The Truth Behind the Occupy Movement: Radical,... They posted themselves causing the destruction online, where one can hear them scream, "F**k the Police" and "Occupy will not be stopped, especially by some f**king cop!" and "What do we want? Dead Cops!" As much as the Occupy movement seeks to distance themselves from violence, many of the Black Bloc group are active in the Occupy Movement. Watch the video here (graphic language): A report on the Occupy Wall Street movement takeover of a property was being covered by the local news in San Francisco. corporate cronyism) and wantà  accountability. A poll from April showed that in the Occupy movement, 53% oppose "American-style capitalism," 71% believe in "massive redistribution of wealth," 85% want "dramatically higher taxes," and 79% want "greater government regulation and control over the economy." The Occupy movement is made up of many ideologies, but there are consistent themes. It did, however, succeed in establishing welfare states." Occupy DOJ Theà  Occupy DOJ websiteà  has videos with Rapper Talib Kweeli and Actor Danny Glover encouraging people to come to the rally on April 24. They defaced property, smashed windows, vandalized vehicles and basically destroyed everything in their path. [W]e are not going to stop acts of civil disobedience...âEUR Upon learning of Simeone's involvement with the movement, NPR fired her. In one of many emails contained on a private listserv which was leaked to, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan advised OWS protesters on how they ought to craft their press statements. Andrew Breitbart believed that the anxiety House In Foreclosure Capitol Hill DC that has been taught to children in school and in college about the American System, fuelled further by liberal media figures, such as Bill Maher, is coming to a head and that these protestors are being used. âEURoeI love what you're doing,âEUR he said, noting that âEURoewe have an opportunity to convert the energy that you have already harnessed âEUR¦ where we can push collectively for a Constitutional Amendment to get the money out [of politics].âEUR In yet another leaked email, Rolling StoneâEUR(TM)s Matt Taibbi transmitted a distilled version of his article, âEURoeMy Advice to the Wall Street Protesters,âEUR wherein he expressed his âEURoeloveâEUR and âEURoesupportâEUR for the movement, and condemned the âEURoeunparalleled thievery and corruptionâEUR of Wall Street. Another media figure, the infamous racist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton, made a very public appearance at an OWS rally, where he shouted: âEURoeIt's time for us to occupy Wall Street, occupy Washington, occupy Alabama. They list the "endorsers" as being the ANSWER Coalition, whose steering committee is run by socialists, communists and others, and socialist group "Washington Peace Center." Also sponsoring the event were individuals such as Cornel West and Francis Fox Piven, two prominent members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), in addition to various Free Mumia Abu-Jamal groups, and several "Occupy" groups.
à  Labor Unions and Communism Labor leader Andy Stern,à  former president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)à  has stated, âEURoeThe conservative-preferred, free-market fundamentalist, shareholder-only model - so successful in the 20th century - is being thrown onto the trash heap of history in the 21st century. How many here are socialists?" About 10 people (of Bank Foreclosures Homes Capitol Hill DC 15) raised their hands." CPUSA "Solidarity with âEURoeOccupy Wall StreetâEUR "A big challenge for the CPUSA and left, progressive movements is to link these demonstrations with the labor led all-peopleâEUR(TM)s coalition and help deepen understanding that the path to progress must be through electoral and political action including defeating Republican Tea Party reaction in 2012." "Occupy's Communist Problem" Forbes "But while many Occupiers would like to limit their focus to big banks and other entities they perceive as getting unwarranted special treatment in the economy, others are just opposed to capitalism altogether. After the crowd laughs (yes, it is hysterical to call for murder, right?), Jay Sun continues, "You think it is funny, but that is the only thing a government would listen to." He continues, "I would want people to effectively get the task at hand, done." Occupy DC, along with the anti-capitalist "Anarchist Alliance D.C. The men fled and the officer was taken to the hospital, where he sustained minor injuries to his hands and knees. Later, police responded to a call regarding bottles and other items being thrown from a roof, where they were able to capture Alexander Penley, 41, and Nicholas Thommen, 30, who face multiple charges, including "assaulting a police officer, menacing, criminal possession of a weapon, resisting arrest, and inciting a riot." Penley, an attorney, is a high-profile Occupy member and has been quoted in several mainstream media outlets, such as USA Today and the Guardian. Instead of building a party or advocating a specific ideology, we come together to act against our conditions here." Consider: Charles Gasparino, New York Post "ItâEUR(TM)s not an overstatement to describe Zuccotti Park as New YorkâEUR(TM)s Marxist epicenter." Economic Policy Journal "I went to another Occupy Charlotte meeting, and was admitted to the "demands working group."à  The facilitator - they don't admit to having "leaders" - said "I am a socialist. Saturday. Occupiers were warned that there would be no "cite and release" if they were to stay, but would be taken to jail. Just as the reporter said (twice) that the protestors were "relatively peaceful" and
explains that anarchist infiltrators and the Black Bloc movement are the ones who "cause trouble," the news camera caught a crazy fool throwing bricks at police. Occupy DOJ Right outside of Eric Holder's Office, Rapper Jay Sun told the crowd that since he does "a lot of political work in Washington D.C.," and "this type of work, it's dangerous work" and he would ask, if he was "locked-up," he said, "Please don't march for me, please don't do no rallies for me," instead, he would want everyone to start "killing motherf**kers!" Once the speaker calls for the crowd to start "killing motherf**kers" if he was arrested... Unfortunately, the ones who were non-violent never strongly denounced those that were violent, making them complicit in the violence, and there was plenty of violence. à  ************** Misconception #1: It is about people who are "angry at the system" (eg. Among the more noteworthy names are: the infamous Marxist and cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal, who says that OWS's âEURoecentral focusâEUR is simply âEURoecapitalism, greed writ largeâEUR ; the revolutionary communist and former Obama âEURoegreen jobs czarâEUR Van Jones, who calls OWS a âEURoebeautiful manifestation of moral clarityâEUR ; and the billionaire financier George Soros, who says âEURoeI can understand [the protesters'] sentiment.âEUR Organizational Supporters As for organizational support, OWS is backed by The Communist Party USA Socialist Party USA Democratic Socialists of America International Socialist Organization The Socialist Peace and Freedom Party American Nazi Party The Revolutionary Communist Party Freedom Road Socialist Organization Party of Socialism and Liberation Marxist Student Union.
Allies in the âEURoeNonpartisanâEUR Media Several individuals working for the New York Times, National Public Radio, and NBC News have been caught quietly promoting the very same OWS movement which those outlets have largely portrayed as a spontaneous uprising, independent of any powerful, organized, or well-financed influences. For instance, New York Times freelancer Natasha Lennard, who according to âEURoeplayed a pivotal role in the media narrative of Occupy Wall Street,âEUR participated in a panel of radicals discussing the theory, strategy and tactics of the OWS protests. National Public Radio host Lisa Simeone worked as a spokeswoman for âEURoeOccupy DCâEUR âEUR"a chapter of the OWS-affiliated October 2011 movementâEUR"in violation of the networkâEUR(TM)s ethics rules which forbid employees from âEURoeengag[ing] in public relations work, paid or unpaid.âEUR When questioned by reporters about the matter, Simeone said that because she was a âEURoefreelancerâEUR for NPR, she was not obligated to abide by the restrictions, adding: âEURoeOur main focus is that we are against corporatism and militarism.... Well, what do our progressive friends want to implement in it's place?
Labor is associated with Communism, Communism hates Capitalism, and Unions and Communist / Socialist Organizations have effectively taken hold of the Occupy movement. One of the ways the Unions have infiltrated the movement is to donate money, organize protests and pretend it is "grassroots". Bannon believes that it is funded by a combination of big liberal groups, such as SEIU and George Soros funded groups, which is not in dispute. Network," pulled down barricades and stormed several hotels where delegates were staying. But it wonâEUR(TM)t come by itself. Incidentally, Mr. If you look at the doctrine of capitalism, it's just 'get wealthy by all means.' I believe we should work collectively, for the wellbeing of humanity in general." From "People's World" "We share the anger and frustration of so many Americans who have seen the enormous toll that an unchecked Wall Street has taken on the overwhelming majority of Americans while benefiting the super-wealthy," reps. Communists call for socialism. Socialism has real solutions to the problems of capitalism. It was organized from the beginning. à  3) that it has been "mostly peaceful".
The Truth: The Occupy Movementà  consisted of two different groups; those willing to commit violent acts, and those who were not willing to commit violent acts. There seems to be very little tallies on injured police officers, but there were many.à  A poll from April showed that the percentage of theà  protestersà  had become even more radical, and 13% have admitted that they have already engaged in violence, not just "civil disobedience." Is this a "fringe" amount? In the meantime, the movement never loudly denounced the violence. Aà  Minusculeà  Sample of Violence against Police: In Occupy Eureka, three Occupiers were violently fighting amongst themselves when a member of the Eureka Police Department tried to stop the fight, and ended up getting his nose broken in the process.The Occupy Wall Street movement descended on the International Monetary Fund convention in April, resulting in three arrests, one for assault of a police officer.Mob of Anarchists Attack a Starbucks, Injure Two Police Officers.On New Year's Eve, 28-year-old Zachary Miller, an Occupy Wall Street activist, allegedly sliced a police officer's hand with scissors as he was trying to retake Zuccotti Park. And now I hear from the Republicans we have to protect the 'job creators,'" said Nathaniel Costa a Brooklyn Law School student. "Well I feel no pity for the top 1 percent. Most of the protesters remained on the sidewalk, where their obscenity-laden discussion included talk of getting guns, racially charged remarks aimed at the police, mocked the police in general, and joked about committing crimes. à  In April, the Occupy Wall Street movement added to its extensive list of crimes on Saturday. Under capitalism it is possible to win small victories, but only under socialism will they be lasting. corporate cronyism) and wantà  accountability, The Truth: The Occupy Movement may have some "angry" people who only want accountability for Wall Street Bankers and corruption in the government (And this is in common with the Tea Party); However, the anti-Capitalist vein is the real meat and potatoes of this movement. Rutherford has a college degree and is taking a course now to further upgrade his skills.à  "I'm doing my part to get back to work but Congress is doing nothing," he said, to create jobs." From "People's World" "Jenny said she hopes the end result will be a repeal of "corporate personhood" and "we'll tax the hell out of the rich, and that compassion and love will be injected back into the world, that's been missing." Young Communist League, USA "We struggle for socialism because it offers young people a future. Several Socialist professors were recently invited to anà  Occupy Conference in Tehran, where they were interviewed for Iranian News Outlet, PressTV. "This is democracy in action. they don't stand and stare. This includes infiltrating Occupy Wall Street groups and bend their resources to Union ends."
SEIU Co-Opting Occupy Wall Street for Anti-Romney Campaign SEIU donated $1,158,790 for âEURoeOur DCâEUR to create supposedly spontaneous âEURoeflashmobsâEUR of anti-romney protesters:
Safia Albaiti from the International Socialist Organization à  à  Some "Grassroots" Signs at Occupy:
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à  Misconception #3: The Occupy Movement has been "mostly peaceful". There have been well over 7,000 arrests, loosely documented here, with links to the news stories. à  As much as people want to separate the two, one leads to the other - or else why would Communists fight for socialism?
Anti-Capitalist (In Their Words) "Our desire to end global capitalism manifests itself locally, showing solidarity with similar tendencies across the world. Another man was charged with blocking passage, and a third person, a woman, was charged with assault on a police officer.
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There are some misconceptions that the OWS movement: 1) that it is about people who are "angry at the system" (eg. Socialists, Communists (including Big Labor), Anarchists, and other radicals effectively hijacked the movement. à  2) that it is grassroots, The Truth: The Occupy Movement is a mess, but an organized mess. We've come to take our country back to the people.âEUR University Support Many professors and Universities have been very supportive of the movement, teaching classes on the Occupy movement and even conducting "fieldwork" at Occupy Rallies. à  There is no denying this. This should motivate leaders to rethink, rather than double down on an empiricallyà  failing free-market extremism.âEUR In the Wall Street Journal, Andy Stern Praises Communist China in an article titled, "China's Superior Economic Model", after returning from a trip organized by the China-United States Exchange Foundation and the Center for American Progress. à Â
Occupy Leader Admits Goal to Overthrow Capitalism, Build Communism (Video) Former union president Mike Golash, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals of overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government. The group was unable to smash the glass, but did manage to terrify some of the 99%, who dove under tables during the attack.
When a sergeant attempted to make an arrest, he was allegedly attacked by two men with pipes. Network reporters won't even explain that protesters are calling for a revolutionary-style change." "Staunch Anti-Capitalist" "In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the ideology was socialism and the force was organised labour. The piece shows one woman who claims to be a socialist, who stated that her professors taught her that socialism was the best system. Why is Nancy Pelosi afraid of the Tea Party? Ã Â This article specifically deals with the three misconceptions about the OWS movement. It will come through the struggles of the people and those who consciously work for it." CAPITALISM "What do you call a system that promotes selfishness, exploitation, racism and police brutality, sexism, and homophobia? A system that wages unjust wars for profit, that robs young people of jobs and education, devastates our communities with drugs and poverty and destroys our environment?"
à  Networks Ignore Occupy Demands for 'Socialist' Revolution "Socialists, communists and Marxists roam the Occupy Wall Street rallies, yet zero network news
stories since the protests began used any of those three words to label protesters or their goals. In an era when countries need to become economic teams, Team USAâEUR(TM)s results - a jobless decade, 30 years of flat median wages, a trade deficit, a shrinking middle class and phenomenal gains in wealth but only for the top 1 percent - are pathetic. Theyà  were arrested on terrorism and possession of explosives charges.Two stabbings occurred at the Occupy San Francisco encampment in front of the Federal Reserve Bank inà  one week.
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à  Bonus! Anti-Semiticà  Occupy Signs: à Â
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And this Guy...
And Some Extra Hate: Ã Â
à  Bonus Videos Ami Horowitz took a trip to 'Occupy Wall Street' to see if the Hipsters, hippies & hooligans have the answers to all of the world's problems. Occupy Unmasked Who is funding the movement? writer/director of the film, Stephen K. So, they counter-protested, resulting in violence.à  Two police officers were injured and had to be taken to the hospital. A Small Sample of Violence: On April 30, theà  Black Bloc trashed the Mission District in San Francisco. One prevalent theme
is the call for the destruction of capitalism. Occupiers throwing condoms at school girls, occupiers dumping urine/feces,Ã Â or protesting for continued sex-trafficking, even a hate crime. Ã Â . Miller was arrested twice before for protest-related charges.Occupy Oakland was not happy about the protest held by 35 members of the South Africa Project, a group protesting violence by blacks against whites in South Africa at the state capitol in Sacramento. After an Anarchist Book Fair, a mob of about 25 people left the event in the mood for some anarchy, tipping over trash cans and spraying anarchy symbols on local businesses. No further details regarding the assault were released. Occupy Portland (OR) attempted to re-Occupy two parks in the city. Yesterday, members of the AFLCIO's executive council expressed unanimous support for the protest." From "People's World" "I'm here because I see an injustice in this country; the middle class has been dying for 30 years. Police arrived to a mob using eight-foot-long metal pipes in an attempt to smash the thick plexiglass window at a Starbucks and needed to call in reinforcements to subdue the thugs. Raul Grijalva, DAriz., and Keith Ellison, D-Minn., said in a joint statement." From "People's World" "Many union leaders have embraced Occupy Wall Street. Fox News reports that NYCC hired approximately 100 former ACORN-affiliated staffers and paid some of them $100 per day to attend and support OWS demonstrations. Communist Party USA Bill Ayers Rick Ayers Fenton Communications Labor Unions National Lawyers Guild Environmentalists Muslim Groups Islamists in the Middle East Democratic Party Supporters of OWS: President Barack Obama
Elizabeth Warren Nancy Pelosi Bill Clinton Howard Dean Al Gore Keith Ellison Russ Feingold Raul Grijalva Jan Schakowsky New York city councilman (and former Black Panther) Charles Barron Other Individual Supporters The list of far-leftists who have stepped forth to support OWS is extremely long. They start laughing. The scuffle occurred as the defendant was trying to push a barricade into a police van. Socialism failed as a way of running economies. Golash also called the progressive labor movement "a revolutionary communist organization," during an Occupy DC "People's Assembly" on August 19. Ã Â A Sample of Occupy Signs Encouraging Class War and Anti-Capitalist Messages
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à  à  Misconception #2: The Occupy Movement is "Grassroots" Kalle Lasn and Adbusters "The individual most responsible for launching OWS was Kalle Lasn, a longtime documentary producer, radical environmentalist, and, by his own telling, lifelong âEURoestudent of revolution.âEUR Denouncing American consumerism as an âEURoeecologically unsustainableâEUR and âEURoepsychologically corrosiveâEUR phenomenon, Lasn has long derided âEURoethe dog-eat-dog world of capitalismâEUR as âEURoea destructive systemâEUR that has caused âEURoea terrible degradation of our mental environment.âEUR He especially detests capitalism's handmaiden, consumerism, which he blames for having spawned many disastrous âEURoeenvironmental, psychological, and political consequences.âEUR In an effort to âEURoewreck this worldâEUR of consumerism, Lasn in 1989 co-founded the Adbusters Media Foundation." ACORN and its Reincarnations, Newer ACORN offshoots are likewise deeply involved with OWS. Their Facebook page advertised the "event" by declaring, "On April 19th through 22nd, a broad coalition of activist groups will take the streets to protest the International Monetary Fund (IMF) andà  the economic, social and environmental harm caused by the global capitalist system." One man was charged with crossing a police line just before 3 a.m. Many other issues are not addressed, such as the vandalism, the squatting, people being found dead in their tents, the relentless instigation of police officers, the shocking drain on cities, the drug use, disruption of campaigns, the ongoing anti-Semitism, weapons charges, and most of the other (non-violent) crime, or just bad behavior; eg. I see the top 1 percent making a fortune in the last several decades and
people are suffering more than ever," he continued. For these protesters, small businesses are fair game." A spokesperson for the national board of Communist Party USA speaks to Occupy Chicago: "WeâEUR(TM)re the International Socialists OrganizationâEUR¦ Our goal is to raise political consciousness to build a revolutionary party and work for a revolution here in the United States.à  The problem is capitalismâEUR¦ We need a new system thatâEUR(TM)s going to put people first and put profit back to the wasteland of history.à  Socialism is the solution. We need a society where everything is produced to meet human needs and wants rather than to make money off of them." à  This is a Cached Site for CPUSA (Link no longer Active) "The two Southern California communists at the heart of Occupy Los Angeles movement are veteran party leader Arturo Cambron and his comrade, Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council member Mario Brito." "Of primary importance is linking it with the burgeoning fight for jobs and especially passage of the American Jobs Act.à  We can also play a role in offering more advanced programmatic ideas like nationalizing the banks and socialism.à  To have a positive impact, the CPUSA and YCL must be a part of the âEURoeOccupyâEUR movement, participating at every level and building greater local support for the actions among labor and progressive forces." From "People's World" Andy Diaz, a journalism major at East Los Angeles College said, "We were promised a change in this country and I haven't seen it thus far. Apparantly, Penley is not all that concerned about his image as a lawyer or as a part of the Occupy movement. à  Three men,à  Brian Church, 20, Brent Vincent Betterly, 24, and Jared Chase, 24, were arrested before they had the opportunity carry out their plan toà  bomb President Obama's campaign headquarters, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's home and other targets with Molotov cocktails. When they remained past closing times, police began to arrive. If the majority of people voted in this country a Republican would never be elected again." From "People's World" "At the press conference today in support of Occupy Wall Street and the coming week of action for jobs, Trumka was joined by a jobless 22-year veteran electrician and Electrical Workers member, Tom Rutherford. The name of the story, "Experts: Occupy Wall Street likely to topple US administration." Oneà  University in Massachusetts is having a day long "teach-in" about OWS, with one of the topics being "May Day and Occupy." The site explains the origins of the movement, as it "was initiated by the Canadian activist group Adbusters with the objective of expressing deep-rooted dissatisfaction amongst Americans with the way the country has been run and the resulting debt and
economic hardship inflicted on ordinary people." SEIU / Labor / Communism "This is Our DC as a part of the secret network of SEIU front groups, intended to create the appearance of a grassroots movement while pushing the leftist agenda and helping Democrats