Communication agencies. - Free Online Library

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Communication agencies. - Free Online Library

5METACOM 630 W. Carmel Dr, Ste 180, Carmel, IN 46032; 317/580-7540, FAX: 317/580-7550 Web site: Year established: 1977 Number associated with employees: 28 Pres: Chris Wirthwein Ag Media Dir: Patty Travis ( Acct Exec: Jason Williams ( Acct Exec: Ben McCormick Ad ag accts: Elanco Animal Health AD ALLEY 925 Sunshine Dr, PO Box 205, Princeton, IL 61356; 815/875-3141, FAX: 800/981-5130 Web site: Year established: 1991 Owner: John Costello ( Ad ag accts: All-America Selections (projects); Benchmark Biolabs (projects); Fort Dodge Animal Well Being (projects); S&G Flowers (projects); Stonehouse Farms (projects) (See advertisement in this section.) ADFARM 100 E. Seventh St, Ste 301, Kansas City, MO 64106; 816/842-5983, FAX: 816/221-5833 Web site: Branch offices: 101 N. 10th St, Ste 310, Fargo, ND 58107, 701/237-4850; FAX: 701/234-9680; 250 333-24 Ave S.W., Calgary, AB T2S 3E6; 403/410-7600, FAX: 403/410-7601; 7, 130 Analysis Ln,

Guelph, ON N1G 5G3; 519/763-1957, FAX: 519/763-4438 Year established: 1984 Number regarding employees: 99 CEO: Nolan Berg ( Pres: Roger Reierson (roger.reierson US Ops Dir: Les Kahl ( Managing Dir: Bob Wilhelm ( PR Dir: Laura Laing ( Media Dir: Angle Skochdopole ( Creative Dir: Glenn Dawes ( Ad ag accts: Agricultural Management Institute, Agrium, 2003; Agro Equipment Group, Agrotain, 2008; Alberta Agriculture along with Rural Development, Bayer CropScience Canada, 1986; Bayer CropScience USA, 2000; Brandt Agriculture, 1999; Bunge NA, 2005; Canadian Ag Safety Association, Canadian Cattle Identification Agency, Canadian Farm Enterprise Management, 1999; Cheminova, Dow AgroSciences Canada, 1987; Ducks Unlimited, EMD Crop BioScience, 2003; Farm Credit, Forage First, Hyland Seeds, 2005; Intervet, James Richardson International, Miller Milling, National Australia Bank (Project Dora), Novartis Animal Health, 2004; Novus International, 2008; Ontario Ministry associated with Agriculture (Food and also Rural Affairs), Outstanding Youthful Farmers, PIC, RBC Royal Bank, 1989; Titan Tire, United Farmers of Alberta, 2002; Viterra Ad farmer-funded accts: Alberta Beef Producers, 2003; Alberta Livestock Meat Association, American Hereford Association, Canadian Angus Association, Canadian Seed Growers Association, Flowers Canada, Gencor Inc./Gencor Foods, Illinois Soybean Association, Ontario Corn Producers' Association, Ontario Pork, Ontario Wheat Producers' marketing Board, Pork marketing Canada, Spitz Sunflowers PR ag accts: Agricultural Management Institute, Agrium, Agro Equipment Group, Agrotain, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Bayer CropScience Canada, 1986; Bayer CropScience USA, 2000; Brandt Agriculture, 1999; Bunge NA, 2005; Canadian Ag Safety Association, Canadian Cattle Identification Agency, Canadian Farm business Management, 1999; Cheminova, Dow AgroSciences Canada, 1987; Ducks Unlimited, EMD Crop BioScience, 2003; Farm Credit, Forage First, Hyland Seed, 2005; Intervet, James Richardson International, Miller Milling, National Australia Bank (Project Dora), Novartis Animal Health, 2005; Novus International, 2008; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture (Food and Rural Affairs), Outstanding young Farmers, PIC, RBC Royal Bank, 1989; Titan Tire, United Farmers associated with Alberta, 2002; Viterra

PR farmer-funded accts: Alberta Beef Producers, 2003; Alberta Livestock Meat Association, American Hereford Association, Canadian Angus Association, Canadian Seed Growers Association, Flowers Canada, Gencor Inc./Gencor Foods, Illinois Soybean Association, Ontario Corn Producers' Association, Ontario Pork, Ontario Wheat Producers' marketing Board, Pork Marketing As Well As Advertising Canada, Spitz Sunflowers AGRIBUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS GROUP 123 Weatherhill Pointe, Carrboro, NC 27510; 919/933-2327, FAX: 919/933-3595 Web site: Branch office: 521 Peach St, Lakeside, OH 43440 Year established: 1994 Number associated with employees: 1 Pres: James F. Haskins ( Ag accts: AgCarolina financial (projects), 2003; New England Ethanol, LLC, 2008; Fair products (projects), 1996; Gold Leaf Seed Co., 1995; independent Leaf Tobacco, 2006; NewOb, Inc., 2008; North Carolina Agribusiness Council (projects), 2002; Santa Fe natural Tobacco Co. (projects), 1997 PR farmer-funded accts: North Carolina Cotton Producers Association (projects), 1998; Tobacco Growers Association regarding North Carolina (projects), 1995 ARCHER>MALMO 65 Union Ave, Ste 500, Memphis, TN 38103; 901/523-2000, 800/535-8943, FAX: 901/523-7654 Web site: Year established: 1952 Number regarding employees: 100 Principal/Pres/CEO: Russ Williams ( Principal/Chief Inventive Dir: Gary Backaus Sr VP, Acct Svcs Dir: Mary Lynn Gratzer ( Sr VP, group Supv: Mike Butler ( Media Dir: Arlene Goidner ( Ag Media Plnr: Pam Crosno (

Ad ag accts: Helena Chemical Business (projects), 2007; Southern Cotton Ginners Association (projects), 2007; Valent USA Corp., 2001 (all Mike Butler) PR ag accts: Valent USA Corp., 2001 (Emily Dahlbeck) ARMSTRONG | SHANK 7450 S. Seneca, Haysville, KS 67060; 316/522-3000, 316/522-3000, FAX: 316/522-2827 Web site: Year established: 1981 Number associated with employees: 14 Pres/CEO: Susan Armstrong ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Ed Shank ( Mktg Dir: Mark Chamberlin ( Ad ag accts: Gardner Angus Ranch (Angus cattle) (projects), 2000; Mountain Plains Farm Credit Rating Solutions (financial services), 1995; Southern Colorado Farm Credit Score (financial services), 2003 PR ag accts: Mountain Plains Farm Credit Rating services (financial services), 1995 AYRES (formerly AYRES KAHLER) 6800 Regular Blvd, Lincoln, NE 68506; 402/441-4700, FAX: 402/441-4740 Web site: Branch office: 7735 S. 134th St, Ste 101, Omaha, NE 68138 Year established: 1946 Number regarding employees: 28 Pres: Mick Sibbel ( Ag Inventive Dir: Randy Teet ( Ag Media Dir: Karen Brokaw ( Ad ag accts: Golden Acres (projects), 2008; Hoegemeyer Hybrids, 2000 (all Mick Sibbel) PR ag accts: Farmers National (projects), 2003; The Particular Scoular Business (projects), 2005; Hoegemeyer Hybrids, 2000 (all Mick Sibbel)

PR farmer-funded accts: Nebraska Soybean Board (projects), 1997 (Karen Brokaw) (See advertisement within this section.) BADER RUTTER & ASSOCIATES 13845 Bishop's Dr, Brookfield, Wl 53005; 262/784-7200, FAX: 262/938-5555 Web site: Branch offices: Haymarket Square, 808 'P' St, Ste 210, Lincoln, NE 68508; 402/434-5307, FAX: 402/477-2354; 150 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 2800, Chicago, IL 60601; 312/664-8500, FAX: 312/635-1397 Year established: 1974 Number involving employees: 150 Pres: Greg Nickerson ( Ag Inventive Dir: Mike McCabe (mmccabe@ Ag Media Dir: Nesh Malinovic ( Ag Media Buyer: Jacci Buehl ( Ad ag accts: Dow AgroSciences, 1981; John Deere Credit, 2003; Merial, 2000; Mosaic, 1993; Mycogen Seeds, 1998; Association regarding Equipment Manufacturers, 2008 Ad farmer-funded accts: Dairy Management Inc., 2008 PR ag accts: Dow AgroSciences, 1981 ; John Deere Credit, 2003; Merial, 2000; Mosaic, 1993; Mycogen Seeds, 1998; Association regarding Equipment Manufacturers, 2008 PR farmer-funded accts: Dairy Management Inc., 2008 BALCOM-VETILLO DESIGN INC. 529 E. Locust, DeKalb, IL 60115-3328; 815/756-3216, FAX: 815/756-3317 Web site: Year established: 1989 Number involving employees: 5

Pres: Mike Balcom-Vetillo (mike @ Ag creative Dir: Randy Ford (randy@ Designer: Dan Augsburger ( Ad ag accts: AGCO Parts (projects), 1995; Ajinomoto, 1999; Cady Inc., 2000; Hawkeye Steel (Pride in the Farm, Brower watering tanks) (projects), 2003 Ad farmer-funded accts: Cotton Inc. (projects), 2004 PR ag accts: Ajinomoto, 1999 BLACKFIN MARKETING GROUP 5780 Lincoln Dr, Stes 170-180, Edina, MN 55436; 952/303-3093, FAX: 952/303-3097 Web site: Year established: 2008 Number of employees: 8 Pres: James (Jim) E. Gresham ( Exec VP: John W. Fischer ( Ad ag accts: AB Agri Ltd. (quantum phytase), 2008; Forage Genetics (forage products), 2008 (both Jim Gresham); Agrisure Traits (corn traits) (projects), 2008 (Jim Gresham/John Fischer); Syngenta Renewable Fuels (biotech), 2008 (John Fischer) PR ag accts: AB Agri Ltd. (quantum phytase), 2008; Forage Genetics (forage products), 2008 (both Jim Gresham); Agrisure Traits (corn traits) (projects), 2008 (Jim Gresham/John Fischer); Syngenta Renewable Fuels (biotech), 2008 (John Fischer) BLASDEL CLEAVER SCHWALBE 1525 Locust St, Kansas City, MO 64108; 816/474-3166, FAX: 816/474-3328 Web site: Year established: 2003 Number of employees: 15 Partner: Illinois Blasdel ( Partner: Leigh Ann Cleaver ( Partner: Kelly Schwalbe (

Ad ag accts: Autauga Top Quality Cotton Association, 2007; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (equine) (projects), 2008; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (swine), 2004; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (corporate) (projects), 2004; John Deere (projects), 2006; Livestock marketing Association (projects), 2004; Meredith Corporation (projects), 2005; Nova Source, 2007 PR ag accts: Autauga quality Cotton Association, 2007; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (equine) (projects), 2008; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (swine), 2004; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (corporate) (projects), 2004; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (pet), 2008; Companion Animal Parasite Council, 2005; John Deere (agricultural division), 2006; Livestock Marketing Along With Advertising Association (projects), 2004; Meredith Corporation (projects), 2005; Nova Source, 2007; Tessenderlo Kerley (projects), 2003 PR farmer-funded accts: Illinois Corn Growers Association (projects), 2008 BRIGHTON 231 S. Bemiston, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314/961-9393, 800/259-8617, FAX: 314/961-9343 Web site: Year established: 1989 Pres/CEO: Roger Yount ( VP/Agriculture Strategy: Scott McClure Dir Media Strategies: Leon Halbert Services: Strategic planning, client relationship marketing, e-commerce and brand equity development Ad ag accts: Bo-Jac Seed Co., 2006; Horizon Ag, 2006; Monsanto (Deltapine cotton), 2007; Monsanto (global seed treatment), 2008; Natura Pet Products, 2006 PR ag accts: Bo-Jac Seed Co., 2006; Horizon Ag, 2006; Monsanto (Deltapine cotton), 2007; Monsanto (global seed treatment), 2008; Natura Pet Products, 2006 BROADHEAD + CO 123 N. Third St, Ste 507, Minneapolis, MN 55401; 612/623-8000, FAX: 612/623-4810 Web site: Branch office: San Francisco, CA Year established: 2001 Number of employees: 23

Pres: Dean Broadhead ( VP: Beth Burgy ( Ag creative Dir: Craig Roads ( Interactive Dir: Ken Okumura Ad ag accts: AGCO (Massey Ferguson, Challenger, Spra-Coupe, Willmar, Ag Chem), 2008; DECCO, 2007; Diamond R Fertilizer, 2007; Emerald BioAgriculture, 2001 ; Hubbard Feeds, 2008; Territory O' Lakes, 2007; Progressive Agriculture Safety Day, 2005; Shaw's Knox Fertilizer, 2007; United Phosphorus Inc., 2004; Zeba Absorbent Technologies, 2007 Ad farmer-funded accts: Almond Board of California, 2005; Ethanol Marketing and also Info Council, 2006 PR ag accts: AGCO (Massey Ferguson, Challenger, Spra-Coupe, Willmar, Ag Chem), 2008; American Council pertaining to food Safety, 2007; DECCO, 2007; Diamond R Fertilizer, 2007; Emerald BioAgriculture, 2001 ; Hubbard Feeds, 2008; Terrain O' Lakes, 2007; Progressive Agriculture Safety Day, 2005; Shaw's Knox Fertilizer, 2007; Zeba Absorbent Technologies, 2007 PR farmer-funded accts: Almond Board associated with California, 2005; Ethanol Advertising and information Council, 2006 BRUSH ART CORPORATION 343 W. Hwy 24, Downs, KS 67437; 785/454-3383, FAX: 785/454-3415 Web site: Year established: 1962 Number regarding employees: 32 Pres: Tim Brush ( VP, Sls: Tom Brush ( Ag Client Svcs Dir: Jenny Grady ( Ag Client Svcs Dir: Jenny Russell ( Ag Media Dir: Judy Extended ( Ag Media Buyer: Janet Carl ( BRYANT, LAHEY & BARNES INC. 5300 Foxridge Dr, Mission, KS 66202; 913/262-7075, FAX: 913/262-2049 Web site:

Year established: 1976 Number involving employees: 5 Pres: Forrest D. Bryant ( Ag creative Dir: Richard Bennett ( Ad ag accts: Lextron Inc., 1983; MuftiMin USA Inc., 2002; Stone Manufacturing, 1986 (all Forrest Bryant); Schering-Plough Animal Health, 1983 (Lorraine Barnes) PR ag accts: Lextron Inc., 1983; MultiMin USA Inc., 2002; Stone Manufacturing, 1986 (all Forrest Bryant) CS&A MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 808 Eldorado Rd, Bloomington, IL 61704; 309/664-0707, FAX: 309/663-9589 Web site: Year established: 1979 Number regarding employees: 25 Pres: Wilson Burge VP/Ag Client Svcs Dir: Jess Houghton VP/Ag Client Svcs Dir: Barb Scanlan ( Ag Inventive Dir: Kim Urban Ag Media Dir: Susann Sullivan-Aden Ad ag accts: Kent Feeds (projects), 1997;, 1999; Lechler Ag Products, 2002; Precision Planting, 2002; Yetter Manufacturing, 2001 (all Bruce Helling) PR ag accts:, 1999; LecHer Ag Products, 2002; Precision Planting, 2002; Yetter Manufacturing, 2001 (all Bruce Helling) CANYON COMMUNICATIONS 1955 S. Val Vista Rd, Ste 100, Mesa, AZ 85204; 480/775-8880, FAX: 480/775-8882 Web site: Year established: 1999 Number regarding employees: 18 Pres: Nancy Landl (

Ag accts: Agrium, 1999; BrightPath Capital, 2005; FarmLinks with Pursell Farms, 2000; Fertizona, 2003; Phoenix Environmental Care, 2006; Simplot Expert Products, 2004; Tore Irrigation, 2004 CCI MARKETING 435 Root St, PO Box 68, Park Ridge, IL 60068-0068; 847/836-5100, FAX: 847/589-8889 Web site: Year established: 1986 Number involving employees: 2 Owner/Pres: Warren E. Clark ( Ag Media Buyer/Client Svcs Dir/Controtler: Fiona M. Shubrook Ad ag accts: Marketing & Advertising Agencies (sub-contractor using their agencies) (projects), 1986; AgriStar Global Networks Ltd., 2000; AgRobotics (on-the-go soil sampler), 2007; Farms technology LLC 2001 ; (projects), 1995; great Plains--The Camelina Company, 2007 PR ag accts: Marketing & Advertising Agencies (sub-contractor making use of their agencies) (projects), 1986; AgriStar Global Networks Ltd., 2000; AgRobotics, 2007; CDMS ChemCheck, FoodCheck, SeedSearch (projects), 2003; CropVerifeye LLC (projects), 2003; DeKalb Seed Organization (anti-brown bag seed campaign) (projects), 2002; Farms Technologies LLC, 2001 ; (projects), 1995; Excellent Plains--The Camelina Company, 2007; Landec Ag (projects), 2002; Red Wing software (projects), 2004; Superior Livestock Inc. (projects), 2003 PR farmer-funded accts: American Soybean Association/United Soybean Board (foreign marketplace development publicity) (projects), 1986 CHANDLER EHRLICH 2650 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Ste 3150, Memphis, TN 38118; 901/761-5748, 866/800-7464, FAX: 901/767-5170 Web site: Year established: 1977 Number involving employees: 35 CEO: Jerry Ehrlich ( Ag PR Dir: Laura Svec ( Ag Media Dir: Melissa Webb (

Ag Acct Supv: Jeff Harris ( Ad ag accts: RiceCo, 2008 (Jerry Ehrlich PR ag accts: RiceCo, 2008 (Jerry Ehrlich) (See advertisement on this section.) CHARLESTON | ORWIG INC, 515 W. North Shore Dr, Hartland, Wl 53029; 262/563-5100, FAX: 262/563-5101 Web site: Year established: 1992 Number involving employees: 51 CEO: Lyle Orwig ( Group Dir: Marcy Tessmann ( Ag PR Dir: Mike Opperman ( Ag Bus Dev Mgr: Carrie Ralfs ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Bill Stadick ( Ag Media Dir: Laura Henke ( Ad ag accts: Smithfield Beef Group, 1994; Smithfield foods Inc., 2003 (both Beth Andersen); Arm & Hammer, 2001 (Brittany Steuer Unterweger); WestfaliaSurge, Inc., 2007 (Carrie Ralfs); Brillion Farm Equipment, 1997 (Laura Henke); Dairyland Seed company Inc., 1993; Glenroy, 2008; Westchester Group, 2006 (all Lyle Orwig); BASF Plant Science, 1998; Diamond V, 2006; HerdStar LLC, 2007; Pfizer Animal Genetics, 2008 (all Marcy Tessmann); GrowSafe, 2005; Hoard's Dairyman, 2003 (both Mike Opperman); Chemtura Corporation (crop protection products), 2008 Ad farmer-funded accts: National Pork Producers Council, 2008; US Wheat Associates Inc., 2007 (both Lyle Orwig); National Cattlemen's Beef Association, 2004 (Marcy Tessmann); Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council, 2006; professional Dairy Producers regarding Wisconsin, 2002 (both Mike Opperman) PR ag accts: Farmland Foods, 2008; Smithfield Beef Group, 1994; Smithfield foods Inc., 2003 (all Beth Andersen); Arm & Hammer, 2001 (Brittany Steuer Unterweger); WestfaliaSurge, Inc., 2007 (Carrie Ralfs); Brillion Farm Equipment, 1997 (Laura Henke); Dairyland Seed Business Inc., 1993; Glenroy, 2008; Westchester Group, 2006 (all Lyle Orwig); BASF Plant Science, 1998; Diamond V, 2006; HerdStar LLC, 2007; Pfizer Animal Genetics, 2008 (all Marcy Tessmann); Alpharma, 2007; GrowSafe, 2005; Hoard's Dairyman, 2003 (all Mike Opperman); Chemtura Corporation (crop protection products), 2008 PR farmer-funded accts: National Pork Producers Council, 2008; North Carolina Pork Council, 2004;

US Wheat Associates Inc., 2007 (all Lyle Orwig); National Cattlemen's Beef Association, 2004 (Marcy Tessmann); Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council, 2006; Expert Dairy Producers regarding Wisconsin, 2002 (both Mike Opperman) COLLE+MCVOY 400 First Ave N., Ste 700, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1954; 612/305-6000, FAX: 612/305-6500 Web site: Year established: 1935 Number of employees: 150 Pres: Christine Fruechte (christine.fruechte CO0: Phil Johnson ( Acct Dir: Myrna Krueger ( Group Make Contact With Strategist: Laurie Christen ( Ad ag accts: Case IH, 2002; CHS (corporate, power (including Cenex brand), grains, foods, Nation Hedging, Cofina Financial, AgStates Agency along with CHS Foundation, ProVista Renewable Fuels Marketing), 1994; Fort Dodge/Wyeth Animal Health, 2005; Terrain O'Lakes (Winfield Solutions, Croplan Genetics as well as AgriSolutions), 2000; New Holland, 2002 PR ag accts: CHS (corporate, power (including Cenex brand), grains, foods, country Hedging, Cofina Financial, AgStates Agency along with CHS Foundation, ProVista Renewable Fuels Marketing), 1994; DuPont Crop Protection, 2007; Fort Dodge/ Wyeth Animal Health, 2005; Territory O'Lakes (Winfield Solutions, Croplan Genetics and AgriSolutions), 2000 PR farmer-funded accts: North American Extra Virgin Olive Oil Association, 2002 COUNTRYSIDE MARKETING INC. N78 W14573 Appleton Ave, Ste 287, Menomonee Falls, Wl 53051 ; 262/253-6902, FAX: 262/253-6903 Web site: Year established: 1994 Number regarding employees: 3

Pres: Carroll E. Merry ( VP, Creative: Jean Merry (jean.merry@countryside-marketing.corn) Ad ag accts: Richesse Agricultural Property Services, 1999; Illinois Society of Skilled Farm Managers as well as Rural Appraisers, 2003; land Pro LLC, 2003; Prudential Financial, 2003 PR ag accts: American Bankers Association (projects), 1996; American Society involving Agricultural Consultants, 2006; capital Agricultural Property Services, 1999; Daughhetee & Parks, PC (projects), 2004; Farm financial Standards Council, 1994; Illinois Society of professional Farm Managers along with Rural Appraisers, 2003; Indian River Select Citrus (projects), 2006; International Farm Management Association (IFMA17) (projects), 2006; John Greene land Organization (projects), 2004; land Pro LLC, 2003 PR farmer-funded accts: National Corn Growers Association (projects), 2001 (Carroll Merry) CREATIVE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK 612 Lancelot Dr, Liberty, MO 64068-1024; 816/407-9194, 800/663-3139, FAX: 206/350-2273 Web site: Year established: 1991 Number involving employees: 6 Pres: Catherine Butler ( Exec VP: Ron Butler ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Steve Nelson ( Ag creative Dir: Frank Addington ( Ag Media Dir/Buyer: Susan Kincaid ( New Media Svcs/Web Svcs Dir: Steve Glover ( Ad ag accts: Crop Production Services, Inc. (UAP) (projects), 1994; Eden Bioscience (home & garden), 2004; KALO Inc. (projects), 2002; US Department involving Homeland Safety (FEMA) (projects), 2008 (all Ron Butler) PR ag accts: Crop Production Services, Inc. (UAP) (projects), 1994; Eden Bioscience (home & garden), 2004; KALO Inc. (projects), 2002; US Department of Agriculture (eGovernment) (projects), 2003; US Department regarding Homeland Safety (FEMA) (projects), 2008 (all Ron Butler) CROSS COUNTRY MARKETING ASSOCIATES

N47 W29095 Hwy JK, Hartland, WI 53029; 262/367-7186 Year established: 1989 Number regarding employees: 2 Owner: Bill Anderson ( Ad ag accts: Digi-Star, LLC, 2006; Harvest Tec Inc., 2003; Jung Seed Genetics Inc., 1995; OXBO International Corp. Inc., 1999 PR ag accts: Harvest Tec Inc., 2003; Jung Seed Genetics Inc., 1995; OXBO International Corp. Inc., 1999 DAVID & ASSOCIATES 233 E. 14th St, Ste 150, Hastings, NE 68901; 402/462-6226, FAX: 402/461-3123 Web site: Branch office: 1811 W. second St, Ste 400, Grand Island, NE 68801 Year established: 1984 Number regarding employees: 13 Pres: David Buchholz ( Ag Media Dir: Shaun Schleif ( Ag Client Svcs Dir: Jeff Oates ( PR Writer: Mike Howie ( Ad ag accts: Ag & food Associates (investment banking) (projects), 2004; Custer Public Energy District (projects), 2004; Dawson Public Energy District, 2008; Kugler Co., 1987; ONEOK energy marketing (projects), 2004 (all Dave Buchholz); Raven Industries, 2007 (Dave Buchholz/Jeff Oates); Cargill Well Being & Nutrition (projects), 2008; MFS/York/Stormor (projects), 1997; Reaction Products, 2004 (all Jeff Oates); Cargill Animal Nutrition (ACCO, Nutrena, Agway brands) (projects), 1994; Cargill Poland (projects), 2007 (both Jeff Oates/Dave Buchholz) Farmer-funded accts: Alliance for your future of Agriculture throughout Nebraska (projects), 2005; American Soybean Association (projects), 2007; Clean Fuels Development Coalition (projects), 1993; Ethanol promotion & information Council (projects), 2005; KAAPA Country-Adventures (projects), 2006; National Corn Growers Association (projects), 2002; Nebraska Beef Council (projects), 2003; Nebraska Corn Growers Association, 1988; Nebraska Dairy industry Coalition, 2007; Nebraska Ethanol Board, 1984; Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board (projects), 1988; Nebraska Pork Producers Association (projects), 1991; TexasPriceCheck (projects), 2008; U.S. Meat Export Federation (projects), 2001 (all Dave Buchholz); Aurora Cooperative, 2007; Nebraska Corn Board, 1987 (both Dave Buchholz/Mike Howie)

PR ag accts: Advanced BioEnergy (projects), 2004; Ag & food Associates (investment banking) (projects), 2004; Kugler Co., 1987; ONEOK Power marketing (projects), 2004; university of Nebraska Extension (projects), 2005 (all Dave Buchholz); Raven Industries, 2007 (Dave Buchholz/Jeff Oates); MFS/York/Stormor (projects), 1997; response Products, 2004 (both Jeff Oates); Cargill Animal Nutrition (ACCO, Nutrena, Agway brands) (projects), 1994 (Jeff Oates/Dave Buchholz) DEMETER COMMUNICATIONS LLC 406 S. Edwin St, Champaign, IL 61821; 217/351-1807, FAX: 217/351-2113 Web site: Branch offices: Kathleen Erickson, 9919 E. 1000 S. Clarks Hill, IN 47930, 765/523-3124; Wendy Feik Pinkerton, 406 S. Edwin St, Champaign, IL 61821, 217/351-1807; Linda Snell, 2 Ash Dr, Oakwood Hills, IL 60013, 847/516-5380; Sharlet R. Teigen, 1224 Camp Crook Rd, Camp Crook, SD 57724, 406/972-4540 Year established: 2006 Number involving employees: 5 Sr Partner: Kathleen Erickson ( Sr Partner: Wendy Feik Pinkerton ( Sr Partner: Linda Snell ( Sr Partner: Sharlet R. Teigen ( Sr Partner: Claudine C. Wargel ( PR ag accts: American Meat Science Association (projects); Chicago Midwest Meat Association (projects); Hamilton (Michigan) Farm Bureau (projects); Illinois Livestock Development group (projects); Northern Plains Performance Horses; Prime Pork Provide (projects); Vision regarding Illinois Agriculture (projects); White Lion Safaris regarding South Africa, PR farmer-funded accts: Illinois Soybean Association (projects); Midwest Dairy Association (programs) (projects) THE DUFF COMPANY

11125 N.W. Ambassador Dr, Ste 120, Kansas City, MO 64153; 816/891-8845, 800/825-0312, FAX: 816/891-7576 Web site: Year established: 1986 Number associated with employees: 10 Pres/Ag Inventive Dir: Jerry N. Duff ( VP/Acct Dir/Bus Dev: Anita Vanetti ( Ag Client Svcs Dir: Mary Jane Duff ( Implementation Dir: Carla Roberts ( Ad ag accts: Bayer CropScience (Gustafson equipment) (projects), 2005; Felton International, 2002; MIRoTEC Australia, 2002 (all Jerry Duff); Advanta US, 2008; America's Alfalfa, 2000; Hytest Luxury Horse Farms For Sale Brighton TN Seeds, 2000; Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, 2005 (all Mary Jane Duff) PR ag accts: Bayer CropScience (Gustafson equipment) (projects), 2005; Felton International, 2002; Global VetLink, 2006 (all Jerry Duff); Advanta US, 2008; America's Alfalfa, 2000; Hytest Seeds, 2000 (all Mary Jane Duff) ERVIN GROUP 11820 Nicholas St, Omaha, NE 68154; 401/614-3000, FAX: 402/614-1586 Web site: Year established: 2007 Ad ag accts: Agrisure; Golden Harvest Seeds; Greenleaf Genetics; iNet solutions (FarmCentric); Lindsay Corporation (Zimmatic, GrowSmart, Greenfield, LMC, Watertronics) PR ag accts: Golden Harvest Seeds; Greenleaf Genetics; iNet solutions (FarmCentric); Lindsay

Corporation (Zimmatic, GrowSmart, Greenfield, LMC, Watertronics) FILAMENT MARKETING 636 W. Washington Ave, Ste 2A, Madison, WI 53703; 608/310-5335, FAX: 608/310-5336 Web site: Year established: 2004 Pres: Edward Peck ( Managing Dir: Christina Jorgensen ( Mktg Mgr: Josh Hushon ( Assoc Mktg Exec: Buffy Sacia ( Assoc Mktg Exec: Kristina Duwe ( Office Mgr: Trevor R. Jones ( FREEBAIRN & COMPANY 3475 Lenox Rd, Ste 900, Atlanta, GA 30326; 404/237-9945 ext 106, FAX: 404/231-2214 Web site: Year established: 1980 Number regarding employees: 22 Pres: John Freebairn Ad ag accts: MANA Crop Protection, 2006 (John Freebairn/Tanya Maness); Alligare, (John Freebairn/Paul Amico) PR ag accts: MANA Crop Protection; Ag Very first Farm Credit (See advertisement within this section.) GIBBS & SOELL INC. 600 Third Ave, Sixth FI, New York, NY 10016; 212/697-2600, FAX: 212/697-2646 Web site: U.S. branch offices: 2800 W. Higgins Rd, Ste 730, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169; 847/519-9150, FAX: 847/519-1877; 8521 six Forks Rd, Ste 300, Raleigh, NC 27615; 919/870-5718, FAX: 919/870-8911

Year established: 1971 Number regarding employees: 110 CEO: Cos Mallozzi ( Principal PR Editor: Mark Monroe ( New York Contact: Luke Lambert ( Chicago Contact: Jeff Altheide ( Raleigh Contact: Bob Bowman ( Zurich Contact: Jill Allenmang ( PR ag accts: Cargill, 2002; Farmer Mac (projects), 2006; GE Rail Services, 2004; Georgia-Pacific, 2004; great Plains Oil & Exploration, 2007; Honeywell, 1999; Novartis Animal Health, 2008; Syngenta Agrisure Traits, 2004; Syngenta Crop Protection, 2000; Syngenta Expert Products, 2000; Syngenta Seeds, 2002 GILLHAM & ASSOCIATES MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 521 Pepperwood Ct, Bonita, CA 91902; 619/482-8820, FAX: 619/482-8825 Web site: Year established: 1989 Managing Dir/Principal PR Editor: Felicia Gillham ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Mona Howell (monahowell@cox.eet) Ag Media Dir: Susan Kincaid ( GROUP LEAF LLC PO Box 546, Hudson, WI 54616; 715/381-0123, FAX: 651/204-2262 Web site:

Year established: 2003 Number of employees: 6 Pres: Greg Leaf ( Principal/CFO: Cathy Larson Leaf ( Ad ag accts: Cargill Animal Nutrition, 2005; Midwest Organic as well as Sustainable Schooling Service, 2007; Minnesota Farm as well as Meals Coalition, 2005; PIC USA (projects), 2004; Wisconsin Association regarding Agricultural Educators, 2003 Ad farmer-funded accts: Minnesota Pork Board, 2005; Minnesota Turkey Study & Marketing Council, 2004 PR ag accts: Cargill Animal Nutrition, 2005; Isagro-USA, 2003; Midwest Organic along with Sustainable education Service, 2007; Minnesota Agri-Growth Council (projects), 2004; Minnesota Farm and also Meals Coalition, 2005; PIC USA (projects), 2004; College of Minnesota (College involving Food, Agriculture as well as Organic Source Sciences) (projects), 2005; Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators, 2003 PR farmer-funded accts: Minnesota Pork Board, 2005; Minnesota Turkey Study & promotion Council, 2004 HIP ADVERTISING 1125 S. Fifth St, Springfield, IL 62703; 217/789-4447, FAX: 217/789-4441 Web site: Year established: 1993 Number of employees: 7 Principal: Myra Hoffman ( Sr Acct Exec: Mark Butler ( Ad ag accts: Burrus Hybrids, PR ag accts: Burrus Hybrids, HANSEN COMMUNICATIONS 3212 W. 1000 South Rd, Kankakee, IL 60901-7651; 815/937-1778, FAX: 815/937-8855 Web site:

Year established: 1989 Number of employees: 7 Pres/Principal PR Editor: Pat Hansen ( Ad ag accts: Animal Science Products, 2007; Balchem Encapsulates, 2003 PR ag accts: Adisseo, 2005; Agri-King, 2000; Animal Science Products, 2007; Balchem Encapsulates, 2003 HARVEST PR 715 S.W. Morrison St, Ste 602, Portland, OR 97205; 503/274-0086, FAX: 503/961-7055 Web site: Branch office: Minneapolis, MN Year established: 2005 Number involving employees: 4 Pres: Heidi H. Nelson ( Managing Dir, Portland: Amy Wood Ad farmer-funded accts: Cotton Incorporated, 2005; National Cottonseed Items Association, 2007; Pear Bureau Northwest, 2004 PR ag accts: The Particular Mosaic company (K-MAG, MicroEssentials) (projects), 2001 PR farmer-funded accts: Cotton Incorporated, 2005; National Cottonseed Goods Association, 2007; Pear Bureau Northwest, 2004 HOLLIS & ASSOCIATES * 1730 Knox Rd, Collierville, TN 38017; 901/853-7014, FAX: 901/853-6062 Year established: 1985 Owner: Philip Hollis ( Ad ag accts: Delta King Soybeans (projects), 2005; Dulaney Seed Inc. (projects), 2003; Helena Chemical Co. (projects), 1994; Horizon Ag (projects), 2002; Judd Hill Groundwork (projects), 2004 THE HONDO GROUP 500 W. Seventh St, Ste 803, Fort Worth, TX 76102; 817/332-6991, FAX: 317/332-9132 Web site:

Branch office: 332 Principal St, Darlington, Wl 53530; 608/776-3319, FAX: 608/776-2218 Year established: 2006 Number associated with employees: 22 Pres: Lynn Balinas ( VP/Mgmt Supv: Kim Jones ( VP/Mgmt Supv: Susan Foster (susan.foster@ Ag Bus Dev Mgr: Teresa Hinrichs ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Jared Huke ( Ag Media Dir: Chris Czeskleba ( Ag Media Buyer: Diana Britton ( Ad ag accts: Badger Veterinary Hospital, 2007 (Kim Jones/Ashley Woodward); Wyffels Hybrids, 2007 (Kim Jones/Ashley Woodward/Lynn Balinas); Neleson Plant Food, 2007 (Liz Heck); Stoller GroupUSA, 2001 (Patricia Lawson); Mueller Inc., 2004; Pan Handle Slim, 2002; Rancho Center, 2005; Sadex Corporation, 2005; Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show, 2003; WamerStevens LLP (equine law), 2004 (all Susan Foster) Ad farmer-funded accts: world Beef Expo (projects), 2007 (Kim Jones) PR ag accts: Badger Veterinary Hospital, 2007 (Kim Jones/Ashley Woodward); Wyffels Hybrids, 2007 (Kim Jones/Ashley Woodward/Lynn Balinas); Neleson Plant Food, 2007 (Liz Heck); Stoller GroupUSA, 2001 (Patricia Lawson); Golden Acres Genetics, 2008 (S. Foster/S. Facundo); Mueller Inc., 2004; Pan Handle Slim, 2002; Rancho Center, 2005; Sadex Corporation, 2005; Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show, 2003; WarnerStevens LLP (equine law), 2004 (all Susan Foster) PR farmer-funded accts: Globe Beef Expo (projects), 2007 (Kim Jones); National Dairy Shrine (projects), 2007 (Lynn Balinas) THE INTEGER GROUP 2633 Fleur Dr, Des Moines, IA 50321; 515/288-7910, 800/752-2633, FAX: 515/288-8439 Web site: Year established: 1977 Number of employees: 175 COO/Exec VP: Al Tramontina ( VP/Strategic Counsel: Jane Hillstrom (

Ag Media DidBuyer: Stephanie Maxwell ( Ag PR Dir: Ann Appleseth ( Group Acct Dir: Terry Landes ( Ad ag accts: PM Beef, 2008 (Adam Lackey) PR ag accts: PM Beef, 2008 (Adam Lackey); Hoard's Dairyman, 2008 (Jane Hillstrom); National Milk Producers Federation (projects), 2007; U.S. Dairy Export Council, 2006 (both Terry Landes) PR farmer-funded accts: Dairy Management Inc., 2002 (Terry Landes) INTROBANG! INC. 7540 Industry Location Dr, Eden Prairie, MN 55344; 952/943-8374, FAX: 952/943-8376 Web site: Year established: 1985 Number involving employees: 8 Pres: Robert Knutson ( VP: Debbie Strane ( Ag Media Dir: Linda VanGuilder ( Ad ag accts: ACH Seeds (projects), 2001 ; Nutrena (projects), 1990; Purina (Outside US Poultry Solutions, Finisher Solutions, dairy solutions, BeefPro) (projects), 2002; SolidTech Animal Health, 2008; Cargill Animal Nutrition (Right Right now Mineral, ROC, Farm-to-Farm, Dairy Focus, Finisher Solutions, OptiLac) (projects), 1990 (Linda Van Guilder/Debbie Strane) Ad farmer-funded accts: National Pork Board (NichePork Program), 2002 (Linda Van Guilder) JFA MARKETING INC. 8671 Kemp Ct, Dubuque, IA 52003; 540/460-2140, FAX: 563/582-2370 Web site: Year established: 1983 Number associated with employees: 12 Pres: John Freivalds ( Ad ag accts: Skujene Farms, 2007 (John Freivalds)

PR ag accts: KUDU JACKSON INTEGRATED 5804 Churchman Bypass, Indianapolis, IN 46203-6109; 317/791-9000, 888/JACKSON, FAX: 317/791-9800 Web site: Year established: 1961 Number involving employees: 200 CEO: Norm Cosand ( Ag Bus Dev Mgr: Juri A. Tults ( Ag creative Dir: David Reyburn ( Ag Media Dir: Kris Smith ( Ag Acct Supv: David Reichwein ( Ad ag accts: Cargill Animal Nutrition (projects), 2005; FBI Buildings (projects), 2006; Firestone Specialty Products, 2006; The Actual Andersons (projects), 2006; Tuthill Drive Systems, 2008 JONES AND THOMAS INC. 788 N. Sunnyside Rd, Decatur, IL 62522; 217/423-1889, FAX: 217/425-0680 Web site: Year established: 1980 Number associated with employees: 20 Pres: Bill K. Lehmann ( Ad ag accts: Alamo Group, 2007; Archer Daniels Midland Co. (projects), 1986; DICKEY-john Inc., 2003; Farm credit services regarding Illinois (projects), 2005; GSI Team (projects), 2007; HCC Inc., 2006; Heartland Ag Group, Ltd., 2008; Impartial Expert Seed Association, 2007 Ad farmer-funded accts: Illinois Soybean Association (projects), 1998 PR ag accts: DICKEY-john Inc., 2003; HCC Inc., 2006; Heartland Ag Group, Ltd., 2008; Impartial Skilled Seed Association, 2007 PR farmer-funded accts: Illinois Corn Growers Association (projects), 2006; Illinois Soybean Association (projects), 1998

LATORRA, PAUL & MCCANN 120 E. Washington St., Syracuse, NY 13202 315/476-1646, FAX: 315/476-1611 Web site: Year established: 1993 Number involving employees: 28 Pres: Louis J. Latorra ( Exec VP, Acct Svcs: Mike Ancillotti ( Creative Dir: Douglas Potter ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Kim Parr Trapasso ( PR Dir: Steve Hoefer ( Ag Media Dir: Mark Anderson ( Ad ag accts: Dairy One, 2002; Fort Dodge Animal Health, 1987; Keenan & Co. Ltd., 2004; LELY, 2006; Ny State Fair, 1984; Veterinary Information Network, 2007 Ad farmer-funded accts: American Dairy Association, 1980; Mid-Atlantic Dairy Council, 2007; National Dairy Council, 2007 PR ag accts: Dairy One, 2002; Fort Dodge Animal Health, 1987; Keenan & Co. Ltd., 2004; LELY, 2006 LEPOIDEVIN RICKINGER GROUP 245 S. Executive Dr, Ste 365, Brookfield, WI 53005; 262/754-9550, FAX: 262/754-9554 Web site: Year established: 1997 Number involving employees: 8 Principal: Dean R. LePoidevin ( Ag creative Dir: John E Rickinger ( Acct Supv, Research: Judson Luke ( PR Acct Supv: Steve Wilcox

Ag Acct Exec: Annie Ward (

Ad ag accts: Greer Laboratories (projects), 2006; scil Animal Care, 2008; STAR Horse Products, 2004 (all Dean LePoidevin); Abbott Animal Health, 2008 (Judson Luke) PR ag accts: AFP Imaging (projects), 2007; Greer Laboratories (projects), 2006; scil Animal Care, 2008; STAR Horse Products, 2004 (all Dean LePoidevin); Abbott Animal Health, 2008 (Judson Luke) LESSING-FLYNN 3106 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312; 515/274-9271, FAX: 515/274-9283 Web site: Year established: 1907 Number associated with employees: 16 Chmn: Connor Flynn ( Pres: Tom Flynn ( VP, Client Svcs: Jess Held ( Ag Acct Supv: Mike Annear ( Ag Acct Supv: Bellana Putz ( Ad ag accts: Ag Belt, (Bellana Putz); Kinze Manufacturing Inc.; Vermeer Corporation, (both Connor Flynn); Iowa Rural Electric Cooperatives (projects), (Joe Rosenberg); Channel Group; Crow's Hybrid Corn; Midwest Seed Genetics (all Mike Annear); AgLeader Technology; Potlatch Corporation; Shaver Manufacturing Inc. (all Tom Flynn) PR ag accts: Ag Belt, (Bellana Putz); Kinze Manufacturing Inc.; Vermeer Corporation (both Connor Flynn); Iowa Rural Electric Cooperatives (projects) (Joe Rosenberg); Channel Group; Crow's Hybrid Corn; Midwest Seed Genetics (all Mike Annear); AgLeader Technology; Potlatch Corporation; Shaver

Manufacturing Inc. (all Tom Flynn) MANGAN HOLCOMB PARTNERS 2300 Cottondale Ln, Ste 300, Small Rock, AR 72202; 501/376-0321, FAX: 501/376-6127 Web site: Year established: 1972 Number associated with employees: 25 Pres: Steve Holcomb ( Principal/COO/Acct Supv: David Rainwater ( Ag creative Dir: Chip Culpepper ( Ag Media Dir: Barbara Dozier ( Ag Media Buyer: Tim Christy ( Ag Acct Exec: Jon Holcomb ( Dir, MarketSearch: David Bell ( Ad ag accts: Delta Plastics with the South, 2003; Patriot Biofuels, 2006; RiceTec, Inc., 1998 (all David Rainwater/Jon Holcomb) PR ag accts: Delta Plastics in the South, 2003; Patriot Biofuels, 2006; RiceTec, Inc., 1998 (all David Rainwater/Jon Holcomb) MARIPOSA PARTNERS, INC. 9393 W. 110th St, Corporate Woods 51, Ste 500, Overland Park, KS 66210; 913/232-4914, FAX: 913/451-6750 Web site: Year established: 2008 Number associated with employees: 6 Parent company: JLM1926 Holdings, Inc. Owner/Managing Partner: Carol Anderson ( Client Svcs Mgr: Becky Johnson PR Counselor: Julie Balmer

PR Counselor: Sylvia Bachmann PR Counselor: David Chitwood PR Counselor: Beth Buchanan MARKETICITY INC. (FORMERLY RON SCHERER & COMPANY) 1839 Ghent Rd, Ste 220, PO Box 168, Columbia, IL 62236; 618/281-6648, FAX: 618/281-6667 Web site: Branch offices: St. Louis, MO (opening 2009); Osage Beach, MO (opening 2009) Year established: 1994 Number regarding employees: 5 Founder: Ron Scherer ( Pres: Scott R. Rodemich ( Comms Coord: Sarah J. Wilson ( Ad ag accts: Illinois Soil Screening Association, 1998 (Ron Scherer); Tri-County Petroleum, 2008 (Sarah Wilson); International Ingredient Corp. (projects), 2007; National Corn-to-Ethanol research Center, 2007; the Maschhoffs Inc., 2003; Trouw Nutrition USA, 1994; Vetgate USA, 2005 (all Scott Rodemich) PR ag accts: Illinois Soil testing Association, 1998 (Ron Scherer); Tri-County Petroleum, 2008 (Sarah Wilson); International Ingredient Corp. (projects), 2007; National Corn-to-Ethanol research Center, 2007; Prairie Farms Dairy (projects), 2005; the Maschhoffs Inc., 2003; Trouw Nutrition USA, 1994; U.S. Livestock Genetics Export Inc., 2002; Vetgate USA, 2005 (all Scott Rodemich) PR farmer-funded accts: National Corn Growers Association (projects), 1994; U.S. Soybean Export Council (projects), 2008 (both Scott Rodemich) MARTIN I WILLIAMS ADVERTISING 60 S. Sixth St, Ste 2800, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4444; 612/340-0800, FAX: 612/342-9700 Web site: Year established: 1947 Pres: Mike Gray (

CEO/Chief Imaginative Officer: Tom Meudry ( Sr VP, group Acct Dir: Tim Burke ( VP, Acct Dir: Paul Durham ( Ag Inventive Dir: Jeff Tresidder ( Ag creative Dir: Burke Johnson ( Ag Media Dir: Terry McInroy ( Assoc Ag Media Dir: Judy Nielsen ( Ad ag accts: Pfizer Animal health (cattle, equine, swine), 2006; Syngenta Crop Protection (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, seed treatment), 1985 PR ag accts: Pfizer Animal health (cattle, equine, swine), 2006 MCCORMICK COMPANY 1000 S. Adams, PO Box 1931, Amarillo, TX 79189; 806/374-5333, FAX: 806/372-7040 Web site: Year established: 1926 Number involving employees: 95 Pres: Laura Mayfield ( Media Director: Zach Tassell ( Ad ag accts: Agri Laboratories, LTD, 2001; Ivy All-natural Solutions, 2006; Kemin, 2000 (all Doug Swanson a/e); Allflex USA, Inc., 1990 (Jill Goodrich a/e); DTN, 2006; Kleffmann Group, 2008 (all Russ Berndt a/e); DuPont Crop Protection--US, 2001 (Evan Davies a/s, Melinda Obedy a/e); DuPont Crop Protection--Canada, 2004; Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited--Canada, 2004 (all Karen Taste a/s); Elanco Animal Health, 1999; Elanco Canada, 2006 (all Suzi Sutton-Vermuelen a/s, Jamee McNair a/s); Lilly Companion Animal, 2005 (Sharon Polk a/s); Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl, Inc., 1968 (Evan Davies a/s, Karl Ploeger a/e, Rod Randel a/e, Amy Bugg a/e); Unverferth Manufacturing, 2002 (Gary Vincent); PM Beef, 2008 (Suzi Sutton-Vermuelen a/s) Ad farmer-funded accts: Coalition in order to Assistance Iowa's Farmers, 2003 (Gary Vincent a/e); Dairy Max, Inc., 2007; National Cattlemen's Beef Association, 2004; Texas Cattle Feeders Association, 1978 (all Kathy Cornett a/s); National Pork Producers Council, 2003 (Suzi SuttonVermuelen a/s)

PR ag accts: Growth Enhancement Technologies, 2002 (Doug Swanson a/e); Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl., Inc., 1968 (Evan Davies a/s, Janell Aust a/e); DuPont Crop Protection--Canada, 2004; Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited--Canada, 1987 (all Karen Trial a/s); Elanco Animal Health, 1999 (Suzi Sutton-Vermuelen a/s, Jamee McNair a/s, Janice Kenee a/e) PR farmer-funded accts: Coalition to be able to Assistance Iowa's Farmers, 2003 (Gary Vincent a/e); Dairy Max, Inc., 2007; National Cattlemen's Beef Association, 2004; Texas Cattle Feeders Association, 1978 (all Kathy Cornett a/s) MCDANIELS MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PO Box 729, Pekin, IL 61555-0729; 309/346-4230, 866/431-4230, FAX: 309/346-8458 Web site:; Branch offices: 12223 N. Ledges Dr, Roscoe, IL 61073; 310 30th Ave Ct, #8, Moline, IL 61265 Year established: 1966 Number associated with employees: 21 Pres: Randall McDaniels ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Rodney Standley ( Ag Acct Exec: Andrew Bierma ( Ag Media Buyer: Kristen Hostetler ( New Bus Acct Exec: Sarah Freeman ( Ad ag accts: CNH Global (DMI, Case IH, New Holland tillage) (projects), 1966; FBi Buildings Inc., 2003; Heritage Seeds, 2006; Westview Marketing As Well As Advertising Group, 2008 Ad farmer-funded accts: Illinois Soybean Association (projects), 1992 PR ag accts: Heritage Seeds, 2006 PR farmer-funded accts: Illinois Soybean Association (projects), 1992 MCKINLEY COMMUNICATIONS INC. PO Box 1884, Independence, MO 64055; 816/833-8100 Web site: Branch offices: 2728 E. university Dr, Ste 1812, Auburn, AL 36830; 8235 Pecan Ct, Daphne, AL 36526; 1580 Whisper Bay BIvd, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Year established: 1983 Number of employees: 24 Pres/CEO: Dr. Steve McKinley ( Ag Client Svcs Dir: Dennis McLaughlin ( Ag creative Dir: Abby McKinley ( Ag Media Dir: Lori McKinney ( Ad ag accts: Danbred Genetics NA, 2006; ADVISYS, 2001; Agrisel, 2003; Crop Quest, 2003; KMG Chemicals, 2005; Merial Select, 2004; Quail Tech, 2003 PR ag accts: ADVISYS, 2001; Agrisel, 2003; Crop Quest, 2003; KMG Chemicals, 2005; Merial Select, 2004; Quail Tech, 2003; Danbred Genetics NA, 2006 MEERS ADVERTISING 1811 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64108; 816/474-2920, FAX: 816/474-2925 Web site: Year established: 1992 Number associated with employees: 8 Pres: Sam Meets ( Ad ag accts: National Beef, 2007 PR ag accts: National Beef, 2007 THE MEYOCKS GROUP 6800 Lake Dr, Ste 150, West Des Moines, IA 50266; 515/225-1200, FAX: 515/225-6400 Web site: Year established: 1989 Number involving employees: 30 COO: Doug Jeske ( Sr VP: Ken Benkstein ( Sr VP: Jim Head (

Sr VP: Rachel Allinson ( VP: Wendy Hiatt ( Ad ag accts: AgraGate Climate Credits, 2007; Farm credit Solutions involving America, 1999; Firestone Ag Tire Division, 2004; GrowDirect, 2003; Valent BioSciences Corp., 2006 PR ag accts: AgraGate Climate Credits, 2007; Farm Credit Score Solutions of America, 1999; Firestone Ag Tire Division, 2004; GrowDirect, 2003; Valent BioSciences Corp., 2006 MIRSKY ASSOCIATES INC., ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS * 301 Oxford Valley Rd, Ste 202B, Yardley, PA 19067; 215/321-7970, FAX: 215/321-8120 Year established: 1986 Number of employees: 4 Pres/Creative Dir: Maria Mirsky ( Ad ag accts: Ag Container Recycling Council (projects), 1999; Murray Equipment, 1999; TPSA (The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance) (projects), 2005 PR ag accts: Ag Container Recycling Council (projects), 1999; Murray Equipment, 1999; TPSA (The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance) (projects), 2005 MORGAN&MYERS N16 W23233 Stone Ridge Dr, Ste 200, Waukesha, WI 53188; 262/650-7260, FAX: 262/650-7261 Web site: Branch offices: 1005 Stratford Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701 ; 319/233-0502, FAX: 319/233-8077, e-mail:; 2909 Hennepin Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55408; 612/825-0050, FAX: 612/825-9599, e-mail: Year established: 1982 Number associated with employees: 30 Pres: Tim Oliver ( Carp Affairs & Social responsibility Dir: Linda Wenck ( Ag as well as Pasture-To-Plate Practice Dir: Max Wenck ( Integrated Mktg Comms Dir: Janine Whipps ( Ad ag accts: Foremost Farms, 2005; Kruger Seeds, 2007; Novartis Animal Well Being USA, Inc., 2003; RaboAgriFinance (projects), 2005 Advert farmer-funded accts: Iowa Corn Growers Association, 2006; Iowa Corn promotion Board, 2006; NCSRP/Plant health Initative, 2004

PR ag accts: Cargill, 2000; Case IH, 1997; CNH, 2005; Foremost Farms, 2005; International Dairy Meals (projects), 2007; Kraft (projects), 2005; Kruger Seeds, 2007; M&I Bank (projects), 2007; McDonald's Corp. (projects), 2005; Monsanto (projects), 1996; Novartis Animal health USA, Inc., 2003; PM USA, 1996; Seminis (projects), 2007 PR farmer-funded accts: American Farm Bureau Federation (projects), 2005; Iowa Corn Growers Association, 2006; Iowa Corn Marketing Board, 2006; Iowa Soybean Association (projects), 1994; NCSRP/Plant Well Being Initative, 2004 MULLEN Park Bldg, 101 N. Cherry St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101; 336/765-3630, FAX: 336/774-9540 Web site: Branch offices: 36 Essex St, Wenham, MA 01984; 978/468-1155, FAX: 978/468-1133; Your Crane Bldg, 40 24th St, Pittsburgh, PA 15222; 300 River PI, Ste 1775, Detroit, MI 48207; 313/394-0030, 313/394-0045 Ag accts: BASF NICHOLSON KOVAC INC. 600 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816/842-8881, FAX: 816/842-6340 Web site: Year established: 1981 Number regarding employees: 125 Pres/CEO: F. Peter Kovac ( Sr VP, Media Svcs Dir: Sheree A. Johnson ( VP, Managing Dir: them Ludkte ( VP, PR Dir: Bob McEwen Ag Inventive Dir: Jack Swearengin ( Mgmt Supv: Tom Wealand ( Media Supv: Stephanie Purvis ( PR Acct Supv: Sally Behringer ( Acct Supv: April Allenbrand (

Ad ag accts: FMC Corporation (Agricultural Items Group), 2002; IRON Solutions, Inc., 2008 (both them Ludtke); Synbiotics Corporation, 2005 (Tom Wealand) PR ag accts: FMC Corporation (Agricultural Goods Group), 2002; IRON Solutions, Inc., 2008 (both Thom Ludtke); Synbiotics Corporation, 2005 OPEN ROADS 320 E. Buffalo St, Ste 606, Milwaukee, WI 53202; 414/227-1000, FAX: 414/227-1001 Web site: Year established: 2002 Number involving employees: 5 Pres: Jon Anderson ( Ad ag accts: Engineered Storage products Organization (Harvestore/Slurrystore), 2005; Estrotect, 2005; Ethanol Technology, 2007; Genesis Instruments, 2003; John Deere Hay along with Forage Functions (projects), 2005; Lallemand Animal Nutrition, 2005; Novozymes Bio Ag (projects), 2006; Prima Tech, 2008; Prince Agri Products, 2005; StopLik, 2007; The Particular Dr. Larson Company, 2005; Westby Cooperative Creamery (projects), 2005; Winfield Remedies (Croplan Genetics) (projects), 2007 Advertisement farmer-funded accts: Family Members Dairies USA, 2007; National Milk Producers Federation (projects), 2005 PR ag accts: Engineered Storage Goods Business (Harvestore/Slurrystore), 2005; Estrotect, 2005; Ethanol Technology, 2007; Genesis Instruments, 2003; Novozymes Bio Ag (projects), 2006; Prima Tech, 2008; Prince Agri Products, 2005; StopLik, 2007; The Actual Dr. Larson Company, 2005; Westby Cooperative Creamery (projects), 2005; Winfield Options (Croplan Genetics) (projects), 2007 PR farmer-funded accts: Loved Ones Dairies USA, 2007 (See advertisement on this section.) OSBORN & BARR COMMUNICATIONS Cupples Station 9, 914 Spruce St, St. Louis, MO 63102; 314/726-5511, 888/235-4332, FAX: 314/726-6350 Web site: Branch offices: 304 W. Eighth St, Kansas City, MO 64105; 6165 N.W. 86th St, Bldg A, Ste 104, Johnston, IA 50131; Study Park Centre, 102-150 research Lane, Guelph, ON N1G 4T2 Year established: 1988 Number regarding employees: 142

Pres: Joe Osborn ( CEO: Steve Barr ( Exec VP: Michael Turley ( Chief creative Officer: Cheryl Bergeron ( Pres, O&B Assn & Govt: Hugh Whaley ( VP, PR Dir: Colleen Church McDowall ( Ag Media Dir: Pat Rosner ( Digital Mktg Dir: Susan Williams Ad ag accts: American Farm Bureau Federation, 2007; Becker Underwood, 2007; FCS Financial-Missouri, 2005; Intervet, 2002; Michelin North America, 2003; Monsanto, 2007; Monsanto Canada, 2007; Monsanto Dairy (Posilac), 2006; Propane Training & research Council, 2002; QUALISOY, 2005; SFP Specialty Fertilizer Products, 2005; US Department associated with Agriculture (departmental administration), 2006; US Department of Agriculture (Rural Development), 2004; US Department involving Agriculture (National Agricultural statistics Service), 2006 Ad farmer-funded accts: American Lamb Board (projects), 2004; Cattlemen's Beef Board (projects), 1998; National Pork Board, 2003; Ohio Soybean Council (projects), 1999; United Soybean Board, 1995; US Pear Bureau, 2007; US Potato Board, 2004 PR ag accts: Backer Underwood, 2007; Environmental Protection Agency (Office regarding research as well as Development) (projects), 2006; Intervet, 2002; Michelin North America, 2003; Monsanto, 2007; Monsanto Canada, 2007; Monsanto Dairy (Posilac), 2006; Propane Schooling & research Council, 2002; QUALISOY, 2005; SFP Specialty Fertilizer Products, 2005; US Department of Agriculture (Rural Development), 2004; US Department associated with Agriculture (National Agricultural statistics Service), 2006 PR farmer-funded accts: American Lamb Board (projects), 2004; Ohio Soybean Council (projects), 1999; United Soybean Board, 1995 PKA MARKETING 11053 N. Towne Square Rd, Mequon, WI 53092; 262/241-9414, FAX: 262/241-9454 Web site: Year established: 1986 Number involving employees: 11 Ag Bus Dev Mgr: Bruce Prom ( Ag Media Dir/Buyer: Vicki Lee (

Ag PR Dir: Chris Thiede ( Ag Media Buyer: Joy LeClair ( Ag Acct Supv: Vicki Lee ( Ad ag accts: Intervet Inc. (aquaculture), 1994; New Holland (projects), 2007; Renk Seeds, 1992; Westfalia-Surge (projects), 1995 PR ag accts: Intervet Inc. (aquaculture), 1994 PR WORKS PMB 239, PO Box 9000, Edgartown, MA 02539-9000; 508/627-6949, FAX: 508/629-5555 Web site: Year established: 1986 Pres/Principal PR Editor: Joseph Feeks ( Ad ag accts: Intervet/Schering-Plough--Aquaculture (Aquaflor antibiotic, Aquavac vaccines), 2004 PR ag accts: Intervet/Schering-Plough--Aquaculture (Aquaflor antibiotic, Aquavac vaccines), 2004; Intervet/Schering-Plough--Cattle (Resflor) (projects), 2007; Intervet/Schering-Plough--Poultry (poultry health), 1999; MariCal (biotechnology) (projects), 2007; Pala-Tech Laboratories (animal well being products) (projects), 2000; Phibro Animal Wellness (projects), 2008; The Actual Sulphur Institute (sulphur fertilizer), 1986; Vetoquinol USA (animal well being products) (projects), 2006 PADILLA SPEER BEARDSLEY 1101 W. River Pkwy, Ste 400, Minneapolis, MN 55415; 612/455-1700, FAX: 612/455-1060 Web site: Branch office: 950 Third Ave, 16th Flr, New York, NY 10022 Year established: 1961 Number associated with employees: 110 Pres: Lynn Casey ( Ag VP/New Bus Contact: Greg Smith ( Ag Acct Supv: Megan Fairchild Anderson (

Ag Sr Acct Exec: Soren Erickson ( Ag Sr Acct Exec: Sheri Hansen ( PR ag accts: BASF Skilled Vegetation Management, 2002 (Amy Fisher); BASF Turf & Ornamental, 2003 (Chris Higgins); BASF Pest Control, 2008 (Megan Fairchild Anderson) (See advertisement on this section.) PAULSEN MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 3510 S. Very first Ave Cir, Sioux Falls, SD 57105; 605/336-1745, FAX: 605/336-9577 Web site: Year established: 1951 Number associated with employees: 31 Pres: Thane Paulsen ( VP: Greg Guse ( Ag Inventive Dir: Mark Smither ( Ag Media Dir: Kristi Moss ( Ag Media Buyer: Mindy Gross ( Ad ag accts: Ecolab Inc. (projects), 1993; Grain States Soya, 1997 (both Greg Guse/Heather Corvig); POET Nutrition, 2007; WildBlue Satellite Internet, 2007 (both Greg Guse/Jessica Hutchinson); Kubota Tractor, 2000 (Greg Guse/Marcus Squier); J. C. Ramsdell Inc., 2006 (Heather Corvig); E. I. Health-related Imaging, 2007 (Kelli Betsinger); Ag Star financial Services, 2007; Krone Hay as well as Forage Technology, 2003; South Dakota Wheatgrowers Cooperative (projects), 2006 (all Marcus Squier); Hubbard Feeds, 1992; Integra Seed, 2008; Ridley Block Operations, 1996; Ridley Equine Products, 2006 (all Mindy Scholz); Nortec Seed, 2004 (Shane Dailey) Ad farmer-funded accts: South Dakota Soybean Council (projects), 1992 (Greg Guse); Lone Mountain Cattle Company, 2007 (Greg Guse/Nicola Freeman); Ag United pertaining to South Dakota, 2004; South Dakota Corn Utilization Council (projects), 2003 (both Shane Dailey) PR ag accts: Grain States Soya, 1997 (Greg Guse/Heather Corvig); POET Nutrition, 2007; WildBlue Satellite Internet, 2007 (both Greg Guse/Jessica Hutchinson); J. C. Ramsdell Inc., 2006 (Heather Corvig); Ag Star Economic Services, 2007; Krone Hay and also Forage Technology, 2003; South Dakota Wheatgrowers Cooperative (projects), 2006 (all Marcus Squier); Hubbard Feeds, 1992; Integra Seed, 2008; Ridley Block Operations, 1996; Ridley Equine Products, 2006 (all Mindy Scholz); Cooperative Credit, 1999; Nortec Seed, 2004 (both Shane Dailey) PR farmer-funded accts: Minnesota Soybean Council (projects), 2002; South Dakota Soybean Council (projects), 1992 (both Greg Guse); Lone Mountain Cattle Company, 2007 (Greg Guse/Nicola Freeman); Ag United with regard to South Dakota, 2004; South Dakota Corn Utilization Council

(projects), 2003 (both Shane Dailey) RESULTS MARKETING 2018 Grant St, Bettendorf, IA 52722; 563/322-2065, FAX: 563/322-2093 Web site: Year established: 1996 Number of employees: 6 Pres: Michael Freemire Ag Media Dir: Todd Ashby Ag Acct Exec: Lori Freemire ( (See advertisement on this section.) RHEA + KAISER MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 400 E. Diehl Rd, Ste 500, Naperville, IL 60563; 630/505-1100, FAX: 630/505-1109 Web site: Year established: 1978 Number associated with employees: 116 Pres: Stephen Rhea ( Ag creative Dir: John Van Kaiser (van VP/Acct Mgmt Supv: Diane Martin ( Ag Media Dir: Patsy Comella ( PR Dir: Deron Johnson ( Ad ag accts: Accelerated Genetics (projects), 2006; GROWMARK Inc. (projects), 1981 (both Diane Martin); AGCO Parts Division, 2002; Caterpillar Inc., 2001 (both Jim Haist); Bayer CropScience, 1985 (Kim Cooke) PR ag accts: Archer Daniels Midland Co., 2005 (Deron Johnson); GROWMARK Inc. (projects), 1981 (Diane Martin); Caterpillar Inc., 2001 (Jim Haist); Bayer CropScience, 1985 (Kim Cooke) ROCKY MOUNTAIN MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS INC. 62768 North Star Dr, Montrose, CO 81403; 970/249-4226, FAX: 970/249-4385

Web site: Year established: 1993 Number involving employees: 3 Pres: Jeri Mattics Omernik ( Ad ag accts: Leica Geosystems (mojoRTK), (Jeri Mattics Omernik) PR ag accts: Colorado FFA Foundation, 2005; Double Shoe Cattle Co. (projects), 1996; Leica Geosystems (mojoRTK); National FFA Organization (projects), 1993 (all Jeri Mattics Omernik) SOLUTIONS INC., RESULTS THROUGH CREATIVE MARKETING 5900 N.W. 86th St, Ste 300, Johnston, IA 50131; 515/247-0001, FAX: 515/247-0002 Web site: Year established: 1987 Number involving employees: 12 Pres: Keri J. Storjohann ( Ag creative Dir: Joe Hayes ( Ag Media Dir: Jolene Finley ( Ag Bus Dev Mgr/Technology Dir: Lori Equestrian Property For Sale Brighton TN Howe Ag Acct Exec: Holly Huntley Ad ag accts: Hy-Line International, 2002; Miraco, 1990; Garst Seed Co. (projects), 1988 (Keri Storjohann/Holly Huntley); Truth Regarding Trade & Technology, 2005 (Lori Howe) STEPHAN & BRADY INC. 1850 Hoffman St, Madison, WI 53704-2594; 608/241-4141, FAX: 608/241-4246 Web site: Year established: 1952 Number regarding employees: 46 Pres: George Whitely ( Ag creative Dir: Ward Wixon Ag Media Dir: Lorrie Fenstra (

Ag Client Svcs Dir: Lisa Hartman Ad ag accts: Badgerland Farm Credit Score Services, 2004; Wisconsin Farm credit System, 2004; Wisconsin Public Service, 2004 Ad farmer-funded accts: American Egg Board, 1998; Wisconsin Milk Advertising Board, 1986 PR ag accts: Badgerland Farm Credit Score Services, 2004; Wisconsin Farm Credit Score System, 2004 PR farmer-funded accts: Wisconsin Milk Marketing Along With Advertising Board, 1986 STEPHENS & ASSOCIATES ADVERTISING 7300 W. 110th St, Ste 530, Overland Park, KS 66210-2332; 913/661-0910, 800/466-0910, FAX: 913/661-0967 Web site: Year established: 1980 Number involving employees: 30 Pres: Chuck Stephens ( Ag Inventive Dir: Jennifer Brocker ( Ag Media Dir: Kathy Binkley ( Acct Supv: David Hill ( Ad ag accts: Novartis Animal Health, 2004 (Alyson Langenkamp); IDEXX (projects); Kemin Nutrisurance (projects); Novartis Animal Well Being Global (projects), 2005 (all Cathy McCormick); EKLIN Health-related Techniques Inc. (projects), (Dave Hill); Treatment Credit, (Greg Geckles) PR ag accts: Novartis Animal Health, 2004 (Alyson Langenkamp); Kemin Nutrisurance (projects); Novartis Animal health Global (projects), 2005 (both Cathy McCormick) SUNDOG 2000 44th St S.W., Sixth Flr, Fargo, ND 58103; 701/235-5525, 888/9-SUNDOG, FAX: 701/235-8941 Web site: Year established: 1977 Number of employees: 65 Ad ag accts: ProPartners Financial, 2005

PR ag accts: ProPartners Financial, 2005 SWANSON RUSSELL ASSOCIATES 1222 'P' St, Lincoln, NE 68508; 402/437-6400, FAX: 402/437-6401 Web site: Branch office: 14301 FNB Pkwy, Ste 312, Omaha, NE 68154; 402/393-4940, FAX: 402/393-6926 Year established: 1962 Number associated with employees: 130 Pres: Steve Russell ( Exec VP/Managing Dir: Wes Neuhaus ( Ag creative Dir: Kathleen Durkin ( Ag Media Dir: Kay Wigle ( ( Ad ag accts: AGP (projects), 1994; Channel Bio (projects), 2008; Global Animal Management, 2001; Krause Corp., 2005; land O'Lakes Purina Feed LLC (swine feed division), 2006; Territory O'Lakes Purina Feed LLC (lifestyle business group), 2007; Midwest Seed Genetics, 2008; National Livestock Producers Association, 2005; NC+ Hybrids, 1988; Reinke Manufacturing Company, 2008; ScheringPlough Animal Health, 1994 PR ag accts: AGP (projects), 1994; Channel Die (projects), 2008; Global Animal Management, 2001; Krause Corp., 2005; land O'Lakes Purina Feed LLC (swine feed division), 2006; Terrain O'Lakes Purina Feed LLC (lifestyle company group), 2007; Midwest Seed Genetics, 2008; National Livestock Producers Association, 2005; NC+ Hybrids, 1988; Reinke Manufacturing Company, 2008; ScheringPlough Animal Health, 1994 TRI-STATE ADVERTISING CO. INC. 307 S. Buffalo St, Warsaw, IN 46580; 574/267-5178, FAX: 574/267-2965 Web site: Year established: 1948 Number associated with employees: 9 Pres: Clayton R. Kreicker ( Ag Inventive Dir: April Menzie ( Sr VP: T. J. Hartman ( Ad ag accts: Mier Products, 1990 (Clayton Kreicker); Worksaver Inc., 1980 (T. J. Hartman)

PR ag accts: Worksaver Inc., 1980 (T. J. Hartman) TRILIX MARKETING GROUP 4000 114th St, Urbandale, IA 50322; 515/221-4900, FAX: 515/221-0000 Web site: Year established: 2004 Number regarding employees: 22 VP, Ag Client Svcs: Leah Schomburg ( Ag Inventive Dir: Abe Goldstien ( Ag Media Buyer: Heather Weaverling ( Ad ag accts: Stine Seed Company, (Brett Adams); Novus International (Darcy Swon) Ad farmer-funded accts: Iowa Pork Producers Association (projects), 2007; National Pork Producers Council/World Pork Expo (projects), 2002 (Leah Schomburg) PR farmer-funded accts: Iowa Pork Producers Association (projects), 1997; National Pork Board; National Pork Producers Council/World Pork Expo (projects), 2002; Stine Seed Company, (all Leah Schomburg) TWO RIVERS MARKETING 106 E. Sixth St, Des Moines, IA 50309; 515/557-2000, FAX: 515/557-2001 Web site: Year established: 2000 Number of employees: 70 Pres: Brian Jones ( Ag PR Dir: Greg Ehm ( Ad ag accts: Decker Underwood (Colorbiotics), 2006; Farmers National company (projects), 2008; John Deere Credit, 2002; John Deere Energy Systems, 2000; Vermeer Corporation (projects), 2006 PR ag accts: Decker Underwood (Colorbiotics), 2006; Bobcat Co., 2001; Farmers National Business (projects), 2008; John Deere power Systems, 2000; Vermeer Corporation (projects), 2006 WALDINGER CREATIVE 1010 Park Ave, Ste 103, Baltimore, MD 21201; 410/244-1122, FAX: 410/244-0791

Web site: Year established: 1989 Number of employees: 6 Pres: Tom Waldinger ( WALZ TETRICK ADVERTISING 6299 Nall Ave, Ste 300, Mission, KS 66202; 913/789-8778, FAX: 913/789-8493 Web site: Year established: 1967 Number of employees: 28 Pres: Charles Tetrick ( Ag Imaginative Dir: Bev Bellinger ( Ag Media Dir/Buyer: Blair Overesch ( Acct Supv: Lesley Hause ( Acct Exec: Joel Steed ( Ad ag accts: DeLaval Inc., 2000; Elanco Animal Health, 2007 (both Lesley Hause); Lloyd Laboratories, (Shannon Jeffries) PR ag accts: DeLaval Inc, 2000; Elanco Animal Health, 2007 (both Lesley Hause); Lloyd Laboratories, (Shannon Jeffries) WEBER SHANDWICK 919 Third Ave, New York, NY 10022; 212/445-8000 Web site: Number regarding employees: Weber Shandwick's global network consists of 84 offices inside 40 countries and also affiliates which expand the network to 128 offices within 78 countries Pres, N.A.: Cathy Calhoun Sr VP, Leader associated with food Problems Practice: Susan Ruland PR ag accts: Dairy Management, Inc.; International Dairy Meals Association; U.S. Dairy Export Council; Syngenta Seeds, Inc.; National Pork Board; Bayer Animal Health; Corn Refiners Association

WHITWORTH BALLOU, LLC 9306 N.W. 76th Terr, Weatherby Lake, MO 64152; 913/568-9032, FAX: 816/741-3768 Web site: Year established: 2006 Number of employees: 5 Managing Partner: Douglas D. Ballou ( WOODRUFF SWEITZER 515 Cherry St, Ste 300, Columbia, MO 65201; 573/875-7917, 888/300-7485, FAX: 573/874-7979 Web site: Branch offices: 1220 Kensington Rd N.W., Ste 303, Calgary, AB T2N 3P5; 403/291-2922, FAX: 403/291-2365; 118 Southwest Blvd, Ste 300, Kansas City, MO 64108; 816/255-1917, FAX: 816/2551979 Year established: 1992 Number involving employees: 45 Pres: Terry Woodruff ( Pres: TrueMedia: Jack Miller CCO: Steve Sweitzer ( VP, Strategic Planning & Manufacturer Dev: Scott Kington ( Managing Partner, Canada: Jeff Groeneveld ( VP/Assoc Imaginative Dir: Justin White ( Ad ag accts: Arysta LifeScience Canada, 2003; Arysta LifeScience NA, 2000; ASTech, 2008; Bayer Well Being Care, Animal Health, 2006; Diamond Pet Foods, 2005; IMMVAC, 2007; Kubota Tractor Corporation (projects), 1999 Ad farmer-funded accts: Alberta Beef quality starts Here, 2004; Beefbooster, 2007; Canadian Hereford Association (projects), 2005 PR ag accts: Arysta LifeScience Canada, 2003; Arysta LifeScience NA, 2000; ASTech, 2008; Bayer Wellness Care, Animal Health, 2006; Diamond Pet Foods, 2005 PR farmer-funded accts: Alberta Beef High Quality starts Here, 2004; Beefbooster, 2007; National Pork Board (retail) (projects), 2005

ZIMMCOMM NEW MEDIA LLC 1600 Skyview Dr, Holts Summit, MO 65043; 573/896-5842, FAX: 573/896-5842 Web site: Year established: 2004 Number of employees: 2 VP: Cindy Zimmerman ( PR ag accts: BASF (projects); Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica (projects); CNH (projects); John Deere (projects); Monsanto (projects); Novus International (projects); Pioneer (projects) COPYRIGHT 2009 Henderson Communications, LLC No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express published permission from your copyright holder. Copyright 2009 Gale, Cengage Learning. Almost All rights reserved.

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