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2011 Deep Research Report on China Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG Industry

2011 Deep Research Report on China Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG Industry Hard Copy: 2500 USD PDF: 2500 USD Global License: 4500USD Pages: 156 Tables and Figures: 138 Published Date: Jul 6, 2011 Publisher: QY Research Group Contact: Mr Zhang Dong 10-82945717 13811796901 sales@qyresearch.com Summary: 《2011 Deep Research Report on China Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG Industry》 was professional and depth research report on global and China Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG. This report has firstly introduced Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG definition classification industry chain etc relation information. Then introduced Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG manufacturing technology and process and cost structure. And then Summary statistics of Global and China major Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG manufacturers 2008-2015 capacity production supply demand shortage and Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG selling price cost profit margin and production value. And also introduced international and China 15 major Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG companies basic information, 2008-2015 Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG capacity production price cost profit margin and production value etc details information and SVC SVG equipment or SVC SVG sources. and also introduced SVC SVG materials cost, energy cost, Depreciation cost, Labor cost etc SVC SVG manufacturing cost and cost structure, Finally, this report introduced 1000Mvar SVC SVG project feasibility analysis and investment return analysis and also give related research conclusions and development trend analysis of China SVC SVG industry. In a word, it was a depth research report on Global and China SVC SVG industry. And thanks to the support and assistance from SVC SVG industry chain related experts and enterprises during QYResearch Team survey and interview.

Table of Contents Chapter One Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG Industry Overview 1 1.1 Definition of SVC SVG 1 1.1.1 The traditional definition of reactive power compensation equipment 2 1.1.2 Definition of SVC 2 1.1.3 Series compensation device definition 1.1.4 Definition of SVG 1.2 Classification of SVC SVG 1.2.1 Classification of SVC 1.2.2 Classification of SVG QYResearch Mr. Zhangdong sales@qyresearch.com 13811796901 8610-82945717

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2011 Deep Research Report on China Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG Industry

1.2.3 SVC SVG Comparative analysis 1.3 SVC SVG Industry chain structure 12 1.4 SVC SVG application and market prospect analysis 12 1.4.1 metallurgical industry 12 1.4.2 power grid network 13 1.4.3 Wind power 13 1.4.4 Electrified railway 13 1.4.5 Chemical and coal mine industry 14 Chapter Two SVC SVG principle and related technical analysis 15 2.1 SVC SVG basic principle 15 2.1.1 SVC Compensation principle 15 2.1.2 SVG Compensation principle 16 2.2 SVC SVG key technology 17 2.2.1 SVC key technology 17 2.2.2 SVG key technology 17 2.3 SVC SVG experiment and production equipment 18 2.4 Power quality standards and the requirements of the reactive power compensation 20 2.5 Enter SVC SVG industry main obstacle 21 Chapter Three SVC Production Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 22 3.1 SVC production supply Overview 22 3.2 SVC demand 28 3.3 SVC supply demand and shortage 31 3.4 SVC Cost Price Production Value Profit Margin 32 Chapter Four SVG Production Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 34 4.1 SVG production supply Overview 34 4.2 SVG demand 41 4.3 SVG supply demand and shortage 44 4.4 SVG Cost Price Production Value Profit Margin 44 Chapter Five SVC SVG Comparative analysis 46 5.1 SVC SVG technology Comparative analysis 46 5.2 SVC SVG application field Comparative analysis 46 5.3 SVC SVG market capacity Comparative analysis 47 Chapter Six SVC SVG key Manufacturers 49 6.1 ABB Switzerland(SVC SVG) 49 6.2 Siemens Germany(SVC SVG) 58 6.3 Alstom France(SVC SVG) 65 6.4 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Japan (SVC SVG) 72 6.5 Hitachi Japan (SVC SVG) 78 6.6 Toshiba Japan (SVC SVG) 83 QYResearch Mr. Zhangdong sales@qyresearch.com 13811796901 8610-82945717

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6.7 AMSC America (SVC SVG) 88 6.8 GE America(SVC ) 94 6.9 RXPE China(SVC SVG) 100 6.10 Sieyuan China(SVC SVG) 113 6.11C-EPRI China(SVC SVG) 121 6.12 Beijing Fujidaneng Electronic Products Co.,Ltd China(SVC) 129 6.13 Haerbin Weihan Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd China(SVC SVG) 135 6.14 LV China(SVG) 139 6.15 Xian Sen Bao Electronic Engineering Co.,Ltd China(SVC) 145 6.16 S & C America(SVG) 149 6.17 Other companies 150 6.17.1 WESTINGHOUSE America(SVC) 150 6.17.2 Nanrui China(SVC SVG) 151 6.17.3 XJ Group Corporation China(SVG) 151 6.17.4 EPRI America(SVG) 152 Chapter Seven China SVC SVG Investment Feasibility Analysis 152 7.1 SVC SVG project Opportunity Risk Analysis 152 7.2 SVC SVG project Feasibility Analysis 154 7.2.1 SVC project investment feasibility analysis 154 7.2.2 SVG project investment feasibility analysis 155 Chapter Eight SVC SVG Research Conclusions 156 Tables and Figures: Figure SVC classification structure 8 Figure SVG classification structure 8 Figure SVC and SVG reaction time contrast 10 Figure SVC compensation range diagram 10 Figure SVG compensation range diagram 11 Table SVC SVG industry supply chain list 12 Figure SVC compensation principle figure 15 Figure SVG compensation principle figure 16 Table SVC key technology of 17. List Figure SVG internal structure of 17 Figure SVG use inverter valve real figure. 18 Figure SVG control screen ark with real figure 19 Figure SVC and SVG covers an area of comparison and analysis of the 19 Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVC capacity and total capacity (Mvar) list (22 Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVC capacity market share list. 23 Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVC production and total production (MVar) list. 23 Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVC production market share List Figure 2011 global major manufacturers SVC Production (MVar) market share figure 25 Figure 2011 China major manufacturers SVC Production(MVar) market share figure 25 QYResearch Mr. Zhangdong sales@qyresearch.com 13811796901 8610-82945717

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Figure 2008-2012 global SVC capacity production (MVar) and growth rate 26 Figure 2008-2012 China SVC capacity production (MVar) and growth rate 26 Figure 2008-2012 China SVC capacity production (MVar) and its proportion in the global market (%) 27 Table 2008-2012 global SVC capacity utilization list 28 Table 2008-2012 global wind power grid power Industrial Applications SVC demand and global total demand (MVar) list 29 Table 2008-2012 global railway metallurgy coal etc Industrial Applications SVC demand and total demand (MVar) list 29 Figure 2008-2012 global SVC demand (MVar) and growth rate (30 Table 2008-2012 China wind power grid power Industrial Applications SVC demand and total demand (MVar) list 30 Table 2008-2012 China railway metallurgy coal etc Industrial Applications SVC demand and total demand (MVar) list 30 Figure 2008-2012 year China SVC demand (MVar) and growth rate 31 Table 2008-2012 global SVC supply demand and Shortage (MVar) list 31 Table 2008-2012 China SVC supply demand and Shortage (MVar) l list of 32 Table 2008-2012 Global high voltage SVC Production (MVar) cost price profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) and profit margins information list Table 2008-2012 global low voltage SVC Production (MVar) cost price profits (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) and profit margins information list Table 2008-2012 China high voltage SVC Production (MVar) cost price profits (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) and profit margins information list Table 2008-2012 China low voltage SVC Production (MVar) cost price profits (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) and profit margins information list Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVG capacity and Production (Mvar) list (34 Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVG capacity market share list 35 Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVG Production and total production (MVar) list 35 Table 2008-2012 global major manufacturers SVG production market share List Figure 2011 global major manufacturers SVG Production (MVar) market share figure 37 Figure 2011 China major manufacturers SVG Production (MVar) market share figure 38 Figure 2008-2012 global SVG capacity production (MVar) and growth rate 38 Figure 2008-2012 China SVG production capacity MVar) and growth rate 39 Figure 2008-2012 China SVG capacity production and its proportion (%) in Global Market 40 Table 2008-2012 global SVG capacity utilization Rate list40 Table 2008-2012 global wind power grid power Industrial Applications SVG demand and total demand (MVar) list 42 Table 2008-2012 global railway metallurgy coal etc Industrial Applications SVD demand and total demand (MVar) list 42 Figure 2008-2012 global SVG (MVar) demand and growth rate 42 Table 2008-2012 China wind power grid power Industrial Applications SVG demand and total demand MVar) list 43 Table 2008-2012 China railway metallurgy coal etc Industrial Applications SVD demand and total demand (MVar) list 43 QYResearch Mr. Zhangdong sales@qyresearch.com 13811796901 8610-82945717

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Figure 2008-2012 China SVG demand (MVar) and growth rate 43 Table 2008-2012 global SVG supply demand and shortage (MVar) List 44 Table 2008-2012 China SVG supply demand and shortage (MVar) list 44 Table 2008-2012 Global high voltage SVD Production (MVar) cost price profits (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins information list 44 Table 2008-2012 Global low voltage SVD Production (MVar) cost price profits (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins information list 45 Table 2008-2012 China high voltage SVD Production (MVar) cost price profits (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins information list 45 Table 2008-2012 China low voltage SVG Production (MVar) cost price profits (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins information list 45 Table SVC and SVG control mode flexibility reflect speed etc 14 items Comparative analysis list 46 Table SVC and SVG application field comparative analysislist 46 Table 2008-2012 China and global SVC and SVG market capacity (MVar) price (ten thousand RMB /MVar) Comparative analysis list 47 Figure 2008-2012 global SVC SVG Production (MVar) and their market share 48 Figure 2008-2012 China SVC SVG Production (MVar) and their market share 48 Table ABB SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 51 Table 2008-2012 ABB SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 54 Figure 2008-2012 ABB SVC capacity production (Mvar) and growth rate 55 Table 2008-2012 ABB SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 56 Figure 2008-2012 ABB SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 56 Table Siemens SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 59 Table 2008-2012 Siemens SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 61 Figure 2008-2012 Siemens SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 62 Table 2008-2012 Siemens SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 63 Figure 2008-2012 Siemens SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 64 Table Alstom SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 67 Table 2008-2012 Alstom SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 69 Figure 2008-2012 Alstom SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 70 Table 2008-2012 Alstom SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 71 Figure 2008-2012 Alstom SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 71 Table Mitsubishi Electric Corporation SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 73 QYResearch Mr. Zhangdong sales@qyresearch.com 13811796901 8610-82945717

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Table 2008-2012 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 74 Figure 2008-2012 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 75 Table 2008-2012 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 75 Figure 2008-2012 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation SVG production capacity (Mvar) and growth rate 76 Table Hitachi SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 79 Table 2008-2012 Hitachi SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 80 Figure 2008-2012 Hitachi SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 81 Table 2008-2012 Hitachi SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 81 Figure 2008-2012 Hitachi SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 82 Table Toshiba SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 83 Table 2008-2012 Toshiba SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 85 Figure 2008-2012 Toshiba SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 86 Table 2008-2012 Toshiba SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 86 Figure 2008-2012 Toshiba SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 87 Table AMSC SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 89 Table 2008-2012 AMSC SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 91 Figure 2008-2012 AMSC SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 92 Table 2008-2012 AMSC SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 92 Figure 2008-2012 AMSC SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 93 Table GE SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 96 Table 2008-2012 GE SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 97 Figure 2008-2012 GE SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 98 Table 2008-2012 GE SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 98 Figure 2008-2012 GE SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 99 Table RXPE SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 101 Table 2008-2012 RXPE SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 106 QYResearch Mr. Zhangdong sales@qyresearch.com 13811796901 8610-82945717

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Figure 2008-2012 RXPE SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 107 Table 2008-2012 RXPE SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 107 Figure 2008-2012 RXPE SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 108 Table Sieyuan SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 114 Table 2008-2012 Sieyuan SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 119 Figure 2008-2012 Sieyuan SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 119 Table 2008-2012 Sieyuan SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 119 Figure 2008-2012 Sieyuan SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 120 Table C-EPRI SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 122 Table 2008-2012 C-EPRI SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 125 Figure 2008-2012 C-EPRI SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 125 Table 2008-2012 C-EPRI SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 126 Figure 2008-2012 C-EPRI SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 126 Table Beijing Fujidaneng Electronic Products Co.,Ltd SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 129 Table 2008-2012 Fujidaneng SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 132 Figure 2008-2012 Fujidaneng SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 133 Table 2008-2012 Fujidaneng SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 133 Figure 2008-2012 Fujidaneng SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 134 Table Haerbin Weihan Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 135 Table 2008-2012 Weihan SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 136 Figure 2008-2012 Weihan SVC capacity production (Mvar) growth rate and 137 Table 2008-2012 Weihan SVG capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 137 Figure 2008-2012 Weihan SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 138 Table LV SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 140 Table 2008-2012 LV SVC capacity production (Mvar) price cost profit (10K RMB/Mvar) production value (Million RMB) profit margins list 142 Figure 2008-2012 LV SVG production capacity Mvar) and growth rate 143 Table Xian Sen Bao Electronic Engineering Co.,Ltd SVC SVG company information list (products, raw materials, equipment, revenue,expansion plan,customer etc 13 items) 146 Table China SVC project opportunities risk list 152 QYResearch Mr. Zhangdong sales@qyresearch.com 13811796901 8610-82945717

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2011 Deep Research Report on China Reactive Power Compensation SVC SVG Industry

Table China SVG project opportunities risk list 153 Table 2010-2013 China building and plan building SVC SVG projects and its capacity (MVar) list 154 Table China 1000 Mvar SVC project basic situation overview 154 Table China 1000 Mvar SVC project investment feasibility analysis 155 Table China 1000 Mvar SVG project basic situation overview 155 Table China 1000 Mvar SVG project investment feasibility analysis 155

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