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Faculty Briefs
JENNIFER BREEDEN, MBA, visiting assistant professor of business, presented for the Association of Supply Chain Management (ASCM) webinar series in November 2021. In the webinar, “Getting Real About Driver Retention - The Need for a Culture Shift in the Trucking Industry,” Breeden discussed the challenge of driver retention and turnover and shared strategies for greater retention. The Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) is the global leader and the largest nonprofit association in supply chain organizational transformation, innovation, and leadership.
JOE COELHO, PhD, professor of biology, recently authored a paper entitled “Sex, Bugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll: Insects in Music Videos”. The study examines music videos on YouTube for insect content. The study found that the most common insects seen in music videos were butterflies and moths. The study’s data indicates by the types of insects shown, the themes represented, and the success of insect music videos that human attitudes toward insects are trending toward more positive values, especially relative to those in early horror films, which were exclusively designed to convey horror.
DAVID COSTIGAN, DA, emeritus professor of history, recently authored the book A City in Wartime: Quincy, Illinois and the Civil War. The text examines the impact of the Civil War on Quincy, Illinois. In 1860, Quincy was the third-largest city in Illinois and situated on the Mississippi River across from slave state Missouri, thus exposing it to the uncertainties and potential strife of a border region. The book considers factors such as how the city served as a muster and training site for white and black troops and as a port of entry for blacks fleeing the South. It also looks at the economic downturn and growth during the war and the political leaders who were an influence on a national level that came from Quincy
CHRISTINE DAMM, DMA, dean of the school of fine arts and communication, presented the lecture “Clarinet Articulation: Taking the Guess Work out of Tonguing” at the Iowa Music Educators Conference on November 18, 2021. The Iowa Music Educators Conference is a professional development conference for K-12 music educators across the state of Iowa. The lecture was geared towards band directors and focused on simple yet effective ways to help clarinet students develop their articulation. Damm presented common errors students make in the articulation process and ways to fix the errors. Exercises to create clean, crisp, and fast articulations were demonstrated.
CINDY LOVELL, PhD, adjunct professor of English, with Jane Govani, PhD, co-authored the textbook Preparing the Way: Teaching ELs in the Pre-K – 12 Classroom, published by Kendall Hunt Publishing. Lovell authored the afterword for the book 101 Trailblazing Women of Air and Space: Aviators and Astronauts by Penny Hamilton, published by Mountaintop Legacy Press. Lovell was a presenter at the virtual program for the Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Conn. She also presented at the Flordia Association of Teacher Educators, the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education 6th Biennial Conference (Houston, Tex.), and the Sunshine State TESOL Florida Virtual Conference.
Faculty Briefs
ELISA MAHONEY, MS, MBA, director of sport management and assistant professor of sport management, recently completed her MBA from QU with a focus on organizational leadership.
LAVANYA MANDAVA, PhD, assistant professor of computer science and cybersecurity coordinator, participated in the 10-week SEED cybersecurity workshop in summer 2021. Designed for instructors, the workshop participants improved their hands-on skills in cybersecurity and learned how to do actual attacks (in a contained environment) and defenses, therefore having hands-on activities to incorporate into the courses and labs they teach.
ROBERT MANNING, PhD, dean of the school of humanities and professor of philosophy, presented “The Return of the Irresponsible Subject” at an online conference in July 2021 at the annual conference of the North American Levinas Society.
Several works of Quincy University’s ROBERT LEE MEJER, distinguished professor of art, have been selected for exhibitions. Mejer’s monotype assemblegraph print Variant 1-PC #26 received honorable mention, and his watercolor Take PC Open Book #2 received third place at the Illinois State Fair Professional Art Exhibition in Springfield, Ill. in August 2021. Juror, Illinois artist Ken Call selected Mejer’s watercolor Take PC #18-Revisited for inclusion in the Missouri Watercolor Society 2021 International Exhibition held in St Louis at the MOWS Gallery. Director and Co-Owner of Universal Limited Editions, Larissa Goldston selected Mejer’s watercolor Take PC Open Book #3 for inclusion in the Cimarron National Works on Paper Exhibition at the Gardiner Gallery of Art at Oklahoma State University Bartlet Center, in Stillwater, Okla. St. Louis artist and faculty member of Webster University and the Univerity of Missouri-Columbia, Marilynne Bradley, selected Mejer’s watercolor Take PC#46 for the Steven Viorel Merit Award in the Hannibal Art Club 57th Annual 2021 Originale Professional Division. William Butler, executive director of the Contemporary Art Center of Peoria, Ill. has invited Mejer to have a One Person Exhibition at the center in summer 2022. Despina Tunberg, the curator of World Wide Promotion, Inc., selected Mejer’s watercolor Variant: The Dance Around to appear in the online art magazine World Wide Art. Juror Christina Lucas, the exhibition’s curator at the Pearce Museum of Corsicana, selected Majer’s watercolor college Pinball for inclusion into the Water Media National Juried Exhibition at the Dallas Metro Arts Contemporary. International artist John Salminen chose Mejer’s watercolor Take PC#29 for inclusion in Pittsburgh Watercolor Society 75th Aqueous International Open. The Indianapolis Art Center selected Mejer’s prints Shuffle Dance and Variant 1- PC#26 for exhibition in the 2021 Artwork Maifest New Editions: a Printmaking Exhibition.