How do I attach a wood fence to a chain link fence? If you're using a square wooden fence post, you must buy or make brackets to fit it.
References: "Ultimate Guide to Fences, Arbors & Trellises"; Editors of Creative Homeowner; 2008 . Thread the tension bar through the final links of the chain link fence, and attach the tension bar to the wooden fence post with standard chain link fence brackets. The procedure is exactly the same as connecting the chain link fence Luxury Mansion For Sale Germantown TN Home Floor Plans Germantown TN to a typical metal fence post except that you use the wooden fence post instead. Ensure the wooden fence post is securely anchored with a concrete foundation before beginning.
Attach With Standard Fence Components Attach a chain link fence to a wooden fence by attaching the chain link fence to one of the wooden fence posts. If you're using a round wooden fence post of approximately the same diameter as a typical metal chain link fence post, use standard brackets. Use a round or a square wooden fence post