QUTLS First Year Survival Guide 2022

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The QUT Law Society would like to sincerely thank the following people for the creation of this guide: ISABELLA BUSBY ................................................................................................ PRESIDENT OF THE QUTLS ASHTON DARRACOTT ......................................... DIRECTOR OF MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION CIARAN GREIG .................................................................................................. PUBLICATIONS OFFICER FEBA PHILLIP ......................................................................................................... PUBLICATIONS OFFICER BEN STEELE ......................................................................................................................... DESIGN OFFICER ALLISON KRICKER .......................................................................................................... DESIGN OFFICER AND THE QUT LAW SCHOOL!

We would also like to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to this guide and to the wider QUTLawcommunity.ThankyoutoalltheDirectorsandOcersforprovidinginformationaboutthe portfolios. A big thank you is extended to the previous QUTLS Media and Communications personnel whoseeortsandcontentwereusedtobuildandinspirethisguide.Wewouldalsoliketothankth academicsandstudentswhosharedtheirexperiencessothatrstyearshaveaccesstoreal-world and information that will help guide their journeys.

RECONCILIATION The QUT Law Society respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land upon which it works, the Turrbal and Jagera people, and pays its respects to Elders past and present.

We recognise the contributions that First Nations people make to society, and celebrate First Nations success. The QUT Law Society is committed to inclusion, reconciliation and consultationtoensurethefutureofAustraliaisonewhereFirstNationspeopleareaorde equal opportunity. The QUT Law Society demonstrates its commitment to reconciliation through numerous events and programs facilitated throughout the year. There are many upcoming opportunities to acknowledge First Nations history, both within the QUT community and beyond. In 2022, the QUT Law Society welcomes commencing First Nations students, and wish you every success in your studies and beyond.


Congratulations and welcome to the QUT School of Law. I am delighted to welcome you to our fantasticcommunityofstudents,staandalumni.Ihopethisisthebeginningofanincredib journey for you as you embrace new experiences as a law student and future member of the legal profession.

Completion of a law degree leads to a wide range of dierent careers both within the legal profession and beyond. More importantly as a law graduate you will be a leader and community advocate. I encourage you to remember why you have chosen to study law and to maintain the passion that brought you here. Some of you are focused on building a career in law because you are passionate about the law andwant to make a dierence aswell as ensuringyou have good career opportunities.

At QUT, our vision is to build just futures for a changing world. We aim to prepare you to thrive in the futureworld ofwork by being adaptable to new legal careers that are evolving in changing world. You will develop real world skills that you need to be successful in the law and youcancompletealloftheacademicandpracticalqualicationsyouneedtobeadmitted legal profession right here at QUT. As part of your LLB you can choose to undertake a minor in law, technology and innovation, which covers how law responds to developments in technology, suchasarticialintelligenceandbigdata,andchallengesperceptionsofwhatispossibl the law. TheacademicandprofessionalstaintheLawSchoolarecommittedtohelpingyoutosucceed and to your wellbeing both as a student at QUT and as a future legal professional. I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities that studying law at QUT provides and to seek help when you need it.

You will start to develop skills and experience right from the beginning of your law degree at QUT. Thiswillbebothaspartofyourformalstudyandthroughextra-curricularactivitiest you can take part in along the way. I hope you consider signing up for the First Year Moot this year, remembering that this might lead to national or international mooting competitions in Oxford, Hong Kong or the Hague in a few years’ time. TheadviceoeredinthisguideisinvaluablebecausetheQUTLawSocietyteamareinthemidstof their degrees and can provide a unique perspective on studying law. Although we encourage you to commit time to your studies there is more to university than ‘book learning’. Grab and enjoy opportunities that come your way and think about what they can mean for your future. With your career goals in mind, I encourage you to make the most of your time at QUT.


FOREWORD Dear First Years, We are very excited to welcome you to the QUT Law family! Whether you are coming straight fromhighschool,movingfromadierentdegree,orchangingyourcareerafterdecadesof working, you all have a valued place in our law school. Whileyoumaybejoiningusinchallengingtimes,wearelookingforwardtondingnew ways to make you feel welcome, and ready to tackle your law degree, no matter what the pandemic throws at us. The QUTLS runs a wide range of initiatives that are mostly free for our membership. These include: competitions, career information sessions, networking events, mentorship, social sport teams, the law revue and much more. Keep reading this guide to get a small glimpse into how you can get involved! AsIamnowenteringmysixthandnalyearofstudyatQUT,Iwanttoshareafewkeytipsthat have helped me achieve my goals at law school, and which will hopefully help you too. 1. GET INVOLVED. First year is a big learning curve, but it is also a great opportunity to try new things. The Law Society provides lots of opportunities for attending social events, getting involved in sports and creative pursuits, and meeting new people. There are also a plethora of other clubs and societies at QUT where you can meet new friends, try new skills and get involved in student governance as part of their Executive teams. In my case, I chose to get involved in the Debating Society which gave me wonderful opportunities to keep honing my public speaking skills, to make many new friends and to travel across Australia and South-EastAsia. 2. TRY TO BE PREPARED FOR YOUR CLASSES, BUT IF YOU CAN’T, THAT’S OK TOO. Itcanbediculttondthetimetowatchyourlectures,completecaseandtextbook readings, and have a look at tutorial questions before your weekly classes. But if you get into the habit early, it will set you up for greater success towards exam season, andalsointhelateryearsofyourdegree.Thoughifyoundyourselfunpreparedfora tutorial (because life happens) it is always worth going along anyway, because your exam questions are often largely based on the tutorial content. 3. BE YOURSELF. There is no one way to be a good lawyer. Some of us want to pursue commercial law, others are yearning to get into a courtroom, and many don’t want to be a lawyer at all. That means there is not just one ‘cookie cutter’ approach to being a successful law student.Mybestadviceforyouistondwhatbringsyouprofessionalandpersonal fulllment,andfocusonthatinsteadofwhateveryoneelseisdoingaroundyou.

If you have questions about the Law Society, or just want a chatafteraslightlystressfulclass,youcanndourfriendly committeemembersatouroceonLevel4ofCBlock,or chuck us a message on our social media platforms. We look forward to meeting you across the year, and wish you the best of luck for the start of your degree.



HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS GUIDE 1...................................................................................................WELCOME 2...................................................................SIX STEPS TO SUCEED AT UNI 4............................................................................LAW INDUSTRY BASICS 6...................................................................................OUR REFLECTIONS 8.........................................................PERKS OF BEING A LAW STUDENT 10...............................................PUTTING YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD 12..................................................................................ADJUSTING TO UNI 14............................................................................................ASSESSMENT 16.........................................TIPS FROM HIGH ACHEIVING FIRST YEARS 17..........................................................QUTLS MENTORSHIP PROGRAM 20...........................THE LAW FACULTY’S WISE WORDS OF WISDOM

22..............................................................................................ZETIQUETTE 23......................................................................ANATOMY OF AN EMAIL 24.....................................................GETTING TO KNOW THE LIBRARIES 25...........................................................................LAW LIBRARY LAYOUT 26.........................................................YOUR LEGAL RESEARCH PRIMER 28.......................................................REFERNCING AND FORMATTING 30........................................................................ACADEMIC INTERGRITY 32................................................MEET THE QUTLS FIRST YEAR OFFICER 34...............................................................................DEGREE STRUCTURE 40.................................................................................ABOUT THE QUTLS 42......................................................................................THE PORFOLIOS 56............................................................................................GAME PLAN 58.........................................................................................BEST OF LUCK!

well well, look who finally made it!

WELCOME So, you made it to QUT. You chose a law degree, and you now have several years of study ahead of you. Believe it or not, these years of study will be over in no time. While it will feel like your degree takes forever while you’re in the middle of the semester, contrary to popular belief, time ies regardless of whether you are having fun or not. Make sure your rstyear of law school is the best it can bewith this QUTLS FirstYear Survival Guide that we have put together based on our own experiences from when we were in your shoes. The Guide will help you transition into university, adjust to university life and give you enough tips and tricks about your QUT Law degree in order to help you survive the rst year of law school and beyond! For starters, know that your university experience will be incrediblydierenttothoseyouseeonTV. You want to go to uni on Friday? Go for it. You want classes in the evening? Sure. That sounds amazing, right? Freedom at last! When you need a break from study, you can pursue the many extracurricular events and activities oered at QUT. We have so many societies here that it’s almost criminal. We would also love to see you joining your fellow law students and coming to the many QUTLS events, competitions and activities that we hostthroughouttheyear.Inthisguide,wewillcovermanyeventscreatedforrstyearsto meet new people, learn new skills and get involved. Interested in the art of courtroom battles and intrigue? Sign up for the QUTLS First Year Moot and QUTLS Negotiation Competition! Do you feel shy about mooting but still want to get involved? Join the QUTLS Moot Club to learntheartoforaladvocacywithlike-mindedpeople! Do you just want to meet fellow rst years in an environment other than a classroom or lecture hall? Tag along to the QUTLS First Year Social and Ping Pong Tournament! Do you want to learn more about your law degree from someone who’s been in your shoes before? Sign up for the QUTLS First Year Mentor Program! Anddon_tforgettoconnectwithusduringO-Weekforthebeststarttoyourtimeasalaw student!




Get started by talking to a careers advisor. Talk to them about your interests and why you chose a law degree; they’ll help you plan your units.


Oneofthebestwaystogainreal-worldexperienceint legal profession is to put your hand up for volunteering positions. Many community legal centres (aka CLCs) love to take on board university students to man the phones and work in client-facing roles to support solicitors providing pro bono and low bono services.

Create an excel sheet to track your completed units; there’s nothing worse than being unable to progress your degree because you failed a prerequisite unit. We’ve made one that can help you out, but make sure to make your own calculations!

Youcanalsostartgettingpaidlegal-relatedempl before you graduate. A common university job is working asaparalegalatalawrm.Thesepositionsareadvert on Seek, Indeed, Unihub, LinkedIn, and the QUT Faculty Facebook page advertises some as well! Other rms look for law students to work as receptionists and in client servicing support.

Calculate your GPA so that you understand the percentage you need to pass a unit. There are multiple apps online for this! Also see the QUT app and website for a GPA calculator.

3. COME TO EVENTS You gotta get involved to be involved. The QUTLS hosts a wide variety of social and professional events that you can meet people in your degree and in the professional world.

Keep in mind you’ll need to refer to C/5.2 of the MOPP for more information.

LLH subjects are the only units that determine if you graduate with rst class, second class or third class honours. If you calculate your GPA (using the methods mentioned above) based on the results of your LLH subjectsthenyou_llndoutyourhonoursGPA. If one of your goals is to make the Dean’s List for your law subjects, make sure your that your semester GPA is 6.5 or higher. Only law subjects should be used to calculate this. 2



Setting yourself apart from your peers is easier than ever For many school-leavers, university is an overwhel in this digital day and age. Create a LinkedIn account so experience. Especially if you have moved away from that you can build your prole up with your interests where you grew up, living away from family and friends and experiences. Then you can start connecting with and in the big city can be isolating even without terms people and following companies that you are interested such as ‘social distancing’ and ‘isolation’ being in our in working for. Social media is a great way to also everyday nd vocabulary. The stress of trying to juggle out about job positions and news in various companies all facets of life all at once can become too much and organisations. Twitter is a great way to keep up to sometimes. But, there are many ways that you can date as well. The QUTLS also oers free headshots at reach out for help and it is not a shameful thing to need some events, so make sure you don’t miss one of those support.QUToersbulk-billedcounsellingandmed topolishoyourLinkedIn! services where you can go for assignment extensions, medical advice and psychological assistance. These are Publishing your writing also develops your professional invaluable resources for you to take care of yourself. portfolio. You can write for the QUT Guild student magazine Glass, the QUTLS magazine Torts Remember, this is a guide only! There is no one Illustrated, and QUTLS’ student law review, ‘correct’ way to do uni. Be honest with yourself Corpus Juris. and go easy on yourself. Not everyone can do four subjects a semester for eight semesters. Your support networks will make your life easier, so be committed to making friends as well. Take your 5. HAVE FUN AND EXPLORE degree at the pace you need to in order to get the Law at QUT is not all books and studying. grades you want and the support you need, and Some of the most enriching experiences the extra experiences that you want! will be the ones outside of the classroom. Practice your advocacy skills through Moot Club, re up your friendly competition with QUTLS social sport, and bring out your inner theatre kid with the QUTLS Law Revue. University is meant to be enjoyed!



UNIVERSTIY DEGREE POST-ADMISSION EXPERIENCE (PAE) The rst step to becoming qualied as a lawyer When in you begin your job search, you will see the Queensland is completing an LLB program that consists acronym ‘PAE’ pop up from time to time. It stands for of a number of core subjects, often referred to as ‘black post-admission experience and describes how man letter’ law subjects or ‘the Priestley 11’ (such as Torts, years’ experience you should ideally have had after you Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Corporate Law). You became an admitted solicitor. So, any work you have also need to take some electives, where you can choose done as a paralegal or clerk while you were still at uni is to follow any interests you may have in particular areas excluded from this. oflaw(e.g.FamilyLaw)orsubjectsindierentfaculties and disciplines. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) The learning does not stop upon becoming admitted. To PRACTICAL LEGAL TRAINGING (PLT) be continually recognised as a solicitor, the Queensland Towards or at the end of your LLB degree, you are required Law Society requires that you clock up a minimum of 10 to undertake a course called practical legal training, that ‘CPD’ points a year. CPD means what it sounds like. CPD aims to provide you with an opportunity to apply all the is a professional and ethical responsibility designed to technical knowledge that you did over the course of keep lawyers up to date on their technical knowledge your degree. Once you successfully complete your PLT, and practical skills so that they provide their clients with you will be ready to become an admitted solicitor to the top-notchlegalservices. profession. BECOMING A BARRISTER ADMISSION Once you have completed your LLB, PLT and obtained Once you have completed your PLT, you will apply to yourSolicitorsPractisingCerticate,youcanembar become ‘admitted’ to the profession. This is a process of the following steps to become a barrister: applying to the Supreme Court of Queensland to review Pass three Queensland Bar examinations your character against criteria set out in legislation. Pass the Bar Practical Course Upon a successful admission, you will be issued with Applyforabarrister_spractisingcerticate what is called a ^Solicitors Practising CertiUndertake cate_. This the Readership program, where you will get qualies you to practice as a solicitor. To practice more practical as a experience for at least 12 months under barrister, you need a barristers practicing certi the supervision cate, of two mentors (usually more senior further discussed below. members of the Bar). 4

COMMON CAREER PATHS Clerkships Graduate jobs Associateships

Having a law degree does not mean that you must practice law. The skills you will acquire through undergraduate legal training (critical thinking, creative problem-solving,persuasion,research,oralandwri communication, time management, and people skills) can be transferred over to any and every industry.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTES Not everyone will receive a clerkship, and not everyone is suited to a clerkship. There is no need to fret if you do FINDING A JOB AT UNI not feel the clerkship call or you apply for all of them and • Seek receivenooers.Thereisstillaplethoraofother•career Indeed routes that will lead you to great success. The QUT Law • Unihub Faculty and the QUTLS host many events throughout • Goinglobal the year that give you the chance to engage with • LinkedIn Jobs professionals from every corner of the legal industry, • Facebook groups – QUT Law Students, QUTLS also such as top tier rms, community legal centres, the post available jobs courts, and government. • QUT Unihub • Jobs board AN INDUSTRY SNAPSHOT • Student success workshops • Bookcareerone-on-oneappointments

Top Tier Firms Mid Tier Firms Boutique / Specialist Firms Policy and Government In-house Legal Counsel

Community Law Firms LegalTech / Startups Courts / Tribunals Academia Alternative Disute Resolution

wCareer educators can review your resume, cover letter, and any responses to selection criteria before you apply for a job! (QR code to this maybe?) Also keep your eye out for the QUTLS Springboard Careers Guide that will be published in April! This guide will provide more information about the various job options that are open to you.




I was one of those people who stumbled into my law degree.

rules I was asked to follow, the ideas I was asked to consider, and the logic I was asked to apply. It feels unnatural to continuously put ourselves in situations where we are uncomfortable, but by doing so, you might just discover something wonderful about yourself or the law.

In high school, I developed a gut feeling that studying law would be something I could be good at, and somethingIcouldenjoy.Andthen -ta-da! ­ Lawand Business at QUT was on my QTAC form.

Don’t be hard on yourself. I wish I had started practising this a long time ago. It’s natural to want to beat yourself up about a less than satisfactory grade, but it’s moreimportanttoreectandthinkaboutwhatyou will do next time.

I am not proud of this: my complacency, the way I took the privilege of even studying at university for granted. It makes me think of a quote from Legally Blonde (2001): Do you think she woke up one morning and said, "I think I'll go to law school today"?

Make space and time for the other things you love. I Unsurprisingly,Ididn_tlovemyrstyearstudying love creative law. writing, so I changed my degree so that I could study both creative writing and law. I think it’s I didn’t love it, and I also wasn’t very good at it. I so important that we pursue everything we love doing consistently underestimated the workload, the in some shape or form. I feel so grateful that I get to assessment, and the readings. I moaned about using study two areas that I love and I constantly marvel at AGLC referencing. I cried over the way I stumbled how they overlap. Good luck! through moots. I refused to yield to ISAACS and structured all my assignments the same way I did in highschool.Itwas,inreection,disastrous. Why am I telling you this? This is super depressing, right? I’m telling you this because I hung in there. And I’m so incredibly glad that I did. In my second year, I learnt to appreciate how the law interacts with our everyday lives. I grew to be inspired by the way the law can bend and change to reectourvalues.IthinkIlovethelawbecauseit isn_tperfect,butitismalleableandever-changing. I love the law because law students like you and me can be part of that change. We can build new institutions and dismantle the societal structures that don’t serve us anymore. And we can do it all with words. All of the reasons that I love studying lawtodayarethingsIrealisedaftermyrstyear. If you’re looking for some insight into making the most of your years as a law student, this is my advice: Let yourself be challenged. I was so challenged by my rstyearoflaw.Notonlybythework,butalsobythe




Welcometolawschool;wherecoeeisanecessity and legal jargon becomes a normal part of your day. My name is Feba Philip, I am one of your Publication’s OcersforthisyearandIstudyLawandIT. I love what I do and I am so grateful for the opportunity but it’s been a journey with lots of ups and downs, twists and turns and lots of tears.

you_remostlikelyneverreallygoingtondaperfe balance either. In your short time at uni, make sure to get involved with clubs, go to events and make the most of your uni experience. Your GPA does not determine your worth and life happens (aka the totally unexpected). Be kind to yourself. Timetables are lifesavers and I highly recommend blocking out your time.

To say I was underprepared for the whole ‘uni I can’t say that I have straight 7’s or that I’ve got this experience’ would be an understatement. My cohorts’ whole law school thing down to a pat but I’m hopeful journeywasslightlydierentthanmost.Livingthrough that going into my third year, I am more equipped than apandemicwasdenitelynotonmylistofthings ever todo to tackle the year ahead. inmyrstyearofuni. As much as it is daunting, law school can be equally I_mnotgoingtolie,whenIrstheardthatwewouldrewarding. Best of luck! beconnedtoourhomes,Iwasrelieved.Theearly morning starts, the long travel times and being behind on readings would be no longer. It meant saying goodbyetosittingintracforanhourandhelloto sleeping in. But online learning itself posed many challenges; the workload was intense and the content was heavy. It wasn’t easy, but over time I found myself adapting to this new way of learning. The reminder of why I wanted chose my degrees intherstplaceandhowmuchofanhonourand privilege it was to study them really helped me get through the tough times. As much as Suits has played a massive part in my decision to study law, my passion for human rights and justice were just as or even more persuasive in swaying that decision. There have been moments I haven’t done so well or stuck to my plan but it’s a journey of learning and instead of beating myself up over, I’ve learnt to take in my stride and grow from it. Ifthere_sanythingIcanpassontorstyears, it_sthatndingsomesortofwork-lifebalanceis essential. It’s just as important to understand that



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Fulltimetertiarystudentsareeligibleforconcessionfares,somakesureyouapplytoTranslin travel on Translink buses, trains and ferries! You can do this on the Translink website once you have your university student number.


1. Who is the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia? 2. What street is the Supreme Court on? 3. What does prima facie mean?

.Is 4 legislation,statuteandanActthesamething? ginger beer bottle? 6. Where is the copy of the Magna Carta located in the Lawbry?

1. Chief Justice Susan Kiefel 2. George Street 3.Ontheface/rstimpression Yes! .4 TheyallrefertoParliament-madelaw. 5. A snail 6.OutsidetheIndustrialCourtatC503.

5. One of the most famous common law cases involves a _____ in a






• Explore your subjects and the QUT Real Law community in Blackboard, and the HiQ website.

• Change the playback speed of your lectures to suit • Download Oce35,6 which gives you free access your notetaking style. to the most up-to-date Word, PowerPoint, Excel,• Exam preparation starts in Week 1. Keep your notes OneNote and Outlook programs. up to date! It will make a big dierence in the long run.

• Make a study group with your peers.

• Use the Pomodoro method (25 minutes study, 5 minutes break) because research shows that we learn best in small chunks.

• Sign up to the QUTLS Mentor Program and meet a more experienced law student. • Go to your lectures and tutorials, even if you haven’t prepared. You will still get something out of it.

• When reading textbooks, use the SQ3R method: survey, question, read, recite, review

• But... preparation is power! Glance over your lecture PowerPoint slides on the bus or train when you’re going into uni for that lecture, or just before you open Echo360. Write dot points for your tutorial question responses if you do not have time to write a full response. Everything adds up.

• The human brain is good at remembering the information we handwrite and not so much what we type. You probably won’t be able to handwrite everything you are learning during lectures and tutorials, but try to write down the important concepts that you’ll encounter in exams. • Print out and bind your Study Guides! This is relatively inexpensive at Oceworks or you can use the free binding machines in the QUT Library. • Past students’ notes can be useful when creating exam templates, but ensure that all the content within is up to date!


DO I NEED THE $200 TEXTBOOK? You might have already seen that you have textbooks prescribed for your subjects and if you looked at the QUT Bookshop, they might have been really expensive. Textbooks assist greatly in reinforcing the lecture material and expanding on that content with more nuanced analysis of case authorities and legislation. Many textbooks will be called ‘Cases and Commentary’ textbooks. These books include important extracts of case authorities that you will need to know for your exams.


• FSLS-FellowSurvivingLawStudentsprivate ( grou • QUT Law Students

• QUT Faculty of Law and Justice Students (private group) The Law Library has a number of copies of the prescribed textbooks that you can borrow for two hours at a • QUT Women in Law time for free. Many law students buy and resell used • LLBHelpMe textbooks through textbook exchange groups and pages on Facebook. Two forums to like or join are QUT Epic • LWOB Textbooks and QUT Textbook Exchange. Make a note of • Pride in Law the edition of the textbook you’re looking for. Most of thetime,oldereditionswon_tmakeadierenceaslong • Any subject-specic Facebook groups (N.B these are as you actively follow the lecture materials throughout notmoderatedbyacademicsta ) the semester, but it’s a good idea to consult your unit coordinator. Tl;dr: you can get by without buying the textbooks but each subject will be easier if you do get them and use them.




Approx. 35 hours a week contact time.

Approx. 12 hours a week contact time.

No real difference in class structure. Usually just called double and single periods.

Learning is divided into lectures, tutorials and sometimes additional workshops.

Intimate classroom settings with access to teacher’s help most of the time.

Large lectures and disaparate student-to-academic staff ratio.

Opportunity to draft work with teachers to perfect assignments.

No opportunity to draft or conference assignments directly with tutors or lecturers. Can talk to the Student Success Group.

Highly guided and supported learning. Teachers chase you up for homework and assignments.

Highly independent and autonomous learning. At university you are left to your own devices.

Not very much free time to participate in extracurricular activities.

Lots of time to pursue sporting, hobby and faculty-related extracurriculars! Being involved makes you more employable.

Seeing the same people each day and getting to know one another.

More freedom to choose classes, so you won’t get to know everyone in your tutorial (unless you really want to!)

Emphasis on close-knit classroom relationships with peers and teachers.

More individualistic classroom culture – tutors are usually practitioners and are time-poor. Your learning is entirely your responsibility.

Have to wear a school uniform.

You can wear anything you like! Some people even wear their pyjamas to exams to be comfortable.


WHAT’S AALECTURE? lecture is a session when a weekly topic is delivered to students in that subject.

are expected to topic engage the weekly lectureinmaterial at a bare A lecture All is astudents session when a weekly is with delivered to students that subject. All students are minimum. Lectures for rst-and second-material yearsubjects will usually beatwohour expected toengage withthe weekly lecture atabare minimum. Lectures for rst-andsec lecture delivered by a lecturer in person. Lectures are always records and uploaded year subjects will usually be a two-hour lecture delivered by a lecturer in person. Lectur to Blackboard. recorded and uploaded to Blackboard.

The Law School places heavy emphasis on autonomous student The Law School places heavy emphasis on student learning, so in third and fourth year, autonomous learning, so in third and fourth year, lectures will not occur in person and will usually be structured in more of a ‘podcast’ style delivery, lectures notvideos occur in that person and will usually be withanumber ofwill short pertain toparticular partsofabroadertopic.Theseareusua structured in more of a ‘podcast’ a in advance. recorded and uploaded to Blackboard each style weekdelivery, or a few with weeks number of short videos that pertain to particular parts ofabroadertopic.theseareusuallypre-recordedand uploaded to Blackboard each week or a few weeks in advance.


WHAT ARE READINGS? Readings describe any prescribed textbook pages or chapters, legislation and case law that is relevant to the weekly subject covered in yourand lectures Readings describe any prescribed textbook pages ormatter chapters, legislation case are lawtutorials. that is relevant these readings will be located in your study guide and on your learning resources weekly tabs to the weekly subject matter covered in your lectures and tutorials. These readings will be located in in Blackboard. In your rst and second semesters, you will be taught in class how toread your study guide and on your learning resources weekly tabs in Blackboard. In your rstand and interpret court cases and legislation. In later years, you will be expected to know how to read semesters, you will be taught in class how to read and interpret court cases and legislation. In later cases to andknow legislation yourself, so do not be afraid yearsand youunderstand will be expected how toby read and understand cases andtolegislation by yourself, so do ask your tutors for lots of help! It is better to ask for lots held rst ofhelpinrstyear notbeafraidtoaskyourtutorsforlotsofhelp!Itisbetter toof ask forin lots year than it is in third year. in third year.

WHAT’S A TUTORIAL? WHAT’S A TUTORIAL? A tutorial is ato class goeswhere for onestudents to two hours students A tutorial is a class that goes for one twothat hours have where the chance to have workshop the chance questions that test knowledge of theyou will do questions that test their knowledge of to theworkshop weekly lecture material. Lawtheir tutorials are where Lawtutorials are wherescenarios you will do practical the practical preparation forweekly examsmaterial. by way of answering problem in the a special legal analytical preparation for exams by way of scenarios in a special framework called ISAAC ISAACs. Every good law student is answering best matesproblem with ISAAC ISAACs. legal analytical framework called ISAAC ISAACs. What’s a workshop?

Not every subject involves a regular workshop on top of the scheduled lectures and tutorials. WHAT’S A WORKSHOP? Nevertheless, a workshop is a further opportunity to literally workshop some knowledge and skills. rst yearyou will likely encounter the Torts PeerWorkshop program, NotIn every subject involves a regular workshop on top of the scheduled lectures and tutorials. andyouwillhaveanumb research workshops with is librarians to introduce you to to researching usingworkshop the legal databases that QUTandskills Nevertheless, aworkshop afurther opportunity literally someknowledge has access to. Workshops will usually go for one to two hours in an intimate setting, very similar year you will likely encounter the Torts Peer Workshop program, and you will have a number of research to a tutorial.with librarians to introduce you to researching using the legal databases that QTUT has access workshops to. Workshops will usually go for one to two hours in an intimate setting, very similar to a tutorial.



Youaregoingtoencounterlotsofdierenttypes TAKE-HOME of EXAMS assessment in your time studying law at QUT! We Don_tunderestimatethetake-homeexam!Similar have explained some of the most common types to invigilated exams on campus, you should prepare of assessment below. Make sure you read your just like you would for a ‘normal’ exam. The exams assessment task sheets carefully – some of these are usually written in exactly the same format as an assessmentsarespecictotheLawSchoolandwill invigilated be exam,withthemajordierencebeingthat verydierenttowhatyouhaveencounteredinother you have more time to submit your answers. Pay close units or at high school. attention to the word count on your exam submission as markers will usually stop reading if you exceed the EXAMS word limit. For all your exams, check their date and location on the HiQ website under the ‘Study’ tab. The ‘Study’ tab ONLINE ASSESSMENTS also provides more information about preparing for These often take the form of quizzes. You will usually dierenttypesofexams. be told when the quiz opens and when it closes; you need to make it your responsibility to complete the ON-CAMPUS EXAMS quiz within that time frame. Make sure you log on with These are the exams that will feel the most familiar enough time before the quiz closes and have a stable toexamsinhigh-school.Theyareheldoncampus internet connection. during the ‘examination period’. They are invigilated (supervised) and can be open or closed book. ASSIGNMENTS When you’re studying law, assignments come in a If you sit an exam on campus, make sure you monitor variety of formats, so be sure to read the task sheet youremailspost-examforinformationonexam carefully. If you are doing a written assessment, viewingtimes.Thesearespecicdayswhenyoucanremember that Written Assessment in the Law School have access to your exam paper and even photocopy (WALS) and the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, it! It’s great practice to get in the habit of utilising fourtheditionAGLC4 ( )aregoingtobeyourBFFs.These exam viewing early in your degree so that you can keep are the most common assignments you will come improving your results. across: Although you won’t receive individualised feedback on your exam papers at university, you can still seek feedback to improve your marks. One way of doing this is by asking your tutor to give you some pointers, or by taking your exam responses to the Student Success Group for feedback.

CRITICAL ANALYSIS ESSAY This is a type of essay that will require you to wield your research skills to the best of your ability. It often involved researching the current law surrounding a topic and analysing the issues related to it.


MEMO ADVOCACY EXERCISE AmemoisoftenusedtoassessyourlegalproblemAdvocacy exercises test your oral communication solving skills. Like essays, they also include researching skills. These sorts of assessments are often paired the law in a certain area using legislation, case law with a problem solving task. A great way to practise and secondary sources. You will often be tailoring your these skills is by getting involved in moots through the advice to a particular ‘client’ in the task scenario. QUTLS! Come along to Moot Club, or grab a friend and get involved with our competitions held throughout LETTER TO A CLIENT the year. You might be asked to write a letter to a client from an assessment scenario that advises their legal position and their options under the law. This type of assignment is sometimes paired with a memo. It is used to assess your written communication skills and how well you adapt thoseskillsindierent situations, like explaining the law to a layperson.



Atthebeginningofeachweekwriteato-dolistforallreadings,tutorials,l and tasks that require completion for the week ahead. Aim to have all tasks completed before the next week begins. Start assignments early and try to avoid leaving assignments to the last minute. I have learnt it is not uncommon to have lightbulb moments when you are close to completion and realise that something you have written is in fact incorrect. Ask as many questions as you can. Utilise discussion boards, email lecturers, participate in peer mentor sessions, virtual or face to face tutorials and schedule consultation times with educators if you need a little more help through the semester.TheQUTLawteachingstaaretheretohelp. CATHERINE BUGLER BEST PERFORMING STUDENT IN LLB104 & LLB203

Be persistent. Don’t get anxious if some things don’t “click” immediately. The legal principlesyou_lllearnwillbe,attimes,counter-intuitiveandcontra is born understanding the law of hearsay, you have to go about learning it – that’s why you’re at uni. Understand procrastination. People think that procrastination is laziness, but it’s often actually anxiety: procrastination is avoiding the discomfort of facing an imperfect draft or a looming deadline. Get your friends together to study to make it more enjoyable or have a chat to the psychologists provided by QUT for free on campus who can help you build resilience and good study habits.

When you get your lecture slides, convert them to rtf. In Week 1, I download my lecture slides for the semester, combine them into one PowerPoint, then convert them to rtf and copy it into a word document. I then hit Ctl+A, apply normal formatting, and spend about half an hour tidying it up. You then have a super convenientscaoldofnotesfortheentiresemesterwhichyouaddtoasyoud your readings. CAIN VAROY BEST PERFORMING STUDENT IN LLB141

Writeconcisely-thisisaconceptIstruggledwithalotinrstyearbutyou'l it is essential to your academic (and professional) success. I found reading past student examples and planning assignments beforehand both helpful ways of developing this skill. Textbook course reserves are your friend! If you don't want to fork out money for buying textbooks you are able to borrow most prescribed textbooks from the law library for a 2 hour period. It's a great way to get your readings done too! 16


TheMentorProgramprovidespeer-to-peersupportbypartneringrst-yearlawstudentswithhighachiev experienced law students. The program focuses on creating a soft introduction for students by equipping them withgeneraltipsandtricksneededtothriveatlawschool.TheprogramissuitableforALLrst-yearla (thatincludesgraduateentry,externalandmature-agestudents). Thereareseveralbenetsofthisprogram.Theseinclude,butarenotlimitedto: 1. ACADEMIC SUPPORT

Mentors can provide guidance on study techniques, exam preparation, elective options, extracurricular activities and the development of general university skills. Mentors can advise how to best approach readings andmanageyourtimeeciently;allowingstudentstomaximisetheirperformanceintheirlawun 2. SOCIAL SUPPORT Law school can be daunting and students need social support now more than ever. Mentors can remove the isolation of studying law by sharing their experiences of what studying law at QUT entails, how and when to seek support from Tutors/Unit Coordinators and inform you of the social and professional networks available. 3. WORK OPPORTUNITIES

Your mentor can alert you to new job opportunities and internship opportunities and the skills and attributes employersarelookingforwhenrecruiting.Mentorscanalsoshowyouhowtondbothadvertisedand casualorpart-timelegaljobswhich,duetothenumberofstudentsstudyinglaw,arehardtocome extremely competitive. Getting your foot in the door early is the key to success! 4. SUPPORT WITH THE LAW FACULTY QUT Faculty of Law is here to support you throughout the entirety of your degree. However, it can be complicated to know how to utilise their resources and when to seek assistance. Your mentor can guide you towards the best point of contact in the law faculty (e.g. the Enquiries Desk, Unit Coordinator or Head of School) to help you get the most out of the academic, volunteer and employment opportunitiesonoer. 5. UNIVERSITY LIFE Your mentor can help familiarise you with the student societies and clubs on campus, including the Guild and QUTLS. Additionally, they can let you know about important social media platforms and social events including pub crawls, elections and the annual QUTLS Law Ball! 6. GENERAL ASSISTANCE

Evenifyoucharacteriseyourselfasfairlyindependent,justknowingyouhavethesupport-net ndyourselfinanunfamiliarsituationcangreatlyreducestress.Yourmentoristheretosuppor and as such, can provide tailored mentoring to support you when you need it most! Ifyouhaveanyquestionsabouttheprogram,pleasecontacttheQUTLSMentorOcerat mentor.officer@qutlawsociety.com 17

Real responsibilities. Real relationships. Sooner.

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don’t topple topple under under don’t the pressure pressure the you’re gonna gonna do do you’re great! great!








I like teaching all law students! Having said that, I really liketeachingrstyearstudentsinLLB107Statutory It can be hard to feel connected to your class and your Interpretation about our institutions of government teachers if you're not seeing them in person, and some and the principles that govern the exercise of public studentscanndonlinelearningquitealonelypl power in Australia. It's important to take advantage of the opportunities to engage with other people, not just within your units butalsoinextra-curricularactivities-itwillma WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO FIRST YEAR university experience so much richer. STUDENTS FOR MANAGING ONLINE LEARNING? Try not to leave everything until the last minute. Thereisalotofcontentinrstyear,anditcan be overwhelming if you fall behind. It helps to be organised. Set aside time each week to work through your learning activities and readings. This will also give you the opportunity to ask questions of your lecturer or tutor if there is anything that you do not understand.

WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO FIRST YEAR STUDENTS FOR MANAGING ONLINE LEARNING? You'vegotalotofexibilityintermsofwhenyou listen to recordings, take quizzes, contribute to online discussions and so on. Try to create a routine for yourself to make sure you keep up with the materials each week. If you're doing your tutorials in an online class, get involved as much as you can. If possible, turn your camera on so your tutor and classmates can get to youknowyou,dothepreparationsoyoufeelcondent speaking up, and don't be afraid to ask questions.







IF YOU WERE BACK AT UNI NOW, WHAT WOULD YOU DO DIFFERENTLY? Nothing! I loved every minute of it (even admin and Nothingtoodierentthanforface-to-facelearning: constitutional law)! Remember to enjoy the experience the key is commitment and preparation. Perhaps online and be kind to yourself – you have already achieved so learning might not appear to have the same sort of much just by being here! ^accountability _thatsittinginaclassroomhas-so maybeit_seasiertoputowatchingarecordingor to be unprepared for a tutorial? But I hope that’s not WHAT ARE THE NEW CHALLENGES YOU HAVE SEEN true.Ithinkstaaregoingtocontinuetorenetheir FIRST YEAR LAW STUDENTS FACING OVER THE PAST online teaching approaches, so hopefully it loses any YEAR? perception (if there is one) of being a more passive Many students felt like they were left alone drowning option. Commit to a set time each week for listening in a black hole because of the online format. Don’t to recordings, doing readings, etc. Prepare for and assume that we are absent because you can’t see us participate in tutorials. face to face. We are still here, working harder than ever, and happy to chat and help you through, you just need WHAT DO YOU ENJOY ABOUT TEACHING FIRST YEAR to reach out! STUDENTS IN YOUR UNIT?

We are are here here We to help! help! to

Ireallyenjoyteachingrst-years;likeanything,ithas its challenges, but I don’t think I would ever leave it. In particular, I like teaching the foundational concepts -thingsthatsetyouuptobeaninformedcitizen, regardless of whether you ever end up practising law. Ialsolikethatrst-yearstendtobethemosteager to learn new things and to get involved. They turn up. They participate (sometimes). There’s an energy and excitement about starting the degree. They listen to all my tangential stories, even the ones that don’t go anywhere. Like the time I parked my car at Shoe Lane Parking; I tied a carbolic smoke ball to my belt, which was the style at time...

All you you need need to to All do is is ask ask !! do



COVID-has 19 disruptedtraditionalmethodsofphysicalteachingandlearning,whichmeansthatourre on technology has increased.This is no excuse to slack o on being respectful and courteous! Many may still take place online or on Zoom. Below are a few tips for Zoom etiquette, or ‘Zetiquette’ for short! • Try to log on to the class a few minutes early. This gives you enough time to get yourself organised and helps the tutor start the class on time. Some tutors might also use this time to chat informally • Comeomutetoaskyourquestions!Tutorsare with the class, which is a great opportunity to oftenscreen-sharingduringtheclassandmight connect. not see your question if you only type it into the • Try to be helpful to the tutor - respond when chat box. they ask if you can see something, politely let • Wear headphones, as this makes your voice them know if there is a technical problem they are clearer and prevents the dreaded ~zoom echo~ unaware of or if someone has asked a question in the chat box that the tutor may not have seen. • Turn your camera on! It’s less scary than you think and it’s super important to build connections with your classmates and tutor.

• Try to log on to the class a few minutes early. This gives you enough time to get yourself organised and helps the tutor start the class on time. Some tutors might also use this time to chat informally with the class, which is a great opportunity to connect.

• Prepare for your tutorial just like an in-pers class. Be ready to answer questions and contribute to the discussion - along with asking questions, these are some of the best ways to make sure you’re understanding the topics being taught.

• • Try to be helpful to the tutor - respond when they ask if you can see something, politely let them know if there is a technical problem or if someone has asked a question in the chat box that the tutor may not have seen. • • Never share the Zoom details or passcode with • anyone who is not supposed to be in the class. This is a recipe for disruption, as well as being a violation of your tutors’ and peers’ privacy.

Try to be at your computer the whole time the class is in session. There are no marks for attendance! If the tutor asks you a question and all they get back is your mic and camera o, everyone will 10% know about your sneaky tea and biscuit break. Try not to talk over other students or the tutor.

Be respectful of your peers and tutors and aware of what you are doing while on the Zoom call. A good rule of thumb is to not do or say anything while you are on the Zoom call that you wouldn’t • Try to nd a quiet space to limit background want everybody in the class seeing or hearing. noise around you. You could even book a study room on campus. 22


Written communication cannot be understated in law school. Your lecturers and tutors are busy people who jugglelotsof dierent things in theirprofessionalandpersonallives.Keepanyemail correspon sweet,andpolite,ofcourse!Belowisarecommendedformatforemailingacademicsta.

Always email from your student email account. Outlookmayre-directyourmessagetospamifyou senditfromanon-QUTemail.

Make sure you email the tutor at the email address they provide to you on Blackboard, not one from Google.

Most of the teachingstawill encourage you to address them by theirrstnames, Hi Cal, but take a note of ThisisEllefromyourThursday9amLLB123tutorial. their preference if they mention it.

Ihaveaquestionaboutthetake-homeexam.Areresubmissions allowed? Kind Regards, Elle

Get to the point quickly! As a clear question if you would like an answer about something

Elle Woods n9021 Student: Bachelor of Design (Fashion)/Bachelor of Laws

Always, always use a polite tone in your emails, even if you are feeling frustrated or stressed.

Subject line = unit code + topic of the email This helps the recipient quickly ascertain what the email is about.

It is a good idea to identify yourself and which class youattendrstup, especially if you are in a large tutorial or are emailing for the rsttime.

Remember to always include your student number in the email. A simple email signature is the perfect place to pop it in.

Utilise the Blackboard forums and announcements in your subject tabs. Only send an email to your lecturer or tutor ifyou cannot nd the answer toyour query anywhere else. Otherwise,you can also ask questions lecturer’s consultation hours.




Even though you might be based at GP as a law student, you can also hang out at KG! If you start the day at GP, you can use the super convenient shuttle bus to KG – just remember to bring your student ID to show to the bus driver.


BORROWING FROM THE LIBRARY The loan periods for the Library are very generous, so make sure you return your books and resources on time! If you leave a library book languishing in your closet for too long after its due date, you risk receiving an academic sanction (yikes).

Both the GP and KG libraries are also open on the weekend.


But wait! We haven’t even discussed the true magic of the libraries yet: the librarians. If you need help with researching,referencingorlocatingresources,you port of call (after having a crack at it yourself) is the librarians. They are research/reference/resource wizards and are there to help you. You can visit any QUT Library location to get help, or book a handy Zoom or phone consultation with a librarian.


The Library also runs Do you know that you can book study rooms at the great workshops on Library? Bookings ll up fast so it_s best to getresearch in early. and referencing Make sure you turn up on time to your booked session – skillsinthersthalfof if you’re not there 15 minutes after the session start time the semester, which you you forfeit your booking. can check out here: PLACING HOLDS Mastering the holds system at the Library is a mega easy way to make yourself feel mega organised. Simply search for what you are looking for on the library website, making sure to use lters to narrow your search, then select the item you are looking for and click ‘place hold’. The Library will even conveniently deliver the item to GP, KG or the Law Library. 24



Now that you’re a law student, the Law Library is at your disposal! It is located in C Block on the Gardens Point campus, over levels 5 and 6. It is an equally great spot both quiet, individual study as well as catching up with friendsundertheguiseofexamrevision.It_shelpfultoknowthebasiclayoutoftheLawLibrary,as areasservedierentpurposes.



This is the main entry level. You can access it by the lift or the stairs.

The main thing to remember about level 6 of the Law Library is that it is a silent study area. It’s important to be considerate of other students and your own noise levels when studying there. Level 6 is also home to much of the Law Library’s extensive collection.

Turning left on entry will lead you to study spaces and bookable study rooms.

Alongthefar-leftwallofthispartoftheLibrary PRINTING are the doors to the Moot Court and Industrial Court. You Note that you will have to load money onto your might use these facilities at Moot Club events or other student ID cart for printing and photocopying (you can competitions. do this through the QUT website or app). Scanning is free, as is use of the staplers and hole punchers (score!). Printing stations are located on both levels 5 and 6 and look like this:

Ifyoukeepwalkingpastthecourtrooms,youwillnd the Law Library kitchenette on your right. This space has a microwave and hot water available. Remember to BOOKABLE STUDY ROOMS always leave this space as you found it (or cleaner!). Both levels of the Law Library have bookable study rooms! Remember to book early, especially during busy Turning right on entry to the Law Library will lead times around exams. you to even more study spaces, as well as the Library helpdesk, and the stairs to level 6.


YOUR LEGAL RESEARCH PRIMER Navigating legal databases and encyclopaedias may Another great resource is the QUT seemintimidatingatrst,butthereareaplethora Real ofLaw page on Blackboard, which resources available to help you get your legal research also contains research resources. If groove on! you would still like more information, keep an eye on Youwilllikelybelookingatthreedierenttypes your ofinbox and on the HiQ Events sources: cases, legislation and secondary sources. page for legal research workshops Secondary sources are things like journal articles, run throughout the year. textbooks and legal encyclopaedias. A great way to start your research is by coming up with a list of keywords related to your topic. This can be as general as ‘torts law’ or ‘duty of care’ or asspecicasacasenamelike^Donoghuev Stevenson’. Your search terms should become morespecicasyourresearchprogresses. Onceyouhaveyourkeywords,yourngers will likely be itching to start searching the many databases and resources available to you through the QUT Library and on the broader web. These are some helpful databases that you can access via the QUT Library law databases page: -AttorneyGeneral_sInformationService (AGIS) -CaseBase(viaLexisAdvancePacic) -CCHIntelliConnect Westlaw AU -AustLii You can also search on the QUT Library website for information about your topic, especially if you are interested in secondary sources. This is only a very brief overview on getting started with legal research. The QUT Library publishes fantastic legal researchguideswithvideosandwalkthroughsshowinghowtoresearchspecic areas of law. You can also book an appointment with aQUTlibrarianforone-on-onehelp!SeeGettingto Know the Library in this Guide for more information. 26



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THE AUSTRALIAN GUIDE TO LEGAL CITATION (4TH EDITION) AKA AGLC4 YouwillbeaskedtoadheretoAGLC4referencin£ rulesinyourlawschoolassessment.TheAGLC4isa document you can download online or in the Library. AGLC4 - CITEWRITE APA, ( Harvard,Vancouver,etc.)It_scriticalthatyouset QUT CITEWRITE aside time before your assessment due date to make sure you have follow these rules. It’s not acceptable to WRITTEN ASSESSMENT IN THE LAW SCHOOL AKA useanyothersetofreferencin£rules.ComplyinWALS £with theAGLC4willnotonlyboostyour£rade,butisalso WALS is the document that sets out how all of your importantforupholdin£academicinte£rityinwritten your assessment should be formatted. It also work. containsimportant£uidanceoncorrectusa£eof £rammarandpunctuation.It_ssuperimportantto Foranoverviewofusin£theAGLC4we , recommend £etintothehabitofformattin£yourassi£nments QUTCiteWrite,whichprovidesreferencin££uidelines accordin£toWALS(soonitwillbesecondnature,we in an easily understood format (just make sure you click promise!The ). nameofthe£amehereiscompliance;if theaAGLCbtabfortheri£htinformation. youformatyouressaysinsize4Comic 2 Sans,yourwork will stick out like a sore thumb to your markers (which isnota£oodthin£).

THESE ARE THE BIGGEST THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN USING AGLC4: • Footnotes, footnotes, footnotes!Insteadofusin£^in-text_referencin£likeyoumi£htuseinAPAreferen youwillusedfootnoteswheneveryouneedtoprovideanauthorityforyourpointor£ivecreditf AGLC4rule1). • You will need to provide ‘pin-point’ referencestorefertothespecicsectionofasource.Thereareoften usedtorefertopa£enumbersorpara£raphs1.6)( • Your first reference of a source will be differenttoyoursubsequentreferenceofthatsource(seerule1). 4 • You can use short titlestomakeyourfootnotesandwritin£clearerwithlon£caseorle£islationtit rule4). 1 • You should use gender-inclusive language in your writing.Thismeansusin£phraseslike^humankind_instead of^mankind_rule ( .3)19 • You won’t always be asked to provide a bibliography,butifyouare,youshouldfollowthespeciclayouts outintheAGLC4This . includesdividin£sourcesintosectionsdependin£ontheirtyperule ( 13). • When referencing the cases, legislation and secondary sources, you will need to identify their specific type and use the rules set out for that type of source in the AGLC4. Here is a quick reference to some of the dierentsections:casesrule ( 2,pa£e39);le£islativematerialsrule ( 3,pa£e67);secondarysourcesrule ( ,4 frompa£e3).8 28

Below is a quick introduction to what your citations for cases, legislation and journals infootnotesusingAGLC4mightlooklike,usingtheQUTCiteWritepage:



FOOTNOTE Case Name (Year)/ [Volume]LawReport Series Starting Page, Pinpoint (‘Short Title’).

SUBSEQUENT REFERENCES Short Title (n Footnote Number) Pinpoint. Elle (n 2) 527.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Elle v Emmett Pty Ltd 1(CLR 0)82 52, (‘Elle’)

Elle v Emmett Pty Ltd (1CLR 0)82 52, (‘Elle’). ACTS AND REGULATIONS AGLC4Rules1.7 -3 .


Title Year (Jurisdiction) Pinpoint (‘Short Title’).

Short Title (n Footnote Number) Pinpoint.

Bruiser’s Law Against Animal Testing Act 2003 (Qld) (‘BLAAT Act’).

BLAAT Actn ( 4)s23.

Author, ‘Title’ (Year) Volume(Issue) Journal Starting page, Pinpoint.

Author Surname (n Footnote Number) Pinpoint.

Elle Woods, ‘Pooches and Poison: Animal Testing in Queensland_(02)8 Paws for Thought Law Journal.10,4

Woods (n 20) 101.

Note that the examples above are a starting point only. Cases, legislation and secondary sources will all have to be referenceddierentlydependingontheirspecictype.For example: • • •

Casesshouldbereferenceddierentlydependingon whether the decision is reported or unreported. Legislationshouldbereferenceddierentlydepending on whether it is an act or regulation, a bill or explanatory memorandum etc. Secondarysourcesshouldbereferenceddierently depending on whether you’re dealing with a journal article, book, chapter of an edited book, or report etc.

AlwaysrefertotheAGLC4orQUTCiteWritewhen referencing, especially while you’re still getting the hang of AGLC4rules.Anddon_tdespairifyou_refeelingoverwhelmed – simply seek out help through the Library or other the resources discussed in this Guide. 29

Bruiser’s Law Against Animal Testing Act 2003 (Qld)

Woods, Elle, ‘Pooches and Poison: Animal Testing in Queensland_(02)8 Paws for Thought Animal Law Journal 100.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY At QUT, academic dishonesty is taken very seriouslyand the rules and regulations are found in QUT’s policies and procedures (MOPP C/5.3). It is important that you are aware of the potential consequences of academic misconduct to highlight the importance of acting with integrity in your studies.




Bringing a phone into the exam room



WORKING with others on my assignments





My private tutor helping me write only 10% of my assignment



Academic misconduct doesn’t matter AFTER i leave uni









Not referencing my assignments correctly

Sharing answers to quizzes or assignments to other STUDENTS who are not studying the subject at the same time as you

being part of a Facebook GROUP THAT WAS created for the subject I am currently studying RE-USING work I’ve submitted previously for a subject i’m redoing FIND THE ANSWERS ON THE NEXT PAGE


Belowwehaveoutlinedtheanswerstothedierentexamplesofacademicmisconduct,thepotenti consequencesandnallyhowtoavoidanypotentialissues. BRINGING notes into an exam = possibly cheating True and false: This depends on whether the type of exam you are undertaking is “closed book” or “open book”. If an exam is open book, you are permitted to take in your own material (within specifications). You’ll need to check for yourself what material is permitted and any exam specifics. Bringing a phone into the exam room = NOT cheating False: You are allowed to bring your mobile into the exam room, but you must leave it at the front of the room with your bag and ensure that it is switched off. Having a phone on your person during the exam is considered cheating and could lead to an allegation of academic misconduct. WORKING with others on my assignments = COLLUSION True: This depends on whether the assessment is an individual or group task. If it is an individual task, then “working with others” will be considered collusion. Collusion is a form of academic misconduct that occurs when students work together on individual assessment items, share completed answers or examples of assessment related work. Not referencing my assignments correctly = plagiarism True: When you reference your sources, you are acknowledging the work of other people. Failing to acknowledge your sources correctly in your references can be considered as plagiarism. When in doubt consult the AGLC4 or book an appointment with one of the friendly QUT librarians. My private tutor HELPING ME write ONLY 10% OF MY Assignment = CHEATING False: This form of cheating could be considered ‘contract cheating’. It doesn’t matter if your private tutor writes more or less than 10%. You should only submit work that is entirely your own. Academic misconduct doesn’t matter once I leave uni False: Findings of academic misconduct can hinder, if not prevent, your future admission as a lawyer. Sharing answers to quizzes or assignments TO OTHER STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT studying the subject at the same time AS YOU = COLLUSION False: This is considered collusion where the parties have a reasonable expectation that the work being shared will be submitted for assessment. BEING PART OF A Facebook group created for the subject I am currently studying = possibly collusion True and false: Sure thing! Just be wary of the fact that these groups are almost always student-run groups. You will need to take responsibility for your own engagement in these groups and ensure that you are not participating in any type of academic misconduct. RE-USING WORK I’VE SUBMITTED PREVIOUSLY FOR A SUBJECT I’M REDOING = possibly plagiariam True and false: In some circumstances, you might be able to use work you have submitted previously, but only with the express consent of your unit coordinator and if your situation satisfies the requirements set out in C/5.3 of the QUT MOPP.

So don’t say you didn’t know!

MEET THE QUTLS FIRST YEAR OFFICER: HANNAH CLERC ​​Hi First Years! Welcome to QUT and to law school! My name is Hannah Clerc, and I am QUT Law Society’s QUTLS) ( FirstYearOcerfor02.Asthe title suggests, my role is all about you – to support you and assist your transition to university. I do thisbyencouragingrstyearinvolvementwith QUTLS’ events (of which there are many) and rst-yearfocusedinitiatives.Yourupcoming events are O Week and the First Year Pizza Party. I’m also a friendly face on campus and at QUTLS events, and your point of contact to the QUTLS. A little about me: I moved to Brisbane for university from Central Queensland after completinga12-monthstudentexchangeinthe Czech Republic. Clearly, I enjoy new places, spaces, and faces. I’m currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Film, Screen & New Media) / Bachelor of Law (Honours) double degree. When I’m not at university or working in hospitality, I like to spend my time reading, drinking tea, baking, and crocheting. “Ah yes,” I thought, “This is more like it”. Alittleaboutmyrst-yearexperience:I_mnotgoingto lie, when I began university back in 2020 it was tough. Though nothing is a guarantee in these ‘unprecedented Moving away from my parents and friends, living in a times’, I’m hoping that I can help make your new environment, and being taught and learning in a rstyearatQUTbetterthanmyown.Startingwithmy completelydierentstylecomparedtohighschoolwas top 3 recommendations for taking full NOTimprovedbyCOVIDlockdownsandrestrictions. advantageofallthatuniversityhastooer: I was disappointed that my university experience was not what I expected. Online learning? This was so not GET INVOLVED: JOIN A CLUB! what I signed up for. Am I biased to suggest QUTLS? Probably. But we have it all – Moot Club; Mentor Program; Running Club; Social Itwasdiculttogetinvolvedandmakefriends when Sport; Law Revue and more! Why? To connect with your you couldn’t be on campus. I felt even more isolated law faculty peers outside of class. in semester two when I moved back home because there wasn’t much point to staying in Brisbane when all of my lectures and tutorials were online. I hardly did Is life outside of law? Why yes! There’s so many QUT student clubs to choose from: international anything besides work and study. All in all, it wasn’t a and cultural clubs; social justice and religious clubs; greattimetobearstyear. sport and recreation clubs; special interest clubs; professional clubs; study area clubs (e.g. Business and But then! New year, new me. On campus classes and Law). Why? To meet likeminded or diverse activities restarted in 2021 and things were people slowlyapproachinganewpost-lockdown^normal _.I and form bonds across the broader QUT community. got to connect with my peers! I joined the Law Revue! I FINALLY made some friends. 32

BE PROACTIVE: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! University is what you make of it – you get to take charge of your learning (but I’m here to help). Withsomuchonoeratuniversity,don_tforgetyour time management needs to incorporate a little (or a lot) of university work. Personally, discovering the ‘Assignment Calculator’ on HiQ was a gift. HOT TIP: SEARCH ‘ASSIGNMENT CALCULATOR’ ON HIQ TO GENERATE A TIMELINE FOR MANAGING YOUR ASSIGNMENT DEADLINES. REACH OUT: QUT AND QUTLS ARE HERE TO HELP! QUT has a range of services to help and support students of all backgrounds and abilities. The best placeforndinginformationarethetabsonHiQ.(Hot tip! Take a couple of minutes to familiarise yourself with the HiQ website – from ‘Study’ to ‘Student life’ or ‘Health and wellbeing’.) Importantly, QUT’s equity services can assist with everything from note taking services to exam adjustments and nancialsupport. QUTLS prides itself on the accessibility of our events and the welcoming nature of our society. Any society related questions or queries can be directed to secretary@qutlawsociety.com or visiting us atCBlock,roomC402duringouroceopeninghours (which can be found onhttps://www.qutlawsociety. com/ ). So, whether you’re straight out of high school, took a gap year, transferred degrees, or are changing careers, you’ve now begun your law school journey – destination: graduation! Though graduation may feel eons away (especially for those of you who are double degreestudents)your , timewillbequicklylledby pit-stopsandroadblocksalongtheway.Hopefullyyou pick up some friendly passengers to keep you company and to help you navigate towards your goals. If you are everinneedofroadsideassistanceonyourrst-year journey, please email me via firstyear.officer@qutlawsociety.com. I’m looking forward to meeting you at the First Year Pizza Party in week 3! Wishing you all the very best, Hannah


DEGREE STRUCTURE A career in the law industry is becoming increasingly competitive but also more diverse than ever before. It is important that law students are prepared to meet the demands of the law in 2021 and beyond. Just like the industry, the law degree at QUT is constantly changing and updating to meet these new pressures. As you progress throughout your law degree you will take a variety of subjects that will qualify you to enter into the workforce as a lawyer or any other career! “PRIESTLY 11” As part of your law degree you will have a mix of core units and elective units. There are 11 core units known as the “Priestly 11”. In Australia, the completion of these units is mandatory to become a professional in the legal industry. These subjects are: • Administrative Law

• Constitutional Law

• Civil Procedure

• Contract Law

• Corporations Law

• Criminal Law


QUT also has their own mandatory subjects. These subjects are ones that the Law School believes are highly importanttobecomingawell-roundedlawyer.Youwilltakeafewofthesesubjectsinyourrstye subjects include: • Introduction to Law • Statutory Interpretation • Dispute Resolution • Contemporary Law and Justice CREDIT POINTS

A certain number of points are allocated to each subject at university. This credit system is standard across every single degree oered at QUT. Almost all QUT law subjects areworth 12 credit points, or CP for sho This is the university’s way of measuring how far through your degree you are, and it also assists them in making sure you have met all the course requirements so you can graduate at the end! ELECTIVES Electives subjects give you the chance to explore areas of law that you might be interested in practicing in. Electives are broken down into three groups depending on what stage of your degree you are at. These categories are introductory, general and advanced. Below, the three introductory law electives are outlined to get you thinking about what one you might like to do.

A good tip with electives is to keep an open mind about the subjects you want to take. Due to demand, teachingstaavailability,andtimetablingrestraints,noteveryelectiveisoeredeveryyear seeasubjectyouarekeenoncompletingandittswithinyourcoursestructure,denitelydoitbec donotknowwhenitwillbeoerednext!Alsoifyouareunsureofwhichelectivetopickdenitelyaskf or Facebook groups such as Fellow Surviving Law Students for advice on the subject content and assessment.


You do not have to choose law-related electives! If you want to study subjects in dierent discip canchoosefromalistofuniversity-widesubjects.Youcanalsosaveupyourelectivecreditpo exchanges throughout your degree. PRE-REQUISITES

Almost all subjects beyond the rst year will have prerequisite units, meaning you must hav certain unit to be able to take another unit. This becomes a problem when you haven’t completed a certain prerequisiteunit/sandcanndyourselflockedoutofclassesandunabletoprogressinyourde Another important thing to note is that unit coordinators will often try to organise assessment and exam timetables so they are more advantageous for students who are following the course structure, so this will help you avoid having two exams in one day! WHAT IF I DEVIATE FROM THE RECOMMENDED COURSE STRUCTURE?

The key word is ^recommended_, not ^mandatory _. Tertiary education is dierent to all other levels becauseitissoexible.WearealladultsondierentlifepathsandQUTLawreectsthatfactsuperb There will be various reasons why you may be unable to follow the course structure. These might include embarking on exchange, failing a unit, taking a break from study for a semester or two, or changing from full time to part time study. Any of these factors will not prevent you from graduating. At most, you will be at university longer than the time frame suggested.

Planningaheadcanhelpyoukeepontracktograduateasearlyaspossible,butventuringotheb can sometimes open you up to new opportunities too!


BelowaretherstyearlawsubjectsaccordingtoQUT_srecommendedcoursestructure.Thisisbase a single degree, full time law study load. If you are studying a double degree or do less than four subjects asemester,thesemestersandyearsthatyoucompletethesesubjectswillbedierent.Thatisokay,a is becoming more common than ever for tertiary students to study double degrees as they can make you more employable and educated.


Introduction to Law provides a necessary foundation for legal studies by introducing you to core legal knowledge and the skills of legal reasoning, problem solving, legal writing and research. The assessmentsareawritingandresearchskillstask,atake-homeexamination,andacaseanal assignment.


LLB102 TORTS In this unit, you will apply the skills you are developing in LLB101 Introduction to Law and be introduced to the skills of legal problem solving and legal interviewing and questioning as you look at how the law of torts operates in a real world context. Tort is the area of law that protects people’s private rights and liberties, such as trespass and negligence. The knowledge and skills that you develop in this unit provide a foundation for more advanced units in later years. The study of torts law is required for admission as a legal practitioner in Australia. The assessments are a client interview and advice, a multiplechoiceexam,andanexaminationintheend-of-semesterexamblock.


Thisunitintroducesyoutonon-adversarialapproachestopracticeandadvocacycommonl legalpractice,suchasmediation,conciliation,andnegotiation.Italsointroducesyoutothes and positive role that lawyers play in society in upholding the rule of law and assisting people to resolve disputes. An understanding of these approaches is an important part of legal practice where lawyers must advise clients on the most eective way to deal with a dispute. The assessments arole-playexerciseandwrittenreection,andanexaminationintheend-of-semesterexaminat block.


This unit provides a foundation for the development of your legal oral communication, critical thinking, and collaboration skills that will be further developed in later units including LLB203 Constitutional Law, LLB204 Commercial and Personal Property Law, and LLB303 Evidence. A key emphasisoftheunitisontheinteractionofAustralia_srstpeopleswiththeAustralianlegal and introducing you to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal knowledges and perspectives of law, which will be further examined in LLB106 Criminal Law, LLB301 Real Property Law, and LLB303 Evidence. The assessments are a group oral presentation, a written policy submission, and an online examinationintheend-of-semesterexamblock.



This core unit introduces you to the criminal law of Queensland. Knowledge of criminal law and defences/excuses is essential for understanding the type of behaviour that is permitted by the state. Criminal law content knowledge is required for your admission to legal practice. The assessments are anoraladvocacyexercise,anappellatebrief,andanexaminationintheend-of-semesterexam

LLB107 STATUTORY INTERPRETATION This unit introduces the foundational concepts of public law, the institutions of government and the rules and principles of statutory interpretation in Australia. Knowledge and skills relating to statutory interpretation are essential in legal practice. This unit provides a foundation for the development of your skills in statutory interpretation that will be further examined in more advanced units. This unit also develops your skills in legal research, written communication and problem solving that were introduced to you in LLB101 Introduction to Law. The assessments are a multiple choice quiz, a research memorandum,andanexaminationintheend-of-semesterexamblock.


In recent decades, the international community has shown an increased awareness of and stronger commitment to the protection of human rights. However, this progress is far from complete and violationsofbasichumanrightsarestillapressingissuefortheglobalcommunity.Thisunit elective that is designed to develop the concepts and principles of human rights introduc Contemporary Law and Justice. It explores the theory and practice of international human rights law. In particular, it provides an overview of the history and origins of human rights and international rights and obligations while remaining grounded in the contemporary events and challenges to the protection of human rights. The unit also examines the institutions, instruments and implementation structures of human rights. The unit sets the foundational knowledge of the key issues and mechanisms for regulation and enforcement that are built on in later specialised units. The assessments are a written government reportsubmission,andanexaminationintheend-of-semesterexamblock.



There are many ways in which the law operates in an international context. Issues of global concern such as climate change, terrorism and economic development require cooperation between nations through agreements and treaties.The increased internationalisation of communication, nancial int business transactions means that individuals and companies are increasingly required to engage with the laws of other countries and that domestic legal systems must operate in an international context. In an increasingly globalised world it is important for you to understand how to identify, evaluate and apply the relevant law in international disputes and how international laws can impact on the Australian legal system. This unit builds on your knowledge of the Australian legal system introduced in LLB101 and extends it to the impact of other legal systems on the development of Australian law. The assessments are awritten submission to the International Court, and an examination in the end-of-semester block.

LLB142 REGULATION OF BUSINESS This elective unit commences the process of educating you in matters of business and commercial law. It is intended to provide an overview of a number of critical areas in the study of business law. Further, this subject will provide you with theoretical and critical analysis skills. As a law graduate, you are increasingly required to have a strong knowledge base and understanding of business and commerce and have an understanding of how business operates within the context of the Australian legal system. This unit is intended to provide foundation skills and knowledge that are essential for an understanding of law and regulation as it applies to business. The assessments are a written policy submission, and an examinationintheend-of-semesterexamblock.

GENERAL LAW ELECTIVES Full time law students can either study another introductory law elective, or choose a general law elective in their second semester. The list of electives on oercanbefoundhere,alongsidemorecomprehensiveinformationaboutthe QUT Law degree for 2021. GENERAL LAW ELECTIVES


Piper Alderman Clerk Program Giving you the opportunity to do real legal work for 12-18 months Our clerk program provides you with the opportunity to work for a national firm with reputable lawyers in the areas of Litigation, Commercial, Corporate or Property law. Rather than a short-lived summer clerkship, we offer a 12-18 month program, designed to give you the opportunity to do real legal work and build lasting professional relationships with our team. You’ll typically work 2-3 days per week to ensure you’ve got the time you need to commit to your studies. As a law student, we know that your studies are demanding and flexibility is key, so you get to choose the days you work each semester depending on your university timetable. You’ll probably also need time off for exams, assessments or exchange programs - we’ve got you covered and will help you to balance your commitments.

Interested or want to know more? Contact: Cass Hewson HR Manager T +61 7 3220 7735 E chewson@piperalderman.com.au

We don’t recruit law clerks to undertake administrative duties or make coffee, we carefully select talented and ambitious people to do real legal work for our current matters and clients. You’ll be allocated to a practice team and work closely with that team during your clerkship – giving you the chance to gain indepth knowledge and experience in a particular area. Each day will be different and you will be kept busy with legal research, drafting, analysis and attending court, amongst a variety of other things. Our aim is for our clerks to become our future grads. So by the end of the program, you’ll be ahead of the game and well-placed to be selected for a graduate role.

Adelaide | Brisbane | Melbourne | Sydney

ABOUT THE QUTLS The QUT Law Society Inc. (QUTLS) is the peak representative body of law students at QUT. It seeks to holistically enhance the social, academic, and professional experiences of all students enrolled in The Faculty of Law at QUT. The QUTLS represents over 2,500 students across undergraduate, graduate, professional and masters level degrees. We are proud to be the largest faculty society in Australia. We provide a variety of services to the students through social, educational and professional events which gives students the opportunity to connect and network with not only their peers, but with the broader legal community as well. We also produce publications such as Springboard (the annual careers guide), Torts Illustrated (the biannual magazine), and the First Year Guide to assist students in their transition to tertiary education and professional practice. Keeping law students of all backgrounds connected and engaged is the cornerstone of the QUTLS. The QUTLS is structured in three tiers. The top is the Management Committee, which consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The second is the Executive Committee, which consists of the Directors of all the portfolios, which you will read about below. The third tier is the sub-committee, which is made up of various officers in each portfolio.


PRESIDENT Isabella Busby president@qutlawsociety.com

VICE PRESIDENT Alexandra White vicepresident@qutlawsociety.com

SECRETARY Alexa Roder secretary@qutlawsociety.com

TREASURER Jasmin Graves treasurer@qutlawsociety.com 40


Directors are the leaders for their respective portfolios. If you have a question specific to any of these areas of the QUTLS, please use the appropriate email address below! DIRECTOR OF MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS Ashton Darracott director.mediacommunication@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Courtney Howarth director.education@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF EVENTS Oscar Davison director.events@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL COMPETITIONS *VACANT AT TIME OF PRINTING* director.internalcompetitions@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL COMPETITIONS Riley Arthur director.externalcompetitions@qutlawosciety.com

DIRECTOR OF MOOT CLUB VwanganjiSichone director.mootclub@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF DIVERSITY CULTURE AND WELLBEING Martin Boga director.dcw@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF CREATIVITY Harry Jans director.creativity@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF SPORT AND HEALTH Tia Adermann director.sportandhealth@qutlawsociety.com

DIRECTOR OF SPONSORSHIP Morgan Larkin director.sponsorship@qutlawsociety.com

And many more officers! The officers report to their portfolio Directors and work hard to bring all the different aspects of the QUTLS to life! Come and say hello to everyone at the O-Week stall and throughout the semester in the office and at QUTLS events!



The QUTLS Media and Communications portfolio is behind all of the publications and social media that you engagewith,justlikethisGuide!WewouldliketoociallywarmlywelcomeyoutoLawSchool,andtothe QUTLS!ThissectionoftheGuidewillintroduceyoutothedierentactivitiesofalltheportfolios,and can get involved from day dot.

So, you want to know more about getting involved? Inthepagesbelow,youwillreadaboutwhatsocialeventsarefast-approaching,whateducational attend and network at, what competitions you can channel your inner Elle Woods or Harvey Spectre in, how you can sing and dance your heart out on stage, and what sports you can throw yourself into. But there’s something missing. You want more.

Looknofurther,becausetheMediaandCommunicationsteamnotonlykeepsyouconnectedandup-to-da the happenings of all other areas of the QUTLS, but gives you the chance to be published! As a QUTLS member, you can sign up to our newsletter that will deliver career opportunities, upcoming social, educational and sports events, and study motivation and hacks (especially around exam time)! We also have our various social media channels provided at the end of this Guide, so make sure you follow all of those! The publications that you can submit work to are: THE GAVEL


The Gavel is the biannual QUTLS student publication that gives a voice to our members! The issues are themed to give you a prompt, but if you have an article that you are burning to write, we accept work from outside the theme, as long as it is relevant to law students. Submitting to The Gavel also earns you 10% all of our merchandise! Have a read of our previous issues to see what content we have published in the past.

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CORPUS JURIS Corpus Juris is the QUTLS’ very own showcase of the legal scholarship that QUT Law students produce. This is the place to send all your critical essays and other legal research and analysis to, whether they be from previous assignments, or because your idea of a lit Friday night involves beingelbowsdeepinthelawreportsandAGLC4writing , aboutcriminallawreform. Corpus Juris will also be publishing the best essays submitted to the Essay Competition. Submissions will be open all year round and close towards the end of the year! Keep an eye on social media for announcements. N O N - F I C T I O N & E S S AY S







Submissions for The Gavel and Corpus Juris can be submitted to director.mediacommunication@qutlawsociety.com.


THE PORTFOLIOS: EVENTS While a big part of law school is hitting the books and making industry connections, the QUTLS also believes in the importance of letting your hair down and celebrating the trials and tribulations of uni life with your friends! We organise social events throughout the year purely for students to enjoy themselves surrounded by friends and fellow law school survivors.

Youdon_tneedtohaveabiggroupoflawfriendstoattend-oursocialeventsareagreatwaytoexpa social networks and a lot of them are even open to people from other courses, unis or pathways!

Theonlykickeristhatmostofoureventsarestrictly18+duetotheresponsibleserviceofalcoholreg lotofourvenues.Butdon_tfretifyouareontheyoungerside;westilloeropportunitiestominglea plenty of other general events from other portfolios to get involved with the QUTLS. Our major events throughout the year include: PUB CRAWL LAW BALL - probably our biggest event of the year! Get glammed up with all your pals; eat, drink and dance the night away… LAW DINNER END OF SEMESTER DRINKS - infamously known as #letsgetrekt MONTHLY CATCH-UPS Keep an eye on our socials throughout the year for these events, and we can’t wait to see you all and share a boogie throughout the year!



TheQUTLSEducationportfolioisyourone-stop-shopforallthingscareer,networkingandprofession development. Our main job is to connect you with professionals in the legal industry to help you learn about dierentareasofthelaw,togiveyouaccessibleopportunitiesfornetworking,andtohelpyoudevel professionalbrand.WealsoruntheMentorshipProgramtoensureournewrstyearsfeelwelcomeand supported! LEARN ABOUT DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE LAW

Inwe 021, willbehostinganumberofQ&Apanelswhichfocusonspecicareasofthelaw.Theseinclude^Now In Session: an introduction to careers in the court’ in March, the ‘Criminal Law Information Evening’ in April and ‘Technology, AI and Innovation in Law’ in September. At each of these events you will have the opportunity to hear from professionals about why their area of the law is an important space to keep an eye on, what their job entailsandhowtopursueacareerinthateld.Wewillalsobehostingthecatch-allevent^Alternat Careers’ in August where you can hear from professionals working in a variety of other industries like government, consulting, accounting and more! NETWORK WITH PROFESSIONALS

After each of our Q&A panels you will have the opportunity to speak directly with our guests, which will give youanopportunitytoaskanyburningquestionsyoumayhaveandwillhelpincreaseyourcondenc professional networking. We particularly recommend coming along to networking events early in your degree so youfeelcondentbythetimeyoureachclerkshiporjobinterviews!InadditiontotheQ&Apanels,wewil hostingouragshipnetworkingevent^MeettheProfession_inJulywhereyoucangetvaluableinsig everydayrealitiesofworkingincertainareasofthelaw,andabouttheworkplacecultureofdiere areopportunitiesthatareotherwisehard-to-come-by,sowerecommendkeepinganeyeoutforticketsbe they sell out!



Itisreallyimportanttobuildyourprofessionalbrandasalawstudent,sogetyourLinkedInprol running and practise networking as soon as you can! We will also help you out by inviting human resource representatives and lawyers to give you advice about writing resumes, interviewing and pursuing undergraduate and graduate careers at our event in August called ‘Getting Your Foot in the Door’. MENTORSHIP

Last but certainly not least, we run the Mentorship Program which includes our ‘Buddy Program’. If you sign up for a buddy, you will be matched with a more advanced law student who can answer your questions about law school anduniversitygenerally,cantellyouwheretondthebestcoeeoncampusandwhocanprovideanim avenue of support as you navigate the transition to tertiary education. We are profoundly aware of how isolated studentshavefeltthroughtheCOVID-19pandemic,sotocounteractthiswillbemakingtheMentorProgr bigger and better than ever in 2021! If you ever have thoughts about what you want to see from your Education team, don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can make our events as helpful as possible!


THE PORTFOLIOS: MOOT CLUB MOOT Noun (law); a mock judicial proceeding set up to examine a hypothetical case as an academic exercise.

Moots are mock court cases based on a set of facts that give rise to a host of legal issues. Mooting is used largely inlawschoolsasapracticalexercisetodevelopandreneastudent_slegalresearchandsubmis as well as oral advocacy and communication abilities. Other transferable skills include teamwork, organisational, creativeproblem-solving,andtimemanagementskills. WHAT IS MOOT CLUB?

The QUTLS Moot Club is dedicated to helping students practice their advocacy skills in a friendly and relaxed environment.TheMootClubisanon-competitiveenvironmentwherelawstudentsofanyexperiencel learntheinsandoutsofmooting,getfeedbackanddevelopnewskills.Ifyouarearstyear,itisthep tomeetnewpeople,gaincondenceandpracticeskillswhichareveryimportantinlawschoolandin WHAT’S INVOLVED? The Moot Club is held approximately 6 times a year in the Moot Courts in the Law Library on weekday evenings and includes a dinner afterwards. You don’t need any mooting experience and you can register as a team or as an individual (and we will match you with someone). We send you the moot problem a few weeks prior with some tips about how you can prepare submissions. On the night, moot judges will be present to give invaluable feedback. Each club session will end with a seminar from an experienced mooter. The dates and details of these Moot Clubs will be published on our Facebook page, QUTLS Moot Club. UPCOMING EVENTS

Welcome to Moot Club Night Inordertondoutmoreaboutmooting,howitcanhelpyouthroughoutyourdegreeandmakefriends,c alongtotheWelcometoMootClubNight,onMarch9at5:4pminP4There .19 willbeakeynotespeechand guest speakers including solicitors and seasoned student mooters.

How to Moot Workshop Mootingcanseemdauntingbutcomealongintherstweekofsemestertothemootworkshoptolearn basics! There will be a presentation from student mooters about the basics of mooting, some tips and tricks and what opportunities are available to test out your new skills. There will be a Q&A afterwards, so come alongandndyourselfamootpartner. Moot Dinner TheMootDinnerisheldattheendoftheyearandisanighttoremember,lledwithfoodanddrinks, speeches, and a celebration of the mooting accomplishments of the year. It is a great opportunity to network with legal professionals, academics and fellow students with an interest in mooting. This will be a ticketed event and a great opportunity to relax and celebrate the hard work you put in this year! WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR

Tostayup-to-dateonMootClubactivities,youcanlikeourFacebookpage,QUTLSMootClub.Ifyouhavean questions,youcancontactVwanganjiSichone,theDirectorofMoot director.mootclub@qutlawsociety.com Clubat



THE PORTFOLIOS: INTERNAL COMPETITIONS The QUTLS Competitions portfolio creates engaging opportunities for students of all experience levels to develop their legal research and advocacy skills, make connections, and explore potential career paths.

The competitions are tailored in such a way that students can put into practice the theoretical knowledge gatheredduringuniversityinareal-worldcontext.Thecompetitionsarejudgedbyindustryprofe seniorstudentswhogiveyouon-the-spotinvaluablefeedbackandadvice\alawstudent_smostpr commodity!

Competitionwinnersandrunners-upmayalsobeinvitedtorepresenttheQUTLSatastateornational providing further opportunities to enhance your skills and grow your networks. Registration for competitions opens about one month before the competition begins, so keep an eye on the QUTLS Facebook page for announcements and check out the website for updates and registrations. SEMESTER 1


• • • •

• • • •

Negotiation First Year Moot Championship Moot VideoAdvocacy

Junior Moot Client Interview Witness Examination Essay Competition


Engagingincompetitionsinyourrstyearisagreatwaytomaximiseyourpotentialandgrowth.Part inyourrstyear,itisagreatwaytomeetnewpeople,makefriendsandfasttrackyourlearning.Theski experiences you have in the QUTLS competitions can expose you to a variety of more prestigious competitions in the future.



TheNegotiationisoneofourmostpopularcompetitions,inwhichteamsoftwofaceoas^solicitors_ad for their respective fake clients. The purpose of the Negotiation is to represent your client’s interests while comingtoamutuallybenecialoutcomeforallparties.Studentslovethiscompetitionasminim required. FIRST YEAR MOOT - OPEN TO FIRST YEAR STUDENTS ONLY

The First Year moot focuses on what you will learn in Torts (as well as some extra topics to test your research skills).PreviousparticipantsratetheFirstYearMootasthemostbenecialandvaluablecompetit portfolio. As well as challenging yourself, you’ll likely forge friendships that last well after you graduate (even if youndyourselvesonoppositesidesofthecase).In021,thewinningteamwillfaceowithUQ_sFirstYearMoot winners. CHAMPIONSHIP MOOT - OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS EXCEPT THOSE PARTICIPATING IN THE FIRST YEAR MOOT The Championship Moot is the premier event for mooters, judges and spectators. Competitors will be provided with a complex commercial litigation problem, testing their academic rigor and oral advocacy skills. While it is our most challenging moot, it is open to students of all levels and is a great opportunity to develop your skills. VIDEO ADVOCACY - OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS

Advocacy skills are vital to a successful legal career, even if the Bar is not calling your name. This competition requires competitors to create a short video advocating a position upon a topic provided. The VideoAdvocacycompetitionisdesignedtoteststudents'abilitytobecreative,persuasiveandco audienceinalower-stakesscenario,comparedtotraditionaladversarialmooting. JUNIOR MOOT - OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS WHO HAVE NOT YET COMPETED NATIONALLY

Don’t let the name confuse you, the Junior Moot is for students at all levels, so long as they have not won the competition or competed at a national level. With the problem usually simpler than the championship moot butstillchallenging,itisawonderfulopportunityforrsttimemootersorforexperiencedmoot develop their skills. CLIENT INTERVIEW - OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS

Students are exposed to a scenario and are required to interview a client to identify the complete facts behind theirpersonalexperienceandproposepossiblesolutionsspecictothelegalproblemathand.It for students to build essential communication, listening, body language, asking appropriate questions and more skills required to engage with individuals in the real world. WITNESS EXAMINATION - OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS

FondlynicknamedtheWitExcompetition,thiscompetitionentailstheexaminationandcross-exami witness giving oral evidence. Unlike traditional moots, this competition is conducted individually. ESSAY COMPETITION - OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS Much like the video advocacy competition, this is an opportunity for students to practice advocacy skills outside of the traditional courtroom setting. The task is simple, to write a persuasive essay on a legal topic released before the deadline. The essay competition is a fun way to test your written communication and advocacy skills outside of the classroom. KeepaneyeoutfortheCompetitionsBenchBookinO-Week,whichwillprovideastep-by-stepguideto competing in all of the QUTLS’ competitions. Check out our website for more information on each competition. Have questions or just want more information? We’re always down for a chat! Email us at internalcompetitions.officer@qutlawsociety.comorvisitusintheQUTLSOceinCBlock. 49

THE PORTFOLIOS: EXTERNAL COMPETITIONS External Competitions at QUT are a fantastic way to have fun while also further developing your legal skills and connections. External competitions are an opportunity to represent QUT against other universities both nationally and internationally. There are certainly competitions available to both the novice and experienced competitor, and many students who have participated in internal competitions previously chose to try their hand at externals!

Therearesomanyreasonstogetinvolvedinexternalcompetitions,especiallyasarstyear!Thenat external competitions is that you will always get to make connections with students from other universities as well as academics and industry professionals. Often these competitions involve travel as well. You will be exposed tomanydierentareasoflawandgainaninsightintopracticallegaltaskssuchasresearch,advoc others.

Therearearangeofdierentcompetitionsonoerthroughouttheyearandeachwillhelpyoutoimprove suite of legal skills taught throughout your degree. Certain forms require more preparation than others and have verydierentstructures.Forabreakdownoflegalcompetitionsaswellasmoreinformationrefer Competitions Benchbook. Some of the large intervarsity competitions held yearly include the Australia Law Students Association (ALSA) Competition and the Queensland Intervarsity Law Competition (QILC). We also source other competitions around Australia and internationally that call for entrants or submissions. Keep an eye on social media for those announcements! WHAT IS ALSA? ALSA coordinates several prestigious national competitions each year. The winners of QUTLS internal competitions are often chosen to represent QUT and compete against similarly skilled students from across the country. However, this is not always the case and budding competitors are also welcome to participate. The QUTLS has previously entered teams into the Championship Moot, Negotiation, Client Interview and Witness Examination competitions run by ALSA. WHAT IS QILC?

QILC is a great opportunity for budding advocates in Queensland to further develop their legal skills across a range of areas. It is well suited to beginner and experienced competitors and also requires volunteers. There are four competition streams: mooting, negotiation, client interview and witness examination. The competition is a week-longeventincludingmanynetworkingandsocialopportunitieswithotherparticipatingu schoolsinQueenslandareinvitedtoparticipate)The . grandnalsareoftenhostedintheSupremeCou spectators are always encouraged!

There will also be lots of competitions that come up throughout the year which QUT are invited to, so be sure to keep an eye on our socials! The QUT x UQ Grudge Moot is also a highly anticipated external competition which runs yearly. The winners of the QUT First Year Moot will compete against the winner of the UQ First Year Moot andfaceointheultimateshowdown.Itisaveryfunandfriendlycompetitionifyouwouldliketoge and show your support for QUT.

Ifdivinghead-rstintoamootingcompetitionseemsabitdaunting,youcanalwaysvolunteerorev along as a spectator and support QUT! If you have any further questions about external competitions at QUT feel free to get in touch via director.externalcompetitions@qutlawsociety.com.


THE PORTFOLIOS: CREATIVITY The Creativity Portfolio aims to provide QUTLS members with an outlet to entertain and be entertained. We have a number of ways you can get involved! LAW REVUE

The QUT Law Society Law Revue is an annual comedic stage show written and performed by current law students. University Revues have a longstanding tradition within legal and medical schools the world over, serving as a creative centrepiece and outlet for students. The02LawRevuewillfeaturealoosely-relatedseriesofsketches,songs andvideos,providingasatiricaltakeonTV,movies,news,currentaairsa politics, in addition to lampooning university life and the legal profession as a whole.

So, if you’re an aspiring actor, singer, musician or dancer: come along to this year_sauditions.Ifyou_reawould-bewriter,videographerorchoreograp and are looking to showcase your talents: show us what you’ve got. If you’re keen to get involved but don’t fall under any of the aforementioned roles: we’d still love to have you on board as part of the crew.

GEORGE STREET JOURNAL The QUTLS also has a satirical news site that keeps you up to date on all things law school in the 21st century. It is open to student submissions, so if you love The Betoota Advocate and similar publications, you need to make sure you are following the George Street Journal! The George Street Journal



If you have a penchant for all things satire, please send submissions to director.creativity@qutlawsociety.com. If you’ve got any questions feel free to email us via: lawrevue@qutlawsociety.com or director.creativity@qutlawsociety.com.




QUTLS’ Diversity, Culture and Wellbeing portfolio is committed to giving each law student at QUT an equal and fairopportunitytosucceed,whilstcelebratingourdierencesandseekingtounderstandthem.Wea tocreateapositivedierenceinthewellbeingoflawstudents,whilstcelebratingourdiversecu backgrounds. The aim for our portfolio is to improve inclusivity within the Law School while drawing attention to gaps within the Law Society, university and wider legal community. WHAT DOES 2022 HAVE IN STORE? Our focus for 2022 is expanding on ourpre-existinginitiatives.Wewill be further addressing and raising awarenessaroundnancialequity, disability support, culture and diversity, issues faced by LGBTIQA+ students, external students, international students and First Nations peoples. The QUT Law Society is committing to expanding upon our young portfolio with the addition of new ocers.Thesenewroleswillhelpus better represent all law students and bridge gaps within the legal industry. Wehopethatthesenewocerswill oerfreshinsightandstrengthen collaboration across the entire Law Society. This year the Diversity, Culture and Wellbeing Portfolio are hosting four major events which will include the: WomeninLawBreakfast,FirstNationsBreakfast,LGBTIQA+andtheLawForum,andtheDomesticViolence Awareness Breakfast. All of these events pose great opportunities for you to connectwithlocalrmswhilstshowing your solidarity with the members of these communities. WOMEN IN LAW BREAKFAST The Women in Law Breakfast celebrates the incredible achievements of women within the legal profession. With over 60% of our graduates being female this is an excellent opportunity to show your enthusiasm for equality within the profession. With ahistoryofinuentialspeakersandhigh attendance rates from fellow students and professionals, the Women in Law Breakfast is one not to be missed.



The First Nations Breakfast is a step in the ongoing journey of Reconciliation between First Nations people and non-indigenousAustralians.TheBreakfastprovidesaplatformforFirstNationsstudentsandprof voice their opinions and highlight the need for equal access to opportunities and education, and the importance ofcontinuedReconciliationacrossAustralia.Thissignicanteventisabrilliantopportunityt appreciation for one of the world’s oldest cultures and show your commitment to both Reconciliation and equal opportunities for First Nations Law students. OTHER EVENTS TO WATCH OUT FOR Don_tmissoutontheFirstYearSocial,theLGBTIQA+andtheLawForumevent,theDomesticViolence Awareness Breakfast, the external students lunch, the Law Ball, Meet the Profession, Welcome to Moot Club and the First Year Moot. These are all great events to get you started within the Law Society.

TheDiversity,CultureandWellbeingportfolioalsobringtolifenationalandinternationala events such as RUOk Day and the International Day of People With Disabilities. More information on those will be released throughout the year. If you have any questions about our portfolio or just want more information, we are always available for a conversation! Email us at director.dcw@qutlawsociety.com or visit us in the QUTLSOceinCBlock.



THE PORTFOLIOS: SPORT & HEALTH The Sport and Health Portfolio is an integral part of the support network provided by the QUTLS for students throughout their law degree. We aim to create a culture of wellbeing and positivity and to promote healthy habits among law students. The initiatives in this portfolio are key in strengthening the sense of community that QUT Law students experience. Facilitating wellbeing remains a vital feature of the legal industry, with lawyers and law students experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Our Sport and Health program aims to help students manage both their mental and physical health. By providing opportunities for students to get active and become involved in various sports and activities, students can network amongst their peers, make new friendships, promote healthy habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.

TheQUTLSSportProgramisanimportantpartofthemembers_co-curricularinvolvementduringthei degree. Our vision in 2021 is for our sporting initiatives to help build a stronger, more connected, QUT law student community;andforthiscommunitytoengageinfurtherhealth-orientatedopportunitiesoeredbythe profession and society at large. FIRST YEAR PING PONG SOCIAL TOURNAMENT

Thisyearwillseetheadditionofa^pingpongbattleblitz_heldbetweenrstyearstudentsandsta LawFaculty.Theeventwillprovidestudentswithanopportunitytosocialisewithstacommontot yearunitswhileminglingwithotherrstyearstudents.Thistournamentissuretobeanengagingand entertaining event that will be followed by the ‘First Year Pub Crawl’. SOCIAL SPORT Social Sport is the foundation of the QUTLS Sport and Health program. In the past, the QUTLS has formed teams for touch football, soccer, netball, volleyball, basketball and dodgeball. Members of all stages of their degree should join the QUTLS teams,especiallyrstyears!Itisagreatwayto meet new people and get some exercise. The registration fee for members is subsidised and includes a QUTLS singlet. QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY TOUCH COMPETITION

We will be putting forward a team for the Queensland Law Society Touch Competition again in 2021. Students will beabletoengageasateam,networkwithotherparticipantsandenjoysometonguein-cheekfunaswe ourundisputeddominanceovertheotherstudentlawsocietiesandparticipatinglawrms.Keepane Facebook page for information on how to join our team. RUNNING CLUB

QUT Law Running Club is a weekly social event ‘run’ by the QUTLS. The run doubles as a chance for our members to network, challengeandbefriendeachotherwhilettingsomephysical exerciseintotheirweek.Wealsoencouragetherstyearstojoi and get the much elusive leg day exercise sorted out.


WOMEN’S LEGAL SERVICE RIVER TO ROOFTOP FUNDRAISER In018and 2 ,QUTLS 0192 memberstackledthedauntingchallengeofrunningup1,04stairstoraisemoneyfor the Women’s Legal Service. If you enjoy physical challenges as much as engaging in social justice opportunities, consider signing up for this event in 2021. QUTLS V UQLS TOUCH FOOTBALL GRUDGE MATCH AND SOCCER GRUDGE MATCH

DuetoourercerivalrywiththeUQLS,manystudentsgetinvolvedwiththesetwoevents.Studentsen friendly competition against their friends and adversaries, bringing the two universities together. This is a great opportunitytorepresentQUTLS.It_stimetoshowthemwhatthereal-worldlookslike! EXAM STRESS PACKS

Theyearof0highlighted 2 theimportanceofmaintainingastateofmentalwell-being,especiallydur exam periods. In 2021 the QUTLS will be supporting members through our Mental Health Program by providing themwithexamstresspacks.OeredfromWeek1onwardsinbothSemester1andSemester2,thesepacksarea god-sendinatimewhenthesemesterisbleak.Thepackswillhelpmakeyourunilifebrighterwithfreest snacks and other exam essentials. MENTAL HEALTH BREAKFAST

The Mental Health Breakfast will be held on national ‘R U OK? Day’ in 2021 to emphasise the importance of engaging in conversations surrounding mental health. This event is focused upon awareness and starting conversations,typicallyfacilitatedbymentalhealthexperts.Wehighlyrecommendattending all, your key asset in life is your mental health. LAWRIGHT WALK FOR JUSTICE The Queensland Legal Walk unites communities to walk together and raise vital funds to ensure all Queenslanders have access to the legal system through the charity, LawRight. Your involvement at the fundraiser walkensuresthatpartieswhocan_taordlegalrepresentationaregivenequalopportunity.



Thissectionisforyoutoconsiderexactlywhatyouwantyourrstyeartol like! Do you want to try mooting? Make more friends? Join a sports team? Practiceyournetworkingskills?Hereyoucanrecordsomerstyearresolu Remember to write your goals out using the SMART method to make sure you can achieve them!

S M A R T p e c i f i c

e a s u r a b l e

c h e i v a b l e


e l e v a n t

i m e l y

START OF SEMESTER 1, 2022 Whatdoyouwanttodoinyourrstyear?Whatkindsofexperiencesdoyouwanttohave?

END OF SEMESTER 2, 2022 Think about your hopes and goals that you wrote down all the way back in February. Was your year anything like you expected? What would you have changed? Are there new things you’d like to try in the years to come?


Best of luck!

Finally, we want to wish you all good luck! Beginning university is a mixture of nerves and excitement. We hope this guide has given you a run down of enough information to put you at ease. All of us at the QUTLS are super excited to see some new faces at our events and hopefully some of you will consider nominating for a committee role next year. Whatever path your degree takes, we want you to feel supported every step of the way and have the resources to make these years as enjoyable as possible. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to rewach out to our QUTLS committee members. We wouldalsolovetoconnectwithyouallonsocialmediaorattheQUTLSoceYou . canndusat: https://www.facebook.com/qutlawsociety/ https://www.instagram.com/qutlawsociety/ https:/www.linkedin.com/company/quotals-inc


https://issuu.com/qutlawsociety OFFICE LOCATION AND HOURS: QUTGardensPointCBlock,Level,Room 4 C402( 02) TheQUTLSoceisopenduringtheteachingperiodofeachsemester. TuesdayThursday 10am-2pm Thursday 5.30pm.30pm -7 Saturday 10.am-12.0pm


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