Girl Scouts, Hornets’ Nest Council 7007 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 704-731-6500 Outside Mecklenburg 800-868-0528 Website: www.hngirlscouts.org
Table of Contents Unit One: Introduction To Girl Scouts ……………………………………………….……………………............... Foundation and History of Girl Scouts………………………………………………………………………................. Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout Law………………………………………………………………………............... Special Girl Scout Days……………..………………………………………………………………………..................
4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10
Unit Two: Planning and Getting Started…………………………………………………………………….............. Planning Trail................................................................................................................................................................... Monthly Tips/Ideas........................................................................................................................................................... Sample E-mail or Letter to Parents in Your Troop ……………………………………………………………………. Tips For Working With Adults/Parents………………………………………………………………………………… Girl Scout Daisy Uniform................................................................................................................................................. Summary of Troop Committee Positions......................................................................................................................... Girl-Led Planning ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Troop Government: The Girl Scout Daisy Ring….......................................................................................................... 11 Unit Three: Meetings...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Meeting Logistics............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Kapers............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Meeting Components and Ideas........................................................................................................................................ 13 Step By Step Guide For The First Five Meetings …………………………………........................................................ 14 Meeting One: Learning the Girl Scout Promise ……………………………………………………………………….. 15 Daisy Name Tag Template …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16 Meeting Two: Learning to be “Honest & Fair” ……………………………………………………………………….. 17 Meeting Three: Learning to be “Friendly & Helpful” …………………………………………………………………. 18 Meeting Four: Getting Ready for the Investiture Ceremony ………………………………………………………….. 19 Investiture Invitation Template ………………………………………………………………………………………... 20 Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony …………….………………………………………………………………………… 21 Meeting Five: The Investiture Ceremony ……………………………………………………………………………... 22 Making Decisions About Money ……........................................................................................................................... 23 Troop Trip Planning …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 Unit Four: Girl Scout Traditions ……......................................................................................................................... 24 Girl Scout Sign ……………………………………………………...…………………………………………………. 24 Girl Scout Motto …………............................................................................................................................................ Girl Scout Slogan ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... Girl Scout Handshake …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Girl Scout Friendship Circle …………………………………………………………………………………………... SWAPS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Girl Scout Ceremonies …………………......................................................................................................................... Flag Ceremony ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Investiture Ceremony........................................................................................................................................................ Bridging Ceremony ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Ideas for a Closing Ceremony......................................................................................................................................... 2
24 24 24 24 24 25 26 27 28 28
Table of Contents 29 29 30 32 33 33 33 34 34 Tips to Prevent Challenging Behavior ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 35 Guidelines for Adult/Child Interaction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 When and Where to Obtain Help …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36 Unit Four: Girl Scout Traditions cont. …………………………………………………………………………….. A Girl Scout’s Own Ceremony......................................................................................................................................... Games............................................................................................................................................................................... Songs................................................................................................................................................................................. Unit Five: Working With Daisy Girl Scouts ……………………………………………………………………….. Characteristics of Girl Scout Daisies ………………………………………………………………………………….. Growing with Girl Scout Daisies ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……… Promoting Self-Esteem …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leader/Daughter Syndrome …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Unit One: Introduction TO GIRL SCOUTS Congratulations on becoming a member of the unique and wonderful world of Girl Scouts! Thank you for giving your time to shape today’s girls into tomorrow’s leaders. As an adult volunteer for a Girl Scout Daisy troop, you will help build girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. There’s a lot to learn to get started, and we’re here to help. Girl Scouts Hornets’ Nest Council has 5 Values that drive all our efforts. Girl Scouting experiences are: Girl Centered, Inclusive, Aligned, Accountable and Innovative. Take time to review all the available resources listed below. These resources all work together to provide detailed information about different parts of the Girl Scout Daisy experience! As you become more comfortable in your leadership position, you will learn how to give the girls more responsibility. The ultimate goal in Girl Scout troop management is to implement girl/adult partnership. Give the girls an opportunity regardless of their grade level, to take an increasingly more active part in planning as the year progresses. Your ultimate satisfaction in leading will come as you see your girls grow and mature under your guidance. Lastly, Girl Scouts is about exploring and having fun. Remember:
“You Lead Today, She’ll Lead Tomorrow.” To effectively use this guide, you should be familiar with the following resources: “It’s Your World— Change It!” Leadership Journey - Adult Set* “How To” Guide for completing a 2-3 month Leadership experience in which Girl Scout Daisies learn the Girl Scout Law and the 3 keys to leadership: Discover, Connect, and Take Action.
Volunteer Essentials In-depth details on aspects of your leadership role, including registration, finance, safety tips, communication and more! Excerpts provided at your Leader 101 training; full document available online at www.hngirlscouts.org.
FYI Listing of all GSHNC programs and trainings. Check at least 4-6 weeks in advance for upcoming events. Events and trainings require advanced registration and can fill up quickly. Sample listing provided at your Leader 101 training; full document available at www.hngirlscouts.org.
“It’s Your Planet—Love It!” Leadership Journey - Adult Set* “How To” Guide for completing a 2-3 month Leadership experience where Girl Scout Daisies explore the precious resources of water.
GSHNC website: www.hngirlscouts.org Troop forms, Adult Learning and Program registrations, Online Courses, Adult Awards, Council properties, staff contact information, and more!
“It’s Your Story—Tell It!” Leadership Journey Adult Set* “How To” Guide for completing a 2-3 month Leadership experience where Girl Scout Daisies build confidence and learn about the wide world of girls.
The Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting* This Handbook is packed with information and activities that encourage girls to learn and to have fun. It also includes 12 badge activity sheets, covering a range of exciting topics for girls to explore.
*Available for purchase at Promise Provisions store. Visit www.hngirlscouts.org. 4
Foundation and History of Girl Scouts– 100 Years Strong Juliette Gordon Low was a strong, independent woman who looked beyond the traditional role of women. While living in England, she befriended Lord Baden Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts. It was through her knowledge of Boy Scouts that Juliette Gordon Low brought the idea of Girl Scouts to the United States. In 1912, her vision became a reality. The first Girl Scout troop was formed on March 12, 1912. Juliette Gordon Low had a vision for the Girl Scouts that included exposing girls to knowledge, practicing useable new skills, and fostering positive attitudes about themselves and others. The Girl Scout program promotes the development of values, which girls can draw on to help them resist some of the pressures of today's society. Girl Scouting continues to evolve to meet the needs of girls. Activities may change, however, the fundamental premise and mission of the organization remains the same. Every girl and adult that joins Girl Scouts agrees to accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law. These words become the moral compass of the Girl Scout experience, so that every decision made in Girl Scouts is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
Girl Scout Mission
Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Special Girl Scout Days There are a few days throughout the year that are special to Girl Scouts across the nation. Here are those days and why we celebrate them. Thinking Day: February 22 Girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. World Thinking Day is part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Global Action Theme (GAT), based on the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which aim to improve the lives of the world's poorest people. Girl Scout Birthday: March 12 Juliette Gordon Low, ‘Daisy’ to her friends and family, started Girl Scouting in Savannah, Georgia on March 12, 1912. Girl Scout Sunday: Sunday after March 12 Girl Scout Sabbath: Saturday after March 12 Girl Scout Week: The week in which March 12 falls Founder’s Day: October 31 The birthday of Juliette “Daisy” Low, the founder of Girl Scouts. Leader Appreciation Day: April 22 5
Unit Two: Planning & Getting Started Planning Trail The planning trail is a useful tool for helping plan with your Girl Scout Daisies. A planning trail is a step-by-step planning process. If followed, your troop activities will be well-planned, include girl/adult partnerships, and focus on the Council Goals. There are eight steps to the planning trail.
Step 1: Set a Goal Considering the girls’ interests and working with your other adult volunteers, set a goal for the troop.
Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas Once you have set your goals for the year, brainstorm ways to meet your goals. This brainstorm list may include activities, field trips, and other program opportunities. Come up with a list that will allow the girls to choose from the options by voting.
Step 4: Gather Information Now that you have a list of ideas/activities for the year, you must gather information to ensure success in implementing the activities. Ask yourself: Are there safety requirements, admission fees, transportation, health concerns, etc., for the activities planned?
Step 3: Focus on the Girl Scout Leadership Experience For every program activity you have planned, you need to ask if it relates to outcomes in the 3 Keys to Leadership (Discover, Connect, Take Action), the mission and the program, and consider the program processes as you work with girls.
Step 5: Focus on the Activity/ Program For each activity, there will be some planning. In this step, you will need to establish timelines and budgets. Ask yourself: Who? What? Where? Why? How?
Step 6: DO IT! In this step you implement the activity!
Step 7: Evaluate Evaluate the entire planning process, not just the final activity. Ask yourself and the girls: Did it work? Would you do it again? How could you improve it? How could you be more efficient in the planning? Was everyone involved? What did you learn?
Step 8: Pass It On Tell others about the activity. Share your success at service unit meetings. Call the local press. Celebrate and share the good news!
Monthly Tips/Ideas Girl Scout troops can start any time of the year. No matter where you are in your troop schedule, here are a few ideas and things to think about during each month. The dates below represent only a small number of Girl Scout program opportunities available. As the year progresses, you will find many other opportunities for your troop. Service Unit events and council-sponsored programs are two sources for beyond the troop activities. These activities can help support the achievement of the goals of your troop. Keep notes as you hear of different opportunities so that you can help the girls plan a meaningful year.
September New Troops: Register within 4 weeks of your first meeting. Outstanding Troop Award requirement #1. Existing Troops: Register by October 1. Outstanding Troop Award requirement #1. Existing Troops: Hold an Investiture/Rededication Ceremony. Outstanding Troop Award requirement # 16. Plan an event to celebrate Juliette Low’s birthday (October 31). Attend Service Unit meeting. Find out about upcoming Service Unit programs/events your troop can attend to meet. Outstanding Troop Award requirement # 11.
October Celebrate Juliette Low’s birthday (October 31). Think about participating in your community’s holiday parade. Research details and share with parents. Outstanding Troop Award requirement #12.
November Attend Cookie Training with your troop’s cookie sale manager. Plan/participate in a community service project. Outstanding Troop Award Requirement #6. Complete Community Service Report form, found online at www.hngirlscouts.org under Resources. Outstanding Troop Award Requirement #7.
December Plan holiday celebrations as appropriate. Plan/participate in a community service project, if not done in November. Complete the Community Service Report form. Outstanding Troop Award requirements #5 & 6. Check FYI for winter/spring council activities. Outstanding Troop Award requirement #11. Cookie Sale Begins!
January Plan to participate in Thinking Day activities for February 22. Celebrate Martin Luther King's Birthday - Show the girls how this celebration can help us understanding some parts of the Girl Scout Law. Attend Service Unit meeting or optional enrichment trainings. Board Level Adult Award nominations due January 15.
February Celebrate Thinking Day Do an activity related to Pluralism & Diversity. Present girls with their World Association Pins. See the pinning ceremony in the Ceremonies & Traditions section of this booklet. Invite parents to attend and incorporate a flag ceremony into the pinning ceremony for Outstanding Troop Award requirements # 15 & 16. Cookie Booth Sales begin! Contact your sponsorship (if a religious institution) to see if your troop can participate in Girl Scout Sunday/Sabbath services in March. March If applicable, confirm with your sponsorship about participating in Girl Scout Sunday/Sabbath services. Plan a Girl Scout birthday party to celebrate the 1st Girl Scout troop meeting on March 12, 1912. Contact your Service Unit Manager or Membership Specialist about participating in a spring recruitment to meet Outstanding Troop Award requirement # 13. Service Unit Adult Award nominations due March 15. April Leader Appreciation Day is April 22 – do something special and fun with your co-leaders/assistants! Begin planning an End-of-Year ceremony. Outstanding Troop Award requirement #16 Plan ahead to order patches and other supplies from Promise Provisions Girl Scout store. Plan a way to say “Thank You” to your sponsorship. Outstanding Troop Award requirement # 14. Prepare to bridge any 1st grade members to Girl Scout Brownies. See Bridging section of this booklet. Outstanding Troop Award requirement #5. If no girl is bridging, do an activity with another troop to meet the requirement. Complete all Outstanding Troop Award requirements and submit Annual Troop Report, copy of bank statement, and Outstanding Troop Award form to GSHNC by April 1st. Outstanding Troop Award requirement # 18.
May Plan and participate in End-of-Year Ceremony. Present girls with Outstanding Troop Award patches. Bridge 1st grade girls to Girl Scout Brownies. Early Bird registration due May 31. Celebrate your success with your co-leaders/assistants for a year well done! June Annual Troop Report due June 15.
Sample E-Mail or Letter to Parents in Your Troop Welcome to Girl Scout Daisy Troop # ______! My name is (name) and I have volunteered to be the leader for our new troop. I am excited about working with your daughter and look forward to meeting everyone soon. Out first troop meeting will be on (date). We will be meeting at (location & room #) at (time). Please plan on returning the forms I have attached in the Parent Information Packet along with the registration fee at this meeting. I will need your help throughout the year so pleaser review the Girl Scouting is a Family Affair Form and let me know where you may be able to help. Parents are asked to stay at this meeting so that we can meet each other and finalize our meeting dates. All girls are required to register and pay the registration fee to join Girl Scouts. Leaders, Co-Leader, Fall Product Sales Manager and Cookie Sale Manager are required to register and clear a criminal background check. Other adult parents are encouraged to register as Girl Scout members. Financial assistance is available; please contact me for more information. I look forward to meeting each of you and if you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me. (Your Name & Phone #) Attached is the Parent Information Packet and forms you will need to complete and bring to the meeting: Registration Form– Girl Registration Form– Adult (if joining the troop committee) Girl & Adult Health History Record (not required, until we go on a field trip– we will discuss more at the meeting) Girl Scout is a Family Affair Form Summary of Troop Committee Positions Registration Fee (financial assistance available if needed). Please make check payable to Girl Scouts, Hornets’ Nest Council (GSHNC). The forms listed above can be found on the council web site at: www.hngirlscouts.org– Forms & Publications– Troop Forms
Tips for Working with Adults/Parents
As a Girl Scout adult volunteer, you will be developing meaningful relationships with the girls in your troop. Since you will need help from time to time, it is also wise to develop positive relationships with the parents and guardians in your troop. Here are some tips to start the year off right and keep things running smoothly.
Share the magic of the Girl Scout program. Discuss the 3 Keys to Leadership and the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Let the parents know that while Girl Scouts is fun, it is much more than a social club. Get to know the parents. Give parents interest cards at the beginning of the year. This card, in addition to containing emergency contact information, can gather information about their professions, places of work, hobbies, talents, etc. Later in the year, you will have an idea of who to call when you need help with a project or trip. Communicate often with the parents. Send home updates and easy-to-read permission forms. Talk to parents as they pick up and drop off their girls. Be professional. Do not gossip about the girls or other parents. If you have an important issue to discuss, make sure that the girls are properly supervised and speak with the parent in private. Parents are more likely to help when you ask them directly. Also, make sure the task is specific and shortterm. People can easily get overwhelmed if you ask,
“Would you be willing to help with the troop?” Instead, state, “I need a parent to assist with our Mexican craft project. Will you help us one hour a week for two weeks?” Create and publish a phone tree or e-mail distribution list. Instead of calling every parent in your troop, you can make only a few calls and start a chain of information, or send one e-mail to all.
Parent Meeting– Daisy Points Have blank name tags for parents and girls and encourage them to make one for themselves when they arrive. If possible, contact an older Girl Scout troop and ask for volunteers to come and do activities with your Daisies while you and your assistant(s) meet with the parents. Read through FYI and provide families with any information on upcoming events designed specifically for them to attend (non-troop events). 8
The Girl Scout Daisy Uniform Uniforms are not required in Girl Scouts, but we recommend that girls have a tunic or vest to display their awards, badges and patches. The Girl Scout uniform can be put together in many different ways. Some troops will decide on certain pieces or may make their own T-shirts, while others allow the individual girls to decide what type of uniform to wear. Below is a guide to the Daisy uniform. You have the option of either a vest or a tunic. You can purchase the Girl Scout uniform and other related items at the Promise Provisions Girl Scout Store.
The Daisy vest and tunic are available in various sizes. Please buy it with room to grow. Items to purchase with vest or tunic. All others are earned and will be provided by troop unless otherwise noted by troop leader.
Promise Provisions Girl Scout Store 7007 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-6:30 pm Friday 8:30 am-5:30 pm Open select Saturdays Online Store: hngirlscouts.org 9
Summary of Troop Committee Positions
Co-Leader/ Assistant Leader
Troop Treasurer
Family Campaign Coordinator Events Coordinator Outdoor Coordinator Fall Product Sale Manager Troop Cookie Sale Manager
Field Trip Driver
Assist leader with above Take council required trainings (recommended) Maintains troop bank account Completes reports on receipts and disbursements Completes Annual Troop Report
Work with Service Unit to promote contributions from Girl Scout families to benefit Girl Scouts, Hornets’ Nest Council
Works with leader to provide troop events and outdoor programs
Attends Service Unit cookie/fall product training Receives & disburses information, products and incentives Files needed paperwork Provides deadline information
Troop Historian
Set up troop meeting location and schedule Work with Service Unit Placement Coordinator to contact girls assigned to meet with your troop Hold regularly schedule troop meetings Carry out troop activities to ensure and protect the safety of all participants Take council required trainings Attend monthly Service Unit meetings Maintain girl award recognitions
Takes photos of events/activities Writes articles and submit to local paper Drives troop members to activities and events outside of the normal meeting place
All volunteers - except Series Advisor and Event Volunteers - need to complete the online Girl Scouting 101 course (approximately 45 minutes long). Some volunteer roles require a criminal background check and additional training. For more information visit http://www.hngirlscouts.org
Girl-Led Planning Girl-Led planning is a very special and unique part of Girl Scout program. It provides an invaluable and important opportunity for girls to make their own decisions and plans while benefiting from adult guidance and facilitation. It is the assuming leadership aspect of progression. Age and ability are the other two aspects of progression in all levels of Girl Scouting. These elements enable each girl to chart her individual course through the Girl Scout Daisy program, continue to the Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassadors levels, and eventually to become an adult Girl Scout. This graph shows how the Girl-Led partnership progresses as Girl Scouts move through the grade levels. LEADER Daisy
Junior Cadette
Ambassador GIRL
The following suggestions may be helpful in planning with Girl Scout Daisies:
Encourage the girls to speak up about their ideas and to take turns expressing their opinions. Your guidance may be needed in working through ideas.
Use pictures, charts, handouts and other concrete materials to increase involvement.
Keep discussion short. Young girls cannot sit still for long periods, especially after a day at school.
Remember that Girl Scouting provides a safe environment where girls try different approaches and may experience failure before discovering the best way to continue toward their goal(s).
Use the Daisy Girl Scout Ring (see below) for troop management, planning, making decisions or rules, assigning jobs, discussing or solving problems, and evaluating activities.
Troop Government: The Girl Scout Daisy Ring In Girl Scouts, girls develop their self-confidence and self-esteem by making choices and influencing others. The girls should be in charge of governing their troop and should add to their responsibilities as they grow. For Girl Scout Daisies, troop government occurs in the Girl Scout Daisy Ring. The following are tips for implementing this type of government: The ring is used for planning, problem solving, and decision making. The girls gather together and sit in a circle on the floor. The leader or-ringleader (not the adult, necessarily) introduces the topic of discussion, any information about the topic, and the decision that needs to be made. The girls take turns expressing their ideas and opinions. Everyone should have a chance to speak, but no one should dominate the discussion. A great way to make things fair is to use a talking stick. A talking stick (or ball, rock, etc.) is passed around the ring. Only the person with the stick in her hand has permission to talk. Have an agreed upon signal to use when the group needs quiet time. Hints for keeping things fair: No putting down people or ideas. Make sure all people speak, but no one dominates. Adults can model behavior for the ring by listening without criticism to girls and parents. At first, the girls will need a lot of help from the adult in order to get the hang of using the ring to make decisions. After they become familiar with it, the girls can take turns being the discussion leader. 11
Unit Three: Meetings Meeting Logistics
Many new volunteers have questions about the logistics of their meetings. When you are starting out, some of the best advice will come from other volunteers in your Service Unit, since they are familiar with your community. Keep in mind that the troop belongs to you, the girls, and their parents, so together you decide what works for the entire group. Here are some tips to get you started: Meeting Frequency: You can choose to meet weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly. Many adult volunteers start with bi-monthly meetings, and make adjustments accordingly. Meeting Times: Many things, such as transportation, meeting space availability, and other obligations, will dictate the time of your troop meetings. Meetings usually last for an hour to an hour-and-a-half. Meeting Locations: Schools, religious buildings, and community centers are the most common places for meetings. Convenience, safety, and resources should be considered when selecting a location for meetings. Meeting Dues: Dues are used to instill a sense of responsibility in girls and to purchase badges or basic supplies. These dues typically range from $0.50 to $2.00 per meeting. The troop can also do money-earning activities, such as participate in the Fall Product Program and Cookie Program, to support troop trips and activities. If needed, your troop can do additional money-earning activities as described in Volunteer Essentials Chapter 5. Troop Size: The recommended size for a Girl Scout Daisy troop is 8—12 girls. Often, troop size will start very small and increase as new girls learn about the fun your girls are having. As an adult volunteer, your openness to accept these new girls into your troop sets a great example of– Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout. Regardless of the number of girls in your troop, you want to make sure that you have plenty of adult support, in the form of adult co-volunteers and parents.
Kapers A kaper is a job. A kaper chart shows the job and who is doing it. Using a kaper chart ensures that all girls will have an equal distribution of job responsibilities, and limits disagreements about who gets each job. Kaper charts can be created in a wide variety of styles, from the very simple to the very creative. The kaper chart below can be replicated using any theme. Kaper
Group Name
Other Ideas:
Katherine, Ling
Kisha, Jenny
Beth, Josey
Flowers Have flower centers with the name of the job on them. Put the names of the girls on petals and surround each center with the names of the girls who are doing the kaper that week.
Tash, Lucy,
Ann, Meredith
Using the kaper chart shown above, each meeting, rotate the groups in order to make sure all girls equally share all jobs. So, the dancers group would move down to snack, the singers to the opening, the painters to the closing, the sculptors to the attendance, and the yodelers to the clean up. 12
Tree Have a bare tree with the kapers listed on branches. Put the girls’ names on the leaves and surround the branches with the names of the girls who are assigned that job. Fish & Seaweed Let the girl design and cut out their own fish. Put the names of the jobs on the seaweed. Group the fish around the seaweed with the job that they are to do that week.
Meeting Components & Ideas Components of a Meeting
Each Girl Scout meeting provides and opportunity to explore new worlds and learn new skills. For this reason, there is no strict meeting agenda for Girl Scout Daisies. You do not have to worry about sticking to a rigid set of activities that may not appeal to your girls. Instead, the key is flexibility based on the needs and interests of the girls. You may have a meeting that consists of one activity and then your next meeting may have three activities. You are able to consult a wide range of resources for ideas and activities, including the girls themselves, Journey books, Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, and the program opportunities offered by Girl Scouts Hornets’ Nest Council.
Start Opening Business
Clean-Up Activities
Over the years, research, tradition, and knowledge of what works with girls has created the following suggested model for a successful troop meeting. This model is meant to create a natural flow for the meetings and provide a– balanced diet of fun, learning, responsibility, and accomplishment. If you use this agenda for each meeting, the girls will feel comfortable because of the predictability of what will be included in each meeting. That predictability puts them at ease as they attempt new activities. The constantly changing nature of the activities and your response to their interests will prevent the girls from becoming bored. Start Up Activity: This is the wait around period before the meeting officially begins. This is a time to chat and greet all of the girls and parents. Since you will be talking and setting up, the girls should have an easy, self-directed activity to engage their attention. Ideas include: Coloring Sheets Puzzles Scavenger hunts through Girl Scout books People hunt (i.e. find a girl that speaks another language, find someone with the same number of sisters as you, etc.) Play board games Opening: A repetitive format for opening every meeting is a way of providing comfort and familiarity for the girls. The opening allows girls to know the meeting is officially starting, and focus and prepare for the rest of the meeting. Ideas include: Girl Scout Promise and Law Flag ceremonies Songs Offer up an opening question and be the first to answer (i.e. If I won a million dollars, I would…) Business Meeting: This is a time for special announcements, dues, attendance, making plans, voting, deciding on activities, and other troop business. This section of the meeting is very important for the girls because they learn how to lead, influence others, and communicate feelings and opinions. Little by little, allows the girls to take responsibility for more of the business of the troop. All of these skills are essential for the development of self-esteem and confidence.
Activities: During this section of the Girl Scout meeting, girls get a chance to build skills, try new things, explore their interests, and work cooperatively with others. As the girls progress, you will begin to get insight into their interests. Make sure that you are always asking for their ideas and input. You will also pick up good ideas from other adult volunteers when you attend the monthly service unit meetings. Ideas include: Creative arts or crafts Activities from the Girl Scout Journey books Activities from the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Pen pal letters Learn about different cultures Clean-Up: Clean-up is important because it teaches the girls about sharing responsibility, allows them to face the consequence of making a mess, and helps emphasize good stewardship. You can reinforce the practice of– Leave things better than you found them. Closing: This is a time when you can emphasize the accomplishments of the meeting, remind the girls of what is coming up, focus on personal goals, help girls feel part of a tradition, and end on a calm positive note. Ideas include: Friendship circle and squeeze Sharing personal goals for the week ahead Websites with additional ideas: www.gsusa.org www.makingfriends.com 13
This curriculum guide will provide you with everything you need to successfully facilitate the first five meetings of your Daisy troop. Each session begins with an overall description of what the girls will accomplish and a list of what you will need for the activities. Tips for a successful meeting: Make sure to read over the instructions for each session before you meet with the girls to ensure smooth delivery of the curriculum. Check to make sure you have all of your supplies ready. When putting the girls into pairs, try to pair a kindergartener with a first grader. When reading stories to the girls, pause to show them the pictures as you go along.
Meeting One: Learning the Girl Scout Promise In this session, girls will: Learn the Girl Scout Promise & earn the Promise Center of the Daisy Petal Set. Learn the Girl Scout Sign. Make a “friendship web.” What you’ll need: Pre-cut construction paper (daisy shapes) with the girls’ names on them– see template on next page. Ball of yarn to use as a necklace for the name tags & for the “friendship web” activity Single hole punch and bucket of crayons or colored pencils Opening: Begin the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance
Have each girl color their daisy name tag. Use the yarn to have the name tag hang around the girls’ necks.
Arrange the girls in a circle and have them tell the group their name and what grade they are in.
Explain the traditional “Quiet Sign” for a Girl Scout meeting. Use the quiet sign whenever the girls get too loud. Quiet sign: Raise the right hand over the head to signal for attention and quiet at any Girl Scout gathering. When the hand goes up, mouths go quiet, and everyone joins in giving the quiet sign.
Program Activity: Earn the Promise Center of the Daisy Petal Set. See requirements on page 8 in the Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. Plan to give the Promise Center to the girls at their Investiture Ceremony.
Show the girls how to make the Girl Scout sign. You make the Girl Scout sign when saying the Promise and Law. The three fingers represent the three parts of the Promise. Tell the girls you will start out each session with the Promise, and recite the Promise with them while making the Girl Scout sign.
Make a friendship web using a ball of yarn. Friendship Web: sit in a circle (adults, too) and start with a ball of yarn. Ask the girls to say their name and favorite color when they catch the ball of yarn. Say your name and then throw the yarn to a girl. When the girl catches the yarn, she states her name and favorite color and then throws it to another friend. Tell the girls you are building a friendship web where you are always there to help each other.
Clean Up Time & Snack Time Closing: Discuss what was learned in the meeting and remind girls and parents of upcoming meeting dates and events. Close with a friendship circle. Friendship Circle: Everyone gathers in a circle and crosses their right arm over their left in front of them and hold hands with the people on either side. The circle represents the unbroken chain of friendship among Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all over the world. Once everyone is silent, the leader starts the friendship squeeze which is passed from hand to hand. Tell the girls to make a wish after their hand has been squeezed before they pass the squeeze along. Collect name tags for next meeting. 15
Daisy Name Tag Template
Meeting Two: Learning to be “Honest & Fair” In this session, girls will: Learn the Girl Scout Law. Earn the Lupe Petal of the Daisy Petal Set. There are 10 Petals in the Daisy Petal Set. Every Flower Friend tells a story about her line of the Girl Scout Law. What you’ll need: Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Handbook Lyrics to Make New Friends (pg. 9 in the Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Handbook) Supplies from first meeting for any girls who were absent Opening: Give each girl their Daisy name tag and open the meeting by reciting the Girl Scout Promise and the Pledge of Allegiance. Have new girls that did not attend the first meeting color their Daisy name tag and explain the Girl Scout Promise to them.
Introduce the girls to the Girl Scout Law by having them repeat each line after you and explain that in this meeting they will learn how to be “Honest & Fair.”
Program Activity: Earn the Lupe Petal of the Daisy Petal Set. Plan to give the Lupe Petal to the girls at their Investiture Ceremony (meeting five). Share with the girls “Lupe’s Story: A Fair Turn in the Flower Garden” in the Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Handbook. This story will teach the girls how to be honest and fair. To earn the Lupe Petal, follow the steps outlined in the handbook. Step one, discuss “Lupe’s Story.” Step two, have the girls act out the story. Each girl can take a different part. Step three, practice being honest and fair. NOTE: Another option – especially if time is short — is to assign the girls “homework” where they have to do something that is honest and fair between now and the next meeting. They will need to share with the troop during the next meeting what they did (or write a sentence or draw a picture about it to bring) as the last step in earning the petal.
Teach the girls Make New Friends to sing at their Investiture Ceremony.
Clean Up Time & Snack Time Closing: Discuss what was learned in the meeting and remind girls and parents of upcoming meeting dates and Where Can I Find Songs & Lyrics? Visit gsmusic.com for MP3s, Karaoke Tracks, Sheet Music, Free Lyrics, Videos. Visit YouTube.com to listen to Girl Scout songs and videos. 17
Meeting Three: Learning to be “Friendly & Helpful” In this session, girls will: Learn the Girl Scout Law. Earn the Sunny Petal of the Daisy Petal Set. There are 10 Petals in the Daisy Petal Set. Every Flower Friend tells a story about her line of the Girl Scout Law. What you’ll need: Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Handbook Blank paper Bucket of crayons or colored pencils Opening: Give each girl their Daisy name tag and open the meeting by reciting the Girl Scout Promise and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Re-introduce the girls to the Girl Scout Law by having them repeat each line after you and explain that in this meeting they will learn how to be “Friendly & Helpful.”
Program Activity: Earn the Sunny Petal of the Daisy Petal Set. Plan to give the Sunny Petal to the girls at their Investiture Ceremony (meeting five). Share with the girls “Sunny’s Story: A Warm Welcome for Suzy.” This story will teach the girls how to be friendly and helpful. To earn the Sunny Petal, follow the steps outlined in the Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Handbook. Step one, discuss “Sunny’s Story.” Step two, have the girls create a drawing based on the story. Step three, practice being friendly and helpful. NOTE: Another option – especially if time is short — is to assign the girls “homework” where they have to do something that is friendly and helpful between now and the next meeting. They will need to share with the troop during the next meeting what they did (or write a sentence or draw a picture about it to bring) as the last step in earning the petal.
Practice singing Make New Friends for their Investiture Ceremony.
Clean Up Time & Snack Time Make sure girls will have their Daisy uniform by meeting five for the Investiture Ceremony. Discuss with parents the uniform essentials (page 9 in this document). Uniforms can be purchased at our council store, Promise Provisions (see page 9 in this document for hours and location). Some troops collect money from the parents and a leader purchases all items from the store, other troops have the parents purchase the uniform items themselves. 18
Meeting Four: Getting Ready for the Investiture Ceremony In this session, girls will: Learn about and practice an Investiture Ceremony. Learn the Girl Scout Handshake. Decorate invitations for the Investiture Ceremony. What you’ll need: Pre-made invitations to the Investiture Ceremony on white paper for the girls to color and decorate. See sample invitation on next page. The girls will give these invitations to their parents at the end of the meeting. Bucket of crayons or colored pencils Any craft supplies for the girls to decorate the invitations (i.e. colored paper, yarn, glitter, etc.) Opening: Give each girl their Daisy name tag and open the meeting by reciting the Girl Scout Promise and the Pledge of Allegiance. Program Activity: Explain to the girls what an Investiture Ceremony is. An investiture ceremony is held when an individual joins Girl Scouting for the first time. She makes the Girl Scout Promise, receives her membership pin and is welcomed into Girl Scouting. Membership Pins: The girls will receive their Daisy Pin during this ceremony. Girl Scout Daisy Pin Practice the Investiture Ceremony. See example on page 21 in this document. Have the girls decorate the invitations to the Investiture Ceremony. Teach the girls the Girl Scout Handshake. Girl Scout Handshake: Girl Scouts can greet each other with the Girl Scout handshake, used by Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all over the world. The handshake is made by shaking hands with the left hand and making the Girl Scout sign with the right. The left hand is nearest to the heart and signifies friendship.
Practice singing Make New Friends for their Investiture Ceremony.
Clean Up Time & Snack Time Closing: Discuss what was learned in the meeting and remind girls and parents of upcoming meeting dates and events. Close with a friendship circle.
Make sure girls will have their Daisy uniform by meeting five for the Investiture Ceremony. If troop does not provide uniforms, discuss with parents the uniform essentials. Uniforms can be purchased at our council store, Promise Provisions. Leader Note: Make sure to purchase the Daisy Pin and the Daisy Petal Sets for each girl to give at the Investiture Ceremony. These can be purchased at our council store, Promise Provisions. If the troop has not collected enough dues to cover these items yet, collect money from the parents to cover the cost. 19
Please join the members of Troop _________ at our Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony where they will receive their Daisy pins. Date: ________________ Time: ________________ Location:_______________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ RSVP to _______________________ by _____________ 20
Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony Set Up: Cut out for the letters D,A,I,S,I,E,S (one letter for each girl in the troop– you can use the word “Daisy” if you have fewer girls, or “Daisy Girl Scouts” if you have more girls) Girls stand in horseshoe formation or circle. Adult Volunteer: Today we officially welcome you as members of Girl Scouts. Wearing your Girl Scout Daisy Pin means you have promised to try your best to serve God and your country, to be helpful to others, and to be the best person you can be. The three finger Girl Scout sign reminds us of the three parts of our Girl Scout Promise. Lets all say the Girl Scout Promise together. Girl Scout Daisies: Repeat the Girl Scout Promise together. Adult Volunteer: Call each girl individually to receive their Girl Scout Daisy Pin. The Girl Scout tradition is for the Daisy Pin to be pinned upside down during the ceremony. Before the girl can wear the pin right side up, she has to do a good deed. Each girl shakes hands with the Adult Volunteer using the Girl Scout handshake. The Girl Scout Daisy returns to the circle as another comes forward. Continue until all the new girls are invested. Adult Volunteer: The girls want to show you what being a Daisy means to them. Each girl hold up a letter and says what it stands for. Leaders may help as needed. Girl Scout Daisies: D is for DOING. We do lots of new things. A is for ACTION. Daisies are always on the go. I is for INTEREST. We are interested in everything. S is for SUPER. Daisies are great. I is for IMPORTANT. We are important. E is for ENERGY. We never run out. S is for SHOW. Show us how we can do it. Adult Volunteer & Girl Scout Daisies: Lead the girls in singing Make New Friends. Adult Volunteer: For our closing we would like to have you join us in our friendship circle. Explain to the families the meaning of the Friendship Circle: Everyone gathers in a circle and crosses their right arm over their left in front of them and hold hands with the people on either side. The circle represents the unbroken chain of friendship among Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all over the world. Once everyone is silent, the leader starts the friendship squeeze which is passed from hand to hand. Tell the girls to make a wish after their hand has been squeezed before they pass the squeeze along. Reception: If you chose to have a family reception, either have families bring something to share with everyone or provide something yourself. Make sure to plates, silverware, cups, napkins, etc. are on the list of needed items!
Meeting Five: The Investiture Ceremony In this session, girls will: Receive their Daisy Pins and earned petals during the Investiture Ceremony. What you’ll need: Cut out for the letters D,A,I,S,I,E,S (one letter for each girl in the troop– you can use the word “Daisy” if you have fewer girls, or “Daisy Girl Scouts” if you have more girls) Daisy Pins Daisy Petals Sets The girls will have earned the Promise Center, Lupe’s Petal and Sunny’s Petal at this point. If you chose to have a family reception either have families bring something to share with everyone or provide something yourself. Make sure to bring plates, silverware, cups, napkins, etc. Opening: Have girls introduce their family to their new friends and meeting place. Program Activity: Investiture Ceremony as practiced in the previous meeting Petals Awarded Family Reception Time Closing: Provide families with upcoming troop activities as well as any information on upcoming events found in the FYI designed specifically for them to attend with their girls (non troop events).
Congratulations! You have just completed the first five meetings of your Daisy troop! Continue to use the Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Handbook to keep earning the Daisy petals.
Making Decisions About Money When managing money... Make sure to thoroughly review the Finances chapter in Volunteer Essentials, which new leaders receive during Leader 101 training, and is also available at www.hngirlscouts.org. Troop funds belong to the troop as a whole. There should be no individual girl accounts within the troop bank account. Girl Scout funds do not become the property of any individual girl or adult.
Troop Trip Planning
Troop trips are a wonderful way of building skills, having fun, working towards goals, and seeing the world. Many adults fondly recall the trips that they took when they were Girl Scouts. The following offers information and tips that will contribute to a successful troop trip. Girls benefit from the Girl Scout program when they are the planners and decision makers. Remember, this is their time to explore interests and desires. Their experience planning troop trips will apply to later life successes. Trips should be progressive. Revisit the idea of progression: Rome wasn't built in a day and the girls will not automatically be ready for a long trip. There are steps that you can take to ensure success. Here is an example of progressive steps you can take to help the girls build up to the big trip. Take a walk during a troop meeting. Take a hike in a local park. Take a day field trip. Have an overnight at a girl’s house, or meeting place.
Before planning a trip, consider the following information about your troop: The age of your troop members and their skills related to handling money, budgeting, planning, and communication. Individual experiences in and outside of Girl Scouting. The ability of your girls to focus on a goal (for a week, month, year, several years). Time to prepare (economically and otherwise) for the trip. Safety is the primary concern. First, the trip goals should be age-appropriate. Second, paperwork provides a safety net for the troop adult volunteer. Make sure that all paperwork is submitted to the appropriate people and that you have multiple organized copies of all medical forms. Trip Ideas for Daisies: Visit the library Visit the Fire Station Visit a doctor or dentist office Visit a local nursing home Visit a local ice cream shop GSHNC sponsored events for Daisies Local GSHNC camp Visit a local museum Year-end trip to a nearby camp
Please refer to the Troop Trip Appendix in Volunteer Essentials for more details. For GSUSA Travel Programs visit http://www.girlscouts.org/program/travel.
Unit FOUR: Girl Scout Traditions Sharing traditions with millions of Girl Scouts—and the huge network of Girl Scout alumnae who came before them—helps remind girls they belong to a big, powerful sisterhood. Girl Scout Sign Girl Scouts make the Girl Scout sign when they say the Girl Scout Promise. The three fingers represent the three parts of the Promise. Girl Scout Motto The Girl Scout motto is “Be prepared.” In the 1947 Girl Scout Handbook, the motto was explained this way: “A Girl Scout is ready to help out wherever she is needed. Willingness to serve is not enough; you must know how to do the job well, even in an emergency.” The same ideas are true today. Girl Scout Slogan
The Girl Scout slogan, which has been used since 1912, is “Do a good turn daily.” The slogan is a reminder of the many ways girls can contribute positively to the lives of others.
Girl Scout Handshake Girl Scouts can greet each other with the Girl Scout handshake, used by Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all over the world. The handshake is made by shaking hands with the left hand and making the Girl Scout sign with the right. The left hand is nearest to the heart and signifies friendship. Friendship Circle The friendship circle stands for an unbroken chain of friendship with Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world. Everyone stands in a circle, crosses their right arms over their left, and clasps hands with their friends on both sides. Everyone makes a silent wish as a friendship squeeze is passed from hand to hand. SWAPS Girl Scouts often make small tokens of friendship to exchange with the Girl Scouts they meet when they travel. These little gifts are called SWAPS, which stands for Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere or Shared With A Pal.
Why SWAP? For Girl Scouts, swapping can be an expression of friendship and camaraderie. This can also follow along with the traditions, in that swapping is often done during a camporee or other gathering. It teaches the girls about sharing with others, while learning new skills and ways of communication. Another benefit is learning about other cultures, countries and Girl Scout/Girl Guide Ways. What to do with all those SWAPS? There are numerous ways to collect and display SWAPS. Attach them to your troop cap or bandanna, a t-shirt, tote bag, or vest. Stick them to your refrigerator, a cork board, or poster board. Make a “SWAP Box” out of a coffee can or shoe box and collect them there. And of course, share them with old and new friends. SWAPS Etiquette Always remember to say thank you when someone gives you a SWAP. Not only is this good manners, but it is encouraging for others to share. Be courteous. If a person gives you a SWAP you don't really like, remember that it may have come with the purest of intentions and the simplest of skills. One good thing to do when you go to a camporee or other event where there is a lot of swapping is to wear a hat and put the swaps on it. Bring extra SWAPS if you are going to an event where swapping is part of the event. It is always a Girl Scout “good turn” to give those who have few or none. SWAPS should be handmade. Store bought things take away from the concept of the gift. It is not how fancy your SWAP is, it’s the smile that accompanies it when given. Once you have swapped, you do not SWAP it again. Lastly, but not least, have fun swapping! This is supposed to be a fun experience for you and your girls. The girls can learn a lot about sharing and how other troops in other states/countries do things. 24
Girl Scout Ceremonies Ceremonies help Girl Scouts mark special events throughout the year, such as bridging to another level, earning a National Leadership Journey award, or getting a Girl Scout pin. Ceremonies can commemorate accomplishments or simply make the beginning or end of a group's meeting special. Girls can plan a ceremony around a theme, such as friendship or nature, and express themselves in thought, words, or song. Whatever its purpose, every Girl Scout ceremony enables girls to share Girl Scout history and traditions and create their own special memories.
Important Ceremonies in Girl Scouting
Investiture: welcomes new members, girls or adults, into the Girl Scout family for the first time. Girls receive their Girl Scout, Girl Scout Brownie, or Girl Scout Daisy pin at this time. See page 27 of this document for more details.
Rededication ceremonies: are an opportunity for girls and adults to renew their commitment to the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
Bridging ceremonies: mark a girl's move from one level of Girl Scouting to another. See page 28 of this document for more details.
Fly-Up ceremony: a bridging ceremony for Girl Scout Brownies bridging to Girl Scout Juniors. Girls receive the Girl Scout pin along with their Brownie wings.
Flag ceremonies: can be part of any activity that honors the American flag. See page 26 of this document for more details.
Closing ceremonies: Indicate the meeting is over. See page 28 of this document for more details.
Journey ceremonies: honor Girl Scouts who have earned the final award along a Journey. The ceremonies are usually held at the troop/group level and invite the girls to develop a themed celebration of their Journey, often including friends and family.
Girl Scout Bronze Award ceremony: honors Girl Scout Juniors who have earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award and is usually held at the troop/group level.
Girl Scout Silver Award ceremony: honors Girl Scout Cadettes who have earned the Girl Scout Silver Award and is often combined with the Girl Scout Gold Award ceremony at the council level.
Girl Scout Gold Award ceremony: honors Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors who have earned the highest award in Girl Scouting and takes place at council level.
Girl Scouts' Own: is a girl-planned program that allows girls to explore their feelings around a topic, such as friendship or the Girl Scout Promise and Law, using spoken word, favorite songs, poetry, or other expressions. It is not a religious ceremony. See page 29 of this document for more details.
Tips for Holding Ceremonies Devote sufficient time to planning the ceremony. Good ceremonies have a clear purpose and enrich the meaning and mood of the ceremony. Use Journey adult guides and The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting to help girls plan their ceremonies. Take safety precautions when using candles or fires, or when the girls construct bridges or platforms. Add personal elements to traditional ceremonies. Use favorite poems, songs, stories, and sayings, or have the girls write something new. Consider the role of colors and symbols that the girls might use in their ceremony. Observe flag etiquette when the girls hold flag ceremonies. 25
Flag Ceremony A flag ceremony honors the American flag as the symbol of our country and all the hopes, dreams, and people it consists of. If your group includes girls from other countries, girls can honor their flags, too, and conduct an international flag ceremony. Flag ceremonies may be used for: Opening or closing meetings Opening or closing special events Beginning or closing a day Honoring a special occasion or special person Retiring a worn flag Flag ceremonies may take place in meeting rooms, outdoor settings, large auditoriums, on stage, even on horseback. All flag ceremonies share one thing—respect for the flag.
instructions for an Indoor Flag Ceremony Supplies Needed: An American flag and, if possible, a Girl Scout flag. The troop forms a horseshoe. The color guard is in position. All stand at attention. The Girl Scout-in-charge says: “Color guard, advance.” This signals the color guard to advance to the flags, salute the American flag and pick the flags up. Then they turn together and get into position facing the troop. Everyone stands at attention. The color guard walks forward carrying the flags to the formation. They stop in front of the standards. The Girl Scout-in-charge says: “Color guard, post the colors.” This signals the color bearers to place the flags in their stands. They remain at attention next to the flags. The Girl Scout-in-charge says: “Girl Scouts honor the flag of your country.” The group salutes the American flag. The Girl Scout-in-charge says: “Girls Scouts recite the Pledge of Allegiance.” Songs, poems, or verses may follow the pledge. Note: If the flag ceremony is a part of a larger ceremony such as an investiture, the Girl Scout-in-charge dismisses the color guard and then the Terms Used in a Flag Ceremony: main ceremony takes place. Following the ceremony, the Girl Scout-in-charge commands the color guard The color bearer (or flag bearer) is the to retire the colors by taking the flags to their place of storage. The following person who carries the flag. There is one color bearer for each flag used in the commands can be used: ceremony. “Girl Scouts, attention” “Color guard, advance” The color guard is a team that guards the “Color guard, honor your flag” flags. Any even number of guards may “Color guard, retire the colors” be used, but usually four or six girls are “Color guard, dismissed” sufficient. “Girl Scouts, dismissed” At the end of the flag ceremony, take the opportunity to give further The Girl Scout in charge (or caller) is a designated Girl Scout who announces or instruction on what the girls will be doing in their meeting. calls each part of the ceremony. 26
Investiture Ceremony An investiture ceremony is held when an individual joins Girl Scouting for the first time. She makes the Girl Scout Promise, receives her membership pin and is welcomed into Girl Scouting. When? An investiture ceremony is done any time new girls join the troop. Girls are invested after they have learned the meaning of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. The investiture ceremony can be combined with a rededication ceremony for returning girls, a time for them to renew the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Girls Help Plan: Although younger girls may need guidance in planning, conducting and participating in a ceremony to make it significant and satisfying, a ceremony which girls plan themselves is an opportunity for creative self-expression. Experienced girls in the troop should be involved in helping plan and carry out the ceremony. They might tell or act out the Girl Scout Daisy story, give the Girl Scout handshake, or say words of welcome. All girls should be involved in planning for the investiture meetings (songs to sing, refreshments, serving on committees, etc.). Membership Pins: The appropriate membership pin is given for the age level (Girl Scout Daisy Pin, Girl Scout Brownie Pin or Girl Scout Pin). The World Association Pin is usually presented after the girls have learned about the international aspects of Girl Scouting/Girl Guiding. However, it can be presented at the investiture ceremony if other girls have this pin already.
Sample Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony Set Up: Cut out for the letters D,A,I,S,I,E,S (one letter for each girl in the troop– you can use the word “Daisy” if you have fewer girls, or “Daisy Girl Scouts” if you have more girls) Girls stand in horseshoe formation or circle. Adult Volunteer: Today we officially welcome you as members of Girl Scouts. Wearing your Girl Scout Daisy Pin means you have promised to try your best to serve God and your country, to be helpful to others, and to be the best person you can be. The three finger Girl Scout sign reminds us of the three parts of our Girl Scout Promise. Lets all say the Girl Scout Promise together. Girl Scout Daisies: Repeat the Girl Scout Promise together. Adult Volunteer: Call each girl individually to receive their Girl Scout Daisy Pin. The Girl Scout tradition is for the Daisy Pin to be pinned upside down during the ceremony. Before the girl can wear the pin right side up, she has to do a good deed. Each girl shakes hands with the Adult Volunteer using the Girl Scout handshake. The Girl Scout Daisy returns to the circle as another comes forward. Continue until all the new girls are invested. Adult Volunteer: The girls want to show you what being a Daisy means to them. Each girl hold up a letter and says what it stands for. Leaders may help as needed.
Girl Scout Daisies: D is for DOING. We do lots of new things. A is for ACTION. Daisies are always on the go. I is for INTEREST. We are interested in everything. S is for SUPER. Daisies are great. I is for IMPORTANT. We are important. E is for ENERGY. We never run out. S is for SHOW. Show us how we can do it. Adult Volunteer & Girl Scout Daisies: Lead the girls in singing Make New Friends. Adult Volunteer: For our closing we would like to have you join us in our friendship circle. Explain to the families the meaning of the Friendship Circle: Everyone gathers in a circle and crosses their right arm over their left in front of them and hold hands with the people on either side. The circle represents the unbroken chain of friendship among Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all over the world. Once everyone is silent, the leader starts the friendship squeeze which is passed from hand to hand. Tell the girls to make a wish after their hand has been squeezed before they pass the squeeze along. Reception: If you chose to have a family reception, either have families bring something to share with everyone or provide something yourself. Make sure to bring plates, silverware, cups, napkins, etc. 27
Bridging Ceremony Bridging is an important transition in a Girl Scout's life. It's a defining moment when a girl becomes aware of her achievements and is ready for new adventures and responsibilities. Celebrating this change should be fun, personalized, and memorable for everyone involved. And most of all, it should be designed by the girls in true partnership with adults. Bridging ceremonies usually take place at the beginning or end of the Girl Scout year and can have three parts: Opening: guests are welcomed. Main Section: the ceremony is explained and the girls celebrate moving from one level to the next. Closing: girls can participate in friendship circles and thank their guests. Each of the ceremony's parts offers plenty of room for the girls' creativity and individuality. And whether the ceremony includes an actual bridge or a symbolic one, or if it includes props like candles, flowers, or flags, it should always focus on paying tribute to the girls as they move forward. In addition to the ceremony itself, there are other ways you can help your Girl Scouts move to the next level. Volunteers can help girls work through bridging activities to earn their bridging award patch. Bridging awards mark a girl's transition from one leadership level to the next. An exciting time in a Girl Scout's life, the earning of the award and completion of the activities are designed to emphasize the continuity of one Girl Scout program and to welcome girls to an anticipated "next level." Guidelines for bridging to each level be found in the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting book. When bridging, a volunteer can make a decision about moving up with her troop/group to the next level, or whether her bridging girls will move into another group.
Bridging Award Patches
Bridge to Brownie
Bridge to Junior
Bridge to Cadette
Bridge to Senior
Bridge to Ambassador
Ideas for a Closing Ceremony A closing indicates the meeting is over and it is time to go home. Sample One Ask the girls for themes in which they have an interest, for example “trees.” With their adult volunteer’s help, they find a short poem or write simple lyrics to a familiar song. Sample Two Get in the friendship circle. Read a poem or sing a song. A variation on taps (Day is Done) “Night is come, owls are out, beetles hum round about, tip toe so out they creep, Girl Scout Daisies go home to sleep.” Sample Three Use the golden friendship circle. Each girl gets a 12” piece of gold cord or yarn. The first girl makes a circle and makes a square knot in it. The girl on her left threads her cord through the first girl’s circle and knots her piece. The third girl threads her cord through the second’s, and so on.
Eventually you will end up with a linked golden chain. As each girl makes her link, she says, “I am a link in the golden chain of friendship and I must keep the link strong and bright.” Sample Four Use the “Vanish” closing. Two adult volunteers make an arch with their arms. The girls go by twos and under the arch as quietly as they can (as if they have cotton under their shoes) as the adult volunteers say, “Vanish.” It makes for a quiet closing. Sample Five Use this to clean up before leaving. The girls move about arranging everything neatly. As the adult volunteer asks, “Is everything finished?” Girls answer, “Everything.” Adult volunteer asks, “Is nothing left?” Girls answer “Nothing.” Adult volunteer says, “Then be gone.” Girls get their coats and leave with their parent/guardians, but not until the above has been spoken. 28
A Girl Scout’s Own Ceremony For some adult volunteers, a Girl Scout’s Own is somewhat mysterious and sometimes confusing to introduce to girls, so they avoid it. However, it can be a very meaningful, thought provoking and beautiful ceremony, and should not be neglected because it is not familiar. Guidelines for a Girl Scout’s Own It should be inspirational. It should be planned by the girls to express their deepest feelings about something (any ideals or values that have meaning for them). It is not a religious ceremony. It can take place anytime and in any form. It is not a performance for an audience. It involves choosing a theme and a place and deciding what to do.
Example One The adult volunteer decided to suggest a Girl Scout’s Own at a weekend camp out because the girls were not getting along. The girls decided that their theme would be “friendship.” The adult volunteer and the girls sat down and openly discussed how they felt about how the weekend was going. This led to importance of working together and then in turn led to what they valued (or devalued) in each other. It wasn't long before the word “friend” came into the discussion. The adult volunteer suggested that a Girl Scout’s Own might help and explained what it was. In a short time, “friendship” was suggested as the theme.
Example Two The adult volunteer explained what a Girl Scout’s Own was and that at the next meeting they would have one. The girls decided that they would like their theme to be Thanksgiving because this holiday was two days later. The girls were told to think about Thanksgiving before they returned for their next meeting. Before the girls arrived the next week, the adult volunteer put a paper foldout turkey on the floor in a corner of the gymnasium. After troop business, the adult volunteer said, “We will all have our Girl Scout’s Own in the gym. Remember, it is a serious ceremony and our theme is ‘Thanksgiving.’” The girls slowly and quietly walked down the hall to the gymnasium and sat crossed legged in a circle around the paper turkey. The adult volunteer said, “What can we say about the first Thanksgiving?” The girls expressed hardships and what it must have been like. No one was called on. If a girl has something to say, she quietly said it. Then the adult volunteer put a little wax turkey candle in front of each girl and told each girl to think of what she felt most thankful for. When a girl was ready to speak, she picked up her candle and held it in her hand. When she was through speaking, she sat it down in front of her again. After everyone was done speaking, the adult volunteer quietly said, “ As you eat dinner on Thanksgiving Day, light your candle and think about what you said here today.” The troop then quietly filed back to the meeting room. After they got inside the meeting room the Girl Scout’s Own was over. The adult volunteer commented that the girls shared some very personal heartfelt thoughts. This Girl Scout’s Own could serve as a springboard for hunger issues and lead to long term planning to help combat hunger in their own community.
The adult volunteer had books of poetry and famous sayings about friendship, which she gave the girls. After explaining what a Girl Scout’s Own was and how it worked, she gave them a half hour where they scattered around the campsite to decide what they thought about the theme and what they would do or say. When the adult volunteer rang a bell, everyone silently walked to a pine grove and sat down on the needle-covered ground. When a girl felt moved to speak or read or whatever she decided to do, she stood, did it, and sat back down. The setting grew quieter as the girls expressed their feelings about friendship. The adult volunteer finally said, “Let’s close with a friendship circle but instead of passing around the squeeze, each girl in turn stepped in front of the girl on her left, say something positive about her so all can hear and give her a hug.” Some commented on appearance, some on skills she admired and some on positive personality traits. They all walked out of the pine grove and the Girl Scout’s Own was over. The adult volunteer said for the remainder of the camp out, everyone was very cooperative. Later that year, some of the troop members commented that doing that Girl Scout’s Own was one of the best-remembered activities of the year. 29
Games The reason games are used in Girl Scouting is to: Help girls and leaders get acquainted easily and enjoy being together. Meet some of the needs of the whole troop and of individuals. For example, games can give girls a chance to be active and noisy after long hours in school, learn teamwork and fair play, learn to win or lose goodnaturedly, and to be both leaders and followers. To present new information or skills in an attractive way. To review or practice skills in a fun way. To help girls understand and appreciate both similar and different games of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in other countries.
Tips for Teaching Games Choose games according to the ages, interests, and abilities of the group you are working with. Make sure you choose a game appropriate to the site you will be using. Know the game well so you don't have to refer to notes while you are teaching. Make sure you collect all the supplies and equipment you will need for the game.
Game Ideas Color Tag All girls stand in an open area. The game leader asks them to touch or point to something that is that specific color. Everyone would quickly do so, one girl per item. Girls unable to do so are out. The game leader continues to call out colors until one girl remains. Daisy to Daisy One person is the caller. The girls are paired. The caller says different body parts that must be matched with their partner by touching. Example: toes to toes, elbows to elbows, knees to knees, chin to chin, etc. When the caller says “Daisy to Daisy,” girls must find another partner. With an odd number of girls, the one without a partner is the caller. Popcorn Ball The game leader tells the girls they are popcorn kernels. They start out by “popping” or jumping about slowly. As the heat is turned up (game leader can call out hotter) they hop faster. When girls bump into each other, they “stick” together and must hop together. They continue to hop and grow until the entire group is into a giant popcorn ball.
Explain the game briefly and get them playing it as soon as possible. Ask for questions before you begin. If the game is complicated, teach a portion at a time letting the girls play each portion as you teach it. Let the girls have fun with the game but stop when necessary to clear up any rules or to answer questions regarding the action of the game. Stop the game after a reasonable amount of time even if some girls are begging to continue. Make sure you make adaptations in the action or the rules of the game to accommodate girls with special needs in the group. Make sure you check the playing area for any safety hazards as well as evaluate the game for potential safety problems before you play the game with the girls.
What Animal am I? Wrap as many different animal crackers as there are players and place in a bowl. Have players form a circle. Each player selects one wrapped animal cracker and unwraps it without showing anyone else. Players take turns standing inside the circle, acting like the animals on their cracker. The other players try to guess which animal is being imitated. Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Have the girls go out and hunt for an item that begins with the letter that the leader calls out. For example, call out “A” and have the girls go in search for something that begins with A. You can add a twist to the game and give each girl a different letter and let each girl go in search for her item. 30
Game Ideas Continued “Giggling Gertie” The girls form a circle and one girl stands in the center. The girl in the center laughs and tosses a rag in the air. The group starts to laugh and all players continue to laugh as long as the handkerchief is in the air. The instant the handkerchief touched the floor all faces become expressionless. The first person caught smiling or laughing is “it” and replaces the girl in the center. Magic Clean Up As the girls clean up the meeting place, they can sing a song to make the work go faster. This song is sung to the tune of “London Bridge.” Weave the magic in and out, in and out, in and out, Weave the magic in and out, for we are Daisies. We have tidied everything, everything, everything, We have tidied everything, for we are Daisies. Barnyard Scramble Give each girl the name of an animal on a slip of paper (or a picture, especially for young girls who cannot yet read). Make sure there is at least two of each animal. On the signal, girls must make the sound that their animals make and try to find other girls with the same animal. This is a great way to break the ice. Charade Box Have a box prepared with simple ideas to act out written on a slip of paper. These may be done alone or with a buddy. Add to these or change them often if you find that the girls like this activity. Charades can be as simple or complex as the girls are ready. For example, setting the table, bowling, drinking something you like, eating corn on the cob, etc. We’re Going on a Picnic Have each girl say, for example…”Hello, my name is Abby. I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing Apples.” the next girl in the circle will say, for example…”Hello, my name is Elizabeth and I’m bringing Eggs. This is my friend, Abby and she is bringing apples.” The pattern continues with each girl stating their own name and an item that begins with the same letter as her first name. Each continues to add the ones before her. You do not have to worry that a girl will not remember, the other girls in the circle will help her. Alphabet Line-Up The girls either line themselves up using the first letter of their names or they take turns lining each other up. Fantasy Island Have each girl say her name, then answer the following questions: If I were on a desert island, I would bring…I would eat…My hobbies would be...etc.
Yarn Toss Take a ball of yarn and say the name of the girl that you are throwing it to (or rolling it to), holding on to the end. Then have that girl say the name of another girl and throw it to her, having her hold on to the yarn as well. Do this over and over until there is no more yarn. Talk about how in Girl Scouts we are all connected, how important each girl in the troop is, and how we have to work together to have fun. Me-You-Lisa Supplies: a soft ball such as a foam ball Have everyone sit in a circle, including the adult volunteers. Explain that the game is designed to help everyone learn names. When the ball is rolled to a girl, the girl should say her name and then roll the ball back to the adult volunteer. The volunteer rolls the ball to the other girls until all girls have introduced themselves. Affirmation Supplies: paper and crayon, pen or marker for each girl Have each girl on a piece of paper either write or draw responses to the following statements: My name is...My favorite thing to do is...My favorite TV show is...I like myself because...I like Saturdays because… After the girls have finished, have them share it with the rest of the troop. You may wish to display them on a wall throughout the troop meeting. Movement Mambo Each girl introduces herself and must make up a movement. The movement must have a name that starts with the first letter of the girl’s first name. the next girl must do that move and add her own, until the last girl is doing the whole troop’s dance. For example, “My name is Jenny and I do the Jemimmy” “My name is Emily and I do the Emmamooba and Jenny does the Jemimmy.” “My name is Rian and I do the Rimambo, Emily does the Emmamooba and Jenny does the Jemimmy.” Mirror Mirror Girls need to first pair up, preferably randomly so buddies are not always together. One girl will be the mirror and will reflect whatever her partner does. The pairs face each others. The girl who is not the mirror should start making slow movements, lifting an arm or a leg or blowing our their cheeks. The mirrors must try to imitate them as quickly as possible. After a few minutes, switch. Animal Moves Goal: move from one line to the other like an animal. Use the movement that is called out and pretend to be that animal. This is not a race. Examples: walk like a turtle, run like a cheetah, gallop like a horse, hop like a kangaroo, jump like a rabbit, etc. 31
Songs Since the days of Daisy Low, Girl Scouts and their leaders have been writing, singing, and playing songs that celebrate sisterhood and the fundamental ideals of Girl Scouting. Songs can be used to open or close meetings, to enhance ceremonies, or just to share a special moment with other Girl Scouts. Fun Fact: The first Girl Scout Song Book, which was a collection of songs put together by girl members, was published in 1925. How to Choose Songs: Begin with some songs your troop is familiar with. You can enjoy singing them at once, with no practice. If your troop is not familiar with Girl Scout songs, select a song to begin with that is easy to learn. Short rounds or songs that include repetition are good to start with. If you notice your troop learns quickly, teach them a second verse of a song or proceed to songs that are longer and a little more advanced. Choose songs that suit the occasion. For example, if you are having a Fourth of July celebration, you would want to sing a song about our country. Introduce songs to make a mundane task more fun. For example, a clean up song can help keep girls focused and liven up clean up time during a meeting. Tips for Teaching Songs: Be familiar with the song so you don't need to use a song sheet or book as a “crutch.” Sing the song through first. Say the words phrase by phrase and have the group repeat. Sing the song together three times or until known– but don’t wear it out. If a song has several verses, teach one verse at a time. Begin with simple songs and move on to more difficult ones later on. You give the starting note. Avoid pitching the song too high or low. Songs may be taught using tapes or CD’s; just follow the procedure above.
Where Can I Find Songs & Lyrics? Visit gsmusic.com for MP3s, Karaoke Tracks, Sheet Music, Free Lyrics, Videos. Visit YouTube.com to listen to Girl Scout songs and videos.
Unit FIVE: Working with Girl Scout Daisies General Characteristics of Girl Scout Daises
Needs the approval and support of adults and peers. Learning the power of words. Curious about people and the world around her. Understands rules and tries to conform. Sometimes blames others for her own mistakes. Starts to comprehend how conflicts can be solved by talking. Shows pride in accomplishments
Plays with peers and likes to work in small groups of two or three. Has strong link to parents and likes to please adults. Needs support in completing tasks. Engages in group discussions and enjoys finding solutions to problems in imaginative ways. Interested in making up rules for the group, but prone to forget rules unless reinforced often. Is interested in difference among people. Can make behavior choices and follow simple two to three-step instructions.
Has better control of large muscles than smaller muscles, and developing good eye-hand coordination. Works in cyclic bursts of energy and cannot sit still for long periods of time. Learns by first-hand exploration of the world. Moves fast; has lots of energy! Enjoys a sense of competence, socially and intellectually. Does not have an accurate sense of the passage of time. Learns by doing, experiencing and playing. Likes to be read to. Learning to read and write in school.
Growing with Girl Scout Daisies
As the troop volunteer, you are planting the seeds for growing girls to be adult volunteers with courage, confidence, and character. However, every gardener knows that you cannot simply plant seeds. You must also tend to and cultivate growing flowers, making sure to keep the environment safe and nurturing. Do not forget to provide plenty of room for the growing girls.
Tips for the troop gardener…
Start with a closely supervised environment and by the time the girls are in third grade, allow them to manage themselves more independently. Remember, this takes practice, patience, and a few growing pains. Support troop rules and guidelines by modeling them yourself. As the girls get older, allow them to set limits and rules for the troop meetings. Use a questioning process to get a group consensus on ideas such as fairness and decency. Lead the girls through the learning process, instead of just dictating rules. This will allow them to grow into women that set their own values, instead of waiting for someone to impose limits on them. Teach more games and allow for small group interaction. This creates a social greenhouse where the girls are able to spread their roots. Plan activities that allow the girls to practice fairness, cooperation, and problem solving. Do more in-depth activities. Allow the girls to take on more and more bite-size chunks of planning and decisionmaking. As the girls get older, repot them! don't just do the same exact thing for every Girl Scout activity. Visit new places and stretch their minds and imaginations. Listen to them! Contrary to popular belief, flowers can talk, and when they talk, they want people to treat them with respect, take them seriously, and not make fun of their dreams. 33
Guidelines for Adult/Child Interaction Within a Girl Scout Setting The atmosphere and interactions within a Girl Scout troop or group should be designed to: Focus on and develop the talents and skills of each girl. Encourage girls to learn by experience. Provide a setting in which girls can safely take risks. Enable girls to solve their own challenges. Foster positive feelings in each girl about herself. Develop positive, respectful relationships with other girls including those with disabilities, and from other cultural, ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups. Verbal Adults may not use abusive or derogatory language with a child. Adults should exercise good judgment in choosing the topics and language used with children. Under no circumstances should the romantic life of an adult be shared with children. Physical When touching a child for any reason, ensure that another adult is in clear view. Under no circumstances may an adult hit a child. When touching children, contact should generally be limited to the hand, shoulder, or upper back. Children should never be touched in a place normally covered by a bathing suit, unless for a clear medical necessity, and then only in the presence of another nearby adult. A hug should be given only in response to a request by a child or after asking permission. An adult should never touch a child against her will, unless in the case of clear and present danger to the child. An adult should never touch a child against her discomfort, whether expressed verbally or nonverbally. The physical right to privacy of a child should be respected to the greatest extent possible, especially in activities and situations such as sleeping, changing of clothing, showering/bathing, and other bathroom activities.
When and Where to Obtain Help Get help as early as you can identify that you can use it. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you should be able to handle everything yourself. For less serious problems, use your co-volunteer as support and offer your support to her/him. When a problem is more serious, make sure to involve the parents and/or the authorities and follow established notification procedures as outline in the Volunteer Essentials manual. Your first responsibility is always to protect the health and welfare of the girls in your troop. Any potential threat to their safety (individually or as a group) must be acted upon immediately. Where you go depends, of course, on what you need help with. For input on handling garden-variety problems, you can involve your co-volunteer, the parents, or other Service Unit volunteers. If the situation or behavior poses a threat to the health or well-being of any girl in the troop, immediate action must be taken. Your response depends upon the seriousness of the situation. Below are some sample situations, and the type of response that might be chosen. This list is not intended to be comprehensive, but as a GUIDE to indicate the general level of response needed for each type of situation. Behavioral Problems Normal Adjustment Problems: Problem-solving with adult covolunteer and/or parents
Problem Behavior: Discuss with parents
Cliques, Disregard for group rules/norms, Disruptive behavior, Very shy/withdrawn
Apathy/depression, Suspected behavioral or social issues, Abrupt changes in behavior, Aggressive behavior
Crisis Immediate Parental Notification Required
Immediate Notification of Authorities and/or Parents
Suicidal threats, Knowledge of Neglect, Suspected abuse— serious illness or injury, report to authorities (see Suspected anorexia or other Volunteer Essentials) eating disorder, Knowledge of Possession of weapons, Violent high risk, non-troop behavior behavior or serious threats of (ex: drug use) violence 34
Tips to Prevent Challenging Behavior Be Prepared and Get There Early Be Prepared is a Girl Scout motto and a way of life. Plan for success, but always have a backup plan. Make sure that all of the adult volunteers and adult helpers are prepared for the meeting and clearly understand their role. Get there early to set up. That will leave you calm and ready to focus on the meeting. Always have simple games and activities ready in case you need a back up plan. A few hours spent researching and putting together a Backup Bag will definitely payoff. These bags can be full of simple objects, such as chalk, balloons, rope, paper, etc. The internet provides dozens of sites that give game and song suggestions. Having a few tricks up your sleeve will ease your anxiety, because you know that you always have something for the girls to do. If the girls are kept busy, it is hard for them to find other activities that may cause problems. Establish Guidelines and Group Agreement In the beginning of the troop year, you will need to work with the girls to establish a group agreement on guidelines for behavior. The more ownership that the girls have of the guidelines, the more likely they are to follow them and to hold others accountable as well. The guidelines must be fair and reinforces consistently. As the troop works together to brainstorm guidelines, you can assist them by presenting scenarios to help them identify and understand why certain guidelines may be needed. For example, you may ask the girls, “How do you fell when you have something to share and everyone ignores you? What does it sound like when everyone talks at the same time? How do you fell when everything is loud?” This line of questioning will likely lead girls to develop guidelines about noise and take turns while talking. It is very important that the girls feel that the guidelines came from them. Even after the rules are established, the job is not done. Have the girls make a portable and fun-looking poster that lists the guidelines. You can laminate the poster and bring it to every meeting. This poster reminds everyone what was agreed upon.
girls to behave and forget to reward them when everything is running smoothly. Be a Role Model You want the girls to be kind, respectful, eager, excited, and able to celebrate success and learn from failures. You are the role model for all of these traits. If you want respect, give it. If you want enthusiasm, show that you have it. If you want the girls to be kind to each other, then be kind to them. Remember that the girls are listening, even when you think they are occupied, so be sure to watch your conversations with other adults. Be Patient If kids were perfect, then they wouldn’t need us. Remember to enjoy your time spent with the girls for what it is: a chance to be a mentor, to build a meaningful relationship with a child, to make a difference in another life, to help the girls achieve the 3 Keys to Leadership (Discover, Connect and Take Action) and to have fun! You don’t have to worry about tests or secret agendas. Growth takes time, but your patience will be rewarded! Be Consistent Practice what you preach and don't change the rules midgame. The girls need to know what to expect and need to trust you to be fair to everyone.
Behavioral Intervention
Sometimes all of your hard work will still not prevent behavioral problems. When that happens, remember the tips below: Create a Positive Atmosphere: Building a positive environment is essential for making the girls feel accepted and comfortable enough to take risks. It is not only what you do, but also what you don't do that affects the atmosphere. If the girls know there is a behavior problem and you don't address it, they may lose faith in your ability to keep order. Re-Direct Challenging Behavior: Every so often, a girl may act up because she feels ignored or is bored. Be prepared with activities or jobs that can busy those idle hands. Keep the girls busy enough that they don't have time to think of trouble. Catching the problem early keeps it from blowing up to monstrous proportions. Know When and Where to Obtain Help: You have a structure of other adult volunteers, Service Unit volunteers, and paid staff that can help you problem solve if you think the behavior is beyond your control. Refer to page 28 of this document for additional information. Communicate with Others: Approach parents with a gentle, “let’s problem solve together” attitude, instead of berating their child or parenting methods.
Reinforce Positive Behavior Reinforce what you want repeated. Every child desires attention, even shy and quiet girls. The trick is to find positive qualities and behaviors to praise, instead of forcing the children to misbehave in order to get your attention. Some psychological studies suggest that humans need 11 emotionally positive compliments to make up for each criticism they receive. Apply this theory to your own life. How deeply do you feel criticism? Does it seem to stick in your mind, even years after the remark was made? What about praise? Generally, the more personal, specific, and frequent the praise, the more it stays with you. Remember that all children need to feel the light of praise. It will probably require you to create new habits. Most people are better at noticing negative behavior. Often, we expect the 35
Promoting Self-Esteem As a Girl Scout adult role model, what you say and do has a great impact on every girl in your troop. Here are some suggestions to help promote healthy self-esteem in all of your Girl Scout Daisies: When you feel good about what a girl has accomplishes, tell her. Often we are quick to express negative feelings to a child or correct a child. It is important to let each girl in your troop know when you are feeling good about her. They will store these statements up and replay them to themselves.
Be generous with praise. Use what is called descriptive praise to let a girl know when she is doing something well. When a girl has done something well say, “Shelly, I really likes how you cleaned up the table. It really helped us in our business meeting. Thank you.” When you observe them showing a talent say, “ Kiara, you showed great leadership in leading the Daisy Ring. You have some strong leadership abilities.” Use praise to point out positive character traits. For example, “Jenny, you’re a kind person. I liked how you helped the new girl feel welcomed and accepted in our troop.” You can also praise a girl for something she did not do, “Kathy, I really like that you did not run during the game time. You are really trying hard not to run inside.”
Teach girls to use positive self-talk. What we think determines how we feel and how we feel determines how we behave. It is important to teach girls to be positive about how they talk to themselves. Some examples of positive self-talk include: “It’s okay if your team loses today. We all tried our best.” “I can get this problem, if I keep trying.” “It makes me feel good to help someone else, even if they don’t say, ‘thank you.’” Teach girls about decision-making and recognize when they have made a good decision. Girls make decisions all the time but often are not aware that they are doing so. There are a number of ways you can help girls become good decision makers: Help girls clarify the problem that is creating the need for a decision. Ask questions to understand what they are feeling and seeing in the situation. Brainstorm possible solutions. Allow the girls to choose the solution and help them see the consequences. Evaluate the results of the decision with the girls. Did it work well? Did it fail? If so, why? Reviewing and evaluating will help girls make better decisions in the future.
Leader/Daughter Syndrome The Leader/Daughter Syndrome refers to challenges some leaders have with their own daughter(s). While she is very proud that you are the leader, your daughter may have trouble sharing you with the other girls. She may misbehave just to get your attention. Leaders often treat their daughter(s) as daughters and not as Girl Scouts during the meeting. They expect too much or too little from her. She always is expected to clean up; if there is not enough for everyone, she is expected to pass up the treat or activity. Some suggestions: Let your daughter(s) know that you understand her mixed feelings of pride and jealousy. Have your co-leader deal with your daughter(s). Have your daughter(s) call you whatever the other Girl Scouts do— completely optional, of course! Expect your daughter(s) to live by the troop rules (not home rules) during meetings/activities. Do not tell your daughter(s) about things you have planned that the other Girl Scouts do not know. Effective girl planning will help the entire troop have ownership of the Girl Scout program. Set aside some special, non-Girl Scout time to spend with your daughter(s). 36