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Chapter 10 Glossary
Alpha santalol
A naturally occurring sesquiterpene that is a component of sandalwood oil and thought to have therapeutic benefits. Indian sandalwood has the highest concentration of alpha santalol at between 41-55%.
Australian sandalwood
A sandalwood species that belongs to the genus Santalum, species name Santalum spicatum or Fusanus spicatus. Australian sandalwood is native to Western Australia and most commonly used in fragrance, incense and aromatherapy, possessing a woody, earthy aroma.
A system of traditional medicine derived from India and focused on holistic healing that balances body, mind, spirit and social wellbeing. Indian sandalwood is popular in Ayurvedic medicine with pastes and oils used to treat the common cold, as beauty enhancers and to calm the mind.
Beta santalol
A naturally occurring sesquiterpene that is found in sandalwood oil and said to be the major contributor to sandalwood’s soft woody, creamy scent. Indian sandalwood has the highest concentration of beta santalol at between 16- 24%.
A charcoal-like substance made by burning plant and animal material from agricultural and forestry waste (also called biomass). The biomass is burned in a container without oxygen releasing little to no carbon dioxide, and turned into biochar which is a stable form of carbon that can’t easily escape into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas which occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere. Excessive CO2 in the atmosphere creates a cover that acts like a blanket over the earth, trapping heat and warming the planet and the oceans.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
An Australian Government agency responsible for scientific research. The CSIRO works with industry, government and research bodies to turn science into solutions to address challenges such as food security and quality, clean energy and resources, health and wellbeing, resilient and valuable environments and innovative industries.
The COSMOS-standard signature is a guarantee for organic and natural cosmetics that consumers can rely on. Quintis’ Indian sandalwood is COSMOS Approved (denoting a completely natural ingredient) and our Australian sandalwood is COSMOS Certified (indicating organic).
Mineral or organic substances, most commonly Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P2O5), and Potash (K20), which are applied to soil for the purpose of enhancing plant growth.
Forest Products Commission (FPC)
A state government entity responsible for the sustainable management and development of Western Australia’s forest products industry using plantation, sandalwood and native forest products on land owned, or leased, by the state. Indian sandalwood
A sandalwood species that belongs to the genus Santalum, species name Santalum album. Indian sandalwood is a threatened species native to India and is considered the most premium of all sandalwood species due to its woody, creamy olfactory profile and high proportion of therapeutic alpha and beta santalols. Indian sandalwood is used in fragrance, aromatherapy, cosmetics, traditional medicines, incense, handicrafts and as food.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
A global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it. The IUCN has created The Red List of Threatened Species which evaluates the extinction risk of thousands of plant and animal species. Wild Indian sandalwood is listed as ‘vulnerable’.
IOFI-IFRA Sustainability Charter
A collective effort to raise the bar for sustainability in the fragrance and flavour industries, represented by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and the International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI).
Modern Slavery Act 2018
Legislation requiring Australian entities and foreign entities carrying on business in Australia to report annually on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains and the actions taken to address those risks. Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
A documented plan that provides organisations with a framework to support the reconciliation program. Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres-Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples.
Steam distillation
The most popular method to extract essential oils from plant and wood material, steam distillation is carried out by passing pressurised steam through the plant/wood material forcing pockets of aromatic compounds to escape and evaporate into the steam. The steam condenses into a liquid consisting of essential oil and water. The oil floats to the top and is separated from the water.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
17 goals developed by the United Nations providing a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
UN Women Australia
UN Women is the United Nations entity responsible for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. UN Women Australia is a registered charity which exists to raise funds for, and awareness of, UN Women’s work across the Pacific region and around the world.
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