Financial Straight Talk Keyword Analysis Summary Quincy L. S. Bingham 5/31/2011
Project Description: Keywords are the words and phrases users use to do searches online. These words are not words that best describe a website although they should describe and be very relevant to the content on your site. The basic premise of keyword research is to target the keywords that your target audience is using to find your particular product online and direct these relevant hits to your website. A website that garners high volume, but low click thru rates is a website not optimized for its audience; Google will notice and proceed to devalue such a site. In doing my keyword analysis I started by using the Google Adword Keyword tool to search the site for keyword possibilities. We could just stop here, but using these suggested words and phrases would most definitely be premature. Google Adwords gives keyword suggestions based on the text found on the website, but only gives information such as competition and volume based on keyword by keyword bases without any correlation between the two. Google also assumes that your website is already optimized for the best keywords. Google also cannot determine what is directly relevant and what isn’t as relevant. In short, this is only a start. My next task is to use ratio of volume/competition ratio to better gauge the correlation between volume and competition. The goal is to select the keywords with lowest competition with the highest volume. I have used a more advanced formula to include relevancy. Relevancy is clearly based on my judgment. Based on my exposure to Financial Straight Talk and Dee Mosier, I have devised 4 basic subject areas that Dee Mosier covers in her online videos and websites, FINANCE FOR WOMEN & MINORITIES, GLOBAL INVESTING, PREPARATION FOR RETIREMENT, and GENERAL FINANCIAL LITERACY. Based on these 4 areas, I graded the keywords on a scale of 1- Excellent, 2 - Good, 3 Poor. I also sought after keywords that where related to these 4 key areas. The next task involves analyzing the current trends associated with the chosen keywords with Google Trends and Google Insights. This process usually reveals other related keywords that may have recently started to trend. This process should be an ongoing task. A google insghts wiki on igoogle can give constant hour by hour updates on trending keywords and topics. For the vigilant, a consistent, daily blog using trending topics and keywords can serve as a powerful tool to drive traffic to a website. The last focus of good keyword research involves the use of "long tail keywords". Long tail keywords are a goal mine. The truth is that 70% of all searched done online use long tail keywords. (SEOmoz Beginner's Guide To SEO) That means that most searches done online consist of keywords such as "places to buy cars in Chicago", “valentine's day gifts in Wicker Park", or "PNC banks in downtown Indianapolis". Using combinations of words and phrases given by Google Adwords and SEOmoz Term Extractor, I tested the validity of a range of long tailed keywords and kept the ones that were trending and high in the initial keyword analysis.
Another thing, don't be thrown off by mispelled keywords, a lot of times the misspelling of a keyword becomes so incredibly common that it ranks much higher than the correct spelling. It's the same philosophy in which a webmaster should buy closely related misspelling of domain names. Other considerations in the keyword research involve closely related keywords and how to differ in the eyes of the user. An excellent example is the huge difference in usage in between the search terms "global investments" and "global investment". The plural term of this keyword receives significantly less hits than it's singular counterpart. (85/35). The keywords that I have provided were chosen with the website: in mind. It is important to note that these keywords are a general umbrella of keywords to be used for the site and each landing page should have it's own set of keywords, preferably derived from the master list. With the importance of H1 and H2 tags in mind, I used the tab headings that were already in on the site as a model for a number of keywords. The keywords in blue represent keywords that either had a high competition, but relevant and trending enough to make an excellent Adword, had a low rating, but showed tremendous potential in Google Insights by a steady upward trend or breakout, or it was simply a word I judged to have tremendous potential over time.
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CompetitioGlobal MonLocal Mont 0.05 110000 90500 0.17 201000 165000 0.54 823000 368000 0.3 135000 110000 0.17 110000 60500 0.06 60500 14800 0.05 9900 5400 0.95 246000 74000 0.68 74000 49500 0.68 74000 49500 0.29 27100 18100 0.05 12100 2900 0.27 18100 14800 0.98 90500 40500 0.14 8100 4400 0.98 40500 27100 0.11 12100 2900 0.11 2400 2400 0.56 18100 12100 0.47 9900 8100 0.91 33100 14800 0.11 1900 1600 0.04 480 480 0.5 8100 5400 0.23 3600 2400 0.81 12100 8100 0.39 5400 3600 0.03 260 260 0.58 5400 4400 0.7 27100 4400 0.53 3600 2900 0.69 4400 3600 0.55 2900 2400 0.68 5400 2900 0.59 3600 2400 0.63 4400 2400 0.74 3600 1900 0.93 5400 1900 0.29 720 590 0.79 1900 1600 0.94 3600 1900 0.55 1300 1000 0.89 2400 1600 0.9 3600 1600 0.61 2900 1000 0.64 1300 1000 0.44 720 590 0.47 1000 590 0.8 2400 1000 0.8 3600 1000 0.59 1900 720 0.45 880 480 0.78 4400 590
Apr‐11 135000 201000 450000 110000 60500 14800 6600 90500 49500 49500 27100 2900 18100 49500 5400 33100 2900 2400 9900 9900 18100 1900 720 5400 2900 12100 3600 390 4400 5400 2900 3600 1900 2400 2900 880 1600 1900 590 1600 1900 1300 880 2400 880 1300 590 480 1300 1000 880 390 590
Mar‐11 110000 201000 450000 110000 60500 18100 6600 110000 49500 49500 27100 3600 18100 49500 6600 33100 3600 2400 12100 9900 18100 1900 590 6600 3600 12100 4400 260 5400 5400 3600 3600 2400 2900 2900 880 1600 1900 880 1900 1900 1300 1300 2900 1000 1300 720 720 1300 1000 880 390 590
Feb‐11 110000 201000 450000 110000 60500 18100 6600 90500 60500 60500 27100 2900 18100 49500 5400 33100 3600 2400 12100 9900 18100 1600 880 5400 3600 9900 4400 720 4400 4400 3600 4400 2400 2900 2400 720 1900 2400 720 1900 2400 1300 1600 2400 880 1000 720 590 1300 880 880 720 590
Jan‐11 74000 246000 450000 110000 74000 18100 4400 90500 60500 60500 27100 2900 18100 49500 5400 33100 3600 2900 12100 9900 22200 1600 720 8100 3600 12100 4400 320 4400 5400 2900 4400 2900 3600 2900 880 1900 2400 720 1900 2400 1000 1900 2400 1300 1300 720 590 1600 1600 880 720 590
Dec‐10 110000 201000 450000 90500 90500 14800 4400 74000 49500 49500 22200 2400 14800 40500 4400 27100 2900 2400 12100 8100 14800 1600 390 5400 2900 9900 4400 260 5400 6600 2400 3600 1900 2900 2900 18100 4400 1900 480 1300 1900 880 1600 1600 1300 880 720 480 1000 880 880 480 590
Nov‐10 110000 165000 368000 90500 110000 14800 5400 74000 49500 49500 18100 2900 14800 40500 5400 27100 3600 2400 9900 6600 14800 1900 590 5400 2400 8100 3600 390 5400 4400 2900 4400 1900 2900 2400 2900 1900 1900 390 1300 2400 880 1600 1600 1600 880 590 590 880 880 880 480 720
Oct‐10 90500 201000 368000 90500 74000 18100 5400 74000 49500 49500 22200 2900 14800 40500 4400 27100 3600 2900 12100 8100 18100 1600 390 5400 2900 8100 2900 140 5400 5400 2400 4400 1900 2900 2400 880 1600 1900 480 1600 1900 1000 1600 1600 1000 880 720 590 880 1000 880 590 590
Sep‐10 90500 165000 368000 90500 49500 18100 4400 60500 40500 40500 14800 2900 12100 40500 4400 27100 2900 2400 12100 5400 14800 1300 210 5400 2400 5400 3600 110 3600 4400 2400 3600 1900 2900 1900 880 1600 1900 590 1300 1900 720 1300 1600 880 880 480 720 720 1300 720 390 590
Aug‐10 60500 135000 301000 90500 40500 14800 3600 49500 40500 40500 14800 2900 12100 27100 2900 22200 2900 2400 9900 6600 12100 1000 170 4400 1900 3600 4400 91 3600 4400 2400 3600 1900 2900 2400 720 1300 1600 480 1300 1900 880 1600 1300 880 720 480 480 720 1000 590 320 480
Jul‐10 60500 135000 301000 90500 40500 14800 3600 49500 40500 40500 14800 2400 12100 27100 2900 22200 2900 2400 9900 6600 12100 1000 110 3600 1900 3600 3600 58 3600 3600 2400 2900 3600 2400 2900 720 1300 1600 390 1000 1600 880 1600 1300 880 720 480 390 720 1000 590 390 480
Jun‐10 60500 110000 301000 90500 33100 14800 3600 49500 40500 40500 12100 2400 9900 27100 2900 22200 2900 1900 8100 5400 12100 1000 140 3600 1600 2900 2900 73 3600 3600 2400 2900 1900 2900 2400 720 1300 1600 260 1000 1600 880 1900 1000 1000 720 390 390 590 1000 590 260 590
May‐10 V/C Ratio 74000 18100 135000 9706 368000 6815 90500 3667 40500 3559 14800 2467 5400 1080 60500 779 40500 728 40500 728 12100 624 2900 580 12100 548 40500 413 4400 314 22200 277 2900 264 1900 218 9900 216 5400 172 12100 163 1600 145 260 120 4400 108 1600 104 3600 100 2900 92 140 87 3600 76 4400 63 2400 55 2400 52 2900 44 2900 43 2400 41 880 38 1600 26 1900 20 590 20 1300 20 1900 20 720 18 1900 18 1300 18 1900 16 720 16 390 13 480 13 720 13 880 13 590 12 320 11 720 8
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0.68 0.91 0.42 0.15 0.92 0.81 0.86 0.97 0.72 0.39 0.91 0.8 0.51 0.72 0.92 0.53 0.17 0.49 0.6 0.82 0.8
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480 590 260 91 480 390 390 390 260 140 320 260 140 140 140 73 22 46 36 36 22
390 720 260 73 390 320 210 480 320 260 210 260 140 110 170 46 ‐
590 720 260 91 480 390 390 480 390 320 170 210 170 110 210 110 ‐
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880 590 260 91 480 480 590 480 210 210 260 260 170 140 170 73 ‐
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590 590 210 110 590 390 390 480 320 110 480 320 170 140 210 73 ‐
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320 390 260 110 480 320 390 480 320 110 390 320 140 170 110 58 ‐
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