DEGREE STRUCTURE A career in the law industry is becoming increasingly competitive but also more diverse than ever before. It is important that law students are prepared to meet the demands of the law in 2021 and beyond. Just like the industry, the law degree at QUT is constantly changing and updating to meet these new pressures. As you progress throughout your law degree you will take a variety of subjects that will qualify you to enter into the workforce as a lawyer or any other career! “PRIESTLY 11” As part of your law degree you will have a mix of core units and elective units. There are 11 core units known as the “Priestly 11”. In Australia, the completion of these units is mandatory to become a professional in the legal industry. These subjects are: • Administrative Law
• Constitutional Law
• Civil Procedure
• Contract Law
• Corporations Law
• Criminal Law
QUT also has their own mandatory subjects. These subjects are ones that the Law School believes are highly importanttobecomingawell-roundedlawyer.Youwilltakeafewofthesesubjectsinyourrstye subjects include: • Introduction to Law • Statutory Interpretation • Dispute Resolution • Contemporary Law and Justice CREDIT POINTS
A certain number of points are allocated to each subject at university. This credit system is standard across every single degree oered at QUT. Almost all QUT law subjects areworth 12 credit points, or CP for sho This is the university’s way of measuring how far through your degree you are, and it also assists them in making sure you have met all the course requirements so you can graduate at the end! ELECTIVES Electives subjects give you the chance to explore areas of law that you might be interested in practicing in. Electives are broken down into three groups depending on what stage of your degree you are at. These categories are introductory, general and advanced. Below, the three introductory law electives are outlined to get you thinking about what one you might like to do.
A good tip with electives is to keep an open mind about the subjects you want to take. Due to demand, teachingstaavailability,andtimetablingrestraints,noteveryelectiveisoeredeveryyear seeasubjectyouarekeenoncompletingandittswithinyourcoursestructure,denitelydoitbec donotknowwhenitwillbeoerednext!Alsoifyouareunsureofwhichelectivetopickdenitelyaskf or Facebook groups such as Fellow Surviving Law Students for advice on the subject content and assessment.