Political thuggery

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POLITICAL THUGGERY… Yes, the man holding the executive office is a political 'thug'; but then again, but what would one expect to be elected by a culture of peoples where the violence of 'Rap' music (and I use the term ‘music’ here very loosely) has been idolized, embraced, adored, and promoted by its media since its debut over 30 years ago. We now have a whole generation that cannot remember when the models the media once promoted for family life were 'Father Knows Best' and 'Leave It to Beaver'. The mainstream media (dominated largely by the sodomy lobby) today now has adopted as their ideal family model one far worse than that portrayed on 'Married with Children'. It seems that today, the vast majority of the populace of these United States has been hypnotized, and is following this media created 'Pied Piper' like lemmings over the 'proverbial cliff'. Yes, it is all about politics with the full trappings of power, privilege, and unimaginable wealth. What the citizenry fail to realize is that it is they, who are ultimately paying this price for the extravagances of these, the political elite. The ‘politician’ will continue to devalue the dollar by increasing the issuance of currency. Yes, the 'welfare' recipients will continue to receive the checks they were promised; but they will very soon find out what the costs of 'free' really is as they find the purchase power of their 'aid' eroding further and further into oblivion. Moreover, the people will find their opportunities for selfenrichment and betterment deliberately being eroded. This is being done so that the dependency of the people on governmental hand-outs for survival continues to increase. These, so called ‘representatives’, haven't represented the interests of the people for decades, most definitely since the days of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. However, the descent into this abyss clearly had its insidious roots established in the years just prior to WW I. When an outsider views and assesses the members of the Congressional Club (and yes, it must be asked if there really is any distinction between Demolicans and RepublicRats) one can come to but one conclusion. 'Washington, D.C. is a place where... "TRUTH is Relative, INTEGRITY is Despised, and LOYALTY is ALWAYS for Sale!" PPACA is all about the creation of a new venue of Taxation. Nothing more. Sure, things were included to give it some marketing appeal and give the media some points to focus

on which 'appear' beneficial; but the reality is that the people were again taken for a ride as the parties of 'special interests' are catered to solely for purposes of political achievement. So great is the Congressional lust to enrich themselves through the impoverishment of the public, that when all is said and done (and after it is far too late to reverse); it will be discovered that the recent NSA Electronic Surveillance of everyone is being used, not only to torment the political adversaries of the Congressional Club; but more reprehensibly, to target the communications of the Corporate moguls worldwide so that the members of Congress can obtain the 'ultimate' in insider information. Information which they themselves will continue to use in furthering their agenda of fleecing the people. No nation has EVER taxed itself into prosperity; but many nations have created dictatorships through the governmentization of its citizenry's commercial enterprises. Chairman Obama and his puppet masters are very well aware of this. It is apparent that these have an innate admiration for the ilk of Adolph Hitler. Just as Hitler created and fostered divisions between the Jews and the citizenry; which ultimately led to fear, repression and genocide; so too, this administration is doing the same thing. Only this time, it’s the 'rich' versus the 'poor' and the so called 'black' versus the 'white'. (For those still steeped in ignorance there really is just one race of people... the HUMAN race.) Some of us are blessed to have known holocaust survivors and their families. Most people alive today have not had this privilege. Soon there will be nothing left of their horrors but that which has been written by historians and stories recanted by their descendants. These though, tell their stories of how a civilized society can descend into a dictatorship of complete savagery and inhumanity. Once a dictatorship is created though, the people fare badly and life is very expendable. Moreover, thereafter restoring order and civility is a virtual impossibility. The machinations of Congress has created a system so complex, so convoluted, and so thoroughly corrupt; that NO one except the Devil himself could possibly have devised it. It is certainly not surprising that from such a system, a dictatorship can easily be borne. Even the most ardent atheists, one these understand the actual workings and practices of legislative bodies (most especially Congress); will be compelled to believe in the Devil. If they don’t, God help them.

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014590596 08/14/2013

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08/10/2013 08/16/2013

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