Creating physical models has been a great way for me to explore technique I’ve employed from the start. This method offers significant outcomes may not always be flawless, each model-making attempt with available materials. Most of my models are crafted from scrap materials, the best use of resources. This approach is both cost-effective and sustainable,
South Esk Pine Field Station Sectional Model
Shadow House by Grotto Studio
Sterte Community Train Station Section Model
Oatman Single Resident
Adaptation of Glass Chapel by Rural Studio
and develop different design ideas, with laser cutting being a key significant time efficiency, allowing for more time input on drawings. While the deepens my understanding of detailing and encourages adaptability materials, which requires strategic arrangement of drawings to make sustainable, enabling me to test spatial qualities efficiently.
5 - 9
10 - 15 16 - 19
20 - 23 24 - 27
Qingyin Yang
Phone: 0423262879