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Goal 4: Champion Equal Opportunity for All
Champion Equal Opportunity for All
Providing equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity or age, leads to an inclusive work environment enriched by different perspectives. Research shows that creating a more diverse workforce isn't just 'the right thing to do' – it also translates to more value and higher profits. Gender equality has been at the top of our agenda for some time and continues to be a key area of focus. An analysis of Fortune 500 companies found that businesses with the most representation of women in management positions delivered a total return to shareholders 34% higher than for companies with the least6 .
6UN Women, www.unwomen.org
Our Commitments
We will create a Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in conjunction with Reconciliation Australia which will document our vision for improving relationships with Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders, and provide a roadmap for how we intend to do so by December 2022. Work has already begun by mapping stakeholders in our regional operations. We have worked with Traditional Owners to identify groups and communities, as well as identifying Native Title and culturally sensitive lands.
Quintis’ Board consists of five directors. Our aim is to appoint at least one female Board member by December 2022 and aim to have at least 40% female representation by December 2024.
Design and implement an external mentoring program for female employees by 2024 through strategic partnerships.
One of our Executive Committee members has been appointed to the Perth International Women’s Day Committee, supporting UN Women Australia. For the next two years we will continue to support this important initiative which celebrates the achievements of women whilst also calling out the injustices.
Indigenous engagement is another area close to home, with over 430,000 Indigenous Australians estimated to live in the states and territories in which Quintis operates. There is a vast inequality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, including shorter life expectancy, higher rates of infant mortality, poorer health and lower levels of education and employment7. This outlook is unacceptable, and we are committed to taking the first step on our path to more equality, publicly documenting our intentions and working alongside Reconciliation Australia.
7 Kimberley Land Council, www.klc.org.au In an effort to support the employment of Indigenous Australians at our processing centre in Kununurra, we have partnered with an employment agency that is focused on the work placement of Indigenous staff. Through the partnership, support is provided to staff in the form of training, assistance with transport from remote living locations and flexibility when cultural leave is required. Quintis is in the process of expanding this program to other locations within Australia. We are proud of the fact women represent 42% of our total workforce, and in some locations, this is as high as 59%. Our long term goal is to encourage young girls to consider careers in forestry and environmental science and eventually increase our total representation of women to 50%.