168ReportChina Market Research Reports
2010 Deep Research Report on China Wind Turbine Casting Industry Hard copy :2500 USD Electronic copy (PDF) :2500 USD Hard and Electronic copy : 3000 USD Pages: 190 Tables and figures :160 Published date : Apr, 2010 Publisher: 168Report Contact: Mr. Peter Lee +861082965190 +8613161572746 sales@168report.com
Summary Ł 2010 Deep Research Report on China Wind Turbine Casting Industry was published by 168Research Wind Energy Research Center on April 2010. It was a professional and depth research report on China Wind Turbine Casting industry. In the report, the following information will be included: China Wind Turbine Casting Production Supply Sales Demand marketing and technology (equipment) information; China Wind Turbine Casting production and demand from 20092014; China Top 12 Wind Turbine Casting manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production Cost Average selling price Production Value Revenue Profit etc information; China Wind Turbine Casting industry development trend and related conclusions; Finally, we conduct a comprehensive summary of China Wind Turbine Casting industry, including the past present and forecast the future, we also make a feasibility analysis of 20000tons/year Wind Turbine Casting project,we carry out an accurate calculation on investment cost, revenue, profitability, payback period. In a word, it was a depth research report on china Wind Turbine Casting industry chain. And thanks to the China Wind Turbine Casting marketing or technology experts help and support during 168Research Wind Energy team survey and interviews.
Table of Content: Chapter One Wind Turbine Casting Industry Overview 1 1.1 Definition of Wind Turbine Casting 1 1.2 Classification and Application 2 1.3 Industry Chain Structure 3 1.4 Wind Turbine Casting Industry Outlook 4 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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Chapter Two Wind Turbine Casting Manufacture Technology and Processes 9 2.1 Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturing Technology 9 2.2 Raw materials and equipment suppliers 11 Chapter Three China Wind Turbine Casting Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 13 3.1 Wind Turbine Casting Productions Overview 13 3.2 Wind Turbine Casting Demand 17 3.3 Supply and Demand of China Wind Turbine Casting 63 3.4 Cost Price Value Profit Margin of China Wind Turbine Casting 64 3.5 Wind Turbine Casting Customer relationship 66 Chapter Four Wind Turbine Casting Key Manufacturers 67 4.1 Jiangsu Jixin Jiangsu Jiangyin@ 67 4.2 Wuxi Qiaolian Jiangsu Wuxi 71 4.3 Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting Dalian 002204 77 4.4 Zhejiang Jiali Wind Power Technology Co., Ltd Jiangsu Wuxi—81 4.5 Ningbo riyue foundry co. ltd¤ Zhejiang 86 4.6 Jiangsu Faw FoundayŁ Jiangsu Wuxi 89 4.7 Ningbo Yeongshang casting Iron Co.,Ltd.0 Zhejiang 93 4.8 Henan Hongyu Special Castings Stock Co., Ltd. 96 4.9 Changzhou Zhuorun Wind Power Equipment Co.,Ltd (Jiangsu) 99 4.10 Changcheng Suzaki Machine & Foundry Co.,Ltdh CSMF Ningxiah 103 4.11 Xingsheng Castingł Liaoning Benxi 107 4.12 Shanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd 110 4.13 Other Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturers 113 4.13.1 Zhejiang Xinfengda wind Accessories Co., Ltd. 113 4.13.2 Vestas Casting (Xuzhou) Co., Ltd. 114 4.13.3 Wuhu Toyama Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (Anhui) 114 4.13.4 DEC (Deyang) Foundry Co., Ltd. 115 4.13.5 Nantong Koizumi Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. 116 4.13.6 Qinchuan foundry Qinchuan Machinery development Co.,Ltd. 000837 116 4.13.7 Shanghai Changjing Metal Production Co., Ltd. 117 4.13.8 Wuxi Lion Wind Energy Tech Co.,Ltd. 117 4.13.9 Heibei Guangjin Wind Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Building ProjectX 118 4.13.10 Jiangsu Huadong Paper Machinery 118 Chapter Five China Wind Turbine Casting Downstream Cooperation Wind Turbine Manufacturers 120 5.1 Sinovel Beijing 1.5MW 3.0MW0 120 5.2 Goldwindx Xinjiang 750KW 1.5MW 2.5MW 130 5.3 DEC 600875 1.5MW 142 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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5.4 Mingyangp Guangdong 1.5MW 3.0MW@ 149 5.5 Vestas Denmark Tianjin 2.0MW 850KW 156 5.6 GE Wind USA Shenyang 1.5MW 166 Chapter Six Feasibility Analysis of China New Wind Turbine Casting Projects 172 6.1 Opportunity and Risk of China Wind Turbine Casting Project 172 6.2 Feasibility Analysis of Wind Turbine Casting Project 173 Chapter Seven Wind Turbine Casting Industry Research Conclusions 176
Tables and Figures: Figure Wind Turbine Casting Industry Chain Structure 3 Table China Wind power policies and measures List 5 Table 2009 China wind power policy adjustments and impact list 6 Table China Million KW Wind Farm program List 7 Figure 20092014 China accumulative wind power Installed CapacityXMW and growth rate 8 Figure Wind power Hub production process List 9 Table Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturing Flow Chart 10 Table Wind Turbine Casting manufacture raw materials and equipment list 11 Table Wind Turbine Casting raw materials and equipment suppliers List 11 Table 20092014 China Top 12 Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting Capacity and China total CapacityH10k tons List 13 Table 20092014 China Top 12 Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Marketshare List 14 Table20092014 China Top 12 Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting Production and China total Production@10k tons List 14 Table 20092014 China Top 12 Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting Production Marketshare List 15 Figure 20092014 China Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production¨ 10k tonsh and growth rate 15 Table China all Wind Turbine Casting production base and capacity List 16 Table China all Building and Proposed Wind Turbine Casting Projects List 17 Table China 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Round Wind Power Concession Projects Bidding Result List 17 Table 2005 China 26 Wind Farm Wind Turbine Partner and Installed Capacity (KW) List 19 Table 2006 China 52 Wind Farm Wind Turbine Partner and Installed Capacity (KW) List 20 Table 2007 China 104 Wind Farm Operator Wind Turbine Partner and Installed Capacity (KW) List 22 Table 2008 China 201 Wind Farm Operator Wind Turbine Partner and Installed Capacity (KW) List 27 Table 2009 China New Wind Farm Operator Wind Turbine Partner and Installed Capacity (KW) List 40 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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Table 2010 China all wind farm projects under construction List 40 Table The Seven Reasons of China High Speed Wind Power Development 49 Table China Wind Solar Waterpower Firepower Nuclear power etc Power Cost and Grid Connected Power Price (RMB/KWH) List 50 Table China Government Wind Energy Support Policies List 51 Table National Development and Reform Commission ‘s new benchmark ongrid wind power price List 52 Figure Analysis of new ongrid wind power price mechanism impacts on wind power equipment manufacturers and wind farm operators 53 Figure 20092014 China Wind power Annual New Installed Capacity (MW) and growth rate 62 Figure 20092014 China Wind Turbine Casting Demand (10ktons) and Growth Rate 63 Table 20092014 China Wind Turbine Casting Production.Demand. Shortage (10k tons) List 63 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Jixin Wuxi Qiaolian Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting etc Wind EC ‰ ∙ E Turbine Casting Manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting / Table 64 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Jixin Wuxi Qiaolian Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting etc Wind Turbine Casting Manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting Production Cost Profit x 10K RMB/ton Profit Margin List 64 Table 20092014 China Wind Turbine Casting sale Price Profit 10K RMB/tonh Profit Margin List 64 Figure 20092014 China Wind Turbine Castings Production Value h Billlion RMB and growth rate 65 Figure 2009 China Partnership between Wind Turbine Casting companies and wind turbine companies 66 Table Jiangsu Jixin Wind Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Company Informationx Products, Revenue, Raw Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items 67 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Jixin Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons List 70 Figure 20092014 Jiangsu Jixin Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production¨ 10ktons and growth rate 70 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Jixin Capacity Utilization ratio Salesh MW List 70 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Jixin Wind Turbine Casting Sales 10k tons Price 10kRMB/tonHCost 10kRMB/ton Revenue 10kRMBh Profit Margin List 71 Figure 20092014 Jiangsu Jixin Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 71 Table Wuxi Qiaolian (Group) INC Company Information h Products, Revenue, Raw Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items 72 Table 20092014 Wuxi Qiaolian Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons List 76 Figure 20092014 Wuxi Qiaolian Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production H 10ktons and growth rate 76 Table 20092014 Wuxi Qiaolian Capacity Utilization ratio Sales¨ MW List 76 Table 20092014 Wuxi Qiaolian Wind Turbine Casting Sales 10k tons Price 10kRMB/ton Cost 10kRMB/tonx Revenue 10kRMB Profit Margin List 77 Figure 20092014 Wuxi Qiaolian Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 77 Table Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting Co.,Ltd Company Information ¨ Products, Revenue, Raw Materialsh Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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items‚ 78 Table 20092014 Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Productionx 10ktonsXList 79 Figure 20092014 Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons and growth rate 80 Table 20092014 Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting Capacity Utilization ratio Sales—MW—List 80 Table 20092014 Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting Wind Turbine Casting Sales 10k tons@Price@10kRMB/tonHCost 10kRMB/ton Revenue—10kRMB—Profit Margin List 80 Figure 20092014 Huarui Heavy Industry Steel Casting Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 81 Table Zhejiang Jiali Wind Power Technology Co., Ltd Company Information Products, Revenue, Raw Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items—81 Table 20092014 Jiali Wind Power Wind Turbine Casting Capacity ProductionX10ktons List 84 Figure 20092014 Jiali Wind Power Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production ‚ 10ktons @and growth rate 85 Table 20092014 Jiali Wind Power Capacity Utilization ratio SalesXMW List 85 Table 20092014 Jiali Wind Power Wind Turbine Casting Sales ‚ 10k tonsx PriceX10kRMB/ton Cost‚ 10kRMB/ton@Revenue@10kRMBHProfit Margin List 85 Figure 20092014 Jiali Wind Power Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 86 Table Ningbo riyue foundry co. ltd Company Information Products, Revenue, Raw Materialsp Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 itemsx 86 Table 20092014 Ningbo riyue foundry Wind Turbine Casting Capacity ProductionH10ktons List 87 Figure 20092014 Ningbo riyue foundry Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production@10ktons@and growth rate 88 Table 20092014 Ningbo riyue foundry Capacity Utilization ratio Sales MW‚ List 88 Table 20092014 Ningbo riyue foundry Wind Turbine Casting Sales @ 10k tonsXPrice 10kRMB/ton‚ Cost@10kRMB/ton@RevenueH10kRMB Profit Margin List 88 Figure 20092014 Ningbo riyue foundry Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 89 Table Jiangsu Faw Founday Company Information @Products, Revenue, Raw Materials @Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items8 89 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Faw Founday Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production‚ 10ktons@List 91 Figure 20092014 Jiangsu Faw Founday Wind Turbine Casting Capacity ProductionX10ktons and growth rate 91 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Faw Founday Capacity Utilization ratio Salesp MWx List 92 Table 20092014 Jiangsu Faw Founday Wind Turbine Casting Sales X 10k tons Pricep 10kRMB/tonx CostX10kRMB/ton Revenue‚ 10kRMB@Profit Margin List 92 Figure 20092014 Jiangsu Faw Founday Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 92 Table Ningbo Yeongshang casting Iron Co.,Ltd. Company InformationXProducts, Revenue, Raw 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 itemsp 93 Table 20092014 Ningbo Yeongshang Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Productionp 10ktons List 94 Figure 20092014 Ningbo Yeongshang Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons and growth rate 94 Table 20092014 Ningbo Yeongshang Capacity Utilization ratio Sales¨ MWŁ List 94 Table 20092014 Ningbo Yeongshang Wind Turbine Casting Sales 10k tons@Price 10kRMB/ton Costp 10kRMB/ton Revenue 10kRMB@Profit Margin List 95 Figure 20092014 Ningbo Yeongshang Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 95 Table Henan Hongyu Special Castings Stock Co., Ltd. Company Informationp Products, Revenue, Raw Materialsp Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items 96 Table 20092014 Hongyu Special Castings Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons List 98 Figure 20092014 Hongyu Special Castings Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktonsp and growth rate 98 Table 20092014 Hongyu Special Castings Capacity Utilization ratio Sales MW List 98 Table 20092014 Hongyu Special Castings Wind Turbine Casting Sales @ 10k tonsp Price 10kRMB/ton( Cost—10kRMB/ton Revenue 10kRMBp Profit Margin List 99 Figure 20092014 Hongyu Special Castings Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 99 Table Changzhou Zhuorun Wind Power Equipment Co.,Ltd Company Information p Products, Revenue, Raw Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items 100 Table 20092014 Changzhou Zhuorun Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons List 102 Figure 20092014 Changzhou Zhuorun Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production( 10ktons—and growth rate 102 Table 20092014 Changzhou Zhuorun Capacity Utilization ratio SalesHMW List 102 Table 20092014 Changzhou Zhuorun Wind Turbine Casting Sales ¨ 10k tons Price 10kRMB/ton@Cost 10kRMB/ton Revenuep 10kRMB Profit Margin List 103 Figure 20092014 Changzhou Zhuorun Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 103 Table Changcheng Suzaki Machine & Foundry Co.,Ltd Company Information Products, Revenue, Raw Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items¨ 104 Table 20092014 Changcheng Suzaki Machine & Foundry Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons List 105 Figure 20092014 Changcheng Suzaki Machine & Foundry Wind Turbine Casting Capacity ProductionH10ktons and growth rate 106 Table 20092014 Changcheng Suzaki Machine & Foundry Capacity Utilization ratio Sales MW( List 106 Table 20092014 Changcheng Suzaki Machine & Foundry Wind Turbine Casting Sales —10k 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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tons Pricex 10kRMB/ton( Costp 10kRMB/ton Revenue 10kRMBx Profit Margin List 106 Figure 20092014 Changcheng Suzaki Machine & Foundry Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 107 Table Xingsheng Casting Company Information( Products, Revenue, Raw Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items@ 107 Table 20092014 Xingsheng Casting Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production x 10ktons ( List 108 Figure 20092014 Xingsheng Casting Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons@and growth rate 109 Table 20092014 Xingsheng Casting Capacity Utilization ratio SalesXMW( List 109 Table 20092014 Xingsheng Casting Wind Turbine Casting Sales 10k tons Pricex 10kRMB/ton( Costp 10kRMB/ton Revenue 10kRMBx Profit Margin List 109 Figure 20092014 Xingsheng Casting Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 110 Table Shanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd Company Information ‘ Products, Revenue, Raw Materials Clients and orders, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 14 items 110 Table 20092014 Shanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production‘ 10ktons‘ List 111 Figure 20092014 Shanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production 10ktons and growth rate 112 Table 20092014 Shanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd Capacity Utilization ratio SalesXMW( List 112 Table 20092014 Shanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd Wind Turbine Casting Sales 10k tons Pricex 10kRMB/ton( Costp 10kRMB/ton Revenue 10kRMBx Profit Margin List 112 Figure 20092014 Shanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd Wind Turbine Casting Sale(10k tons) and growth rate List 113 Table Sinovel Company Information (Products, Revenue, Suppliers,Clients and orders,Contract, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 15 items) 121 Table 20092014 Sinovel Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)List 123 Figure 20092014 Sinovel Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)and growth rate 124 Table 20092014 Sinovel wind turbine Capacity Utilization ratio Sales(MW)List 124 Table 20092014 Sinovel SL1500 1.5MW Wind turbine Sales(set)Price(10K RMB/set)Cost(10K RMB/set)Revenue(10K RMB)Profit Margin List 124 Figure 20092014 Sinovel SL1500 1.5MW Wind turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 125 Table 20092014 Sinovel SL3000 3.0MW Wind turbine Sales(set)Price(10K RMB/set)Cost(10K RMB/set)Revenue(10K RMB)Profit Margin List 125 Figure 20092014 Sinovel SL3000 3.0MW Wind turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 126 Table Sinovel all wind turbine installed Wind farm Location Owners Capacity Number Models Lifting time List 126 Table Goldwind Company Information (Products, Revenue, Suppliers,Clients and orders,Contract, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 15 items) 130 Table 20092014 Goldwind Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)List 134 Figure 20092014 Goldwind Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)and growth rate 135 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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Table 20092014 Goldwind Capacity Utilization ratio Sales(MW)List 135 Table 20092014 Goldwind 750KW Wind turbine Sales(set)Price(10K RMB/set)Cost(10K RMB/set)Revenue(10K RMB)Profit Margin List 135 Figure 20092014 Goldwind 750KW Wind turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 136 Table 20092014 Goldwind 1.5MW Wind turbine Sales(set)Price(10K RMB/set)Cost(10K RMB/set)Revenue(10K RMB)Profit Margin List 136 Figure 20092014 Goldwind 1.5MW Wind turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 137 Table Goldwind all wind turbine installed Wind farm Location Owners Capacity Number Models Lifting time List 137 Table DEC Company Information (Products, Revenue, Suppliers,Clients and orders,Contract, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 15 items) 142 Table 20092014 DEC Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)List 145 Figure 20092014 DEC Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)and growth rate 146 Table 20092014 DEC Capacity Utilization ratio Sales(MW)List 146 Table 20092014 DEC FD70/77 1.5MW Wind turbine Sales(set)Price(10K RMB/set)Cost(10K RMB/set)Revenue(10K RMB)Profit Margin List 146 Figure 20092014 DEC FD70/77 1.5MW Wind turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 147 Table DEC all wind turbine installed Wind farm Location Owners Capacity Number Models Lifting time List 147 Table Mingyang Company Information (Products, Revenue, Suppliers,Clients and orders,Contract, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 15 items) 149 Table 20092014 Mingyang Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)List 153 Figure 20092014 Mingyang Wind turbine Capacity Production(MW)and growth rate 154 Table 20092014 Mingyang Capacity Utilization ratio Sales(MW)List 154 Table 20092014 Mingyang MY1.5S/SE Wind turbine Sales(set)Price(10K RMB/set)Cost(10K RMB/set)Revenue(10K RMB)Profit Margin List 154 Figure 20092014 Mingyang MY1.5S/SE Wind turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 155 Table Mingyang all wind turbine installed Wind farm Owners Number Models Lifting time List 155 Table Vestas Company Information (Products, Revenue, Suppliers,Clients and orders,Contract, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 15 items) 156 Table 20092014 Vestas China Wind Turbine Capacity ProductionHMWh List 161 Figure 20092014 Vestas China Wind Turbine Capacity Production MWP and growth rate 161 Table 20092014 Vestas China Capacity Utilization ratio Sales MW List 161 Table 20092014 Vestas China 2.0MW Wind Turbine Sales set Price 10K RMB/set—Cost@10K RMB/set Revenue 10K RMB—Profit Margin List 162 Figure 20092014 Vestas China V802.0MW Wind Turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 162 Table 20092014 Vestas China 850KW Wind Turbine Sales@set Price 10K RMB/set¨ CostH10K RMB/set Revenue 10K RMB¨ Profit Margin List 162 Figure 20092014 Vestas China V52/60850KW Wind Turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 163 Table Vestas all wind turbine installed Wind farm Location Owners Capacity Number Models Lifting time List 163 Table GE Wind Energy Company Information (Products, Revenue, Suppliers,Clients and 168Report Mr.Peter Lee sales@168report.com 13161572746 861082965190
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orders,Contract, Production plants, Expansion Plan, Contacts etc 15 items) 166 Table 20092014 GE Wind China Wind Turbine Capacity Production¤ MW List 168 Figure 20092014 GE Wind China Wind Turbine Capacity Production MW and growth rate 169 Table 20092014 GE Wind China Wind Capacity Utilization ratio Sales¤ MW List 169 Table 20092014 GE Wind China Wind 1.5MW Wind Turbine Sales set Price ¤ 10K RMB/setHCostx 10K RMB/seth Revenuex 10K RMBHProfit Margin List 169 Figure 20092014 GE Wind China Wind 1.5MW Wind Turbine sales(set) and growth rate List 170 Table GE Wind China all wind turbine installed Wind farm Location Owners Capacity Number Models Lifting time List 170 Table 2010 China Wind Turbine Casting Opportunity and Risk List 172 Table Feasibility Analysis of 20000t/y Wind Turbine Casting Project 173 Table 20000t/y Wind Turbine Casting Project Costs expenditure analysis 174 Table 20000t/y Wind Turbine Casting Project Output Sale Revenue analysis 175 Table 20000t/y Wind Turbine Casting Project Profitability payback period analysis 175
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