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Last update Short­lived greenhouse gases cause centuries of sea­level rise, 1 hour ago

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What did Big Data find when it analyzed 150 years of British history?


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What did Big Data find when it analyzed 150 years of British history? Short­lived greenhouse gases cause centuries of sea­level rise

What could be learnt about the world if you could read the news from over 100 local newspapers for a period of 150 years? This is what a team of Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers from the University of Bristol have ... 10 hours ago in Computer Sciences


Some catalysts contribute their own oxygen for reactions 1

How a moon slows the decay of Pluto's atmosphere Study crashes main Moon­formation theory

8 hours ago

14 hours ago

9 hours ago

14 hours ago

10 hours ago 11




Chinese humanoid robot turns on the charm in Shanghai "Jia Jia" can hold a simple conversation and make specific facial expressions when asked, and her creator believes the eerily life­like robot heralds a future of cyborg labour in China. 18 hours ago in Robotics



Emerging tech aims to improve life for handicapped Emerging technology is giving new hope for the handicapped, and harnessing brainwaves for the physically disabled and helping the visually impaired with "artificial vision" are just the start.

21 hours ago in Consumer & Gadgets



Waymo self­driving minivan will start test drives this month Waymo, Google's self­driving car division, will start testing its new fleet of minivans on public roads in California and Arizona later this month. 21 hours ago in Hi Tech & Innovation



For 'intelligent' robot, chess is just a hobby A robot developed by engineers in Taiwan can pour coffee and move chess pieces on a board against an opponent, but he's looking for a real job.

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Smartphone­obsessed Finns rank tops in screen time Jan 08, 2017 in Robotics



On the crowded morning metro in Helsinki, silence prevails. Everyone is hun screens, reading the news, checking emails or watching videos.

The future of car tech: getting to know you The car of the future doesn't just want to drive you. It wants to know you.

Website charts Santa's journey around the globe

An online Santa tracker run by a Canadian and American defense agency m around the globe Saturday, in what has become a Yuletide tradition. Jan 08, 2017 in Hi Tech & Innovation



Smartphone revolution blazes on as iPhone turns 10 The smartphone continues to change the world a decade after the debut of the iPhone, even as Apple is under pressure to come up with a new wonder.

Jan 08, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets



Hoverboards make comeback at Vegas electronics show­news/

Myanmar farmers reap rewards from 3D printing

Whizzing across a blue­lit platform with a whirr and a squeak, liquid plastic e 3D printer seems a far cry from the muddy, crop­filled fields that fringe Yang

Road paved with solar panels powers French town

France on Thursday inaugurated the world's first "solar highway", a road pa enough energy to power the street lights of the small Normandy town of Tou



Technology News ­ New Technology, Internet News, Software, Semiconductor, Telecom, Computer Science Hoverboards are aiming for a comeback after a series of debacles and recalls for the quirky wheeled personal transport devices.

Jan 07, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets


Uber pulls self­driving cars from California roads

Uber pulled its self­driving cars from California roads after state regulators m officials said Wednesday.


Cities vie to hop on super­speedy hyperloop rail

Convenience shop items delivered by drone in US

US startup Hyperloop One disclosed a list of locations around the world vying to put near­supersonic rail transit system to the test.

US drone delivery service Flirtey on Monday announced that its self­piloting medicine, hot food and more from 7­Eleven convenience stores to custome

Jan 07, 2017 in Hi Tech & Innovation



Nokia announced Wednesday it is suing Apple in German and US courts for US tech giant was using Nokia technology in "many" products without payin

Robots show their 'personality' at big tech show Professor Einstein rolls his eyes, sticks out his tongue, and can give a simple explanation of the theory of relativity. With his lifelike rubbery "skin" and bushy mustache, he can almost make you forget he's a robot. Jan 07, 2017 in Robotics


Nokia sues Apple for patent infringement


What drives decisions by autonomous vehicles in dire situation

Despite dramatic reductions in accident­related fatalities, injuries and dama improvements in transportation efficiency and safety, consumers aren't as e autonomous vehicles ...

Virtual reality seeks momentum at CES gadget gala

Researchers launch tool to understand spread of fake news

Virtual reality sought its stride Friday at the Consumer Electronics Show, where despite being a hot topic there was little sign it is racing into mainstream culture.

The Observatory on Social Media at Indiana University has launched a pow fake news.

Jan 07, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets



Amazon Alexa virtual assistant shines at tech show Amazon's virtual assistant Alexa is emerging as one of the big winners at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, cropping up in TVs, cars, fridges—you name it—in what may signal a breakthrough moment for the smart technology. Jan 06, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets



Baidu family robot a Chinese spin on Amazon Echo Chinese internet colossus Baidu is out to make a splash with 'Little Fish,' a family robot that is a voice­controlled virtual valet akin to Amazon Echo or Google Home.

Jan 06, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets





Chinese tech giant Lenovo announced Tuesday it was launching a smart home assistant powered by Amazon's Alexa, becoming the latest firm to enter the market for voice­activated devices. 100


A team of international scientists have found a way to make memory chips perform computing tasks, which is traditionally done by computer processors like those made by Intel and Qualcomm.­news/


A drone has been equipped with feathers to increase its precision during flig spread or close its wings while flying, making it easier to maneuver and mor

A new concept in energy harvesting could capture energy that is currently m characteristic low frequency and use it to power next­generation electronic d electronics giant ...

Ford studies using drones to guide self­driving cars

Artificial intelligence creeps into daily life

Scientists turn memory chips into processors to speed up computing tasks

Jan 03, 2017 in Computer Sciences

Rice, Baylor team sets new mark for 'deep learning'

Ford Motor Co. is studying a system to use drones to help guide self­driving adventures, company officials said.

Lenovo launches 'home assistant' with Amazon Alexa

Jan 04, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets

Hydroelectric engineers find potential in centuries­old mine

Scalable energy harvesting of unused mechanical energy in the

Judging by their name alone, orange puffball sea sponges might seem unlikely paragons of structural strength. But maintaining their shape at the bottom of the churning ocean is critical to the creatures' survival, and new ... 17

Ireland will appeal the European Union's landmark order to collect a record from Apple, the Irish Department of Finance announced Monday.

A drone that flies (almost) like a bird

Sea sponges offer clues to how human­made structures can resist buckling

Jan 04, 2017 in Engineering

Ireland to appeal EU's record $14 billion tax order on Apple

Neuroscience and artificial intelligence experts from Rice University and Bay inspiration from the human brain in creating a new "deep learning" method about ...

LG Electronics showed off a "wallpaper" thin television and task­ tending robots that learn, as a day packed with gadget unveilings got underway Wednesday in Las Vegas.


Mark Zuckerberg's artificial intelligence­imbued software "butler"—named J plays with his family, the Facebook chief said Monday.

Some look at an abandoned, centuries­old iron mine in New York's Adironda

LG kicks off gadget gala with 'wallpaper' thin TV

Jan 04, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets

Zuckerberg builds software butler for his home

Mark Zuckerberg envisions a software system inspired by the "Iron Man" ch managing his household.

Big data technique shrinks data sets while preserving their fun relationships

One way to handle big data is to shrink it. If you can identify a small subset salient mathematical relationships, you may be able to perform useful analy ...




Technology News ­ New Technology, Internet News, Software, Semiconductor, Telecom, Computer Science

A closer look at the eye: Researchers develop new retinal imaging technique Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center have developed a new imaging technique that could revolutionize how eye health and disease are assessed. The group is first to be able to make out individual cells ... Jan 03, 2017 in Engineering



Surging Bitcoin breaks through $1,000 barrier The value of Bitcoin surged above $1,000 on Monday as the digital unit continues a dizzying rise that made it the best­performing currency of 2016.

Jan 02, 2017 in Internet



Tech show looks beyond 'smart,' to new 'realities' The mega­extravaganza of the tech world in Las Vegas is showcasing an array of new devices that get smarts from computer chips, sensors and artificial intelligence, but go further by opening doors to augmented or virtual ... Jan 02, 2017 in Consumer & Gadgets



Humanoid robot Pepper is amusing, but is it practical? While merrily chirping, dancing and posing for selfies, a robot named Pepper looks like another expensive toy at a San Francisco mall. But don't dismiss it as mere child's play. Dec 29, 2016 in Robotics



Twitter unveils 360­degree live video Twitter on Wednesday began streaming 360­degree video, allowing users to interact and get behind the scenes of live broadcasts.

Dec 29, 2016 in Internet



Alexa a witness to murder? Prosecutors seek Amazon Echo data Authorities investigating the death of an Arkansas man whose body was found in a hot tub want to expand the probe to include a new kind of evidence: any comments overheard by the suspect's Amazon Echo smart speaker. Dec 28, 2016 in Other



The lie­detecting security kiosk of the future When you engage in international travel, you may one day find yourself face­to­face with border security that is polite, bilingual and responsive —and robotic.

Dec 28, 2016 in Security



Avatar­style S. Korean manned robot takes first baby steps A giant South Korean­built manned robot that walks like a human but makes the ground shake under its weight has taken its first baby steps. Dec 27, 2016 in Robotics



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