definitely knows the to work with each other, difference between the two,” rather than alone, the organiLawless said, adding that nothzation brings artists together ing changes because he is her that otherwise might not concousin. “She’s definitely got a sider using an outside source. good head on her shoulders. For example, a band can She knows the different times use a painter to do album art. to be family and getting down A photographer can use a and busy.” model to do a photo shoot Because of EAC, Lawless and headshots, and can film found his bass player, who bands because they’re always Jessy Taveras, presi- Taveras suggested to him. so active on stage. “She knows her styles “Everyone sort of needs dent and CEO of each other but they don’t re- Emerging Artists right, knows what meshes really well,” he said. “Not everyally realize it,” Taveras said. Connect. one wants to come see local “That’s where EAC comes in bands who are not on the rato help them notice their potential – to grow together rather than on your own.” dio, not everybody knows where to go to She’s seen progress in Queens, where promote themselves or show off their talents, and with EAC, she’s making it some she’s originally from. “I feel like Queens is really starting to more of a home so you know where to go make a name for itself,” she said. “The present your talent and take it from there. For Taveras, who grew up in Ozone whole Astoria/Long Island City area is very artistic and almost in competition Park, EAC takes up about 50 hours of the with Williamsburg and the Lower East week. “There is no decision that does not Side. You have more successful artists, more paying clients; that’s what I’ve per- get run by me,” the CEO said. “I literally sonally noticed. I think the arts scene in have a say in everything.” As of right now, the organization is Queens specifically is booming really fast.” Unlike Manhattan, she’s noticed, going through the paperwork to become “Queens and other boroughs are more free- a nonprofit, but at the moment makes no flowing, out of the box and quirky and do money – just enough to pay off the venue whatever they feel is more comfortable as fees, according to Taveras. EAC charges $10 in advance and $15 at the door for opposed to whatever will make them.” The CEO is a high school dropout most events, which helps cover the costs of supplies, paint, costumes and venues, turned college graduate. She ended up dropping out of high including security. Now EAC has a storeschool, getting her GED, which is a de- front in Brooklyn. For Taveras, EAC costs gree equivalent to a high school diploma, $1,500 a month, not including the rent for the shop. and attending Full Sail University.


Take A Break From The Ordinary


keting and substitute teaching, Gentillon decided to work for herself and open a A new store in Downtown Jamaica is business. She spent three years researchhoping to encourage people to break ing the clothing industry on Jamaica Avaway from the national chain stores on enue and asked a friend for advice. Using Jamaica Avenue, in exchange for a per- cash she had saved up, Le Bourgeosie sonal shopping experience some people Boutique opened its doors in May 2010. travel to the outer borGentillon said many oughs for. of her shoppers say her Le Bourgeosie Bouboutique could thrive in tique almost seems out of a neighborhood like place at 94-29 Merrick SoHo. “I get that a lot, Blvd., nestled between but I want Queens.” She several auto body shops. said she wants people in The hot pink walls, chic Queens to shop in the decor and Top 40 music borough, which would be distract shoppers from the good for the overall nearby sound of engines economy. Gentillon also and offer consumers an hopes people from other experience that rivals bouboroughs will think of tiques found in trendier shopping in Queens beneighborhoods. Marie fore taking a trip to ManGentillon, the store’s Le Bourgeosie Boutique offers hattan. owner, said she felt it was chic options locally. The Jamaica resident important to bring a highenjoys designing jeans end shopping experience to Queens, and tights, but makes other items as well. where so many shops are chain stores. Now that Gentillon has a newborn at “What kind of uniqueness are they home, she said it takes her two to three bringing to the area?” asked Gentillon. days to make an item, but used to create Gentillon, a former political science clothing in one day. The boutique highmajor, did not originally see herself own- lights her own fashion line – Bossey – as ing a boutique. After holding jobs in mar- well as clothing and jewelry from up and

coming designers from the area. The bou- presence in the area by making it known tique also carries vintage Gucci and that people can purchase quality fashion Hermes accessories. Sizes range from without leaving the borough. Her motto is small to 3X, but quantities are limited due “Bringing the City to Queens,” something to the ever-changing selection of apparel. she strives to do each day the business is “We strive to be different,” Gentillon said. open. Five years from now, Gentillon hopes With the help of just an assistant, to be continuing to run a successful bouGentillon runs the boutique, with hopefully a tique six days a week. Even few more locations in when the store is closed, the area. Gentillon’s mind is always In addition to runon the boutique. She ning a boutique, spends her time outside of Gentillon is using her the store researching, business for several looking at clothes and projects in the commubrainstorming ways to imnity. Every Friday, stuprove the business. “This dents from PS 116 use is my bread and butter, so the boutique as a space I have to make it work,” to discuss teen topics. Marie Gentillon Gentillon said. She also hosts food Gentillon said she had decor and design a good turnout on Black workshops for people Friday. Two of her customers who trav- aspiring to get into the business. eled from Brooklyn were surprised to find On Dec. 10, Le Bourgeosie Boutique the boutique in Downtown Jamaica, some- will partner with Queens Elite, Inc. to host thing Gentillon is proud of. Through the a fashion show and fund-raiser. One-third holiday season, Le Bourgeosie Boutique of the proceeds will benefit a Christian is having a sale on all apparel and cloth- School in Haiti. For more information, ing with dresses as low as $20. The store call (347) 925-7935. also offers layaway for customers to comReach Reporter Veronica Lewin at pete with the larger retail stores. or (718) 357-7400, Gentillon said she hopes to increase her Ext. 123.

Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17


Send typed announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS, SEND ALL DATES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

SINGLES CHANUKAH DANCE Sunday, December 25 at 8 at the Little Neck Jewish Center, 49-10 Little Neck Parkway. 516-487-0674.

THEATER RUMORS Through December 11 “Rumors” by Neil Simon will be presented at the Bayswater Jewish Center in Far Rockaway. $15-18. 516-2392632. TWO PIECES OF… Through December 11 “ With Over Two Pieces of Luggage” will be presented at the Greek Cultural Center in Astoria. 726-7329. KILLING KOMPANY Friday, February 3 “Murder by Marriage” at Riccardo’s in Astoria. The Killing Company performs mystery dinner shows. 1-888-SHOOTEM for information.

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011

PARENTS CHILD CARE GIVERS Monday, December 5 at the Langston Hughes library at 5:30. Learn about how children grow and learn, strategies for working with children in your home and more. 254-7354 to register. RENAISSANCE SCHOOL Wednesday, December 7 Board of Trustees meeting at 6:45 at 35-59 81 st Street, Jackson Heights. FAMILY BOOK TALK Thursday, December 8 family book discussion for parents with children in grades 4-6 at the Glen Oaks library. Register. PARENTING ISSUES Saturday, December 10 parenting issues at 3 at the Jackson Heights library.

DANCE COUNTRY WESTERN Saturday, December 10 Gunsmoke performs at the Christmas Dance with a visit from Santa. $12. Glendale Memorial Building, 72-02 Myrtle Avenue at 7:30. 7634328. LINE DANCING Saturdays 2-4 at Holy Family RC Parish Church, Msgr. Mahoney Hall, Fresh Meadows. Light refreshments.


TEENS JOB SEARCH Saturdays, December 3, 17 Job Search Boot Camp at the Central library at 10:30. JEWELRY WORKSHOP Saturday, December 3 glass-beaded jewelry workshop at the Steinway library. Register. JOB SEARCH Saturdays, December 3, 17 job search boot camp at the Central library at 10:30. AUTHOR TALK Saturday, December 3 Sister Souljah talks at 12:30 at the Langston Hughes library. CROCHET DEMO Saturday, December 3 at the Langston Hughes library at 2. ECO-FASHION Saturday, December 3 at the Broadway library at 2:30. Saturday, December 10 at the Sunnyside library at 2:30. Making fashionable goods from recycled products. YOGA FOR TEENS Mondays, December 5, 12 at the Cambria Heights library at 4. TEEN STUDY Mondays, December 5, 12, 19, 26 at the Lefrak Cit y library at 4. YOGA Mondays, December 5, 12 at the Cambria Heights library at 4. CROCHET Monday, December 5 at the Rosedale library at 4. COLLEGE TIMELINE Monday, December 5 college timeline process at the Pomonok library at 5. START YOUR JOB Monday, December 5 strategies for starting a job at the Central library at 6. TEEN STUDY Tuesdays, December 6, 13, 20, 27 at the Lefrak Cit y library at 4. TEEN TUESDAY Tuesday, December 6 at the Hillcrest library at 4:30. CHESS Tuesday, December 6 at the Rosedale library at 4. BOOK CLUB Tuesday, December 6 Kings and Queens Book Club at 4 at the LIC library. LIBRARY LEGERDEMAIN Tu e s d ay, D e c e m b e r 6 a t 3:30 at the Middle Village library. Thursday, December 8 at 3:30 at the Steinway librar y. Friday, December 9 at the Maspeth library at 3:30. M o n d a y , D e c e m b e r 12 at the Astoria library at 3:30. Learn the art of magic and prestidigitation. TEEN STUDY Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28 at the Lefrak Cit y library at 4. TEEN REC ROOM Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21 at the Steinway library at 4. NINTENDO WII Wednesday, December 7 at the Briarwood library. Register. TEEN CRAFT Wednesday, December 7 at the Fresh Meadows library at 4. SAT WORD Wednesday, December 7 SAT Word Search and Vo -

cabulary activities at the South Jamaica library at 4. NATURAL JEWELRY Wednesday, December 7 natural jewelry making at the Steinway librar y. Register. ANIME CLUB Thursday, December 8 at the Flushing library at 4. MONTERS & HEROES Thursday, December 8 at the Ridge2wood library at 4. TEEN STUDY Thursdays, December 8, 15, 22, 29 at the Lefrak Cit y library at 4. CRAFT PROGRAM Friday, December 9 at the Bellerose librar y. Register. NEWSPAPER HUNT Friday, December 9 newspaper scavenger hunt at the South Jamaica library at 3:30. REFORMED VAMPIRE Friday, December 9 Ref o r m e d Va m p i r e S u p p o r t Group at the Broadway library at 4. GIRL & BOY SCOUTS Fridays, December 9, 16, 23, 30 at the Laurelton library. Register. URBAN MANGA Friday, December 9 at the Cambria Heights library at 4. YOUNG REFORMERS Friday, December 9 at the Laurelton library. Register.

TALKS FRESH MEADOWS Saturday, December 3 discussion and signing of “Fresh Meadows, New York” with authors Fred Cantor and Debra L. Davidson at 1 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. WINDSOR PARK Monday, December 5 “The Red Tent” will be discussed at the Windsor Park library at 2. $ EMPOWERMENT Mondays, December 5, 12, 19 Financial Empowerment shows you how to work with your credit, debt, budget and more. Long Island Cit y L i b ra r y. Re g i ster 646-8104050, ext. 112. ARCHITECTURE Monday, December 5 Architecture and You series at the Flushing library at 6:30. PLAN FOR 2012 Mondays, December 5, 12 Get ready to start the new year with goal-setting and more at the LIC library at 6. L AURELTON Thursday, December 8 “Holiday Mysteries” is the theme at 6:15 at the Laurelton library. GLENDALE Thursday, December 8 “Half Broke Horses” will be discussed at the Glendale library at 6:30. NIGHT BOOK CLUB Thursday, December 8 “State of Wonder” will be discussed at the Windsor Park library at 6:30. BAY TERR ACE Friday, December 9 “My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq” will be discussed at the Bay Terrace library at 10:30.

QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs. Contact your local branch for dates. LIBRARY EXPLORERS Saturday, December 3 at the Central library. Register. SAFARI Saturday, December 3 Alley Pond Environmental Center Safari for those 6-11. 229-4000. BASEBALL CLINIC Starting December 3 LP Fam’s Winter Baseball Clinic. 835-9252. S TORY T I M E Saturday, December 3 family story time at the Flushing library at 11. LIBRARY EXPLORERS Saturday, December 3 at the Central library. Register. FURRY FRIENDS Sunday, December 4 Adventure Hour at Alley Pond Environmental Center featuring “Furry Friends.” 1836 months with parental participation. 229-4000. ONE WORLD Monday, December 5 at the Far Rockaway library at 3:30. Meet animals from all over the world. PLAY DOH PARTY Monday, December 5 at the Fresh Meadows library at 3:30. LITTLE TOT Monday, December 5 at the Hillcrest library at 4. CROCHET Monday, December 5 at the Rosedale library at 4. HOLIDAY STORIES Monday, December 5 at 4 at the Windsor Park library. BOOST WORD Monday, December 5 B O O S T C o m m u n i t y Word Project at the Central library at 4:30. BOOST MATH Monday, December 5 at the McGoldrick library at 5. ORNAMENT MAKING Monday, December 5 at the Seaside library at 5:30. LITTLE TOT TIME Monday, December 5 at the Hillcrest library at 4. GOING GREEN Tuesday, December 6 Going Green with LEAP at the Woodside library at 3. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Tuesday, December 6 at the Glen Oaks library at 11. RECYCLED Tuesday, December 6 recycled plastic magnets, pins and barrettes at the Steinway library. Register. MOTHER GOOSE Tuesday, December 6 at the Douglaston library at 1:15. LEAP Tuesday, December 6 Going Green with LEAP at the Woodside library at 3. AFTER SCHOOL FUN Tuesday, December 6 at the Broadway library at 3:30. Friday, December 9 learn about the planet and arts & crafts at the Broadway library at 3:30. BOOK MAKING Tuesday, December 6 and Wednesday, December 7 at the Rochdale Village library. Register. JOKE WRITING

Tuesday, December 6 at the South Jamaica library at 3:30. ARTS & CRAFTS Tuesday, December 6 at the Auburndale library at 4. SAND ART Tuesday, December 6 at the Briarwood library at 4. CROCHET CLUB Tuesday, December 6 at the McGoldrick library at 4. PINS & BARETTES Tuesday, December 6 recycled plastic at the Steinway library. Register. MIXING IN MATH Tuesday, December 6 at the Central library at 4:30. WORD OF THE WEEK Tu e s d a y, December 6 BOOST Word of the Week at the McGoldrick library at 5. HAPPY HAPPY STORY TIME Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28 at the LIC library at 10:30. CRAFTS Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28 at the Steinway library at 11. READ TO ME Wednesday, December 7 at t he Bay Terrace libra r y at 10:30. S TORY T I M E Wednesday, December 7 at the Steinway library at 10:30 and the Seaside library at 11. S TORY T I M E Wednesday, December 7 at the East Elmhurst library at 11:30. S TORY T I M E Wednesday, December 7 at the Broad Channel library at noon. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME Wednesday, December 7 at the Maspeth library at 1:30. MOTHER BEAR Wednesday, December 7 Mother Bear’s Christmas Dilemma at 3 at the Bay Terrace library. WII TIME Wednesday, December 7 at the Briarwood library. Register. HOLIDAY TREE Wednesday, December 7 holiday tree tales at the East Flushing library at 4. SCIENCE LAB Wednesday, December 7 at the Central library at 4:30. BOOST HEALTH Wednesday, December 7 BOOST health/science at the McGoldrick library at 5. BOX CRAFT Thursday, December 8 Kwanzaa Golden Jewel Box craft at the Langston Hughes library at 4. HOLIDAY CRAFT Thursday, December 8 at the Langston Hughes library at 4. MONSTERS & HEROES Thursday, December 8 at the Ridgewood library at 4. WINTER CRAFTS Thursday, December 8 at the Seaside library at 4. BEAN BAG Thursday, December 8 at the Woodside library. Register. BOOST READING Thursday, December 8 BOOST Reading Buddies at 5 at the McGoldrick library. READ TO A DOG Thursday, December 8 at

5:45 at the Briarwood library. Register. YOGA AND ME Friday, December 9 yoga for pre-schoolers at the Douglaston library. Register. PRE-SCHOOL CRAFTS Friday, December 9 at the Sunnyside library. Register. ACTIVITITY TIME Friday, December 9 at the Briarwood library at 3:30. URBAN MANGA Friday, December 9 at the C a m b r i a H e i g h t s l i b ra r y. Register. POLAR EXPRESS Friday, December 9 Polar Express Storytime at 7 at Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows. CROCHETING Friday, December 9 at the Hollis library at 4. YU-GI-OH Friday, December 9 at the Queensboro Hill library at 3:30. ARTS & CRAFTS Friday, December 9 at the East Flushing library at 4. MATH CLUB Friday, December 9 at the McGoldrick library at 4. FAMILY COLORING Friday, December 9 Family Coloring and Storytime at the Queensboro Hill library at 11. GAME DAY Friday, December 9 BOOST Game Day at the McGoldrick library at 5. CHINESE FUN Saturday, December 10 at the Forest Hills library at 2:30.

SENIORS STAY WELL Mondays at the Central library at 10. Learn how special exercise and relaxation techniques make a difference in your life. BASIC COMPUTER Tuesday, December 6 basic computer classes for older adults Baisley Park. Register. Thursday, December 8 Corona library at 10:30. Friday, December 9 Far Rockaway library at 10:30. AARP DRIVING CLASS Wednesday, December 7 at the Forest Hills library at 1. STAY WELL Wednesdays at 10:15 at the East Elmhurst library for exercise and other health related programs. DEFENSIVE DRIVING Wednesday, December 7 at the Forest Hills library at 1. HORIZONS Thursday, December 8 Horizons, a club for those 55 and over, meet at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills, 71-11 112 th Street at 12:30 for a discussion on the traditions and a special Chanukah program. $3. AARP 29 Thursday, December 8 at Grace House, 155-02 90 th Avenue, Jamaica. STARS Fridays, December 9, 16, 23, 30 Senior Theater Acting Repertory at the Queens Village library at 10:30. 7760529.

Queens Today EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS to search the internet to find a job at the Central library at 6:30. BASIC COMPUTER Tuesdays, December 6, 13, 20, 27 at the Rosedale library at 10:30. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tuesday, December 6 at the Astoria library at 11. BASIC COMPUTER Tuesdays, December 6, 13, 20, 27 at the Arverne library at 10:30. PRACTICE LAB TIME Tuesdays, December 6, 13, 20 computer practice lab time at the Far Rockaway library at 4. BASIC COMPUTER Tuesday, December 6 at the LIC library at 11. INTRO EXCEL Tuesday, December 6 at the Central library. Register. BASIC COMPUTER Tuesday, December 6 basics at the South Ozone Park library at 10. INTRO INTERNET Tuesday, December 6 at the Queens Village library. Register. COMPUTER CLASS Tuesday, December 6 at the Sunnyside library at 10:30. INTRO COMPUTERS Tuesday, December 6 at the Maspeth library at 1. TANGO CLASS Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28 at Buenos Aires Tango in Forest Hills. 347642-4705. COMPUTER BASICS Wednesday, December 7 at t h e W i n d s o r Pa r k l i b ra r y. Register. BASIC COMPUTER Wednesday, December 7 at the Woodside library at 10:30. HOLIDAY CENTERPIECE Wednesday or Thursday, December 7, 8 Holiday Centerpiece Workshop at the Vo e l ke r O r t h M u s e u m i n Flushing. 359-6227 to register. KNIT & CROCHET Wednesday, December 7 at the South Ozone Park library at 1. CRAFT GIFT Wednesday, December 7 holiday craft gift at the Fresh Meadows library at 2:30. NATURAL JEWELRY Wednesday, December 7 at the Steinway library. Register. INTRO POWERPOINT Wednesday, December 7 at the Central library. Register. INTERMED. COMPUTER Thursday, December 8 intermediate computer class at the LIC library at 10. HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS Thursday, December 8 holiday clay ornaments at the Whitestone library at 6. INTRO COMPUTERS Thursday, December 8 at the Pomonok library. Register. COMPUTER TUTORIALS Thursday, December 8 at the Woodside library at 6:30. INTRO EMAIL Friday, December 9 at the Poppenhusen library. Register. BASIC COMPUTERS

Friday, December 9 at the Auburndale library. Register. COMPUTER PRACTICE Friday, December 9 at the Arverne library at noon. KWANZAA WORKSHOP Saturday, December 10 at the Langston Hughes library at 1.

ENVIRONMENT LEAVES! Saturday, December 3 bring your leaves to the Broadway library at 11 for Project LeafDrop. ECO-FASHION Saturday, December 3 at the Broadway library at 2:30. Saturday, December 10 at 2:30 at the Sunnyside library. Making fashionable goods from recycled products.

HEALTH ZUMBA Monday, December 5 Latin dance fitness at the Glendale library at 6. CANCER SUPPORT Monday, December 5 Franklin Hospital’s Cancer Support Group meets 2-4 in the cafeteria. 516-256-6478. CANCER ACTION Tuesday, December 6 Western Queens Cancer Action Council meeting at the LIC library at 2. ZUMBA Tuesdays, December 6, 13, 20 at the Ridgewood library. Register. BLINDNESS Saturday, December 10 Foundation for Fighting Blindness meets at the Forest Hills library at 10:30. MAMMOGRAMS Sunday, December 11 free mammograms for those 40 and over. Call 1-800-5646868 for requirements and appointment.

FLEA MARKETS HOLIDAY SHOPPE Friday, December 2 noon-8 and Saturday, December 3 noon to 7. Our Lady of Mercy, 70-01 Kessel Street, Forest Hills. XMAS FLEA Saturday, December 3 at All Saints, 214-35 40 th Avenue, Bayside 9-4. FLEA MARKET Sunday, December 4 Trinkets to Treasures flea market 11-3 at Astoria Center of Israel. 278-2680. BAZAAR Sunday, December 4 Sisterhood of Bay Terrace Jewish Center holds their Annual Bazaar 10:30-3:00 at 13-00 209 th Street, Bayside. THRIFT SHOP Tuesday, December 6 9-2 a Jewish Center of Kew Gardens Hills, 71-25 Main Street. CHRISTMAS CRAFT Saturday, December 10 104 and Sunday, December 11 9-3:30 Christmas Craft Sale St. Josaphat’s, Bayside.

FIGGY PUDDING Through December 4 short play fest featuring plays about the Christmas holidays in Sunnyside. 17-548-1086. LORCA FLAMENCO Through December 11 flamenco tribute at Thalia Spanish Theatre in Sunnyside. 729-3880. MOVING IMAGE Through January 16 Jim Henson Screenings and Programs. Museum of the Moving Image, 36-01 35 th Avenue, Astoria. 777-6800. $15. BELLS OF ST. MARYS Saturday, December 3 the film “The Bells of Saint Mary’s will be shown at 1 at the Greater Astoria Historical Societ y, 35-20 Broadway, 4 th floor, LIC. Free. ORGAN RECITAL Saturday, December 3 at St. Josaphat’s Church in Bayside. 229-1663. Free. INDO-PAK COALITION Saturday, December 3 Rudresh Mahanthappa and the Indo-Pak Coalition at F l u s h i n g To w n H a l l . 4 6 3 7700, ext. 222. TAIWAN Saturday, December 3 Many Faces of Taiwan with four feature films at the Bayside library starting at 12:30. SISTER SOULJAH Saturday, December 3 author talk with Sister Souljah at 12:30 at the Langston Hughes library. JINGLE BELL SWING Saturday, December 3 jingle bell swing at 2 at the Flushing library. SOUND ART Saturday, December 3 sound art is a new dialogue between music and poetry at the Langston Hughes library at 2:30. AKSHIC BOOKS Saturday, December 3 African American fiction at the Langston Hughes library at 3:30. SUNDAY CONCERT Sunday, December 4 Middle Eastern music and dance at 3 at the Central library. HOLIDAY WASSAIL Sunday, December 4 Musica Reginae’s Holiday Wa s s a i l a t C h u rc h i n t h e Gardens in Forest Hills. $50. HOLIDAY CONCERT Sunday, December 4 Sacred Music Chorale of RH presents their annual Holiday Concert at 3 in historic St. John’s Lutheran Church, 8 6 - 2 0 1 1 4 th S t r e e t , R i c h mond Hill. $15. LIVE JAZZ Sundays through December 18 at 180-25 Linden Blvd., St. Albans from 5-9. $5 donation. 347-262-1169. CITY OF NY Monday, December 5 “The C i t y o f G r e a te r N Y: T h e Story of Consolidation” at 7 at the Greater Astoria Historical Societ y, 35-20 Broadway, 4 th floor, LIC. Free. HOLLYWOOD MUSICAL Monday, December 5 the MGM Hollywood Musical at the Richmond Hill library at 6.

BLUES GUITAR Monday, December 5 Edie Lee Isaacs and his blues guitar at the Lefrak Cit y library at 6:15. SOUL LEGENDS Monday, December 5 musical tribute to the soul legends Sam Cooke and Marvin Gaye at the Queens Village library at 6:30. JUDY GARLAND Tuesday, December 6 songs of Judy Garland at the North Hills library at 1:30. JAZZ KIDS Thursday, December 8 celebrate the winter holidays with the East Elmhurst Jazz Kids at 4 at the library. HOLIDAY SHOW Thursday, December 8 Claremont Strings holiday show at 2 at the Windsor Park library. CHRISTMAS CAROL Thursday, December 8 at the Woodhaven library at 4. THE BLUES Thursday, December 8 at the Baisley Park library at 6:30. LIVE JAZZ Fridays through December 13 at 180-25 Linden Blvd.., St. Albans. 347-262-1169 ticket information. FULL MOON GAZING Saturday, December 10 at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 229-4000. KWANZAA Saturday, December 10 at

the Langston Hughes library starting at 10. HOLIDAY CONCERT Saturday, December 10 Holiday Music Concert at 2 at the Flushing library. NINA SIMONE Saturday, December 10 celebrating the life of Nina Simone at the Langston Hughes library at 2. LOVE SONGS Saturday, December 10 at the Broadway library at 3. LINDA IPANEMA Saturday, December 10 holiday show at the Fresh Meadows library at 3. COMEDY Saturday, December 10 Jon Fischer and Tina Giorgi perfo r m a t Te m p l e T i k va h i n New Hyde Park. $20 advance, $25 at the door. 516746-1120. MESSIAH Sunday, December 11 Sacred Music Societ y of Our Lady Queen of Mart yrs performs “Messiah” and Christmas Favorites at 4. 268-6251. $20 adults, free for children accompanied by an adult. HOUSE TOUR Sunday, December 11 24 th Annual Historic Holiday H o u s e To u r 1 - 5 w i t h t h e Queens Historical Societ y. $10. 939-0647, ext. 17. NUTCRACKER Sunday, December 11 at F l u s h i n g To w n H a l l . 4 6 3 7700, ext. 222.

MEETINGS PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturdays, December 3, 17, January 7, 21 public speaking and effective communication 10-12:15 at the Elmhurst Hospital Center Conference Room. 4249754. HAM RADIO CLUB Tuesday, December 6 Emergency Communications Service meets in Briarwood. 357-6851. TALK OF THE TOWN Tuesdays, December 6, 20 learn the art of public speaking in St. Albans at 7:15. 6407092. PUBLIC MEETING Tuesday, December 6 department of education capital budget plan meeting at 7 at MS67, 51-60 Marathon Parkway, Little Neck. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Wednesday, December 7 at Holy Family Catholic Church, 175-20 174 th Street, Fresh Meadows at 7:30. TOASTMASTERS Wednesdays, December 7, 21 learn the art of public speaking at t he Voices of Rochdale Toastmasters Club in Jamaica. 978-0732. KNIGHTS OF PY THIAS Wednesdays, December 7, 21 Queensview Lodge 433 meets in Whitestone. 917754-3093. FLUSHING CAMERA Wednesdays, December 7, 21 Flushing Camera Club meets at 7:15 at Flushing Hospital. 479-0643. LEADD CLUB Thursday evenings and one

Saturday afternoon. Recreation Socialization Program for Learning Disabled Adults. 18+, able to travel on public transportation. information. STAMP CLUB Thursday, December 8 Queens Stamp Club at the Forest Hills library at 5:45. DEMOCRATIC CLUB Thursday, December 8 Jefferson Democratic Club meets at the Clearview Gold Course Clubhouse at 7:30. ILION BLOCK ASSN. Friday, December 9 Ilion Area Block Association meets at the African Center Communit y Empowerment, 11192A Farmers Blvd., St. Albans at 7:30. WOMEN’S GROUP Fridays the Woman’s Group of Jamaica Estates meets at noon. Call 461-3193 for information.

RELIGIOUS LUTHERAN CHURCH Saturday, December 3 holiday spaghetti dinner 5-7. $12 donation. Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21 Reservations 358-2744. Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 157-16 65 th Avenue, Flushing. ORGAN RECITAL Saturday, December 3 at St. Josaphat’s Church in Bayside. 229-1663. Free.

Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

JEWELRY WORKSHOP Saturday, December 3 glass-beaded jewelry workshop at the Steinway library. Register. HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS Saturday, December 3 holiday clay ornaments at the Lefferts library at 3:30. JOB SEARCH Saturdays, December 3, 17 Job Search Boot Camp at 10:30 at the Central library. BEAD WORKSHOP Saturday, December 3 glass beaded jewelry workshop at the Steinway library. Register. BOOK PUBLISHING Saturday, December 3 book publishing workshop at the Langston Hughes library at 10:30. PUBLIC SPEAKING Saturdays, December 3, 17 Learn to communicate effectively at Elmhurst Hospital. 646-436-7940. POMANDERS Saturday, December 3 “Pomanders: Decorating for the Holidays” at the Voelker Orth Museum in Flushing. 359-6227 to register. BALLROOM DANCE Mondays, December 5, 12, 19, 26 ballroom dancing at the Forest Hills library at 6:30. CHILD CARE Monday, December 5 learn about how children grow and learn at the Langston Hughes library at 5:30. BASIC COMPUTER Monday, December 5 at the Douglaston library at 10. INTRO EMAIL Monday, December 5 at the Central library at 10:30. START YOUR JOB Monday, December 5 strategies for starting your job search at the Central library at 6. POETRY WORKSHOP Monday, December 5 at the Woodhaven library at 6:30. INTRO COMPUTER Monday, December 5 at the Fresh Meadows library at 10:30. INTRO E-MAIL Monday, December 5 at the Central library. Register. FIND A JOB Monday, December 5 how to search the internet to find a job at the Central library at 6:30. KNITTING CIRCLE Mondays, December 5, 19 Knitting Circle at Alley Pond Environmental Center. 2294000. START A JOB Monday, December 5 strategies for starting your job at the Central library at 6. BOOT CAMP Monday, December 5 computer boot camp at the Far Rockaway library at 10:30. ORIGAMI Monday, December 5 make your gifts special with origami at the Corona library at 6. SEARCH FOR WORK Monday, December 5 searching for work strategies at the Rochdale Village library at 6. FIND A JOB Monday, December 5 how



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People Berkeley College President Dario A. Cortes, PhD, announced that students from Queens have been named to the President’s and Dean’s Lists at Berkeley College for the Summer 2011 Quarter. On the President’s List are: Iles Vilce of Cambria Heights; Ramona Monedatt of Hollis; Myesha Perez of Hollis; Larrica Porter of Hollis; Sufian Chowdhury of Jamaica; Ladena Goldson of Jamaica; Wilkins Ruiz of Jamaica; Luis Villarreal of Jamaica; Kimberly-Ann Wisdom of Jamaica; Emoni Garrett of Laurelton; Bethshyna Brue of Rosedale; Jennifer Jean of Rosedale; Rosie Leroy of Rosedale; Navneet Kaur of South Ozone Park; Deonarine Ramnarine of South Ozone Park; and Anitrea Montgomery of St. Albans. On the Dean’s List are:; Shanique Hawes of Cambria Heights; Peta Gay Leslie of Cambria Heights; Chinweta Onwualu of Cambria Heights; Avery Jones of Hollis; Rebecca Salamalay of Hollis; Erica Rolon of Howard Beach; Jenifer Alvarenga of Jamaica; Mayon Baijnauth of Jamaica; Kirk Cooper of Jamaica; Rosa Garcia of Jamaica; Sharon Hinds of Jamaica; Shamaine Jagai of Jamaica; Stephanie Lue of Jamaica; Felix Martinez of Jamaica; Samantha Pinnock of Jamaica; Christina Pulchan of Jamaica; Chelsea Romeo of Jamaica; Xhuljano Shala of Jamaica; Alexis Venzen of Jamaica; Sharda Naitram of Ozone Park; Crystal Shaw of Ozone Park; Ray Thomas of Ozone Park;

Natalee Beaufort of Rosedale; Jason Brue of Rosedale; Jimmy Mendez of Rosedale; Fanta Capers of South Ozone Park; Ginero Gordon of South Ozone Park; Kiesha Donaldson o f Springfield Gardens; Tashorn Clarke of St. Albans; Deanett Watson-Gayle of St. Albans; and Michelle Samuels-Smith of St. Albans. Gabriel Taussig, Chief of the New York City Law Department’s Administrative Law Division, has been selected to receive the prestigious 2011 Mar y C. Lawton Outstanding Government Service Award. Each year, the American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice honors one attorney nationwide for outstanding contributions to the development and implementation of administrative law and regulatory practice. Taussig has worked at the Law Department for the past 37 years on a wide range of City regulations including City codes mandating window guards to protect young children and the posting of calorie information in chain restaurants. “Gabe is one of the City’s unsung heroes. The impact he’s had on our lives can be seen all around the City – his efforts keep us safe, improve our quality of life, and affect the lives of everyone who lives in and visits New York,” said Corporation Counsel Michael A. Cardozo. “We are extremely proud of Gabe’s achievement. New Yorkers are fortunate

to have someone of his caliber and dedication in their corner.” The Administrative Law Division litigates on behalf of the City in challenges related to laws and regulations that were adopted to promote public health and safety, protect consumers, and enhance quality of life. The Division advises every City agency that creates regulations –

from the Taxi and Limousine Commission to the Parks Department. Many of these regulations have been challenged – and successfully defended – in court by the Division. Taussig has been intimately involved in the development and promulgation of many local laws and initiatives that impact the daily lives of New Yorkers.

Turkey Day:

Council Member Leroy Comrie hosted a Turkey Drive at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Jamaica. The Rev. Emmanuel Asamoa-Amoako, said that he was happy with the way the event turned out and added “we are pleased the Councilman is someone who keeps his promises.” More than 200 turkeys were given out by dozens of volunteers from the church along with police officers from Queens Patrol Borough South.


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Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 21


Sewer & Drain

Nicki Thanks Taylor

Models Of Queens

My Michelle For Michelle Jia, modeling has been a great way to boost her self-confidence and have a great time. Sure, her real dreams may lay with accounting – yes, that is her dream job, but in the meantime, thanks to the folks at Shortstack Models, she’s been having a great time. “I’ve been with Shortstack for three years, and it’s working out really good for me,” she said. “I’ve gained a lot out of it. Shortstack is a Queens-based organization that opens petite girls to the world of modeling while also building self-esteem and friendships. Michelle, a high school senior, is already gaining college credit through an early college initiative at her school and said that working with Shortstack and working some pageants and shows has “definitely helped my confidence, and I’ve gained a lot of new friends.” When she’s not hitting the books or the runway, Michelle spends time with friends, does some volunteer work and reads. She also has an Michelle Jia Home: Fresh Meadows affinity for karaoke – but mostly by herself. Though in a perfect world Michelle would Age: 17 really like to be an artist, she knows that Height: 5’ 2-1/2” accounting is a great opportunity – and more Weight: 105 realistic, though she still creates and enjoys her Stats: 32-25-32 time in front of the camera.

Greening Queens

Queens native Nicki Minaj opened up November’s American Music Awards with her hit song “Super Bass,” wowing the crowd with clocks on her chest and speakers on her butt. Minutes later, Minaj won her very first AMA for favorite rap/ hip-hop artist. Her acceptance speech wasn’t much different from most acceptance speeches, until she took the time to thank a special person: teen Country music sensation Taylor Swift. Really? It turns out part of the success of “Super Bass” is due to Swift rapping her song on YouTube and radio stations whenever she could. However the song made it to the top of the charts, congrats on your mainstream success, Nicki!

Feeling Blue And Seeing Red We can all thank the late Tim Russert, longtime host of “Meet The Press,” who introduced us to the concept of Red and Blue when it came to Republicans and Democrats. Many credit his electionnight coverage in 2000 for setting the cultural standard on the map with “Blue States and “Red States.” So it may be safe to assume that when it comes to social media and the ubiquitous logos for both Twitter and Facebook that seem to be everywhere, the fact that they both work off a blue color scheme must have some Republicans seeing red. Well, newly-minted Queens Congressman Bob Turner has decided – or at least somebody in his staff did – to take a stand against the blue social media, which is, of course, different from

Page 22 PRESS of Southeast Queens Dec. 2-8, 2011

Queens’ residents have hit it big. In a lucky streak that can only come once in a lifetime, three out of four lottery winners announced last week at the Resorts World Casino at Aqueduct Raceway came from the borough. William Iozzino collected his $1 million check, but before heading home, as if that fat check in his hands wasn’t enough, Lady Luck blessed Iozzino with an additional 50 bucks for placing the right bet at the new Big Queens Lottery winners with Yolanda Vega at Aqueduct racino. Resorts World. Photo by Ira Cohen A pre-Thanksgiving fire at the JFK It didn’t stop raining down dollars there. Jackson Heights’ own Maria Sandoval scratched her way to Confidentially, New York . . . the bank, winning $1 million on the Mega Money Multiplier while Marco Sierra of Woodside also collected about $625,000 after taxes. With the holiday season in full swing we hope that the lucky borough streak can trickle down to us before Christmas. We’d definitely love to be celebrating our holidays gleaming green. “Come on, Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!”

Cheater, Cheater, SAT . . . We heard last week that two Queens students were being probed for the now infamous SAT/ACT cheating ring. How could our own be so foolish? You’d expect this sort of stuff out of a Brooklyn kid or a Manhattan kid, but not our guys and gals. The police won’t yet divulge who these dopes are, but here’s hoping the next time they try to do something for someone else, it’s at a soup kitchen, and not in the middle of a high stakes test.

Nicki Minaj shows off her… awards.

The Turner version of familiar logos the regular liberal, gotcha media like us, that the GOP typically rail against. Turner’s subtle yet effective change of the Facebook and Twitter buttons (with black-white-andred YouTube thrown in for good measure) into deep red icons in some of his press e-mails is a clever symbolic twist, a renaming and rebranding of sorts to show that the GOP needn’t bow to liberal, social or any other media bias that favors Donkeys over Elephants. Now here’s a quick one for ya, Bob: Frank Sinatra is known as Ol’ “What Color” Eyes?

Tarmac Fire File this under “Smooth Move Sherlock” One day before one of the busiest travelling days of the year, at the beginning of the holiday season, its natural travelers are worried in the post 9/11 world about being targets of terrorism. So imagine their surprise when holiday travelers peeked out of the window of the JetBlue terminal to see a fire near the runway. The sight, captured by one passenger, frightened many waiting to board a flight at Gate 14 with one woman refusing to board the plane. The story spread like… well… wild fire through Twitter. The Port Authority said the fire was part of a controlled burn and had been set for a training exercise with the FDNY. Great going guys, like we haven’t been on edge every holiday season since the government started changing the color of our terrorist alerts more often than we change our underwear. What’s next, a dirty bomb drill at Rockefeller Center the weekend before Christmas?

What’s Up SATURDAY, DEC. 3 Walkers for Wellness Club

Looking for a fun way to improve your health? Join the Walkers for Wellness Club at New Hope Lutheran Church of Jamaica. Under the guidance of a Walking Leader, you will walk two to three times each week at a comfortable pace with others along routes throughout Southeast Queens. The club is open to walkers of all ages and abilities. The walking schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m., and Saturdays at 8 a.m. Walkers meet at New Hope Lutheran Church, located at 167-24 118th Ave. T-shirts and pedometers will be provided. Contact Thurkessa Brown at (917) 553-1089 for more information.

Winter Baseball Clinic

Players ages 5-14 will learn the necessary fundamentals that will improve their level of play as well as their knowledge of baseball. There will be two six-week sessions of instruction, from Oct. 15 to Nov. 19, and Dec. 3 to Jan. 21. Both sessions are not required, but recommended. The price of each session is $50 per child. The fee for players who register in the midst of a session will be $10 a week. For more information, contact (718) 529-7911 or (718) 835-9252. This event will be held at PS 752, located at 142-10 Linden Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Winter Basketball Program

The Lincoln Park Basketball Association is offering a Fall/Winter Basketball Clinic for children ages 8-16 on Saturdays from Oct. 22 through Jan. 28. The $50 registration fee includes insurance, weekly training and a T-shirt. Full payment must be made by Nov. 19, no exceptions. For more information, contact (347) 234-6833 or (718) 682-6938. This event will be held at the Queens Transition Center, located at 142-10 Linden Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Job Search Boot Camp

Spend one day at the library and learn all the best strategies for finding a job. By the end of the day, you and your resume will be “fit” to find your best job. This free event will be held at Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

A Caribbean Christmas Carol

SUNDAY, DEC. 4 Middle Eastern Music and Dance

Extraordinary singer Waleed Albakry performs classic and modern Middle Eastern music by such celebrated artists as Abdal Wahab, Um Kalthom, Abdel Halim,

MONDAY, DEC. 5 Adult Chess Club

Practice your chess skills weekly, on Monday and Thursday evenings. The event is held at 6 p.m. every Monday at Queens Village Library, 94-11 217 St., (718) 776-6800.

Stay Well

Learn new ways to take charge of your health and help your friends do the same. Learn how special exercise and relaxation techniques make a difference in your life. This free event will be held at Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 10 a.m.

Intro to Email

Adults will learn how to create an email account, how to log on, how to navigate your email account, send and receive email messages and attach documents. To register, please call (718) 990-5102 or visit the Job Information Center. This free event will be held at Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 10:30 a.m.

TUESDAY, DEC. 6 Intro to Excel

In this two-session workshop, customers will learn how to create spreadsheets; use formulas, and create tables. Must possess basic mouse and keyboarding skills. Class runs from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings. Pre-registration is required in person at the Cyber Center Desk. For details, please call 1.718.990.0769. This free event will be held at Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6 p.m.

Own Your Own Business

Learn how to develop your idea into a business plan. Participants will learn how to create demand for your product or service, set goals and objectives, budgeting and timelines, and identifying resources and networks. To register, call (718) 9905102. This free event will be held at Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 6:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7 Intro to Computers

In this single-session workshop, adults will learn how to log on and off, use the keyboard and mouse, open and close “windows,” use toolbars and scroll bars. Preregistration is required in person at the Cyber Center Desk. For details, please call (718) 990-0769. This free event will be held at Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 10 a.m.

THURSDAY, DEC. 8 Laurelton Bookworms

The Laurelton Bookworms are ringing in the season with hot chocolate and a discussion spiked with a touch of murder. December’s theme is “Holiday Mysteries.” Choose your own title or select one of the options available at Laurelton’s Adult Reference desk. We’ll be discussing the elements of a good mystery and the different subgenres. This free event will be held at the Laurelton Library, 134-26 225th St., at 6:15 p.m.

SQPA Stakeholders Meeting

It’s time for another meeting of the stakeholders of the Southern Queens Park Association. If you have a vested interest in the park and its future, then come on out. Feel free to call (718) 276-4630 or email with any questions. This free event will be held at Roy Wilkins Family Center, 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard, at 7 p.m.

FRIDAY, DEC. 9 America’s Young Reformers Group

Join the America’s Young Reformers Group for a fun and interactive dialogue. Let’s discuss today’s top issues, like bullying, violence, cheating, relationships and much more. This program is for teens. Preregistration is required. This free event will be held at the Laurelton Library, 134-26 225th St., at 4 p.m.


The Jamaica Neighborhood Center offers a free service to assist people from Southeast Queens with job-readiness skill sets in writing a professional resume and cover letter; interviewing practices and techniques; applying on-line procedures; elevator pitch and Microsoft Suite 2007. For additional information, contact Ethan Chazin, Job Coach, at (718) 7392060, Ext. 18 or This free event will be held at the Jamaica Neighborhood Center - 161-06 89th Ave. Services are available Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

CPR Training

The FDNY Mobile CPR Training Unit will hold regularly scheduled free CPR classes in all five boroughs. The first Tuesday through the fourth Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of every month there will be Borough CPR training sessions in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens. Training is free to anyone over the age of 14. The goal of this program is increase the number of people in New York City trained in bystander CPR Each class lasts 1 hour and participants in the class learn basic CPR skills from a member of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service. Volunteers for the class follow along using the CPR Anytime Personal Learning Kit, which features an instructional DVD and an inflatable mannequin. All participants are able take home the kit at the end of class and asked to pledge to use the kit to show five of their family members and

friends how to perform CPR. This class teaches basic CPR technique and is not a certification course. In Queens, the classes will be held the fourth Thursday of every month at EMS Station 54, 222-15 Merrick Blvd. In addition, please visit for New York Sports Club locations offering free CPR classes starting in January. Please visit or call (718) 999-2413 for more information.

Group Sessions

Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. Group Sessions are located at 89-31 161st St., 10th Floor, Jamaica, for the community on various topics such as Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Substance Abuse intervention, Decision Making, Condom Use, High Risk Behaviors leading to HIV, and self – esteem awareness. All group sessions offer light snacks and beverages. Group sessions are open to the public. Round-Trip Metro Card reimbursement is available at the end of each completed session. For further information call (718) 297-0720. All services are free. Please call for next group date.

Infant Mortality

Clergy United for Community Empowerment’s Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative program provides the following services free of charge: case management services, parent skills building, crib care, breast feeding education, health education, nutritional information/education, referral for HIV testing, confidential one-on-one counseling, workshops, and women support groups. IMRI provides referrals for Food stamps, GED, GYN, Emergency Baby Formula (qualifications required) and more. Call (718) 297-0720. Located at 8931 161 St., 10th floor, Jamaica. Services are available Tue.-Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HIV Awareness

Clergy United for Community Empowerment provides intervention and curriculum-based prevention education sessions on HIV/AIDS, to reduce risk behaviors that lead to HIV transmission. Services are located at 89-31 161st St., Jamaica. Call (718) 297-0720 ask about our presentation to adolescents and men/women of color. Services are available Tue.-Thurs., 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Merrick Flea Market

A flea market has opened at 221-02 Merrick Blvd. On sale are a wide range of items, including household items, jewelry and clothing. The market is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays.

CPR Class

Learn to protect yourself and others at Heron Care with a CPR class that includes a certification from the American Heart Association. Please call (718) 291-8788 for more details. Heron is located at 16830 89th Ave., Jamaica.

Dec. 2-8, 2011 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 23

It may be warm outside, but that doesn’t mean that Christmas isn’t just around the corner, especially here in the Caribbean. The Black Spectrum Theatre Company is pleased to present “A Caribbean Christmas Carol.” Tickets can be purchased for $25. For additional information, call (718) 723-1800. This event will be held at Black Spectrum Theatre, 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard, at 8 p.m.

Amr Deyab and Hakim, among others, and includes performances by the amazing belly dancer Jordan. This free event will be held at Queensborough Public Library’s Central Branch, 89-11 Merrick Blvd., at 3 p.m.

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