TASTE THE WORLD on Queen West Queen West is RESILIENT In Photos:
ICONIC Live Music Venues Queen West NOW and THEN
#L o ngL ive Que e nWe s t | Que e nSt re e tWest .ca
W h at ’s In s i de 6
Long Live Q u e e n We s t
Live Music Ve n u e s
1 0 S h a z e l l e ’s Story 1 1 Q u e e n We s t is Resilient 12 Laneways Fe a t u r e 1 3 Ta s t e t h e Wo r l d o n Q u e e n We s t 14 Sandwich Boards 1 6 Q u e e n We s t : Now & Then 20 Directory
“I grew up downtown, live just off Queen West today, and have the privilege of representing the neighbourhood. To me, Queen West is in so many ways the soul of our city: arts and culture, independent retail, funky and fine dining, and significant heritage. Queen West has it all.” Joe Cressy, City Councillor, Ward 10 (Spadina-Fort York) “Whether having a beer on the patio of the Black Bull, or picking up gear at MEC, or shopping with my daughter, Queen West is one of the best strips anywhere! Shop local. Support local businesses! Let’s make sure Queen Street remains the hippest street in the world!” “Having lived and worked along Queen Street West for almost my entire adult life, there is no street as chaotically, beautifully and culturally surprising or as magically diverse as Queen Street West. Whether you are toasting a birthday, buying an anniversary gift , picking up a book, sourcing a new jacket or grabbing a loaf of bread, Queen Street West doesn’t just deliver - it delights. I can’t imagine Toronto without it. Even its back alleys are a work of art!” Adam Vaughan, M.P. (Spadina-Fort York)
Chris Glover, M.P.P. (Spadina-Fort York)
Me s s a g e fro m Th e B o a rd “Long Live Queen West” has been our catch phrase during this pandemic year embodying the resilience and history of our amazing Business Improvement Area (BIA). A catch phrase born from the pressures of a global pandemic in an unprecedented time, where character and determination have come out as the key strengths that communities must demonstrate in order to navigate these difficult circumstances together. In this inaugural issue of the Queen West Magazine we hope to highlight some of the pillars of what make Queen West one of the most iconic neighbourhoods of this city and country. For decades the life blood that has made Queen West one of Toronto’s iconic neighborhoods has been the music, fashion, and retail that thrive in this area. Life on Queen West (pg 6) will give a glimpse of the passion and vibrancy of our community. The visual listing of our live music venue (pg 8) will highlight some of the anchor venues of what makes Queen West the lauded neighbourhood it is. Read stories of resilience from “The House” (pg 10) and some unique initiatives the BIA has implemented throughout this pandemic year (pg 11). Within these pages we explore the energy, diversity and passion of Queen Street West with a look at the food of Queen West (pg 13), our world renowned public art (pg 12), architecture (pg 16) and signage (pg 14). A convenient local business directory to our 300+ local businesses can be found at the back (pgs 20-27). Despite the challenges that 2020 has represented the vibrancy and passion of Queen West will continue to shine as it has for over a century. Queen West’s resilience is born from one place - the love we have for the people that live, work, eat, play and entertain in our corridor. At different times in our history challenges have surfaced including this current one, but within these pages it’s made clear we are all truly in this together. #LongLiveQueenWest
“In this inaugural issue of the Queen West Magazine we hope to highlight some of the pillars of what make Queen West one of the most iconic neighbourhoods of this city and country.”
Board of Directors Interim Chair: Arthur Geringas Treasurer: Elana White Secretary: Ian Harris Shamez Amlani Ira Band Gene Hughes Jebril Jalloh Magazine Team & Credits Co-Editors: Meg Marshall & Jennifer Lay Printer: Moveable Graphic Design: Sonya William Contributing Writers: Tracey Coveart, Michelle Senayah, Shazelle Photographers: Yvonne Bambrick, Richie Dos Santos, Ian Lawrence, Goran Petkovsky, J.R. Wideman Questions & comments, please contact: Queen Street West Business Improvement Area www.queenstreetwest.ca queenstreetto@gmail.com
I was seventeen, or maybe eighteen and in my last year of high school - there were thirteen grades back then. I remember my best friend at the time, Adam had convinced some ladies to come out with us on a Friday night. Instead of heading to our usual haunt - where we could slide in underage and listen to the cheesy electronic nineties euro pop - we decided to “head downtown”. That was a thing growing up in Etobicoke: “to head downtown”. It was the destination for adventure, a foray into the concrete forest of the city. I remember being wide-eyed at the energy of the entire street as we cruised west along Queen to Bathurst. The sun had barely crossed below the horizon and Queen Street West was literally coming alive with energy and passion. The people, the outfits, the moment: all of it was a total rush. We parked somewhere around The Bovine and made our way towards this monstrous purple building. Darned if I knew the name of that nightclub in that moment – all I knew was that my mind was just buzzed from sheer anticipation. Adam held a half crumpled flyer in his hand that offered some discounts on the cover. If only I knew then that I would go on to make millions of those little flyers in my future career.
“I remember being wide-eyed at the energy of the entire street as we cruised west along Queen Street towards Bathurst. The sun had barely crossed below the horizon and Queen Street West was literally coming alive with energy and passion. The people, the outfits, the moment: all of it was a total rush.” A quick shuffle past an amenable security guard who barely looked at our fake IDs and I was suddenly standing at the entrance bar of the Big Bop with a male bartender expectantly waiting on my alcohol order. “Corona,” I said with the most confidence my under-aged self could muster. Unbeknownst to me I was in a coming of age moment as I sipped on that clear bottle. The atmosphere was like a circus as we bounced from room to room experiencing this legendary Toronto club. What a night. What fun. I loved that night. I’ve worked thousands of nights in nightclubs since then and that night still stands vividly etched in my consciousness. It’s completely fathomable that night at the
A re fl e c ti o n and c e l e b rati o n fro m A r thu r G e r i n g as. Big Bop planted the seed for what was to come for me in the coming twenty years or so. A time span which has seen me operate some of the city’s biggest nightlife venues. But that night at the Big Bop, that night made Queen West live in my soul. At the start of twenty-twenty I had been sitting as a board member of the Queen Street West Business Improvement Area (BIA) for approximately a year. Mister Wolf, the venue we had just built in the footprint of the old Left Bank and Tattoo Rock Parlor at Queen and Portland had barely been open for six months when the news stations started swarming with information about the Covid-19 pandemic. Everything seemed so distant about the news relating to this mysterious coronavirus illness and then, suddenly that distant virus wasn’t so distant. The first spattering of cases hit our hospitals and social media was flooded with dire warnings. DJs were forced to play nineties euro pop from the balconies of their homes instead of nightclubs and it was anything but cheesy. Our board meetings went from cozy coffee served by owner Shamez, the chairperson of our BIA, at his resto-dance pub Drom Taberna to Zoom calls and responsible physical distancing in the blink of an eye. At first, even with limited information, it became clear this pandemic was going to be a generational and crushing event. Sure enough the business closures started rolling in. There’s no go-to instruction booklet that specifically handles pandemics. While the men and women that sit on BIA boards have some business savvy, we all faced some harsh new realities as we watched the lockdown start cracking the backs of some of our favourite businesses. The closures were heartbreaking for all of us. Concerts and events for the neighbourhood immediately halted and messages from the City that no event permits would be issued. Our vibrancy was staring down a dark chasm. Shellshocked we reflected on the need to pivot our strategy and start focusing on providing information and resources for our stakeholders. One clear thought
resonated in our mind: come hell or high water...We will survive this and move forward. In this small stretch of music venues, eateries, retail stores and residents the ether of this neighbourhood is filled with uncountable memorable moments (similar to my night at the Big Bop), and abounds with a rich history that embodies the spirit of culture and community. Even as we were told to shelter at home the life blood of Queen Street West continued to trickle. The art, music, food, fashion and, most importantly, people of Queen Street would not be quelled. Pedestrians still walked through Rush lane taking photos of one another. The kitchens pivoted to keep a small hum as takeout options flourished. The queues for the fashion stores snaked around the CurbTO designated waiting areas. The pulse of Queen Street West continued to beat. As a symbolic emblem of our resilience and in the spirit of the perseverance of Queen Street West we dedicated an innovation grant to handing out seeds and soil so that our community could grow resilience gardens complete with recipes from some of our community’s iconic eateries. We went knocking door to door and built a robust neighbourhood of cafes for the CafeTO program. We curated packages of PPE materials to help our stakeholders face the challenges of operating in a new Reality. In the coming months and years uncertainty looms. There will be ebbs and flows. Memorable and forgettable moments will occur. But one thing we know is that the Queen Street West spirit will continue to reign.
“In the coming months and years uncertainty looms. There will be ebbs and flows. Memorable and forgettable moments will occur. But one thing we know is that the Queen Street West Spirit will continue to reign.” #LONGLIVEQUEENWEST | QUEENSTREETWEST.CA
C E LE B R AT I N G & C O M M E M O R AT I N G LI V E M U S I C V E N U E S O N Q U E E N W E S T Photos by: Yvonne Bambrick
“I identify Queen St West as the longtime cultural home of Canadian Live Music, the street is beyond legendary in terms of its contribution to local Toronto artistic development.” Jeff Cohen, Owner, Horseshoe Tavern
“Queen Street West has always been the centre for cool shops, food, and legendary music. It’s a snapshot of the city’s multicultural identity and we have so enjoyed sharing a part of that history.” Jessica McHardy, Co-Owner, The Rivoli
“For the price of a street car ticket you can get on the 501 on Queen Street East and travel from The Opera House, past City Hall downtown, and to The Rex in Queen West. You’ll be amazed at the deliciously diverse and wonderfully lively 10 or 20 blocks that seem to be constantly changing and improving. I’ve loved being a significant part of it since 1965.” Bob Ross, 3rd Generation Owner, The Rex
“Queen Street West is the cultural backbone of our city. There’s history, fashion, food, but for me the most important thing here is the music. Generations of artists have ignited the stages of this neighbourhood. That resonates around the world.” Shamez Amlani, Co-Owner, Drom Taberna
“I don’t know another life. I wouldn’t change a thing.” Darryl Fine, Owner, Bovine Sex Club
Shazelle’s Stor y from “ The Hou s e”
My transition began when I encountered a series of life and health battles. I have always suffered from chronic migraines and one day while at work I got really dizzy and nearly fainted. I became very ill, was having all sorts of neurological symptoms and I was not able to carry out my daily activities. I lost myself financially and couldn’t maintain my job or my apartment. This really impacted my mental health and I became depressed and felt like I had failed my kids. I remember I sat in my closet one day and just cried. The next call I made was to St. Felix Centre. That’s the call that saved my life and got me to where I am two years later. I became a resident of the St. Felix House for one year – its transitional home for women, a safe space full of strength, growth and encouragement. “The House” is a place where one can rest their head and know they will come out rebuilt and ready. So much is offered – I took art therapy and mindfulness, which I still do today. It gave me the time to set up a team of health specialists including naturopaths, neurologists and therapists that I still see today. Later, I received the opportunity of a kitchen position at the Centre and it has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. My colleagues have become my support system and we are one big family. This job has shown me an appreciation for how hard the staff at St. Felix Centre work to provide a service. It’s not just serving food - the staff and volunteers really put their hearts and minds into it. To read more personal stories from those impacted by the programs at St. Felix Centre follow their social media. Facebook:@StFelixCentre Twitter: @StFelixCentre Instagram: @st.felixcentre 10
QUEEN WEST IS RESILIENT Words by: Meg Marshall, Queen West BIA It’s been a year like no other. Reflecting back to a year ago, we never would have expected to be in the position that we are in now. However, the Queen West BIA and surrounding community is resilient. After the world came to a grinding halt and the city was forced into a lockdown mode to try and stop the spread of Covid-19 during mid March and April 2020, the BIA started to think of ways that we could provide support and create hope for our community. Our first initiative was the #LongLiveQueenWest campaign, which is still ongoing with vibrant posters on the streets and online. Next, we moved to support our member businesses that were still open but offering curb-side pickups or delivery. While PPE supplies were hard to come by at that time we worked hard to distribute hand sanitizer, gloves and face masks to our member business to give them a little more support and lift spirits. Our ‘Queen West Resilience Gardens’ were our next endeavour, and they were a hit! The idea for the resilience gardens was derived from the inspiration of “victory gardens” that were common during past wartimes (thanks to Angel Beyde, Master Gardener, for your support). Supported by the BIA Innovation Fund Grant, we were able to offer D-I-Y garden kits to 300 individuals, along with a recipe book featuring 10 of our member restaurants. It was a win-win-win. Ten chefs were provided an honorarium for their contribution of a recipe, a small crew of artists and hospitality folks were given a small employment opportunity and many people were excited to discover or rediscover gardening.
hospitality businesses and BIAs to collaborate to take over curb lanes and sidewalk spaces, and turn them into extended patios for outdoor, fresh air dining. This served as a lifeline for many local restaurants, bars and cafes. We hope to see this concept return in 2021.
“It’s been a year like no other. Reflecting back to a year ago, we never would have expected to be in the position that we are in now.”
Queen West has ensured its voice has been loud on key issues with our elected officials. Early on, we advocated for easement in regulations for takeout liquor and supported tax reclassification for live music venues. In addition, we have also called for better and stronger government support programs to help our community of small independent businesses, including commercial rent relief, longer-term employee wage subsidies and PPE grants. While this year was certainly unexpected and like no other, it has uncovered the innovation, creativity, strength, care, and most of all the resilience of the Queen West business-community. #LongLiveQueenWest!
CafeTO was an incredible recovery effort initiated by the City of Toronto, allowing #LONGLIVEQUEENWEST | QUEENSTREETWEST.CA
Meet the Queen Street West
L A N E WAY NET WORK Words by: Michelle Seneyah of The Laneway Project Photo by: Ian Lawrence Hello! Allow me to introduce myself; I’m the Queen Street West Laneway Network. I’m often ignored, but I’m everywhere - sort of hiding in plain sight. I’m the back-of-house of the neighbourhood, a secondary route to local shops, restaurants, cafes, bars and apartments to complement Queen Street West. The street and I completely depend on each other; the neighbourhood would be a very different place without either of us, and definitely would not work the same. I’m kind of edgy and interesting, filled with weird materials and textures - not always pretty, but undeniably Toronto. I’m very human-scaled, and lined by an unruly mix of things in the rear yards and along the walls and fences at my edges, like dumpsters, murals, cars, balconies, loading doors, windows, AC units, trees, garage ramps and fire escapes. I absolutely love it when my neighbours treat me as a mini-street, lining me with things like patios, takeout windows, bike parking, kitchen gardens and seating areas. Above all, I pride myself on being very hardworking. I take care of the unsexy things that keep the neighbourhood working, like deliveries, waste storage and parking. I provide quieter midblock shortcuts for people on foot and on bikes, and unofficial workaround routes to avoid construction or traffic. In some areas, I provide a transition between Queen Street West and the neighbouring houses, and even a route to local parks like the Alex Wilson Community Garden and St. Patrick Square. I sometimes host neighbourhood block parties and film shoots, and in areas like Graffiti Alley I’m actually a pretty big tourist attraction. I’m always changing, just like the city, and I’m full of opportunity. So check me out next time you’re in the neighbourhood. I’ve always got something new to share.
Ta s t e the Wo rld o n Qu e e n We s t Photos by: Goran Petkovsky and J.R. Wideman Icons by: Freepik and SceneIt Alo Restaurant 163 Spadina Ave, 3rd floor
Mi Taco Taqueria 247 Queen St W
Buono Toronto 354 Queen St W
Oh My Gyro 155 John St
Parka Food Co. 424 Queen St W
Buono Toronto
Pat’s Homestyle Jamaican Restaurant 558 Queen St W
DeMen Bistro 500 Queen St W
Osmow’s 611 Queen St W
Pokito 420 Queen St W
Eat BKK 580 Queen St W
Planta Queen Restaurant 180 Queen St W
Saffron Spice Kitchen 459 Queen St W
Korean Grill House 214 Queen St W
Raku 456 Queen St W
The Friar Pub 160 John St, Ground floor
Little India 255 Queen St W
Me Va Me Kitchen Express 240 Queen St W
Maiz Arepa Bar 490 Queen St W
Mean Bao 167 Bathurst St
SANDWICH BOARDS OF QUEEN WEST The low-cost and ubiquitous street marketing we love, each with a unique touch. Stroll through Queen Street West with this visual montage. Photos by: Richie Dos Santos
N OW & T H E N Words by: Tracey Coveart Photos of Now: Yvonne Bambrick Historic Photos: City of Toronto Archives
It has been argued that Queen Street is Toronto’s most important thoroughfare. People who live, work and play on the stretch of Queen Street West from Simcoe to Bathurst – the Queen Street West Heritage Conservation District – couldn’t agree more. Today, the Queen Street West BIA represents more than 300 merchants, businesses and property owners. From designer fashion and fabric shops to internationally acclaimed live music and comedy venues to eclectic art galleries to trendy bars and high tech enterprises, Queen West offers an exciting blend of commerce and culture that embraces the established while opening its arms to the new. QUEEN STREET IS BORN Originally Lot Street and renamed to honour our monarch in the 1840s, Queen Street is one of the city’s oldest roads. Created in 1793 as an east-west baseline by the Royal Engineers who were surveying ‘muddy little’ York (now Toronto), Queen Street West was originally the north-south division of the city proper (south) and large rural properties (north). Later, it divided Toronto’s commercial/industrial base to the south and residential neighbourhoods to the north. Today, the street remains one of the city’s most important cross-town corridors, with the 501 Queen streetcar – the longest TTC route and one of the longest streetcar routes in North America – linking Queen Street neighbourhoods from the Beaches in the east to Parkdale in the west. A GLANCE BACK As early as the 1860s, family-run businesses serving local needs dominated Queen Street West, a fact that has contributed to
the survival of the Victorian streetscape that continues to characterize the neighbourhood. Food and necessities were purchased on Queen, where grocers, confectioners, druggists, tailors, dressmakers, milliners, cabinetmakers and blacksmiths plied their wares from small, two-storey wooden buildings. These undertakings were augmented with progressively larger commercial enterprises over the years: livery stables, an orphanage, the public baths, the public school, a chemical works, a carriage factory, a Baptist Church and, in 1913, a major commercial structure Queen and John. The Wesley Building at 299 Queen Street West is a marvellous gothic structure built for the Methodist Book and Publishing Company. Iit was renamed The Ryerson Press in 1919 to honour Egerton Ryerson, its first editor and the Methodist minister who is credited with establishing Ontario’s public school system) Until 1959, the Wesley Building served as the national headquarters of the United Church of Canada, which had absorbed the Methodist Church in 1925. It was sold in the early 1970s and, for 15 years, was leased to artists and cultural organizations before its purchase by Allan Waters in 1985 as the headquarters of CHUM Limited, one of Canada’s leading media companies. The building was restored and renamed CHUMCity, opening in 1987 and establishing Queen Street West as a cultural destination with the introduction of two iconic Toronto institutions: Speakers’ Corner and MuchMusic. Today, 299 Queen Street West, also known as Bell Media Queen Street, is the headquarters of Bell Media.
FASHION FORWARD AND BACK Queen Street West also shares a storied history as part of Toronto’s Garment District (now the Fashion District), so named for the area’s role in the wholesale textile and fabrics industry. Due to its proximity to shipping and rail lines, many such factories and warehouses were commissioned in the early 20th century. Although relatively recent, this history is a major part of the collective spirit and character of the area. Many of these industrial spaces have been converted to offices – housing marketing, technology and design firms – while retaining their factory ambience. And, of course, Queen West remains home to an eclectic mix of fabric shops and high-end fashion boutiques, many selling original clothing lines and custom apparel from up-and-coming local designers. *** For more than 125 years, the cultural corridor of Queen Street West has provided an important transition from Toronto’s financial district and downtown core to its coveted residential neighbourhoods. And, while there is no shortage of mixeduse development districts in the city, the built cultural heritage of Queen West – with its statuesque and charming historic architecture, gritty-chic vibe and diverse pedestrian-oriented street-level retail – makes it uniquely beloved by local residents, their fellow Torontonians and everyone who comes to visit.
Photo Credit: City of Toronto Archives
Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West Built on six acres of land in 1832 to house the Law Society of Upper Canada, and now home to the Ontario Court of Appeals and the Superior Court of Justice in addition to the Law Society, Osgoode Hall honours William Osgoode, Ontario’s first Chief Justice. Although the hall has undergone more than 10 major restorations, the front facade has never been altered and preserves its architectural design. Inside, the heritage courtrooms date to the late 1800s, the spectacular rotunda boasts original floor tiling and the Great Library is thought to be the most beautiful room in Canada.
Campbell House, 160 Queen Street West Built in 1822 for former Chief Justice William Campbell, Campbell House – a tremendous example of Georgian era architecture (one of few left in the city) – is the oldest surviving building from the Town of York. Maintained as a private residence until the turn of the 20th century, the building was then used by a number of businesses, including a horseshoe nail manufacturer and an elevator company, before falling into disrepair. It’s final retail owner, Coutts-Hallmark Greeting Cards, threatened to demolish the building to make way for additional parking, but offered it to anyone who would remove it from the property. The Advocates’ Society – a professional association of trial lawyers – came to the rescue and Campbell House was moved to its current location on Friday March 31, 1972. Restored to its former glory, it now operates as a museum.
Black Bull Tavern, 298 Queen Street West Built in 1833, the Black Bull is one of Toronto’s oldest watering holes, its foundation firmly rooted in the city’s early settlement. At the time, buildings dwindled to its west, giving way to fields and forests, and the tavern was a favourite stop-over for farmers on their way to town. The structure was typical of the day: wood-frame, two-storeys, steep-pitched roof. A third story was added in 1861 with a handsome Mansard roof and, in 1885, an extension was added to the north side of the building. By 1895, the tavern boasted 50 guest rooms. Renovated and clad in brick in 1910, the establishment was renamed Clifton House, but reverted to its historic monicker in 1977. Within the walls of this lovely Second Empire style red-brick building, bartenders are still pulling pints almost 200 years later.
Occidental Hall/Holiday Tavern/CB2, 651 Queen Street West One of the first buildings designed by architect E. J. Lennox (Old City Hall, Casa Loma), Occidental Hall was built in 1876 as a Masonic Lodge. It became the Holiday Tavern in 1948 and – sporting stucco and a bright purple paint job in the 1990s – became the Big Bop, one of Toronto’s best-loved live music venues. Purchased by Crate and Barrel and renovated to the tune of $4 million, the building’s red and yellow brick exterior has been beautifully restored as the new home of CB2.
Dixon House/Mara’s Grocery and Liquors/Aritizia, 280 Queen Street West Built in 1881 for B. Homer Dixon, this unique ground floor shop and residential building is a prominent neighbourhood landmark. Constructed in the Queen Anne Revival Style, the well-preserved structure is a highly decorative example of the late Victorian architecture popular among the hard-working, successful upper middle class during the last decades of the 19th century. Mara’s Grocery and Liquors was the store’s first tenant. The beautiful brick boutique is now occupied by Aritizia. #LONGLIVEQUEENWEST | QUEENSTREETWEST.CA
Arts, Entertainment & Live Music Bar Karma 512 Queen St W w. barkarma.ca Bell Media CTV GlobeMedia 275 Queen St W p. 416.384.8000 w. bellmedia.ca Bovine Sex Club 542 Queen St W p. 416.504.4239 w. bovinesexclub.com Cameron House 408 Queen St W p. 416.703.0811 w. thecameron.com Campbell House 160 Queen St W p. 416.597.0227 w. campbellhousemuseum.ca Core Recording Studio 239 Queen St W p. 416.595.6164 Cosmos Records 607a Queen St W p. 416.603.0254 w. cosmosrecords.ca Kops Records 395 Queen St W p. 647.347.0095 w. kopsrecords.ca Mister Wolf 567 Queen St W p. 647.633.9653 w. mrwolftoronto.com Orange Lounge 567 Queen St W, Suite 300 p. 416.504.8084 w. theorangelounge.com Project Art Toronto 230 Queen St W, 2nd floor w. projectarttoronto.com 20
Psychic Chakra Healing Zone 245 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.669.9369 w. psychicchakrahealingzone.com Simon Says 550 Queen St W p. 416.504.1444 w. simon550.com Steve’s Music Store 415 Queen St W p. 416.593.8888 w. stevesmusic.com The Rex Hotel Jazz & Blues Bar 194 Queen St W p. 416.598.2475 w. therex.ca Velvet Underground 508 Queen St W p. 647.351.9001 w. thevelvet.ca Video Cabaret 408 Queen St W p. 416.703.1725 w. videocab.com
Cafe & Bakery Bagels on Fire 426 Queen St W, Ground floor p. 647.343.8484 Bubble Lee 469 Queen St W p. 647.671.5367 w. bubbleleecanada.com Bubblelicious 514 Queen St W p. 647.451.5353 w. bubblelicious-bubble-tea-store.business.site Chatime 461 Queen St W p. 416.551.9808 w. chatime.com -
CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice 352 Queen St W p. 416.977.9090 w. cocofreshtea.ca Daily Press Juicery 200 Queen St W p. 647.351.0800 w. dailypressjuicery.ca Early Bird 613 Queen St W p. 416.844.1370 w. early-bird.ca HotBlack Coffee 245 Queen St W p. 416.840.6141 w. hotblack-coffee.com Java House 537 Queen St W p. 416.504.3025 w. javahousetoronto.com Kekou 394 Queen St W p. 416.516.0637 w. kekou.ca Marvelous by Fred 224 Queen St W p. 647.812.5982 w. marvelousbyfredtoronto-order.ca Second Cup 307 Queen St W p. 416.598.5641 w. secondcup.com Starbucks 180 Queen St W, Unit 102.3A p. 416.595.9438 w. starbucks.com Starbucks 250 Queen St W p. 416.595.5868 w. starbucks.com Tealand 231 Queen St W p. 647.748.6866
Fashion & Accessories Adidas 389 Queen St W p. 416.915.5536 w. shopadidas.ca
Affordable Textiles 531 Queen St W p. 416.504.4117 Aldo 349 Queen St W p. 416.380.9882 w. aldoshoes.com Arc’teryx 339 Queen St W p. 416.204.1118 w. arcteryx.com Aritzia 280 Queen St W p. 416.977.9919 w. aritzia.com Arton Beads 523 Queen St W p. 416.504.1168 w. artonbeads.net Asics 364 Queen St W p. 416.204.1373 w. asics.com Black Market Vintage 347 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.599.5858 w. blackmarkettoronto.com Bling Bling and Ken Inc. 448 Queen St W p. 416.365.0880 w. blingblingonqueen.ca Bluboho 350 Queen St W p. 647.347.8743 w. bluboho.com Borderline Plus 425 Queen St W, Unit 116 p. 416.408.1780 w. borderlineplus.com Brandy Melville 324 Queen St W p. 647.351.2611 w. brandymelville.ca Brosche Bridal 575 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 647.873.8811 w. broschebridal.com Chu Shing Textiles 440 Queen St W p. 416.504.9069 -
Clearly 317 Queen St W p. 416.205.9539 w. clearly.ca Club Monaco 403 Queen St W p. 416.979.5633 w. clubmonaco.com Compound Studio 505 Queen St W w. compoundstudio.co Digitime Custom Tees 514 Queen St W w. digitime.ca Downtown Fabrics 436 Queen St W p. 416.361.3004 Dr. Martens (Neon) 391 Queen St W p. 416.585.9595 w. drmartens.com DU/ER 491 Queen St W p. 647.794.1341 w. duer.ca/pages/toronto Due West 431 Queen St W p. 416.593.6267 w. duewest.ca Durumi 416 Queen St W p. 647.727.2591 w. thedurumi.com Eurofab 432 Queen St W p. 416.504.2866 w. eurofab.ca F as in Frank 418 Queen St W p. 647.341.6606 w. frankto.ca Fjallraven 356 Queen St W p. 647.340.0197 w. fjallraven.ca Footlocker 337 Queen St W p. 416.979.2185 w. footlocker.ca -
Freshly Baked Tees 557 Queen St W p. 647.345.6956 w. freshlybakedtees.com Furs by Nikolas 449 Queen St W p. 416.504.8900 Get Fresh 498 Queen St W p. 416.848.1159 w. getfreshcompany.com Get Me Fly 161 John St p. 416.800.8476 Get Outside 437 Queen St W p. 416.593.5598 w. getoutsideshoes.com GhostLabel 594 Richmond St W p. 416.504.9779 w. ghostlabel.ca Groovy 323 Queen St W p. 416.595.1059 w. groovyshoes.ca H&M 427 Queen St W p. 416.593.0167 w. www.hm.com Hi Beads 543 Queen St W p. 416.203.1688 Icebreaker 278B Queen St W p. 416.596.9050 w. icebreaker.com/en-ca/ home Joe Fresh 589 Queen St W p. 416.361.6342 w. joefresh.com Kingpin’s Hideaway 71 Duncan St, 3rd floor p. 647.466.2945 w. kingpinchic.com Little Burgundy 351 Queen St W p. 416.593.4794 w. littleburgundyshoes.com -
Lululemon Athletica 318 Queen St W p. 416.703.1399 w. lululemon.com Mama Loves You 541 Queen St W p. 416.603.4747 w. mamalovesyouvintage. com MEC 300 Queen St W p. 416.340.2667 w. mec.ca/en/stores/toronto MINISO 219 Queen St W w. miniso.ca Neon Clothing 501 Queen St W p. 416.901.1221 w. neonstores.com Nobis 360 Queen St W p. 416.293.3899 w. nobis.ca OD Toronto 273 Queen St W p. 647.350.6386 w. odtoshop.com Ollie Quinn 387 Queen St W p. 647.346.0387 w. olliequinn.com Optical Thirty8 623 Queen St W p. 416.603.0388 w. opticalthirty8.com Original 515 Queen St W p. 416.603.9400 w. originaltoronto.com Paranoid Print Co. 609 Queen St W, Lower Level p. 647.291.7493 w. weareparanoid.com Pink Martini 309 Queen St W p. 416.593.0491 w. pink-martini-queen-street. business.site Reigning Champ 383 Queen St W p. 647.348.5622 w. reigningchamp.com
Roma Rush 504 Queen St W p. 416.603.7874 w. romarush.com RYU 361 Queen St W p. 416.597.1540 w. ryu.com Scarpino Shoes 311 Queen St W p. 416.340.7349 Shanti Baba 546 Queen St W p. 416.504.5034 w. shantibaba.ca So Hip It Hurts 323 Queen St W p. 416.971.6901 w. sohip.ca Specs & Specs Optical 292 Queen St W p. 416.979.3937 w. specsandspecsoptical.com SVP Sports 468 Queen St W p. 647.351.7402 w. svpsports.ca Te Koop 421 Queen St W p. 416.348.9485 w. te-koop.ca The Attic by Lululemon 318 Queen St W w. 318queen.com The Dot 559 Queen St W w. thedotboutique.com The Great Canadian Sox Shop 286 Queen St W p. 416.260.0119 w. greatsox.com The Greats Inc 586 Richmond St W p. 647.891.9155
Fashion & Accessories cont’d Throwback Vault 550 Queen St W p. 416.364.8284 w. throwbackvault.com Timbuk2 359 Queen St W p. 416.979.3030 w. timbuk2.com Titika 357 Queen St W p. 416.977.6686 w. titikaactive.com Tribal Rhythm 248 Queen St W p. 416.595.5817 w. tribalrhythmvintage.com Trillium Button 451 Queen St W p. 416.504.6611 U3 425 Queen St W w. u3official.com Urban Outfitters 481 Queen St W p. 416.203.8633 w. urbanoutfitters.com Walking On A Cloud 593 Queen St W, Unit 2 p. 416.901.3848 w. walkingonacloud.ca Winners 585 Queen St W, 3rd floor p. 416.203.1694 w. winners.ca Zara 341 Queen St W p. 647.288.0545 w. zara.com
Financial BMO 591 Queen St W p. 416.703.3812 w. bmo.com
Borrowell 160 John St, Suite 200 w. borrowell.com CIBC 205 Queen St W p. 416.861.3735 w. cibc.com CIBC 378 Queen St W p. 416.980.6911 w. cibc.com H&R Block 428 Queen St W p. 1.800.472.5625 w. hrblock.ca Mackenzie Investments 180 Queen St W p. 1.800.387.0614 w. mackenzieinvestments. com Media Bank ATM 411 Queen St W p. 416.435.8191 w. mediabankatm.com RBC Royal Bank of Canada 570 Queen St W p. 416.956.1353 w. rbcroyalbank.com Scotiabank 222 Queen St W p. 416.866.6591 w. scotiabank.com TD Canada Trust 443 Queen St W p. 416.982.2535 w. tdcanadatrust.com
Gardenview Grocery 252 Queen St W p. 416.593-2560 LCBO 272 Queen St W p. 416.598.9837 w. lcbo.com LCBO 619 Queen St W p. 416.363.6604 w. lcbo.com Loblaws 585 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.703.3419 w. loblaws.ca Qi Natural Food 506 Queen St W p. 416.539.0459 w. qinaturalfood.com Queens Fruit Market 564 Queen St W p. 416.203.8168 w. queens-fruit-marketplants.business.site The Healthy Butcher 565 Queen St W p. 416.703.2164 w. thehealthybutcher.com Wine Rack 242 Queen St W p. 416.588.3064 w. winerack.com Wine Rack 560 Queen St W p. 416.504.3647 w. winerack.com Winston’s Grocery 430 Queen St W p. 416.703.0415
Grocery & Variety Atelier On Queen 567 Queen Street West p. 416.936.7485 w. www.atelieronqueen.com Brothers Discount Convenience Store 486 Queen St W p. 416.703.7578 Express To Go Convenience 198 Queen St W p. 647.846.7440 -
Healthcare & Wellness Acupuncture Healing Center 425 Queen St W, Unit 203 p. 416.408.1237 w. tracyacupuncture.com ALIGN Wellness Studio 596 Richmond St W p. 416.551.1499 w. alignrichmond.com -
Barreworks 625 Queen St W, 3rd floor w. barreworks.ca Comfort Nails 561 Queen St W w. comfortnails.ca Core Yoga & Pilates Studio 553 Queen St W, 4th floor p. 416.545.7743 w. corestudio.ca For Health’s Sake 465 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.551.7100 w. forhealthssake.ca Harmony Massage and Wellness 350 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.837.7730 w. harmonymassageandwellness.ca Health Outcomes Worldwide 183 Bathurst St p. 1.844.862.8704 Herbie’s Herbs 556 Queen St W p. 416.504.5755 w. herbies-herbs.com Hridaya Yoga 346A Queen St W p. 416.578.8503 w. hridayayogaoftheheart. com Institute of Traditional Medicine 553 Queen St W, 3rd floor w. itmworld.org New You Spa 248 Queen St W p. 416.205.1119 w. newyouspas.com Pain Relief Clinic 425 Queen St W, Unit 217 p. 416.977.9853 w. painreliefclinic.ca QSMC - Chiropractic Clinic 455 Queen St W p. 416.869.3627 Ext. 4 w. drkenmueller.com Queen Spadina Medical Centre 455 Queen St W p. 416.869.3627 w. qsmc.ca
Saje Natural Wellness 399 Queen St W p. 416.340.7494 w. saje.com/ca/home Wild Rose Canada 183 Bathurst St, Suite 401 p. 1.800.663.4136 w. wildroseproducts.com Shoppers Drug Mart 260 Queen St W p. 416.979.3903 w. shoppersdrugmart.ca Shoppers Drug Mart 524 Queen St W p. 416.703.0228 w. shoppersdrugmart.ca Well.ca Pharmacy 449 Queen St W p. 416.593.9711 w. well.ca
Hotel The Beverly Hotel 335 Queen St W p. 416.493.2786 w. beverleyhotels.com/toronto
House & Home CB2 651 Queen St W p. 416.366.2828 w. cb2.com Design Republic 639 Queen St W p. 416.871.4431 w. mydesignrepublic.com Kare 553 Queen St W p. 416.504.8742 w. kare-design.com -
Professional Services Queen Dry Cleaners 157 John St p. 416.593.9858 Third Floor Tailors 575 Queen St W w. 3rdfloortailors.com Eric K. Gillespie Professional Corporation 160 John St, Suite 300 p. 416.703.4047 w. gillespielaw.ca Klippensteins, Barristers & Solicitors 160 John St, Suite 300 p. 416.598.0288 w. klippensteins.ca Tyr LLP 160 John St, Suite 500 p. 416.477.5525 w. tyrllp.com A Nerds World 164 Spadina Ave p. 647.340.2020 w. anerdsworld.com A Nerds World Headquarters 160 Spadina Ave, 2nd floor p. 647.340.2021 w. anerdsworld.com Art and Mechanical 183 Bathurst St, Suite 200 p. 416.583.5868 w. artandmechanical.com Bunz 183 Bathurst St w. bunz.com/explore Digi Print & Copy 177 Spadina Ave p. 416.203.1669 w. digiprint.ca Dmitry Bugaenko Photography 608 Richmond St W p. 647.853.1742 w. photodayz.net -
George Fischer Photography 474 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.578.1725 w. georgefischerphotography. com Halo Public Relations 598 Richmond St W p. 416.364.0404 w. haloprgroup.com Mindpress Inc. 243 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.840-6463 w. mindpress.ca Oink & Coo Photography 394 Queen St W p. 647.712.5880 w. oinkandcoo.ca Pilot Light Entertainment 475 Queen St W, Unit 301 p. 647.407.5947 w. pilotlightentertainment. com Red Bull Canada (Office) 381 Queen St W, Suite 200 p. 416.348.0389 w. redbull.com/ca-en Salon Magazine 183 Bathurst St, Suite 202 p. 416.869.3131 w. salonmagazine.ca ViewFin Media Group 298 Queen St W, 3rd floor p. 416.546.0452 WagJag Ltd 183 Bathurst St, Suite 302 p. 1.855.492.4524 w. wagjag.com Burdifilek 183 Bathurst St, Suite 300 p. 416.703.4334 w. burdifilek.com David Smith, The Headhunter 567 Queen St W, Unit 200 p. 416.500.4380 w. davidsmiththeheadhunter. com EMERGE Commerce Inc. 183 Bathurst St, Suite 302 p. 416.479.9590 w. emerge-commerce.com/ home/default.aspx -
Grey House Publishing Canada 411 Queen St W, 3rd floor p. 416.644.6479 w. greyhouse.ca/index.htm HumanBranding Canadian Office 582 Richmond St W p. 647.483.2672 w. humanbranding.com Redwood e-Learning 298 Queen St W, Suite 200 p. 416.598.1200 w. redwoodelearning.com Retreaver 163 Spadina Ave, 2nd floor p. 1.888.276.1902 w. retreaver.com Revolver Films 510 Queen St W, 3rd floor p. 416.901.8400 w. revolverfilms.com RYPL 621 Queen St W p. 416.304.9200 w. rypl.com Student Vote 639 Queen St W, Unit 504 p. 1.866.488.8775 w. studentvote.ca Torpa Consulting 350 Queen St W p. 647.313.2745 w. torpa.ca U31 183 Bathurst St, Suite 201 p. 416.597.1576 w. u31.co Burroughes Building 639 Queen St W p. 416.360.5757 w. theburroughes.com -
Professional Services cont’d Property Management 423 Queen St W, Suite 216 p. 416.451.9499 w. propertymanagementto.com Telejet music Studio 492 Queen St West p. 647.852.8538 w. telejet.ca The Tridel Store: Alexandra Park SQ 519 Queen St W p. 416-661-1949 w. tridel.com/sq/community-master-plan Century 21 Atria Realty Inc. 501 Queen St W, Unit 200 p. 416.203.8838 w. century21.ca/atriarealty Minto Communities GTA Presentation Centre 534 Queen St W p. 647.255.5157 w. minto.com/gta/newhomes-condos/projects/ Queen-St-Presentation-Centre~1326.html Juno College of Technology 483 Queen St W, 2nd & 3rd floor p. 416.546.8954 w. junocollege.com Miami Ad School Toronto 639 Queen St W, Unit 300 p. 647.972.9129 w. miamiadschool.ca Kids And Company 308 Queen St W, 3rd floor p. 416.595.5537 w. kidsandcompany.com
Restaurants & Bars 416 Snack Bar 181 Bathurst St p. 416.364.9320 w. 416snackbar.com A&W 372 Queen St W p. 647.348.2600 w. aw.ca 24
Aji Sai Japanese Restaurant 467 Queen St W p. 416.603.3366 w. ajisai.ca Allwyn’s Bakery 404 Queen St W p. 416.603.3333 Alo Restaurant 163 Spadina Ave, 3rd floor p. 416.260.2222 w. alorestaurant.com Aloette Restaurant 163 Spadina Ave, Ground floor p. 416.260.3444 w. aloetterestaurant.com Azkadenya Restaurant 235 Queen St W p. 416.260.5555 w. azkadenya.ca Banh Mi Boys 392 Queen St W p. 416.363.0588 w. banhmiboys.com Barchef 472 Queen St W p. 416.868.4800 w. barcheftoronto.com Basil Box 441 Queen St W p. 416.979.8000 w. thebasilbox.com Bergham 482 Queen St W w. bergham.com/en/restaurants/queen-street Black Bull Tavern 298 Queen St W p. 416.593.2766 Buono 354 Queen St W p. 416.205.1001 w. buonotoronto.ca Burger Factory 576 Queen St W p. 416.901.3130 w. myburgerfactory.com Burger’s Priest 463 Queen St W p. 647.748.8108 w. theburgerspriest.com -
Chipotle Mexican Grill 319 Queen St W p. 416.598.9194 w. chipotle.ca Daisy 563 Queen St W p. 416.901.4991 w. daisytoronto.com DeMen Bistro 500 Queen St W p. 416.364.2888 w. demenbistro.com Domino’s Pizza 410 Queen St W p. 416.504.3030 w. dominos.ca Drom Taberna 458 Queen St W p. 647.748.2099 w. dromtaberna.com Eat BKK 580 Queen St W p. 416.862.8424 w. eatbkk.ca FAM Food Art Music 566 Queen St W p. 416.546.4606 w. famfoodartmusic.com Fancy Franks 453 Queen St W p. 416.901.8166 w. fancyfranks.com Ginger 212 Queen St W p. 416.977.8778 w. gingerone.ca Gong Cha 390 Queen St W w. gong-cha.ca Hakata Shoryuken Ramen 225 Queen St W p. 416.519.8940 w. hakatashoryuken.com Holy Cow Japanese Steakhouse 254 Queen St W p. 416.792.8269 w. holycowsteakhouse.com Horseshoe Tavern 370 Queen St W p. 416.598.4226 w. horseshoetavern.com -
I Love Sushi 494 Queen St W p. 416.364.8833 w. ilovesushitoronto.com Ikkousha Ramen 249 Queen St W p. 416.901.2249 w. ikkousha.ca Ikkousha Ramen Chicken 257 Queen St W p. 416.979.0257 w. ikkousha.ca/ikkousharamenchicken Kinton Ramen 402 Queen St W p. 647.350.8666 w. kintonramen.com Korean Grill House 214 Queen St W p. 416.263.9850 w. koreangrillhouse.com La Palette 492 Queen St W p. 416.603.4900 w. lapalette.ca Little India 255 Queen St W p. 416.205.9836 w. littleindia.ca Mabu Sizzle 465 Queen St W w. mabusizzle.com Maiz Arepa Bar 490 Queen St W p. 416.362.4111 w. maizlatinfood.ca/queen-st Makan Restaurant 265 Queen St W p. 416.593.1118 w. makan.to McDonalds 160 Spadina Ave p. 416.703.7401 w. mcdonalds.ca Me Va Me Kitchen Express 240 Queen St W p. 416.598.4242 w. mevamekitchenexpress.ca Mean Bao 167 Bathurst St p. 416.862.7737 w. meanbaotoronto.com -
Mi Taco Taqueria 247 Queen St W p. 647.352.8226 w. mitacotaqueria.com Mucho Burrito 263 Queen St W p. 416.335.4533 w. muchoburrito.com My Roti Place 406 Queen St W p. 416.366.5554 w. myrotiplace.com New York Subs and Sandwiches 520 Queen St W p. 416.703.4496 w. newyorksubsburritos.com Niuda Hand-Pulled Noodles 204 Queen St W p. 416.599.6666 w. niudanoodles.com Oh My Gyro 155 John St p. 416.901.6473 w. ohmygyro.ca Osmow’s 611 Queen St W p. 647.748.4878 w. mrosmow.com Parka Food Co. 424 Queen St W p. 416.603.3363 w. parkafoodco.com Pat’s Homestyle Jamaican Restaurant 558 Queen St W p. 416.304.0767 Peter Pan Bistro 373 Queen St W p. 416.792.3838 w. peterpanbistro.ca Pizza Pizza 228 Queen St W p. 416.967.1111 w. pizzapizza.ca Pizzeria Du 536 Queen St W p. 647.655.7451 w. pizzeriadu.ca Planta Queen Restaurant 180 Queen St W w. plantarestaurants.com/ location/planta-queen
Pokito 420 Queen St W p. 416.792.8808 w. pokito.ca Popeyes Louisiana Chicken 400 Queen St W p. 647.351.2222 w. popeyeschicken.ca Queen Mother Café 208 Queen St W p. 416.598.4719 w. queenmothercafe.ca Raku 456 Queen St W p. 416.546.9325 w. rakunyc.com Ramen Isshin 609 Queen St W p. 647.368.4013 w. ramenisshin.com Real Fruit Bubble Tea 223 Queen St W p. 1.888.896.1829 w. realfruitbubbletea.com Roti Mahal Indian Cuisine 554 Queen St W p. 416.546.9404 w. rotimahal.org Rudy Restaurant 69 Duncan St p. 416.351.0739 w. rudyresto.com Saffron Spice Kitchen 459 Queen St W p. 416.203.0222 w. saffronspicekitchen.com Saku Sushi 478 Queen St W p. 416.368.7258 w. sakutoronto.com Scarlett Bar 571 Queen St W p. 416.901.1097 Subway 267 Queen St W p. 416.850.9892 w. subway.ca Subway 385 Queen St W p. 416.850.9893 w. subway.ca -
Sushi Time 325 Queen St W p. 416.977.2222 w. sushitimerestaurant.ca The Dime 538 Queen St W p. 416.200.6441 w. warehousegroup.ca/thedime-on The Friar Pub 160 John St, Ground floor p. 416.340.9459 w. firkinpubs.com/thefriarandfirkin The Gaarden 314 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.666.7740 w. thegaardento.com The Rivoli 332 Queen St W p. 416.596.1908 w. rivoli.ca Tiki Bar 542 Queen St W p. 416.504.4239 w. tikibartoronto.com To-ne Sushi 414 Queen St W p. 416.866.8200 w. tonesushi.com Touhenboku Ramen 261 Queen St W p. 416.596.8080 w. touhenboku.ca Warehouse 232 Queen St W p. 647.344.7326 w. warehousegroup.ca/el-furniture-warehouse-queen-st
Salon, Barber & Beauty Kiehl’s 407 Queen St W p. 416.977.3588 w. kiehls.ca Lush 312 Queen St W p. 416.599.5874 w. lush.ca -
MAC Cosmetics 368 Queen St W p. 416.260.1145 w. maccosmetics.ca NYX Cosmetics 363 Queen St W p. 416.595.6465 w. nyxcosmetics.ca Amazing Nails & Spa 162 Spadina Ave p. 416.867.8866 w. amazingnails.ca ANU Beauty Spa 259 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 647.761.4139 Cadmen Barber Shop 240 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 647.348.6400 w. cadmen.ca Cameron House Barbers 408 Queen St W, Unit B p. 416.361.0777 w. cameronhousebarbers. com Civello 269 Queen St W p. 416.977.7755 w. civello.com Denizen 486 Queen St W p. 416.504.2573 w. thedenizen.ca EM Beauty Bar 319 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.551.9984 Empire Barber Shop 423 Queen St. W, Unit 105 p. 647.348.9393 w. empirebarber.com Essential Beauty Bar 225 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.599.3988 w. essentialbeautybar.com -
Salon, Barber & Beauty cont’d Groomed Society 165 Bathurst St p. 416.705.9458 w. thegroomedsociety.com Image Make Over Salon 426 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.703.0240 w. imagemakeovertoronto. com Imperium Barber Shop 423 Queen St W, Suite 105 p. 647.348.9393 w. imperiumbarber.com June Croken Hair 313 Queen St W, Suite 201 p. 416.721.7089 w. junecroken.com Loft Hair Lounge 620 Richmond St W p. 416.703.8686 w. lofthairlounge.ca Loft Nail Studio 250 Queen St W p. 416.597.8686 w. loftnailstudio.com Manstop 71 Duncan St, 2nd floor p. 647.780.1111 w. manstop.ca MYNC 282 Queen St W p. 647.350.6962 w. myncbeauty.com Nails Queen 422 Queen St W p. 647.351.5168 w. nailsqueentoronto.ca New Look Hair 164 Spadina Ave p. 416.603.7778 Organic Nail Bar (Blue Jays location) 438 Queen St W p. 416.519.5152 w. organicnailbar.ca Organic Nail Bar (Queen location) 496 Queen St W p. 647.352.3888 w. organicnailbar.ca 26
Structure Salon and Spa 173 Spadina Ave p. 416.599.1818 Sweet Mango Esthetics 240 Queen St W, 3rd floor p. 647.880.9566 w. sweetmangobeauty.com T & A Nails and Spa 319 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 647.317.9688 w. tandtnailsspa.business.site The Cabinet Salon 577 Queen St W, 2nd Floor p. 647.344.3132 w. thecabinetsalon.com Toni & Guy Hairdressing Salon 204 Queen St W p. 416.593.0168 w. toniguy.com Ultimate Fades 555 Queen St W p. 647.345.3233 w. ultimatefades.com Ye Perfect Nails & Spa 159 John St p. 416.596.8088
Specialty Retail Abraham’s Trading Inc. 635 Queen St W p. 416.504.6210 Bell 316 Queen St W p. 416.977.6969 w. bell.ca Casper 342 Queen St W p. 647.660.0700 w. casper.com/ca/en Cell Tech 166 Spadina Ave p. 647.994.8710 w. celltech.business.site Change Lingerie 315 Queen St W p. 416.997.7667 w. change.com -
EB Games 425 Queen St W p. 416.979.8043 w. ebgames.ca Fido 290 Queen St W p. 416.849.1855 w. fido.ca Freedom Mobile 423 Queen St W w. freedommobile.ca L&M 434 Queen St W p. 416.504.8666 Love Shop 439 Queen St W, Unit 2 p. 416.979.5683 w. loveshop.ca Neveren’s Sewing Supplies 451 Queen St W p. 416.504.6611 w. neverensewingsupply.com Nikolaou Restaurannt Equipment 629 Queen St W p. 416.504.6411 w. nikrest.ca Off the Wall Art and Framing 450 Queen St W p. 416.947.1661 w. offthewallarttoronto.com Old Times Antiques 607B Queen St W p. 416.203.9856 Outer Layer 577 Queen St W p. 416.869.9889 w. outerlayer.com PC Shop Computer 561 Queen St W p. 647.748.0071 w. pcshopcomputer.ca Petview 322 Queen St W p. 416.738.8439 w. petview.ca Seduction 493 Queen St W p. 416.996.6969 Ext. 2 w. seduction.ca -
Stag Shop 271 Queen St W p. 647.729.5295 w. stagshop.com Trek Bicycle 625 Queen St W p. 416.501.6138 w. trekbikes.com/ca/en_CA/
Tattoos & Piercings Abstract Arts Tattoos & Piercing 627 Queen St W p. 416.504.8288 w. abstractartsto.com Adrenaline Toronto 239 Queen St W p. 416.913.8805 w. adrenalinetoronto.com Exotix Studios 163 Spadina Ave, 2nd floor p. 416.259.9361 w. exotixstudios.com FY INK 522 Queen St W p. 416.792.5670 w. fyinktattoos.com Inkbox Tattoo 379 Queen St W w. inkbox.com/queen-st New Tribe 232A Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.977.2786 w. newtribe.ca The Blind Tiger Tattoo 247 Queen St W, 2nd floor p. 416.312.2957 w. theblindtigertattoo.com
Textile & Garment Supplies Leo’s Textiles 473 Queen St W p. 416.504.6060 w. leostextiles.com -
Mokuba 575 Queen St W, Ground floor p. 416.504-5358 w. mokubacanada.com Queen Textiles 444 Queen St W p. 416.504.0108 The Beadery 516 Queen St W p. 416.703.4668 w. thebeadery.ca The Fashion District Lifestyle Boutique 553 Queen St W p. 647.430.7433 w. thefashiondistrict.ca The Wool House 454 Queen St W p. 416.703.8679 w. thewoolhousetoronto.com World Sew Centres 511 Queen St W p. 416.703.1026 w. worldsewcentre.com
#L o ngL ive Que e nWe s t | Que e nSt re e tWest .ca