Press epaper 070513

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Volume 14 Issue No. 27 July 5-11, 2013

PRESS Photo by Natalia Kozikowska


Queens immigrants come together to celebrate their uniqueness and unity. By Natalia Kozikowska ‌ Page 3.

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Page 2 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013

News Briefs Gun Buy Back Nets Nearly 30 Guns

Nearly 30 guns were surrendered during a gun buy back event sponsored by Queens Borough President Helen Marshall and the New York Police Department that was held Saturday, June 29. According to a statement released by Marshall, 29 firearms were turned in at New Jerusalem Baptist Church in South Jamaica last week. The surrendered weapons included 17 revolvers, eight semi-automatic handguns and one rifle. Three of the surrendered guns were also loaded. Saturday’s gun buy back follows a similar event Marshall and the NYPD co-sponsored last year that netted 55 guns. “Today we succeeded in getting 29 dangerous weapons off our borough’s streets,” Marshall said in the statement. “Our haul included eight semi-automatic weapons, which are the most problematic in terms of street crime.” “While we obtained fewer guns this year than last, we still succeeded in reducing the chances of Queens residents being killed or wounded by firearms,” Marshall added. “Who knows what we will end up preventing?” The buy back gave individuals an opportunity to get paid for getting rid of their guns anonymously, with no questions asked. Marshall allocated $50,000 from her office’s discretionary dollars to fund the buy back. The money paid for bank cards provided to those who turned in guns. A $200 bank card was given in exchange for each eligible handgun or assault rifle, while a $20 card was provided in exchange for each eligible shotgun or conventional rifle. The event was held in memory D’aja Robinson, the 14-year-old student who was shot to death May 18 when a gunman fired shots into the bus she was riding near the corner of Rockaway and Sutphin boulevards, about a half-mile away from New Jerusalem Baptist Church. “I would like to thank Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and everyone from the NYPD who was involved in making the buy back a success,” Marshall continued. “I would also like to thank Queens District Attorney Richard Brown and his staff for their support and cooperation.” Anyone who was unable to attend the event Saturday can still surrender guns by anonymously turning them in to the NYPD 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at any police precinct, transit district or housing police service area stationhouse. Each eligible handgun brought to these locations

can be surrendered in exchange for $100. More than 8,200 firearms have been surrendered since the NYPD’s program to buy back guns began in 2008. Also, if you know someone who is carrying, selling, or using handguns illegally, you can call anonymously and receive a $1,000 reward. The number to call is 1-866-GUN STOP (486-7867).

Fugitive Armed Robber Sentenced to 241 Months

Derome Gray, the fugitive and armed robber who opened fire at the Deputy U.S. Marshals who tracked him down after a post office robbery in Jamaica nearly seven years ago, was sentenced to 241 months in prison. Reports indicated that on the morning of June 8, 2007, the defendant and two others subdued three Postal Service employees at gunpoint, stole cash from the victims and from several lock boxes, herded the employees into a vault and fled. After an investigation was conducted by the United State Postal Inspectors, the suspect was quickly identified as Gray. The other robbers involved were apprehended shortly after the robbery and were convicted of their crimes. Gray however, fled New York and became a fugitive on the run, hiding in Virginia before returning to New York. For four years, the Postal Service was looking for him before they finally found him in his Springfield Gardens home. On Oct. 3, 2011, U.S. Marshals and other members of the Regional Fugitive Task Force entered into Gray’s home to arrest him but were met with bullets. Gray fired two rounds in the Marshals’ direction, which fortunately did not hit them. The Marshals immediately apprehended Gray and an associate without firing a shot. Inside the home, investigators also found several firearms, including a cache of rifles and semi-automatic handguns. He pleaded guilty in October to assaulting deputy U.S. Marshals with a deadly weapon in addition to robbery and firearms charges. U.S. District Judge Sandra Townes sentenced Gray, to 241 months, more than 20 years, in prison last Tuesday.

Brief Us!

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July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 3


Queens Leaders Praise Safety Act BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

Photo by Natalia Kozikowska

Last Thursday, the City Council passed the Community Safety Act in response to the New York Police Department’s controversial use of its Stop, Question and Frisk policy, which many argue unfairly targets minorities. The first bill, Intro 1079, created an independent inspector general position to oversee the NYPD. The second bill, Intro 1080, allows racial profiling lawsuits against the police department. Although both bills passed with wide enough majorities to avoid a mayoral veto, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has vowed to persuade councilmembers to change their vote in order to veto the bills and has openly spoken out in favor of stop and frisk. “One newspaper and one news service, they just keep saying, ‘Oh, it’s a disproportionate percentage of

a particular ethnic group.’ they said, is also quesThat may be. But it’s not a tionable. disproportionate percent“Guns have been age of those who witnesses found in than less than and victims describe as 0.2 percent of stops committing the murders,” made yet stop and Bloomberg is quoted as frisk has increased having said. “In that case, by more than 600 incidentally, I think, we percent in the last dedisproportionately stop cade,” Richards said. whites too much and mi“This is an extremely norities too little. It’s expoor yield rate.” actly the reverse of what Richards also notthey’re saying.” ed that only 11 perDespite Bloomberg’s cent of the stops were clear opposition to the Former political rivals Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Lau- based on descriptions new legislation, other local relton) and Laurelton attorney Jacques Leandre joined forces to of a violent crime susleaders, including former celebrate new legislation that will help curb racial profiling asso- pect. The numbers electoral rivals Council- ciated with the NYPD’s Stop, Question and Frisk policy. show that 88 percent man Donovan Richards of the stops were of (D-Laurelton) and Laurelton attor- same level of respect and dignity.” innocent New Yorkers and 90 perney Jacques Leandre, came together Richards said. cent of those people were of Black to celebrate the milestone. In addition to the potential racial and Latino decent. “The people of New York demand profiling that Richards and Leandre Reach Natalia Kozikowska at and deserve to live in a city where argue often occurs in the use of Stop, (718)357-7400 Ext. 123 or nkozikowska@ the police treat all residents with the Question and Frisk, its effectiveness,, or @nkozikowska.

Leaders Celebrate Immigrants On July 4 BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

Photo by Natalia Kozikowska

The most diverse county in the world had reason to celebrate last week. Nearly a dozen local leaders of different ethnic backgrounds gathered on the steps of Queens Borough Hall last week to celebrate the immigration reform bill that recently passed in the U.S. Senate. The legislation, which passed 6832 last Thursday, is the first major immigration reform since the 1986 amnesty bill that legalized more than three million immigrants. The bill has yet to face a Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives. In an effort to embrace the many cultures that comprise the Borough, Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-Jamaica) announced the first annual Immigrant Americans Independence Day Celebration at the Worlds Fair Marina to be held on July 4 at 9 a.m. “We are here to celebrate what is a unique and uniquely New York experience and that is the first Immigrant Independence Day celebration,” Scarborough said. “It is a celebration of what is the richest stew of Queens and of New York – so many different ethnic groups and entities coming together.” “It’s an opportunity for these

Local leaders of different ethnicities gathered on the steps of Queens Borough Hall under an umbrella to signify their unity as Americans. groups to come together, celebrate with their own individual experiences but to ultimately say we are all Americans and here to celebrate the Independence Day that’s Independence Day for all of us,” he added. A number of elected officials were on board to embrace the reform bill that would give a path to citizenship to an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in America.

“It comes at a great time, because the Senate has just passed its version of comprehensive immigration reform, which is something we clearly need here in Queens and New York City,” City Comptroller John Liu, himself a Taiwanese immigrant, said. “We hope that even by announcing this, it will encourage some of our House members to get going and pass their side of the bill.” District leader for Assembly Dis-

trict 25, Uma Sengupta, who helped organize the celebration, also took a few moments to thank America for all the wonderful opportunities the country has given her. “We may all be from different countries, but now this is our country,” Sengupta said. “We are all Americans and we like to be part of the every day American life. We also like to celebrate its independence together under one umbrella just to show the United States we are all one and all Americans. Thank you America, for giving us the opportunity to come here and settle here nicely.” The Worlds Fair Marina is located at 1 Worlds Fair Marina in Flushing. Breakfast will be served at 9 a.m. and a multicultural program will begin at 10 a.m. A salute to the flag is scheduled for 11 a.m. Participating communities include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Korea, Guyana, Trinidad, Brazil and South America. For information, email or cwilliamspugh@ or call Scarborough’s district office at (718) 723-5412 and ask for Cheri Pugh. Reach Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123,, or @nkozikowska.

Page 4 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013

By Luis Gronda Chants of “hey hey, ho ho, all the violence has got to go,” were heard on Liberty Avenue last week, as a group of South Richmond Hill residents called for an end to anti-gay violence at a rally last Thursday evening. The protest was held in response to an alleged bias attack that occurred at Players Bar and Restaurant on Liberty Avenue in South Richmond Hill on Sunday, June 23. Mohamed Zaman Amin, a resident of the neighborhood and a prominent

LGBT activist in the area, was attacked by a group of men performing at the establishment that night. Amin was hit over the head with a trophy, causing a laceration and excessive bleeding. The men were allegedly yelling homophobic slurs at Amin and the altercation escalated after a relative of the victim yelled back at the men. Many of Amin’s family and friends pleaded for an end to anti-gay violence and for the men who attacked him to come forward. “Our community is better than this,” said Richard David, Commu-

USTA Job Fair:

Photo by ira Cohen

The united states Tennis association held its third annual us open job fair last week, giving job seekers an opportunity to speak with us open staff and its vendors about the various open positions during the us open in august.

Wishing everyone a safe and joyous Independence Day may we always cherish our freedoms and democracy. Congressman

GreGory Meeks 6th District

Authorized and Paid for by Friends of Gregory Meeks

nity Board 9 member and executive director of the Indo-Caribbean Alliance. “Every time you go to a nightclub in this neighborhood, is there not a violent act against a woman? Against a member of the LGBT community or even straight men fighting in front of these establishments.” Amin received seven staples to seal the cut and was rushed to Jamaica Hospital. With his head bandaged and holding back tears, the victim himself made an appearance at the rally and thanked everyone for their support in the days after the attack. “I feel very lucky to be alive and to stand strong against violence in my community,” he said. “The [attack] against me was unwanted and unjustified.” Diana Allie, a Richmond Hill resident, came to the protest because her son, Rishi Prasad, was stabbed while at a nightclub in Queens three years ago. Allie said that Prasad was 26 years old at the time of his death and his killer still has not been found. “When I saw that the boy was bashed in his head, I said ‘you know, I’m coming,’” she said. “This [has] got to stop. We have to have love. We can’t go around hitting and killing people.” Council members Daniel Dromm (D-Jackson Heights) and Leroy Com-

Photo by Luis Gronda

rH residents Call For End To LGBT Violence

Mohamed Zaman amin rie (D-St. Albans) both showed their support for Amin at last week’s protest. Dromm, who is openly gay, said that the crowd gathered at the protest should be celebrating their community, not condemning violence. “It is very important for good people to stand up and say ‘we are not going to tolerate violence of any sort in our community,’” he said. The incident is still under investigation. Reach Reporter Luis Gronda at (718) 357-7400, Ext. 127, at lgronda@ or @luisgronda.

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 5

Queens Principal Faces Discrimination Charges By Trisha sakhuja Three teachers from Pan American International High School, located at 45-10 94th St. in Elmhurst, have filed racial discrimination claims against Principal Minerva Zanca within the Department of Education’s Office of Equal Opportunity. Zanca was appointed in September 2012, but a few months later, the staff began to notice a behavior they felt uncomfortable with. Two of the teachers, John Flanagan, a Spanish Language teacher, and Heather Hightower, an ESL-Science teacher, were prepping for tenure this year, but were denied because of continuous poor performance ratings by the principal, which they say were racially motivated. They have subsequently been fired, leaving zero African-American teachers at the school. In addition to the two untenured teachers, tenured theatre teacher Lisa-Erika James and Assistant Principal Anthony Riccardo are also filing a claim against the principal. According to Ricardo, during post observation conferences, the principal said that Hightower “looked like a gorilla in a sweater with nappy hair” and asked, “Did you see his big

lips quivering?” in reference to lish, has been cut even Flanagan. though there is money “It is not only important to in the budget to keep have high standards for our it,” said James. “Our public school teachers,” said last production was Kevin Powell, president of BK a success, but Zanca Nation, a community-based said too much money non-profit bringing light to the was spent on the show, situation. “But we must also especially on my oversupport the good ones, like time hours.” these teachers, who are com- Left to right: Teachers from Queens Pan american high “But, we never had pletely dedicated to their young school john Flanagan, heather hightower and Lisa-Erika a talk about the budget people. I find it unacceptable james file a racial discrimination claim against Principal and a production like that a principal can engage in Minerva Zanca. the one we put on takes this kind of conduct without long hours of rehearsany repercussions.” al,” James continued. “I would like to make the Office feedback in which she speaks for the “She cut the successful theater proof Equal Opportunity aware that I students and misinterprets informa- gram due to the fact that I am African believe I have been targeted for re- tion,” Flanagan continued to state in American and has done everything in moval from my school because of my his claim. “Every time I comply with her power to get rid of every African race,” Flanagan said in a complaint her recommendations, she moves the American teacher on staff,” James issued to the OEO. “The principal’s expectation to a different area. She is said in a claim issued to the OEO. behavior over the past nine months never open for discussion about the The New York City Department has been unfair and manipulative in improvement of my pedagogy and of Education’s Chancellor’s Regulanever gives examples of how I might tion A830 is an anti-discrimination nature.” According to Flanagan, the two do so.” policy, which protects its employees James, who was hired specifically from discrimination based on race, African-American teachers out of the eight untenured teachers have to create a theater program by the for- color, ethnicity, gender and sexual not been recommended for tenure, mer principal, Marcella Barros, said orientation. even though they have been working she is disheartened to see a much According to the DOE, the allegaanticipated program dismantled by tions are under investigation. on their pedagogy. “Ms. Zanca has erroneously evalu- Zanca. Reach Trisha Sakhuja at (718) 357“This new program, which was 7400, Ext. 128, tsakhuja@queenstriated my pedagogy on five occasions with vague and opinion-centered designed to help students learn Eng-, or @Tsakhuja13.

Page 6 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013

Editorial Unnecessary Hate OF SOUTHEAST QUEENS 150-50 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 (voice) (718) 357-7400 fax (718) 357-9417 email The PRESS of Southeast Queens Editor-in-Chief:

Steven J. Ferrari Contributing Editor:

Marcia Moxam Comrie Production Manager:

Shiek Mohamed Queens Today Editor

Regina Vogel Photo Editor: Ira Cohen

Reporters: Natalia Kozikowska Joe Marvilli Luis Gronda Trisha Sakhuja Intern: Asia Ewart Art Dept:

Rhonda Leefoon Lianne Procanyn Barbara Townsend Alan Goldsher Director of Marketing Maureen Coppola Advertising Administrator Advertising Executives Merlene Carnegie Shari Strongin

A Queens Tribune Publication © Copyright 2013 Tribco, LLC

Michael Nussbaum Publisher Ria McPherson Comptroller

Just days before the Supreme Court handed down two decisions that signaled a significant win for LGBTQ rights in the United States, a prominent gay rights activist in Richmond Hill was subjected to a brutal attack at the hands of a group of men at a bar. While those who defend the civil rights of all have cause to celebrate after last week’s court decisions, the rulings do not eliminate the potential for hate and discrimination that others still unfortunately exhibit. We will always defend the ability of all to speak their minds and express themselves, but hateful words and actions towards those who hold different ideologies should not be condoned in any way. Queens has historically been a home to tolerance, understanding and acceptance, even before the country was officially formed. With so many different cultures surrounding each of us every day, the Borough’s capacity for acceptance is clearly evident. We are heartened by the family and friends of the victim in last week’s attack, coming together to call for an end to violence against members of the LGBTQ community, and we join them in their refrain that these actions must stop. We can only hope that the individuals who committed this attack are brought to justice under the law.

Letters A Freedom In Jeopardy

To The Editor: The Fourth of July is upon us and it is time to remember what that means. It is where our forefathers fought for the rights of men and women in this country. Now one of these rights is in jeopardy and that is freedom of religion. Our government is seeking under the HHS mandate that will take effect on Aug. 1, which will impose its will on Catholic health care, schools, charitable institutions as well as private businesses that believe in the preservation of human life. Well whatever happened to respect and tolerance for those who believe differently? Now as a Catholic and as a member of the Knights of Columbus, I firmly believe in religious freedom as stated in the U.S. Constitution under the First Amendment. Let me also report on the fact that on June 22 in Washington D.C., that the Knights of Columbus sponsored a Mass at St. Peter on Capitol Hill, followed by a candlelight vigil on U.S. Capitol grounds. The national event will culminate on July 4 with a noon Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington.

This is a Mass praying for Religious tolerance and is promoted as a, “Fortnight for Freedom.” For it is said prayer is the answer when all else fails. Frederick R. Bedell Jr. Glen Oaks Village

Keep Our Borders

To The Editor: Some people feel that illegal immigrants should become citizens and that we should abolish our borders and let anyone in our country. This would not be a wise thing to do because: 1. There can never be enough jobs for all willing immigrants due to government rules that regulate and burden businesses. 2. If we opened our borders, we would not have enough schools, hospitals, apartments, etc. for all who would come. 3. Studies have shown that illegal immigrants take more in government handouts than they pay in taxes. 4. When a country is composed of dissimilar groups who refuse to assimilate into the overriding culture, Balkanization, jealousy and violence eventually happen. 5. Without the enforce-

Letters ment of borders, a culture will eventually cease to exist. We should remedy the immigration problem by guarding our borders and cut off welfare benefits. Most immigrants will then self-deport because they can’t afford to live here without government aid. Janet McCarthy, Flushing

Queens Library Working Hard

To the Editor: Strong libraries equal strong communities. Library lovers across Queens spoke up to support library funding and I am so pleased to announce that the proposed budget cut was restored. Your library will remain open five-plus days a week. We thank our elected officials, including the entire New York City Council, led by Speaker Christine Quinn, as well as Mayor Michael Bloomberg, for prioritizing public libraries this year. We want to recognize Council Member Domenic Recchia, Jr., Chairman of the Finance Committee; Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, Chairman of the Cultural Affairs and Libraries Committee; Deputy Majority Leader Leroy Comrie; and Council Member Vincent Gentile, Chairman of the Select Committee on Libraries for their outstanding leadership as well as the entire Queens delegation to the City Council. We also owe our gratitude to our many stalwart Library champions, including Queens Borough President Helen Marshall. I also want to thank all the Friends of the Library and library advocates around the Borough who signed the petitions, held rallies, wrote postcards and made their voices heard. Without your energy, the future might not look as bright. And the future does look bright. Queens Library is open to provide all those essential community services you rely on: computers and Wi-Fi, books and movies, homework help, job search assistance, consumer health information, classes, music, intelligent conversation and simply a great place to visit.

Our newest offerings include downloadable e-magazines and downloadable audio books. The new library in Glen Oaks is already serving the community. A new library in north Flushing will open this summer. Your Queens Library is working hard to enrich your life. Thomas W. Galante, President and CEO, Queens Library

A Case of History Repeating?

To The Editor: With so many regions around the world in turmoil and chaos, it should be very obvious that the peace and stability of the world has never been so precarious as it is now. This is a very volatile and potentially dangerous situation, which needs to be addressed by the leaders of all nations, including our own immediately. There still are far too many countries that have destructive weapons of mass destruction, and that will continue to increase, as more and more nations acquire the ability to produce those destructive weapons. Remember Aug. 31,1939 – the last true day of world peace and stability we would experience for six long and horrible years. Could history repeat itself? If it does, there will not be a tomorrow for humankind. John Amato, Fresh Meadows

A New Disease?

To The Editor: The big pharmaceutical companies must be ecstatic now that the American Medical Association has declared obesity a disease. Now doctors will just prescribe pills to their patients instead of telling them to “eat healthier food and exercise!” Robert La Rosa Whitestone

WRITE ON: The PRESS of Southeast Queens, 150-40 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357 email

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 7

HB residents Get advice during sandy Forum By Luis Gronda

Photo by Luis Gronda

Residents still rebuilding from Superstorm Sandy questioned federal and State officials about what they should do going forward during a forum on Sunday afternoon. Neighborhood residents got a chance to ask their questions at a town hall meeting held at Father Dooley Hall in Howard Beach. The meeting was co-hosted by Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Ozone Park) and U.S. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (DBrooklyn). Representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Dept. of Financial Services and the Neighborhood Revitalization program were on hand to answer people’s questions as well as give advice on specific problems. During the meeting, several different issues were touched on, including the difference between the preliminary flood map and the new evacuation zone map released last month. Jeffries said the two maps have been a point of confusion in the

assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (right) hosted a superstorm sandy public forum last sunday in Howard Beach.

past, because they were both letter maps. This will soon change as the evacuation maps will switch to a 1-6 number scale with 1 being the highest priority in terms of evacuating if a major storm is approaching.

“That’s going to change, because I think the City recognized that it was confusing,” the Congressman said. Under the old map, most of Howard Beach was in Evacuation Zone B for evacuation and now it will be

in Zone 1, placing it in the same zone as other coastal neighborhoods like Broad Channel and the Rockaways. One question submitted during the forum asked when residents living in areas like Howard Beach will know when they can take steps to build up their property and reduce their flood insurance. Greg Coulson, the FEMA rep at Sunday’s meeting, said that the reality is that people cannot know for sure until the new flood map is adopted and that will not occur for another 18 to 24 months. He said that a new flood map will be unveiled at the end of this summer. After that, a 90-day comment period will follow. They will work with Congress on any appeals people might have on the maps before it is adopted. Residents were also encouraged to apply for the City’s Build It Back Program, which helps homeowners rebuild their property if it was severely impacted by Sandy. Reach Luis Gronda at (718) 3577400, Ext. 127, or @luisgronda

Ken adams speaks at Queens College Biz. Forum By Joe MarviLLi

Photo by Joe Marvilli

The head of economic development in the State touted two Queens businesses during a June 21 conference at Queens College. The two start-up stories were used as examples for how the State is supporting small business during a speech by Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of Empire State Development and commissioner of the New York State Dept. of Economic Development. Titled “Economic Development Initiatives Under Governor Cuomo,” his talk to a packed Student Union ballroom went over changes the State government has made to encourage new and existing businesses, like Shapeways and Rufus King Court Apartments. Shapeways, a Dutch, high-tech 3D printing company, recently set up shop in Long Island City. As the company plans for expansion and additional jobs, it was scored as a priority project and entitled to get the Excelsior tax credit. Rufus King Court Apartments, an affordable, green, transit-oriented, residential development in Jamaica was projected to create about $22 million in economic development in Queens. The project was given a $1.7 million grant. Both of these companies were

counties. While unemable to thrive due to changployment is still hoveres Gov. Cuomo made in ing at seven to eight the State’s policies to boost percent, there has been business and job growth. at least 16 consecutive One of the first things months of positive job Cuomo did was get rid of growth. About twothe one-size-fits-all finanthirds of this activity cial assistance program and is concentrated in the create regional economic downstate region. councils to concentrate “There are only five their efforts on their area’s states today that have financial strengths. fully recovered the jobs “We mapped out the lost from the recession State into ten economic reof 2008/2009. New gions and asked volunteers York is one of those five from each of those regions states,” Adams said. to come up with their own During a Q&A afplan,” Adams said. “The ter his speech, Adams governor gave everyone commented on regua homework assignment: lation, which he feels come up with a five-year there is too much of, economic development and the Belmont Park’s plan.” request for proposal Once the councils were set up, the governor took all Ken adams, Ceo of empire state development, spoke during to develop an excess parking lot. One such the economic development a breakfast at Queens College. proposal mentioned funding that was spread throughout various agencies and put scored on a scale of one to 20. The was a soccer stadium for the New it in one place to simplify the applica- closer to 20 the proposal gets, the York Cosmos, but Adams said the tion process, called the Consolidated more likely the council and State will process is still ongoing. “I can tell you the responses were Funding Application. The system is support it. available online at regionalcouncils. Adams also mentioned some really good and it’ll be a tough and is accepting requests for statistics about the size and condi- sion to see which is the most approresources until August 12. tion of New York State’s economy. priate for the site,” he said. Reach Joe Marvilli at (718) 357Each proposal sent in is reviewed Around 7.4 million people are workby the council to see if it fits with ing at 500,000 companies in the pri- 7400, Ext. 125, jmarvilli@queenstrithe region’s five-year plan. They are vate sector throughout the State’s 62 or @joey788.

Page 8 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013

Queens Pols Call For More Comp sci Classes Computer science could be a required class to graduate high school if legislation sponsored by two Queens Assemblymembers passes. Assemblymembers Andrew Hevesi (D-Forest Hills) and Francisco Moya (D-Jackson Heights) plan to introduce legislation that would require every high school to include computer science in its core graduation curriculum. They will also sponsor a second bill that would do the same for CUNY and SUNY schools in New York. Both elected officials gave much of the credit to Reshma Saujani, one of several candidates for Public Advocate, for leading the charge for increased focus on technology education throughout the City and for coming up with the idea for bill that they will introduce. Saujani said she was discouraged by the lack of tech education that students are being offered in public schools. “What I really saw as a huge bar-

Photo by Luis Gronda

By Luis Gronda

Public advocate candidate reshma saujani (center) speaks about computer science legislation that will be supported by assemblymembers andrew Hevesi and Francisco Moya.

rier was technology and the fact that we were not teaching our kids the skills to get jobs in [those] industries.” she said. Mike Zamansky, a computer sci-

ence teacher at Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan, said with more jobs becoming available in the tech industry, students need to be exposed at an earlier age to learning

computer science, and it could lead to more kids choosing that as their career path. “If you expose kids to computer science and modern technology, they will eat it up,” Zamansky said. “There are a lot of kids meant to do computer science; they just don’t have the opportunity.” He used his daughter, Batya, as an example of how this exposure could lead to more students getting involved in tech. Zamansky said that Batya took one computer science course as a basic requirement at school. She gained interest in the subject and took two more high-level classes. Batya will now start a summer internship at a tech company with hopes of making that field her full-time career. Hevesi said that they will deliver three separate letters to state education leaders and they expect to get the full support of the bill from the rest of the State Assembly. Reach Luis Gronda at (718) 3577400, Ext. 127,, or @luisgronda.

Guyanese-american Biz. Council Hold 6th Gala Around 250 business executives and people from the legal, academic and cultural professions came together in East Elmhurst to celebrate the Guyanese and American Business and Professional Council’s 6th Green Gala. On June 21, six individuals were on hand to receive awards at the LaGuardia Airport Marriott Grand Ball Room for their work. The theme of the evening was “Forging Links into the Green Age.” The honorees were Dr. Deborah Persaud, Councilman James Gennaro (D-Fresh Meadows), Queens Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jack Friedman, Rams Bottled Water CEO Patrick Ramlall, Go Solar Green CEO Mark Chandarpal and Bon Secours Health System. Persaud, an immigrant from Guyana and a graduate of York College, said “I view my life as being part of the ‘American Dream’ where miracles can happen and hard work is recognized and rewarded.” The Johns Hopkins Children’s Center HIV expert, virologist and infectious disease specialist was named by TIME magazine as one of the world’s 100 most influential people in 2013. Gennaro was honored for his public service and his work as Chairman of the City Council’s Committee on

Environmental Protection. He is also the recipient of the 2013 Environmental Quality award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Friedman was praised for his work in business advocacy. Ramlall received his accolades for philanthropy and

community consciousness. Chandarpal was recognized for his environmentally conscious model for new small business. Bon Secours was commended for their environmental leadership. TD Bank was also singled out

(Back row, from left to right) second Vice President of GaBPC darshan Chickery, al Pinnis, Queens Chamber of Commerce Executive director Jack Friedman, First Vice President of GaBPC and CEo of Bon secours Virginia Medical Group Thomas auer, GaBPC President Leyland Hazlewood, Mark Chandarpal and Patrick ramlall; and (sitting, from left to right) Queens Chamber of Commerce members Jacklyn danado and sophia Ganosis, Executive director of GaBPC shanie Persaud and dr. deborah Persaud attended the Guyanese and american Business and Professional Council’s 6th Green Gala.

for its effort to become carbon neutral. “Our ‘green’ theme symbolizes our universal connectedness as expressed in our concern for sustainability of biodiversity, which of course includes us all,” Leyland Hazlewood, President of GABPC, said. “Like globalization, we ignore at our peril the fact that economics and the environment now link all parts of the world.” Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. (DAstoria) was on hand to congratulate the awardees for their contributions to health, scientific research, entrepreneurship, business advocacy, community representation and concern for the environment. The reception also featured entertainment by the Samba Nova Dance Group as well as some modern dance music. The 2013 Gala Awards Dinner was supported by organizations that included Bon Secours Health System, Inc., Visiting Nurse Service of New York Choice Health Plans, Athena Health, TD Bank, Zara Luxury Apartments and Homes, United Health Care, Sybil’s Restaurant and Bakery, Health Diagnostics Laboratory Inc., Unique Professional Creations, MultiViz Health Services, HUB International and several other businesses.

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 9

Police Blotter 107th Precinct


At 9:45 a.m. on June 23, police responded to a call of a motorcycle accident on the Grand Central Parkway near the 168th Street exit. Upon arrival, police discovered a motorcyclist, identified as Antonio Ferruccio, 59, of Glendale, with severe body trauma. EMS transported the motorcyclist to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead. A preliminary investigation indicated the operator was on a 1991 Ducati motorcycle, traveling eastbound on the GCP when he struck a guardrail in the center median near the 168th Street exit. An investigation is ongoing.

109th Precinct

Sexual Assault

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance locating the following sus-

pect wanted for a sexual assault. At 4:50 p.m. on June 22 in the vicinity of Union Street, the suspect, with a firearm in his waistband, forced his way in to a building and sexually assaulted the victim, a 46-year-old female. The victim was transported to a nearby hospital in stable condition. The suspect is described as a white male in his 40s, 220 lbs., and between 6-foot and 6-foot-4. He was last seen wearing a light blue T-shirt, shorts, sneakers and a baseball cap.

113th Precinct


At 12:58 a.m. on June 22, police responded to 110-52 Farmers Blvd. Upon arrival, officers discovered the victim, identified as Donte Simon, 26, of Hollis, shot one time in the chest. EMS responded and transported the victim to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The investigation is ongoing.

115th Precinct

Custodial Interference

The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance ascertaining the whereabouts of a 4-year-old female taken by her biological father. At 2 p.m. on June 21, the victim, Giovanna Beck, was with her mother and biological father, identified as Michael Beck, 28, at the Dunkin Donuts located at 83-04 Astoria Blvd., when the father asked the mother if he could go to the car to give his daughter a present. The father then took the child and left the location in a white Chevrolet driven by an unknown female. Michael Beck is described as 5-foot-7 and weighing 160 lbs. with short red hair. The driver of the vehicle is described as a light-skinned female with long dark, straight hair, wearing glasses. The suspect is from Ohio and recently flew in to New York.


At 1:55 a.m. on June 25, police responded to a 911 call of a person shot in front of 104-21 37th Road. Upon arrival, officers observed the victim, a 27-year-old Black male, unconscious and unresponsive with a gunshot wound to the head. EMS also responded and pronounced the victim dead at the scene. There have been no arrests at this time and the investigation is ongoing.

Got info?

Call Crimestoppers at 1-800-577-tiPS (8477) or text tips to CRiMES (274637) then enter TIPS577

Borough Beat

Housing Forum Draws A Huge Crowd BY JOE MARVILLI

Photo by Ira C ohen

More than 1,000 people lined up on Union Street in Flushing, waiting to enter a public housing forum that addressed the new Macedonia Plaza housing and offered advice for renters. Held in the basement of the Macedonia AME Church at 3722 Union St. on June 27, the forum featured several speakers who gave information on how the audience could take advantage of their services. The event was organized by Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Flushing), who said he has received a large amount of constituent questions on the topic throughout the seven months he has been in office. “It was a loud cry for help from my community. As I stood outside addressing the hundreds of people who couldn’t fit into the forum, I felt very frustrated and sympathetic,” Kim said. “We need more affordable housing options for our hard working families and our seniors.” State Sen. Toby Stavisky (D-Flushing) was on hand to restate the massive need in Flushing and the City as a whole for more public housing. Although there are 22 public housing projects in Queens being run by the New York City Housing Authority,

there is a long waiting list for all their landlords. The Legal Aid of them. Society is available whether an “With all due respect for the individual is a citizen, has a developers, they are not doing green card or not. affordable housing and we have “You have the right to a deto pick up the slack,” Stavisky cent, safe apartment. You have said. “This large attendance a right to complain if your landdemonstrates the need for aflord doesn’t give you a decent fordable housing.” and safe apartment,” he said. Many members of the audi“To get you out of your apartence asked about the progress of ment, your landlord must take the under-construction Macedoyou to court.” nia Plaza and when they would Chaz Crowder from the City be able to apply. The Rev. Dr. Assemblyman Ron Kim spoke to a large crowd at a Human Resources AdministraRichard McEachern, the pas- public hearing forum in Macedonia AME Church tion said his agency mainly tor of Macedonia AME church, on June 27. helps people with financial diftold the crowd that applications ficulties, whether it be Medicfor the 142 units in the complex will icy and leadership development at aid or cash assistance. Most of the be available in August or a little ear- Asian Americans for Equality, men- HRA’s services are for documented lier. Once the application is released, tioned that the organization fights individuals, but those with children those interested will have 60 days to for more housing but could also offer born in the U.S. can also apply. fill it out and mail it to a P.O. Box. assistance for people having trouble “Our agency does not find houswith landlords or foreclosure. Then the lottery process will start. ing for people, but we do assist “We help people who want to be with rental assistance for individuOther initiatives dealt with affordable and senior housing, as well as homebuyers or who might be facing als that are income eligible to reassistance for those having problems foreclosure. We help tenants who ceive benefits,” Crowder said. “On might be having problems with their the issue of evictions, we can help with landlords and finances. “We have a panel to address your landlord to resolve that problem and a person if they are getting evicted concerns and address what your needs stay in their homes,” he said. “We help from their home, if you’ve had a are when it comes to housing,” Kim every day with those kinds of issues.” gas cut-off notice or an electricity Sateesh Nori, executive attorney cut-off notice.” said. “That’s why we’re here. We care about your concerns. We want to help at the Queens office of the Legal Reach Joe Marvilli at (718) 357Aid Society, also offered his agency’s 7400, Ext. 125, at jmarvilli@queeneach and every one of you.” Douglas Nam Le, director of pol- services to those having issues with, or at @Joey788

Page 10 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013


Southeast Queens Events Edited By Harley Benson

Merchant of the Year

Dinkins Endorsement

Former Mayor David Dinkins stood with Councilman Leroy Comrie during an announcement that Dinkins was endorsing the Councilman in the Queens Borough President election. Photo by Ira Cohen.

Cleaning Up

The Sutphin Boulevard Business Improvement District held its annual meeting on June 27 at the JFK Corporate Square Marketing Center in downtown Jamaica, during which the BID presented its annual Merchant of the Year award. Pictured (from left) are Interim Chair Shepherd Baum, vice president and branch manager of Sterling National Bank in Jamaica; award recipient Carla Lalanne, owner of The Best Beauty Salon in downtown Jamaica on Sutphin Boulevard; and BID Executive Director Simone Price. Photo by Walter Karling.

Protesters gathered on June 29 to march in opposition to the unsanitary conditions on the streets of Jamaica. Photo by Walter Karling.

Cricket Players Remember Romano Sahid

Friends and family remember Ramano Sahid in a memorial cricket game last Saturday at Baisley Park in South Jamaica. Ramano (inset) died in a tragic accident back in 2007 at the age of 15. Photo by Shiek Mohamed.

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 11

GREEN MARKETS STRONG COMMUNITIES At EmblemHealth, we’ve made a simple promise to help our community stay healthy, get well and live better. That’s why we’re sponsoring green markets because healthy neighborhoods mean a strong community. We want to get to know you better and understand your needs. Stop by for FREE health care tips and tools to help keep you healthy.

Harvest Home Saturday, July 13th & 27th* (Chef) 9 am–3 pm Roy Wilkins Market 177-01 Baisley Blvd., Queens, NY 11434 Just inside the main entrance on Baisley Blvd.

GrowNYC Friday, July 12th & 26th 9 am–4 pm Corona Market 103-28 Roosevelt Avenue Corona, NY 11368 Between 103rd and 104th Street

*Experience a live cooking demonstration with a celebrity chef. Coverage underwritten by Group Health Incorporated (GHI) and HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP). © EmblemHealth Inc. 2013, All Rights Reserved.

Page 12 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013


Sondra Peedan Runs For Comrie’s Seat Long-time St. Albans resident Sondra Peedan has officially thrown her hat in the race to replace the term-limited Councilman Leroy Comrie (D-Jamaica) later this year. The announcement makes her the second woman vying for the District 27 Council seat. “I decided over a year ago that my calling, which is public service and government, was leading me to this place,” Peedan said. “It became really apparent to me that this is where my career and education is leading me.” Peedan is no stranger to the political landscape. She has worked alongside many elected officials including the late City Councilwoman Juanita Watkins and the late City Councilman Thomas White. “This is really what it is that I do,” Peedan explained. “I am running because I care about this community. I was born and raised in St. Albans. I have an affinity for government and public policy and

Photo provided by Sondra Peedan


Council has been operating in southeast Queens, she does see room for improvement. “People talk to me every time they see me about how we need to do something about education,” she said. “We need to do something to reform our broken education system here in New York City, and specifically here in southeast Queens.” “The second thing, and these go hand-inhand, is job growth and economic development,” Long-time St. Albans resident, Sondra Peedan, hopes she continued. “We need to be the first female councilwoman for District 27. to do something about housing here in southI think that as a wife of a foster par- east Queens. This is one of the areas ent and the daughter of a senior in the country hardest hit by the forecitizen, I put a perspective in my closure crisis.” Peedan would also like to bring in ideas and ideals that will serve this more programs and opportunities to district well.” Although Peedan admits that she the misguided youth in District 27. “There is not enough of anything was satisfied with the way the City

for our young people,” she said. “There really is no program for our young people to get what they need on many levels. There are no job ready programs, there are no vocational training [institutions] outside of the school setting and we need a community center.” “It is my belief that the crime rate and violence is directly tied to economics,” Peedan continued. “I think that if there were more jobs available to the young people, if there were more opportunities for people to see their way out of those types of activities and see the way towards a career path.” Peedan joins candidates Joan Flowers, a Springfield Gardens attorney, Manny Caughman, an aide to Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-Jamaica) and local labor leader, Daneek Miller. Attorney Clyde Vanel is also rumored to be running for the seat. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123, or @nkozikowska.

People Haley Nieweg of Jamaica Estates has enrolled at the University of Delaware’s New Student Orientation program this summer. Jasmine Deal of Jamaica was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Caldwell College in Caldwell, N.J. Crystal Gardner of Laurelton graduated magna cum laude with a degree in health sciences during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania. Local students were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at SUNY Buffalo State. They include: Cambria Heights: Wilherne Benjamin. Jamaica: Mickayla Mc Gee, Philicia Montgomery, Liza Sang Yan, Imani Smith. Queens Village: Erin Troy. Rosedale: Berthliz Durand. St. Albans: Jody Ann Robinson. South Richmond Hill: Carol Reyes. Springfield Gardens: Simone Dawson. Tracy Smith of Rosedale was

named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I. Heather Bello of Jamaica Estates was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Alvernia University in Reading, Pa. Local students were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Rochester Institute of Technology. They include: Cambria Heights: Alex Etienne. Jamaica: Mohammad Arefin. Laurelton: Wesly Delva. Amanda Badal of Springfield Gardens was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at SUNY Brockport. Army Reserve Spec. Timothy M. Zappel has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. Zappel is the son of Krystyna Zappel of Jamaica. Local students received awards from the Binghamton University Foundation. Kristina C. Smith of St. Albans received the David L. Anderson Award

for Student Excellence. Matthew O’Grady of Hollis Hills received the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Section Award. Brian Lee of Hollis received the Vasilew Award in Rhetoric. Aliyah Muhammad of South Ozone Park was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester at Herkimer County Community College. Local students received awards from the Binghamton University Foundation. Emiko Okamoto of Forest Hills received the Albery Nocciolino Award for Excellence in Theatre. Taylor J. Arluck of Rego Park received the Economics Faculty Award for Excellence in Economics and the Emilil Roma III Memorial Award for service to PPL Program. Local students received degrees during spring 2013 commencement ceremonies at Boston University. They include: Forest Hills: Peter Michelli, magna cum laude, Bachelor of Arts degree in history and Latin; Amanda Meraxa, Bachelor of Arts degree in

economicsl; Jennifer Rubin, Doctor of Dental Medicine degree in dentistry; Rebecca Steinberg, Bachelor of Science degree in film and television; Nancy Xia, Bachelor of Arts degree in neuroscience and psychology. Ozone Park: Samantha Ogir, Bachelor of Science degree in communications. Rego Park: Arpit Jain, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in business administration and management; Margaret Ngo, cum laude, Bachelor of Arts degree in East Asian studies and Japanese language and literature. Fresh Meadows: Alanna Sobel, Bachelor of Science degree in therapeutic studies; Daniela Sorokko, Juris Doctor degree in law. Oakland Gardens: Caputo Chang, Juris Doctor degree in law; Sean Escobedo, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in business administration and management; Diana Tong, cum laude, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in business administration and management; Jane Whang, cum laude, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in business administration and management.

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 13


Former Cosmos star once Called Queens Home By Luis Gronda A former soccer star that used to reside in Queens came back to see the new version of the New York Cosmos. Werner Roth was a defender on the New York Cosmos from 1972 until 1979 and played with soccer legends such as Pele, Franz Beckenbauer and Giorgio Chinaglia. Roth also played for the United States Men’s national team, accumulating 15 caps in total. During a recent interview, Roth reflected on his eight years with the Cosmos as well as spending the majority of his life living in Queens. Roth moved to New York at the age of 7 from the former Republic of Yugoslavia, where he was born. He settled in Ridgewood, moving through three different areas in that neighborhood, which were Gates, Seneca and Catalpa avenues. He also spent a lot of time at the Metropolitan Oval in Maspeth, where he honed his soccer skills. Moving to Ridgewood gave Roth a home he was fully comfortable with, he said. According to the former Cosmos star, he was easily able

to acclimate to his new country because of the ethnic make-up of the neighborhood. Many people spoke his native language and they played soccer like he did. “It was finally a home we could stay in and that we liked,” Roth said. He spent many days playing pickup soccer at Highland and Forest parks, which further sharpened his game, he said. Roth also fondly remembered his playing days with Pele. He said that playing with the Brazilian soccer legend was a thrill and an inspiration to him, in large part because of Pele’s leadership on the field. “We raised our play because of the nature of his personality,” said Roth, who played with Pele from 1975 until 1977. “It was a great incentive, because we wanted to work as hard as he did.” Beckenbauer had a similar effect on the team, Roth said, but he was also more demanding of his teammates to raise the level of their play. This served as an incentive for Roth, partly because he and Beckenbauer were roommates when the team traveled for away games. “If I didn’t play well, I would have

Groovin’ in The Park

Photos by natalia Kozikowska

a little bit of rain could not stop hundreds of new yorkers gathered at roy Wilkins Park in st. albans last sunday to listen to their favorite reggae and r&B artists at this year’s Groovin’ in the Park festival. Legendary artist Patti LaBelle headlined the show, performing some of her classics like the iconic disco song “Lady Marmalade” and 1977 smash-hit “on My own.”

to deal with my roommate,” he said. Roth watched the current carnation of the Cosmos practice last week. He said that while he has not seen the players enough to accurately judge, he likes their enthusiasm and he can see that the organization is committed to building a successful team in the inaugural season of the North American Soccer League. Reach Luis Gronda at (718) 3577400, Ext. 12, or @luisgronda.

Werner roth

athlete defies odds To represent The usa By TrisHa saKHuJa Bart Smarkucki, 24, a resident of Maspeth, always considered himself to be the “skinny guy, who runs track.” A coding chemist by profession, who designs corrosion inhibitors in a chemical lab, Smarkucki spends hours each day weightlifting before the sun comes up and after the sun goes down. He is working towards his goal of representing the United States as an Olympic weightlifter in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the 2016 summer games. Olympic weightlifting happened by accident, he said. Smarkucki was his coach’s favorite athlete during his college years at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn., which led to overtraining him after he was selected by the USA Nationals in 2011 to represent the USA during the 2012 Olympic track and field games in London. Instead of making his dreams come true at the Olympics, Smarkucki tore his labrum, which led him to six months of physical therapy. Shortly after the hip surgery, Smarkucki continued to train without much direction from his coach because his attention diverted to the younger athletes on the team. Neither of his injuries nor a lack of attention stopped Smarkucki from training regularly. While he was training at the gym in Connecticut, he was found squatting by an old-time Olympic weightlifter from Poland, Robert Pietruszka. “This guy comes up to me and says

to me, ‘you are very explosive and strong, have you ever done Olympic training?’” Smarkucki said. Smarkucki says their relationship is more like a son and father. Soon after training under Pietruszka, Smarkucki competed and won second place in his first weightlifting competition at Trinity College in Connecticut, in which he competed within the 175-187 pound weight class. “My technique was wrong and it was nothing like everybody else’s because everybody went up smoothly,” Smarkucki said in response to how he felt about his first performance. “I grabbed the weight very explosively, put the weight up and put it down.” Smarkucki has come a long way since his first competition during a short period of time, where he first snatched 200 pounds, and clean and jerked 268 pounds. Not too long after receiving the good news of qualifying in the U.S. Nationals to compete as a weightlifter in the Olympic London summer games of 2012, Smarkucki suffered from a staph infection after dislocating his ankle. Now, Smarkucki can snatch 251 pounds and clean and jerk more than 300 pounds within the 188-206 pound weight class. “They said it would take me longer to walk, but I would go to the gym with my crutches, and start training,” Smarkucki said. Reach Trisha Sakhuja at (718) 3577400, Ext. 128,, or @Tsakhuja13.

Page 14 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013


Church Hosts Annual Community Cookout BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA The First Presbyterian Church of Jamaica will host its free annual Community Cookout on July 10. The event, which was organized by the church’s food pantry, aims to bring the community together, encourage guests to come back to worship at First Presbyterian and feed those who may not have access to a delicious barbecue feast. “It’s part of our food pantry First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica gears that we do every Wednesday, so annual Community Cookout on July 10. in the summer time in July, it’s like a July 4th event,” said Betty Baker, coordinator of the food out more than 300 people, many of programs at First Presbyterian. “It’s which need the assistance from the just like the soup kitchen meal that is church’s soup kitchen. served but it is more of a cookout.” “This is giving them a treat,” BakThis year marks First Presbyte- er said. “Pretty much, we have a lot rian’s seventh annual cookout. Often of the same people that do come in times, Baker said, the barbecue will addition to different people that are draw out a large number of people. In not always able to come. It’s partly previous years, the event has drawn to promote the church but its also

to give the participants of the soup kitchen a treat – give them a different type of meal from what they would usually receive on a regular serving day.” At this year’s cookout, Baker noted that there will be nutritional information and pamphlets distributed for guests. Ensuring a healthy diet has always been imporup for their tant to the First Presbyterian Church – even in its soup kitchen. “In our soup kitchen, we try to do very healthy foods most of the time so they will be out there giving out information about nutrition,” she said. “It’s just really a time where the community can come out with no expectations – we don’t require them to do anything but to have a meal.” First Presbyterian will have

many different dish options to choose from. Baker said the church plans on making the typical cookout food. “We will have grilled chicken, there will be a barbecue, hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, potato salad, macaroni salad, corn, ice cream and some juice, water – everything you can think of,” she said. “It’s entirely free. We’ll be feeding anyone who wants to come join us,” Baker added. “It will be outside. Just come and enjoy a nice community cookout. It’s just a free time to eat and dance!” The Community Cookout will be held at the First Presbyterian Church of Jamaica from 5 to 7 p.m. The First Presbyterian Church is located at 8960 164th St., Jamaica. For more information, you may call the church at (718) 526-4775. Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123, or @ nkozikowska.


Old Jamaica High School

Old Jamaica High School Becomes Landmark Site BY NATALIA KOZIKOWSKA

High School was built in 1895-1896, originally as a combined grammar More than one month after the and high school, PS 47. The school Landmarks Preservation Commis- replaced a much smaller, simpler sion held its public hearing on the school building located close to the proposal to designate the former center of Jamaica. The elaborate deJamaica High School, now Jamaica tails and style expressed the town’s Learning Center, as a Landmark optimism about future development. By 1909, the three-story building Site, the request has been approved had become so crowded, the gramunanimously. The Dutch Revival-style Jamaica mar school moved elsewhere and the school was officially renamed as Jamaica High School, serving only high school students. For years, the building served older students until the current and much larger Jamaica High School was constructed on Gothic Drive in 1927. The new Jamaica High School earned a designation The former Jamaica High School, now Jamaica Learn- as a New York City ing Center, has earned a designated landmark status landmark in 2009. by the Landmarks Preservation Commission. For the design of this building, the Ja-

maica Board of Education hired renowned Brooklyn architect William Tubby, who had produced a number of well-regarded institutions. He was also very well known for his Dutch Revival-style approach to architecture. He faced three stories with red and tan brick with contrasting decorative details such as splayed lintels. A large, modified stepped gabble near the western side of the front features a series of tall windows grouped under a red-brick arch. The tall, hipped roof is highlighted by unusual “witch’s hat” dormers and high chimneys. Much of this style is still preserved on the building today and the elaborately designed building continues to serve as a reminder of a much earlier period in the history of Jamaica. During the late 19th century, the role of public education in America was being transformed into a more systematic, thorough effort. New Yorkers, especially those in Queens, were beginning to realize the importance of higher education to create informed students.

As the time of its construction, Jamaica High School was much bigger and its style was more elaborate than its predecessor on Herriman Avenue. According to a statement released by the Landmarks Preservation Commission, the new school represented a large financial commitment on the park of local residents to pay for and support the new structure. But they realized that Jamaica was posed to undergo huge changes. “The residents of Queens had expressed their interest in joining with the other metropolitan areas into a consolidated city and they expected that Jamaica would make large gains of population and trade in the newly expanded city,” the statement read. “They also realized that a large, elaborate school building would show they valued the education of their young people and attract even more residents who wanted to live in such a community.” Reach Reporter Natalia Kozikowska at (718)357-7400 Ext. 123,, or @ nkozikowska.

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 15


Send announcements for your club or organization’s events at least TWO weeks in advance to “Queens Today” Editor, Queens Tribune, 150-50 14 Road, Whitestone NY 11357. Send faxes to 357-9417, c/o Regina or email to queenstoday@ Yearly schedules and advanced notices welcome!

DANCE ISRAELI FOLK Mondays 7:15-9:45 at Hillcrest Jewish Center, 182-02 Union Turnpike. $10 session. 380-4145. LINE DANCING Mondays 6:30-9:30 at Kowalinski Post 4, 61-57 Maspeth Avenue. $7. Cake and coffee. 5652259. COUNTRY LINE Wednesdays 7-10 at the S TA R S Building, 8 Coleman Square, Howard Beach. $10.

ENVIRONMENT FOOD WASTE DROP Saturdays 1-3 at the Broadway and LIC library. COMPOSTING Tuesdays Woodside library 5:15-6:30.

MISCELLANEOUS CORONA SELF HELP Sunday, July 7 h o n o r and celebrate those individuals and families who today are sober at 10 at Flushing Meadows Coro n a P a r k , U S TA B i l l i e Jean King National Tennis Center. 760-6331. AUDITIONS Sunday, July 7 1-3:30, Monday, July 8 7:3010:00 and Wednesday, July 10 7:30-10:00 auditions for “Birthday Boy.” Leads: 4 boys 8-12, 2 men and 1 woman, chorus. 917-574-8517. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Experienced in community outreach, social media, public relations and assisting in various activities with seniors at the Jackson Adult Center. 657-6692.

ENTERTAINMENT IT’S BROADWAY Saturday, July 6 Flushing library at 1:30. NU URBAN CAFÉ Saturdays live jazz, r&b, open mic 8-midnight. Free. 188-36 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 917817-8653. SUNDAY CONCERT Sunday, July 7 Inner Roots Band performs at 3 at the Central library. CLASSICAL JAM Monday, July 8 Richmond Hill library at 6. OPEN MIC Mondays, July 8, August 12, September 9 Barnes & Noble, 176-60 Union Tu r n p i ke , Fre s h M e a d ows at 7:30. VIOLIN CONCERT Tuesday, July 9 Queens Village library at 2. MOVIES Tuesday, July 9 “Skyfall.” Tuesday, August 13 “Lincoln” at the Queens Village library at 3. BINGO Tuesdays 7:15 American Mart yrs C h u rc h in Bayside. 464-4582. Tuesdays 7:15 (doors open 6) Rego Park Jewish Center. 459-1000. $3 admission includes 12 games. SCRABBLE Tuesdays Fresh Meadows library at 2. CHESS Tuesdays 4 Rosedale library. JAZZ JAMS Wednesdays, July 10, August 7 professional jazz musicians, graduate students and educators perform at 7 at Flushing Town Hall. 463-7700, ext. 222. $10. SINATRA Wednesday, July 10 at 2 at the Howard Beach library. TRIBUTE TO ELLIS IS. Wednesday, July 10 2:30 at the Forest Hills library. JAMAICA DRUM Thursday, July 11 Unleash Your Grove at 2 at the Central library. NY PHILHARMONIC Thursday, July 11 8 at Cunningham Park, 196 th Street and Union Turnpike. MIAMI HEAT Friday, July 12 NBA discussion, refreshments at the Peninsula library at noon. FAMILY GAME DAY Fridays, July 12, 19, 26 B ay Te r ra c e l i b ra r y a t 3:30. NU URBAN CAFÉ Fridays live jazz and r&b 9-midnight. Free. 188-36 Linden Blvd., St. Albans. 917-817-8653. GAME DAY Fridays 4:30

Woodhaven librar y. GAME PLAYERS CLUB Fridays 2 Hillcrest library. PING PONG Saturday, July 13 documentary at the Steinway library at 1. JAMAICA DRUM Saturday, July 13 at the Central library. Register. FAMILY DAY Saturday, July 13 St. Albans Family Day at the St. Albans Park, Merrick B l v d . , b e t w e e n 1 7 3 rd Place and Sayres from 12-5. LATIN MUSIC Saturday, July 13 Villalobos Brothers perform at 1 and again at 4 at the Jackson Heights library. SINO-AMERICAN Saturday, July 13 Chinese pop and folk songs at the Flushing library at 2:30. ROCK & ROLL PARTY Sunday, July 14 Rock A n d Ro l l H o u s e Pa r t y with dance lessons at 1, concert at 2 at Flushing Town Hall’s newly renovated Garden. 463-7700, ext. 222.

Weekly Meetings ONGOING MEETINGS GARDENING CLUB Saturdays in the Steinway library courtyard at 4. ORATORIO SOCIETY Mondays at 7:45 at Temple Beth Sholom in Flushing. 279-3006. Auditions required. COMMUNITY SINGERS Mondays Communit y Singers start rehearsals for their spring concert at 8 at Messiah Lutheran in Flushing. 658-1021. GLEE CLUB Tuesdays Bayside Men’s Glee Club rehearses at 7:30 at All Saints Episcopal Church, 214-35 40 th Avenue, Bayside. 9616852. SCRABBLE CLUB Tu e s d a y s a t t h e E a s t Flushing library at 3:30. MEN’S CLUB SOCCER Tuesday evenings Forest Hills Jewish Center 89:30. 263-7000. FM CAMERA Tuesdays Fresh Meadows Camera Club. 917-6123463. FH SYMPHONY Wednesdays the Forest Hills Symphony Orchestra rehearses at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 516-785-2532. WOMEN’S GROUP Fridays Woman’s Group 461-3193.

EDUCATION/GAMES/CRAFTS INTRO COMPUTERS Saturday, July 6 Central library. Register. INTERNET BASICS Saturday, July 6 Central library. Register. BEGIN INTERNET Saturday, July 6 Far Rockaway library at 2. INTRO EMAIL Monday, July 8 Central library. 990-8625. BALLROOM DANCING Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Forest Hills library at 6:30. MAC MONDAYS Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Central library. 9908625. SMALL BUSINESS Monday, July 8 Jackson Heights library at 6. BALLROOM DANCING Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Forest Hills library at 6:30. JOB READINESS Mondays Job Readiness and computer assistance 2-6 at the South Jamaica library. JOB SEARCH Mondays free job search and computer help every Monday 11-2 at the Astoria library. BRIDGE Mondays e x c e p t h o l i days 12-4 at Pride of Judea in Douglaston. Lesson & play $10. Partners arranged. 423-6200. ADULT CHESS Mondays and Thursdays Queens Village library at 5:30. BEGIN WORD Tuesday, July 9 LIC library at 10. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tu e s d a y s , J u l y 9 , 1 6 Glen Oaks library. Register. INTRO IPODS Tu e s d a y, July 9 McGoldrick library at 11. BEGIN INTERNET Tu e s d a y, July 9 Steinway librar y. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Rosedale library at 11. BEGIN COMPUTERS Tuesdays, July 9, 23 Far Rockaway library t 2. WATERCOLOR CL ASS Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Flushing library. Register. TECHNOLOGIST IS IN Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Pomonok library. 5914343. GUITAR LESSONS Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Woodhaven library and Central library. Register. INTRO WORD Tu e s d a y s , J u l y 9 , 1 6 C e n t r a l l i b r a r y. 9 9 0 -

0769, CHESS Tu e s d ay s Ro s e d a l e l i brary at 4. SMALL BUSINESS Tuesdays Small Business Workshop at the Central library. Register. GET YOUR YARNS OUT! Tuesdays after evening Minyan at 8, knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, and others meet at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. 263-7000, ext. 200. JOB SKILLS Wednesday, July 10 C e n t r a l l i b r a r y. 9 9 0 0746. COMPUTER BASICS Wednesday, July 10 Woodside library at 10:30. BEGIN INTERNET Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 Hollis library. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Wednesdays, July 10, 24 Windsor Park library at 11:30. KNIT & CROCHET Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 South Ozone Park library. COLLAGE WORKSHOP Wednesday, July 10 Queens Village library at 3. MASTER EXCEL Wednesday, July 10 “Charts and Graphs” and Wednesday, July 17 “Formulas” at the Central librar y. 990-8625. MOCK INTERVIEWS Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 C e n t r a l l i brary. Register. WATERCOLOR Wednesdays all techniques and subjects at the National Art League.9691128. MOCK INTERVIEWS Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25 Central library. 9908625. CODEACADEMY Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25 Central library. 9908625. RESUME WRITING Thursday, July 11 Far Rockaway library at 1:30. BEGIN COMPUTERS Thursdays, July 11, 18 Ozone Park library. Register. BEGIN COMPUTERS Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25 Rosedale library at 5:45. BELLY DANCING Thursdays, July 11, August 1, September 5 7:30 at the JCC, 10-31 Jackson Avenue. 609-0066. LEARN CHINESE Thursdays North Forest Park library at 6. BEGIN WORD Friday, July 12 Central

library. 990-8625. JOB SEARCH Friday, July 12 LIC library. 990-3700. KNIT & CROCHET Fridays Fresh Meadows library at 11. CHESS CLUB Fridays at 3:30 at the Auburndale library and 4 at the Woodside library. BEGIN EXCEL Saturday, July 13 Central library. 990-8625. SOCIAL MEDIA S at u r d ay, Ju ly 13 F a r Rockaway librar y. 3272549. BEGIN WORD Saturday, July 13 Central library. 990-8625. WATERCOLOR Saturdays, July 13, 20 C e n t r a l l i b r a r y. 9 9 0 0714.

HEALTH YOGA Saturdays through September 8 9:30-10:30 and 11-12 and Sundays 1011. Socrates Sculpture, 32-01 Vernon Blvd., LIC. TAI CHI Sundays through September 9 11-12 at Socrates Sculpture, 3201 Vernon Blvd., LIC. STRETCH & TONE Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 LIC library at 6:30. ALZHEIMERS Tu e s d a y, July 9 Caregiver Support group in Forest Hills. 592-5757, ext. 237. AEROBICS Wednesdays, July 10, 17 Central library at 4. MEDITATION Wednesday, July 10 Central library at 5:30. AUTISM Thursdays, July 11, 25 Friendship Workshop for families affected by autism. Register. Howard Beach library. GO GREEN! Thursday, July 11 a 5 Go Green, Eat Healthy at the Woodside librar y. BODY SCULPT FITNESS Thursday, July 11Lefrak Cit y library at 5:30. ZUMBA Thursday, July 11 Corona library at 6. NUTRITION TALK Thursday, July 11 LIC library at 6. YOGA CLASSES Thursdays, July 11 – August 22 Hillcrest Jewish Center. 646-250-5379. SHAPE UP NYC Friday,July 12 Briarwood library at 11:30. DANCE FITNESS Fridays, July 12, 19, 26 Richmond Hill library at 5:30.


Page 16 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013





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Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Queens County on JUN 12 2013 bearing Index Number NC-000422-13/QU, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435, grants me the right to: Assume the name of (First) Ebony (Middle) Omede (Last) Anuforo My present name is (First) Oghomwenyemwen (Middle) Ebony (Last) Omede aka Gohomwenyemwen Ebony Omede, aka O E Omede, aka Ebony O Omede, aka Oghomwenyemwen Ebony Anuforo My present address is 115-58 116th Ave., Jamaica, NY 11434 My place of birth is Brooklyn, NY My date of birth is July 21, 1983

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 17

Queens Today YOUTH


CHESS CLUB Mondays, July 8, 15, 22 Woodhaven library at 2:30. VFW 4787 Mondays, July 8, August 12, September 9 Whitestone VFW Community Post meets. 7460540. CHESS CLUB Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Howard Beach library at 4.

SUMMER MOVIES Mondays, July 8, 15, 22 Central library at 3:30. CRAFTERNOONS Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Rosedale library at 4. MAKING MOVIES Mondays, July 8, 15, 22 Woodhaven library at 4. EXTREME WEATHER Mondays, July 8, 22 Pomonok library at 4:30. SUMMER GAMES Weekdays Peninsula library at 4:30. PAINTING 101 Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23 McGoldrick library at 4. QUILTING WORKSHOP Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23 South Ozone Park library. Register. JIGSAW PUZZLE Tuesday, July 9 Bay Terrace library at 3:30. TEEN ZINE CRAFT Tuesdays, July 9, 16 and Wednesdays, July 10, 17 Central library at 3:30. GUITAR LESSONS Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Woodhaven library. Register. DRAMA CLUB Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Corona library at 5.

ARTS & CRAFTS Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 McGoldrick library at 3. TEEN TIME Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 North Hills library at 4. MANGA CLUB Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 C o r o n a l i brary at 5:30. COLLAGE WORKSHOP Wednesday, July 10 Queens Village library at 3. GAZETTE Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25 grades 6 and up at the North Hills library at 2:15. SHARPIE TIE DYES Thursday, July 11 W i n d s o r Pa r k l i b r a r y. Register. WII GAMES Thursdays, July 11, 18 McGoldrick library at 4. FIT THURSDAYS Thursdays, July 11, 18 Pomonok library at 4:30. MANGA DRAWING Thursdays South Ozone Park library at 4. ACTING Fridays, July 12, 19, 26 Whitestone library at 2.

QUEENS LIBRARIES Many branches of the Queensborough Library offer toddler and pre-school programs and more. Contact local branches. SUMMER READING Contact local libraries for Summer Reading Programs for all ages. SUMMER STORY TIME Mondays, July 8, 22, 29 Windsor Park library at 11:15. SUMMER CRAFTS Mondays, July 8, 22, 29 Howard Beach library at 2. Also at the McGoldrick library at 2. READING CIRCLE Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 North Hills grades K3 at 2:15. BOOK REPORT Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Lefrak Cit y library at 2:30. GAME TIME Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 North Hills library at 3:30. TODDLER CRAFTS Mondays, July 8, 22 Astoria library at 11:30. ANT FARM Monday, July 8 Sunnyside library at 1. STEM CLUB

Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Richmond Hill library at 2:30. DIG INTO READING Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Arverne library at 3. CRAFTERNOON Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Rosedale library at 4. READ & SEED Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Central library at 2:30. DIG INTO READING Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 grades 1-2 Lefrak Cit y library at 2:30. COOKING CLUB Tu e s d a y s , J u l y 9 , 3 0 Pomonok library at 2:30. READ WITH ME Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 at the Broadway library at 3. Grades K-6. MAKE & TAKE Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Central library at 2. SUMMER ACTIVITY Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23 McGoldrick library at 2. QUILTING WORKSHOP Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23 South Ozone Park library. Register. STORY & CRAFT Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23 Central library at 3:30.

READ TO A DOG Tu e s d a y s , J u l y 9 , 2 3 North Hills library at 4. STORY TELLING Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Windsor Park library at 4:30. DRAMA CLUB Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 Corona library at 5. ARTS & CRAFTS Tu e s d ay s a t th e N o r t h Hills library at 2:15. NATURE KIDS Tuesdays Sunnyside library at 3:00. READ TO ME Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 Rosedale library at 10:30. SUMMER STORY TIME Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 18 months to 5 years at the McGoldrick library at 11:15. FAMILY STORYTIME Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 Astoria library at 11:30. READ TO ME Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 Poppenhusen library at 11:30. FIND TREASURE Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 East Elmhurst library at 2.







SUMMER READING Contact local libraries. GAME TIME Monday, July 8North Hills library at 3:30. Douglaston library at 4. WII GAMES Mondays, July 8, 15, 22 McGoldrick library at 4. TEEN ZONE Monday, July 8 Queens Village library at 4. BOOK BUDDIES Monday, July 8 Pomonok library at 11:30. CHESS CLUB Monday, July 8 Woodhaven library at 2:30.


INDEX NO.: 14182/2012. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND NOTICE. MORTGAGED PREMISES: 14940 RALEIGH ST., JAMAICA, NY 11417 (BL#: 11554-30) Plaintiff designates Queens County as the place of trial; venue is based upon the county in which the mortgaged premises is situate. STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF QUEENS ONEWEST BANK, FSB, Plaintiff, againstCONSTANTINO MONTERO, if living, and if dead, the respective heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignors, lienors, creditors and successors in interest, and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and their respective husbands, wives or widows of her, if any, and each and every person not specifically named who may be entitled to or claim to have any right, title or interest in the property described in the verified complaint; all of whom and whose names and places

of residence unknown, and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained by the Plaintiff, NEW,YORK CITY PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU,”JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #10” inclusive, the last ten names being fictitious and unknown to Plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the persons, tenants, occupants, or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the Plaintiff within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND

RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $235,000.00 (with an amount not to exceed $270,250.00) and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Queens on August 10, 2007 at CRFN No. 2007000413372, covering premises known as 14940 Raleigh St, Jamaica, NY 11417 - Block 11554; Lot 30. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendant and for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises. TO the Defendant CONSTANTINO MONTERO, the foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. RUDOLPH E. GRECO JR. of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and filed on May 31, 2013, with the Complaint in the County of Queens, State of New York. The property in question is described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough

and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Park Avenue (Raleigh Street) distant 278.46 feet north of the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Park Avenue with the northerly side of Old South Road (now Albert Road); RUNNING THENCE westerly at right angles to Park Avenue, 100 feet; THENCE northerly and parallel with Park Avenue, 25 feet; THENCE easterly and again at right angles to Park Avenue, 100 feet; THENCE southerly along the westerly side of Park Avenue, 25 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Dated: New Rochelle, N.Y. May 29, 2013. McCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. /s/________________ By: Mark Golab, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot St., Ste. 210 New Rochelle, NY 10801 p. 914-636-8900 f. 914636-8901 HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU

ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-2265697 or visit the Department’s website at FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are

individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Queens County on JUN 05 2013 bearing Index Number NC-000301-13/QU, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435, grants me the right to: Assume the name of (First) Dessources (Middle) Edelyne (Last) Cadet My present name is (First) Edelyne (Last) Dessources aka Dessources Edelyne My present address is 171-48 107th Ave., 1st Fl., Jamaica, NY 11433 My place of birth is Haiti My date of birth is July 02, 1978

Page 18 PRESS of Southeast Queens July 5-11, 2013

Where Exactly Is LaGaurdia?

Foggy Flight From JFK Usually, when planes have to deal with fog, pilots worry because the clouds limit visibility for their landing attempts. It is rare indeed though when the fog is inside the plane itself! That is exactly what happened on a Delta Airlines flight leaving JFK airport last week. One of the passengers snapped the photo at right and said that the freaky fog stuck around from the time the plane took off until they nearly reached cruising level. According to the same passenger, it was soon announced that the plane was not undergoing a supernatural incident. Rather, it was due to the humid air outside the plane mixing with the air conditioned air inside.

Despite the reasonable explanation, many passengers were not happy with the scenario. To make up for it, the captain offered them free alcoholic drinks. For this QConf reporter, that offer would certainly make up for the hassle!

Strange Delivery

It was like a scene straight out of “Arrested Development.” Earlier this week, a LaGuardia Airport worker was spotted taking a lunchtime cruise for some pizza…but in a very unusual vehicle. The driver, a regular customer at a nearby pizza place, was riding in the Southwest Airlines vehicle – a staircase on wheels, on 19th Avenue and Hazen Street a little after noon on Saturday, June 22.

Airport Hotel, Airway Inn at LaGuardia and Holiday Inn Express LaGuardia were all spelled incorrectly. The LaGuardia for all three hotels were misspelled as “LaGaurdia.” Although this might be chalked up to a simple spelling error, we at QConf wonder how this could happen, especially since other hotels with similar names had LaGuardia spelled correctly. We are sure the Queens Chamber would not want tourists, who are looking to spending their dollars in Queens, to be unable to find those establishments because of the error.



A brand-new application for Android and Apple phones will allow people to explore what Queens has to offer at the palm of their hands. The “This is Queens” app was unveiled last week by the Queens Chamber of Commerce, which spearheaded its creation. The app allows users to see what the Borough has to offer, including what restaurants and sites to see based on the location entered in the app. While using the device last week, we came across a couple of misspellings. Under its “Stay” section, which lists hotels in the area, LaGuardia


Be sure to like us on Facebook, QueensTrib, and follow us on Twitter, @QueensTrib

Bad Tip A smelly situation on the street went from good to bad. As a sanitation worker, it seems plausible to lend an extra hand to help with extra trash while making rounds. In return of your help, if they give you a tip, beware of taking it, because you might be reprimanded with a hefty fine. Two City sanitation workers accepted a $5 tip from a Queens resident for helping out with a big pile of trash in December 2011. The story takes a downward spiral a year and a half later, when the City’s Conflict of Interest Board fined the workers $2,000. We highly doubt City workers, who made above the average median salary, totaling at more than $100,000 in 2011, would go out of their way to take a “bribe” of $5 to lend an extra hand. We here at QConf wonder how an honest tip from a resident who was appreciative of your services lead to such a high crime? Doesn't the City have bigger problems?

Eduardo Anievas

Growing up in Santander, Spain, watching his father and brother sculpt, Long Island City-based artist Eduardo Anievas has always been surrounded by art. “As I got older, I got more in touch with it," he said. "At 15, I experimented with oils and canvases. I just wanted to give it a try." Painting soon became very important; he even went for a college degree in the arts instead of his original plan of architecture. Anievas left Spain at age 23 and lived in South Germany for some time. “I sold paintings for a while. People really enjoyed them. After Germany, I moved to Portugal, and then to New York," he said. "I’ve been here for about 14 years now.” Two themes displayed in many of Anievas’ portraits are the female form and urban street scenes, both of which are included in his upcoming exhibition at the Centro Español, “She-City.” “Since I was young, I’ve always drawn full figures with lots of curves; it came naturally. In my female portraits, there are both elements of sexuality and maternity. I try to mix the two," he said. "For my street scenes, I was looking for a lot of myself in

others. My pictures reflected solitude in the crowd. A lot of my pictures tend to focus on the background, and that in turn becomes the subject. They’re realistic portraits.” Like other artists, Anievas’ interest is not just limited to painting. “I like most arts. I used to like to write a lot, and I listen to music. I still like sculpting to this day; I like to be able to do things with my hands.” “She-City” will run from July 12 to 21. Centro Español is located on 239 West 14th St., between 7th and 8th Avenues. For more information, those interested can visit www. or

Who's Who at QConf

QConf is edited by: Steven J. Ferrari Contributors: Asia Ewart, Luis Gronda, Natalia Kozikowska, Joe Marvilli, Marcia Moxom Comrie, Michael Nussbaum, Trisha Sakhuja, Michael Schenkler.

Got Talent? Performers and artists should email

July 5-11, 2013 PRESS of Southeast Queens Page 19

What’s Up JULY 5 Sewing Circle for Women in Bengali Learn how to turn sewing skills into a career and earn money working for yourself. Bring your friends! Space is limited; first come, first served. The free event is scheduled at 10 a.m. at the Queens Central Library.

JULY 7 Urban Book Club QUBC reviews books from various genres, both fiction and nonfiction. Many of the books reviewed are urban-themed. Books are voted upon by club members. Supplementary activities are also incorporated into club meetings on a regular basis. The meetings will be held on the Main Floor Meeting Room the first Sunday of every month. All are welcome to join. The book club is free and will be held at the Queens Central Library at 2:30 p.m.

Sunday Concert at Central

check availability for program date July 9, 2013. The lessons are free and will begin at the Queens Central Library at 6:30 p.m.

JULY 10 Job Skills This workshop will teach you to identify, define and categorize your job skills, understand the difference between skills and duties, market your skills to prospective employers and become aware of the skills most sought by employers. For more information, call the Job I nformation Center at (718) 9900746 or (718) 990-8625. The free workshop will begin at the Queens Central Library at 10 a.m.

the Art of Meditation Learn how meditation can alleviate stress, anxiety and depression so that you can achieve a more peaceful balance in your daily life. This free workshop will be held at the Queens Central Library at 5:30 p.m.

Ryddim Kings Band is back on the scene, with a new name – The Inner Roots, but it still has the same unique style of reggae music. A true expression of reggaes versatility, it is a journey of roots and culture, lovers rock, dance hall, and vintage classics, rooted in Jamaica and spanning the world. The free concert will begin at the Queens Central Library at 3 p.m.

JULY 11 Estate planning

JULY 9 professional Networking for Women

31st Council District Candidates Forum

In this two-part roundtable on women’s workforce issues, participants will discuss their own experiences in the workplace, strategies for overcoming employment obstacles and options for achieving success and balance in their personal and professional lives. They will also identify topics of interest for future sessions. For more information, call (718) 990-8625 or visit the Job Information Center. The free event will be held at the Queens Central Library at 1:30 p.m.

Beginning Guitar Tad Schaefer, graduate of Musician’s Institute in Hollywood, CA and Queens College M.A. Jazz Performance, brings expertise and an innovative approach to teaching guitar. Bring your guitar and make some music! Space is limited. Preregistration is required. This class meets every Tuesday for eight weeks. Customers are required to attend all sessions of this program. If you wish to register,

Juliet Gavriel, Esq., will discuss estate planning options, including planning for long-term care, the advantages and disadvantages of wills and the difference between wills and trusts. The informational event is free and will be held at the Queens Central Library at 6:30 p.m.

The Eastern Queens Alliance and the New York League of Conservation Voters are pleased to cosponsor a candidates night for the 31st Council District. RSVP online at https:// 959355 or with Ya-Ting Liu at yliu@ The forum will be held at the Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church, located at 224-04 147th Ave., from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. It is free to attend.

JULY 12 11th Annual St. Albans Jazz Festival The Black Spectrum Theatre, Jazz Knights and WellCare are pleased to present the 11th annual St. Albans Jazz Festival. This year’s festival will span two days. Friday, July 12 and Saturday, July 13. Melba Moore leads the Friday night lineup. For sponsorship opportunities or more information, please call (718) 723-1800. The free event will be held at St. Albans Park from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the first night.

JULY 13 Fishing with Frederick Rufus and Mary’s youngest son Frederick loved to fish for pigs! Enjoy a day of fishing at King Manor. Fish in their magnetic fishing pond instead of trying to catch a pig! Create your own fish or pig craft to take home. For additional information, visit The event is free and will be held at the King Manor Museum from noon to 3 p.m. The King Manor Museum is located near the intersection of 153rd Street and Jamaica Avenue.

Youth Speak Vol. 3 Kevin Livingston and 100 Suits are pleased to present, Youth Speak Vol. 3 - a night of performances for kids of all ages. Each kid performer will get a free bank account sponsored by Carver Bank. Each kid performer will get an award sponsored by a New York State Senator. The day will also feature professional photography as well as a red carpet entrance for the kids. All forms of performances are welcome, including poetry, singing, tap, dance and rapping. There will be free food and drinks for the kids. Special guests will be in the house. The evening will also feature performances by Essence, an Apollo theater semi finalist. For more information, call (347) 472-2519 or e-mail kevin. The event is free and will be held at the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning is located at 161-04 Jamaica Ave.

11th Annual St. Albans Jazz Festival (Day 2) The Black Spectrum Theatre, Jazz Knights and WellCare are pleased to present the 11th annual St. Albans Jazz Festival. The event will be held from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. on. Saturday’s lineup will feature a special tribute to Donald Blackman, Michael Lawson and Dave Jackson and will feature Ed Jackcon, Mike Flythe’s Atomic Band, U4ouria and the Bill Jacobs Ensemble.

oNGoiNG SUMMER pRoGRAMS New York City parks Green teens If your teen is interested in earning school community service credit this summer, they can earn it with the New York City Parks by keeping parklands green and clean. As a ‘Green Teen,’ you will remove litter from neighboring parks, collect recyclables, take care of trees and encour-

age the public to do the same. To find out what the Green Teens are doing in Jamaica, call Mr. McClain at (718) 276-8686, or visit

Springfield Rifles & Riflettes Youth Sports Registration The Springfield Rifles and Riflettes Youth Sports Program is now registering for their 2013 season. They are looking for both football players and cheerleaders. Boys ages 5 ½ to 7 meet on Saturdays from 9:00 am to noon. Boys ages 7 ½ to 15 meet on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Girls ages 6 to 15 cheer every Tuesday and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Roy Wilkins Park gym. For additional information, contact Chris Spaulding at (718) 525-2499. The football team meets at Roy Wilkins Park Field.

Summer Youth Employment at SQpA If your kid is between the ages of 14 and 15-years-old and looking for a way to earn some extra cash, have them apply for a Summer Youth Program at the Southern Queens Park Alliance. The Summer Youth Employment Program at SQPA places these young teens in different organizations and companies for a real look at being in the workplace. A random lottery conducted by the NYC Dept. of Youth and Community Development. Selected applicants will be notified once the lottery is completed. A variety of worksites are offered including summer camps, NYC Parks and Recreations and real estate offices. The program runs from July 8-August 17th for a total of six working weeks. For any additional questions, contact: To apply, visit: https://application.nycsyep. com/default.aspx.

WhAt’S Up With YoU? Send your community events to the PRESS for a free listing at 150-50 14th Rd., Whitestone, NY 11357. Call (718) 357-7400 or email All events will be considered for publication, without a fee.

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