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It has been a pleasure and an honor to work with the Quilt Volume 3 team. There is no expression of gratitude great enough for our editorial team, designers, event coordinators, our faculty advisor Dr. Evans, the English Department, all who submitted their work–not just those we accepted–and everyone who has kept interest and readership in Quilt. We are greatly indebted, and this is what we have to offer–

Quilt Volume 3: In Bloom. You will find the heroes of this volume at an altar, under oceans, in the kitchen at noon, and there again at midnight. Between these pages are people looking to prune old selves, only to learn time and again that those aren’t dead branches; they’re roots.


Much love, Fiona Mulrooney, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Sam Goodale, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Urooj Salar, Creative Managing Editor

Annalynn Plopp, Academic Managing Editor


You will find some repeat names on the Table of Contents and the Masthead. Quilt does everything in its power to avoid selection bias, and we believe that our methods are effective. Submitted works are presented anonymously to the Editorial Board Members. Anyone who recognizes a piece’s author must leave the deliberation room.

As both of us sit in on these meetings, we can assure our readers and our contributors that all pieces are discussed with care, and most importantly with respect for the creative process. There were many close calls for this issue–we hope a rejection from Quilt was not cause for discouragement for any one young author. We love you! Please keep writing!


Fiona Mulrooney, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Sam Goodale, Co-Editor-in-Chief

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